Brighton Secondary School Newsletter August 2017

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FROM THE PRINCIPAL Olivia O'Neill with Dr Stephen Kelly, from New England University, Armidale NSW.

IN THIS ISSUE Diary Dates & Congratulations......2 Music News......................................4 Japanese Excursion........................7 Bowling Challenge...........................7 Career News.....................................8 Old Scholar News............................8 Drug & Alcohol Education..............9 P / S / T Conferences......................9 Think Bright.................................... 10 Volleyball News............................. 11 Outdoor Education....................... 14 Physical Education....................... 14 Visual Art News............................ 16

The recent successful Hakuo tour demonstrated yet again the connections that students make with each other from around the world to develop their intercultural understanding. Our International Programs Coordinator, Lynlee Graham, always goes the extra mile to make every tour a memorable experience for both our students and those from Japan. The Governing Council Conference on Saturday 12 August showcased the importance of a ‘Positive Education’ approach in our curriculum as well as revealing interesting statistics about Girls in STEM courses in the Secondary years and at University. Our Digital Learning Leader, Aimee Shattock, presented a comprehensive session on how digital technologies are being used at Brighton, as well as a demonstration of the new set of Virtual Reality goggles to explore Google Excursion. The latter raised many questions about the future of education and teacher capacity to engage with innovative technologies. The last session of the conference strategically planned school directions for the next five years. A weekend conference assists the Governing Councillors to work more cohesively together and to have time to discuss the big issues for moving the school forward. Please remember the Year 10, 11 and 12 Parent Teacher Student Conferences on 22 August in

305 Brighton Road, North Brighton SA 5048 P:+61 8 8375 8200 E:

Dr Bronte Nicholls, Dr Sue Pillans and Olivia O’Neill at the conference of the Far North Queensland Secondary Principals titled “Facing the Future”.

the gym. A short interview with the teachers can be powerful in understanding how your student is progressing as well as making closer connections with the teacher for ongoing communication. Face to face one can say much more than in an email or a written report. The Music Spectacular on 26 August in the Concert Hall promises to be more spectacular than usual. If you have never been to one of the Music Concerts, this one is it. Recently the four Special Interest Music Schools in Adelaide (Brighton, Marryatville, Woodville, Playford


International) performed at the Town Hall to celebrate 40 years of Special Music Schools. The performances were extraordinary and more so, when we realise these are all school students and not professional musicians. Brighton music students and music teachers have always shown a commitment to hard work, reflection, practice that delivers outstanding performances. The Year 10 Ski trip promises to be a fun-filled affair especially as the snow is looking good. continued on page 2


FROM THE PRINCIPAL continued The upcoming Q and A event in the Theatre on 14 September is being organised by Brighton’s White Ribbon male Student Ambassadors supported by Assistant Principal, Jill Brindley. The audience will be students invited from our school, other Secondary schools across Adelaide as well as our neighbouring Independent schools. There will be 5 students on the panel along with politicians (hopefully the Minister for Education and Child Development, the Hon. Susan Close), police and community leaders. Unlike the last Q and A we ran in 2014, this one will be during the day to permit student attendance. The South Australian Living Artists (SALA) opens at Brighton in the Concert Hall foyer on Tuesday 15 August. We expect it to be of the usual high standard to which we have become accustomed under the leadership of Arts Coordinator, Yasmin Paterson. Information about Parents in Education Week 18 to 22 September can be found on If you would like to sit in on a class during that week please contact Last week I was invited to speak about our school in Palm Cove to the Queensland Far North Principals. Queensland is about to have external examinations having not had any since 1973. They were interested in what we do in the Middle School to prepare for success in the Senior School. One of the other presenters who was speaking at the end of the day after lunch, showed this You Tube clip to represent how we the audience may be receiving him: Sleepy Meerkat. I thought you may enjoy it as much as I?


