Brighton Secondary School Newsletter September 2017

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IN THIS ISSUE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Diary Dates........................................2 F1 in Schools....................................3 Congratulations...............................4 NAPLAN Update..............................4 Japanese Study Tour......................4 Drug and Alcohol Education..........5 International Student Program.....6 Music News......................................8 Sport News.................................... 12 Rock Climbing............................... 13 Volleyball News............................. 14 Poetry in Action............................. 16 Fashion Design............................. 17 Visual Arts News.......................... 18 Rapid House.................................. 20

Congratulations to the F1 Teams and their teacher, Finn Galindo, for their outstanding success at the Royal Show (please see page 3). Thank you to our Brighton families for your support of staff professional learning on 7th September. I can assure you that the teachers used the time most effectively to increase their knowledge of using technologies in the classroom, as well as honing their skills in moderating assessment tasks to a uniform standard. We are always looking for ways to use technology to transform the tasks that we set for the students, as opposed to simply using the technology as a substitute for pen and paper. Every presentation was useful. Our teachers demonstrated their use of new Apps or approaches

to teaching to share with each other in what we call, Demo Slams. In two minutes we can learn quite a lot about a useful new tool. Workshops included using Google Expeditions with the new Virtual Reality kit - this will be a hit with many students now that the teachers understand how to use it. The teachers who attended the session on using the Google Suite were particularly impressed with its capacity to track when the students have worked on their assignment and for how long. We hope this will assist our communication with families when the student says, “But I worked so hard on

We have successfully met the criteria for another two years to be described as an Apple Distinguished School and all our teachers are working towards being accredited as Apple Educators. To achieve this title, they must meet the assessment criteria of a suite of Apple tools.

305 Brighton Road, North Brighton SA 5048 P:+61 8 8375 8200 E:


it,” and the teacher can explain, that actually, the student started the assignment the night before it was due. Parents will also be able to track the work that their student has done. It is a myth that ‘High-Tech’ works best, but it is an effective a tool to achieve success. Irrespective of our ever-improving technological infrastructure, the students expect us to put relationships first: they expect us to be authentic, to be interested in them and to be flexible in our approaches to helping them meet the requirements of the curriculum. continued on page 2

Clynton Oakley, Kane Hillman, Yong Zhao and David Thomson, at the South Australian Secondary Principal’s Association conference. Yong Zhao is the author of 'World Class Learners' which drives our educational practices.


FROM THE PRINCIPAL continued We thank the presenters: Aimee Shattock, David Adams, Mark Cameron-Smith, Ben Smith, Nima Valamanesh, Graham Brooks, Finn Galindo, Toby Ward, Nicola Martin, Caity Davies and Ben Syme. At the end of last year, our school was reviewed by the Department for Education and Child Development. As I reported then, we received very positive feedback across all areas of the school with areas for improvement outlined in the two directions for the school to work on over the next two years: 1. To create expectations and opportunities for all students to be more responsible for and engaged in their learning, and 2. To embed professional learning that delivers consistent pedagogical and assessment practices across the school, to challenge all students to achieve their potential. I think you can see from these directions that the focus is on the student doing the work (not the teacher) and the student’s engagement with school and school work. You may find the Grattan Institute Report on Engaging Students: Creating classrooms that improve learning of interest. I am seeking your opinion about how successful we are with regard to student engagement.

I am also most interested in your opinion about the best structure for the Pastoral Care Program and the Home Groups. As you know your child is in a Home Group which is in one of four Houses (Buffalo, Cygnet, Holdfast and Rapid). If the Home Group code says, 0902B, this means he/she is in Year 9 and the second class of Year 9 students in the Buffalo House. (There are three Home Groups at each year level in each House.) Thus, the students are in a ‘small school’ within a large school. The students can see older students in their House and they can compete against other Year 9 students from the other three Houses. To date we have had House competitions in a range of activities including Sports’ Day which all go to a points’ tally to be presented with the House Shield at the end of the year at the Charities and Recognition Assembly - a prestigious event. There has been discussion amongst the staff about whether we can improve on this model. I shall be sending out a survey that I am hopeful most families will answer. We are also having conversations with students and staff about what improvements will benefit students. Olivia O’Neill Principal





