Ferramentas para projetos 22 sugestões online para organização e pesquisa
Gerenciadores de projetos Basecamp: www.basecamphq.com Collabtive: collabtive.o-dyn.de ClockingIT: www.clockingit.com
Social Bookmarking Delicious: delicious.com  Zotero: www.zotero.org
Editores online Google Docs: docs.google.com  Zoho: www.zoho.com  Apple iWork: www.apple.com/iwork
Gerenciadores de tarefas Remember the Milk: www.rememberthemilk.com  Google Calendar: calendar.google.com  Doris: beta.dorisapp.com/pt
Compartilhamento de informações Wordpress: www.wordpress.com Pbwiki: pbwiki.com Mindtouch: www.mindtouch.com Mediawiki: www.mediawiki.org
Reuniões remotas Skype: www.skype.com Windows Live Messenger: messenger.live.com Google Talk: www.google.com/talk
Mapas mentais Mindmeister: www.mindmeister.com  XMind: www.xmind.net
Pesquisa Google Scholar: scholar.google.com  The ACM Portal: portal.acm.org
Obrigada! Ricardo Sato ricardo@rseiji.com rseiji.com twitter.com/rseiji Stella Dauer stella@stelladauer.com stelladauer.com twitter.com/stelladauer