12-19 Year 10 Ski trip 15

SALA Opening


Music - Linkage Performance


Music - Ellington Jazz Festival


Poetry presentation

22 Years 10-12 Parent / Student / Teacher interviews 3.00pm - 8.00pm by appointment 23-24 Music Spectacular Rehearsals 23-24 Band Festival 25 Year 10 PLP Focus half day – subject counselling 25

Closing date out-of-zone SIM applications


Music Spectacular Concerts


Finance meeting 5.45pm


School Counselling Years 10>11


I thank those parents who communicate with the teachers and with me when things are not going as smoothly as they would like, and I also encourage you to provide feedback on things that you value, to help us continue doing the right things and stop doing those that are not so productive.


ubject Confirmation Day (Year 10 & 11 S subject confirmation appointments)


Year 8 & 9 Challenge Activity (no school)

Olivia O’Neill Principal


World Peace Day


SIV Year 7 in-zone trial 1


SIV out-of-zone trials Years 8-11


Governing Council 7.00pm


Music Stage 2 Solos


Year 12 trial exams

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Amelia Agar, Year 9, on her recent selection in the SSSSA State Under 15 Netball team. Amelia has just returned from South Africa where she represented Australia in the Under 15 team of the World Indoor Netball Federation’s Junior World Series.


Music out-of-zone SIM auditions


Student Free Day (Staff Training)


School Closure Day

11-17 Primary Schools Music Festival

William Bowering, Year 10, who was selected to represent the Under 16 Gillespie Cricket Academy at an international tournament in the United Kingdom in July. In addition he has recently been selected in the Cricket Australia Rookie Pathway program.

12-15 Year 12 trial exams

Isabelle Mason, Year 9, who was chosen for the Australian figure skating team to compete in Hong Kong.

18-22 Year 12 Drama Production

Ali Janabi, Year 10, who recently competed in the International Downhill Racing Federation competition in Melbourne. This sport involves high speed racing downhill on skateboards and is a recognised international event. Competitors came from many overseas countries including the USA, Brazil, France, England, Africa and Czech Republic. Ali achieved a second place in the overall competition!


SIV Year 7 in-zone trial 2


& A Event in Brighton Theatre, Q 11.30am - 12.00pm

14 Music Stage 2 Ensemble performance 18

Year 9 SIV Challenge


Music Stage 2 Solos


Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits Aquatics

20-22 Year 12 Drama performances 20

Percussion Showcase


Year 11 Outdoor Education Aquatics


Year 9 Focus Day


Year 8 Immunisations


Caledonia trip departs

25-27 Music SACE Final performances 26

Drug and Alcohol Education, 7.30pm


Oz Asia Day


Kokoda trip departs


End of Term 3, 1.00pm dismissal


European tour

departs 2pm Percussion Ensemble 2 Flute Ensemble Guitar Ensemble Treble Choir Beachfront Hub Sinfonia James Brown 2 Big Band 2

departs 7pm


Boys Chamber Choir Percussion Ensemble 1 Concert Choir Bel Canto Recorder Ensemble James Brown 1 Symphony Orchestra Concert Band Tour Choir Big Band 1

MATINEE Down Stairs: $15 Up Stairs: $10 Children: $5 EVENING Down Stairs: $20 Up Stairs: $15 Children: $5

Tickets go on sale 14th Aug. from student reception



MUSIC NEWS Chaplains’ Concert Saturday 24th June saw the annual Chaplains’ Concert take place in the Brighton Concert Hall. Roland Dankbaar conducted Brighton’s Sinfonia in a dazzling first half which included Vivaldi’s Concerto in D Major featuring: Niamh Michael-Roubos, John Knott, Michaela Sales and Mina Johansson on violin; Alison Marton on cello; Spencer Marshall on double bass; Jereyll Chia and Ben Cook on violin and harpsichord; and Leah Komad-Antic on harpsichord. The second half of the concert was presented by the Brighton Secondary Symphony Orchestra in a program strongly linked to the theatre. Special mention must be made of soloists Esmond Choi and Jim Zhang, and compere Duncan Vecchiarelli.

