Brighton Secondary School Newsletter - August 2018

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Olivia O'Neill and Mr Hashimoto from Toyodai Sister School


Diary Dates ..................................................2 White Ribbon...............................................2 Donation of Old iPads...............................2 Congratulations..........................................3 Joe Williams................................................3 Apple Classroom........................................4 Visit From Thailand....................................5 Heart of it All................................................6 Visual Arts News........................................7 Arts CareersFEST.......................................8 Year 12 Child Studies................................8 Year 10 Fashion Design Students.........9 Live Kind Logo ............................................9 2018 Volleyball Schools Cup................10 Year 8/9 Girls Knockout Soccer..........12 Music News..............................................12 Eddie Woo.................................................15

Term 3 is replete with wonderful opportunities for our students to excel and to participate. Year 10 students are enjoying the ski trip; music students are rehearsing long hours for the annual Music Spectacular; students volunteered to work with international educational consultant, Yong Zhao; the volleyball students came home with the state cup and much more (see article later in the newsletter); the debating students are progressing to the finals and all students have the opportunity to participate and excel in interesting learning activities in all their subjects. The staff have enjoyed contributing a personal artefact that is synonymous with their ‘heart’ in the Heart Of It All exhibition organised by Art/ Design teacher, Cheryl Evans. It is on show to all students some of whom have participated in matching teachers to each artefact. It has been a cold winter and it concerns me that many girls are wearing socks and not tights with their skirts. We changed the uniform policy to accommodate the girls who said it was difficult to change into tights after PE and Volleyball. Unfortunately, this means many girls are not wearing the tights because they are considered ‘uncool’. Sadly, they are very ‘cool’ in this weather. I encourage parents to encourage their daughters to be warm and wear tights if they do not have the trousers. Our old scholars make us proud and we can not be prouder of Jake Grant and Thomas Agars. Two members of the World Champion Brighton Secondary Schools STEM F1 in schools team, Cold Fusion, who recently graduated from City University in London with masters in Engineering qualifications.

Regarding staffing: Deputy Principal, Barbara Richards, is on leave for Terms 3 and 4. Staffing has been rearranged as follows: Deputy Principal – David Thomson Assistant Principal Operations and School profile – Nicola Martin Year 11 Manager – Cherie Morgan. Cherie is also the English/ EAL/ Literacy Coordinator while Deborah Smith is on leave for the first 5 weeks of term 3. The Governing Council met for a weekend planning conference this term. Our Education Director, Chris Sheldon, will attend the 22 August combined Partnership Governing Council meeting to speak with our Governing Council regarding the position of Principal Brighton Secondary 2019-2024. I will not be reapplying for the position and will work with the new Principal for a smooth transition into 2019. In the meantime there is much to do to accomplish our goals for 2018 so I am not saying goodbye as yet. Olivia O’Neill Principal

305 Brighton Road, North Brighton SA 5048 P:+61 8 8375 8200 E:




Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits Monarto A SIV Year 7 IN ZONE Trial #2 /SIV Older OZONE Trial 27 Year 12 Trial Exams (27 Aug-4 Sept *No exam Monday 3rd) 27 Percussion Showcase 28 Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits Monarto B 29-30 Ellington Festival 30 Write a Book in a Day 31 Subject Counselling Extended HG (11.0031 Stage 2 Ensemble Performance Exams

SEPTEMBER 3 3 4 4 4-5 5

STUDENT FREE DAY (Staff Training) Governing Council Meeting 7.00pm Principal Tour 9.00am Web preference closes Stage 2 Solo Performance Exams School Counselling year 10-11, L5 – 6.00pm 5-18 F1 Departs for Singapore 6 Subject Confirmation Day 6 Music year 8-10 Out-of-zone Auditions 7 SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY 13 Music Spectacular (Junior Ensemble) 13 Intensive Secondary English Course 3.30pm 13 SIV Open Knock Out at Brighton 14 Test Free Day L4-L6 14-15 Music Spectacular (Senior Ensemble) 18-21 Year 12 Outdoor Ed Camp 18 Year 11 Outdoor Ed Aquatics 18 Stage 1 Solo Music Performance Exams 20 Uniform Committee 12.45pm

21 24 24 23-10 26 27 28

SIV Year 11 Aquatics Year 8 Immunisations Stage 2 Ensemble Performance Exams Japan Trip Departs (23 Sep -12 Oct) Paul Dillon year 10 L1+2, year 11 L3 + 4, year 12 L5 + 6 Year 10 Aquatics 1.00pm Dismissal


Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences year 8 and 9, 3.00 - 8.00pm 18 Year 11 Sport Med Session 18 New Music Concert 19 Ekiden Relay 19 House Assemblies (Holdfast and Rapid) 19 Year 11 and 12 Success Assembly with Principal Address 22 SIV In School Lunchtime Trials (year 8-9 only) 22 Year 11 Research Project Day 24 Year 10 Drama Producation 24-26 Year 11 Outdoor Ed Camp 26 House Assemblies (Buffalo and Cygnet) 26 Jazz Cabaret 26 Year 12 Classes Conclude 29 SIV National Schools Cup Challenge 29 Year 11 Research Project Day 30 Antipodean Parent Meeting 31-2 Year 11 Outdoor Ed Camp



SIV year 8 VSA beach competition at Glenelg 5-16 Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits Camp 6 Principal Tour 7 Stage 1 Music Performance Exams 8 Volunteers Afternoon Tea 9 SIV year 8/9 Knockout at Brighton 11 Remembrance Day West Tce Cemetery 12 SIV Level 2 Referee Course (selected students) 14 Year 9 Aquatics Day 14 Year 11 Drama Production 15 Uniform Committee 12.45pm 17 Antipodean Training 4.00pm 18 New Music Concert 19 Year 11 SIV Aquatics 21 Sports Presentation Evening 21 Year 12 exams conclude 22 Antipodeans Depart (22 Nov-19 Dec) 23 Year 11 lessons conclude 26-30 Year 11 exams 27 Year 7 visits 29 Charities and Recognition Assembly 30 Year 8 and 9 Panels (day) 30 Year 10 classes conclude

DECEMBER 3 3-7 4 8-15 14

Brighton Festive Carols Australian Business Week Principal Tour SIV Schools Cup Melbourne 1.00pm Dismissal (all week)

Year 12 Valedictory Governing Council Year 12 Exams Commence

WHITE RIBBON Kane Hillman (Brighton Secondary School Assistant Principal) is running the New York Marathon in support of White Ribbon, raising money and awareness about the issue of men's violence against women. To donate to his $10000 target, please click on the link below. Donations are tax deductable and a tax receipt will be issued.

DONATION OF OLD IPADS From time to time we get requests from families experiencing hardship, to assist with the loan of an ipad for various reasons. If anyone has an old ipad (less than 4 years old) that they no longer use, we would greatly appreciate if it could be donated to the school. We could then lend these to students in need for short periods of time. Thank you from the Student Wellbeing Team Jan Sutherland, Tony Mahar, Cali Galouzis

CONGRATULATIONS Ryan Lowrie, Josh Redmond and Cameron Garforth, all Brighton Secondary School year 9 students, were selected for the U16 SA State Rugby Union Team 2018. In the July School holidays the boys traveled to Victoria where they defeated the Victorian State team SA 45 defeated Vic Barbarians 15 and then defeated Tasmania, SA 69 defeated Tasmania 0. Congratulations to Katherine Dowling who competed in the Australian Hockey Tour in South Africa from Thursday 28th of June to Saturday 21st of July. McKenzie Ween was selected to represent South Australia in the U23 SA Softball Team and competed in Redlands, Queensland in July 2018. This is the third state softball team this year that McKenzie has participated in – having also been selected in U17 and U19 SA Softball Teams who both competed in January 2018 at Blacktown, NSW. Congratulations to Riley Byrne and Bohdie Fry in being selected to represent South Australia in the U18 Schoolboys National Rugby Union Championship held in the Gold Coast this July.

Two members of the World Champion Brighton Secondary School STEM F1 in Schools team, Cold Fusion have, 2 weeks ago, graduated from City University in London. All of this talented and dedicated team have chosen tertiary pathways and have been successful, but Jake Grant and Thomas Agars accepted scholarships to City University, as part of team's prize for winning the World Championship. Both have graduated with Masters in Engineering qualifications, but we acknowledge the additional challenges that leaving home at 18 years of age, and moving to a new country, with little formal support, has been an exceptional life success. That is rigorous, persistent, challenge based learning at it's best. Congratulations to all. Congratulations to Zel Whiting, a year 8 student, who received 1st place in the Secondary School section of the Adelaide Plains Poetry Prize. Zel also recently competed in the Australian History Competition and received a high distinction with a score of 92%.

