Brighton Secondary School Newsletter February 2013

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Brighton Secondary School

Newsletter ISSUE 1 I February 2013

From the Principal Welcome to 2013 at Brighton Secondary School. The Year 8 and 12 students experienced a successful induction program on their own. The Year 8 students sometimes find high school daunting on the first day and we believe that a day at school without the other 1200 students supports their transition from primary school. The Year 12 students went to the University South Australia City West campus to experience the atmosphere of a tertiary institution to help them set a clear vision for their future. Student feedback was very positive and we will maintain this induction program in 2014. The new timetable has been implemented with minimum glitches. The lessons are longer, allowing teachers and students to explore topics to a greater depth. The teachers are adjusting their expectations of how much work they can cover with an additional twenty minutes in a double lesson. Unfortunately the Department of Transport has not approved an additional School Bus to accommodate the Tuesday 2.30pm closure. One bus driver was very grumpy when more students than usual tried to board the earlier bus. We are hopeful the bus companies will send an articulated bus which will solve the problem. About 20 students were inconvenienced the first Tuesday having to wait up to 30 minutes for the next bus.

Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A

305 Brighton Road North Brighton, SA 5048 P 618 8375 8200 F 618 8296 0949 E

A major development in 2013 is the Parent Portal. Parents will be able to log on to their child’s DayMap to see homework, attendance, teacher notes etc. This Portal works via CORRECT email addresses. If you wish to use this form of communication please send your correct email to:

Head Prefects, Lucie So ldan and Jack Newton with Pri ncipal, Olivia O’Neill

Due to the expansion of the school building project there is no longer student parking on campus, nor will there be parent drop-off. Students who arrive by parent transport should be dropped-off at the cemetery parking bay in King George Avenue or in Ilfracombe Avenue. Please do not enter the school or use the back driveway. Soon there will be builders, trucks, heavy machinery all competing with staff parking. It will be worth it by 2014, however, in the meantime we all have to accommodate the disruption. The modified Spence Hall including Student Reception, Library and Staffroom has worked out very well. I have heard much praise from students accessing Student Reception. In general students are wearing the uniform correctly. The outstanding issue is the length of some of the girls’ dresses. I remind parents the dress is worn to the top of the knee. Canvas shoes are not correct uniform and are unsafe at school. Staff email addresses are: Do not hesitate to contact the teachers if you have concerns or you wish to clarify information you have received from your child. My email is: (note there is no apostrophe) The 2012 Year 12 results were excellent with 18 merits, compared with 19 merits in 2011. Encourage your children to do their homework, be punctual to school and do their best. Success in Year 12 comes with small steps from Year 8. Olivia O’Neill Principal


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Diary Dates 2013 FEBRUARY 19 School Photo catch up 19 Year 8 SIM Parent & Student meeting, 7.00pm 21 International Orientation camp 22 International Aquatics 23 SIM Concert at the Bay 25 Finance Meeting, 7.30pm 26-27 Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits Aquatics 26 SIV Parent Information Evening, 6.30pm 28 Leadership & Recognition Assembly

MARCH 1 Year 9 Immunisations 1 Lift Dance Fringe Show, BPAC, 7.30pm 2 Lift Dance Fringe Show, BPAC, 7.30pm 3 Lift Dance Fringe Show, BPAC, 2.30pm 4-7 Year 8 Woodhouse excursions 4 BSS Annual General Meeting, BPAC, 6.00pm 6 Year 9 Laptop Rollout, 5.30pm – 7.15pm Buffalo & Cygnet houses Year 9 Laptop Rollout, 6.45pm – 8.30pm Rapid & Holdfast houses 8 International Women’s Day 11 Adelaide Cup Public Holiday 13 Year 8 Standards Day 14 Year 9 Standards Day 15 Uniform Committee, 12.45pm 18 SIV Year 10/ 11/ 12 Beach Volleyball 20 SIV AGM Parent Committee 21 Harmony Day 22 Sports Day 25 Finance Meeting, 7.30pm 29 Good Friday public holiday

APRIL 1 Easter Monday public holiday 3 Anti-Bullying Play 8 SIV in school trials for Year 8, 9,10 10 Year 11 & 12 Parent / Teacher / Student conferences, 3.30pm – 8.30pm by appt 12 Last day of term 1, 1.00pm dismissal 29 First day of term 2 29 Finance meeting, 7.30pm

