Seminar II 2015

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How do social networks affect interpersonal relationships in the United States society? Profesorado de Enseñanza Media en Idioma Inglés Daily shift ADVISOR:

Luisa Fernanda Ramos Barrera Guatemala, May 2015


How do social networks affect interpersonal relationships in the United States society?


Advisor: Luisa Fernanda Ramos Barrera

Guatemala, May 2015

Group of Seminarians !

! PRESIDENT Eva Roberta Stephanie Alberto Barrera VICE-PRESIDENT Carlos José Alecio Hernández SECRETARY Karla Gabriela Sosa Girón TREASURER María Lourdes Rodríguez Santizo VOCAL I Emeli Araceli Coroy Concua VOCAL II Allan Abelino Veliz Quiñonez VOCAL III Evelyn Jeanneth Robles Cox VOCAL IV Mario Roberto Rojas Pineda


CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A. Background B. Justification C. Problem




PROBLEM A. Introduction B. Research Problem C. Research Objectives D. Hypothesis E. Definition and Operationalization of Variables F. Contributions of the Research Study


METHODOLOGY A. Research Instrument B. Research Procedure C. Statistical Methodology


DATA PRESENTATION A. Statistical Charts






ANNEXES A. Research Instrument B. Extension Project C. Extension Project Pictures


Introduction Social networks have come to be an important part of everyday life, due to current trends of fast communication. People have acquired daily habits that involve the use of social networks. Social networks have had a positive and negative impact in the United States society. Most people have easy access to them, which facilitates interpersonal relationships and real time communication. According to US people’s opinion, social networks are important resources and tools for their everyday activities. Long-distance family relationships have experienced improvement in their connection, although immediate family relationships have become distant with each other. Old friendships have benefited by the available technological services that allow them to keep in touch with lost friends. Regarding business, the United States has taken advantage of the efficiency that social networks offers to approach their target population. This research is focused on how social networks affect interpersonal relationship in the United States society. In order to find out how people interact and use social networks, a survey with fifteen items was created and forwarded to residents of people in the United States. The students of the seventh semester of Profesorado de Enseùanza Media en Idioma InglÊs collected important and concise information about Social Networks' history and services, and available devices for their use, as well as how people make use of them to understand the impact of these. Understanding the use of Social Networks is to take advantage of the modern methods to communicate accurately and efficiently in our modern world, to be able to achieve personal and professional goals; communication is the key to success. ! !



CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A. Background INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS AND SOCIETY 1. Society It is a group of people who have a relationship between them, according to

specific rules. Another definition says that it is a term that refers to a “group of individuals marked by a culture in common, certain folklore and shared criteria that condition their customs and life styles”.1 2. Interpersonal Relationships Relationships that are close are considered interpersonal relationships, which can be found in family, friends, school, and workplaces. The interpersonal relationships give joy and satisfaction, being an association between two or more people. Relationships are based on inference, love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment. They are formed in the context of social, cultural, and other influences. “The context can vary from family or kinship relations, friendship and marriage, relations with associates, work, clubs, neighborhoods, and places of worship. They may be regulated by law, custom, or mutual agreement, and are the basis of social groups and society as a whole. A relationship is normally viewed as a connection between individuals, such as a romantic or intimate relationship, or a parent–child relationship. Individuals can also have relationships with groups of people, such as the relation between a pastor and his congregation, an uncle and a family, or a mayor and a town. Finally, groups or even nations may have relations with each other. When in a healthy relationship, happiness is shown and the relationship is now a priority.”2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 2

Definition of Society,Significations, [ó], page 1.! Interpersonal relationships. Psychology20, []. page 1.