JOE WILLIAMS On Wednesday 20 June, myself, Connor Sampson and the ASETO from Brighton secondary school, Caitlyn Davies-Plummer, attended a talk. The talk was presented by the retired NRL star, retired professional boxer and author, Joe Williams. Joe Williams was born in Cowra in 1983. Cowra is a town in the central west region of New South Wales and is on Wiradjuri land. Connor and myself didn’t really have an idea of what we were getting ourselves into, Caitlyn had been a fan of Joe’s for a little while now. He started the presentation off with an introduction about his background, his family, his career and his dark past. The main topic over the whole talk was about suicide and how he overcame what the voices in his head were constantly telling him. He started off by talking about when he got drafted when he was 13 and how much of an impact it had on his life. His dream was always to get drafted and he did so at a young age. He was telling us how much better the NRL draft system is now because of the age you have to be to get drafted. It was really refreshing to see a male standing up and talking about his culture and the depression he lives with every day. Joe told us about how important culture is to him and what affect alcohol and drugs has had on his life. Becoming an NRL legend and earning a lot of money gave Joe a big ego. Joe spoke about breaking the stigma of mental health, especially for men. Joe spoke openly and honestly about his mental illness and the way he has to battle the negative thoughts in his head. We all enjoyed hearing Joe speak and we hope he can come to Brighton and share his story with more students. This story can definitely have a big effect on students who are going through or have been through similar circumstances. Connor Sampson and Michael Comino-Ewin Year 11 students



APPLE CLASSROOM HAS ARRIVED AT BRIGHTON As you know, all Year 8 and 9 students at Brighton are lucky enough to use iPads for their learning. Bringing this creative device into these middle years has completely revolutionised the way we approach learning. Students are creating now more than ever and, over the years, staff have been blown away by some of the projects students have produced with their iPads. While the device has been invaluable for shifting students from consumers to creators, feedback we sometimes hear is that students struggle to avoid distractions. At Brighton, we aim to prepare students for life and work in the digital world beyond school, and want to help them develop the skills necessary for them to thrive. Quite serendipitously, Apple has released an app called Classroom that better enables teachers to help students with this.

Several classes have been trialling this app throughout the year, and while it was an adjustment initially for students, many have commented that it has helped them stay on task better in class. Selfregulation is a skill that needs practice and reinforcement, and staff have loved being able to help students with this. See below for what the app looks like live in action.

See below for Apple’s official introduction to Classroom. “The Classroom app enables teachers to manage student iPad devices in the classroom, helping them guide students through a lesson by opening apps and links for them. Teachers can easily send and receive documents with everyone in the class and keep an eye on the students’ work by viewing their screen.”




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We are very excited to begin using this with all Year 8 and 9 classes at Brighton as of mid-Term 3 this year. We are looking forward to helping students develop the skills necessary to be successful lifelong learners in a digital, globalised world. If you have any questions about what the app can/can’t do, please see the fact sheet and data/privacy statement from Apple below. “With Classroom, student iPad devices can be managed only in class and no data is stored after a class session ends. The teacher and students need to be in close proximity, signed on to the same Wi-Fi network, and in an active class session. The teacher cannot manage or view student devices outside of class. To ensure transparency when Screen View is active for a student’s screen in class, a notification at the top of their screen indicates that the screen is being viewed. Schools can also choose to disable Screen View if they prefer that teachers not view student screens.” Aimee Shattock Digital Learning Coordinator

EDUCATION LEADERS AND TEACHERS VISIT FROM THAILAND Since 2014, Brighton Secondary School has participated In the" Partnership Schools Project" with the Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC), Thai Ministry of Education. Over that time, we have hosted several teachers from two Thai schools who have also hosted 5 teachers from Brighton Secondary School in their schools. In term 2, Ms Janejira Srithongoon from Rittiyawannalai School, Bangkok visited Brighton Secondary School for 2 weeks where she observed a variety of subjects including English, Languages, Home Economics and STEM. We also hosted eleven Thai Education Leaders and School Principals for a day program. They were very impressed with our modern facilities and interested in our use of Digital Technology in the classroom, the F1 program and School Management System. During the July holidays, Mr Finn Galindo was hosted by Rittiyawannalai School, Bangkok, where he shared his Design and Technology, and STEM knowledge and skills with students and staff. Lynlee Graham Coordinator – International