MAY 1 Year 8, 9 & 10 Parent / Teacher / Student conferences, 3.30pm – 8.30pm by appt 3 STUDENT FREE DAY - Staff Professional Development 3 Year 12 Formal 4 Generation of Jazz 6 Governing Council, 7.30pm 8 Open Day


8-10 Year 10 Outdoor Education camp 9 Recognition assemblies 10 Year 8 & 9 Immunisations 10 SIV Applications close (out of zone) 13 SIV Initial selection by appt (out of zone) 14-16 NAPLAN Testing 15 Year 8 Heathfield Challenge @ Heathfield 17 Year 10 Career Expo 18 SIM Auditions (round 1) 23 Cyber bullying play 24 Uniform Committee meeting, 12.45pm 27 SIV Final selection (selected only) (out of zone) 27-31 Reconciliation Week 30 Year 9 Focus Day 30 Cyber Bullying plays

JUNE 3 3 6 10 14 17 17-18 24 23-27 26 28

Governing Council, 7.30pm Year 10 Speak-Easy workshop Year 12 Maths Applications exam Queen’s Birthday public holiday Uniform committee, 12.45pm SIV in school trial (Years 8, 9, 10) Choral Eisteddfods Finance meeting, 7.30pm SIV Eyre Peninsula tour Year 10 Anti-bullying play SIV Year 10 KO @ BSS

JULY 1 STUDENT FREE DAY – Staff Professional Development 1 Governing Council, 7.30pm 1-5 Year 10 Work Experience week 2-5 Year 11 Exam week 4-5 Year 12 Aquatics SIV 5 Last day of term 2, 1.00pm dismissal 22 STUDENT FREE DAY – Staff Professional Development 22-26 Year 12 Exam week 23 First day of term 3 26 Year 12 Aquatics SIV 27 Christmas in July SIM concert 29 Finance Meeting, 7.30pm 31 Year 11 SACE Parent Evening, 6.00 – 7.00pm

AUGUST 2-4 SIV State Schools cup 8 SIV Open Knockout @ Heathfield 3-10 Year 10 Ski trip 12 SIV in zone trial 1 by appt 16 Uniform meeting, 12.45pm 21 Year 11 & 12 Parent / Teacher / Student

conferences 3.30pm – 8.30pm by appt 22 Year 8 / 9 Focus Day 22 Year 11 Subject Confirmation Day, 8.30am – 7.30pm 26 SIV in zone trial 2 by appt 26 Finance Meeting, 7.30pm 28 Year 8 / 9 / 10 Parent Teacher Student conferences 3.30 – 8.30pm by appt

SEPTEMBER 2 Governing Council, 7.30pm 3 Percussion Showcase 6 SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY – SHOW DAY 9 STUDENT FREE DAY – Staff Professional Development 13 Year 8 & 9 Immunisations 13 Uniform Committee meeting, 12.45pm 16 SIV In School trial Years 8, 9 & 10 20 Peace Day 23 Year 9 Heathfield Challenge @ Brighton 24-26 SIV Year 10 South Coast tour 23-26 Final Music Practical exams 27 Last day of term 3, 1.00pm dismissal

OCTOBER 14 First day of term 4 18 Year 8 & 9 Immunisations 23 Valedictory 25 Year 12 Breakfast 28 Finance meeting, 7.30pm 29-30 SIV Year 8 / 9 / 10 Beach Volleyball

NOVEMBER 1 4 4 6-8 8 11 12 20 21 22 22 23 25-29 25 25 29 29 29 – 6

Uniform Committee meeting, 12.45pm Year 12 Exams begin Governing Council, 7.30pm Year 10 Outdoor Education camp SIV Year 8 / 9 KO @ Heathfield Remembrance Day Choir and Strings concert Year 12 Exams conclude Charities & Recognition Assembly Catch up immunisations Year 11 lessons conclude Music tour begins Year 11 Exam week World Challenge trip departs Finance meeting, 7.30pm Uniform Committee meeting, 12.45pm Year 10 lessons conclude Year 10 Australian Business Week

DECEMBER 7-14 SIV Australian Volleyball Schools Cup, Melbourne 13 Last day of term 4, 1.00pm dismissal


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Annual General Meeting Brighton Secondary School Annual General Meeting

In Memorium

Will be held

Monday 4th March 2013 Brighton Performing Arts Centre 6.00pm Welcome / Musical Items / Refreshments 6.30pm Annual General Meeting This is an invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting of Parents of Brighton Secondary School and a call for nominations for the vacancies which will exist for parent representatives on the Governing Council in 2013. We hope many parents will attend the AGM and consider nominating for membership on the Governing Council. The Education Act and the Regulations Under the Education Act establish the membership and functions of a Governing Council. According to its Constitution, the membership of the Brighton Secondary School Governing Council should be:

The Brighton Secondary School community mourns the tragic loss of Lewis McPherson.