Showcase 1 Congratulations to all music staff and students for presenting such an entertaining and proficient snapshot of Semester 1 learning in Years 8-10. All year level choirs, bands, string ensembles and percussion ensembles performed one piece to a full house on Tuesday 4th July. In a survey of all Year 8 students following this event, we were delighted to discover that their initial expectations of the music program have been met and that most feel they have had enough performing opportunities.

Combined Special Interest Music Centres’ 40th Anniversary Concert (29th June) In one of the most inspiring events ever staged by the four Special Interest Music Centres, this 40th Anniversary Concert in Adelaide Town Hall left the audience with nothing but praise and admiration for these dedicated students. Brighton students were involved in the Combined Brass Ensemble, the Combined Orchestra, the Combined Choir and Brighton’s Big Band 1. Billy James and Mark CameronSmith worked tirelessly behind the scenes directing the combined stage crew.

State Music Camp The State Music Camp was an amazing and fun experience that gave me many great memories. The week of music camp was intense and busy, but I enjoyed working with many different people in the Alexander Orchestra to create wonderful music. The music was fun and engaging and I had fun playing the pieces with the whole orchestra. The conductor and flute tutors were amazing people who helped me develop my skills throughout the week. I became friends with some amazingly talented people who were my age and it was great to work with them and get to know them. The actual concert was incredible, and every ensemble performed superbly. The Alexander Orchestra played amazingly and it really was worth all the hard work we did over the week. I would recommend other people to do State Music Camp because it is a lot of fun and you get to work with so many talented people and learn new skills and techniques.

Glenelg Rotary Changeover Dinner At a formal function to announce and celebrate the change of presidency for the Rotary Club, Brighton Year 11 student Yoni RexMcGirr, accompanied by staff member Deanna Whelan, provided background music for the guests as they arrived at the event. Held at the prestigious Glenelg Golf Club, Yoni and Mrs Whelan greeted guests with the warm and soothing sounds of Jazz. We heartily congratulate Sarah Walsh on her succession as the Club’s president.

Koni-Jane Hui Year 10 Student



MUSIC NEWS continued Royal Society for the Blind Concert Following on from their visit last year, members of the Royal Society for the Blind returned for a short concert presented by the Year 9 Choirs and Strings, and soloists Esmond Choi, Serena Duke, Emma Richardson and Yoni Rex-McGirr. This performance on the second day of Term 3 gave students the opportunity to provide a valued community service as musicians and bring joy into people’s lives while gaining an insight into the work of the Royal Society for the Blind.

You’re the Voice! In Term 2, Brighton Secondary School took part in a nationwide project to sing out against domestic violence. 2500 choristers took to the stage in Brisbane to raise awareness of domestic violence and to show their support for its victims by singing John Farnham’s iconic song, “You’re the Voice”. Behind the stage were a live stream and a compilation of choirs from across the country, including Brighton’s Year 9 Core Music and Special Interest Music students, who sang out to show their support. The stage was shared by Katie Noonan, Kate Ceberano and of course John Farnham. Whilst domestic violence is unfortunately very high in Australia, it was fantastic to see Brighton students working towards changing these statistics through the positive medium of music. Andrew Barrett Head of Music

SUBJECT COUNSELLING TERM 3 Important Dates for Course Counselling: • Thursday 31st August (Week 6) - Year 10’s only from 1.40pm - 3.15pm, Year 10 & 11 from 3.30pm - 7.30pm • Friday 1st September (Week 6) - Subject Conference Day, 8.30am - 3.10pm • Friday 1st September (Week 6) - Year 8 and 9 students will complete a self-directed challenge task at home on this day as part of their Personal Learning Plan requirements. You will receive details via a letter early next term. In Term 3 students will be using extended home group to investigate subject choices for 2018, including VET courses for senior students. Students will also understand how SACE works and what information is needed to know more about further study such as at University or TAFE. For further enquires please contact Tristan Kouwenhoven (Senior School Assistant Principal) or Hayley Reid (Career and Personal Development Coordinator).

