16 Chemin de la Voie-Creuse, 1202
Route de ChĂŞne 62, 1208
Introduction to Robotics *
Sat, 6.04-18.05, 16:00-19:00
Sat, 6.04-18.05, 9:00-12:00 GAME DEVELOPMENT Exploring Robotic Sensors **
Unreal Gaming with Unreal
Sat, 6.04-18.05, 9:00-12:00
Engine 4 **
Sat, 6.04-18.05, 13:00-16:00
Wed, 3.04-15.05, 16:00-19:00
Sat, 6.04-18.05, 16:00-19:00
Sat, 6.04-18.05, 9:00-12:00 Sat, 6.04-18.05, 16:00-19:00
Challenge Robotics ** Wed, 3.04-15.05, 09:00-12:00
Virtual Reality Games on
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 09:00-12:00
Unity 3D ***
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 13:00-16:00
Wed, 22.05-26.06, 16:00-19:00
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 16:00-19:00
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 09:00-12:00 Sat, 25.05-29.06, 16:00-19:00
Ecolint: Sat, 11.05-22.06, 13:3016:30 DIGITAL ARTS Junior Inventor with Micro:bits **
Digital Photography & Design **
Wed, 3.04-15.05, 09:00-12:00
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 09:00-12:00
Wed, 3.04-15.05, 13:00-16:00
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 12:00-16:00 YouTube & Filmmaking **
Wed, 22.05-26.06, 13:00-16:00
Basics of Coding (Scratch3) *
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 09:00-12:00
Sat, 6.04-18.05, 9:00-12:00
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 16:00-19:00
Desktop Apps on Python ***
3D-Modeling & Virtual Reality **
Sat, 6.04-18.05, 13:00-16:00
Wed, 22.05-26.06, 09:00-12:00
Wed, 3.04-15.05, 13:00-16:00 AGE: Artificial Intelligence with
* - 6-7
Python ***
** - 7-10
Sat, 25.05-29.06, 13:00-16:00
*** - 11-14
Wed, 25.04-29.06, 13:00-16:00
Recommended Age: 6-7 Development of team skills and creativity. Design and program LEGO WeDo robots to perform various tasks that can be set by algorithms. Lesson 1. Hungry Crocodile. Build a hungry crocodile. Change standard crocodile robot. Find out how to make a crocodile jump. Lesson 2. Fluttering bird. Build a fluttering bird. Programming bird behavior. Code the bird to flutters its wings. Lesson 3. Airplane and stand. Creating a stand and plane. Programming the rotation of the aircraft on the stand. Lesson 4. Rocket. Assemble a rocket and launch it into space. Lesson 5. Catapult. Build a Catapult. Create an automatic shooting mechanism. Design a place for storing shells. Lesson 6. Manipulator. Construct and build a robotic arm (manipulator) with LEGO WeDo. Lesson 7. Football. Assembling and coding of the gates & a goalkeeper. Programming behavior of the goalkeeper. Program and debug an electronic score. Lesson 8. Unsinkable Sailboat. Build and code a sailboat. Change the standard construction, add sharks, seagulls to the scene. Lesson 9. Factory. Build and code cardboard factory. Construction of a paper pressing machine to make cardboard. Lesson 10. Safe. Code a safe with automatically opening doors. Creating a reliable model with password protection. Lesson 11. Automatic Bridge. Bridge design. Programming the opening action of the bridge to give a way for animals. Lesson 12. Trolley with Remote Control. Creating unique models of trolleys and coding of models. Carriage competition.
Recommended Age: 7-10 If your child is loves construction and technology you found the perfect course to start learning the fundamentals of robotics, programming and automation.
