Stella armeli work samples

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Portfolio Stella Armeli

Stella Armeli Milan 30/01/1989 Italy +39 3205568703 Skype: stella armeli

I graduated in October 2015 in the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara with a thesis in urban planning “limes | limen, enhancement project of the Oreto park”. From November 2015 I am part of the collective Migrant Landscapes. In January 2016 I qualified as an architect in Florence. From March 2016 to January 2018 I worked for Studio Paola Viganò.

Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base all’art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003

Education 2015 October

Master degree in Architecture and Urban Planning University of Ferrara “limes|limen, Progetto di valorizzazione del Parco dell’Oreto a Palermo” 1st supervisor: Francesca Leder 2nd supervisor: Nicola Marzot

Works 2016-2018 2015-on going

Architect, Urbanist at Studio Paola Viganò Co-founder Paesaggi Migranti collective


Member of Paesaggi Culturali research group at Ferrara Architecture Department, coordinated by Francesca Leder


Coordinator of an artistic residency and workshops in collaboration with Museo Naturalistico del Sasso Simone e Simoncello, Meds (Meetings of Design Students) and Festival Artisti in Piazza, Pennabilli, RM


“La città degli scambi, tra ricerca e didattica” - Gabriele Lelli selected project “Friction”


Re-Drawing the theory/Redrawing the House- Parasite 2.0 exhibition and essay “OVERHABITAT” with Grazia Mappa e Gabriele Leo


Piccolo festival dell’antropologia di Montagna, Berceto residency and exhibition: “New inhabitants of the mountain” with Federico Torra


999 una collezione di domande sull’abitare contemporaneo, La Triennale di Milano finalist project, exhibition: “500km2” with Federico Torra



Skills languages


English French

good fluent

Autocad, Adobe Suite, Rhino (basic), Sketchup, Qgis (basic)


project name



Campus Santé Lausanne Studio 016+baukuh

La Courneuve

Paris Studio 016+Bureau Bas Smets+Berim 04

La Forêt


Atom Park

Brussels Studio 016

Dessel Studio 015+ONO+ARA 06 07

ZAC la Courrouze_Plan Masse secteur Mermoz Rennes Studio+Amco+Charles Dard


Parc des Sports sur le plateau du Heysel Brussels Studio 016+ Sweco Belgium+ H&V

10 11

ZAC la Courrouze_Plan Masse secteur Grande Prairie+ cdc groupe Scolaire Rennes Studio+Amco+Charles Dard


01 02

ZAC la Courrouze_APD + cdc secteur Mermoz Rennes Studio+Amco+Charles Dard

03 04

ZAC la Courrouze_APD Secteur Grande Prairie Rennes Studio+Amco+Charles Dard

05 11

Petite Hollande –Bords de Loire

Nantes Studio 017+Michel Desvigne Paysagiste+ Artelia avec Atelier Georges+Ferrara Palladino



Rethinking Somes river


ZAC la Courrouze_PRO secteur Mermoz

Cluji Napoca, Romania

Rennes Studio+Amco+Charles Dard 02 04

Urban study_Water management Hanoi Federica Rosati+Brussels University


personal contributions


schemes and diagrams at the big scale, hypothesis for the second phase


views for the final delivery


project develop, maquette, views for the final delivery

built project

constructive details of the public space

under construction

views, sections, diagrams.


site visit, project develop, team work coordination, drawing up of the final booklet

under construction

site visit, project develop, team work coordination, drawing up of the final booklet, maquettes, presentation for comité de pilotage (technical and political meeting)

under construction

project develop, team work coordination, maquettes, cahiers des charges and mémoire.

on going project

site visit, project develop, team work coordination, drawing up of the final booklet, maquettes, presentation for comité de pilotage (technical and political meeting).

dialogue compétitif

site visit, project develop, team work coordination, drawing up of the final booklet, maquettes, final delivery.


project develop, team work coordination, drawing up of the final booklet.

under construction

PRO feasibility for the south part of the sector.


