Int aba 092016

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University of Applied Sciences 2017-2018

International Applied Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Location

Leeuwarden and Bali Duration

4 years

Contents 3 › STUDYING AT


4 › YEAR 1

Explore international companies

5 › YEAR 2

Higher up in the organisation

6 › YEAR 3

Strategic thinking and acting

7 › YEAR 4

Ready for the real work

8, 9 › CAREER




Introduction “International Applied Business Administration (IABA) is an international programme in every sense of the word, because approximately one third of the students are not from the Netherlands. IABA will teach you to become an organiser, anywhere in the world. I have to say ‘an excellent organiser’, because it is no coincidence that approximately 80% of our students find work immediately after graduation. An excellent result.” “Signals from the industry confirm that there is a need for managers with a practice-oriented approach. Managers who make sure that internal processes run smoothly, who can align departments, and let employees collaborate effectively. Managers who connect with people and at the same time maintain oversight of what is happening. In other words: key figures with a helicopter view. IABA is the pre-eminent programme to become just that kind of manager, anywhere in the world. From day one, you learn to work in a businesslike, international setting, and directly connect theory to practice. Students not only solve actual cases from industry, but also carry out applied economic research. They follow a ten-month internship in the final year. Many companies are very glad to benefit from the students’ skills and knowledge for such a long time. This internship is the perfect stepping stone for a job.” “A good manager has a broad set of skills. You have to be able to collaborate and be a leader at the same time. You are proactive, a strong communicator, and are able to keep an overview at different levels. We will make sure all of these skills and many more are developed during the IABA programme. The programme is challenging, but after graduation there will be a world of opportunities waiting for you, in many sectors and in just as many management positions. Would you rather keep studying? That is also possible; the IABA Bachelor’s degree gives you access to the one year Master’s programme at Stenden or business Master’s programmes at other universities.” KEES ELBERS ACADEMIC DEAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS




“PBL helps you to develop both your social skills and management skills because it is an intense and active way of working together in a team.” 2


“During my education I have had many PBL and sessions and tutors, and even though each one CBL had a different approach, it was still an unforgettable experience. I think PBL is an excellent teaching It is also the best way to develop many skills, method. effective listening, discussing and conducting such as The PBL teaching method gives you the chanceresearch. practice and learn much more than just theory, to even studying theory becomes easier with PBL but definitely interesting and quite useful to hear . It is about certain problems and its solutions from different and opinions based on cultural variety and expe sides rience.”


Unleashing the potential of each student - that is our mission at Stenden University of Applied Sciences. At Stenden you receive personal support and a myriad of opportunities to work on your personal development and expand your horizons. We offer you a programme that stimulates inquisitive and inquiring minds. During your studies you will develop three skills in particular that help you make a difference: › Understanding tomorrow’s challenges › Intercultural skills and the ability to operate in an international environment › Cooperating and creating with others. PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING: THE KEY ELEMENT

Problem-based Learning (PBL) is one of the key elements of Stenden’s education and is quite different from traditional teaching. It takes a little time to get used to, but after the first few sessions, students are always enthusiastic about this way of learning. Small groups of students meet twice a week to work together. Graduates acknowledge the value of PBL during their internship and career. Apart from PBL, lectures and workshops are offered as supporting classes for students. LEARN IN PROJECTS



se it really “I like PBL in general, becaull as my improved my English as we ed meeting’. understanding of a ‘structur a group, find We learn to work together as o-day problems. We can agreements and solve day-t rn, because we formulate the s. influence what we want to lea learning objectives ourselve problem statement and the ge of the achievable points PBL makes up a high percenta phrase your ideas properly per module, which I like. To should be able to do. In is something every managers for every session right away, IABA, we also get the point dent to estimate his or her which makes it easy for a stu sed on the given feedback. performance and improve, ba sed on our demonstrated We are only being graded ba, that has the advantage that performance. In my opinion re our ideas in order to get sional we have to contribute and sha pares us well for our profes points. I think that PBL pre future.”

Each study year at Stenden consists of four periods of nine weeks. During each period or module you will work on a theme with a close link to the real world. You will be introduced to all aspects of the theme through different subjects. These subjects therefore change per module, depending on the knowledge and skills you need for a certain theme. PERSONAL COACHING

At the start of the programme, you are assigned a coach who will personally guide you during the entire programme and will help you to think critically about yourself, your way of learning and your future career.



The programme explores all facets of an international company in the first year: from discovering the broad playing field of business, the business processes and the structure, to the disciplines within a company, like marketing and HRM. The first year also focuses on developing the basic skills of becoming a good manager.