13 parent members elected by parents at the A.G.M. 1 Friends of Brighton Secondary School Member (Affiliated Committee) 1 Music Parent Support Committee member (Affiliated Committee) 1 Volleyball Parent Committee member (Affiliated Committee) 3 Staff Members 2 students as elected by the 2013 Student Representative Council 3 co-opted members from the community

We remember Lewis’s sparkling personality, his friendship and his humour.

1 Principal If you would like to discuss nominating for Governing Council, you may wish to contact the Principal, Olivia O’Neill on 8375 8200. The provisions at the bottom of the sheet are required by legislation. A letter with this information and a nomination form will be sent home via each student. Please contact the Front Office on phone 8375 8200 if you would like a nomination form.


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Sport at Brighton Secondary School Howard Mutton Trophy

Zone Sport:

Once again Brighton had a very high rate of participation in sport in 2012. In the calculated points structure, Brighton finished third in the State for school participation and success in sport.

Zone sport is played after school from 3.30pm to 4.30pm on a ‘home and away’ basis.

To finish in the top 5 for the Howard Mutton Trophy is an outstanding achievement and a consistent aim for Brighton. The trophy is awarded by SSSSA (Secondary School Sport of South Australia) which is the governing body of all school sport.

Below is a copy of the program for 2013 which also includes South Zone ‘Day Carnivals’.

Well done to all students who contributed to our third placing. In 2013 all students are encouraged to engage with some form of Co-curricula activity.

TERM 1 – Week 4 – Week 11 Zone Meeting – Friday 8th February (Week 2)

Sport – State Schools Team Selection If you are playing your chosen sport at a high level and would like to trial for selection in a STATE Schools team you must nominate online. All information is contained in the SSSSA website ( Go to the list of interstate sports and open your chosen sport. It will tell you the dates and venue.If you are having problems please see Mr. Archer in the Gym.

Sports For Representation Are: • Baseball • Football • Soccer • Netball • Softball • Hockey • Golf • Tennis • Touch • Cross Country • Volleyball • Swimming • Surfing • Triathlon


There are 2 pre-requisites for any sport to proceed. 1. There are enough members to make a team. 2. There is an adult willing to coach / supervise.

If you have any questions please contact Jason Archer, Sport Coordinator at the school.

Monday: Year 8/9 Girls Badminton Year 8/9 Boys Badminton Year 8/9 Boys Indoor Soccer Year 8/9 Girls Indoor Soccer Tuesday: Year 8/9 Girls Volleyball Open Girls Volleyball Open Mixed Volleyball Year 8/9 Boys Volleyball Wednesday: Year 8/9 Girls Tennis Open Girls Tennis Open Boys Tennis Year 8/9 Girls Basketball Open Girls Basketball Thursday: Year 8/9 Boys Tennis Year 8 Boys Basketball Open Boys Indoor Soccer Open Girls Indoor Soccer


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TERM 2/3 – Week 4 (Term 2) – Week 4 (Term 3) Zone Meeting – Thursday 9th May (Week 2, Term 2) Tuesday: Year 8/9 Girls Soccer Open Girls Soccer Open Boys Badminton Open Girls Badminton Year 8/9 Boys Football – Coord. by St John’s/Concordia Yr 8/9 Volleyball – Coord by LBIT (Glen) at Unley HS Wednesday: Year 8/9 Girls Netball – ETSA Park Open Girls Netball – ETSA Park Open Boys Football Year 8/9 Boys Soccer Open Boys Soccer Thursday: Year 9/10 Boys Basketball Open Boys Basketball Open Boys Volleyball Year 8/9 Girls 9 A-Side Football Open Girls 9 A-Side Football Year 8/9 Mixed Table Tennis Open Mixed Table Tennis TERM 3/4 – Week 7 (Term 3) – Week 6 (Term 4) Zone Meeting – Thursday 15th August (Week 4, Term 3) & Friday 29th November (Week 7, Term 4) Tuesday: Year 8/9 Boys Basketball Year 8/9 Girls Volleyball Year 10/11 Girls Volleyball Year 8/9 Boys Volleyball Year 10 Boys Volleyball Wednesday: Year 8/9 Girls Basketball Open Girls Basketball Year 8/9 Girls Tennis Open Girls Tennis Thursday: Year 8/9 Girls Badminton Year 10/11 Girls Badminton Year 8/9 Boys Badminton Year 10/11 Boys Badminton Year 8/9 Boys Indoor Soccer Year 8/9 Girls Indoor Soccer Year 8/9 Boys Tennis