Year 8 Immunisations


SIV Year 11 Aquatics


Year 8 & 9 Panels


New Caledonia trip departs


Year 10 classes conclude

25-27 Music SACE Final performances

2 Valedictory, 7.00pm, Adelaide Convention Centre


SIV Melbourne trip


Drug and Alcohol Education, 7.30pm

6-10 Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits camp


Governing Council 7.00pm


Kokoda trip departs


Year 12 Exams begin


Australian Business Week


End of Term 3, 1.00pm dismissal


Governing Council 7.00pm


International Music Tour returns


New Music night


Last day of school year, 1.00pm dismissal


Year 12 Art / Design Exhibition


Music Stage 1 Solo Performance


SIV Year 8 / 9 Knockout at Heathfield High School


Remembrance Day Music performance



Students commence Term 4

17 Parent / Student / Teacher conferences Years 8 & 9, 3.00-8.00pm by appointments 20

Year 11 Ekiden Relay


Lift Dance 7.00pm


Lift Dance 7.00pm


SIV in school lunchtime trials Years 8-10 only



United Nations Day


24-27 Year 11 Outdoor Education camp 27 Year 10s Musical / Drama matinee & evening performance 27

Jazz Cabaret


Finance meeting, 5.45pm

30-31 Peer Leadership training 31-2 Year 11 Outdoor Education camp

13 VSA Year 8 / 9 Beach Volleyball comp at Glenelg Music Showcase 2

14-16 Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits camp Year 9 Aquatics

16 Year 11 Drama matinee and Evening performance 17

Charities & Recognition assembly, 9.00am


Sports Presentation Evening, 7.00pm


Maker Faire exhibition


Year 12 exams conclude


Year 11 lessons conclude


International Music tour departs


Finance meeting 5.45pm


Year 11 Summative exam week


Year 7 visit


Shakespeare Festival for Year 10s


Year 8 & 9 panels

F1 IN SCHOOLS Over the Adelaide Show week 11 students from Brighton Secondary School competed at the F1 in schools competition State Finals, their first competitive step into the largest and most successful school-based STEM program in the world. Post Award Ceremony the exhaustion was palpable, countless hours, blood sweat and tears had been dedicated to creating a competitive and well-oiled F1 engineering team. Their hard work though had paid off. Not only did the three teams, one in each division win multiple awards such as 'Best Engineered, Best Engineered CAD, Fastest Lap, Best Verbal Presentation, Best Industry Collaboration' but they also took the state champions title with all 3 teams winning their division. Following their success and well deserved break of just a few days the teams are now gearing up to the National Finals in Launceston Tasmania early next year with their sights set firmly on the world finals. Finn Galindo F1 in Schools Teacher



CONGRATULATIONS Ryan Lowrie, Year 8, selected for the State Under 15 Rugby Union team, representing the state at the National Under 15 Junior Gold Cup to be held in Sydney. Thomas Lightfoot, Year 9, competing in the SA state team at the National Surf Life Saving Pool Rescue championships. Thomas has also been selected to represent SA at the State Teams Short Course Swimming championships at the AIS in Canberra. Josh Redmond, Year 8, selected for the State Under 15 Rugby Union team, representing the state at the National Under 15 Junior Gold Cup to be held in Sydney.

NAPLAN UPDATE STUDENT REPORTS 2017 BSS Year 9 NAPLAN Student Reports are being posted home Term 3, Week beginning 11th September. NAPLAN is designed to provide data on students’ literacy and numeracy achievements. It complements school assessment and provides nationally comparable data. They are not pass/fail tests. Students are provided with an indication of where their results are on the common assessment scale. The Student Report also indicates the skills and understandings that students are expected to demonstrate at each band of the scale. The same scale is used for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 so you will be able to track your child’s progress over the years. NAPLAN results provide a snapshot of student performance on the days of the tests. There are many reasons why students may not have performed to the best of their ability, such as illness or other distractions. Equally, some students may perform much better than expected when compared against their regular classroom assessment results. If your child’s results are either higher or lower than you expected, you should discuss these results with his/her English and/ or Maths teacher in the first instance. In addition, you can contact: • Femia Bakuszowski – Maths Coordinator • Deborah Smith – English and EAL Coordinator. More information about NAPLAN tests and the National Assessment Program can be found by visiting the NAP website ( Deborah Smith English and EAL Coordinator