PLAYING FIELD OF A MANAGER The first six months of the programme introduce management in the broadest sense of the word. Business Economics, for instance, explores the playing field of a company, and subjects like HRM, Research and Marketing will provide insight into important internal business processes. In addition, students will learn to express themselves at management level.


“I really flourished as a person because of this programme, and PBL played a big role. In my current job as a policy officer for Recreation and Tourism at the Súdwest Fryslân municipality, I notice that I handle tasks quickly and easily, whether it is writing notes or being the chairperson. Because of PBL, presenting in front of a group has become a lot easier, very useful. Stenden knows how to prepare its students for their professional future.”


Introduction to Management › Marketing 1 › Business Economics 2 › Management 1 › Business English 1 › Verbal Communication 1 4


Orientation Business processes Operational

Explore international companies



Year 1

Besides developing their own professional communication skills, students will also observe the way companies communicate internally and externally. How are the identities and images of companies perceived and how can they be influenced? Corporate Communications will guide you through all of the facets and effects. In the final module you will dive into the operational processes of a company.


Management Information › HRM 1 › Business Economics 1 › Business Economics 3 › Research 1 › Written Communication



Communication › Corporate Communication › Business English 2 › Study Coaching › Verbal Communication 2 › Written Communication 2



Operational Organisation › Operations Management › Project Management › Professional Development › Product Presentation › Creative & Conceptual Thinking 1


Year 2

From the second year you will slowly climb up in the organisation, from operational in the first year to the more tactical, strategic and visionary aspects of an organisation. You also further your knowledge with interesting subjects and are introduced to the aspects of developing a long-term plan and vision for a company.

Leadership Business Simulation Tactical

Higher up in the organisation BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS It is time to broaden your horizons. Marketing and management are important ingredients, as well as economics, crisis management, business information systems and law. You will also develop your personal skills, from English and research skills to effective leadership.


BUSINESS SIMULATION Students work on PBL cases in teams during the whole programme. This is how they can put their theoretical knowledge and skills directly put into practice. In some modules we go a step further, for example in the ‘Business Simulation’ module, where reality comes very close. Along with a group of students, you set up the actual management team of a fictitious company. It is up to you to make it run smoothly!



Marketing Management › Management 2 › Marketing 2 › Law 1 › Research 2 › Economics 1



Business Simulation Game › Management 3 › Management 4 › Incident Management › Business Economics 4 › Business English 3



“Leeuwarden is a nice, quiet place to study if you come I from a noisy, crowded city. worked in the family business in Nepal and wanted to polish my management skills and get some experience of how business is done here. I think my studies at Stenden have d augmented my knowledge an y skills greatly and I am happ pal Ne to to know I can go back and put them to good use. I blic was always interested in pu relations and communication and I feel I am much better equipped to deal with people from all over the world now.”



Management & Leadership › Management & Leadership 1 › Management & Leadership 2 › Professional Orientation › HRM 2 › Covey



Managing Business Information › Business Information System 1 › Business Information System 2 › Business Information System 3 › Business English 4 › Study Coaching 5

Thinking and acting at a strategic level is a common thread throughout the third year. At the end of this year, students will know how to run an internal organisation. They will understand which tools to apply in order to manage and change business processes, how to get departments to work together, and how to think in concepts. In addition, minors will refine students’ research skills and broaden or deepen their knowledge. There are many options, also abroad. Explore your possibilities today.

Companies on IABA students “Our current Stenden trainee was a key figure in organising one of our training courses in Dubai. He was responsible for marketing the course to attract potential candidates, and the course was fully booked in advance. In addition, he travelled to Dubai to attend the course and ensure that the whole event ran smoothly. He was directly responsible for a significant amount of the company’s turnover.” MARIJN VAN DEN DOEL MARKETING COORDINATOR AT MODUSPEC IN SINGAPORE



Strategic Management › Strategic Management 1&2 › Modern Foreign Language 1: Spanish › Creative & Conceptual Thinking 2 › Change Management 6



Research Projects › Modern Foreign Language 2 › Study Coaching


Year 3 Applied Research Strategic Minor

Strategic thinking and acting The first module of the third year focuses on strategic management. Strategy means having a vision, a long-term way of working. However, thinking and acting strategically also demand creativity and a conceptual way of thinking. In the first module, students will explore and develop all of these skills. As well as taking subjects such as Strategic and Change Management and Creative & Conceptual Thinking, they will also learn a foreign modern language. The second module concludes with Study Career Planning (SCP), which is also followed in the first two years. However, in the second module the focus is on research. Students will carry out a research project for a client from a company and get ready for the Individual Research Project in the fourth year. MINORS You will take two minors in the second half of your third year. These can be taken at Stenden or another institution of higher education or, even better, a university abroad. Which minors to follow and where, are up to you. It is a perfect opportunity to specialise in a subject in which you are interested, or a subject you like to work at, for example, Leadership, Personal Efficiency, or a specialisation in Change Management or International Human Resource Management. There are many possibilities!


