Connections Newsletter 2012

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Connections Brighton Secondary School

S 1952 - 2012





Connecting with the past, building the future CELE



60th Year Edition

Principal, Olivia O’Neill’s speech from the 60th Anniversary dinner: Good evening and welcome to the old scholars of Brighton Secondary School.

Principal Comments

A great school is steeped in tradition. It has a mission to build good character in those who walk the hallways and learn in the classrooms. Our school’s motto, “Fac Omnia Bene” - Do All Things well was derived from the motto in 1952, “Fac Optima Bene” - Do the Best Things Well. The motto embodies the story of our great school. It’s a story about people: countless students and teachers who have shared the joy of learning together. Nevertheless, on an historic evening such as this, we must recognize some individuals and incidents for their humour, their innovation, their service and their success. Principal Bob Farrow, compiled the publication, “Doing the Best Things Well 1952 to 1989” - a history of the school’s first 37 years. The comprehensive 50 Year Anniversary book was edited by past staff member, Jenny Hilterbrand, and the magnificent 60th Anniversary publication was edited by current Assistant Principal, David Thomson. Publications like these provide us with the means to recall the past at momentous events like this evening’s 60th Celebratory dinner. Brighton High School was only the fifth high school to be established in the metropolitan area, and the first built for a period of 37 years when it was erected in 1952. How portentous were the words of the Superintendent of Schools, at the initial meeting of prospective parents held in the Somerton Community Hall, when he said, “There is every reason to believe that the new Brighton High School will become one of the show pieces of the metropolitan area.” The $18 million 2012-2014 expansion project is testament to Brighton being a showpiece of education. Right from the start, Brighton High School was loved and that love has not diminished with the passing 60 years. We see this love today in the

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter

school’s image, its success and its reputation. We see it this evening in the warmth and friendliness of the Old Scholars in attendance. From the Founding Principal, Mr. Sid Tregenza 1952-1962; through Principals Mr. Bill Bentley 1963-1968; Mr. Edward Faulkenberg 19691975; Mr. Bob Farrow 1976-1987; Mr. Gary Nicol 1988-93 and Senior Mistress then Vice Principal, Miss Dulcie Perry 1953-1977, the school survived and flourished. The enrolment increased rapidly to 800 in 1955, 1200 in 1958 to 1490 in 1962. Goodness knows how the transportables coped! In 1976 the Special Interest Music Centre with it pursuit of excellence rescued the falling enrolment in the early 1970’s. Mawson High School Principals: Mr. Graham Medlin 1976, Mr David Geytenbeek 1978-84; Mr. John Graham 19851990; Mr.Graham Gamble 1991-1993 and Brighton Technical High School Principals, Mr. Don Wilkinson 1973-77, Mr. Bryce Saint 1969-1972, led their school communities to success and it’s their stories amalgamating with Brighton High School’s stories, that formed Brighton Secondary School in 1993 led by Ms. Nancy Schupelius until 2001. Mr. Peter Mitchell followed her until 2004 when Yours Truly came on board in 2005. The school has reinvigorated itself through various building phases. In the early 80’s the Resource Centre was the most modern building with its Computing Club. In the late 80’s came the gymnasium and with the amalgamation in 1994, the brand new classrooms in the Dallwitz extension. 2007 produced the Volleyball Stadium and 2011 the Brighton Performing Arts Centre. 2014 will signal in the expanded school and its 21st century Learning Centre, 400 seat Music Recital Hall and refurbished laboratories and classrooms. continued on page 2




As buildings changed, traditions remained like the House system - which House were you? Purple Holdfast, Blue Buffalo, Yellow Cygnet or Red Rapid?

