November Issue
Encourage your family to eat healthy with a recipe as simple and as scrumptious as these muffins
ENCOURAGEMENT Gossip and using our words to build each other up instead of tearing other down
Check out this amazing new local skincare company using all plant based products and changing lives
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Gossip Hello My Name Is Words Prayer In The Grey Thankful For The Journey LUA Skincare Interview with Heather Kirchhofer
Fall Comfort Muffins Creamy Chicken Soup Fresh Juice Walk Your Talk Compassion Over Comparison She Stands Have Courage & Be Kind What You Are The Editors Note
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GOSSIP Article by Jessica Williams
Sometimes, all it takes is a little bravery to change our hearts and intentions. Who said it'd be easy? Walking away from conversations that involve gossiping about someone else can sometimes be awkward but it's also brave. Begin to evaluate your friendships and maybe seek new ones. I know how hard that is, and cutting ties is easier said than done. Finding new friends isn't always the right answer, but just remember, if she's willing to talk to you about others, then she's more than likely talking about you too. Look for friends that lift you up, that see the good in others and that will treat your friendship with honor. You'll quickly see how much better it is to be gossip free. It's contagious, I promise!
l a e r s i e l g g u r t s the Encouragement is such an important theme to me. I really feel as though it is my calling in life to encourage others at any point that I can. I love being able to hear the root of an issue just in the tone of someones voice alone and being able to discern what it is that the Lord wants me to tell them. It’s a gift I don’t take lightly, and have very clearly heard from the Lord that I am to use this gift of encouraging others and women. I love lifting one another up and helping someone feel empowered, reminded of their worth, and abolishing lies they may be believing. Watching someone receive freedom through spoken words from God is unlike anything I’ve experienced.
I also believe that the enemy is at work against encouragement at all times. He wants us to feel worthless, torn down, tired, exhausted, isolated, and alone. He wants to take those pure words that your friend just said to you, and distort and twist them in such a way that you would still question her motives. He wants our minds to be so clouded with our own negative thoughts that we subconsciously push out anything encouraging and uplifting. And he wants to use gossip as a way to falsely make us feel like we are a part of an inner crowd, all while using our own tongues to tear each other down in the most harmful and deceitful ways. STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE | 3
Gossip sucks.
have an issue with someone, of course I want to blab to another You don’t have to know me very friend to help make myself feel long to know that I HATE gossip. validated. When I have things While I am far from perfect on this bothering my heart, of course I subject, it IS something I have want to ask others opinions about asked the Lord to make me keenly why people are the way they are. aware of. I will often find myself When I wonder about why people telling ladies that I’m with not to live the way they do, quirks and tell me who they are talking about nuances combined, of course I if there is an issue. I will stop myself want to chat it up with others to more than I’d like to admit to say see if they feel the same way. that what I’m about to say could be perceived as gossip so I’m going to You and I struggle with the same change the subject. Is it because I things, my friend. really AM that good, and righteous, and amazing? NO. Not even close. It’s because I know how wretched my own heart can be, and I know even more that if gossip resides there that nothing good and encouraging can be done in any other aspect of my life. It’s far too dangerous, too damaging and frankly, really gross in my opinion. But I'm just like you, and I struggle with it too. When I
The problem is, I have seen first hand way too many times how gossip can tear down and take down an entire community. I have seen leaders falsely accused, rumors started and quickly out of control like wildfire, and I have seen the lasting damages once the embers have been smoldered out. There is no easy recovering from gossip. I strongly believe that the Lord designed our mouths for lifting one another up, encouraging one another, and the enemy wants to do nothing more but seek to destroy that. Gossip makes untrusting friends feel like best friends. Gossip makes connections between one another built out of straw. The bonds aren’t strong, but a short term link with the end result is that you feel better about yourself for tearing someone else down. That just isn't from the Lord. Encouragement isn’t two friends sitting around talking about
another friend in order to fix a problem. That’s gossip. Encouragement isn’t laughing about another friends quirks behind her back. That’s gossip. Encouragement isn’t letting another friend in on a secret or something that was originally only meant for your ears. That’s gossip. The Bible says, A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.” Proverbs 16:28 “
I’m not sharing this with all of you to condemn you. I’m not writing this article to make you feel bad and to make you feel like I’ve got this figured out. Trust me, I don’t. I meet with dozens of women every month and the struggle can be real. But I am SO aware of how gossip makes me feel, what the Bible says about it, and what kinds of words I want to leave my tongue.
Encouraging one another should always be about the other person. It should be about upholding their name in a light that shines brighter than your own. When others don’t agree with so and so, it’s your responsibility as their friend to bring the negative comments to a cease and to quiet the whisperer that just wants to separate close friends. Encouragement shouldn’t come at the expense of someone else. It shouldn’t be about laughing at someone else and feeling better that others feel the same. I started asking the Lord a long time ago to break my heart for what breaks his heart. And gossip shot to the top of the list. It’s damaging, hurtful, and it just sounds so harsh and awful. I want to be a woman of words that are like honey. Words that others lean in closer to hear, not because they are secrets. But because they are real, pure, honest, and completely and humbling up lifting. Taking
a whisperer separates close friends
Love always wins, And encouragement always backs it up.
care of one another with our words is the quickest way we can preserve and take care of our friends. When all else fails, we still have control over that. Pray and ask the Lord to give you discernment over this issue. He will show up and provide you with an abounding amount of wisdom in the area. Is it always easy to walk away from conversations that aren’t pure and true? No. It sucks to do that. But I believe that God is asking us as women to preserve our lips, guard our hearts and protect our sisters with our words. There is no good that comes from gossip. Even the bettering you feel afterwards is only fleeting. I encourage you to use your words as a gift to bless others with. Stop the slander and use each and every opportunity to build someone up. I promise the effects of that are way more addicting and gratifying than the need to talk about others behind their backs. Love always wins. And encouragement always backs it up. STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE | 6
HELLO MY NAME IS: Mrs. Madonna-Hatmaker-Sandberg-Brady By Esther Gallagher For many years, I longed for someone to show up in my life with a ‘HELLO, my name is Esther’s mentor’ sticker attached to her blazer lapel at work, or her active wear at the gym. I wanted her to make herself in-my-face obvious and be of celebrity status; a magical blend of TV sitcom characters meets MTV meets spiritual mamas with the stuff of Forbes Top CEOs (think Mrs. Brady, Sheryl Sandberg, Madonna, and Jen Hatmaker all-in-one). She would magically appear to help me plan my future post college graduation, at my cubicle to plan out my 5-10 year career goals, beside my rocking chair to help me make sense of this thing called motherhood, at my doorstep with a latte in hand to illuminate me on the secrets of a blissful marriage, and colormatching my skin . tone to the best make-up products. (Well, not really the make-up part... there’s the Sephora beauty consultant for that stuff).
