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Medical Technology in EMS
Medical Technology
in EMS By:Akshita Ponnuru
200 million calls are made to 911 every year as a means to call for help in times of need and trouble. EMS (Emergency Medical Services) trucks are dispatched in order to attend to medical emergencies such as heart attacks, car injuries, etc. An EMS truck is loaded with many life prevention tools and technologies that aid these first responders in saving lives. Take a look!
Jump Bag
A more comprehensive version of the first aid kit. A jump-bag consists of many different pieces. Blood pressure cuff, one of the things in the jump-bag, helps measure the blood pressure. This can help identify if the patient is in a critical condition. Another piece, is the stethoscope, an instrument to listen to the heart beating. A critical component are trauma supplies, which consist of bandages, cling wrap, cold packs, and many more things. There many other parts which belong to the jump-bag.
Bag Valve Mask
A bag valve mask is a mask placed over someone’s nose and mouth. The mask helps pump oxygen into the patient, which is clean and healthy air. The mask is connected to an oxygen tank by a tube. There are multiple sizes, to fit anyone.
Suction Tube Suction tubes are used to clear airways so that the patient can breathe properly. The suction can remove blood, saliva, vomit, and other substances. These substances travel through the tube and end up in a container.
When traveling to the hospital, neonatal and babies require an incubator. The incubator provides a healthy and safe environment, keeping them nice and warm. Typically, incubators are used for premature babies who are not fully developed.
Trauma Board
Trauma/Spinal boards help aid people whose backs have been messed up due to them experiencing an accident. This board helps keep a person upright. There are also many harnesses to keep the person's back secured while they are being moved around. Additionally, the headrest creates a comforting posture that ensures the head is in a stable position, and not moving side to side.