YEAR 8 JAPANESE RESTAURANT EXCURSION On Thursday 15th June 2017, the Year 8 students from フリンク (Flink), かわぐち (Kawaguchi) and カリスト (Callisto) sensei’s classes, studying in the full year Japanese course, went to the Miyako Ginza restaurant for a lunch. This trip was related to the inquiry study of traditional Japanese foods たへもの (tabemono). Miyako Ginza’s is a formal Japanese restaurant which is very beautifully decorated with Japanese shoji screens. All students got to experience various cultural practices. For example, all students took their shoes off before entering the room and sat at low tables. Students were served by waiters dressed in traditional Japanese kimono and ate all their food with chopsticks.

Some of the おべんとう (obentou) box meal options were chicken, fish, てんぷら (tempura - deep fried foods) and とうふ tofu. In addition, each obentou included vegetables, さしみ sashimi and つけもの tsukemono (pickled vegetables). All the food tasted delicious. Whilst eating with はし chopsticks was a challenging and new experience for many students, everyone managed to finish and enjoy their meal. Overall, the excursion to Miyako Ginza was an exciting new experience for all of the students. It was a good opportunity to try several new foods and experience the uniqueness of Japanese culture and language. Everyone enjoyed the excursion and would definitely recommend the experience. ありがとう (thankyou) to our sensei’s for providing this opportunity. Chanel Sando and Chelsea Doyle Year 8 Students

TENPIN BOWLING CHALLENGE Late last term approximately 40 students represented Brighton in the Southern Zone Tenpin Bowling Challenge. All students participated with great enthusiasm. Brighton enjoyed success on the day with one of our teams winning the girls event. That team consisted of the following students: Ashleigh Radbourne, Erin Taylor, Taylee Kerr, Mackenzie Egglestone and Bridie Inns. Brighton also had some of the best individual scores. Bridie Inns and Rachael Brown drew for the highest girls score. Alexandra Woodforde had the second highest score on the day. Josh Kavenagh achieved the highest boys score.



CAREER NEWS Year 10 Personal Learning Plan (PLP) Industry Guest Speakers On 16th June as part of their Personal Learning Plan (PLP), the Year 10’s were involved in an Industry Guest Speaker event. Students chose two speakers to listen to, where they found out more about their career and how they got involved in that particular industry. Speakers covered topics such as: • Courses delivered • Careers linked to courses • Types of skills and personal attributes needed in that industry • What is involved in a typical work day • Related occupations • Possibilities for work experience/volunteering • School subjects that may help or compliment the course/job We had representatives that covered varied careers such as Allied Health, Disability Care, Gaming, Automotive, Nursing, Psychology, Apprenticeships, Electricians, Hairdressing and Beauty, Sport and Recreation, Visual Effects and Entertainment design and becoming a Pilot.

Coming up... Flinders University Open Day on Friday 18th August. Hayley Reid Coordinator Career Development & Personalised Learning

OLD SCHOLAR NEWS Jackson Holland, Special Interest Volleyball Captain in 2016 and Open Honours Boys captain, is currently in Canberra training full time at the Australian Institute of Sport Volleyball Centre of Excellence, working hard towards the next phase in his life, either playing professionally overseas or playing and studying overseas. He is eagerly awaiting a reply from the Canadian colleges he has applied to for an athletic scholarship in Volleyball, hoping to commence studies and play volleyball in Canada.

