Si relay 2018 brochure long

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SOCIAL INNOVATION LEARNING RELAY #2: EXPERIMENTATION Do you want to connect with other motivated social change agents experimenting with innovative solutions, share experiences and support each other with practical recommendations? Join us this March in Zagreb for our second Social Learning Relay, designed to boost the collaborative efforts of your team and strengthen your social impact initiatives!

What? maintain motivation and enthousiasm along the way? And how do you resolve tensions in relations when working with diverse personalities, skills and expectations?

No matter how good your ideas for social change are on paper, putting them into practice requires another set skills and competencies. Direct experimentation helps further shape your ideas for change, but questions remain such as how do you keep your team empowered to pursue their creative efforts? How do you

Being able to deal with the challenges that arise during experimentation processes, turns out to be crucial for the development and sustainability of the innovation you wish to achieve. This spring, we offer you an innovative learning opportunity focussed on the topic of experimentation and precisely some of the challenges mentioned above.

What’s new? Our Social Innovation Relay’s

around experimentation process-

combine a full day thematic work-

es. We will provide a fertile ground

shop with an online peer-to-peer

for you to boost your knowledge

learning relay (‘the act of passing

in this area of social innovation

something along’). You bring in

and learn from and with the other

a learning question that has to


do with struggles and dilemma’s

For who? The workshop and relay are

formed on ¨first come, first serve

aimed at social innovation prac-


titioners, members of initiatives and networks for social change, those “agents of social change”, working in multidisciplinary teams on developing sustainable impact and others having experience in participating and/or facilitating experimental processes (e.g. co-creation, design thinking...). Keep in mind that number of places is limited to 25 so the relay is policy

Format and programme The relay will start with a kick-off

The relay period consists of 4-5

workshop on the 15th of March.

rounds of one week, in which

The workshop will combine infor-

each group provides input to the

mative & inspiring lectures, with

learning question of one of the

worksessions in which you will

participants in their group. At the

practice with a number of tools.

end of the relay period each per-

During the workshop you will get

son has given help to all her/ his

to know the other participants,

group mates. In the same period

deepen your learning question

we will also ask you to organise

and form smaller groups before

a ripple effect activity during the

embarking on the online learning

two month period of the relay. This


could for instance be co-organ-

ising a webinar on an emerging

participatory tools to your initia-

learning need in collaboration with

tive, or another type of interven-

SIC partners, applying one of the










6th April

9th - 15th April

to be decided


15th March

19th - 25th March

26th March 1st April

2nd - 8th April

Learning outcomes We promise a different type of

a personal level and with other

learning. Moving from reactive

social innovation networks and

learning that many face during the


development of Social Innovation,

Empower and support each

towards reflective and reflexive


learning. Zooming out with a sys-

Gain practical solutions and

tems thinking lens and zooming

recommendations on challenges

in: deepening the learning capaci-

associated with experimentation;

ty of yourself and your initiative.

Improve your ability to adapt to existing and future challenges;

The Social Innovation Learning

Apply newly acquired knowl-

Relay will help you to:

edge & tools in a peer-to-peer learning environment.

Establish new connections at

What do you bring in? Motivation & curiosity to be part

activity during the two month peri-

of an experimental learning format

od of the relay

Communication: share experi-

Time investment: 2 hours a week

ence, knowledge and network

during 4-5 relay rounds.

Participation: in workshop, the relay & final skype session Action: organise a ripple effect


If you would like to take part in the

motivation to join. We will make a

relay, we kindly request you to ap-

selection of (max 25) participants

ply via the online application form

based on these applications, with

You will be asked to provide a

the aim to create a diverse and

learning question that you want to

inspiring learning environment in

bring in during the relay, what you

which participants can comple-

have to offer in terms of experi-

ment each others experience and

ence & area of expertise, and your


What we will provide We will provide theoretical framing

form of facilitating knowledge

and content during the kick-off


workshop and a fertile ground to spark continued interactions and

The workshop will be facilitated by

knowledge exchange.

Mirna Karzen & Stella Kalac from Social Innovation Lab, Croatia.

We will also provide:

They will bring in their enthusiasm

An online platform to showcase

for creating inspiring learning en-

your initiative and learning pro-

vironments and their expertise in


the field of participatory approach-

Access to people in networks of

es, facilitating teams and orga-

SIC partners;

nizations in SI development and

Support during the relay in the

capacity building for social impact.

A series of relays The Social Learning Relay on

Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Transformative Impact is part of a series of three (separate) Relays,

Relay 2 - Experimentation: kick-

each with a different thematic

off workshop 15th of March 2018

focus, location, and group of par-

in Zagreb, Croatia

ticipants. Relay 3 – Funding: kick-off Relay 1 - Impact: kick-off work-

workshop September 2018 to be

shop 15th of November 2017 in


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