Then, interpersonal relationships are dynamic systems that change continuously during their existence. Like living organisms, relationships have a beginning, a lifespan, and an end. They grow and improve gradually, as people get to know each other and become closer emotionally, or they gradually deteriorate as people drift apart, move on with their lives, and form new relationships with others. A number of theories have been formed to understand interpersonal relationships. There is merit to looking at relationships from the perspective of each of these theories. To believe exclusively in one theory and disregard the other theories would limit the understanding of social relationships. 2.1

Types of interpersonal relationships They are those defined in terms of relational contexts of interaction

and the types of expectations that communicators have of one another. 1. Friendship: Freely chosen association. 2. Family: Family communication patterns establish roles, identities and enable the growth of individuals. Family dysfunction may also be exhibited by communication patterns. 3. Romantic: Are defined in terms of the concepts of passion, intimacy and commitment. 4. Professional:






interviewing. Theories of interpersonal relationships 1.

Attachment/Affiliation theory People are generally seen as social animals, they seek the

company of others. People are meant to feel secure when a certain person is present, and to feel anxious when that person is absent. This desire for human contact can be thought of as a two-pronged need; the need for attachment and the need for affiliation. These are two distinct, yet interrelated needs.

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Attachment: the need to form special close relationships.


Affiliation: the need to be with other people in general - a sense of belonging to a larger group.

2. Attachment in adult romantic relationships This theory was extended to adult romantic relationships in the late 1980’s. Four attachment styles have been identified in adults: secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant. Investigators have explored the organization and stability of mental working models that underlie these attachment styles. 3.

Confirming and valuing relationship theory Research indicates that human beings need company most

when they are afraid, anxious, or unsure of themselves and want to compare their feelings with those of others. Relationships help people to confirm and validate their ideas and feelings as well as to value themselves. Social science research indicates that confirming and valuing happens in three stages. 4.

Social exchange theory The rewards of a relationship (or outcomes a person derives)

must be greater than, or at least equal to, the investment costs of the relationship. Rewards can be love, status, information, money, goods, and services and so on. The following formula captures the essence of the social exchange theory. 5.

Equity theory The equity theory is basically a more complex version of the

social exchange theory. Some social science researchers believe that people are not solely motivated by the need to achieve a positive balance sheet in their relationships. Equity theory explains that people are also concerned about equity in their relationships. In other words, they believe that the rewards and costs they



experience in a relationship should be roughly equal to the rewards and costs experienced by their relationship partner. While the rewards and costs may vary in kind, they are roughly equivalent in their value to the individuals involved. The essence of the equity theory may be illustrated by the following formula: 6.

Minding relationships theory The mindfulness theory of relationships shows how closeness in

relationships may be enhanced. Minding is the "reciprocal knowing process involving the nonstop, interrelated thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of persons in a relationship”. Five components of "minding" include: a. Knowing and being known: seeking to understand the partner and be understood b. Making relationship-enhancing attributions for behaviors: giving the benefit of the doubt. c. Accepting and respecting: empathy and social skills. d. Maintaining reciprocity: active participation in relationship enhancement. e. Continuity in minding: persisting in mindfulness.3 Brief history of social interaction in the United States It is important to know society’s history of evolution to understand their present habits and how is that they have adopted new traditions, practices and lifestyles, and how it has affected today’s social interactions. (Fischer, 2010) “Centuries of material and social expansion enabled more people to become more characteristically “American,” meaning—among other things—insistently independent but still sociable, striving, and sentimental.”4 The North American society has always characterized itself by being a productive community, goal oriented towards a more comfortable and practical lifestyle. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3

Idem, page 2. Fischer, C. S. (2010). Made in America A Social History of American Culture and Character. Retrieved February 9, 2015, from University of Chicago Press : 4