DRUG AND ALCOHOL EDUCATION On Tuesday 26th September Paul Dillon will speak to Years 10, 11 & 12 students, staff and to interested parents in the evening at 7.30pm in the Brighton Concert Hall. Introducing Paul Dillon – Drug and Alcohol Research Training Australia (DARTA). Paul Dillon has been working in the area of drug education for the past 25 years. Through his own business, Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) he has been contracted by many agencies and organisations across the country to give regular updates on current drug trends within the community. He continues to work with many school communities across the country to ensure that they have access to good quality information and best practice drug education. An ex-school teacher, Paul has an interest in working with young people, and regularly provides drug information sessions and workshops to students across the country. The following is an excerpt from Paul’s latest Blog: The importance of having the ‘alcohol and other drug talk’: One mother’s plea for others not to wait until it is too late. The full blog can be found on his DARTA Twitter or Facebook sites. There are lots of opportunities for parents to introduce the issue of alcohol and other drugs to their children. Rather than setting aside a specific time in the day to sit down with your child and raise the topic, thus making the whole experience like a school lesson, parents should look for opportunities in everyday life to talk about the issue. Here are just a couple of tips to consider to help start the conversation or ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible: Start the conversation in the car. There’s no better place to discuss a difficult issue than when it’s just you and your teen (or pre-teen) in a car - they can’t get away and they don’t have to look at you! Start by talking about their peers and what they’re doing. Young people can get very defensive when you ask them about their behaviour but they’re often more than happy to talk about others. It can even be easier if you talk about classmates and not their friendship group - they’re much more likely to tell you about those kids that they don’t particularly like and what they think about their behaviour. Use what you see in the media to start the conversation. Unlike the talk in the car, this is best done in a family context. News stories, movies and TV programs, even popular music can contain alcohol and other drug themes – asking a simple question about something you’ve just seen or heard while watching TV and getting their views on it can plant a seed that you can use at a later date.

plays in your life and the rules you follow when you drink, e.g., you never drink and drive. Ask them what rules do they think they will have when they get older and they choose to drink. What rules do they think would be important? Don’t try to cover everything in one talk. The first couple of chats (possibly even grunts from their end!) may just be about trying to find out what they’re thinking about the issue and their level of exposure. Setting rules and boundaries at this time could be problematic. You should certainly clarify your expectations around their behaviour in this area if it is appropriate to do so, but try to discuss your values in a more general sense rather than explicitly laying down rules at this time.

PARENT / STUDENT / TEACHER CONFERENCES • The next Parent / Student / Teacher conference for Years 10, 11 & 12 students will be held on Tuesday 22nd August, 3.00pm - 8.00pm. Information regarding booking arrangements for these interviews will be sent home soon. • The next Parent / Student / Teacher conference for Years 8 and 9 students will be held on Tuesday 17th October, 3.00pm - 8.00pm (Term 4). Information regarding booking arrangements for these interviews will be sent home late in Term 3.

Use your own alcohol use as a conversation starter. If you drink wine with the family meal or you have a brown paper bag with a couple of bottles in it under your arm when you go out socialising, take the opportunity at that time to quickly discuss the role alcohol



THINK BRIGHT Welcome to Semester 2. It has been a busy Semester 1 for the Think Bright classes with a number of activities running over semester 1. These include the Fringe ‘Try Again’ excursion for the Years 8 and 9, the Year 8 Trebuchet CBL task between Science and History where the students created Trebuchets as part of their History task with Mr Egan and then analysed their energy transfer capabilities with Ms Shattock in Science. Additionally, Ms Shattock ran the Year 8 ‘Cell metaphor’ invitational afternoon, where students showcased their products from the cell metaphor task. Some of the examples included a solar system, an ‘Operation’-style game, a card game based on army hierarchies and lots more! Many of these have been entered into the Oliphant Science Awards being judged late August. The Year 9 class have been working in Science on a ‘Mini worlds’ challenge based upon their understandings of ecosystems, where they have to design, produce and construct a terrarium from geometric shapes, which will ultimately be laser cut and constructed from acrylic so that they can design their own mini world. Some students will be showcasing this at the Southern STEM Expo this term. Additionally, Mr Tubb’s Year 10 students worked on a sustainable living on Mars project - Space Farming, with a very interesting hydroponics design showcased for the Open day. Ms Bakuszowski’s Year 8 Maths class have worked through a number of interesting projects including the Bake Sale and the more recent Snowflakes and Spheros task, where they applied their understandings of the maths curriculum, to coding in Scratch and then programing Sphero robots to roll through paint creating their giant snowflakes. This task presented a particularly excellent opportunity for computational and problem solving thinking, in addition to drawing from knowledge of angles and degrees. Ms Bakuszowski was then asked to present this unit at the Girls in STEM showcase event at the Educational Development Centre to a high level of both teacher and student interest. Mr Egan recently ran the Write a Book in a Day event where students committed 12 continuous hours to design, write and produce a hardcopy book constrained to parameters such as inclusion of key words, word counts and certain themes. We had some very quirky entries owing to the strict briefs, which is testament to the ingenuity and creativity our students exhibit. Overall, this event was a monumental effort, both on behalf of the staff and students and congratulations is due to all who participated. Semester 2 is shaping up to be even more exciting and challenging for the whole team. The Year 8 class begin their F1 in Schools and CAD unit, the Year 9’s the Challenge Based Learning (CBL) unit and the Year 10s the STE(A)M unit, in addition to their core classes of Science, English and Maths. In Week 3, Think Bright students will be participating in the MASA Quiz night to be held at ASMS, showcasing work at the southern STEM Expo in Week 4 and many students have entries in the Oliphant science awards across multiple categories (and that’s just the first few weeks!). It is certainly shaping up to be an exciting semester! Sam Moyle Coordinator Creative & Critical Thinking Programs