ZONE CARNIVALS 2013 TERM 1 Football Umpiring Course – To Be Advised Year 8/9 Indoor Cricket – Thursday 14th March (Week 7) Weeks 10 & 11 – Netball Umpiring Courses – After School TERM 2 Weeks 1 & 2 – Netball Umpiring Courses – After School Netball Umpiring Clinic – Monday 6th May (Week 2) – 1.00 – 3.00pm. Year 8/9 Boys 9 A-Side – Wednesday 8th May (Week 2) Year 8/9 Girls Netball Grading – Wednesday 15th May (Week 3) 1.00 – 3.00pm Open Boys & Girls 5A-Side Soccer – Thursday 16th May (Week 3)* Open Girls Netball Grading – Wednesday 22nd May (Week 4) 3.30pm (SZ / SSSSA Open Boys Indoor Soccer – Monday 27th May Week 5) (SZ / SSSSA Open Girls Indoor Soccer – Monday 17th June Week 8) Golf – Monday 24th June (Week 9) Ten Pin Bowling – Thursday 4th July (Week 10) – 12.00pm – 2.30pm TERM 3 Open Boys & Girls Handball – Thursday 1st August (Week 2) Year 8/9 Boys & Girls 5 A-Side Soccer – Thursday 8th August (Week 3)* (SZ / SSSSA Year 8/9 Girls Indoor Soccer – Monday 12th August Week 4) Open Girls 9 A-Side Football – Wednesday 21st August (Week 5) # (SZ / SSSSA Yr 8/9 Boys Indoor Soccer – Monday 26th August Week 6) Year 8/9 Girls 9 A-Side Football – Wednesday 28th August (Week 6) Indoor Rowing Competition – Tuesday 24th September (Week 10) Year 8 / 9 / 10 Come ‘N’ Try Touch – Wednesday 25th September (Week 10) TERM 4 Year 8/9 Boys & Girls Handball Carnival – Thursday 29th October (Week 3) Racquetball / Squash – Friday 1st November (Week 3) Year 8/9 Mixed Softball – Monday 4th November (Week 4) Year 8/9 Boys Super 8’s Cricket – Wednesday 13th November (Week 5)# (Beach Volleyball – November (Week 6) – Volleyball SA) Beach Day – Friday 6th December (Week 8) Dragon Boat / Canoe Day * Leads to SSSSA Final. # Leads to Interzone Final.


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Special Interest Volleyball

Congratulations Alastair Ludington, Year 12 graduate of 2012, has won the Principal’s Award prize scholarship for study at the The 2012 Australian Volleyball Schools Cup was held in Melbourne from the 9th to 14th of December 2012. The Overall Champion School results are based on each school’s top 6 team results. 1st Heathfield High School (SA) 582 points 2nd Brighton Secondary School (SA) 570 points 3rd Eltham High School (VIC) In 2012 Brighton Secondary School entered 22 teams. The following teams achieved a top 4 ranking for their age group in Australia which is an outstanding result. Congratulations to the Players and Coaching staff.

Adelaide University.

U16 Honours Girls Gold Medal U16 Division 1 Boys Gold Medal Open Div 1 Boys Silver Medal Open Honours Girls Bronze Medal U17 Honours Boys Bronze Medal U16 Division 23 Girls Bronze Medal U15 Division 1 Girls Bronze Medal U15 Division 2 Girls Bronze Medal U17 Division 1 Girls Fourth place U15 Honours Boys Fourth Place U15 Division 1 Boys Fourth Place Congratulations to the 2013 Special Interest Volleyball Captains and Vice Captains. Captains: Cameron Hannah White


Vice Captains: Harrison Riddle and Yvette Halstead Sue Rodger Coordinator Volleyball



Community News STURT BLUE LIGHT – UNDER AGE RAGE Friday 22nd February 2013 Marion Cultural Centre – Domain Theatre 287 Diagonal Road, Oaklands Park 9-17 years, 7.30pm – 10.00pm $7.00 – tickets available from box office or at the door Phone: 8375 6855 or 8207 4820 for details Lock in – no pass outs Lots of giveaways and prizes Canteen facilities available.