Minor › Minor 1



Minor › Minor 2



Year 4

The final year is the final preparation for your professional future. This year has two parts: an internship and an Individual Research Project. Most students combine the two by doing research at their learning company. Many graduates are offered a job at their learning company.

Internship Research Project Graduation!

Ready for the real work ATTRACTIVE TO COMPANIES Final research at an internship company will take ten months. It is possible to carry out this final assignment in the Netherlands or abroad. This is interesting for companies because there is enough time for orientation, and they can profit from your valuable research, fresh knowledge, skills and views for almost a year. It is therefore not surprising that approximately 80% of IABA students get a job right after they graduate. It is also possible to separate the research assignment and the internship. The research then will take three months, and the internship seven months.


RESEARCH PROJECT The Individual Research Project is the crown on your studies. If you are doing the research during the internship, your employer obviously has a say in the subject of your choice. If you carry out research after the internship, you can decide on the subject together with your thesis supervisor. There are many examples of great research done by IABA students. For instance, a student researched how strategic company policies could be implemented in a production location at the dairy multinational Friesland Campina. Another student researched the optimisation of business processes at a shared service centre at HZPC, market leader in potatoes. In other words: there are numerous opportunities to show your worth!


“I did my internship year during the economic crisis. I deliberately chose to do my internship at a large insurance company, and found it fascinating to look behind the scenes of a large financial company. That experience really helped me with my application at ING; I now work for them as a relations manager. Communication skills are really important in this job. I have always had these skills, but actively practising them during the programme, especially with the PBL method, has been very useful to me.�

POSSIBILITIES FOR YOUR INTERNSHIP IABA students can do their internships at many different companies, in the Netherlands and abroad. Examples of learning companies for IABA students are: Aruba Airport Association (Aruba), LU Biscuits (Belgium), Jet Services, Friesland Campina, HZPC (the Netherlands), Volkswagen and Airbus (Germany).



Internship & Individual Research Project



Internship & Individual Research Project



Internship & Individual Research Project



Internship & Individual Research Project


Career What some of our alumni are doing now:


International Applied Business Administration educates students to become all-round managers for an internal organisation. After graduation, there are many opportunities. Here are just a few: › Location manager at one of the locations of a large organisation, responsible for running the organisation at that location. › Project manager at a profit or non-profit organisation. The manager makes sure a project is completed from plan to execution to evaluation. › Company advisor within an organisation or at an independent advisory agency. The advisor oversees processes from a reasonable distance, spots and analyses problems and recommends solutions. › Head Internal Organisation. The Head Internal Organisation works on building, intensifying and strengthening the relationships that are important to the company.





“I am very results-oriented, without losing sight of the human aspect. My practice assignment was to attract new customers for the WestCord hotel in Amsterdam. A challenging assignment, but right up my alley! It shaped my graduation.”


Why Stenden? Stenden is a university of applied sciences for people who want to expand their horizons and who want to learn, but also for those who want to come up with solutions for the questions posed by people, organisations and society. › Truly international › High quality and affordable education › Good career prospects › Working on real assignments › Paid internship in the 4th year › Problem-based Learning HIGH QUALITY AND AFFORDABLE EDUCATION All programmes meet the quality standards set by the Dutch government and its quality and accreditation assurance body, the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). Dutch education is ranked among the best in the world. In comparison with other countries, the tuition fees for higher education in the Netherlands are very affordable. GOOD CAREER PROSPECTS Each programme has its own Learning Company or dedicated practical component. The combination of academic and practical or managerial experience ensures that students not only gain knowledge but also essential skills for the industry that they wish to enter. As this is exactly what employers value, Stenden graduates are assured of a strong position in the international job market. A significant number of students are employed by their internship employers and can start a career immediately after graduation.




“Looking back, I can really appreciate Stenden’s PBL system. I thought the case-oriented approach worked really well. The theory from the classes came together in these assignments. For example, we had to analyse and explain a scientific study in the HRM module. This was an informative assignment because you had to directly apply all your gained knowledge.”