Principal Comments

Were you on the Student Representative Council? Were you a Prefect? Did you work for the Charities Committee that presents at the Annual Charities assembly? Were you in an award winning Rock Eisteddfod team? Were you at Melbourne when Brighton won the National Schools’ Cup? Were you in the orchestra performing on Elder Hall? Do you remember the Debutantes’ Ball? Now that’s something we no longer have - although the Formal takes care of the girls’ need to dress up! What is a School Reunion without sharing stories about the teachers and those wild students who seemed to live very risky lives at school? I was at the Holdfast Hotel a few years ago and an old scholar from 2007 approached me and said, “Ms. O’Neill, check out my toes!” I looked down at his feet in rubber thongs to read the letters against every toe, “Fac Omnia Bene.” I’m told by the 1950s graduates that there was strict segregation between girls and boys unless you could get away with holding hands on the romantic promenade walk to Brighton Road under the gums. The 70’s graduates told me there was a coup in 1976 when the students took over the school and locked the deputy principal in the cupboard. The first all-girls AFL match was allegedly played on Brighton’s front oval. And it’s at events like tonight that you can all reminisce and tell those stories that may have become taller with the passing years. Of course successful schools continue to renew themselves - to be future focused and create new traditions and new successes like the Poppy Rain of Remembrance; like the biennial Western Front Tour; like the National Gold Medals for excellence in Music and Volleyball; like the record number of students selected for state and national teams in a range of sports; like the continuing academic success epitomized by Rhodes Scholar and Old Scholar, Matt Wenham. This is a school that has produced four Olympians in the Sydney and the London Olympics! Just last week we discovered that old scholar, James Crawford, has been appointed to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. What an amazing achievement! And then there was the amazing and extraordinary international success of the F1 in Schools program last week when the six students and two teachers returned from Abu Dhabi, victorious as the World Champions!

Every one of us loves a success story and even more so, wants to be a part of the successful Brighton family embracing all that has been done well since 1952. Even the Prime Minister wanted a piece of our action earlier this year. This evening’s success is due in large part to the organizing committee of Old Scholars and the 60th Anniversary Committee chaired by David Thomson and The Old Scholars’ Committee chaired by Frances Robertson.We acknowledge Old Scholar committee members John Bligh, Judy Angus, Diana Boyd, Elena DiBez and School committee members, Lynlee Graham, Debbie Parsons, Jeff Kong, Sue Rodger, Pamela Rajkowski, Peter St Claire-Johnson, Michelle Andersen and Barbara Bleckly. What is the anniversary without a commemorative book and program which we hope you will take home to treasure as a concrete memory of this evening as well as the last 60 years. We are grateful to our sponsors: $250 Silver sponsors from Mr Jeffrey Kong, Mr. Seow Ching and Mr. Vincent Kong; St George’s Books; the Adelaide Convention Centre and KW Wholesalers. $500 Gold Sponsors from Ted’s Cameras, Silver Fleece, the Brighton Trophy Centre, Brighton Foodland, Party Superstore, Presto Music, the Print and Media warehouse, Mile End Office Furniture and Zippy. I acknowledge the support of our $1000 Diamond sponsors, Charles Bonnici of Bakers Delight Brighton and the Music Parent Support Group. The commemorative book can be purchased for the tiny sum of $10 this evening. Anna Sapio of Design Notion does all the school’s livery and I know you will agree that she and David Thomson excelled in the commemorative book. This evening’s music is performed by our own musicians led and directed by Brighton’s outstanding music teachers, Craig Bentley, Andrew Barrett, Annie Kwok, Andrew Dean, Mark Cameron-Smith, Billy James. Those of you who graduated after 1976 will certainly remember our Head of Music, Jeffrey Kong. We are delighted that old scholar, Brighton parent and successful media personality, Mr. Corey Wingard, graciously agreed to MC this historic event. It now gives me great pleasure to invite Ms Frances Robertson, chairperson of the Old Scholars Committee to the stage. Olivia O’Neill, Principal

Chairperson Report 2012


The final celebration of the Brighton Secondary School’s 60th Anniversary year was the Gala Dinner, held at the SAJC Morphettville function centre on Saturday 10th November. A mix of old scholars and past staff members, along with current staff, and parents of current students in the music program attended. In total there were 316 guests. At least 18 old scholars travelled from interstate to be present, and I thank them for the special effort they had made to be there to celebrate with us.

Guests were entertained by music students from the school playing in the Big Band jazz group. They were followed by a group of school music staff, also playing jazz numbers, as the specially formed ‘Rough-Cut Diamonds’. The music presentations were organized and directed by music staff member Craig Bentley. He is to be especially thanked for his splendid efforts. It was a happy celebration and noisy reunion. Frances Robertson, Chairperson, Friends Brighton Secondary School

There were about 100 people there who could truly identify with the school’s 60th anniversary as they enrolled at the school in the 1950’s. This included a total of 32 foundation scholars, those who came to this school in the first year that the school was open. Amongst them were four of the first prefects, including the first male head prefect. Two teachers from the 1950’s - Ralph Green (1953 to 1959) and his wife Carlotta Miraglia (1954 to 1956) attended. They were seated with the Class of 1959, who were the first year 12 students at Brighton. The school Principal Olivia O’Neill gave the 60th Anniversary speech. Ms O’Neill thanked the many people involved in organizing the celebration events during the year, and in particular, the 60th Anniversary committee and the committee of the Friends of Brighton Secondary School. She also expressed the school’s appreciation to all those who sponsored the celebration events during the year. As Chairperson of the Friends I addressed the gathering and urged old scholars to maintain their connection with, and support for, the school. We thank Corey Wingard, an old scholar, who performed the role of Master of Ceremonies for the evening.

