Brighton Secondary School Newsletter February 2015

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Brighton Secondary School

Newsletter ISSUE 1 I February 2015

From the Principal Welcome to the 2015 school year. Unfortunately 2015 got off to a troublesome start with uniform supply. Let me explain. Late last year the Governing Council terminated the contract with Peter Rowe’s Southern Schoolwear, because of ongoing quality and service issues. We did not purchase the stock from Southern Schoolwear which did not meet our quality standard. Devon Clothing came on board at short notice but they have not been able to provide the full range of uniform, despite their best intentions. We are confident that Devon will provide quality and service in the long-term. I trust you appreciate the complicated legalities and substantial time line involved with terminating a contract. I thank the school community for your patience. The Annual General Meeting of parents is on Monday 2nd March at 6.00pm in the Brighton Theatre and I urge parents to seek membership on the Governing Council. A vibrant Governing Council has a significant impact on a futurefocussed school. We are seeking Governing Councillors who want to influence Brighton’s direction. The commitment is one meeting, the first Monday of every month from 7.00 - 9.00pm. We have 63 years of history and a responsibility to steer the course for a successful future. The only credential you need is the desire to promote Brighton Secondary School.

Brighton’s core business is to develop students for their futures. I encourage students and parents to develop strong partnerships with the teachers. Congratulations to the World Challenge teams who successfully built the Kindergarten in Cambodia in December 2014. Mr Peter Thompson from Rotary kindly donated $850 towards the project. Brighton students raised $20,000 in 2014 for the project which will continue in 2015, raising funds to build a kitchen and a fence for the kindergarten. Congratulations: The 2014 graduates who successfully completed their SACE and Maddison Sims, the 2014 Dux. Matthew Richardson who won the Holdfast Bay Council Australia Day award, Young Citizen of the Year for his work on making Brighton a renewable energies organisation. Jeffrey Kong, Head of Music, who was awarded the West Torrens Anniversary Award for Volunteering in the Australia Day ceremony. Olivia O’Neill Principal

Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A

305 Brighton Road North Brighton, SA 5048 P 618 8375 8200 F 618 8296 0949 E

ill with Olivia O’Ne Peter Thompson

Jeffrey Kong receiving his award at the Australia Day cer emony


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Diary Dates 2015 FEBRUARY


2 Governing Council, 7pm 4 Principal’s Tour 9.00am 4 iPad Rollout 6.30pm – 8.45pm 6-7 Special Interest Music Carnevale 9 School Photo Day 11 Year 8 Parent Information Evening 6.15pm – 8.00pm 12 Swimming Carnival 13 House Recognition Assemblies (Buffalo & Cygnet) 17 Photo Catch-up Day 18 Special Interest Music Parent Information Evening 7pm 19 Anti-Bullying Plays 20 Year 8 Immunisations 23 Finance Meeting 5.45pm 24 Japanese Music performance 25 Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits Aquatics 25 Special Interest Volleyball Parent Information Evening, 6.30pm 26 Leadership & Recognition Assembly 9.00am – 10.30am 27 Year 8 Immunisations

1 Year 12 Formal 4-8 Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits camp 4 SIV Year 8 Challenge at Heathfield 4 Governing Council 7.00pm 6 Principal’s tour, 9.00am 6 Parent / Student / Teacher conferences Years 8 & 9, 3.30pm – 8.30pm 8 Special Interest Music applications close 11 SIV initial out of zone trial – Year 7 by appt. only 12-14 NAPLAN Testing 13 Parent / Student / Teacher conferences Years 10, 11 & 12, 3.30pm – 8.30pm 16 Special Interest Music shortlisting 18 Uniform Committee, 1.00pm 21 Safe Partying workshop for Year 10s 22 Year 8 Immunisations 25 SIV Year 7 out of zone trial by invitation only 28 Special Interest Music auditions 29 Year 9 Focus Day 29 Reconciliation Event

MARCH 2 Woodhouse excursion Rapid 2 Annual General Meeting, 6.00pm 3 Year 8 Standards Day 4 Principal’s tour 9.00am 4 Year 9 Standards Day 4 Woodhouse excursion Holdfast 5 Woodhouse excursion Cygnet 6 Woodhouse excursion Buffalo 6-8 Lift Dance performances 9 Adelaide Cup Holiday 13 Student Free Day (Staff Training) 16 Uniform Committee, 1pm 16 SIV Year 10 pairs at Glenelg 19 Harmony Day 20 Sports Day 20 National Day of action against bullying & violence 27 Year 11 Road Safety program 30 SIV In-school trials for Year 8 & 9