HAKUO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDY TOUR In Week 1 and 2 of Term 3, Brighton Secondary School hosted 16 students from Hakuo Junior High School. These students attended school with BSS buddies and stayed in the homes of our generous BSS families. This is a very important intercultural and language experience for both Hakuo and Brighton Secondary School students. While here, the Hakuo students had English language lessons, went into their buddy’s classes, cooked Anzac biscuits and played football. They also visited Cleland National Park and Hahndorf, and spent a day in the city where they visited Adelaide Oval, the Torrens River Bank, the Museum, Rundle Mall and the Central Market. A highlight for students was the visit from ‘Animals Anonymous’ where they were able to hold Australian animals and reptiles. The tour finished with a farewell ceremony with families, buddies and students. A special thank you to the school buddies and the homestay families who committed their own time to ensure the success of this program again this year. Lynlee Graham Coordinator International Student Program

DRUG AND ALCOHOL EDUCATION On Tuesday 26th September Paul Dillon will speak to Years 10, 11 and 12 students, staff and to interested parents in the evening at 7.30pm in the Brighton Concert Hall. Introducing Paul Dillon – Drug and Alcohol Research Training Australia (DARTA). Paul Dillon has been working in the area of drug education for the past 25 years. Through his own business, Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) he has been contracted by many agencies and organisations across the country to give regular updates on current drug trends within the community. He continues to work with many school communities across the country to ensure that they have access to good quality information and best practice drug education. An ex-school teacher, Paul has an interest in working with young people, and regularly provides drug information sessions and workshops to students across the country. Year 10 – Lessons 1 & 2 Young people, alcohol and risk taking: Looking after your mates This introductory presentation focuses primarily on alcohol and attempts to debunk some of the myths in this area, particularly around how to look after friends. In an effort to ensure that young people are able to make healthier choices, it provides accurate, upto-date and credible information, including the latest prevalence rates of alcohol and other drug use by secondary school students, the risks associated with drinking spirits, as well as the dangers associated with the disinhibiting effect of alcohol. Basic life skills will also be discussed around alcohol-related emergencies, particularly in regards to looking after themselves and their friends. Year 11 – Lessons 3 & 4 Alcohol and cannabis: What if something goes wrong? Building on the information delivered in the Year 10 session, this presentation again focuses on the risks around alcohol use for young people, as well as introducing information on cannabis. Practical strategies around ‘looking after your friends’ will be reviewed and additional information provided. Potential harms associated with cannabis use will be discussed, with a particular emphasis on its impact on mental health. Students will then be given some warning signs to look out for in friends who may be experiencing problems with their cannabis use. The presentation will also examine the impact of alcohol on the adolescent brain.

Year 12 – Starting at 1.00pm Last year at school: What do I need to know about alcohol and other drugs? Many Year 12 students will now be driving or about to get their licence so drink driving and the process of random breath-testing (RBT), as well as roadside (RDT) or mobile drug testing (MDT) will be discussed in this presentation. This is the final opportunity to discuss illicit drugs such as ecstasy and some basic information will be provided, including the impact that being caught with an illicit substance can have on a young person’s life and the importance of seeking help as quickly as possible should something go wrong. Where appropriate, issues around attending Schoolies Week celebrations may be covered. Parent Presentation – Concert Hall – 7.30pm Teenagers, alcohol and other drugs 2017: How much influence do parents really have? Using the latest Australian Secondary Students Alcohol and Drug (ASSAD) survey results this presentation focuses primarily on the use of alcohol by school-based young people, although illicit drug use will also be briefly discussed. It will have a particular focus on the changes in patterns of alcohol use by young people that have occurred in recent years. There will also be a close examination of the positive influence that parents can have on their child’s drinking behaviour, as well as the barriers that they may face during adolescence. It aims to empower parents with a positive message and assist them in having open and honest family discussions in this complex area. Further information will be sent home to parents via email.