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter





S 1952 - 2012

OPening ceremony for the time capsule





60th Anniversary CELE



As part of the Brighton Secondary School 60th Anniversary celebrations, the Year 11 Event Management class was asked to manage the Time Capsule. This included raising the Time Capsule (with unknown year of burial) and gathering items to be placed into a 2012 Time Capsule. In March a group of students including Lucy Bull, Riley Mannix, Ryan Wilson and Taylor Witters, organised a ceremony to raise the Time Capsule and made a presentation to the whole school about the contents and history of the Time Capsule. Once raised it was revealed that the Time Capsule was buried in 1989 and among the contents were photos, copies of student work, a tape player and tape recordings of students, a student planner and a Year Book. In second semester Lizzie Bastable and Rachael Hanlin followed through with the remaining tasks. One of these tasks was to collect items for the 2012 Time Capsule. This has included photos and videos, a Year Book and examples of student work. Other tasks they undertook have included displaying of the 1989 Time Capsule items, organizing plaques for laying of the Time Capsules, organizing a presentation to be delivered at the closing of the 60th Anniversary celebrations as well as organizing a ceremony for the interring of both the 1989 and 2012 Time Capsules. This has been a wonderful trip through history for the students involved. Michelle Andersen Events Management Teacher



60th Anniversary ’60 DIAMONDS’ SALA ART EXHIBITION In August, Brighton Secondary School again participated in the South Australian Living Artists (SALA) festival. This year, artists were invited to create a piece of work in any medium to help celebrate the school’s 60th Anniversary in 2012, and so become a ‘Diamond’ - one of the sixty pieces of work on display. The exhibition was held in the foyer of the Performing Arts Centre. At the opening night, on the 9th of August, Principal Olivia O’Neill welcomed those in attendance. Ms Frances Robertson, Chairperson of the Old Scholars Association, thanked the many past and present scholars, staff and community artists who provided work. The exhibition was opened by internationally renowned South Australian sculptor and old scholar, Mr Greg Johns. Mr Johns provided a snapshot of his time as a student at Brighton with a number of amusing anecdotes. It was a highly successful evening. Thank you to Ms Yasmin Paterson, Arts Coordinator for setting-up the exhibition along with Mr Mike Badenoch, a previous staff member of the school. Thank you also to Ms Barbara Bleckly, Ms Denise Hoskin and Ms Debbie Parsons for their invaluable support of the exhibition, the Brighton student String Quartet (Rosanna, Nadine, Matthew and Phoebe) for playing so beautifully and the many staff who supported the event. David Thomson, 60th Anniversary Committee

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter




S 1952 - 2012

Special Interest Volleyball REUNION





60th Anniversary CELE


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On Friday 16th March, the first of the 60th Anniversary events was held at the school. This was organised by the Special Interest Volleyball faculty and was held as a reunion for all people who have been involved in the Program over the years. Guest speakers included Kym Foot who was the initiator of the volleyball program, Simon Naismith who was a student before becoming a teacher at Brighton, John Tiver who was the former Coordinator of the SIV Program as well as Olivia O’Neill. During the formalities of the night, framed replicas of the old playing uniforms were unveiled along with the newly made Honour Boards. Guests took a tour of the Volleyball Stadium which now has all the past Australian Schools Cup banners displayed around the walls and people took great delight in identifying their years. Entertainment was provided by current Year 9-12 SIV students who put on a display match on the beach courts whilst wearing one of the original Brighton High School playing uniforms. A string quartet consisting of girls from the Special Interest Music program and known as ‘Belle’, played beautifully on the night and received many compliments. Sensational canapés which were made by the Year 12 Food and Hospitality classes, as well as hot food provided by the canteen staff were served throughout the evening by our SIV students. A very big thank you goes to the staff who helped behind the scenes on the night to make it a great success. They are Denise Hoskin, Lynlee Graham, Marcia Welsh, Sandra Hall, Anthea Williams, Barbara Bleckly and Mark Orchard. Thanks must go to the SIV staff and students for their support towards this memorable event. All who attended the event will receive a copy of the commemorative DVD which was shown on the night.


Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter





S 1952 - 2012






60th Anniversary CELE



At the Brighton Secondary School 60th Anniversary Music concert held on 23rd May 2012, Jeffrey Kong, Head of Music, acknowledged the Special Interest Music Centre staff: Craig Bentley, Andrew Barrett, Billy James, Annie Kwok, Mark CameronSmith, Andrew Dean, Pam Parsons, Monique Calabro and Alex Bulley for their outstanding contributions to the program. The concert showcased some of the current gifted music students, distinguished old scholars, members of the wider community and, above all, public education in South Australia. Jeffrey Kong paid tribute to the former principals and staff of Brighton High School, now Brighton Secondary School and all the old scholars who contributed so much of their talent, work and life to make Brighton Secondary School the school it is today. The Special Interest Music Program is well known in China, Italy and Germany. The Brighton Special Interest Music Centre started in 1976 with Neville Hannaford as the Head of Music. Jeffrey Kong was appointed as a foundation member of Brighton Special Interest Music Centre in 1976. Brighton Secondary School has a tradition of showcasing students nationally and internationally. Since 1997 the program has introduced our students to the world through performances in the UK, Italy, China, Czech Republic and Austria. Staff and students have performed in important

venues such as the ‘Rathaus’ in Vienna, Shanghai Conservatorium, Beijing Central School of Music, York Minster, Worchester Cathedral, St Martin in the Fields in the UK and a variety of venues in Rome including Pope’s Summer Palace and Sulmona in Italy. We are hoping to have another concert tour to China and Italy at the end of 2013, or to Villers Bretonneux in France during April 2014, or possibly both. Jeffrey suggested that perhaps some of the old scholars may consider joining one of these concert tours. In 2010, 87 students performed in Shanghai, Rome and Sulmona Italy. We were greeted and assisted by some old scholars who are occupying important positions interstate and abroad. Old scholars from Brighton Special Interest Music Centre have occupied many important positions as music educators at schools and universities, as medical practitioners and some are working as international musicians. The music program has grown rapidly and is now one of the finest music schools in the country. Some current students and some old scholars including Leanda Herring, Head of Music at Woodville High School and the very fine Australian Army Band (Adelaide Branch) were invited to perform on the night. The Brighton Special Interest Music Centre has staged over 110 concert events each year. BSS extends an invitation to attend the Concert at the Elder Conservatorium, University of Adelaide on Wednesday 15th August where you may wish to join the BSS Combined Choir in singing ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ and ‘Jerusalem’. Please phone the school (phone 8375 8215) for information on tickets. The Music Concert was a magnificent evening of entertainment, appreciated by a full house. Money raised on the evening was donated to Legacy. Jeffrey Kong, Head of Music



The concert was testament to the quality music program at the school which is so ably led by Jeffrey Kong and Craig Bentley. I would also like to acknowledge the tireless work of the 60th Anniversary Committee led by David Thomson, Assistant Principal School Profile and Operations. Barbara Richards, Acting Principal

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter


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S 1952 - 2012

GALA dinner





60th Anniversary CELE





Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter


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Prime Minister’s Visit Principals and Directors of the Southern Adelaide Region of the Department of Education and Child Development and Independent kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools were invited to the Brighton Performing Arts Centre on 23rd February to an Education Forum with the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, to ask questions about the Gonski Report.


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Dux of the school Kate Galbraith This certificate is awarded in recognition of the most outstanding level of academic achievement in Year 12 studies in 2012. Kate is a very worthy recipient of this prestigious award. Kate excelled in all chosen areas of study, achieving a very impressive set of results. Kate Galbraith

The Brighton Secondary School congratulates Kate on her excellent achievements.

Old Scholars Awards YEAR 11 Friends of Brighton SECONDARY SCHOOL Old Scholars Award Robert Parton This award is presented by the Old Scholars of Brighton Secondary School to a Year 11 student who has demonstrated leadership and citizenship qualities in the school community.