Lesson 1. Designing a simple three-wheeled robot. Design and control the robot with an infrared sensor. Learn to use different ports for motors to change channels of the sensor. Lesson 2. Creating a robot on a tracked platform and gears. Track3r model of a robot. The gear ratio, adding stability using a tracked platform and increasing the speed of the robot with different gears. Lesson 3. Linear motions. Upload programs via USB and Bluetooth. Action blocks. Programming forward and backward movement, turning the robot with different angles. Lesson 4. Creating conditional and cyclic constructions. Application of logical operators. Movement along complex trajectories. Movement in circles with different radius and complex trajectories (eight, broken curves), the display of values on the show, playing sounds. Control Block Operator. Movement around the perimeter with the help of «wait,» «cycle,» «switch» blocks. Lesson 5. Color sensor. Modes: reflected light brightness, ambient brightness. Creating a robot responsive to turning on and off the light. Coding a robot to move along the line. Competition «Riding on the line.» Measurement of ambient light intensity. Lesson 6. Using the infrared sensor. The principle of the infrared sensor. The software blocks the approximation mode and the modes of the infrared sensor. Using the infrared sensor in beacon mode. Beacon mode software blocks and infrared sensor modes. Lesson 7. Using an ultrasonic sensor. Blocks and modes of the ultrasonic sensor. The inputs of the ultrasonic transducer, depending on the selected conditions. Creating a robot that measures the distance to the object. Lesson 8. Using the data bus. Configuring blocks with each other using a data bus. Changing the speed of the robot when approaching an object, launching a specific algorithm in determining the specified color. Lesson 9. Using variables. Creating a variable to calculate the number of black bars using a color sensor, distance to objects using an infrared sensor. Comparison of variables. Lesson 10. Maze Challenge. Creating an optimal algorithm for the passage of two different labyrinths for the smallest total amount of time. Lesson 11. Track Challenge. Acquaintance with the track. Design and programming of the robot. Definition of difficult places and algorithm optimization. The final passage at the time. Lesson 12. Presentation of projects.
Recommended Age: 7-10 Solve unique robotic challenges: create the fastest and toughest models, climb the ramp with the highest angle, move without wheels, build a catapult and launch a ball as far as possible. Code your robot to win a football competition and lead your team to the championship title in pop balloon challenge. Lesson 1. Crossing the Gap. Build a robot that can safely cross the gap between the two desks. The difference starts at 5 cm and will increase by 5 cm each time student robots reach the other side. Lesson 2. Move without wheels. Create a model that will be able to move forward and backward without usual wheels, using only standard bricks. Robots should pass 2 meter distance at the lowest time possible. Lesson 3. Gepard Model. The challenge is straightforward but has a wide variety of solutions. It is required to construct a model that will be the fastest to cross 5 meters. Lesson 4. Elevate an object. It is necessary to build a robotic construction that will elevate a small LEGO brick on maximum height and return it. Everything should be completed with one program. Lesson 5. Tug Of War Robots. Build the most solid and stable models and find out whose robot can win Tug of War - should it be more massive and stable or faster and lighter? Our teams will decide and see the right solution. Lesson 6. Ramp Climber. Design and build a car that can climb as steep a ramp. Models can have up to 6 wheels, but only two motors that, however, can be linked together. Lesson 7. Trebuchets and Catapults. Design and construct a trebuchet or catapult that will shoot a LEGO brick as far as possible. Angles, speed momentum and gravity together. Lesson 8. Projectile Launcher. Students will need to derive a relationship between EV3 motor power, and the distance a ball is launched. Using the EV3 Ultrasonic sensor, the projectile Launcher senses the distance to the desired target and then calculates the necessary motor power to launch a ball the correct length automatically. Lesson 9. Corrida. The challenge is to create a robot that will be moving objects from the circle. The winner is selected by the minimum time necessary to remove all objects from the ring. Simple challenge if the objects have the same form, but if they are different, how to change the program. Lesson 10. Click Madness. Create a robotic construction that will be clicking on a touch sensor as many times as possible per 10 seconds. The winner is selected by a number of touches counted by a sensor. Lesson 11. Robotic Football. Win the robotic football tournament. Teams compete in one-on-one matches. In this challenge, robots can be controlled both by an algorithm and sensor. Lesson 12. Balloon Pop Challenge. All the robots compete together in one challenge. The goal is to pop balloons of other challenges. There Can Be Only One!