PARENT / STUDENT / TEACHER - CONFERENCES The next Parent / Student / Teacher conference for Years 8 and 9 students will be held on Tuesday 17th October, 3.00pm – 8.00pm (Term 4). Information regarding booking arrangements for these interviews will be sent home late in Term 3.



INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROGRAM In Term 3, we welcomed 26 new international students to Brighton Secondary School from 10 different countries. Some will be with us with the view to complete the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) while others are here for 1, 2 or 4 terms. We welcome from: AUSTRIA

Max Lechner


Luiza Risso, Pedro Sartori, Victor Soares Teixeria

CHINA Li (Vivian) Jingying, Li (Joyce) Liuying, Xuanzhe (Alan) Liu, Ren (Chloe) Chunying, Wang (Harry) Haoyu, Zhang (Jerry) Xujia, Zhang (Jason) Jiabin, Zou (Charles) Muhan GERMANY

ntonia Gerstein, Nele Leykum, Vivienne Meis, A Nadine Moser, Karina Peisker


Aki Moriiwa, Yu Wakai, Yuto Yamamoto


Tova Olsson


Nisachon Srasom

VIETNAM Thanh Thao Dau, Doan Hong Phat (John) Pham, Duc Tuyen (Bobby) Tran

International students provide our school community with: • opportunities to develop a broader view of the world • increased ‘real life’ opportunities to learn about and engage with students from outside Australia • meaningful opportunities to converse in and practise a different language, and • opportunities to make global connections and provide more of a global perspective to learning.

Orientation Program Brighton Secondary School provides all new international students with a quality orientation program which is undertaken in a supportive learning environment at the beginning of each semester. Students are provided with information on student visas, health cover, personal safety, finance, homestay, travel, essential services and Australian culture. The feedback from students and agents has been very positive as students have time to absorb the information that is vital to the success and enjoyment of their stay in Australia. This term, all new international students travelled to the Adelaide Hills, visiting Cleland National Park and then visited the city to have lunch and explore the Central Market. A visit from Animals Anonymous had students learning about native Australian animals with a hands-on experience. Lynlee Graham Coordinator International Student Program



MUSIC NEWS Music Spectacular While Term 3 was incredibly busy for music staff and students, the two Music Spectacular concerts were undoubtedly our main focus. In these matinee and evening performances on Saturday 26th August, we took the themes 'The Americas' and 'European Vacation' as far as possible, transforming the foyer and Concert Hall into a departure lounge and 400-seat Dreamliner as we took audiences on a journey to faraway destinations. It was a massive team effort and I wish to congratulate all involved for their contributions. Andrew Barrett Head of Music



MUSIC NEWS continued Community Performances On the 25th July, a group from the Royal Society for the Blind attended a concert presented predominantly by Year 9 Core Music students. In their debut performance for the year, the Guitar Ensemble directed by Mark Cameron-Smith performed at the Brighton Church of Christ on the 8th August in conjunction with Stephen Badger, Esmond Choi, Emma Richardson and Jim Zhang. In a regular calendar event for Brighton Secondary School, seven of our SACE students (Esmond Choi, Alevia Evci, Olivia Hallam, Jessica Hok, Charlotte Rayner, Yoni Rex-McGirr and Emma Richardson) performed for the LINKAGE group at the Holdfast Baptist Church to hone their skills before their performance exams. Finally, the Amoroso String Quartet and Alex Witty performed in the foyer of the National Wine Centre, for the annual SASPA (South Australian Secondary Principals’ Association) Conference on the 16th and 17th August.