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Christian Pastoral Support Worker “A Christian Pastoral Support Worker is a trained, experienced and compassionate person who joins a school community to provide extra support to all young people, families and staff. They respect diversity and school values, and their role excludes proselytizing, promoting a particular set of beliefs, or religious education. They provide pastoral care, enhance student well-being, and support the school to be a safe and supportive learning environment.” Hi, my name is Chelsea Lake and I am the Christian Pastoral Support Worker (CPSW, formerly chaplain) at Brighton Secondary School. For those not familiar with the work of a CPSW, my role is quite a diverse one, but essentially it is to support the school community. I am in the school each Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and a typical day for me might look like visiting an art or drama class, spending time in the yard with students during breaks, visiting homegroups to get to know students, supporting peer leaders and homegroup teachers; connecting with staff in the staff room or at meetings, or having one on one conversations with students needing to share a burden. Of course there are many more activities that pop up – excursions and school events for example – but my day to day tasks generally see me supporting students in feeling comfortable and enjoying their high school experience. Each year I love visiting the Year 8 classes and homegroups, and spending time in the yard with these new and excited students. As I meet them, though, I am aware that the excitement showing on the surface is not the only emotion bubbling away inside of them. For me, remembering back to my Year 8 days, I know there was excitement and anticipation of what this new chapter of life would bring, but also nerves and some fear. “Less than two months ago, I was the big kid and now I’m the newbie at the school. Where are all my classes? How will I remember all my teachers’ names? Are the Year 12s really going to pick on me? Will I be able to make new friends, and how do I put in a lunch order at the canteen?” My guess is that the experience I’m describing is not too dissimilar to what many of the Year 8s are feeling in these first few weeks at school. Some students may embrace this new lifestyle and thrive on the adventure that it brings, but for others this change can be daunting and may take a little getting used to. I’ve met students in the past few weeks that are in both camps. I think the most helpful thing to remember is that these are normal feelings because transition always brings up a little bit of anxiety. Things are changing and there are new people, new information and new routines to get used to. But before long, students – and families of these students who are also adjusting to the change! – will find themselves comfortable and enjoying this new chapter.

Australia Day Award The Brighton Secondary School F1 in Schools 2012 World Champions team, Cold Fusion, was recognised by the Holdfast Bay City Council at the Australia Day Award ceremony held on the Glenelg Foreshore on Australia Day. The team, comprising of Tom Agars, Jane Burton, Jake Grant, Henry Lynch, Michelle Lennon and Spencer Olds, was awarded winner of the Community Event of the Year Award. This award is presented to the person or group who has staged the most outstanding or beneficial local community event during the past year. The photo shows the team receiving the award from the Mayor of Holdfast Bay City Council, Dr. Ken Rollond, and the Australia Day Ambassador, Brian Wenzel.

If there is anything specifically that you would like my support in, please feel free to contact me through the school. Chelsea Lake Christian Pastoral Support Worker


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The Fringe comes to Brighton In 2013 Brighton’s Performing Arts Centre will become a Fringe venue with new works created and presented by past and present students. While Brighton’s Lift Dance Theatre has been an integral part of the Fringe dance program for a number of years, 2013 presents a great leap forward in that Lift Dance Theatre and Reverb Theatre group will present original work at the Brighton Performing Arts Centre.

REVERB THEATRE GROUP – Nightfall with Edgar Allen Poe ‘Check your heartbeat at the door!’ Edgar Allan Poe stands alone in the flickering darkness of his mind, trying desperately to convince himself that he’s not mad. The spell he weaves brings us a highly theatrical adaptation of three tales Poe himself considered his best. Enter the world of Poe but check your blood pressure first. Director: Henry Bullitis Cast: Jade Walsh, Mark Oakley, Ethan Pillay, Madeline Rodgers, Henry Vaughn, Ellie Heard, Tahlia Bray, Liam Andrews and Sarah Edwards. Duration: 60 minutes Friday: February 22 2013, 6.00pm – 7.00 pm Saturday: February 23 2013, 2.30pm – 3.30pm, 6.00pm – 7.00 pm

LIFT DANCE THEATRE – The Silence of Nothing ’In even the quietest of moments there is sound. In even the stillest of moments there is movement.’ This original dance work premiered in 2012. It has since been extensively reworked. The Silence of Nothing derived from the idea that ‘silence’ and ‘nothing’ are impossibilities. To say that ‘nothing happened’ denies the small moments that are part of everyone’s lives. The work explores what it means to be both an individual in a space and to share that space with a crowd. Drawing upon many other art forms, this unique work borrows from sculpture, painting, video and physical theatre but remains rooted in dance. The Colin Griffin Trio wrote and recorded the score which features electric violinist Mai Ly Irvine playing live on stage with the dancers.