Recommended Age: 7-10 Learn to prototype with the micro:bit microcontroller while creating fun projects. Your child will become familiar with programming concepts and electronics components, while building practical, hands-on electronics projects using the micro:bit. Lesson 1. Icons & Animations. Understand and describe animations as an ordered series of icons or images. Design and use an animation appropriately in a simple project. Lesson 2. Flashing Heart. Understand data can be transfer between micro:bits using “packets” of data. Create a forever loop sending a packet of data to a second micro:bit. Lesson 3. Love Meter. Learn how to use the device's input pins in this activity. Use the input pins on the micro:bit to control the output on the LED screen. Lesson 4. Truth or Dare. Use button inputs and LED outputs to create a fun 'truth or dare' game using the micro:bit. Display own patterns on the LEDs. Create a randomly generated variable. Lesson 5. Guess The Number. Build a random number element. Create a random number between a specified range. Clearing the screen on a “B” button pressed. Add an animation of randomly picking a number. Lesson 6. Die Roll Activity. Selection condition IF...THEN...ELSE and how to control the individual LEDs. Create a randomly generated variable. Allow the user to state the number of die faces i.e. 6, 8 or 12. Lesson 7. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game on Microbits. Learn about using variables to store and retrieve data. Learn methods that numerical data can be processed. Use simple Boolean Operators. Lesson 8. Generating Sounds. Create simple audio output as a result of program action. Learn how to manipulate audio output to create very simple tunes. Experiment with how audio can enhance the user experience. Lesson 9. Temperature Activity. Use a micro:bit sensor to display real world data. Display text following a temperature reading. Change the temperature for Celsius and Fahrenheit following a button press. Lesson 10. Magic Button Activity. Use the compass to detect a magnetic field. Getting the buttons to display A and B. Measuring magnetic force. Checking if the magnetic is nearby. running our ‘magnet nearby’ check all the time. Lesson 11. Reaction Time. Make a reaction time experiment that responds to your body’s conductivity! Fold the foil squares and place them around the cardboard. Connect each piece of foil to the appropriate pin on the micro:bit. Lesson 12. Color Temperature Sensor. Program your BBC microbit to read an external sensor. Control a tricolour LED. Measure temperature increases. Use the two colours simultaneously to mix and give an amber light.
Recommended Age: 6-7 Early start in coding with Scratch3! Students will discover how to code through playful lessons on where we teach the principles of coding through gaming. Lesson 1. The Cat and Bat. Create two characters and create a story between both. Code communication between sprites, story by adding several messages (broadcasting), timing. Hide and show sprites. Switch costumes and set rotation style. Lesson 2. Rock Band. Add images of drums, guitar and bass guitar and learn how to add sounds when you click on sprites. Programming events to produce sounds when clicking on buttons. Adding loops to generate automatic musics. Lesson 3. Olympics. Adding a new background and sprites. The system of coordinates and movement. Always Loop. Random value. Wait block. Two-sprite animation. Programming of touching to a color. Using of say blocks. Lesson 4. Pong. Degrees and movement of the sprite diagonally. Movement of a sprite by a mouse pointer. Adding variables for lives and points. Switching of a background by a script. Lesson 5. Lost Magic. Create and manage a sprite clone. The accidental appearance of a sprite. Change the variables of life and points when touched with different sprites. Delete sprites when you touch another sprite or reach a certain height. Duplicate scripts. Lesson 6. Hide & Seek. Change the costumes of scripts and painting. Switching costumes and adding of random appearance and disappearance. Programming of a different value for variable points when you click on different sprites. Creating the conditions for victory. Lesson 7. Maze. Drawing a maze. Programming of movement with the keys. Return to the original point when you touch the line. Adding a patrolling sprite. Lesson 8. Math Art. Apply concepts of geometry such as system of coordinates and degrees by mastering turtle graphics and generating unbelievable figures. Use nested for cycles and if ‌ else statements to produce pieces of art. Lesson 9. Space Race. Adding an animation for the flight and destruction of a rocket. Movement of a sprite by a mouse pointer. Creating of variables to track time and points. Lesson 10. Paint Box. Draw with the Pen tool. Change the color of the pen and the thickness of the line. Adding buttons for gum and cleaning the entire canvas. The script for drawing by a random color. Lesson 11. Battle of Wizards. Creating an animation for wizards. Create a list of spells. Random selection of the item. Remembering of a random selection. Lesson 12. Presentations of Projects.