Year 5/10 Band Workshop In week 3, Brighton Secondary School hosted 60 Year 5 students from primary schools across the Southern region. For two hours, the beginner band and the Brighton Secondary Year 10 band played together. Here the junior instrumentalists were provided with the opportunity to meet Year 10s who played their instrument and for the two bands to play pieces such as Fantasy Fiesta, Popcorn Prelude, Ghosts in the Hall, and Tyrannosaurus Rocks! It was a wonderful experience for both the Year 5s and the Year 10s to play to each other and to provide support for each other. This was a great opportunity for the grade 5s to see the long-term benefits of playing a musical instrument and for them to see what can be achieved by continuing to study music into the future. After the success of the morning, we are hoping to continue to hold this event in future years. Jonathon Nelson Year 10 Student

Eisteddfod Results Congratulations to Katerina Angione who was awarded third place in the 14 Years and Under solo section of the Adelaide Flute Eisteddfod. She played Claude Bolling’s Irlandaise, accompanied by Deanna Whelan. Congratulations also to Jessye Campbell who won the Senior Vocal Solo section (classical) and placed second in the Senior Vocal Solo section (non-classical) at the Balaklava Eisteddfod. She was also chosen to perform as a finalist in the Town Hall 'Final Concert'.

Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Little Big Rehearsal Spending a Thursday afternoon in class or rehearsing with some of Adelaide’s finest musicians is never a tough decision for the musos at Brighton Secondary School. On the 17th August, Natalie and Shelby Bertram, Mina Johansson, Stacey Laverty, Eilidh MacPhee, Charlotte Rayner, Emma Richardson and I were granted the opportunity to practise and perform with members of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra for their 'Little Big Rehearsal'. What an experience it was; playing a variety of repertoire including work of Australian composer Elena Kats-Chernin and everyone’s favourite work of John Williams – the main theme of ‘Star Wars’. Conductor Ben Northey (Associate Conductor of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra) had no trouble filling the afternoon with jokes and inspiration for us young musicians and the session concluded with a short concert for parents and friends. Kathryn Schleyer Year 11 Student

Dr Quinton Morris Earlier this term the Brighton String Ensembles were fortunate to spend the day working with Dr Quinton Morris. Dr Morris is the Director of Chamber and Instrumental Music and Associate Professor of Violin and Chamber Music at Seattle University, and travels the world performing solo recitals and teaching thousands of students. Dr Morris challenged the students in Year 8, 9 and 10 and took them out of their comfort zone. He pushed them to play with more energy and commitment, with outstanding results. It was amazing to see how he brought the pieces to life, making connections between the historical context of each piece and our current experiences. Later in the day, students witnessed Dr Morris demonstrate his teachings in a practical setting during a lunchtime recital with pianist Ashley Hribar in the Concert Hall. Dr Morris truly embodied the commitment to performance, energy and expressiveness that he had described in the workshops, and no doubt inspired many of our string students to continue striving for excellence in their playing. Georgie Simmons Music Teacher

Essentially Ellington Down Under On the 16th and 17th August, Brighton Performing Arts Centre played host to the Essentially Ellington Down Under Regional Festival. Big bands and big band directors from around South Australia were invited to attend the competition, band workshops and professional development sessions. This year is the first time the event has been held in South Australia. Our bands were fortunate to have a private workshop with two incredible musicians, adjudicators, and educators from Jazz at the Lincoln Center (New York) – Vincent Gardner and Jerome Jennings. Year 9 student Matthew Adams was particularly lucky to receive a private drum lesson from Jerome Jennings for an hour after the rest of the students had left for the day. Mark Cameron-Smith Music Teacher



SOUTHERN ZONE NETBALL COMPETITION Congratulations to the Open Girls Netball Team on winning the 2017 Premiership against Hamilton. At the final buzzer scores were an even 20-20. In heart stopping overtime Brighton Secondary School really stepped up. The final score was 26-20. This was a fantastic triumph and team effort with every player putting in their all. Thank you to Cindy Rudduck for coaching the Open Team this season. Jason Archer Sport Coordinator

ZONE SOCCER PREMIERS Congratulations to the 8/9 Boys Zone Soccer Team on winning the Premiership. The Boys team defeated Emmaus Christian College 3-1. Thank you to Martin Orchard for coaching the team to success this year. Congratulations to the 8/9 Girls Zone Soccer Team on winning their competition. The Girls team defeated Mitcham Girls High School with a winning score of 2-1 in the final to take out the Premiership. Thank you to Bronny Brooks for coaching the girls team to success this year. Jason Archer Sport Coordinator