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“Social interactions refer to particular forms of externalities, in which the actions of a reference group affect an individual’s preferences. The reference group depends on the context and is typically an individual’s family, neighbors, friends or peers. Social interactions are sometimes called non-market interactions to emphasize the fact that these interactions are not regulated by the price mechanism.” 5 The United States population works hard on creating a country, where all necessary resources and work are available for most people, to have access to all the material possessions that imitate the American lifestyle; as well as certain traditions, ideal behavior and interactions that through the years have come to characterize the families and communities of the country. According to Claude S. Fischer there are many myths about the US American society that are only “conventional assumptions (that) turn out to be myths or half-truths.”6 One of the examples Fischer gives is “The familiar lament that families no longer take dinner together assumes that typical Americans had until recently shared such meals.”7 And yet CBS News says: “To begin with, American families, if stats are to (be) believed, do sit down and eat together. According to the "Where America Stands" CBS News Poll, 74 percent of viewers claim they eat together as a family all the time, with 78 percent of viewers claiming they eat together "most of the time" on weekends.”8 It is implied then that American families adopted the “eat together” custom just until recently, but the difference lies on the question of what families do while eating. CBS News: “However, what we are doing while we eat has changed. It used to be the family sat down (at) a table with no distractions. Now, however, the television, e-mail, texting, and cell phones have started to invade out dinner tables with surprising results. According to the poll, 33 percent of viewers say the TV is always on during their dinner, with 27 percent saying it's on half the time, or sometimes. Five percent of viewers say that people at their family dinner table are texting, e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5

Shceinkman, J. A. Social Interactions, Princeton University and NBER, Princeton:! 6 Idem 7 Idem! 8 CBSNews. (2010, January 12). How Americans Eat Today. Retrieved February 9, 2015, from CBS News:



mailing or using their cell phones throughout the meal, with 10 percent answering that they are sometimes guilty of this.”9 According to (Fischer, 2010) “Societies are so tightly woven that changes in one domain radiated through others and eventually altered how people think and feel. The result, goes the theory, was a shift from tradition to “modernity.”10 Though the American community is characteristically proud about of their accomplishments, especially the ones they have inherited from their ancestors, so they are ambitious about keeping their history of success and adapt it to their modern times to preserve them, but in a more up to date way. But still (Fischer, 2010) “Writers more commonly describe modern American culture and character as a break with or even a reversal of the past— and usually for the worse. Many, usually in the mid-twentieth century, depicted modern Americans as having lost their ancestors’ individuality, as having become sheep in a mass society. Others, usually in the late twentieth century, described modern Americans as self-absorbed, even selfish individualists who have torn apart the tight-knit communities of their ancestors.”11 According to popular sit coms on TV and movies about the United States life, Americans used to communicate to one another first, through get together meetings in their communities on weekends, or when possible on week evening nights. Later they communicated through the telephone, but as the American life turned busy and the population became workaholic, the modern social life, now is composed of people surfing the web with their devices. The American community still is in touch and informed of what is happening in their society, except that it is necessary to be aware that social life needs real life interaction in order to keep their development. As indicated in the research Content and Consciousness Activity Theory and Human Computer Interaction (Nardi, 1996): “Human computer interaction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9

Idem Idem 11 Idem! 10

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has existed for some time to understanding every day practice in real world.”12 This means that social life nowadays is composed not only by people but devices that allow immediate, fast and short communication that helps people to be connected for many reasons. Meaning that the changes in US social interactions are not so damaged yet. The new social interaction ways are for a noble goal. The only issue to be address then would be that sadly most people are not really aware of what kind of relationship they share with others’ due to the blurred lines between real life and virtual acquaintances. It is important to understand that through the history’s time line of humankind, social interactions have affected directly the environment of the society and even more, people’s phycology. Social interactions is what helps build a society become equal and kind, which it is better accomplished through real physical contact, just how it used to be before the use of computers, tables and telephones in the United States. Today’s US social interactions should be improved by the technological devices designed for today’s social networks software. The history of social networking “We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system.”13 Social networks have changed the world since they were created; the functions or services that social networks sites provide to people are generating connection between people. Users share information and see it as a virtual scape from the routine. The advantage social networks offer is that people can have a good time without going out to any place, people can easily get in touch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12