Robert Parton

Robert has demonstrated to his teachers and peers an exemplary level of commitment to study, observance of school policy, involvement in extra-curricular activities and service to the school and wider community. He brings honour to Brighton Secondary School. Robert is a most worthy recipient of this award in 2012.

year 12 FRIENDS OF BRIGHTON SECONDARY SCHOOL THE FAC OMNIA BENE AWARD Phoebe Fisher Phoebe has demonstrated to a very high degree the school values of cooperation, excellence, fairness, integrity, respect and responsibility. Phoebe Fisher

Old Scholars News Congratulations to Michael Henderson, who was the Joint Winner of the Full Time Apprentice / Trainee of the Year Award. Michael from Hospitality Group Training (hosted by the WaterMark Hotel, Glenelg) is a chef. Michael commenced his school based traineeship while a student at Brighton Secondary School. He graduated in 2009.

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter


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Anzac Day Dawn Service At 5am on a cold and wet morning the “School Boys Chamber Choir”, music staff and other students and staff assembled beneath the Arch of Remembrance at Jetty Road Brighton to prepare for the 2012 Anzac Day Dawn Service. The Choir, led by Andrew Barrett and accompanied by Annie Kwok, sang two hymns “O Valiant Hearts” and “Abide With Me” as well as the Australian National Anthem. As a special tribute, the New Zealand National Anthem was sung in Te-Aka Maori. As the contingent of returned service men and women marched proudly, the huge crowd clapped enthusiastically to acknowledge their brave service to Australia, despite many being of senior age, and the hurt they were feeling, all the returned service men and women stood in silent attention throughout the service. The many children and adults in the audience also showed their respect for the solemn occasion by standing quiet and still, not even raising umbrellas to combat the cold and rain. As the two Brighton Secondary School Head Prefects, Thomas Agars and Kate Forrester spoke emotionally about their family connections with the day, a light rain started to fall. “Great-grandfather’s wish was for a safe and peaceful society in which his family could live. Unfortunately this was not the case for his children, as my Grandfather later fought in the Second World War. I am thankful for their sacrifices as I live in a free and safe society.” Kate Forrester. To conclude the event, students from all the local schools and representatives of numerous other organisations lay wreaths at the base of the Arch of Remembrance. Jan Sutherland, Counsellor & Kate Forrester, Head Prefect

r Agars and Kate Forreste Head Prefects Thomas mbrance. under the Arch of Reme


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SIV Olympians In term 3, the Special Interest Volleyball Program was thrilled to welcome back two of its ex students, Nathan Roberts and Greg Sukochev, who are current members of the Australian Olympic Indoor Volleyball Team and had just returned from the 2012 Olympic Games.

Special Interest Volleyball

Nathan entered the school as a volleyball student in Year 8. In Year 11 he was offered an Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Scholarship which he took to further develop his volleyball skills. He has since represented Australia over 200 times in varying competitions. He happily answered a range of questions from the students, such as how big his shoes were and how many times he trained per week. Greg joined the SIV Program in 2001 and says it was here that his passion for volleyball first developed and evolved. I am very grateful to the program for the start it gave me in my career. Of course, back then I never gave any consideration to playing volleyball professionally or for the National team or in the Olympics, or even regarded it as a possibility. I just enjoyed playing volleyball with my friends, and thankfully, still do. Since leaving Brighton, Greg has played and lived in many countries including Sweden, Poland and Slovakia and has travelled to many more. Nathan and Greg each presented one of their Olympic playing tops to the SIV program. These will be framed and hung in the stadium foyer together with the tops of other former students who have been selected in an Olympic team. Nathan and Greg unveiled name plates on two of the volleyball courts which have been named after each of them. Nathan said having the court named after him was not something that he had expected but was a huge honour. Current SIV students enjoyed meeting and being part of these celebrations with Nathan and Greg.