Yet I needed her for so many introspective topics I needed help exploring and understanding and mostly, for deep, unceasing encouragement. She was to be all things to me; a gangsta of all signs and colors that could old-school me on making homemade pie crust, on weaning my babes off the breast, scaling the corporate ladder, and navigating my faith walk. But she never showed up to rehearse life with me at the office, at church, or at home. Or so I thought.
Some of you may have had that one obvious female figure in your life who filled these cheerleader roles for you through thick in thin, over many years and various seasons of your life. But others may have been looking, hoping, wishing for this gal to sign on the dotted line professing her allegiance to your made-up production company like I did. And after many years of bemoaning her absence, I finally understood… my Mrs. Madonna-HatmakerSandberg-Brady role had been played by many women that had been there all along; they had either made cameo appearances starring in one episode sharing onehit-wonder insights that packed a punch that will stick with me forever, been life-long cast members that I took for granted because they didn’t fit what I was trying to cast, or showed up at my side for the season premier and suddenly disappeared but who knows, maybe they’ll .
be back for the finale, whenever that may be.
"I finally understood… my Mrs. MadonnaHatmaker-SandbergBrady role had been played by many women that had been there all along."
How did I not see nor appreciate them for what they brought to the show? For Zenobia, who teaches me to truly stop and smell the roses, relish the moment, and let kids take risks; for Josee who shows me that family is everything; for Katy who reminds me of the Lord’s unconditional grace and unceasing love for me; for Jessica who encourages me to share my writing with you even when it seems too vulnerable; for Alice, the sweetest lady who watched my son at my MOPs group and showed us pure, loving grandmotherliness; for Michelle my MOPs leader who signed every email with “Hugs,
Michelle” and always had an uplifting smile for me; for Nic who has always reminded me to stay true to myself (and taught me to make pie crust); for cousin Nicole who has shown me graceful endurance and strength through hardship; for Aunt Adele who taught me how to tell if my first baby was latching on correctly; for Lea, my greatest confidante and cheerleader; for Cristina who models inner beauty and joy in everything; for Brenna and her I-don’t-give-a-sh*! humor that defies all odds; for my mother-in-law who has always taught me to try and see the best in people; for the Karens, the Jennys, the Kathys, the Lisas, and so many other women who leaned into me with their professional wisdom at one-on-ones and team building events, and for
my own mom who taught me to put God first in everything. This list is certainly not comprehensive- so many of you women in my book club, school, church, work and mommy circles who have mentored and encouraged me in at least one twist or turn in life. I don’t have enough article space to honor you all. I’m sure the same goes for so many other readers who might be reflecting on those women who have spurred, cheered, fist-bumped, and encouraged them on as their Lifetime movie unfolds. Maybe in the past, we were looking so deep and so far off for something more, something bigger, and something more intense, or
grandiose that we neglected to honor all of those beautiful women that have been right in front of our face. They had that “Hello” sticker on all this time, but we couldn’t see it because we had those expectations blinders on that caused us to look for ‘the one’. How many times are we looking for ‘the one’ that we lose sight of the ‘many’ that enrich us, embolden us, and carry us on? Most of them will never walk down a red carpet or show up on People’s magazine cover, but they have mentored us in so many ways and are so worthy of our honor. Before you change the channel to The Blacklist (my favorite), Real Housewives of New Jersey (my other secret favorite – but not so secret anymore though), The Walking Dead (I’m the only person whose never seen it apparently), or other current TV show obsessions, take a precious moment to recognize the parts they have played in your rolling days and film credits.
Words By Kara Markovich
I believe in the power of words and their ability to create strength from weakness or to destroy the brightest of confidence. I believe the word “amazing” can build muscles and the word “hate” can take it all away. I believe we are all so much more when we speak to one another with support and kindness and I believe we can make one another stronger.
I am often approached by strangers and told "YOU are busy." Sometimes there is a “wow” thrown in. I understand. I have four children. Most of the time I can be seen walking around the neighborhood with all them. My nine year old on a scooter talking to me about the latest Nerf gun, my three year old running ahead of me as I yell for her to stop at the corner and to not cross the street and twin one year olds sharing a double sided stroller, the kind that makes you question whether or not it is going to fit thru the doorway. We stand out a little. Actually, we stand out a lot. It is fairly easy to do when you are outnumbered.
I would never deny that I am busy. It comes with the territory and a territory I am very willing to take ownership of. Yes, there is likely a soap ring around my bathtub. Lonely, neglected and now wrinkled laundry waits for me in a basket hoping to be folded. I reward myself when I have planned the dinners for the week and I highfive myself a good ten times if I can make it to the grocery store with children in tow. None of it is easy or relaxing and I embrace it all. Of course, there are days. You know, those days, whether you have many kids, one kid, or none. The days when burdens hurt and deep breaths barely hold back the tears. The days when the dishes are stacked against you both literally and figuratively and no one can sense your anguish. These are the days when hearing "you must be busy" makes the weight of it all heavier. The power of words. To be clear, I don’t believe
"I believe the word 'amazing' can build muscles and the word 'hate' can take it all away."
people say this to be spiteful. I believe they say it as an acknowledgment, a kind of recognition. But I know the kind of life I live. It is crazy and hectic, joyful and painful, beautiful and dare I say, busy. What I need is support. I need words to help me feel stronger when strong is the last thing I feel.