APRIL 1 Principal’s tour 9.00am 3 Good Friday 6 Easter Monday 8-9 Year 11 Outdoor Education West Lakes Aquatics 10 SIV Year 11 / 12 Beach challenge 10 Last day of term 1, 1.00pm dismissal 27 Student Free Day (Staff Training) 28 First day for students in term 2 29 Open Day


JUNE 1 1 3 3-4 1-5 5 8 17-19 18 19 21 22 26 30

SIV in-school trials Governing Council, 7pm Principal’s tour, 9.00am Year 11 Drama production Festival of Music Student Free Day (Staff Training) Public Holiday Year 12 Drama production Meet the Writers End of semester 1 Chaplain’s Concert Semester 2 begins SIV Year 10 KO volleyball SIV Year 12 Aquatics

JULY 1 1-2 3 20 31

Principal’s tour, 9.00am SIV Year 12 Aquatics Last day of term 2, 1.00pm dismissal Student Free Day (Staff Training) SIV State Schools Cup

AUGUST 3 3-5 5 6 7 10 17

Governing Council, 7pm Chinese Musicians visit Principal’s tour, 9.00am SIV Open KO volleyball Poetry workshop Uniform committee, 1.00pm SIV Out of zone trials Years 8-11

17 SIV in zone trial Year 7s 19 Parent / Student / Teacher conferences Years 10, 11 & 12, 3.30pm – 8.30pm 19-21 Adelaide Band Festival 26 Parent / Student / Teacher conferences Years 8 & 9, 3.30pm – 8.30pm 29 Music Spectacular Concert 31 SIV Out zone trials Years 8-11 31 SIV in zone trial Year 7’s

SEPTEMBER 1-11 2 7 7 8-18 9 14-18 16-18 19 23 23-25 25

Year 12 Trial exams Principal’s tour, 9.00am School Closure Day Governing Council, 7.00pm Festival of Music Percussion Showcase Ideas Week Year 12 Drama production Japanese trip departs Moon Lantern Festival SIV South Coast Tour Last day of term 3, 1.00pm dismissal

OCTOBER 12 Term 4 begins 16 Year 8 Immunisations 20-23 Year 11 Outdoor Education camp 23 Jazz Cabaret 23 Year 12 Breakfast 27-30 Year 11 Outdoor Education camp 27 New Music Night 28 Valedictory

NOVEMBER 2 2 2-6 4 6 11 12 16-17 18 19 20 23-27 30-4 30-4

Year 12 Exams commence Governing Council meeting 7.00pm Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits camp Principal’s tour, 9.00am SIV year 8 / 9 KO Heathfield Year 9 Aquatics Day Shakespeare Festival Year 10 SIV Year 8 Beach VB at Glenelg Year 12 Exams conclude Charities & Recognition assembly Music tour departs Year 11 Exam week Australian Business Week Brighton Enterprise Week

DECEMBER 2 5-12 7

Principal’s tour, 9.00am Melbourne Volleyball trip Governing Council, 7.00pm


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Annual General Meeting BRIGHTON SECONDARY SCHOOL - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Will be held MONDAY 2ND MARCH 2015 6.00pm Welcome / Musical Items / Refreshments 6.30pm Annual General Meeting BRIGHTON THEATRE This is an invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting of Parents of Brighton Secondary School and a call for nominations for the vacancies which will exist for parent representatives on the Governing Council in 2015. We hope many parents will attend the AGM and consider nominating for membership on the Governing Council. The Education Act and the Regulations Under the Education Act establish the membership and functions of a Governing Council. According to its Constitution, the membership of the Brighton Secondary School Governing Council should be: • 13 parent members elected by parents at the A.G.M. • 1 Friends of Brighton Secondary School Member (Affiliated Committee) • 1 Music Parent Support Committee member (Affiliated Committee) • 1 Volleyball Parent Committee member (Affiliated Committee) • 3 Staff Members • 2 students as elected by the 2015 Student Representative Council •

3 co-opted members from the community

1 Principal

If you would like to discuss nominating for Governing Council, you may wish to contact the Principal, Olivia O’Neill on 8375 8200. A letter with this information and a nomination form will be sent home via each student. Please contact the Front Office on phone 8375 8200 if you would like a nomination form.

Year 7 – 8 Transition The 311 Year 8 students have settled in to secondary schooling very well. They have come to Brighton from approximately 50 different primary schools. The main focus of the first week was to get to know their teachers and fellow students and to learn to navigate between classes. We are looking forward to the Year 8 Orientation Days which will be held at Woodhouse Activity Centre on the following days: •

Monday 2nd March Homegroups 801R, 802R, 803R

Wednesday 4th March Homegroups 801H, 802H, 803H, 804H

Thursday 5th March Homegroups 801C, 802C, 803C

Friday 6th March Homegroups 801B, 802B, 803B

Students will receive letters to bring home concerning this soon. Cali Galouzis Student Counsellor


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2014 Year 12 SACE Results The school community has cause for great celebration of the outstanding 2014 Year 12 results in the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). These results reflect the dedication and professionalism of the teachers to make Brighton the school of choice for all students.