Recommended Age: 11-14 Learn the basics of programming and theory of algorithms in Python. Learn the basic syntax, data types, and control lexical constructs. Learn the basic approaches and algorithms associated with the programming of calculations. Create simple text games. Learn conditions, cycles and lists. Lesson 1. Input and Output of Data. Data entry and data output. Function print (). Function input (). Variables and operations with variables. Typical mistakes. Lesson 2. Turtle graphics in Python. Simple shapes. Create a window for drawing. Change the appearance of the pointer. System of coordinates. Change the speed, color, pen size. Movement in a straight line, turns. Creating images with combinations of rectangles and circles. Lesson 3. Turtle graphics in Python. Loop FOR. Variables. Four types of variables: integer, fractional, string, bulean. Cycles and conditions. Function range. Lesson 4. Condition IF and mathematical operations. Comparison operators. The IF-ELSE construct. Connect math libraries. Random. Solving school problems with Python. Translate American units of measurement into metric. Creation of shopping Calculator. Random number generation. Lesson 5. Conditional instructions. Logical operators AND, OR, NOT. Table of working conditions. Cascade conditional IF-ELIF instruction. Designing a simple computer assistant, recognizing age of a person the user's birth year, age group and total age in seconds. Lesson 6. WHILE loop. The difference between WHILE and FOR. Syntax of while and what is endless cycle. Operators BREAK and CONTINUE. Programming the game Guess my number: the user needs to guess the number that the computer made. Lesson 7. Lines and Symbols. Major operations with strings. Row indexing String methods The FIND and RFIND method. REPLACE method. COUNT method. Line slicing. Introduction to the string module. Lesson 8. Coding of Rock, Paper, Scissors Game. Programming games with standard conditions for three objects. Creating a sophisticated version - rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock. Lesson 9. Lists. Part 1. Create and edit lists. Search items. Adding items to the already created list. Remove item from list. Generate a list with random values. Lesson 10. Lists. Part 2. Creating a spacecraft: the initialization of the ship. Adding a starry sky. Adding scanning the galaxy function. Adding rocket launch function. Protection from enemy ships. Lesson 11. Creating a Wizard Duel Game. Part 1. Nested lists. Creation of the main cycle of a game Wizard Duel. Using of spells. Programming maximum and minimum values of health levels. Lesson 12. Creating the game Wizard Duel. Part 2. Connection of additional modules. Creation of lists and variables. Improving the logic of the main cycle of the program. Normal and high levels of difficulty.
Recommended Age: 11-14 Learn how to work with artificial intelligence and big data. Create a neural network. Learn to transfer information to the cloud. Learn to process data. Create your own cryptocurrency. Create a bot for games with artificial intelligence. Learn how to create a voice assistant Lesson 1. Python Locker. Create a simple funny virus in Python, called a virus window. Design the logic of the programme. Make it impossible to close the window once the program is run. Lesson 2. Cybersecurity. Stealer in Python. Implementation of measures to protect systems and software applications. Understanding the most common passwords. Implementing a simple password styler in the Python programming language. Apply these concepts to protect your passwords. Lesson 3. Bot for Google's Dinosaur Game. Programming automatic click in the browser. Writing functions and cycles for the bot using PyAutoGUI. Lesson 4. Voice Python Assistant. Libraries of speech recognition and synthesis. Creating a visual shell for the assistant. Using a Microsoft Speech Recognition voice engine. Converting a project to .exe. Lesson 5. Artificial intelligence for the “Four in a Row� Game. Application of the AlphaZero algorithm to create artificial intelligence of "Four in a Row" with self-learning and Deep Learning. Describing the logic of the transition from one game state to another. Loading rules of the game, iterating through the main loop. Lesson 6. Neural Network in Python. Architecture of a two-layer neural network. Creating a neural network class in Python. Training the neural network and assessing the results. Lesson 7. Creating a Website Parser. Installing libraries. How to retrieve data using Requests and Beautiful Soup libraries. Getting HTML code page. Lesson 8. Strange Chat. Chat interface - .txt document, the program for launching the interface - a text editor with the function "LiveReload." The Python-based chat bot should answer in a totally unexpected way. Lesson 9. Facial Detection and Recognition. Recognizing faces in a photograph using Python and OpenCV. Working with libraries NumPy and PIL. Designing the logic of facial recognition technology. Face detection and data collection. Training the recognizer. Lesson 10. Creating Cryptocurrency in Python. Create your own Bitcoin in the Python programming language. Use API for creating a server that connects to the blockchain and processes transactions which are sent by users by mining. Lesson 11. Bot for Agar.io Browser Game. Application of the algorithm for creating artificial intelligence online games agari.io with self-learning. We describe the logic of the transition from one game state to another. Lesson 12. Presentation of the final projects.