HEART OF IT ALL The 'Heart of it All' is an exhibition of insights into the personal, professional and compassionate hearts of the staff at Brighton, inspired by Patrick Pound’s work, The Point of Everything, for the 2018 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art. Exhibited in the Bright Centre for the first 4 weeks of term 3, 121 staff members have bought in an object that they felt represented their heart, from literal heart scans, to a lump of coal, family artefacts, examples of personal triumph and representations of loved ones. Students have had the opportunity to find out more about the many stories behind these special pieces through competitions in the bulletin, and they are encouraged to speak to the staff to learn more. The staff and student conversations overheard, as everyone guessed who brought in what object or figured out its meaning, have shown a wonderful engagement in the exhibition and built lovely connections. Cheryl Evans Art Teacher

VISUAL ARTS NEWS Secondary Schools Drawing Exhibition As part of the Art Gallery of SA’s educational program, students are able to participate in drawing workshops and a concluding exhibition at the Radford Auditorium. This year Brighton Secondary students Gilbert Richardson, Kiara Koch, Olivia Davey, Elsie Nunu and Violet Mawby exhibited their drawings in the final exhibition. The exhibition was opened by Acting Director of the Art Gallery of SA, Ms Lisa Slade on Friday 3 August. The exhibition is open on selected days during SALA.

Careersfest A focus day on visual arts careers was hosted by the Art Gallery of SA on Friday 10 August. Interested year 12 students attended this forum with Ms Chery Evans and Mrs Bentley. A range of speakers gave firsthand accounts of their experiences in their arts career pathways.

SALA 2018 ‘It’s all part of the puzzle’ The SALA team has been busy in the last weeks preparing the SALA exhibition. A Wiked Wednesday activity was held in the quadrangle at lunchtime in week 2 to add to the ‘Puzzle’ activities. Students were invited to paint artistic images on small pieces of jigsaw puzzles. These mini artworks were be included in the SALA exhibition. The exhibition opened on Tuesday 14 August with refreshments and entertainment. Student presenters hosted the evening and Mr Dean Mac Arthur from Eckersleys’ Art Supplies present encouragement vouchers.

New works this semester Many creative projects are well on the way this term and down the art corridor there has been the presence of large Picasso style figures by year 8 students, Warrior charcoal drawings from the year 11 Visual Study project and stencilled portraits from year 10 art. Yasmin Paterson Coordinator – Visual and Performing Arts



ARTS CAREERSFEST Arts CareersFEST was an opportunity for year 11 and 12 Arts and Design students to hear a variety of arts professionals share their experiences of how they got to where they are today, the challenges and the highlights, held on Friday August 10 at the Art Gallery of SA. The motivated and inspiring group of presenters shared their ‘wisdom nuggets’ with the students, explaining, how their willingness to volunteer, find mentors and constantly learn lead them to the incredibly rewarding roles they have in the arts, where they have meet like -minded people in the very close-knit Adelaide creative community. They all made it clear that it is not an industry that they got into for the money, but it’s a passion that they give their all too and love what they do every day. The students who attended found the day insightful. Presenters included Paul Vasileff, Director ofPaolo Sebastian, Claire Foxton, Street Artist (NSW), Matt Taylor, Contemporary Furniture Designer, Serena Wong, Arts, Culture and Development Officer, Riddoch Art Gallery, Thomas Readett, Artist/Tarnanthi Education Officer, AGSA, Sera Waters, Artist and lecturer, Adelaide Central School of Art, Rebecca Evans – Curator, AGSA (in conversation with Artlab Australia), Penny Griggs - General Manager, South Australian Living Artist Festival (SALA). Cheryl Evans Art Teacher

YEAR 12 CHILD STUDIES Year 12 Child Studies students had a fun morning playing multicultural games with the year 1 students from Paringa Park Primary School. Their Child Studies task involved planning and creating a multicultural game or activity that promoted diversity as a positive learning experience and enhanced intercultural understanding and cross-cultural communication skills. It was a wonderful opportunity to work with one of our partnership schools and for the students to showcase their multilcultural activities, which included memory and matching games, using chopsticks to pick up marshmellows, making Guatamalian Worry Dolls, Snap, Bingo and finding out about foods around the world. Marie Elley Home Economics Teacher



Year 10 Fashion Design students participated in a creative ‘Style Engineering Workshop’, which involved making clothing from recycled materials to demonstrate being part of a sustainable world. Initially they watched a Project Runway episode about making clothes from car parts then investigated how recycled materials are currently used in the fashion industry. Designing the garment on a croqui was required before their design came to life on a wooden artist mannequin.