maps, diagrams

Nantes MÊtropole d’eau Place Petite Hollande et bords de Loire

Studio 017+ Michel Desvigne Paysagiste+ Artelia avec Atelier Georges+Ferrara palladino e associati

The project aims to imagine a new dialogue between the river and the city through the re-design of the detected strategic spaces. In order to do this, the project develops two different strategies. The first one is related to the threshold areas such as the docks and the banks in order to unload, and in some areas to remove, the traffic along the river, to improve cycle and pedestrian paths by giving continuity to the already existing pedestrian public space which goes from the railway station to the ex portual commercial area. The second one reads the urban tissue and imagines a metaphorical re-insularisation of the Gloriette-Madeleine island, nowadays welded to the rest of the city by roads.The edges re-definition is achieved through the new ecology.

Stecco ĂŠtude de requalification du Parc des Sports du Heysel

Studio 016+ Sweco Belgium+ H&V Architecture

The competition focuses on a new project for the existing Sport Park nearby Bruxelles Stadium, which will be transformed during the next years by a huge residential and tertiary complex The park that will be created has to maintain his sport vocation and at the same time it has to improve the flexibility of the public space. Nowadays the competition area is extremely fragmented and unreadable in his own totality. The proposal is the re-organisation of sport buildings and public space around a main element: the Stecco. Stecco goes from the new intervention, Neo, to the metro station Houba-Brugmann becoming a promenade and hosting all the sport facilities and a 5 000 m3 water storage.

Zac Courrouze Vivre en ville. Habiter dans un Parc.

The Zac is a 114 ha ex military area, nowadays belonging to the Municipality of Rennes, the Courrouze project, started in 2003. It’s a reflection both on the sustainable development and on the capability of the public space to be the qualitative binding agent of many private operations. This part of the city has led for a long time in abandoned conditions and hosts now a huge vegetal and built heritage. His conservation and development is one of the main goal of the proposal. On the ecological side the project proposes an experimental rainwater management and the soil balance between excavation and backfill.

Studio+Amco+Charles Dard

Secteur Maison dans le bois A typology of the main path which caracterise the Courrouze project

Š photo Fabrizio Stipari

I mainly worked on two sectors from the concept phase till the preliminary project : Mermoz and Grande Prairie.

Zac Courrouze Secteur Mermoz masterplan+ detailed preliminary design+ general technical specifications for the architects (cahiers de charge)

equipe Studio Stella Armeli, Simona Bodria, Silvia Urbano

Pole Mermoz masterplan diagram A view from the early preliminary project to study the relationship between the Boulevard and the volumes

The Secteur Mermoz’ masterplan works, in plan, as a big, unitary square, crossing the railways and links the two sides of the project. The public space is organised by a grid according to green and mineral continuities. The program is mainly residential except for some commercial spaces facing the boulevard Mermoz, the floor area is around 30 000 m2. Since the project began we’ve imagined more commercial and tertiary units spread in the entire sector, then the promoters and the municipality ask for a reduced commercial surface. For this reason we’ve worked a lot on the relationship between internal (private) and external (public) spaces, trying to imagine spaces which can allow future transformation of the program, from residential to commerce and vice versa.

Zac Courrouze Groupe scolaire preliminary hypothesis and general technical specifications

equipe Studio Stella Armeli, Simona Bodria

View of the gallery of the two courts hypothesis The two courts hypothesis studied at the urban scale

The school as all the public devices in the Zac project, have to be approved by the major, the town services and be object of an open competition regarding the architectural project. It takes many years. When the previous school was almost built it came out that the soil of that parcel was polluted. So the municipality asked for a school relocation. The re-location has been choosed in continuation of the general principle of the Parc équipé which imagines a big public space, as the park is, able to connect the main public services. We decided to “move” it in the future neighbourhood of Grande Prairie, surrounded for two sides by the park. We studied different school typoligies: a court, a slab, an open structure, a circular one focusing both on technical and urban issues. Finally we submit a booklet which has been used as a base for the architectural competition.

