2 minute read
DIY Fire Extinguisher
DIY Fire Extinguisher By: Sahana Moogi
If you are cooking, doing a science experiment, or anything that involves fire, a fire extinguisher is a good thing to have around. Here is a simple way to create one if you don’t have a fire extinguisher already. You can always add on to this design to make it better!
STEP 1: Poke a hole in the center of the cap of your bottle. You can use a drill or a pointy object, and the smaller the bottle is, the better.
Materials Empty Bottle Baking Soda Vinegar Water Dish Soap Tissue Paper
STEP 2: Wrap the baking soda in the tissue paper, so it forms a long roll, and fold the roll in half. It should only be about 2 to 3 inches long after folding it in half. You can also use toilet paper or any type of paper that will dissolve quickly in a liquid.

STEP 3: Take the bottle cap off the bottle and push the ends of the tissue and baking soda roll through the hole in the cap.

STEP 4: Pour the vinegar and water into the bottle until there is only 3 or 4 inches of space left at the top. The mixture should be ⅓ vinegar and ⅔ water. Keep in mind that the mixture should not touch the baking soda roll when you screw the lid with the baking soda roll on.

STEP 5: Pour a little bit of dish soap into a cup and add it to the bottle with the vinegar and water.
STEP 6: Screw the lid with the baking soda back on to the bottle. Keep in mind that the baking soda roll should not be touching the vinegar, water, and dish soap mixture. Your fire extinguisher is now completed and ready for use.