This summer, our family of six was invited to our friends’ barbeque outside of the city. Despite only being an hour away, packing for the day was a necessity. At one point, I stood in the middle of the living room, looking at the mess I had created. Ankle deep in extra changes of clothes, diapers, baby wipes, snacks, bottles, and baby toys, I contemplated changing our plans. It would have been much
easier just staying home
Once we were there, we ate our lunch with a woman we had just met. She was a retired school teacher. In between giving bottles to babies, making sure the older kids were fed and getting food for ourselves, we talked about so much and laughed even more. Before we parted ways, she looked at me from across the table, she paused and she said,
“You are f*%&ing brave.” I have never felt stronger. .
Through Prayer y
Rennai Hoefer
Can I pray for you ? It seems like such a simple question , but so often , we find it difficult to ask and even more difficult to execute ( at least I do ) . But this gift , to pray for one another in community or one on one as brothers and sisters in Christ , is a powerful one we shouldn ' t ignore . Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend The Grove Women ' s retreat with another one of our Stellar Day Magazine contributors , Brianna VanderWeide . Our guest speaker , Jo Saxton , was a force to behold , and though her
message was different , her stories kept with the theme of praying for others . Complete strangers , friends , family , single serving friends , all of them opportunities she accepted to stop and pray with them . I found it incredible that this wasn ' t even what she was trying to communicate to us , but nevertheless , it ' s what the Spirit put on my heart . Pray , he whispered at first . Then again , leaning in harder , pray and offer prayer . Jo asked us to form small groups and pray over one of the members , one who had spirit crushing experiences . y
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z | 13
We didn ' t all have to pray aloud , but as I had come to the conclusion the Lord wanted me to offer prayer on a more consistent basis , and as I stood in this group , it felt as though heaven opened wide and now the Spirit was shouting at me , " PRAY RENNAI ! You asked for my help in accomplishing this new challenge and here I have given you this perfect safe opportunity , wake up and take it ! " So , I prayed for my sister in Christ , and I cried , of course . For whatever reason , I sometimes struggle with praying aloud , and this is something I am being called to overcome . So here I am following this call to not only pray aloud , but to offer prayer to anyone as soon as I feel the call to , regardless of how awkwardor uncomfortable that might make me .
prayer If it was difficult before , now it ' s terrifying . But , what have I to lose , and what really do I have to fear ? Someone may say no , or be uncomfortable , but that moment will pass . What have I to gain ? Serving the Lord , serving my brothers and sisters , and witnessing the fruit of prayer as God provides . People LOVE when you pray for them and it brings glory to our Father . Often times prayer is the exact encouragement others need . Often we can ’ t fix their situation or heal their hurt but through prayer we can boldly approach the God who can . So what else could there be to hold me back ? Nothing . So how about it ? Can I pray for you today ?
In The Grey By Nicole Thompson
I’ve tried to start this article many times yet nothing seems to feel quite right. I want to draw you in with eloquent words or a clever hook line but each time I get a few sentences in before I hit the backspace key until I’m left with a blank page again. The inspiration for my other articles has often come from more recent events in my life, but as I look back this article has been building for a while. I see how God has been planting seeds and stretching my understanding for the past few years. He’s been revealing to me ways I’ve held onto the safety and comfort of the black and white when in reality much of life is lived in the gray. I keep finding myself there, in this vast gray area. Maybe you do too. Perhaps you’ve found yourself in a situation or circumstance that doesn’t seem to leave you any good options. And like me, maybe you’re familiar with Biblical principles but how they translate into your specific situation just isn’t clear. You could list a hundred wrong ways to handle it but are at a loss to think of just one right way. In talking through one of these gray areas with a friend recently I asked, “Where’s the guide book for this?!” I loved her response and it has resonated with me since: “You don’t need a guide book, just follow The Guide.” Suddenly, my soul found rest. She was so right. I don’t need step by step directions to navigate all of life’s hurdles. I just need to cling to Jesus and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. I have to believe this is why Jesus said it was better that he leaves so the Helper would come.
“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is
reminded how much I need Him. I’m so
to your advantage that I go away, for if I
thankful Jesus left to send the Holy
do not go away, the Helper will not
Spirit. He is my great helper, giving me
come to you. But if I go, I will send him
wisdom and discernment I could never
to you.” John
16 7 :
gain on my own. I don’t know what struggle you’re facing right now and I
Jesus knew life was full of gray areas. In fact, I’m pretty sure
% of life is
certainly don’t have all the answers, but I know the one who does. Whatever
lived in the gray. I seem to be finding
gray area you find yourself in God has
myself there A LOT lately and it’s
not left you, He sees you. If you’ve
caused me to pray more than I ever
accepted Jesus as your savior, the Holy
have in the past. You see in the black
Spirit is living within you. You are not
and white things seem clear, simple,
alone. Ever. Whatever struggle you’re
and predictable. There’s no guess work
facing the Holy Spirit will guide you in
or middle ground to figure out. There’s
what to do. We just have to follow Him
an illusion of control, that I don’t need
one step at a time.
God. It’s in the gray areas that I’m He’s got you girl!
THANKFUL FOR THE JOURNEY By Acacia Statzer Photo by Agnes Art & Photo
The older you get, the more you can see the story of your life unfold with purpose and beauty. You start to become more observant as to why things happen the way they do. When I moved to Phoenix three years ago, I knew that I was about to experience a serious season of growth. The Lord had planned for me to live in the Arizona desert as part of the story He is writing for me. I think He knew I needed some adventure in my life. He knew I needed to be challenged and although it was quite scary at first, it was the best thing for me. I will fondly look back on this time in my life and smile about all that has happened during the last three years. I’ll smile at the good times, the bad times, and the ugly times. I smile, because through it all Jesus was right there holding me and molding me. NOMADIC
There were times in the last three years that we had to eat weird concoctions of food, because we didn’t have money for groceries, but we had something. There were times that I thought we were going to have to scratch up pennies to pay for my car to get fixed but somehow the issue worked itself out to where we only had to pay for a minor service fee. There were times I felt lonely, but then friendships developed. There were times I felt inadequate and then someone would encourage me. With each doubt or adversity, I clung to Jesus and He met my every need. You see, all those little things that felt like obstacles were really just avenues that lead me closer to Jesus. I am thankful that God allows us to go through things that cause us to take a step back and recognize our need for Him. As much as we view trials as mountains we can’t climb, God is really allowing them to be a reminder of His presence and love for us. I
am grateful that God allows me to face challenges that sometimes bring about an uneasiness or uncertainty so that I can know what His peace and steadfastness feels like. I am grateful that He gives me opportunities to face the unknown so that He can grow my faith to know His faithfulness. I am thankful that there have been times where I’ve been in a pinch financially so that I could see His provision. I’m thankful that He cares about me enough to take me out of my comfort zone so that I can experience new things. I remember in my first few months of living here in this desert I called my older brother to express some of my anxieties of trying to adapt to such change. He reminded me that I’m named after a tree in which God created to thrive in desert lands. “Acacia Trees” grow best when planted in dry and sunny habitats like Phoenix Arizona, what a coincidence!