Zac Courrouze Secteur Grande Prairie

equipe Studio Stella Armeli, Simona Bodria, Silvia Urbano

The section studies the relationship between the existing heritage and the new project intervention, focusing on the management of the differences in height. View of the same space in a previous step of the project.

Grande Prairie, around 29 000 m2 of floor area, will be built in the area where there is the actual metro building site. In order to preserve the building site from eventual existing dangerous objects (like bombs left over from the past military use), the entire area was covered, few years ago, with one meter and a half of soil. For this reason the proposal mainly focuses on differences in height between the future neighborhood and the existing ones, starting from inspiration of Burri’s Cretto and achieving a detailed public space project.

cittĂ produce cittĂ EUROPAN 14

Stella Armeli, Andrea Demurtas, Giuditta Gabriotti, Riccardo Maroso, Mattia Passeri

Some diagrams which explain the social and architectural project of two different existing buildings. Diagramatic axo of the project, detail

The project conceives the city of Cuneo as an ecosystem capable of absorbing, regenerating and reacting to events that occur in places and communities. The projects reinterprets the site area recognizing the unexpressed potentials of the public space, waiting to become a qualitative space. A step by step strategy has been developed to stimulate a process of re-colonization of the barrack. The project focuses on the first year of PAF: from the park opening, which means allow people to cross it for the first time since the barrack has been built, to the consensus building approach in order to imagine the future of this area in a shared vision. The territorial laboratory improves the capabilities of self-governance of the community - integrating the weak actors in the decision making process.

limes | limen Progetto di valorizzazione del Parco dell’Oreto

Stella Armeli, Grazia Mappa Relatrice: Francesca Leder secondo relatore: Nicola Marzot

Axo of the Agricultural section of the Oreto park, detail. Mapping the existing as part of the project.

Oreto Park is a territory of boundaries, which embodies perfectly the contradictions of its country. It is the largest park in the city of Palermo but today it is completely unreachable; it is a fragment, but retains a unique territorial specificity determined by its fluvial nature. The park is wholly absorbed by the city, however it represents, at the same time, a barrier. Moreover it is defined as “park”but it cannot be considered a proper one. Despite of the river’s course, this area is now strongly threatened by a never- ending proliferation of new buildings and by its exclusion from all the economic and social dynamics. Giving a transversal reading to the territory means considering the current boundaries [limes] in their opportunity of being flexible. By intercepting and involving the elements belonging to the surrounding territory, the park becomes, therefore, threshold and access [limen].

call for houses OVERHABITAT web site

Stella Armeli, Gabriele Leo, Grazia Mappa

Display for the Re-Drawing the theory \ ReDrawing the House curated by Parasite 2.0 A pile of colums in a private courtyard

Š photo Francesco Stelitano and Gabriele Leo

House is the boundary within which space becomes private, and as such, totally customizable. This work focuses on the additional practices that individuals use with the aim of modifying the place where they live in, over the sheer need for a shelter, in accordance with a series of social and cultural needs: status symbols, history, comfort, social backgrounds. The overhabitat is what we use to turn a house in to a home. The gap between architecture and real life is costantly increasing and personal tastes filled the void. The resulting aesthetics belong to a pictoresque imaginary: a minor beauty tath is both individual and reassuring. Every kind of taste has bacame dominant.The starting point of this research is a public call - Call for Housesaims to investigate the aesthetic expressions of the private houses by generating a series of thoughts about house and self determination tools.

floating mountains paesaggi migranti web site

Picture take during the Stelle Polari’s workshop in Pennabilli, May 2017

Paesaggi Migranti (Migrant Landscapes) is a group of European architects, designers and artists that made Pennabilli their focus of research and an operational centre. Paesaggi Migranti took its first steps in 2015, aiming to discover the Valmarecchia territory, in order to promote a public debate around landscape through research and art languages and activating participatory processes.

to see an extended version of my works please click here

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