Nardi, B. A. (1996). Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Page 265 13 Boyd M. Danah, E. N. (2008). Social network Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship. Department of Telecommunication, information studies, and media Michigan State University. Michigan: Michigan State University.



with family and friends when they are far apart or when they don’t have the time to meet. Social networks are comfortable to use and also people are able to create profiles either public, semi -public or “private” where only some are able to access their information The Internet “The idea that connected computers might also make a great forum for discussing mutual topics of interest, and perhaps even meeting or renewing acquaintances with other humans, began in the earliest 1970s.”14(Digital Trends Staff, 2014) Social networking was born due to the necessity of people to share opinions with others who cannot have psychical contact with. At the beginning of 70’s and 80’s, it was complicated to have the computers at home. The machine language was difficult to understand and their potential was limited. And it was not attractive at all to be in front of a screen or a keyboard, it was something just nerds or antisocial people did. However, it was during this time, that social networks gave little but strong steps to become a cultural phenomenon. It started with virtual places like the Bulletin Board System, those meeting online sites where people could communicate with a central system, they could download files, games, send messages to other users, and more. It was just to connect through a modem and when they had access to this technology. At the beginning these places were used basically by gamers or nerds, but with time many people started to use them, and antisocial people became social by using this online interaction sites. Another means of social interaction was through CompuServe, a service that started during the 70’s as a business communication solution and it expanded at the end of the 80’s. This platform let the memberships to share files, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14

Digital Trends Staff. (2014, August 5). The history of social networking.Retrieved January 31, 2015, from Digital Trends: htttp://

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access to business news and events. But it offered something that few were experimented with, a truly interaction, not only by sending a message to a friend through a new technology called “e-mail”, but also by joining to any of thousands discussion forums, and talk with other members about almost any topic. Those forums became popular and opened the way to new interaction sites, as we know them nowadays. It is important to mention one of the sites that was a precursor on the social networking, AOL or America Online, for many sites and people, AOL was the internet, before the internet itself. This site let the members create a profile and add details about themselves; it was the best service at that time. However, nothing could stop the Internet, by the middle of 90’s it was taking a strong place. Yahoo for example, opened an online shop, Amazon started to sell books, and everyone wanted to have a computer at home with Internet access. It can be said that by 1995, modern social networks were born. Social Networks and Teenagers One of the very first social networks that was created from the beginning of the internet, was This site has the idea of connecting people that already know each other, from school, neighborhood, etc. Through this site people can meet online with old friends. At the beginning the members couldn’t create profiles, but they could find old classmates that they had not been in contact with for long time. Today has almost 57 million of registered accounts. This site got its name based on the Kevin Bacon theory, that every person in the world could be connected to each other by just six degrees of separation. This site was introduced to the market in 1997 and was one of the first to let their



members create a profile, invite friends, organize groups and look other members’ profile. Marketing In the 90’s there were sites that focused exclusively on marketing, one was, created in 1997, a product from Community Connect Inc., which was created just one year before. In 1999 was followed by, and that oriented to Hispanic people in 2000. These three sites continue nowadays, but they are not as popular any more. Friendster, LinkedIn, MySpace and Facebook By 2002 social networks had a huge hit with the creation of Friendster. Friendster had a similar vision as but creating a Friend Circle and promoting the idea that a great online community could exist between people with common interests. A year later, in 2003, LinkedIn took a serious line in the social networks. Instead of being a site where old friends, classmates and teenagers could meet, LinkedIn is a network resource for business people to contact other professionals. In the same year, MySpace started working; the site was a favorite, since it had a modern environment with music, videos, pictures, etc., full of characteristics teenagers love. But Facebook became the site with more members, created as another social network. Facebook started in 2004, as an intern exercise at Harvard University, for two years it was intended for only in campus use, but finally in 2006, this site was opened to the public. This site is easy to work with and is accessible. From 2000 to 2010, social networks had control of the internet, and new sites started to appear, trying to gain followers, subscribers or members, as the