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter


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Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi, November From the classroom to formula one - in one week! There we were sitting in class at Brighton Secondary School, in Adelaide, taking notes from the teacher. Just a week later, we were standing in the paddock of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix shaking hands with the supremo of Formula One™ racing, Bernie Ecclestone, and being handed a massive solid glass trophy with his name on it. It was a moment beyond our wildest dreams. We were being recognised for becoming World Champions of F1 in Schools, the international technology competition run in more than 17,000 high schools. Our team, Cold Fusion, flew to Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi to compete against the best teams in the world from more than 30 nations. Over the years during our involvement in F1 in Schools, we had followed the other Australian teams going to the World Finals. We’d even become friends with some of them, and now it was our turn. So amazing! There’s no other school competition like it. Where else can you use the same technology as professional engineers and learn engineering principles like computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis and formulas that second and third year university students do? And where else can you combine them with teamwork, project management, collaboration with industry and public speaking skills? The F1 in Schools Technology Challenge, which is run in Australia by the notfor-profit Re-Engineering Australia Foundation, has changed our lives forever. We all wanted to excel at something. What this competition has done is clarify just what that something is. We want to be innovative, to design and engineer things, maybe even a world-first piece of technology. Most of us are going to take up the offer of a scholarship to study engineering at university in London, which is the prize awarded to each member of the World Champion team. Unfortunately, we have to finish high school first which will take another year. Thanks to Re-Engineering Australia for allowing some of the article to be reproduced. Cold Fusion


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Brighton Secondary School wins The World F1 In Schools Championship! Cold Fusion, the team of six students from Brighton Secondary School won the prestigious Bernie Ecclestone Trophy and in addition were awarded the Best Engineered Car, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Knockout Racing award and the Fastest Car award. The students also won individual scholarships to City University, London, worth one million pounds. The team designed, tested, manufactured and assembled the fastest and most reliable F1 in Schools car in the world. We congratulate these amazing students on what can only be described as inspirational, resulting in life changing experiences for all concerned. Stephen Read and Lynlee Graham Teachers

The team members WERE: Tom Agars: Innovations Manager Jane Burton: Team / Graphics Manager Jake Grant: Resource Manager Michelle Lennon: Testing / Manufacturing Engineer Henry Lynch: Industry Relations Spencer Olds: Design Engineer

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter



Where are they now?

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KOCH - WENHAM Cheryl (nee Williams1991-95) and Nathan are pleased to announce their marriage on 12 May 2012 at St Stephens Lutheran Church, Wakefield Street, Adelaide. Cheryl Ann Wenham and Nathan James Koch were united in marriage on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at two o’clock in the afternoon at St Stephens Lutheran Church. The Reverend James Winderlich officiated. Music was provided by Stephen Kaesler, organist. Following afternoon tea in the church hall, a reception was held at Ayers House, decorated by Style & Grace. The cake was provided by Heidelberg Cakes and guests danced to music provided by a six piece ensemble from Music Adelaide. A rehearsal dinner was held at Alphutte Restaurant. The bride is the daughter of Daphne Williams of Warradale and the late Kenneth Williams. She is the granddaughter of the late Florence and Cyril Thompson of Blair Athol, and the late Eunice and Joseph Williams of Semaphore Park. The bridegroom is the son of Margaret and Geoffrey Koch of Evanston Gardens. He is the grandson of the late Lorna and Samuel Jericho OAM of Arborville, Rudall and the late Thora and Lindsay Koch of Stockport. Given in marriage by her mother, the bride wore a Tiger Xiu wedding gown of white dupioni silk with a strapless bodice and full skirt, accented with a dramatic black sash with contrasting white lace and flowers. Her bouquet was all white with roses, peonies and ranunculus. Her hair and makeup were done by Belissimo Hair & Beauty, and her sparkling diamante hair clip was from Papillon Blue and veil from Tiger Xiu. The bride’s mother wore a golden, floor length Princess Collection dress with matching bolero jacket and rose wrist corsage. Bridesmaids, Julie Kernick (nee Williams 1990-94) and Sarah Wiltshire, wore full length black dresses with white sashes, also by Tiger Xiu, and had bouquets of red roses. The Groom, along with Best man, Michael Brauer, and Groomsmen, Jonathan Koch and Leith Nussio (1991-95), were dressed by Joseph Uzumcu with peacock feather boutonniere from Blue Flourish. The mother of the groom was dressed in an apple green dress and silver grey coat by Tiger Xiu, with a green orchid wrist corsage and the father of the groom was dressed by Joseph Uzumcu with a green peacock feather boutonniere.