Recommended Age: 11-14 Learn the basic features of Unreal Engine. Acquire basic skills of modeling and working with 3D-objects for gaming. Learn how to create UI interfaces. Master the principles of working with materials and textures. Learn to work with a visual programming tool. Lesson 1. Introduction to 3D-Game Development. Comparison of commercial game engines and valueadd of Unreal Engine. Loading plants, objects and surfaces in the Unreal Engine 4. Lesson 2. UE interface, create and edit landscapes. Understanding how splines work. Landscape paint. Understanding particle physics and weather elements. Creation of your particle. Lesson 3. Character Animation. Visual scripting in UE with Blueprints feature. MakeHuman software. Exporting and importing to Unreal Engine. How to create character animation using the Blueprint feature. Lesson 4. “Smash Hit”. Programming of infinite forward moving of a player. Obstacle generation. Randomizing of obstacles to produce variations. Create a restart button that is displayed when a player encounters an obstacle. Lesson 5. Virtual World. Adding Day Cycles to Scenes, designing forests and natural light. Designing forests and adding of natural light. Dynamic day cycles change. Working with Level Blueprint. Applying dynamic Global Illumination. Lesson 6. Inventory Widget. Modeling of game elements that will be used in a widget. Adding specific features to elements. Lesson 7. Stack Game. Design your first game for Android, using only virtual scenario in Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint. Creation of initial components and functions. Lesson 8. First-Person Shooter. Create a Pawn with a first-person view that can move and look around. Create weapons and tie them to player pawn. Shoot bullets using tracing lines. Lesson 9. Creating Advanced Minecraft Clone. Layout levels of the game. Texturing and debugging the game. Adding more Minecraft-like elements to the location. Lesson 10. VR Game. The future popularity of VR products. VR setup in Unreal Engine. Designing first virtual reality project and stages of its implementation. Creation of game mechanics. Lesson 11. Adding Artificial Intelligence to Characters. Creating an AI Controller. MuffinWar game. Adding smart trees. Applying of AI Perception to give vision to Pawn element. Creating behavior for the element to walk and attack enemies. Lessons 12. Clone of Subway Surfers. Build a clone game of Subway Surfers with obstacles and coins. Programming obstacles. Creation of movement systems. Adding specific elements.