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case of Twitter and Google+. In 2007 Google+ appeared and it was different from Facebook and Twitter because it was not necessarily a social site, it was more a social part from the great Google platform. From the beginning, Google created the Hangouts service, which lets the users make video calls with online friends. All the social sites want to offer new tools and innovation in communication; they compete with each other to have more followers, subscribers or members. As of 2015, the technology, smartphones, tablets, etc., have changed the social networks and the way people communicate. It is easy to communicate at any time and wherever people are due to the mobile technology. Most social networks depend on the devices’ capacities. In the case of Snapchat or Instagram, these need the Photo and Share application or APP (app). The same is the case of Foursquare, an app in which the members use smartphones to register around the world. B. Justification Societies around the world have changed in a significant way in technology matters; these changes have shown positive, and unfortunately some negative factors. Technology developments of this kind can be found specifically in social networks and on line communications, a clear example of this technological development is that forty years ago people used to communicate through telegraph communications and nowadays people is as far as a click. Interaction and communication toward each other is absolutely necessary for human beings, all this to create an environment where people can coexist and share, that´s why it is important to take care of it. Based on family as the center of society, interaction is the axis where social skills are developed.


interacts in their environment, in different areas such as social, work, school, these give to them the platform to develop such skills. Technological improvements in communication have permitted the social development of human kind, these improvements can be seen in specific areas !


such as: education, relations, jobs, entertainment, forums among others. All this has simplified peoples´ lives. However, there are aspects that haven´t been positive because unnecessary dependency some individuals have created

on this type of

resources, displacing interpersonal relationships, and damaging family and social dynamic, all this taking people to an inappropriate behavior pattern. Taking in consideration all these negative aspects, it is necessary to identify how much these negative patterns damage the relationships and society. That is why; it is necessary to find the way to raise awareness on people about the inappropriate use of the technological tools of our days and the effects that causes and adequate use of them. C. Problem Thesis Statement How the social networks affect interpersonal relationships in the United States society? II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. United States social Interactions 1. Definition According to Crossman, A. in her article about Alexis de Tocqueville’s work, of his book Democracy in America, “his studies of democracy in the United States led him to the conclusion that American society is characterized by five key features: 1. Love of equality: Americans love equality even more than we (they) love individual liberty or freedom.

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2. Absence of tradition: Americans inhabit a landscape largely without inherited institutions and traditions (family, class, religion) that define their relations to one another. 3. Individualism: Because no person is intrinsically better than another, Americans begin to seek all reasons in themselves, looking not to tradition nor to the wisdom of singular individuals, but to their own opinion for guidance. 4. Tyranny of the majority: At the same time, Americans give great weight to, and feel great pressure from, the opinion of the majority. Precisely because they are all equal, they feel insignificant and weak in contrast to the greater number. 5. Importance of free association: Americans have a happy impulse to work together to improve their common life, most obviously by forming voluntary associations. This uniquely American art of association tempers their tendencies towards individualism and gives them a habit and taste for serving others.�15 The USA American interactions are based on each individual’s opinions and believes, about acceptable behavior already determined by implicit social rules that do not go against their equal right to freely express themselves. 2. Family A group of individuals living under one roof and under one head. It can be mentioned that the group of persons interact with each other. Parents and children should spend time together, however contemporary families do not regularly do so. A healthy family relationship should be one where union exists, within a comfortable environment for every individual who belongs to the group. Georgas, J. (2003) describes the family in following statements as: “Two concepts are employed by anthropologists and sociologists in discussing the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15

Crossman, A. (2015). Democracy in America. Retrieved February 20, 2015, from!