Dux of 2014 We congratulate all students who achieved personal bests and in particular, we highlight the outstanding results of the Dux, Maddison Sims, who achieved an ATAR of 99.60.

We congratulate all students who achieved personal bests and in particular, we highlight the outstanding results of the Dux, Maddison Sims, who achieved an ATAR of 99.60. 3 other students achieved an ATAR of 99 or higher in 2014. Dylan Bentley


Jol Lian Lum


Xinyang She


15 students achieved the prestigious Subject Merit awards. They are as follows:

Governor of South Australia Commendation Award Chloe Taylor is a worthy recipient of the prestigious Governor of South Australia Commendation which acknowledges and celebrates overall excellence and achievement in Year 12 subjects as well as success in developing the SACE capabilities of communication, learning, personal development, citizenship and work.






Maddison Sims

Research Project, Ensemble Performance


Chao Sui

Solo Performance, Performance Special Study


Dylan Bentley

Performance Special Study


Sabina Fisher

Research Project


Oliver Hales

Research Project


Bianca Hoffrichter

Research Project


Anyue Lang

Mathematical Studies


Zoe Lee

Research Project


Audrey Lian

Research Project


Katarina Plush



Jonathon Poulson

Solo Performance


Lachlan Schultz

Workplace Practices


Emily Squires

Solo Performance


Kyle Trevenen

Ensemble Performance


Chloe Taylor

Ensemble Performance


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In total, 36 students achieved an outstanding ATAR of 90 or above: Alex Metcalf


Lachlan Tyler-Dowd


Mengqi Zhou


Sophie Witcombe


Bianca Hoffrichter


Audrey Lian


Natalya Plakhova


Emma Turner


Chloe Taylor


Sophie Waltham


Chloe Neville


Rebecca Whetham


Josh Niven


Oliver Hales


Phoebe Chilman


Matthew Walker


Zoe Lee


Madeleine Gurr


Chi leng Chan


Sung Min Bae


Sabina Fisher


Aaron Warner


Nicholas Bachmatiuk


Lauren Carthew


Vanessa Leak


Zixuan Chen


Thomas Bryce


Keely Kither


Bayan Yazdani


Ralph Abregana


Cody Kumnick


Shannon Pearce


All students who completed their SACE deserve acknowledgement, as Year 12 requires tenacity to navigate the academic requirements while balancing work, family and friends. 2014 Graduates - we are proud of you and wish you all success in your chosen pathway.


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Volleyball News The Australian Volleyball Schools Cup Championships was held in Melbourne from the 6th – 13th December 2014. Brighton Secondary entered 21 teams in the weeklong tournament involving 210 Brighton students and 52 support staff. At the end of the Presentation Ceremony, Brighton was named the overall Australian Champion Volleyball School. This award is determined by each school’s highest 6 teams results (male and/or female). Brighton was also named the 2014 Girls Champion School of Australia and runner up Boys Champion School. The following 16 of the 21 Teams entered in the competition returned home with a medal –totalling 5 Gold, 8 Silver and 3 Bronze.

11 out of the 12 Junior teams that competed won a medal. This represents a top 3 podium finish in almost every junior division of this Australia wide competition. All of the students are to be congratulated on their excellent conduct both on and off the court during the week. We wish our Year 12 SIV 2014 cohort the very best for their future and thank them for their outstanding contribution over the past 5 years in SIV. Heartfelt gratitude and congratulations is extended to the support staff that travelled with us – teaching staff, parents and old scholars who coached and managed the 21 teams. Without your willingness to volunteer your time and your dedication to our students, these results would not be possible. Sue Rodger Special Interest Volleyball Coordinator