Facts 4



10,500 students locations outside the Netherlands 41% men



59% women




Doha, Qatar



Bangkok, Thailand Bali, Indonesia

in the Netherlands

Port Alfred, South Africa

5 most popular

English-taught bachelor programmes at Stenden

100 Dutch

different nationalities… a selection

German Chinese Spanish Bulgarian

Lithuanian Romanian French Italian British Russian Vietnamese

Jump International Innovative

Latvian Indonesian

International Hospitality Management Tourism Management Media and Entertainment Management International Business and Management Studies International Logistics Management

Brazilian Irish

into the world of Stenden

PBL Enterprising

Inquisitive Internships

11 bachelor study programmes

2 master study programmes

2 associate degrees

9 practical training companies

The Grand Tour has existed since 2000 During the 2015/2016 academic year some 608 students went on a Grand Tour

English taught Real-world Learning

218 South Africa

Small scale Grand Tour Personal

29 Qatar

110 Indonesia

216 visited multiple countries

“According to the International Student Barometer, students rank us highly for”:

Employability, Work Experience, Living Costs, Accommodation Costs, Making Friends

35 Thailand


Stenden’s education system Work on assignments in groups of 12

Typical classes at Stenden

Lecture - PBL – Group work Home study - Workshops




“The international character of the programme has really brought me a lot. For example, I followed the Spa & Health Management minor in Bangkok, and studied in Bali for three months. Fantastic journeys and the experiences of a lifetime.”


The Netherlands The Netherlands – or Holland – has been open to people of non-Dutch origin for a long time. Today it is home to over 190 different nationalities and hence one of the most international countries in the world. It is a safe country by international standards, with low levels of violence and street crime. Dutch society is relatively non-hierarchical. For example, teachers tend to be very accessible and truly interactive with their students, which can help students really get the most out of their studies. Last but not least, almost everyone in the Netherlands speaks English!

Abroad A warm welcome!

Studying at a university abroad is a very exciting opportunity of a lifetime. We look forward to receiving you at Stenden. We aim to make your experience as rewarding as possible and will support you throughout your time with us. Choosing where you’ll live is an important consideration when you’re off to study at Stenden. We have a wide range of quality accommodation available, located in the heart of our student towns. For non-EU students, housing is 100% guaranteed. Your time at Stenden starts with a mandatory introduction week during which you will register for your programme, attend introductory sessions, explore the university and have the chance to socialise with future fellow students.


Graduate International Applied Business Administration “International Applied Business Administration was the only programme that had a broad orientation. It deals with all aspects of an organisation. The place to be for a generalist like me.”

Stenden has a popular buddy network to help new international students settle into their new environment. A buddy is a current Stenden student who – on a voluntary basis – functions as a contact person for an international student, and helps out during his or her first days, weeks or perhaps months at Stenden. Furthermore, our International Office employees can always be contacted for help. As an international student you won’t be left on your own.

A world of opportunities Imagine how amazing it would be to broaden your horizons not only by studying in the Netherlands but also by having the opportunity to study in South Africa, Qatar, Thailand, Bali, Chile, USA, Finland, Spain or one of many other destinations. International Applied Business Administration offers you the opportunity to study outside of the Netherlands. Interested in the Grand Tour, an exchange or an internship abroad? It is up to you to make that international experience happen! Explore the world of opportunities offered by Stenden’s Grand Tour, exchange programmes and possibilities for internships abroad.

Grand Tour The Grand Tour offers you the possibility of studying at our international campuses in the Netherlands, South Africa, Qatar, Indonesia and Thailand (www. With an exchange programme you have the opportunity to take courses offered at a foreign university and learn from different professors ( An internship abroad allows you to immerse yourself in a different culture while learning about the business in which you will have your career. 13

meet stenden, meet the world! Studying at Stenden means studying in a truly international student community. Did you know that Stenden is one of the most international places to study in Europe, if not the world? We have approximately 1100 students, 25% of whom come from outside the Netherlands. Meet some of your fellow students and read about their experiences. Expand your international network whilst studying at Stenden!

Visit Stenden at the International Open Day! Experience the Stenden world! We invite you to visit Stenden during one of our International Open Days. The day is full of interesting activities, allowing you to get acquainted with Stenden and its educational programmes, and the opportunity to meet Stenden students, professors and people from all over the world is guaranteed. You just need to get here and we will take care of the rest! Our upcoming Open Days are on the following dates: › 19 November 2016 › 11 February 2017 › 21 April 2017 › 9 June 2017


KRISTÝNA HRUSKOVÁ (right) “Solving project tasks and wor king in teams gave me a new perspective on studying.”


AYUDH BHATTARAI “I expected to have a hard time settling in, but the amazing international environment and the friendly people made it very easy.”

