How aphrodite caused the trojan war

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How Aphrodite caused the Trojan War

A long time ago, in the ancient world, when mount Olympus was the mount of Gods. Zeus decided to marry Pyleas, the king of Fthia with Thetis, the sea fairy. The wedding took place at Pilio. All Gods and Goddesses were invited except of Erida (the Goddess of fight and hatred). Πριν από πολλά χρόνια, στην αρχαία εποχή,τότε που στον Όλυμπο κατοικούσαν οι δώδεκα θεοί,ο Δίας αποφάσισε να παντρέψει τον βασιλιά της Φθίας,τον Πηλέα,με μια θαλασσινή νεράιδα,τη Θέτιδα,την κόρη του Νηρέα.Ο γάμος έγινε στο Πήλιο κι ήτανε καλεσμένοι όλοι οι θεοί και οι θεές.Μόνο την Έριδα δεν κάλεσαν,τη θεά της φιλονικίας, γιατί όπου πήγαινε έσπερνε μίσος και καβγάδες. Molto tempo fa, nel mondo antico, quando il monte Olimpo era il monte degli Dei Zeus decise di sposare Pyleas, il re di Fthia con Thetis, la fata del mare. Il matrimonio ebbe luogo presso Pilio. Tutti gli Dei e le Dee furono invitati ad eccezione di Erida (Dea della lotta e dell’ odio).

Zeus, who was clever, told them that Paris, the prince of Troy, should decide who is the fairest of the three Goddesses.

Ρώτησαν και τον Δία, μα αυτός δεν ήθελε να στεναχωρήσει καμιά από τις τρεις θεές. Γι’ αυτό είπενα πάνε στο βουνό Ίδη, δίπλα στην Τροία, όπου ο Πάρης, ο γιος του Βασιλιά Πρίαμου, έβοσκε το κοπάδι του σε μια πλαγιά, για να διαλέξει εκείνος την ομορφότερη.

Zeus, che era intelligente, disse loro che Paride, il principe di Troia, doveva decidere chi era la più bella delle tre dee.

Paris at the time was on a plain with his sheep. When he saw Athena, Aphrodite and Hera was mesmerised. Hera told Paris that if he gave the apple to her, she would make him a powerful king. Athena told him that she would make him the wisest and the strongest warrior. Aphrodite told him: -If you give me the apple I will give you the most beautiful woman in the world, for your wife!

Πέταξαν λοιπόν οι τρεις θεές,μαζί με τον Ερμή,στην Ίδη και στάθηκαν μπροστά στο ξαφνιασμένο βασιλόπουλο.Ο Ερμής τού είπε το θέλημα του Δία και του έδωσε το χρυσό μήλο της Έριδας.Τότε η Ήρα τού έταξε να τον κάνει τον πιο μεγάλο βασιλιά,

Paride al momento era in una pianura con le sue pecore. Quando vide Atena, Afrodite e Hera restò ipnotizzato. Hera disse a Paride che se avrebbe dato la mela a lei avrebbe fatto di lui un re potente. Atena gli disse che avrebbe fatto di lui il più saggio e il più forte guerriero. Afrodite gli disse: -Se mi dai la mela ti darò la donna più bella del mondo, come tua moglie!

Paris chose Aphrodite and gave her the apple.

Ο Πάρης επέλεξε την Αφροδίτη και της έδωσε το μήλο.

Paride scelse Afrodite e le diede la mela.

The goddess, therefore, made a spell on Elena that as soon as he saw Paris, went to his palace on a diplomatic mission with his brothers, he fell in love and eloped with him to Troy. Η θεά Αφροδίτη έστειλε τον Έρωτα να τη χτυπήσει με το βέλος και μόλις είδε τον Πάρη, τον ερωτεύτηκε, και άφησε τον άντρα της τον Μενέλαο κι έφυγε για την Τροία.

La dèa, perciò, fece un incantesimo su Elena che, non appena vide Paride, andato nel suo palazzo in missione diplomatica con i suoi fratelli, se ne innamorò e fuggì con lui a Troia.

Furious King Menelaus of Sparta asked the woman back, but was not returned. Paris chose Aphrodite and gave her the apple.

Furioso Menelao il re di Sparta chiese la donna indietro, ma non venne restituita.

Then he called other kings Achaeans in aid, the King declared the war at Troy to recover his wife.

Allora, chiamati altri re Achei in aiuto, il Re dichiarò la guerra a Troia per riprendersi sua moglie.

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