All flowers were from KateSaidYes via Etsy, and the ladies had matching purses from Sylsyl and pashminas from SWAK Couture. The couple’s wedding bands were custom made by Everett Brookes. Transport was in the form of 5 classic Mini Cooper ‘S’ cars, in black, white, orange and blue; and the Groom’s own car in white with burgundy roof, matching the bridal party (further details on the cars is provided below). Cheryl attended Brighton Secondary School before graduating from the University of Adelaide where she received a bachelor degree in commerce and masters in business administration. She is a commercial manager and member of the Australian Institute of Project Management. The bridesmaid, Julie Kernick (nee Williams) and groomsman, Leith Nussio, also attended Brighton Secondary School, and Leith also attended the University of Adelaide. Both are committee members of the Modified Mini Car Club of South Australia, with Nathan being a past President. The Groom’s 1967 Morris Cooper S (snow white with burgundy roof) carried the couple and was driven by Fred Radman. They were escorted by Garry Knight’s black 1965 Morris Cooper S, Ian Campbell’s white 1966 Morris Cooper S, Charlie Kotzur’s marine blue with white roof 1966 Morris Cooper S and Ben Afford’s 1976 scarlet ohara red Leyland Mini S. The couple met while both working on the M113 Upgrade Project at Tenix in 2007 and started dating in 2009, and more recently both worked on the Adelaide Desalination Project. Nathan surprised Cheryl by proposing with a Ceylon Sapphire when she took him out for his birthday at the Red Ochre Restaurant overlooking the River Torrens on 26 June 2010. They had an engagement ring custom made by Everett Brookes. After a honeymoon in Bali, Indonesia, the couple will reside in Torrens Park. Informal photographs are available at http://www. Official photographs are yet to be released by the photographer, Jennifer Sando (


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AusMumpreneur Awards launch superstar mums in business The annual Connect2Mums AusMumpreneur Awards will launch another super businesswoman into stardom this September. AusMumpreneur Awards recognise the achievements of women who have managed to run a successful business and balance work with family life. The awards acknowledge the achievements of Australia and New Zealand’s best and brightest entrepreneurs in the mumpreneur industry across a wide range of categories.

recognise them as fear, doubt, negativity, excuses… When you get out of your own way by removing these obstacles or acting despite them, your whole world will open up and you will never look back!”

Katrina Zaslavsky (nee Velgush 1990-94) of Inspiring Birth Stories has been selected as a finalist in the 2012 AusMumpreneur Awards in the category of “favourite product” for her book, A Modern Woman’s Guide to a Natural Empowering Birth. (also featured in the latest My Child Magazine June Winter edition 2012)

The AusMumpreneur Conference and AusMumpreneur Awards are a reflection of Connect2Mums commitment to supporting mums.

The book is a collection of inspiring birth stories, as well as expert tips and practical insights to overcome your fears and reclaim your birth power in a modern world. It also features a special afterword by the internationally renowned Dr Sarah Buckley MD, author of bestselling book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering. The 2012 AusMumpreneur Awards presented by connect2mums celebrate and recognise Mums in business achieving outstanding success in areas such as business, product development, services and innovation in businesses from Australia and New Zealand. The awards are designed to recognize the growing number of women who successfully balance motherhood and business in a way that suits their life and family. Inspiring Birth Stories are passionately committed to supporting women to give birth naturally and to overcome their fears about birthing in a world that has become so medicalised and fearful of something so perfectly natural. Profoundly impacted by her own personal journey into motherhood, the founder Katrina Zaslavsky has since become an author, magazine columnist, Natural Parenting Melbourne committee member, speaker and mentor. Her calling is to awaken people to live a more conscious, natural lifestyle and especially to empower women around the globe to discover their inner birth goddess!

“It’s really important that we recognise working mums. We celebrate the achievements of women who have managed to create incredibly successful businesses whilst raising a family,” Peace explained. “We encourage business owners to celebrate their achievements and inspire other mums to go out there and follow their dreams.” Katy added. The major awards for businesses from Australia and New Zealand in 2012 are: • AusMumpreneur of the Year • Rising Star AusMumpreneur of the Year • Emerging AusMumpreneur of the Year • Product Innovation Award • Retail Business of the Year • Service Business of the Year The People’s Choice Award categories include: • Customer Service Award • Favourite Blog Award • Favourite Handmade Mumpreneur of the Year • Favourite Boutique • Favourite Product Award • Favourite Eco Friendly Business Award

There are many benefits to balancing business and motherhood as Katrina Zaslavsky explains, “Being a mumpreneur gives me the freedom to follow my path and my passion and grow as a person while changing other women’s lives. It is incredibly fulfilling to live with purpose and in the process of helping other women to discover their own magnificence, I have found my own.” It can be challenging to be a successful business woman whilst raising a family and Katrina gives this advice for others thinking about starting their own enterprise. “All of your obstacles lie inside of yourself. You may