"I'm named after a tree in which God created to thrive in desert lands."
Being that I’m named after a tree, this verse has become such a comfort to me. When I read it, my heart begins to settle and I remember that He is my source of all good things. He will also never leave or forsake me. He will always give me just what I need. He is enough for me. Jeremiah 17:8
They will be like a tree
planted by the water that
sends out its roots by the
stream. It does not fear
when heat comes; its leaves
are always green. It has no
worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear
Now here I am, preparing to leave the desert to move back to my hometown. Again I’m filled with concerns and questions of what my future holds as I plan to set down roots all over again. But as I embark on the journey ahead I am overflowing with thankfulness that God has a plan for me. He is sovereign and in control. I don’t have to worry, I think he truly wants me to just enjoy the ride. I am so thankful that He allows me to go through times that point me back to Him. So whatever it is you are currently going through with all of the challenges life brings, I hope that you know that He sees you, He loves you, He knows all of your greatest joys, deepest sorrows and most fearful anxieties and He wants to use all of it to draw you to Himself. Be thankful for the journey because it’s all a part of his plan for you.
"The swag bags from Nine really are a personal gift bag, a nurturing piece that I believe actually say, “I see you” to each and every attendee."
Every time I go on the Nine Retreat, it changes my life. Each time, it's in very, very different ways. The experience this year can’t even be compared to last years because they were both just so unbelievably different from one another. What I walked away with is too much to share in an article here. But it was so good and such a transforming experience. One fun thing about Nine, is each attendee receives a swag bag. And let me tell you, these aren’t just your ol’ run of the mill swag bags. They’re packed with awesome stuff from amazing sponsors who were intentionally selected, chosen and placed within Nine Retreat. The swag bags really are a personal gift bag, a nurturing piece that I believe actually say, “I see you” to each and every attendee. Whoa. Right? Yes. This year, we got three little bottles of essential oil skincare products from a company called LUA Skincare. When I opened it, I loved the packaging, I smelled the oils, read about it and put it back. I was intrigued but wasn’t sure if I was going to use it. You see, I used to have really bad acne. And anything with the word “oil” in it should not be ANYwhere near my face, do you feel me? I am not an Essential Oils lady, but I do believe in their powers and love certain ones which I use from time to time in my home. But I am very selective about what I put onto my face. Nothing has worked. Or it works for a second and then stops. Or it’s SUPER expensive and I can’t keep up with using it. I also struggle with chronic pain.
I have the most incredible chiropractor who has changed my life and who I continue to see. I will see her for the rest of my life, go ahead and quote me on that. And while she has healed me almost all the way, I still struggle with joint pain. Chronic joint pain. I’ve tried changing my diet. I’ve tried exercise. I’ve tried sleeping more, drinking more water, changing my work chair, changing my pillows that I sleep on- YOU NAME IT I’VE TRIED IT. If you struggle with chronic
pain, you know what I’m talking about. I get to the end of most days exhausted from doing normal physical tasks because it hurts. I’m always afraid to throw out my back. My ribs finally stay in place (thank you Dr. Jenni!!) but they feel fragile and they ache most days. I feel like I have arthritis and I’m only 34. I got home from Nine, unpacked, and unloaded the swag bag once again, reviewing my treasures that I don’t have to share with anyone. And I found again, the LUA Skincare products. I read the bottle labels, educated myself on how to use them, decided to wash my face with them, and I went to bed. To my surprise, I LOVED the products upon first try! Usually products break my skin out, but I’ve been using these now for over a month and my skin feels and looks great. Remember the chronic pain? Remember how no matter what I’ve done, I’ve never been able to alleviate my chronic pain completely? Until I started using LUA Skincare. Wait, what?
Yes. I used these products for about a month when I realized that I my pain had slowly started to dissipate. I have occasional back pain in my weak spots, but nothing like what I was experiencing. My chiropractor said that my body probably detoxed from the chemicals I was using before, replacing with the amazing essential oils that are in LUA Skincare products, all combined together to help my body as a whole. It’s literally the only major change I’ve made since Nine, and was blown away at the possibility of this discovery. No matter what though, I look forward to washing my face every single night now, and I haven’t missed one yet! These products are relieving to me and genuinely feel like you’re doing the right thing for your body. As I physically put the product close to my skin, about to put it on, it’s as if I can tell that my skin is craving what’s in it. So check it out! LUA Skincare has helped me in more ways that one. I know that you could obviously benefit from this as well, so check it out!
Interview with
Heather Kirchhofer BY JESSICA WILLIAMS
It's really interesting the ways that life brings people to you. Some for a reason some for a season, and for some, life finds a way to make sure that they are inside your inner circle. Meeting and getting to know Heather was completely that way. I first met her virtually through Stellar Day Magazine as she answered a photographer call that I had put out there. She is incredible in her work and has quickly become one of my favorite photographers. Her work is authentic, real and just gorgeous. We connected online that way and I loved who she seemed to be through the world wide web.
Then, I met her in person at the Nine Retreat! What an incredible time that was, and I was so blessed to get to know her in person. I feel really connected to Heather, and I feel encouraged by her even just by being close to her. She radiates positivity, encouragement, and just is always seeing the best in people. I knew that she would be an incredible person to interview for this issue, as she is such an exampe of a calm in the storm, beauty, grace, and love. She has quickly become a very dear friend to me and I hope our friendship grows and that I always know her.
