Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival_upute za prijavu filma

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MEDVEDNICA OUTDOOR FILM FESTIVAL 2018 14. rujna 2018. , Hrvatski dom Markuševec (Trg Sv. Šimuna) *For English version please scroll below.

Po prvi puta u organizaciji Medvednica Outdoora pokrećemo Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival 2018 na kojem će se prikazivati selekcija najboljih regionalnih filmova outdoor tematike. Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival se organizira u okviru Medvednica Outdoor Festivala 2018 (14. i 15. rujna) sa centrom događanja u Markuševcu. Cilj MOF-a je osim promocije i zaštite Medvednice, također privući što više sudionika na istočnu, manje poznatu stranu Medvednice naročito sve one koji se još nisu okušali u outdoor sportovima.

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da se prijave i predstave svoje radove na MOFF 2018! Radovi se šalju na mail do 15.08.2018. Odluke o radovima koji će se prikazati na MOFF-u bit će do 03.09.2018. Uvjeti za prijavitelje: 1. Filmovi moraju biti outdoor tematike. 2. Filmovi moraju biti dostatne video i audio kvalitete u .mov ili .mp4 (MPEG-4 aka H.264) formatu. 3. Filmovi ne mogu biti duži od 35 minuta. 4. U konkurenciji pristiglih radova, stručni žiri bira 10-15 najboljih filmova koji će se prikazati na festivalu. Nagrade: Stručni žiri dodijelit će nagrade za:   

Najbolju montažu Najinspirativniju priču Najbolji prikaz akcije

Dodatno će se dodijeliti i nagrada publike.

MEDVEDNICA OUTDOOR FILM FESTIVAL 2018 14th September 2018 , Hrvatski dom, Markuševec (Sv. Šimun Square), Zagreb

For the first time as a part of Medvednica Outdoor we set up the Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival 2018, which will feature a selection of the best regional outdoor themed movies. Medvednica Outdoor Film Festival is a part of Medvednica Outdoor Festival 2018 (which will take place on the 14th and 15th of September, 2018) with the event centered in Markuševac, Zagreb. Apart from the promotion and protection of Medvednica Nature Park, the goal of the MOF is to promote an active/outdoor lifestyle and attract as many participants as possible to the lesser-known sections of Medvednica mountain, especially those who have not yet tried outdoor sports.

We invite everyone interested to apply and present their work at MOFF 2018! Send your movie by bulk download or other file sharing (e.g. wetransfer) means to email until 15th August 2018. The decisions on selected movies to be shown at MOFF will be until 3rd September 2018. Conditions for Applicants: 1. Movies must be outdoor thematic. 2. Movies must have sufficient video and audio quality in .mov or .mp4 (MPEG-4 or H.264) formats. 3. The movie cannot be longer than 35 minutes. 4. In the competition of the movies received, the jury will select the 10-15 best films to be shown at the festival. Prizes: The jury will award prizes for: • Best edit • The most inspirational storyline • Best action sequences Audience will also have an opportunity to select best movie and award it with Audience Award.

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