ROCK CLIMBING During second semester, the Year 11 Outdoor Education classes undertake a rock-climbing unit. At school, the students learn how to set up a top rope system and how to keep each other safe by belaying. They research different climbing locations around Australia and the world, and the environmental impact climbing has on the area. The students analyse the risks involved with climbing and plan strategies to minimize the risks. The first introductory day rock-climbing was at Morialta Conservation Park. Students experienced the thrill of making it to the top of a climb, abseiling down a cliff-face and supporting each other. Two mornings climbing indoors at Hamilton have followed, which has allowed students to further develop their climbing techniques. A culmination day at Onkaparinga Gorge in Week 8 will be a great opportunity for students to bring together everything they have learnt. Annika Winter Outdoor Education Teacher



VOLLEYBALL QUIZ NIGHT On Saturday 19th August, the Special Interest Volleyball Parent Committee held another fantastic quiz night. The ultimate fundraising goal is to be able to build a shelter over the beach volleyball spectator stands. A crowd of over 250 people attended and it was great to see the number of Volleyball students supporting the night as well. There was certainly a strong community feel in the room and the laughter and fun echoed throughout the night! Approximately $6700 was raised on the night, along with another $1000 from the selling of People’s Choice Lottery tickets. A big thank you to those families who donated gifts of wine, chocolates etc for prizes. It was greatly appreciated. A huge shout out to the Volleyball Parent Committee members who worked tirelessly to organise such a successful event. These events don’t happen without the generosity of spirit from parents! We would like to acknowledge the following sponsors: • Peter Shearer Men's Wear • CMI Toyota • SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre • Selling SA Homes - Ashley Williams • Corey Wingard • Royal Adelaide Show • RAA • Richmond Hotel City • Adelaide Oval • SIV Committee Sue Rodger Coordinator Special Interest Volleyball

VOLLEYBALL SCHOOLS CUP 2017 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN VOLLEYBALL SCHOOLS CUP CHAMPION SCHOOL At the recent three day Schools Cup Volleyball Championship competition Brighton Secondary School entered 288 students in 32 teams, playing in venues across Adelaide from Mt Lofty to Campbelltown. At the end of the weekend we had achieved nine Gold, six Silver and eight Bronze medals. Seven out of the eight Honours teams won gold. The Brighton Secondary School Volleyball Program also retained the South Australian Champion School Cup for the sixth year in a row. Thank you to the teaching staff and coaches who volunteered their time to train their teams either before or after school during Term 2/3 and also for giving up the three days of their time over the weekend to coach. We are very proud and thankful to include 30 of our old SIV Scholars as volunteer coaches. Without all of our coaches’ enthusiasm and commitment to give back to the school community, these fantastic opportunities would not be available for our students. On behalf of the SIV staff, I would like to thank all of the parents and families who transported their children around to the many venues during their weekend and in particular for the positive vocal support during matches. Once again the SIV staff were pleased with the outstanding results and we commend our students on the high level of sportsmanship, respect and comradery displayed over the three days. This reflected the positive culture that we endeavour to build within our program. Sue Rodger Coordinator Special Interest Volleyball



COMEDIAN OF THE FUTURE I am the comedian of the future. I am all the things of my past. I am a distributor. Of laughter. Happiness. Ideas. I am a joker in a court full of kings. I am all I see. Faces. Unrecognisable. Watching. Expecting. Eager. Me. A platform. An abyss below. A crowd surrounds. A voice remains. Visions. Memories. Ideas. Seeing new content, destined to succeed. A fruit of innovation, eaten, the taste twisted. Its message sent, received, I see their faces, warm, the fruit has pleased. I am all I hear. Laughter. Raucous laughter. Like the howling of gibbons. The sharp slap of applause. Encouraging, agreeing. The clap of a heckler’s voice, ignored or rebutted. Silence, the fear it brings. A voice, mine, listened to, watched, streamed by thousands in many ways, yet one voice. I am all I feel and taste. Love and hatred, political views and ideas, emotions, all expressed through humour. The taste of the water, cool, through the heat of the stage. The raspy-ness of the throat, like a grater, rubbing rubbing. The pull of the crowd, wanting more, tugging tugging. The taste of the fruit of innovation, a sensation, sweet, sour, senseless, humour. And all I remember. The seed of humour, planted. Grown through experience, a dad joke, a comment, a phrase from any folk. Discover through ‘being’, talking, ideas, tones. Building. Plucking what we like, what we want. Separating beauty from madness, Like gold for a bucketful of stones. I am all I’ve been taught. Is it taught? Experience is teaching. Boundaries endless. Humour is like preaching. Just more reckless. I am all I think. Why, to make happiness? For what? At the expense of someone, something, race, ideology. But, with smiles, happiness, maybe it evens out. I am all of those things. I’m like a conjurer; creating, changing, magic to make smiles. But this is a magic worked by all, yet masterfully by few. Because everyone can, I will. I’m a comedian of the future. Nicolas Bergoc Year 8 Student