YEAR 8 VOLLEYBALL CHALLENGE The SIV Year 8 students participated in the Heathfield Challenge at Heathfield High School. We took a bus to the School and then played three games as well as umpiring. We learnt and improved on working well together as a team, we improved our skills level and most importantly we had fun! Casey Searle and Gabrielle Birt Year 8 Students

YEAR 10 KNOCKOUT VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS The Year 10 Boys knockout Volleyball team defeated Heathfield High School in the final 2-0 . Despite a few hiccups in the preliminary rounds resulting in very up and down game play with some close matches the guys definitely played as a complete team in the final with everyone contributing to such a great result. Stand out player in the final was Oliver Klos. A well deserved victory. Tara Olonga Volleyball Teacher

The Year 10 Girls knockout Volleyball finals saw teams from around the state come to Brighton Secondary School to compete for the title of 2017 Champion School. Six schools competed with Brighton and Heathfield showing their strength to play off in a high quality grand final. Although Heathfield showed some strength, Brighton were too consistent in their attack and never allowed Heathfield to get into their groove. An amazing team effort saw Brighton lead from the start and never look in trouble, taking Gold 2 sets to 0. An impressive display of volleyball. Ben Smith Volleyball Coach



YEAR 10 SOUTH COAST TOUR In week 8 of Term 2, Year 10 Special Interest Volleyball students travelled to Victor Harbor for the South Coast Tour. In the period of the three days that we were on the trip we visited Hallett Cove R-12 School, Reynella East College, Victor Harbor High School and Seaford Secondary College. We played with and against students from these schools. We ran coaching sessions to assist in teaching the game and building friendships with students we will hopefully see in the future at tournaments. We split into ‘tribes’ made up of a mixture of boys and girls and participated in a variety of activities designed to stretch our problem solving and teamwork skills. The ‘Master Chef’ desert challenge (with fruit as the hero) was a highlight. The quality of banners produced in that competition were amazing. Paint-balling was something everybody enjoyed.

The option to eat together as a big group in the local restaurants was a great experience. Schnitzels were the most popular choice. It was excellent to share a meal like this with friends from school and the volleyball teachers. At both venues, locals and staff commented on the exemplary way we conducted ourselves at dinner. Overall the trip was really enjoyable and everyone loved the experience. Thank you to the volleyball staff for all the planning and hard work – you made it a memorable time. Mitch Riddle Year 10 Student



STAGE 1 OUTDOOR EDUCATION The Outdoor Education classes have been preparing for their Robe surf camp. We had a half day excursion at Southport learning surfing techniques and safety in the surf. At Somerton Beach we experienced stand up paddle boarding SUP and engaged in activities developing some paddling fitness.