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family: structure and function. Structure refers to the number of members of the family and to familial positions such as mother, father, son, daughter, and other kind.” Furthermore, “The functions, as described above, refer to how the families satisfy their physical and psychological needs in order to survive as a group. For example, families universally must provide shelter for themselves – a house – either a permanent edifice or a temporary abode such as a tent or an igloo.”16 Parents and children should spend quality time together, however today’s fast lifestyle has turned family members into stranger living in the same house. Unfortunately due to the use of technological devices, social networks and tight agendas full of schedules with activities only contributes to set them apart. 3. Parents The people with the role of mother and father in a family are the first models for children on learning how to socially interact and behave. Parents are for children the early teachers on healthy socializing through daily interaction. According to Georgas, J. (2003) “Parenting interactions provide resources across the generational groups and function in regard to domains of survival, reproduction, and socialization. Parenting is a complex process, involving much more than a mother or father providing food, safety, and support to an infant or child. Parenting involves bidirectional relationships between members of two or more generations.” 17 Parenting does not only involve being able to cover children’s physical needs, it is also about supporting, correcting and guiding the child during life. Parenting is not an easy task, in addition to covering for all of the physical needs a child requires, parents must provide psychological support and guidance, as well as emotional that can not be completely provided through technology. Modern technological devices and their applications are useful tools

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Georgas, J. (2003). FAMILY: VARIATIONS AND CHANGES ACROSS CULTURES. Retreaved February 18, 2015, from Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. UNIT 13, CHAPTER 3: h 17


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for today’s education and way of life but it also is a risk; the over usage is jeopardizing real socialization. 4. Children On this interaction Stevenson and MessingerFogel state that: “In the United States, infants are more provided with toys and encouraged to do tasks on their own. Infants are spoken to in a relatively adult way and verbal proficiency is encouraged through childhood. Infants are oriented towards areas that develop autonomy through practice.”18 Parents are more inclined to spend time with their off springs when they are children, to teach them how to be independent and how to speak up their own mind, so when children become teenagers, or even more important adults, parents do not have to worry about them, since they have to go to the university or to go live by their own. Therefore parents encourage their children to explore the world by providing the tools needed such as technological devices and information for today’s new world. Most teenagers become autonomous, creating their own rules, which sometimes lead to parent-child disagreements, especially regarding the use of technological devices and social networks that becomes an addiction kind of problem, affecting real life socialization. Still parents who are more constantly involved in their off springs life’s during childhood, feel entitled to be there for them when they become adults so socializing, and the development of it, is not completely affected due to the current social interaction way of living. 5. Siblings The interaction between brothers and sisters is also important, in contrast to the relationship with the parents, the siblings’ relationship is a more relaxed and informal one. Although depending on the culture and the context the interaction between brothers, sisters, and parent do not differ greatly. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 18

Stevenson and MessingerFogel. Parent-child socialization in diverse cultures.Ablex publishing corporation,1992. pp 49.



Katherine Lee says:! “Research has shown that sibling relationships often play a major role in how we will interact in other relationships with friends, romantic partners, and others later in life.”19 Generally brothers and sisters feel comfortable with each other even if at times they are not empathic or cordial to one another, the relationship between siblings is enjoyable as long as there is respect. With the use of technology, siblings who have access to it, improve their relationship especially if they live far apart or are not able to meet on a daily basis. It is also true that many sibling relationships are affected when they focus more on their virtual acquaintances than their own family. 6. Childhood friends “The social relations of children and adolescents are centered on their friends as well as their families. “Friendships” can be identified among infants and toddlers, too, although the cognitive and linguistic concomitants (e.g. attributions,







adolescence into adulthood.” 20 Children identify their friends by sharing experiences together, from their early years of life. People tend to search for individual who share their same point of view and preferences, suggesting that regularly childhood friends last up to adulthood. In general children’s world is influenced by friendship, it is the reason why childhood friends are strong until their grow up years and it continues in spite of them changing their life expectations or the new relationships they build with others through the years.