Recommended Age: 11-14 Create Virtual Reality Games with the most popular game engine - Unity 3D. Unlike Unreal Engine, Unity requires a lot of coding skills and knowledge of C# language. However, we will discover that virtual reality is not that hard to create. Lesson 1. Program interface. How to work with the main scene. Creating level items. Getting started with VR. Lesson 2. Creating Badland Platformer. Dark Monsters Mega Pack. Materials and textures. Creation and decoration of platformer levels. Lesson 3. Inventory & UI. Creating a game menu. Export game with the extension exe. Unity UI with examples of interface organization. Basic elements. Animation in UI. Lesson 4. Creating Location. Creating a VR project. Basics of working with coordinates. Create and configure land, skybox, water. Lighting. Lesson 5. Creating PUBG Location. Location design. Control of the aircraft. Platform for take-off and landing. Adding details to the map: mountains, trees, houses. Lesson 6. Augmented Reality Mobile Application. Creating an application with Augmetned Reality. Focusing the camera in the created project. Working with scripts. Creating a PokemonGo clone: start from a map, add gyroscope and position reset. Lesson 7. Creating 3D Unity Racing. Map Design. Work with assets for the track. Adding a racing car. Addition of the sky and the surroundings of the race track. Adding of fans. Camera setting. Control setting of cars. Setting the car headlights. Lesson 8. Making the game Jump Way. Part 1. Creating the main scene with the main cube. Designing buttons and text. Work with Canvas, UI, objects. Animation of game buttons and transitions during taping on the screen. Use the Animation component to create. Lesson 9. Creating Jump Way Game. Part 2. Generation of multi-colored blocks of different size and shape that will have movement on them. Setting the movement of the blocks. Modeling the background with a gradient. Adding pop-up stars. Creating a play menu. Adding music to the game. Lesson 10. Creating a Cross Drive Game. Creating a game for Android on Unity. Creating the main game scene: adding your car, auto generated cars and crossroads. Developing the logic to pass as many cars through the crossroad as it will be possible. Lesson 11. Mesh Effects in Unity. Visual effects. Loading assets. Components of effects (particle systems, grids). Interface parameters and events for triggering behavior. Lesson 12. AR-Effect with Vuforia & GPS. Create a location-based Augmented Reality app using Vuforia and Unity 3D. Setting and using of a compass and gyro. Cross-platform applications.
Recommended Age: 7-10
Familiarize with the theory of photography and the basic colour settings of photos and various shooting styles. Learn the rules of composition. Framing the subject, shooting portraits, and shooting on long exposure. Photo editing in the style of pop art, portrait retouching, color correction. Lesson 1. Creating a Unique Sticker Pack for Telegram. Add borders to photos, add text and load them into the messenger with emojis. Lesson 2. Subject photography. Basic light settings. Light equipment, how to create a lightbox at home. Rules for shooting glittery and glossy objects. Camera settings. Lesson 3. Portrait photo. Lens selection. Shooting in the studio. Types of lighting. Composition: rule of thirds. Emulation of camera settings. Types of lighting. Lesson 4. Retouching a Portrait. Selection of problem areas of the portrait on a new layer. Remove minor flaws. Applying Gaussian Blur filter. Subtracting objects with a different texture from the base layer. Lesson 5. Portrait in Pop Art Style. Tracing and removal of the back layer. Bleaching and applying Enhance and Despeckle filters. Applying a three-color gradient and a solid fill. Lesson 6. Simple Tricks for Creating Unusual Photos. Creating a rain effect using glass, water dispenser, and Christmas garland. Shooting through a transparent film. Photos through prism and crystal chandelier. Lesson 7. Fantastic Collage. Create a fantastic collage featuring characters from the movie “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”, compositing them into landscape photos. Selection of fantastic creatures, changing the original colors, combining the transparency of the layers to make pictures more realistic. Lesson 8. Light Brush. Practice shooting with a light brush for long exposures. Guidelines for preparing your scene. Creating a still life photo through a combination of several photos of objects. Post-processing of photos. Light drawings. Lesson 9. Double Exposure. Create a layer mask for the main image. Place background picture under the main image. Decolorizing the main image. Adding a landscape as a background. Correction of colors, using the “Multiply” layer display mode. Lesson 10. Creating Stereo and 360-Degrees Photos. Shooting a single scene from multiple angles. Adding photos from different angles, changing the transparency of the background layers. Using panorama mode on the phone. Cropping the edges of the image. Using Polar Coordinate filter. Lesson 11. Preparation of Final Projects. Preparation of photos for printing. Viewing tutorials to create a polygonal portrait, comic-style portrait, adding the effect of smoke or decay. Individual work in the chosen direction. Lesson 12. Presentation of Projects.