STAGE 2 PHYSICAL EDUCATION On 27th July, the Stage 2 Physical Education class welcomed ex-Thunderbird netballer Erin Bell for a skills session. Erin took the class through a variety of drills designed to improve footwork, spacing and balance. The session was enjoyable and challenging. We wish Erin all the very best with her move interstate to play for Collingwood next season. Lori Mulhall Stage 2 Physical Education Teacher



VISUAL ARTS NEWS SALA – ‘Creatives 17’ Our South Australian Living Artists (SALA) exhibition is coming up this term and will be opened on Tuesday 15th August at 5.00pm in the Brighton Concert Hall foyer. Our theme this year ‘Creatives 17’ will reflect very diverse creative responses by the school community. Staff and students are participating and this should be a great exhibition. We are offering encouragement awards in each year level, kindly donated by Eckersleys‘ Art Supplies. Refreshments will be available at the opening and we welcome parents and friends to our exhibition. Students and staff still have time to register their work. See your Art/Design teacher for details. The exhibition will be open at lunchtimes for viewing until the 18th August.

Senior Secondary Schools Drawing Exhibition at the Art Gallery of SA Congratulations to Gilbert Richardson and Kiara Koch, Year 11 students, who are exhibiting in this major drawing exhibition at the Art Gallery of SA on Friday 4th August. Each year the Art Gallery of SA hosts a range of drawing workshops covering Portrait Drawing, Fashion Illustration and Life Drawing. Attending students were Violet Mawby, Isabel Gregory, Kienna Huish-Bidgood, Kitty Otter, Kiara Koch and Gilbert Richardson. The Art Gallery program for students extends to the Neo events which are exciting celebrations of dance and art and free to all young people. (Register with Neo through the Art Gallery of SA).

New projects this term Many lively art projects are well on the way this term and the art rooms reflect rich and creative learning. Amongst the topics: Year 8: Studies through the Tiwi Islands Year 10: Pop Art and Waste; Consumerism; Cubist still life studies; Surrealist views of our times; sea themed painting explorations; the Elements and Creative Principles of Composition through mixed media; Graphic and Product Design. Year 11: Visual Studies using Sketchup programs; focussed explorations of Artists’ ideas and creative processes. Yasmin Paterson Coordinator The Arts



School Community Rewards Launch Offer Open your account online, link it to School Community Rewards and start saving today!


How your family can be rewarded... Limited to the first 100 Brighton Secondary School families only. One offer per family.

$50 opening bonus2

Step 1 Open a new Credit Union SA Access Account and Netsave Account, then activate your Access Account card to receive one $50 Officeworks gift card per family.2

$50 extra bonus3

Step 2 A parent makes a booking for an obligation-free financial health check. At the conclusion of the appointment, receive an additional $50 Officeworks gift card per family.3

gift card

To open an account, make an appointment or to find out more, call the School Community Rewards team on 8202 7657 or visit:

This offer is current as at 13 June 2017 and can be withdrawn at any time. Limited to one offer per Brighton Secondary School family. 2 The gift card will be provided within 30 days of opening the Access Account and Netsave Account, and the activation of the rediCARD or Visa debit card linked to the Access Account. 3 Appointment booking must be made within 30 days of opening the Access Account and Netsave Account. This is general advice only. Before acquiring any financial product you should consider whether or not it is suitable for you. Conditions and fees apply and are available upon request. Products and services are issued by Credit Union SA unless otherwise stated. Credit Union SA Ltd, ABN 36 087 651 232, AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 241066. Credit Union SA Centre, Level 3, 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 170519-Brighton




Families and educators working together

18 to 22 September 2017 Free speaker sessions for parents Learn practical tips and easy ways to support children’s learning at every age and stage. 7:00pm to 8:45pm The Adelaide Entertainment Centre – Star Room

Tuesday 19 September

Wednesday 20 September

Minister Susan Close, Dr Kristin Alford, Niki Buchan, Jodie Benveniste An evening with Minister Susan Close and guests

Thursday 21 September

Professor Lea Waters

Dr Justin Coulson

Unlocking your child’s potential and learning through strengthbased parenting

9 Ways to a Resilient Child Learn how to build a strong connection with your child

The 21st Century child

Get involved!

In person

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