1. Thank you so much for allowing me to interview you this month! I'm pumped! Tell everyone a little bit about who you are, where you're from, and your family.
Hi! I'm Heather Kirchhofer. I'm a photographer located in Tempe, AZ. I'm also a mama raising a magical little girl with my husband, Scott. We are expecting our second child, a boy!, in March. I was born and raised in Illinois, but I've lived in a few different cities and states before settling down in Phoenix. Fun little nugget of info about me and my husband: we have known each other since we were maybe 2-3 years
"I would encourage moms to find time for themselves, no matter what." core, in a good way, and will stick with me forever. I didn't expect to have felt such raw, intense emotions with a group of women I didn't know. And I didn't realize the lasting impact these women would have on my life. I made life-long friends that week and I'm forever grateful.
old. We were next door neighbors as children. 3. You're a fantastic photographer! What are you
2. I met you first virtually through Stellar Day
the most passionate about shooting, and why?
Magazine, but in person we met for the first time at Nine! Can you tell everyone a little bit about how your week at Nine impacted you and what encouraged you the most?
Well, thank you! I am extremely passionate about a few things when it comes to my art, most notably is my desire to tell a real and honest story about my subject. I love, love, love to photograph what are typically
Oh wow, NINE! Literally a life-changing week for me. It was one of those experiences that shakes you to your
called Day In The Life sessions. I want to photograph every little detail of the story you want to tell because
all of those tiny moments make
for the biggest, most beautiful memories. My other passion has to do with animals, specifically animal rights and rescue. These two passions lave led to a new series I'm currently shooting called 'rescued.' I am documenting a day with families and their rescue pets. It is so much fun and makes my heart full.
4. What is one thing you would encourage another entrepreneur or business professional in?
Self-confidence. Not arrogance, but self-love, self-worth. It's so important! If you don't see the value in yourself and your work, no one else will. It starts within you.
5. You're a fantastic mom. What is one thing that you would encourage another mom with?
Oh, thank you again! Gosh, being a mom is tough work. It's impossible to be fully prepared for what being a mom is all about. It's the most rewarding and amazing and terrifying and sometimes lonely thing all at once! The Elizabeth Stone quote about becoming a mom is so true, "It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body." I would encourage moms to find time for themselves, no matter what. Even if it's just a few minutes here and there to actually be mindful of your needs and wants. It will be tremendously rewarding for your life and in turn your child's life.
6. What is one thing about motherhood that took you by surprise?
How much love your heart can hold for someone you've just only met. The love I had (and still have) for my daughter when she was born was really something magical. Such an intense thing that never goes away!
7. What is one thing in life that truly encourages you the most?
Compassion. Seeing the good in others that can manifest from one small gesture into something life changing. All it takes is one moment of compassion put into action to make big waves in life.
8. What is one thing that has changed your life this year?
Becoming pregnant with my second child. I honesty wasn't sure I even wanted another child until the moment I thought, "Hey, let's give it a try." And here we are.
9. Looking forward, what do you hope to accomplish this year?
I'd like to have more self-growth. More time to better myself so that I can I turn be a better wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter. I feel like I've spent a lot of time not truly knowing who I am and what my purpose is. I'd like to search a bit more for those answers.
"All it takes is one moment of compassion put into action to make big waves in life."
10. I'm really thankful to have you as a friend. What is something within friendship that is really special to you and encourages you?
And I am so thankful for you, my friend! A true friend is an honest friend, a nonjudgmental friend, and someone you feel you can totally let your guard down with. Like a breath of fresh air when you feel like you can't breathe.
Being a mom and trying to feed my child delicious AND nutritious foods is a seriously high priority, but sometimes it's a lot easier to talk about than to actually do. I love creating those recipes where you can sneak in veggies and other good things and the kids never know about it. They just think it's a yummy treat and you know that they're getting servings of veggies that you never thought they would consume. What a massive WIN! These healthy muffins started out exactly that way: a sneaky way to get good ingredients into a muffin and all you need to do is act like it’s a yummy treat! The first time I made these muffins I started out with the mentality that my daughter, Cadence, will have these muffins mainly for breakfasts and snacks. There will be plenty that will just be in a Tupperware ready to be munched on by my child at some point throughout the day. That was until I tried them for myself and oh man these muffins... They are delicious! Every time I make the recipe I double the batch and freeze half of the batter for next time. I bake them into regular muffin tins and sometimes I use my mini muffin tin to make small pop-in-yourmouth sized muffins. We all love this recipe in our home and I know you will too!
Recipe 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 2. Cream together sugar, yogurt, applesauce, butter, and eggs. 3. Add pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, and bananas. Mix well. 4. Add old fashioned oats, whole wheat flour, all purpose flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Mix well until completely combined. 5. Grease muffin tin and fill each tin ½ - ¾ full. 6. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 mins. Add a couple more minutes if necessary or until toothpick comes out clean. If you're using a mini muffin tin bake for 10-12 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
INGREDIENTS 1 cup brown sugar - 1 / 3 cup ( heaping ) plain or vanilla yogurt - 1 / 3 cup unsweetened applesauce - ¼ cup butter ; softened - 3 eggs - 1 cup pumpkin purée - 1 cup finely shredded carrots - ½ cup finely shredded zucchini - 3 ripe bananas ( the more ripe the better !) - 1 cup old fashioned oats - 1 cup whole wheat flour - 1 cup all purpose flour - 1 tsp . salt - 2 tsp . baking soda - 2 ½ tsp . cinnamon - 1 / 8 tsp . nutmeg -
7. Slap some butter on them or just eat them as is. Either way they're delicious and they're even better when they're warm! Nuke them in the micro for a few seconds and they're ready to go! 8. Enjoy!!
We returned home from out of town and I had
for Creamy Chicken Soup! It was easy, yummy,
ZERO plans for dinner. We usually grab takeout
and I made enough for leftovers to last through
in situations like that, but we are super penny
the weekend. WINNING. Plus it’s supposed to
pinching right now so we didn’t want to do
get “cold" like any second so I’m hoping to
that. So I tore apart Pinterest looking for a
usher in winter by making all the soups. Come
recipe of items that I had on hand, that I could
on Arizona, get the memo.
quickly make, and that wasn’t loaded up with cheese.