Ashlyn Von Bertouch

Earlier in the year students developed and voted on a ‘Live Kind’ logo that was then printed onto t-shirts for harmony day and sports day. In term 2 students then had the opportunity to redesign this logo demonstrating their own creative strengths. They were required to maintain the original logos structure but could use whatever materials they would like to reimagine it. We had a people’s choice vote and the winner and 2 runners up were selected by a panel of staff and students.

Susan Brandt

Mitchell Kempenaers-Pocz

With a large majority of votes Ashlyn Von Bertouch (1002R) won both the people’s choice and the overall award, and the runners ups were Macy Pedler (903R) and Mitchell Kempenaers-Pocz (1203R). Congratulations to all the entrants for the interesting interpretations and high standard of outcomes. Cheryl Evans Art Teacher

Macy Pedler



2018 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN VOLLEYBALL SCHOOLS CUP CHAMPION SCHOOL At the recent 3 day Schools Cup Volleyball Championship competition, Brighton entered 307 students in 33 teams, playing at multiple venues across Adelaide. At the end of the weekend we had achieved 14 Gold, 8 Silver and 4 Bronze medals; 26 medals overall. Seven out of the 10 Top Honours teams won gold. The Brighton Volleyball Program also retained the South Australian Champion School Cup for the seventh year in a row. Thank you to the teaching staff and coaches who volunteered their time to train their teams either before or after school during term 2 / 3 and also for giving up the 3 days of their time over the weekend to coach. We are very proud and thankful to include 38 of our old SIV Scholars as volunteer coaches. Without all of our coaches’ enthusiasm and commitment to give back to the school community, these fantastic opportunities would not be available for our students. On behalf of the SIV staff, I would like to thank all of the parents and families who transported their children around to the many venues during their weekend and in particular for the positive vocal support during matches.

Girls Year 12 Div 1 – GOLD

Once again the SIV staff were pleased with the outstanding results and we commend our students on the high level of sportsmanship, respect and comradery displayed over the 3 days. This reflected the positive culture that we endeavour to build within our program. Sue Rodger Coordinator – Special Interest Volleyball

AA Captains with Cup

Boys Open Honour Team 1 – GOLD

Boys Year 8 Div 1 Green – GOLD

Boys Year 8 Honours – GOLD

Girls Year 8 Honours – GOLD

Boys Year 11 Div 1 – GOLD

Girls Year 10 Div 1 Blue – GOLD

Boys U15 Honours – GOLD

Girls U15 Honours – GOLD

Girls Year 9 Div 1 Blue – GOLD

Girls Year 11 Div 1 Team 1 – GOLD

Boys U16 Honours Team 1 – GOLD

Boys Year 9 Div 1 Green – GOLD

Girls U16 Honour Team 1 – GOLD



YEAR 8/9 GIRLS KNOCKOUT SOCCER The 8/9 Girls Knockout Soccer team were victorious in their first round robin matches at the end of last term. The girls had a thrilling game against Roma Mitchell, winning in the dying minutes 6-5. With no subs, the second game against Kildare was much slower, and the team came away with a draw 1-1, which was enough to get us through to the second round. Goals scored by Georgia Oliver (3), Mikayla Mark (3) and Izzy Thorpe (1). The next round is played in week 5, and if the girls win, they will go straight through to the state finals. Annika Winter (Coach) Annika Winter PE Teacher and Coach