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Lee, K. (2015). How to encourage good sibling relatiships. Retrieved on February 19, 2015, from About Relationships: 20

Bukowski. William M., Newcomb, Andrew F., Hartup, Willard W. “The Company They Keep: Friendships in Childhood and Adolescence” Cambridge studies, p4

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7. Virtual friends “What we mean by the word ―friend has obviously been affected by social networking, as the number of people who we identify as our friends has grown in leaps and bounds in the more than two millennia”21 Virtual friends enrich relationships; the word friendship has changed in recent years because of the fast paced lifestyle people manage. Social networks help people find friends who share the same interests; social networks as well, allow finding people from other places with satisfactory results. “Online friends have been found to benefit people emotionally, especially if you use them as an addition to your social circle and not the main focus of it.” (Burbach, C. 2015)22 Nowadays, social networks offer to find friends from all over the world, by accepting or sending friendship requests people can be in contact. The effects of fast socialization are influencing the culture, from children to adults. Virtual friendships are available in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and their main purpose is to simplify the process of creating new friendships, they offer many facilities to meet new people. Virtual friends are able to communicate instantly and constantly, yet inadequate or lack of supervision over children interacting virtually with others, might cause problems like child abuse over the web. 8. Closest friends According to (Burbach, C. 2015) “Close friends are very often considered like family to you. They are people who leave an impression with you that stays positively in your mind.”23

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Condella, Craig. “Why can`t we be virtual friends”. Univforum.orgp3. Burbach, C. (2015). Difference Between a Friend and a Close Friend. Retreaved on February 19, 2015, from About Relationships: 23 Idem 22



Friends share important moments in life, likes and dislikes, give support and procure well in the other person’s life. A close friend is normally related to the experiences that mark life moments or events that are connected to emotions of the other person and provide gratification and stability. Close friends help positively to the development of an individual, and contribute to maintain good relationships, as well as mental health. 9. Co-Workers The objective of relationships inside and outside of the work environment is to establish a close and personal relationship according to mutual interests. Nice and supporting relationships can make the daily activities at work, gratifying. The opportunity to collaborate with others gives satisfaction and quality to the professional performance. The ABC Dictionary defines co-worker as: “an individual who joins to another.�24 The word co-worker is used as well for individuals who are part of communities, like academic organizations, sports institutions or business associations that work with others. This term is applicable for people sharing an activity, task, or even an ideology. In the politic context this concept has achieved an exceptional use, and for that reason, individuals who share the same political believes are denominated coworkers. 10. Authorities The word authority is the ability or power to do or make others do something. It also is an individual or a group of people that withhold power or control. The authority is related to the title or position that the person has within the company and not with their personal characteristics or attributes. Dictionaries !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24

ABC Dictionary. (2007). Retrieved February 10, 2015, from

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describe Authority as: “dominion, empire, faculty and jurisdiction that one has to send or execute something. Act or instrument in which is established the faculty given from someone to another, that has the power to take the correspondent place and to represent by doing something."25 Power, refers to the ability of an individual to influence on decisions. Therefore: "Authority is part of the expanded concept of power, that is, the ability to influence based on the legitimate position of an individual who can affect decisions, but there is no need to have authority to influence."26 This term is designed to people who lead others, in an office, business, corporation, government, club, organization, etc. People with that charge are the highest authority and it is their responsibility to define, to decide, and to choose the best options or alternatives about function and work development. There are cases, where a superior is required as well tolead a group, in other cases, there is a group of people who take decisions by unanimity. 11. Colleague According to the dictionary a colleague, “Is a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor, or a fellow worker or member of a staff, department, or profession. This concept comes from Latin “collega”. At the Ancient Rome where colleagues who made identical political functions.”27 Colleagues share the exercise of the same profession or activity like, doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. There is an ethic code between colleagues, sometimes explicit and some other












support.Colleagues do not necessarily work at the same place, but on the same field. They share experiences, opinions, thoughts, knowledge, etc.