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter


You can learn more about Katrina Zaslavsky of Inspiring Birth Stories at: and join her empowering birth community here: (RRP $34.95)

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Year 12 Research Project 2013 My name is Jack Newton and in 2013, I shall be entering the Stage 2 of my secondary education. For my compulsory research project in 2013, I am looking at How Brighton High/Secondary has developed over 60 years. The project requires us to use methods of research to investigate a topic of our choice and present our findings in Term 2. My main research method has been to conduct one-on-one interviews with old students and staff to gain an insight into school life during their time at Brighton. Already, I have interviewed Mr Bob Farrow (Principal, BHS 1976-1987), Ms Nancy Schupelius (Principal, BSS 1994-2001), Mr Peter Vowles (Student, BHS 1986-1990 and PE Co-ordinator, BSS 2011-present) and Mr John Culley (Deputy Principal, BHS/BSS 1985-1994). I have over half a dozen more interviews in the pipeline including, amongst others, Mr Chris McDermott (Student, BHS 1976-1980) and Mr Jeffery Kong (Teacher/Head of Music, BHS/BSS 1976-present). By the end of the research project, I will have two final products. The first will be a 30-minute documentary on the history of the school. The second product will be a book in the form of a book entitled, “We Came From Brighton: Over 60 Years of Stories from Students and Staff.” This book will feature the stories told by interviewees as well as a collection of various photographs. The book will hopefully be launched to coincide with the grand opening of the “21st Century” learning building in 2014 as a tribute to the Brighton of old whilst looking towards the Brighton of the future. If you would be interested or know anyone who might interested in being interviewed for the project, please feel free to contact me on my mobile 0401 354 006 or via email It is not important whether the interview takes place face-to-face or via phone, skype, email etc. The most important thing is that your story is shared with the Brighton community. Jack Newton Year 11 Student

Join Brighton Secondary School Old Scholars Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Millions of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet. Here is an opportunity to connect with past scholars and staff from time spent at Brighton High School, Brighton Boys Technical High School, Mawson High School and Brighton Secondary School.

Dear Alumni, If you would like to provide an article(s) for future ‘Connections’ newsletters, please email with 100-200 words of text. If you have a particular photo(s) that you would like included, please attach this to the email. Thank you in anticipation Lynlee Graham Coordinator Community Development


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Leaving or Retiring Staff


George Baldock 2003-2012 Hugh Taeuber 2007-2012

Alexander Henderson taught German at Brighton Secondary School from 1994 to 2002, and was a Year 11 home group teacher. From the outset he made a huge impression on staff, students and parents. He set high standards and expectations, for which he was commended by German Language consultants and Open Access College teachers.

PAULINE CRAWFORD 2010-2012 David Reed 2001-2012

Andrew Tamblyn 2005-2012

Mary Dellas 2011-2012

The dedication and intensity of his efforts were outstanding, as he gave up his own lunch times, free lessons and holidays to support his students. He was rewarded not only with excellent results and retention rates, as students stayed with him from one year level to the next. Many gifts were bestowed on him in gratitude and recognition for his work. So many of us were delighted and intrigued by his Scottish accent. In fact he came to Brighton after a stint at Knox Grammar School in Sydney, where he knew Hugo Weaving as a student, and Campbelltown High School (now Charles Campbell Secondary). He was an extremely cultured man also qualified to teach French and Latin, with wide ranging knowledge and interests including history, literature, classical music, cinema, food, wine, and international tennis. It was a joy to sit next to him in the office and hear his responses to items in the daily newspapers. After his retirement, he found pleasure in his creative writing, inspired by his experience in the class room, but also by his Scottish heritage and his classical background. Though he felt his colleagues considered him an ICT ‘dinosaur,’ he excelled at word processing skills, to the point of being dubbed ‘twinkle fingers.’ His activities were restricted by declining health in his later years. He passed away on October 24th 2012. Alex was an extremely caring person. He remained his mother’s carer until she was 98, and gave consistent support to a close friend suffering from cancer. His dogs Callum and Hamish were a source of great delight in his life. Anyone who knew him could not help but be favourably impressed. We miss him. Lyn Hearn Languages coordinator

Anthea Williams 2004-2012

Friends of Brighton Secondary School Newsletter


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Friends of Brighton Secondary School

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