This soup filled our bellies and even baby girl LOVED eating it! She gobbled some right up
I’m trying not to eat cheese at ALL- please
which is crazy because my boys STILL won’t
don’t remind me. I’ve broken up with my love
eat soup. HA.
affair with cheese. It’s actually a good thing and I feel WAY better. But break ups are hard
to do! Here is the recipe. Good soul food that will do SO. I searched and found this awesome recipe STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE | 30
your heart good, I’m telling you!
FOR THE ROUX (to thicken soup...this is made first): 4 tbsp flour 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp butter - unsalted ****make the roux by heating the oil and butter in pot then sprinkling the flour on top. whisk together until fully absorbed and turns almost golden. take off the heat and set aside while combining other ingredients**** 2 tbsp butter - unsalted 2 tbsp olive oil 4 stalks carrots, peeled and chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped (opt) 1 sweet yellow onion - diced 4 cups chicken stock or broth (or a combo) - low salt or unsalted 3 1/2 cups milk or cream or half & half, i use a combination of skim milk and cream 2 tbsp chicken base granules 1 tsp fresh cracked pepper 1 tbsp dried parsley or 2 T fresh parsley 3 bay leaves 1 1/2 t Herbs of Provence 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (optional) 1/4 tsp garlic powder or 1 t. chopped garlic (i use garlic from a jar) 3 cups rotisserie chicken - cubed or shredded and cooked 1/4 cup white wine (your favorite) shredded gruyere cheese to sprinkle on top after spooning soup into bowls
1. Start by making the roux (directions above) 2. Chop the vegetables and set aside until ready to sautĂŠ. 3. In a Dutch oven, sautĂŠ the vegetables in 2 T olive oil and 2 T butter until softened. i cook the carrots and celery first, then add the onions since they don't take as long to cook. 4. Add all other ingredients including the roux, stir well. bring to a boil then turn down the heat to low and let simmer 20-30 minutes until the soup thickens to the desired consistency. 5. Stir every 3-4 minutes. Do not leave the soup unattended it can burn quickly. 6. If you need to thicken the soup a little, mix together some cornstarch with milk or water (per box instructions) then stir into the soup. 7. Stir frequently - the soup is milk-based and can burn easily. before ready to serve, take out the bay leaves
omg yum 8. Pour into bowls and sprinkle with shredded gruyere cheese
9. Serve with French baguette or other crusty bread
FRESH JUICE By Jessica Williams
When I went to the Nine Retreat in 2015, one of the speakers there was an inspiring woman with a story. She had cancer and educated all of us about juicing, how simple it can be, the benefits of it to your health, and how she’s helped prolong her life with treatments while juicing. I don’t know about you, but whenever I thought about juicing, it always sounded so difficult to me. I never wanted to do a juicing fast or diet because let’s be real- Jess on a liquid diet is a grumpy Jess and ain’t nobody got time for a grumpy Jess! But this amazing woman opened my eyes to the benefits of juicing and actually how simple it can be. I really only have two or three recipes that I use for overall health. They aren’t complicated and they don’t take long to make. I use a very good juicer and I literally throw all the ingredients in quickly, let it juice up and drink away. Sometimes I’ll make larger batches and keep in my fridge for up to 3 days or I’ll freeze it if I have the time to make that much juice. But generally, I juice 6-8 ounces for the day and allow it to bring healing to my blood stream, bones, and body. I had no idea that all you really need in a day is 6-8 ounces! When I thought about the benefits of just a small amount to incorporate into my normal diet, that really excited and relieved me all at once. So if you’re interested in juicing, consider adding these simple recipes into your day. Each of these do different things, but all of them help me to feel instantly better, less tired, less sluggish, and the lemon one always gets rid of my headaches.
Check it out! And just like anything else, consult with your doctor before adding anything to your diet that you’re unsure of. Everybody is different, and while I have benefitted greatly from the effects of juicing, consulting with your doctor to decide what’s best for you is always important. All recipes are for a single serving. Make sure you are using the best possible juicer you can get your hands on!
Arthritis Reliever 2 Pineapple Slices 4-5 Organic Broccoli Florets 2 Organic Carrots Beginner Green 1 Cup Organic Spinach 1 Cup Organic Green Grapes or 1 Granny Smith Apple 2 Stalks Organic Celery Lemon Zinger 1/2 lemon 2 green apples 1 inch ginger peeled (peel only if not organic)
Walk Your Talk By Cassidy Rich
“Therefore encourage one another and build
Sam and Lauren so awesome is not that they
each other up, just as in fact you are doing,”
are brilliant students and have outstanding
1 Thessalonians 5:11.
grades, but that they walk their talk. Sam and Lauren live out their faith in a way that has
This semester I have found encouragement in
inspired me to do the same. They answered
a place I didn’t expect. I believe God uses
countless questions for me about class
the simplest and sometimes even the mundane
material, after college plans, and life in
things in our everyday lives to teach us
general. These ladies are the perfect
valuable lessons. I admit that I’m not the
example of what it means to make an impact
most encouraging person, but after sharing a
on someone. I have been encouraged in so
class with two encouraging girls I’ve been
many ways because of their kind, sweet
inspired to work harder at it. Through class
attitudes towards me and other students.
after class I witnessed Sam and Lauren
When I was leaving class one day I thought
encourage and build up their fellow students.
to myself, “What if we as the body Christ
They’re not arrogant and they gladly assist
were all as encouraging as Sam and Lauren?”
other students in homework and
Imagine the impact we could have. What if
understanding class material. What makes
we all started living out 1 Thessalonians 5:11?