The locations in The Netherlands: › Leeuwarden › Emmen › Meppel (only for the ITEPS programme) FROM RUSSIA

ELIZAVETA SUDEREVSKAYA t we were guided for “The interesting thing was tha students. It was very den the entire day by the Sten s who were talking ent nice to get to know the stud days I spent at The s. about their own experience I hope to go on and le, Stenden were really memorab graduation!” my r afte ity to study at Stenden Univers



LARRY NKACHA “Stenden is very welcoming. It provides an environment conducive to studying.”

admission requirements ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS In order to apply, all EU and non-EU students need to have one of the following diplomas: › International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) or European Baccalaureate Diploma. › High school diploma from an accredited institution. › GCE, O-level (at least 4 subjects with an end result of at least A,B or C) + GCE, A-level (at least 2 subjects). All 6 subjects should be different subjects. › Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS EU students: If you come from a country within the EU zone, you may be exempted from taking an English proficiency test. Please check the complete list of exemptions at Non-EU students: All students coming from outside the EU need to take an English proficiency test. Exceptions will be made for students who followed their previous education in a country where English is the official working and educational language. Stenden accepts three kinds of official language tests: IELTS, TOEFL iBT and the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English. › Academic IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum score of 5.0 for each skill). For more information: › TOEFL iBT 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based) and 80 (internet-based). For more information: Original test results must be directly sent from the Educational Testing Service to Stenden. The TOEFL institution code for Stenden is 9215. › Cambridge ESOL score CAE-C.

Introduction Week When you start studying at Stenden, you will begin with the Study Start Week. During this great and indispensable week you will explore your new environment in groups. You will get to know the facilities at Stenden and the teaching methods, as well as the facilities in Leeuwarden, its nightlife, the programme and your fellow students. During the Study Start Week you will not only have a lot of fun but you will also obtain important information and experience and meet people. In other words: an excellent preparation for the first year.

Meet Stenden worldwide

Stenden representatives visit fairs and organise seminars in a number of countries. Please check the calendar on our website to find out when we will be visiting a location near you.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE EU and non-EU students applying for Bachelor’s/Master’s programmes EU and non-EU students need to apply for a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme through the national application system Studielink ( before the deadline. The next day you will receive an email with your Stenden email address which you need to use to create an IGO Stenden account. You can upload your documents to this portal account and check the status of your application. If your English is not sufficient, we will set up an English Language Course application for you. The complete list of all the necessary documents for uploading can be found at If you have any further questions about the application procedure, please contact our International Office staff at: T +31 58 244 19 40 Email: WE ARRANGE AND APPLY FOR VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMITS FOR NON-EU STUDENTS! All international students (except residents of the EU*/EER, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Monaco, USA and Switzerland) who plan to stay in the Netherlands for more than three months need a visa to enter the Netherlands. Stenden’s International Office will help international students to apply for the visa using an accelerated procedure. As well as the entry visa, the International Office will apply for the residence permit, which will be issued for the duration of your study years. APPLICATION DEADLINES EU students: September intake: 15th August February intake: 17th January Non-EU students: September intake: 1st June February intake: 1st November Please note that deadlines are subject to change; so to make sure you have the most up-to-date information, please check our website ANNUAL TUITION FEES Current tuition fees will be published on Please note that the tuition fees are subject to change every academic year.


Are you looking for options to finance your study at Stenden and/or looking for a prestigious scholarship? Stenden proudly participates in several scholarship programmes including the Holland Scholarship Programme to provide targeted financial assistance to international undergraduate and postgraduate students. Please visit for the most up-to-date overview of scholarship opportunities.


Int-IABA - 092016 / 01 / 16290

Stenden international campus sites leeuwarden







south africa







Visiting address: Rengerslaan 8, Leeuwarden Postal address: P.O. Box 1298 8900 CG Leeuwarden The Netherlands T +31 58 244 17 63

Visiting address: Van Schaikweg 94, Emmen Postal address: P.O. Box 2080 7801 CB Emmen The Netherlands T + 31 59 185 31 92

Visiting address: Van der Duyn van Maasdamstraat 1, Meppel Postal address: P.O. Box 496 7940 AL Meppel The Netherlands T +31 522 853 400

This brochure is published by Stenden. Edited by: Marketing Department Stenden Designed by: G2K (Groningen/Amsterdam)

The information in this brochure is subject to change during the academic year. No rights can be derived from this information. Please consult the Stenden website at for the most up-to-date information.

Where Stenden is mentioned we are referring to Stenden University of Applied Sciences.

MERGER WITH NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences and NHL University of Applied Sciences intend to merge. For the latest information go to

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