Recommended Age: 7-10 Learn how to create and promote your blog. Learn how to shoot video, both individually and in a group. Make basic and advanced video genres. Learn how to design of your blog on Canva and create simple videos with other online resources. Lesson 1. Creating a Branded Channel. Channel Design. Register and create a channel on YouTube. Design a channel: avatar and heades how Youtube looks on different devices — creating a slideshow in Adobe Spark. Uploading videos to the channel. Lesson 2. Creating an Intro for Video. Creation of thematic intro for a channel design on one of the specialized online services. Creating thumbnails for a video on Adobe Spark. Lesson 3. Creating Storyboards for Videos. Creating a storyboard for Room Tour. Group shooting of the Room Tour. Lesson 4. Creating a Soundtrack and Music. Create a soundtrack and video music. Where to look for free samples. Characteristics of the soundtrack. Sound editing with Audacity. Lesson 5. Creating a Trailer from a Famous Movie. The laws of the genre and examples of successful trailers. Choosing a movie and highlighting key points to create a trailer. Lesson 6. Cover. Tips on how to shoot on the phone: horizontal shooting, lighting, frame stabilization, diversified angles, zoom, quality of the sound. Video cover of a famous song in the style of Like or Musical.ly. Removing tricks and transitions in the form of Like or Musical.ly without installation. Lesson 7. Stop rain effect in the Kinemaster. Kinemaster app, an overview of the main functions. Video capture for a stop rain effect. Video editing. Creating a fading effect. Lesson 8. Creating a Twin Video. Exploring the effect of cloning on KineMaster. Shooting multiple videos from one perspective. Video editing in one single file. Shooting on a green background to create the effect of the Doctor Strange portal. Working out the reality of entering and exiting the portal. Lesson 9. Let’sPlay Video. Screen recording software: Movavi, BandiCam, Mirillis Action, Filmora. Processing the recorded screen. Adding music to the video, creating a channel in Twitch, streaming rules, installing Open Broadcaster Software. The most popular children's Let’sPlay channels. Lesson 10. Secrets of Promoting Videos on YouTube. Creating advertising for social networks with an invitation to the channel. Search and work with tags. Writing descriptions for videos, exploring embedded reports, studying the audience. Lesson 11. Work on the Final Project. Thinking through the storyboard, plot, script for the command video. Shooting and editing video. Lesson 12. Presentation of YouTube-Channels.
Recommended Age: 7-10
Understand the basics of 3D printing and 3Dmodeling. Learn how to work with simple figures. Learn virtual reality with CoSpaces. Learn how to create complex shapes from combining simple ones. Create a Martian location of 3D-objects. Make a presentation of 3D-projects inside a virtual reality location.
Lesson 1. Introduction to Tinkercad. Modeling Simple Objects. Add, copy, paste, duplicate, delete objects. Work with several objects: grouping, ungrouping, leveling. The combination of hot keys. Creating a star system. Lesson 2. Alien Plants. Slicing Models in Cura. Creation of an alien tree, grass and flowers. Duplication and creation of a common location of extraterrestrial nature. Learn how to slice objects in Cura: from temperature regimes to speed of printings, model size, and every layers’ perimeter and infill format. Lesson 3. Alien Animals. Simulation of animals using cylinders, spheres, parabaloid and torus. Adding objects to the general location. Lesson 4. Modeling Space Housing. Creating walls and openings for doors and windows. Adding a frame for windows. Roof and chimney design. Making a fence. Create a Gauss cannon. Lesson 5. Astronaut. Creation of detailed figures of astronauts for future projects in different poses: rest, standing, sitting in a transport or a spacecraft, flying in open space with a rocket pack. Lesson 6. Simulation of the Spaceport. Creating a body of a cylinder and a paraboloid. Adding side racks of cylinders. Adding a porthole of pipes and cylinder, doors and antennas. Lesson 7. Spaceport Modeling. Creating the first element of the station - a gyroscope. Adding rings around the cab. Adding solar panels. Adding weapons. Lesson 8. Autonomous Rover. Creation of rovers by models Creation of housing, antenna, sensors and wheels. Lesson 9. Modeling of Space Transport. Creation of hull, cab and windows. Creating tracks, wheels and turbines. Lesson 10. Creating Assistant Robots. Using an egg object for the body, using tube as a hole, adding neck and shoulders. Modeling of robotic legs and visor. Lesson 11. Uploading and Programming in CoSpaces. Creating your own space locations with the addition of all previously created models. View locations in virtual reality. Lesson 12. Presentation of locations. Presentation of all models created during the course in the CoSpaces.