MUSIC NEWS From the end of term 2 into early term 3, the music department entered an incredibly busy and exciting time. In addition to many events for small groups, some of our large ensembles saw 6 months rehearsals come to fruition in key performances. On Monday 25 June, 2 Eddie Woo events took place - Ben Cook performed in the foyer at Brighton, while Samara Ball, Matilda Chapman-Petrone, Aidan Damarell, John Knott, Alison Marton and Ashlyn Von Bertouch entertained guests at Adelaide Town Hall. Yonah Rex-McGirr and Deanna Whelan created a festive atmosphere with some smooth jazz for the launch of the school’s new website and BPAC logo on the Tuesday 3 July. The Beginning of term 3 saw Hinako Otsuka and Jack Woolcock busk for the art faculty’s Wik-Ed Wednesday, while in week 3, Emma Borgas and Jacinda Ormston ran a Sonic Arts Come-and-Try session in the Learning Laneway. In another lunchtime performance, the Concert Band performed for SACE assessment in the quadrangle on the Thursday 26 July. The following students performed at assemblies at the start of the term: Matt Morris (Cygnet); Jack Woolcock (Buffalo); Zoe Waters and Amber Timms (Senior); Isabel Macpherson (Holdfast); Tara Chapman, Holly Williams and Zade Barns (Rapid). Hats off to Katerina Angione, Hayley Chapman, Jayden Doe, Koni-Jane Hui, Mina Johansson, Eilidh Macphee, Izzy Mason, Niamh Michael-Roubos, Gina Sinclair, Kane Stewart and Holly Williams for participating in the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra’s Big Rehearsals at the Grainger Studio. Matthew Armani, Zade Barns, Ben Monaghan and William St Vincent participated in the combined schools SASPI Plus percussion ensemble workshop at Brighton on the 9th August. Finally, 2 of our guitarists, Bradley Caught and Lora Kurusa performed in the Adelaide Guitar Festival on the 12th August following a week-long winter school in the school holidays. We welcome Sarah Raymond back to Brighton, replacing Georgie Simmons who has moved to Canada for study purposes. Congratulations to year 8 student Cyrus Nuthakki (piano) on receiving an honourable mention in the Miriam Hyde Awards, and Mina Johansson (year 9) for achieving honours in her 8th grade AMEB violin exam. Andrew Barrett Head of Music

WATU Choral Festival

Year 5/10 Band Workshop

On Friday 6 July to Sunday 9 July, the Treble choir and Boys Chamber Choir took part in a choir festival called “WATU”; the Kaurna word for “Shout”.

On Thursday 2 August, the year 10 Band had the chance to be mentors to grade 5 primary school students from a variety of different schools.

The festival was run by Young Adelaide Voices, a choir for girls and boys, ages 5-35. While the days were long, we learnt so much from the conductor, Christie Anderson. On the Saturday we went around the city in mini choirs and performed songs, such as “Siyahamba”, “Bring me little water Silvy” and Freedom is calling”. On Sunday, as a combined choir, we performed 2 pieces written by the guest artist Lisa Young, called “The Gift” and “Ah Zumbeh”, a traditional Nahrungga song, called “Gurdi”, as well as a piece written by Carl Crossin called “Winter Stars”. Brighton’s Treble choir and Boys Chamber Choir were also given the opportunity to perform by themselves in the concert. The whole weekend was really fun; everyone was so nice, we got to make new friends, and we learnt so much. Special thanks to the Music Parent Support Group for their financial assistance that allowed both choirs to participate in this valuable experience.

These primary school students are a part of various southern hub band programs, where they learn a range of band instruments. During the first double lesson on Thursday we sat with the year 5s and learnt 3 new band pieces, conducted by the Instrumental Music staff. Each year 10 had a year 5 buddy so that during the double lesson the younger students could ask any questions to help them learn the pieces. At the end of the double lesson, we performed what we had learnt to their parents. The year 10s really enjoyed this opportunity to help the primary school students develop their musical skills and performing together. Maddie Lindqvist and Katerina Angione Year 10 students

Tori Munn Year 9 student



Symphony by the Sea On Saturday 4 August, Brighton’s string ensembles, the Sinfonia, Symphony Orchestra and 3 string quartets, performed in the ‘Symphony by the Sea’ concert. The performance showcased 6 months of hard work and dedication from both large ensembles, culminating in a half hour program each of classical and contemporary repertoire. Following some pre-concert music in the foyer by the year 10 string quartet, the Sinfonia, directed by Mr Tom Helps, opened the afternoon concert, compered by Stacey Laverty and myself. Their pieces ranged from the ‘Zombie Tango’ to Elgar’s beautiful ‘Nimrod’. The junior ensemble, made up of year 8 and 9 string students, demonstrated their fantastic progress in their musicianship, ensemble and performance skills. The Clara String Quartet, consisting of year 9 students Mina Johansson, Shannon Whitehead, Tori Munn and Casey Gulliver, presented a wonderful rendition of the tango ‘Por Una Cabeza’. This was followed by the senior string quartet Amoroso String quartet, consisting of Emma Richardson, Lauren Owens, Mattea Osenk and Charlotte Rayner. We performed the fourth movement of Mozart’s famous ‘Eine Kleine Nachtmusik’. The Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Mr Andrew Barrett, took to the stage in the second half, presenting five works, compered by Charlotte Rayner and Alevia Evci. We opened with Copland’s lively ‘Hoe-Down’, before performing ‘Water Music Suite no. 2’ by Handel. I was then fortunate enough to perform the first movement of Bruch’s first Violin Concerto, accompanied by our wonderful orchestra. The pace changed once more when we played Percy Grainger’s ‘Mock Morris’, before closing with ‘Orpheus in the Underworld’ by Offenbach – more commonly known as the Can-Can. It was a fantastic concert and celebration of our music program. Thank you to all students and teachers involved. Emma Richardson Year 12 student