It’s a nice thought, but it takes effort to actually walk the talk that leaves our lips. There are days when I just don’t feel like
being an encourager because something didn’t go my way and all I want to do is whine about it. I’ve come to realize that despite the fact that I might be having a bad day, I can make someone else’s day better with a simple word of kindness. Plus, I’ve found that when I lift someone else up my bad day doesn’t seem so bad anymore. Being negative is way too easy and it’s a trap that I find myself falling into quite often. Using communication shutdowns like “that’ll never work” or “what’s the point?” demonstrate our mistrust in the Lord. If we really believe that the Lord keeps His promises to us, we have no reason to not encourage one another to stay true to our faith and walk our talk. Just as Sam and Lauren demonstrate in every class and in their lives, I want to be an encourager. I don’t want to be someone who always shuts people down because I’m struggling with something or feel that whatever they have to say isn’t worth my time. That’s selfish, inconsiderate, and just plain rude. So let’s make the effort to encourage one another and learn from what the people in our individual lives have to teach us. God didn’t place us on Earth to tear down what He has set up and called beautiful. He placed us here to support each other through our trials, joys, tears, and cheers. Thank you, Sam and Lauren, for setting such an encouraging example.
COMPASSION OVER COMPARISON Why you are more than enough!
By Ally Hotchkiss Do you ever feel like as each year passes it’s harder and harder to keep up? With each new advance in technology, it seems like more and more pressures get put upon women to achieve endless amounts of tasks and milestones while keeping perfect balance between work, family, self-care, friendships, an so on. Social networking brought life comparison to a whole new level because now we’re bombarded every day by
other women’s successes and highlight reels. Then came Pinterest which led so many women, including myself, to believe that our homes need to look like they were professionally decorated and always spotless (cleaned with all natural everything, of course). It showed us that our meals should always be healthy, well-balanced, and be plated like a five star restaurant every single day. We should be organized in everything, budget like
financial pros, parent like we’re experts, and know exactly what we’re doing, have our marriages continually gush romance…basically we should be perfect, look perfect, act perfect, be like those other women we see all of the time. I don’t think our mothers had this kind of pressure. It just seems to be too much! I can’t take it anymore and think we should band STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE | 36
together as a group of women who forget it all! I think we should start a new trend of being authentic with each other and trusting each other with our struggles. We should stop believing the lies that we are “less than.” As my friend & author John Lynch says, “No one has it all together, some people just have whiter teeth.” You were not made to be perfect and you are not alone in this. You were made to be perfectly imperfect! You are beautiful, strong, unique, loved and you have strengths in some pretty wonderful areas. If you were really good at every single thing…you wouldn’t need anyone else. You wouldn’t need friends or a community and you probably wouldn’t be as fun to be around as you are now. You don’t have to focus on all of the areas in which you fall short of your own imaginary standards. You can look at yourself in the mirror today and see the beautiful woman that I know others see and you can tell yourself that you are unique and you have strengths of your own that others don’t have. What are you good at? Are you really good at playing with your kids and showing them that they’re loved but you’re not as good at cleaning? That’s ok! Your house doesn’t have to be spotless. Your house is full of love. Are you kicking butt and taking names at work but don’t love cooking? That’s ok! You can focus on the fact that you’re making a big impact in the business world and it doesn’t really matter if you substitute cooking from scratch for a frozen meal an extra time this week. A big theme that’s been important to me lately is “Compassion over Comparison.” I have to remind myself of it daily because I fall so easily into the comparison trap. I look at other small business owners and think, “Wow she really has it together so much more than I do, I wish I could be more like her.” I look at other wives and think, “I bet her husband gets really healthy meals every night and her house is super tidy, even though she runs a business too.” I do it all of the time and I don’t want to! What I actively chose to do to replace this though is to accept that God has compassion towards me and He absolutely loves me (and you!). He’s never displeased with me or disappointed in me and this frees me to be as I was made. I want to accept that I cannot excel at everything but it’s ok. I can just be me and show the real me to others and let them love me. I can look at the other women’s lives and celebrate their successes and victories and know that I’m doing my best and I can’t expect more from myself than my best. If we all did this, if we all started believing in ourselves, accepting that we’re not perfect and focusing on our strengths, think of what a wonderful tribe of women we would become! The woman who loves hosting could have get-togethers at her home and the woman who loves cooking could bring the food. The woman who has a heart for encouragement could write kind letters to each friend and help her feel noticed. The women who loves organization could plan the event and invite each woman and help her find her strength and how she could contribute to the group overall. We each have a special and unique place in this world. You don’t have to try to be everything. You can just be you and I think the more you focus on that, the more joy you will find in everyday life and the more love you will feel from those around you who are finally getting to see the real you. You, my friend, are wonderfully and specifically made and you are more than enough!
Photos Throughout by Agnes Art & Photo
I keep seeing this picture of waves crashing on rocks. They're beautiful; crisp blue that fades into a creamy white as it makes contact with the rough edges of a grey rock. I see waves gently reach the shore; they recede with every ebb and flow. I feel the sun's warmth on my skin- or at least what I imagine it to be like. And then I see someone standing on top of the rocks, soaking in the sunshine as the sea breeze tenderly blows through her hair. The waves come and they are magnificent and beautiful and they crash against these rocks with such mesmerizing force that anyone standing so close would be terrified to be only a few feet away from them. She stands though. She stands and not only does she stand, but she enjoys it. She breathes deeply. She soaks in the sun. She clutches her arms to herself and a smile begins to arise. She is strong, brilliant, tender, caring, kind, beautiful, and peaceful.
I think women are magnificent, resilient, incredibly strong beings. We are a wonderful blend of strength and grace woven together; sweet image bearers of the One who made us. Women amaze me. They grow human beings inside their chest. They give life. They feed humans with their bodies. They bleed for a week and don't die. They raise families. They carry their husbands. They do it alone. They scrub our toilets and vacuum our floors. They wipe our tears when we fall. They work their asses off. They own companies. They run the world on their backs and carry their loves throughout. Women simply amaze me.
Do you realize how wonderful you are to the people around you? Woman, hear me say it, you are amazing and you. are. loved. And you are beautiful, that's for sure. But you are so much more than just the skin you wear or the makeup you cover it with; you are mesmerizing, talented, gracious, strong, wonderful, and worth it. Get it, girl.
I really just wanted to encourage women to be encouraged by themselves; that they don't need a prettier house or a better foundation to become more feminine, but that they are exquisite simply because they are female. It's not long either so. Anyway- hopefully we like it!
