Academic position micro econometrics

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® HEC Management School – University of Liège (HEC®-­‐ULg) invites applications for a tenure-­‐ track academic position in the field of « Micro-­‐Econometrics » starting on October 1, 2015. A. TEACHING This chair includes at least four courses. (1) The microeconomic part of the introductory course in economics (40h) intended for Bac 1 students in Economic and Management Sciences (in French); (2) One compulsory course from the Master in economics (either Advanced Microeconomics, or Econometric Methods); (3) A course of Applied Econometrics in the specialization in Economic Analysis within the Master in economics (replacing Topics in Empirical Economics) and (4) A specialization course to be defined according to the chosen candidate’s profile. This course will be given in the Master in economics. All the Master courses counts for 30h and should be taught in English. The candidate will in addition have to supervise internships and thesis in economics. He or she will be asked to organize a workshop within the scope of the skills portfolio linked to micro-­‐econometrics and data processing. B. RESEARCH This chair requests a high commitment in developing research currently conducted within the economic department of HEC®-­‐ULg. Currently the main research domains at the department are public economics and public finance, economics of competition and innovation and regional economic. The chair should reinforce the research in one of these domains with a strong focus on micro econometrics methods and data analysis. The complementarity of the research program proposed for the chair and those of the department is a key asset. C. COMMUNITY OUTREACH The chair requests a participation in the academic life of the economic department and HEC®-­‐ULg. Ideal Profile • The ideal candidate holds a doctoral degree in economic with a research experience at an international level. • He or she will demonstrate his or her ability to carry research at an international level certified by publications in scientific journals. • The researches of the candidate should propose a research program that is complementary with the research currently conducted in the economic department in the fields of public economics and public finance, economics of competition and innovation and regional economic. • The candidate will demonstrate his/her ability to lecture in French and English. • The candidate will also demonstrate his or her ability to teach introductory economics in Bac 1.

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The candidate will have to supervise PhD students in micro-­‐econometrics. He or she will have to contribute to the development of micro-­‐econometrics @HEC-­‐ ULg thanks to his or her teachings and research. He or she will have to contribute to the school’s international standing. Finally, the candidate will have to actively participate in the functioning of the Economy department.

HEC® Management School -­‐ University of Liège (HEC®-­‐ULg) is the school of management of the University of Liege. HEC®-­‐ULg is one of the leading Belgian university business schools for graduate and postgraduate programs with more than 115 full-­‐time faculty members and researchers and more than 2380 students. HEC®-­‐ULg is a dynamic institution that heavily promotes an active pedagogy leading students to actively contribute to their education. The international vision of HEC®-­‐ULg translates into multiple research activities in management and economics, numerous partnerships with worldwide companies and universities, and growing internationalization of its programs and faculty. HEC®-­‐ULg is located in Liège, Belgium’s third largest city, and the largest agglomeration of the French-­‐speaking Walloon region. At the heart of Europe, Liège is the third inland port of Europe and the seventh freight airport in Europe. Recognized for its quality of life and its rich historical heritage, Liège is ideally situated within the Meuse-­‐Rhin Euregio, 30 kilometers from Maastricht (the Netherlands) and 60 kilometers from Aachen (Germany). It is less than 1.5 hours away from Köln, 2.5 hours from Paris and 4 hours from London by high-­‐speed train (TGV) starting from the new magnificent train station designed by the renowned architect Santiago Calatrava. HEC®-­‐ULg work environment :­‐ulg-­‐business-­‐school-­‐assets The candidates are requested to send, by registered post, to Monsieur le Recteur de l'Université de Liège, place du 20 Août, 7, B-­‐4000 LIÈGE, by 31 March 2015: - Their application letter together with an exhaustive resume in duplicate ; - A copy of their publications ; - A research project - Two letters of reference - Their application, resume, research project and a summary of their publications in electronic version (CD or usb key). For further information, contact Professor Axel GAUTIER, HEC-­‐Management School, Université de Liège – The salary grids and their rules of application are available from the University’s Human Resource Office : Mrs Ludivine DEPAS – tel. : +32 4 366 52 04 –

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