autumn / WINTER 2012
the letter Old, old friend, I have discovered man – and now I can’t move on until I have seen each and every one. The Duke of the Highlands has invited me to stalk deer in Scotland, but out of principle, I do not shoot. I am not afraid to admit that I have come because I am obsessed with men. They are the ones I want to stalk – just to make sure you understand that. For this evening’s grand soiree, I am the sexy lady of the evening. I am the only lady of the evening, the rockabilly lady. Enough said. I am on top of the world, if anyone should be in doubt, and I intend to stay here. My hair is unwashed, I am dressed in tight clothes and my 3D glasses. They allow me to see everything, even that which does not bear the light of day. I can also see that you think I am lying. I dance slowly and effortlessly with the dark Elvis, Steve M and Sean. Do you understand my simple wish to possess them? Can anybody blame me? However, I want something else. I want something more. I want to look like them, I want to sing in their deep voices and I want a moustache and the strength to lift heavy objects. From now on, nobody will ever see me wearing anything but gentlemen’s attire. I have put on more ties than is becoming, but they go well with the dotted and checked shoes. I know that you and Bird the Bird will worry, but please be calm. Perhaps I have merely become emancipated. When all comes to all, I suppose it’s just that I am Obsessed with me myself and men. love
01 shirt Jacket pants Socks
1365 3926 1398 4008 1371 3966 1294 4013
02 Blouse 1359 3910 pants 1371 3966 Socks 1294 4013
03 Dress 1379 3973
04 Shirt 1358 3971 skirt 1387 3987
05 scarf jacket pants Socks
1365 4029 1383 3989 1238 3995 1294 4013
06 dress 1359 3911
07 Jacket jackeT pants socks
1384 3991 1367 3932 1380 3974 1294 4013
08 jacket cape pants socks
1384 3991 1372 3946 1380 3974 1294 4013
09 shirt 1391 4001 pants 1366 3951 socks 1294 4013
10 Blouse 1375 3958 Pants 1371 3966 Socks 1294 4013
11 top 1379 4032 skirt 1386 3979
12 dress 1360 3913
13 Top 1368 3935 pants 1387 3985 socks 1294 4013
14 T-shirt 1376 3631 skirt 1189 3929
15 sweater pants coat socks
1355 3996 1394 3983 1388 3976 1294 4013
16 sweater scarf Pants socks
1356 3905 1356 3943 1400 4018 1294 4013
17 blouse 1357 3907 Skirt 1383 3990
18 Dress 1364 3924
19 dress 1359 3911 sweater 1371 3967
20 coat 1372 3948 Scarf 1365 4029
21 tunic 1365 3988 Cardigan 1355 3903
22 blouse 1357 3944 Skirt 1383 3990
23 coat 1377 3964 dress 1399 4010
24 t-shirt jacket pants Socks
1374 3956 1189 3928 1380 3974 1294 4013
1355 3996 1371 3966 1401 4020 1294 4013
26 t-shirt neck collar pants socks
1376 3631 1375 4028 1366 3951 1294 4013
27 shirt 1358 3971 skirt 1384 3992 jacket 1384 3991
28 dress 1368 3937 Jacket 1373 3950
29 dress 1373 4005
30 T-shirt jacket pants socks
1374 3955 1366 3952 1362 3918 1294 4013
31 sweater 1087 3900 pants 1238 3995 Socks 1294 4013
32 shirt coat pants socks
1365 3926 1372 3947 1379 3999 1294 4013
33 Top 1368 3936 neck collar 1375 4028 skirt 1375 3957
34 blouse 1364 3923 skirt 1385 4002
35 Dress 1361 3915
36 pants t-shirt jacket Socks
1238 3995 1378 3970 1385 4000 1294 4013
37 dress 1382 3980
38 t-shirt 1150 4006 pants 1380 3974 socks 1294 4013
39 dress 1087 3998 VEST 1256 3940
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