Year 9 Laptop Rollout Please note that the Year 9’s will be issued with their laptops on Wednesday 6th March: 5.30pm – 7.15pm for Buffalo and Cygnet homegroups and 6.45pm – 8.30pm for Rapid and Holdfast homegroups. Students will receive information via their homegroup teachers closer to the 6th March.

Directors: Alan Todd and Lauren Cox Cast: Alex Bachmatiuk, Coby Baker-Hutton, Jordyn Binelli, Lizzie Bastable, Lauren Cox, Phoebe Fisher, Sabina Fisher, Mai Ly Irvine, Tasma Jefferies, Claire Lawrance, Nicki Lodge, KT McKenzie and Liv Phillips. Duration: 55 minutes Friday: February 22 2013, 7.30pm – 8.30 pm Saturday: February 23 2013, 7.30pm – 8.30pm Lift Dance Theatre Sunday: February 24 2013, 2.30pm – 3.30pm Lift Dance Theatre Tickets will be available through BASS.



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Lift Dance Theatre Lift Dance Theatre will present The Silence of Nothing for the 2013 Fringe after which many of the dancers will retire to pursue other interests. Alex Bachmatiuk, Nicki Lodge, Molly Waldren, Kiera Turner, Mai Ly Irvine, Abby Bastable, Sabina Fisher and Naomi McAnna have been with the company for up to five years and we thank them and all for doing so much to promote original contemporary dance at Brighton. A second company was formed in late 2012 with Phoebe Fisher, now the longest serving dancer, continuing as choreographer and mentor, Lizzie Bastable, Claire Lawrance, Taylor Camburn and KT McKenzie as the remaining members of the 2012 company, and an exciting group joining them from the junior school. We welcome Lauren Ager, Coby Baker-Hutton, Jordan Binelli, Zac Garrick, Liv Griffiths, Penny Lewis, Nina Phillips and Abbey Miller. Lift Dance Theatre is currently workshopping a new work to be presented in 2013 at the Brighton Performing Arts Centre. It is entitled PLACE. The idea comes from the communication and interaction between a group of people in an enclosed space and draws upon the personal experiences of the dancers. As ever with Lift Dance Theatre, the choreography comes from the dancers themselves and the intense nature of the workshops extends the dancers to their creative limits. For the first time we are using a soundtrack that is jazz based and includes music from South Australian big band Goose. The staging will have a completely different look to any previous productions with the space divided into vertical and horizontal elements and ‘windows’ of blue Perspex casting rectangles of light on the stage floor. Artistic Directors Alan Todd and Lauren Cox

Year 7/8 Transition The 263 Year 8 students have settled in to secondary schooling very well. They have come to Brighton from approximately 50 different primary schools. The main focus of the first week was to get to know their teachers and fellow students and to learn to navigate between classes. We are looking forward to the Year 8 Orientation Days which will be held at Woodhouse Active Education Centre on the following days: • • • •

Monday 4th March Tuesday 5th March Wednesday 6th March Thursday 7th March

Homegroups 0801BU, 0802BU, 0803BU Homegroups 0801CY, 0802CY, 0803CY Homegroups 0801HO, 0802HO, 0803HO Homegroups 0801RA, 0802RA, 0803RA

Students have received letters to bring home concerning this information. Barbara Bleckly Coordinator Student Wellbeing


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Parent / Teacher / Student Conferences Please put the following times in your diaries: Parent / Teacher / Student conferences will be held for Years 11 & 12 students on Wednesday 10th April, 3.30pm – 8.30pm and Parent / Teacher / Student conferences will be held for Years 8, 9 & 10 students on Wednesday 1st May, 3.30pm – 8.30pm Students / Parents will be expected to make appointments for these interviews. More information will be sent home later in the term.



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