POETRY IN ACTION Year 9: Poetry is one of those things that influences our lives, just like visual art or music. On Friday of Week 4, all of the Year 9 students had the opportunity to attend a play created by the ‘Poetry in Action’ team. The play covered the various aspects of poetry, focusing on things such as the poetic techniques used in various historical speeches. The provocative way speeches were presented before the spokesperson was introduced to the audience was clever because it got the audience thinking. The pauses during the second recital allowed the actors to introduce and explain the impact of the techniques used by the spokesperson to the audience. For example, a speech by Hitler was recited and found to be in the first person even whilst he was speaking to the people about their future. Overall, it was a great experience and as students at Brighton Secondary School we are extremely fortunate to have this inspiring opportunity. This presentation made me think more deeply about public speeches and consider the impact of the way in which speakers present, not just what they are saying. Niamh Michael-Roubos Year 9 Student

Words of War On Friday 18th August the Year 11 students enjoyed Poetry in Action’s performance of Words of War, a play telling the story of war poet Wilfred Owen, and his ways of creating truthful poems about the war through his own real life experiences. As the majority of the Year 11 classes have started studying war poetry, especially the poems of Wilfred Owen, it was great to hear his poems out loud and to hear the emotion behind the words. Some of the poems that were presented to us were Dulce et Decorum est, Anthem for Doomed Youth and Futility. Overall it was a very insightful experience and a fantastic job done by the three actors. Lauren Owens Year 11 Student

WHITE WATER SURFING Congratulations to the Brighton Secondary School girls on their individual and team success in the recent Girls White Water Surfing Championship.

FASHION DESIGN Linting Huang a Year 11 Fashion Design student was a finalist in the national Wool4schools competition which is held annually and sponsored by the Australian Wool Board. The competition encourages students to learn about the fundamentals of fashion design, supports innovative thinking and creative design as well as exploring the benefits and versatility of wool. This year students had to create an outfit and accessory, made from 80% Merino wool, for their favourite musician to wear during their performance on stage. A moodboard, annotated fashion illustrations, technical drawings and a creative statement made up the entry requirements. Linting chose IU, a South Korean singer/songwriter.



VISUAL ARTS NEWS South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Creatives 17 The opening of the Creatives 17 exhibition was held on 15th August in the Concert Hall Foyer. This was a very well attended exhibition by staff, parents, past and present students and friends of Brighton Secondary School. An extensive range of styles, ideas and media were explored by participating artists from the students and staff at Brighton Secondary School. Entertainment was provided by Rebecca Chen, violin and piano. Our host speaker, Tahlia Kalleske (Year 12, Visual Arts) welcomed visitors and highlighted the contribution the visual arts made to a rich education and the wider community. Guest speakers, Emma Hanlin and Abbey Miller (past students) officially opened the exhibition. Ms Olivia O’Neill, Principal, also addressed the audience and reminded us how important art is to our culture and life. Encouragement awards this year were kindly donated by Eckersley’s Art Supplies. Award recipients were Year 8 Jordan Thomson, Year 9 Samantha Stevens, Year 10 Isadore Glockner-Karo, Year 11 Gilbert Richardson and Year 12 Cheyenne Maher. A special award was presented to Taylah Webb, Year 1, Brighton Primary School. This was a wonderful evening of art and we look forward to next year’s SALA extravaganza!