3 9
“Have courage and be kind,” Cinderella’s mother said to her as she lay dying on her bed. I watched the newer Cinderella movie the other night and this phrase runs throughout the movie as the theme of how Cinderella was to live her life. I went to bed thinking it was a cute movie and how fun it is that Disney is remaking all of their cartoons into real-life stories, but not really thinking of this phrase. B ut the more the week went on, the more this phrase kept coming back to me. I saw it in my devotions that God calls us to trust Him. Have courage. To not be afraid and to put off the fear that hinders us. He calls us to obedience because He has already won our battles for us; what do we have to fear? How big is our trust in Him? Have courage. Place it in His hands because He is big enough to hold our lives, the unknowns, our children and each scenario we face. Have courage. Pull that courage out of who He says He is and who we’ve experienced Him to be. Take heart that He is faithful and keeps His promises, down to the tiniest details. Have courage. A nd be kind. “Kindness is powerful!” says the mother again with conviction, and I have to agree. Kindness speaks clearly in the quietest moments. It is not always noticed or applauded, but we notice the absence of it quite quickly. It is the character trait that expresses love in a way that strengthens friendships. It diffuses situations and instills peace back to it’s proper place. Be kind. Speak kind words, think kind thoughts, act kindly to others as well as to yourself. Perhaps if we spoke to ourselves with the same kindness we look to speak to others, we would react more positively when people are unkind to us. We would have a more secure sense of who we are and could extend that kindness we’ve cultivated in our own hearts. Be kind. H ave courage and be kind. Let your character be such that even those who despise you and hurt you, like Cinderella’s stepfamily, are blessed by your love. STELLAR DAY MAGAZINE | 40
What You Are BY
Have you ever taken one of those spiritual gifts tests? I have taken so many and the one gift that always is first for me is the gift of exhortation (or encouragement). I was super excited to find out this issue of the magazine is based around my favorite word, and frankly something I love to give as well as receive. I want to take this space I have been graciously given to give a shout of to all the hard working mamas out there that are reading this fabulous magazine. I hope you will find this article the encouragement you need. So, I just had our second and last baby last month. He’s amazing you guys. I am a smitten kitten to say the least. With a brand new baby and a toddler at home, my daily life is insane. Insane in a great way but non the less insane. Any of
you mamas out there with multiple kiddos at home…I know you feel me. I’m beyond grateful for the gifts my children are…there are days though that I am overwhelmed. Managing kids is hard. Period. I was thinking the other day just how not glamorous my day-to-day life looks. My hair looking a hot mess most of the time, spit up all over me, getting peed and pooped on more than I can count, being knee deep in changing diapers, and feeding kids, laundry, dishes, managing the house… I mean it goes on and on. Then I think of you. You all who are right there with me in the day-to-day grind of raising the little people that we have been given. I have had hard jobs in the past, but this parenting gig is the hardest yet most rewarding job I believe that there is, wouldn’t you agree? I’m thankful I have been chosen for the task, even though there are plenty of days where I feel I fail. Like for real fail. I want to say a couple things… You are not a failure. You are doing the hard and good work of being a mom. There is no one else that can love and parent your
Where you are right now is God's place for you."
child/children more than you.
I know for me I am tired of believing
You are right where the Lord has
lie after lie. We as moms have such
called you to be.
an important role. One that I do not
You are so strong.
take lightly. I am so honored that I
You are needed.
have been chosen to take care of and
You are in a crazy, busy, non-stop
love my children. I hope and pray my
season of your life, and these are the
kids will grow up knowing just how
days you will probably look back on
much I love them.
and think fondly of as crazy as that sounds.
There is a verse that I have been so
You are beautiful.
encouraged by recently and I want to
You put others needs before yours.
share it with you, in hopes that you
You get your stuff done.
will be blessed and encouraged by as
You are a blessing to your family and
friends. You are truly amazing.
“Where you are right now is God’s
There is no one else like you.
place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there.”
I could go on and on. I hope you believe those words that I just wrote.
1 Corinthians 7:17
The biggest adventure
you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams
Sponsorship Opportunities
We have several exciting opportunities and ways that YOU can become a Stellar Day sponsor! We are a fast growing magazine and are always looking for new businesses to feature and to partner with Stellar Day. If you'd like more information, please email Esther at If you'd like to submit an article or photos for the magazine, please email Jennifer at We can't wait to hear from you and for our bright future together!
The Stellar Day Team
Sponsors and special thanks!
Thank You.
You've encouraged so many!
Jessica Williams, Editor in Chief Jennifer Stamps, Associate Editor Esther Gallagher, Advertising Manager Nicole Thompson, Blog Manager
Contributing Writers In This Issue Acacia Statzer Ally Hotchkiss Cassidy Rich Christine Cram Danielle Nesper Esther Gallagher Heather Kirchhofer Jessica Williams Kara Markovich Nicole Thompson Rennai Hoefer Robyn Baldwin Sarah Costa Special Thanks AFC Chiropractic Agnes Art & Photo LUA Skincare Nine Retreat Jay & Jess Photography EDITORIAL OFFICES Located in sunny Scottsdale, AZ Stellar Day Magazine is published by Issuu and created in Canva.
Stellar Day
EDITOR'S NOTE "Darkness can't live where there's light."
If you're around me for long enough to share anything deep and heavy that's going on in your life, you may have heard me say this to you. It's one sentence that I believe with my entire heart.
The enemy wants us to live inside the dark. He wants us to be blinded by our short comings, our sin, our struggles. He wants us to feel isolated, alone, bitter, and withdrawn. He wants us to feel desperate with nowhere to turn, no glimpse of a way out, and no hope for light.
This is why I am so passionate about encouraging others. One word can change someones life forever. I've personally witnessed one sentence of encouragement change the course of someone's life, pulling them out of the darkness of despair and giving them a glimpse of light that the darkness refuses to cover.
I believe that Jesus gave us our words, actions, and abilities to love one another so that we can speak the truth to one another when there seems to be no hope. Encouragement has got to be one of the greatest abilities we all possess as humans, and I am dedicated to spreading it like wildfire.
May those who feel that there is no hope, find it in a single word spoken. No more tearing one another down. By using our words to lift up each person that is before you in whatever moment you may be in, I truly believe we can change the world.
So let's do it!
Jessica Williams Editor-in-chief