SENIOR TEAMS • Open Honours Boys – Silver •

Open Honours Girls – Silver

Open Division 1 Girls – Gold

U 17 Honours Boys – Silver

U 17 Honours Girls – Silver

JUNIOR TEAMS • U 16 Honours Boys – Bronze


U 16 Division 1 Boys – Silver

U 16 Honours Girls – Silver

U 16 Division 1 Girls – Gold

U 16 Division 2 Girls – Bronze

U 15 Honour Boys – Gold

U 15 Division 1 Boys – Silver

U 15 Division 2 Boys – Gold

U 15 Honours Girls – Bronze

U 15 Division 1 Girls – Gold

U 15 Division 2 Girls – Silver


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Music News On Sunday 1st February, Brighton’s Big Band 1 and three guest vocalists performed at the 10th Annual Brighton Jetty Classic. The band played for an hour to a highly appreciative audience on the Esplanade outside the Brighton Surf Life Saving club. Vocalists Kaitlyn McKenzie, Simone Brock and Mikayla Link belted out funk, soul, jazz and classic rock hits and were supported by a slick big band which featured solos by Felix Chapman-Petrone, Kyle Trevenen, James Baird, Lizzie Hartley and Louis Gillespie. Mark Cameron-Smith Band Director

Open Day Brighton Secondary School Open Day will be held on Wednesday 29th April 2015. Guided tours of the school in action will be available at 9.00am and 2.00pm. Self guided tours and a twilight showcase of special programs will be available from 5.30pm to 6.45pm.

Community News

The Principal’s Address 7pm to 7.30pm will be held in the Brighton Theatre.

School Dental Service All babies, children and young people under 18 years are welcome to attend the School Dental Service. Dental care is FREE for most children. SA Dental Service participates in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. A small fee may apply for children who are not eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. All dental care provided is FREE for preschool children. To locate your local School Dental Clinic, or for more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, please visit

Thought About Fostering? Free Foster Care Information session – Wednesday 11th February 2015, 6.30pm – 8.30pm St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 6 Aldersey Street, McLaren Vale. For more information please phone 8337 8787 or email


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World Challenge Brighton Secondary Students Build a Kindergarten in Cambodia In 2013 Brighton Secondary School’s Engagement with Asia Teacher Learning Community (TLC) members explored a range of strategies to connect our students with Asia. The TLC listened to a presentation from Paul and Aileen Munn, local business owners, who established the Cares for Cambodia charity. They talked about the pressing need to build a kindergarten in Cambodia. As a result David Thomson, Assistant Principal and a member of the TLC suggested that the Brighton Secondary School community become involved in raising funds to build the kindergarten. The Principal Team wholeheartedly supported this and David spoke to the Student Leadership team about the project. They immediately decided to ‘get on board’ and raise $18,000 to complete the build.

As our World Challenge leadership students prepared to depart for Vietnam in 2013, we launched a World Challenge to Cambodia for 2014. Twenty-four students raised $6,000 each to fund their travel to Cambodia to take part in building the kindergarten. Through a ‘quiz night’ and other fundraising they also contributed $9,000 to the ‘Kindy’ build. The Student Leadership committee ran the ‘get on board’ and ‘box it’ campaigns asking all students to box their loose change for charity. This raised $11,000. The local cluster of Schools banded together for the ‘Moon Lantern Festival’ raising $1,400 and this is set to become a fantastic annual community event. The local Rotary Branch raffle provided a further $840. The Brighton Secondary World Challenge students worked for fourteen days on the kindergarten build, assisting local builders. The students worked diligently in extremely hot conditions carrying and laying bricks (‘UT’ in the local Kymer language), mixing cement and building steps. After work they interacted with the local children playing soccer and volleyball. The local community gave a heartfelt farewell and were sad to see the teams leaving. Looking forward to March 2015 and the ‘kindy’ is complete. The first children of the families from the dump begin a new chapter in their lives. They begin an early education pathway which will significantly change their lives. We can be very proud of the generous role our students, staff and parents have played in bringing this extraordinary dream to life. Our commitment to this project will continue. Tony Mahar Brighton Secondary School World Challenge Leader



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Pastoral Care Worker Hi, my name is Chelsea Russack and I am the Pastoral Care Worker (PCW, formerly Christian Pastoral Support Worker, or chaplain) at Brighton Secondary School. For those not familiar with the work of a PCW, my role is quite a diverse one, but essentially it is to support the school community. A typical day for me might involve visiting an art or drama class, spending time in the yard with students during breaks, visiting homegroups to get to know students, supporting peer leaders and homegroup teachers; connecting with staff in the staff room or at meetings, or having one on one conversations with students needing to share a burden. Of course there are many more activities that pop up – excursions and school events for example – but my day to day tasks generally see me supporting students in feeling comfortable and enjoying their high school experience. Each year I particularly love visiting the Year 8 classes and homegroups, and spending time in the yard with these new and excited students. (And having been here since 2009, I have had the privilege of seeing students transition from new Year 8s to confident and hardworking Year 12s as they graduate with their SACE.) As I meet these Year 8s at the beginning of the year, I am aware that the excitement showing on the surface is not the only emotion they may be experiencing. For me, remembering back to my Year 8 days, I know there was excitement and anticipation of what this new chapter of life would bring, but also nerves and some fear. “Less than two months ago, I was the big kid and now I’m the newbie at the school. Where are all my classes? Will I remember all my teachers’ names? Are the other students going to pick on me? Will I be able to make new friends, and how do I put in a lunch order at the canteen?” My guess is that the experience I’m describing is not too dissimilar to what many of the Year 8s are feeling in these first few weeks at school. Some students may embrace this new lifestyle and thrive on the adventure that it brings, but for others this change can be daunting and may take a little getting used to. I’ve met students in the past few weeks that are in both camps. I think the most helpful thing to remember is that these are normal feelings because transition always brings up a little bit of anxiety. Things are changing and there are new people, new information and new routines to get used to. But before long, students – and families of these students who are also adjusting to the change! – will find themselves comfortable and enjoying this new chapter. If there is anything specifically that you would like my support in, please feel free to contact me through the school.