Art Gallery Excursion On Thursday 24th August, Emma Kinge and Sandra Frank’s Year 10 Art classes visited the Art Gallery of South Australia to see work by South Australian artist Sally Smart. The students participated in a workshop in response to Smart’s work which reflected her style and drew upon Surrealist ideals. The dreamlike characters and backdrops were made from cut paper and collage.

Year 11 Art And The Environment A recent highlight around the school has been the emergence of environmental art works. Ms Frank’s Year 11 students have explored the concept of installation environmental art. If you look closely you will see wrapped trees, tiny figures, cocoons, temples, linear works and many delightful visual arts pieces that are enriching the school. Yasmin Paterson Coordinator The Arts



RAPID HOUSE CELEBRATING SUCCESS As part of BSS's positive education philosophy and in the spirit of celebrating success, Rapid House held a morning tea on Wednesday of Week 2 Term 3. All Rapid homegroup teachers, sports captains and students who achieved academic awards for Semester 1 were in attendance. Rapid House Leadership catered for the event, providing a variety of mouth-watering tasty treats for all guests. It was a wonderful turn out, with teachers and students pleased to be acknowledged for all of their hard work and success during Semester 1. The morning tea was a huge success! Rapid Leadership hope it will become a regular part of the Rapid House calendar in the aim of fostering positive education and House spirit. Billy James, Kane Hillman and Clynton Oakley Rapid House Leaders

Brighton Secondary SecondarySchool SchoolYear Year1212Drama Dramapresents presents Brighton

ALMOST ALMOST By By John John Cariani

It’s love, but not quite

Brighton Theatre Brighton Theatre 7:30pm 7:30pm

th st nd 20 , 22 September st, 21 nd 20 , 21 , 22 September th

Tickets at theatdoor Tickets the door $15 adults $15 adults $8 concession $8 concession



School Community Rewards Launch Offer Open your account online, link it to School Community Rewards and start saving today!


How your family can be rewarded... Limited to the first 100 Brighton Secondary School families only. One offer per family.

$50 opening bonus2

Step 1 Open a new Credit Union SA Access Account and Netsave Account, then activate your Access Account card to receive one $50 Officeworks gift card per family.2

$50 extra bonus3

Step 2 A parent makes a booking for an obligation-free financial health check. At the conclusion of the appointment, receive an additional $50 Officeworks gift card per family.3

gift card

To open an account, make an appointment or to find out more, call the School Community Rewards team on 8202 7657 or visit:

This offer is current as at 13 June 2017 and can be withdrawn at any time. Limited to one offer per Brighton Secondary School family. 2 The gift card will be provided within 30 days of opening the Access Account and Netsave Account, and the activation of the rediCARD or Visa debit card linked to the Access Account. 3 Appointment booking must be made within 30 days of opening the Access Account and Netsave Account. This is general advice only. Before acquiring any financial product you should consider whether or not it is suitable for you. Conditions and fees apply and are available upon request. Products and services are issued by Credit Union SA unless otherwise stated. Credit Union SA Ltd, ABN 36 087 651 232, AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 241066. Credit Union SA Centre, Level 3, 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 170519-Brighton


Community Information Session This information session will offer people general information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The session will cover topics such as: 

What is the NDIS and how does it work?

Who is eligible and when can the scheme be accessed?

What kind of support can be accessed through the NDIS?

Where can I get more information?


Marion RSL Sub Branch, 31-39 Norfolk Road, Marion Wednesday, 27 September 2017 at 10:00am - 11:30am RSVP: or phone 0475 971 403




Tuesday 3rd 10.30am—11.30am Monday 9th 12.30pm—1.30 pm Tuesday 10th 10.30am—11.30am WHERE: HOLDFAST BAY COMMUNITY CENTRE D ITE M I S L OT SP ABLE AIL AV

51 KING GEORGE AVENUE, HOVE 5048 COST: $5 per person CALL: (08) 8298 7422 to enquire or book your spots



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