Coastal Hubs Workshop The inaugural Coastal Hubs Workshop incorporated year 6/7 Instrumental Music students from the Southern region. Fifty-five students from 9 primary schools and 6 Instrumental Music staff, along with 2 pre-service staff, joined forces to form a band and workshopped numerous pieces from 9.00am until 12.30pm in the Brighton Concert Hall, finishing with an excellent concert for parents and friends. We were fortunate to have some Brighton students mentor on some more exotic instruments. This was a very beneficial workshop, which was the brainchild of Alan Aungles (flute teacher) and supported by the music faculty at Brighton. We hope this becomes an annual event in our Instrumental Music calendar. Cheryl Bentley IM Teacher

EDDIE WOO Way back in term 2, the Year 8 Think Bright class were treated to a live presentation by Eddie Woo. The first thing you noticed was some sheets on everyone’s chairs- few interpreted this for the intense battle it became between your neighbour, trying out new puzzles that could rival sudoku (sorry, sudoku lovers). Only once the presentation finished did everybody realise with horror – they’d been doing maths all along! And enjoying it! And maybe, you know, maths isn’t so bad. I had the chance to speak with Eddie Woo after the presentation, and it was a delight to meet him. He answered everyone’s questions in length and gave heaps of thought to our inquiries. I asked him about maths for the blind, and he was fascinated by the thought of not seeing the physical representations of numbers, reducing them to the made-up concepts that they are. His professional demeanour was present on stage and when answering our questions, but his humour never really left either. Eddie Woo is a legend. Jordan Watts Year 8 student





Classical Music



Krzysztof Malek, Brighton Secondary School,

Carolyn Lam, Yekaterina Hubczenko, Polanki, Maria Rego


$20 Contal Travel: 8241 7744 | Sunway Travel: 8232 9686 U Sikora: 0413 655 273 Federation of Polish Organisations in SA: 8232 1464



Simplify your banking AND help your school to fundraise? It couldn’t be easier... To find out more visit All members of the school community must consider their own circumstances and obtain their own advice before joining School Community Rewards. The school takes no responsibility for any advice or product provided by Credit Union SA Ltd. This information is general in nature and doesn’t take into account your own personal circumstances. It is important for you to consider the terms and conditions before acquiring any of our products or services to help you decide whether they are suitable for you. Conditions and fees apply. Lending criteria apply to all credit products. Products are issued by Credit Union SA Ltd except for insurance where the Credit Union acts as an agent for Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd AFSL 234708. Credit Union SA Ltd ABN 36 087 651 232, AFSL/Australian Credit License 241066, 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000.

CREDIT UNION SA’S SCHOOL COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM Dear Parents, Credit Union SA’s School Community Rewards program is helping our schools in providing more for our students. As a school, we benefit by receiving a regular financial benefit.

Accessing the survey The survey can be completed online anytime between 13 August 2018 and 6 September 2018 via the following access link.

Credit Union SA are looking at ways to improve School Community Rewards and would like your honest feedback.

Take the survey

Benefits of completing the survey

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

Your participation in this survey is voluntary and will take approximately five minutes to complete.

Feedback and questions

All survey responses are anonymous and your responses will not be attributed to you. The more information you provide will help inform Credit Union SA on how they can best support our school community. Please be assured your responses will be used by Credit Union SA for research purposes only and will NOT be used by them to promote any of their products and service directly to you. $200 voucher draw* As a thank you for contributing your views and opinions, you have an opportunity to go into the draw to WIN a $200 Coles Group & Myer Gift Card.

For specific questions or feedback on this survey, please call Sally Denton 8202 7724 at Credit Union SA. Thank you in advance for your support, Olivia O’Neill Principal


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