A Pastoral Care Worker is a trained, experienced and compassionate person who joins a school community to provide extra support to all young people, families and staff. They respect diversity and school values, and their role excludes proselytizing, promoting a particular set of beliefs, or religious education. They provide pastoral care, enhance student well-being, and support the school to be a safe and supportive learning environment.

Chelsea Russack Pastoral Care Worker


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The DayMap Parent Portal The DayMap Parent Portal is proving a great tool for parents to keep up to date with their student’s attendance and homework. If you already have a log-in, and have a Year 8 joining Brighton Secondary School this year, your will be able to use your current log in, and using the drop down box in the Portal, access your student’s data. Remember it is easy to get a log-in to access this data, anywhere, anytime over the internet. If you have not previously registered, here’s how: 1. Go to the Brighton Secondary School website ( 2. Click on the’ LOGIN DAYMAP’ tab 3. Click ‘PARENT PORTAL’ 4. Choose ‘NEW USER’ 5. Enter the email address that you have most recently supplied to the school 6. Enter your child’s school ID number (you will find it at the top of any student report)

February Parent Portal Tip: If you have more than one student at Brighton Secondary School, you can access each student using the same password and log in!

7. Follow the prompts

Once in the Portal, use

8. A log in and password will be sent to your email address

the drop-down box on

9. Go back to the Brighton Secondary School website and log in If you have changed your email address, or have not provided the school with one, it is important to do so. Please email with this information. Kane Hillman Assistant Principal: Human Resources & Data Management

the top left hand side to select your child’s name from the drop down list.

Student Reception Student Reception is now situated in the Bright Centre, facing onto the courtyard. The hours of Student Reception are 8.15am – 4.00pm. Parents visiting Student Reception are required to sign in as a visitor via the Front Office. All students arriving late to school, or departing early, are required to sign in or out of Student Reception.

Absences From School • If students are absent from school due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances, parents are required to telephone the school’s absence phone line on 8375 8231 on the morning of the absence. This is a recorded message, available 24 hours a day. Alternatively, parents may email the school at preferably by 10.00am on the day of the absence, and include the child’s full name, the date they will be absent and the reason for their absence. • Parents / students may be required to provide a medical certificate to explain absence which exceeds three consecutive days, or for any absence on the day that a SACE summative assessment task is due.



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Brighton Secondary App Brighton Secondary School iPhone/iPad App is now available from the App store as a free download (including Android). This app is designed to allow students and parents access to information about events and daily activities at the school. It will be updated daily to ensure that the information provided is the most current and up-to-date available. •

Have the sports fixtures been cancelled due to bad weather? The notice section of the app will tell you.

• Need to check on the venue and start time of the Music Spectacular or Volleyball competition? The calendar in the app will hold this information.

One of the features of this app is that you can sign up for only those notices and events that you wish to know about. So, if your child is in Year 8, you can choose to receive only junior school information on the app, and not any information for senior school parents. We trust that you will enjoy the convenience that this app will bring you. If you have any queries, please see below. Application Support We welcome any feedback and suggestions you may have, as the information available will continue to grow with time. Please contact David Thomson, Assistant Principal School Operations at or by phone at 8375 8200 with any enquiries.



You do not need to receive everything!







Music Events





Brighton Secondary School on Facebook Brighton Secondary School is proud to announce the launch of our very own Facebook page We hope that this new initiative will provide an avenue for community networking and sharing school news. In order to increase student learning opportunities in our community we invite you to ‘like’ our page. You can access Brighton Secondary School’s Facebook page by searching on Facebook or you can go to the Brighton Secondary School’s website page to click on the Facebook icon link. For any feedback please email the Personal Learning Coordinator, Hayley Reid at


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