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Idem ABC Dictionary. (2007). Retrieved February 10, 2015, from htt:// Idem



School 12. Principal “The principal is the educator who has executive authority for a school. He or she is the one in charge of heading all administrative matters in an educational center.”28 Principal is one who engages another to act as an agent subject to general control an instructions; specifically: the person from whom an agent’s authority derives. 13. Classmate “A fellow member of a class at school, college or university”29 “It is a noun. An acquaintance that you go to school withsynonyms: schoolmate, schoolfellow, class fellow” It is the mean reason why the school exists and the knowledge is transmitted from generations.” 14. Teacher “A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences, a teacher of the highest rank.”30 Who makes the knowledge be known, who transmit the knowledge through different techniques and tools which are making possible the process of teacher learning.

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Idem! Definition of Teacher. Retrieved February 19, 2015, from https://4.! 30

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Social Networks Devices 1. Tablet

“A tablet is a portable, slightly smaller and less weight than a laptop device with a touch screen panel made to be operated by fingers, it does not need a keyboard, but in some of them they are optional. Tablets are made to offer graphic applications, games and programs, internet browser, etc.�31 2. Smartphones A Mobile devices that are adapted with software which carry applications like email client, web browser, games, camera, social networks, synchronization tools, etc.32 3. Laptop A portable computer, usually battery-powered, small enough to rest on the user's lap and having a screen that closes over the keyboard like a lid. All these devices provide people of different advantages, including communication, and building networks for different purposes, and as it is known all these mobile devices could have advantages and also disadvantages, could be wise to identify and learn the correct use of them.33

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Definition of Computer: (February 21 ) 32 Charlesworth, A. (2009, February 21).The ascent of smartphone.Retrieved March 2015, from IET Digital Library: htt/:// 33

Howe, D. (2010). Laptop. Retrieved 2015 from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing:

! ! ! !


Internet Services 1.


People nowadays are usually busy and an easy way to keep communication alive is virtual interactions. It is when the benefits of social networks








Communication social networks are define as: “Social network sites as webbased services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system.”34 The reasons why a person is connected to a social network may vary depending on the culture, country, environment and some other beliefs. An important fact to mention about social networks is that people are allowedto meet strangers, but also people communicate with acquaintances that are part of theirdaily life. The profile is a requirement that most of the social network web pages request, which usually includes personal information such as age, location, interests, and a profile picture. A social network is a useful tool that helps to facilitate communication, however people must considerate its over usage because it may affect interpersonal relationships. 2.

Linkedin 2003

LinkedIn has become the most important platform in the business world; this is due to the advantages people who own accounts on this sitebenefit from. “LinkedIn started out in the living room of co-founder Reid Hoffman and the site officially launched on May 5, 2003. Reid has previously been on the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 34

Journal of Computer-Mediated CommunicationArticleSocial Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship by Boyd Danah M. and Ellison Nicole B. first published online: 17 DEC 2007

! 22 !

board of Google, Ebay and PayPal, so (he) had a proven track record before taking the first round of funding and eventually floating on the New York stock exchange. This also goes some way to explaining the great integration between Google and LinkedIn. At the end of the first month of full operation, LinkedIn had a total of 4,500 members in the network but on a bad day it would only get 20 sign ups. In 2004 LinkedIn took a major step forward when it added in the ability to upload (peoples’) address book to invite your colleagues, introduced groups to start building communities and even embraced partnership with American Express. In 2005 LinkedIn started to get into business mode with the launch of its jobs and subscriptions paid options and moved into an even bigger office. In 2012, the year the interface changed (all), Weiner was focused on making LinkedIn simpler, and enabling growth for everyone and to this end released new profile layouts and functionality throughout the year. The platform has grown steadily since day one with the current rate at two new user accounts being created per second and that’s more than one million new users each week joining.”35 Through the years, LinkedIn has positioned into one of the world’s most important social network, and the benefits it offers to business people vary from simple tasks as contacting other business people up to making business grow through establishing commercial associations. A complete profile in LinkedIn allows professionals to increase the possibility to obtain better opportunities around the world, as a result of the welfare after many years, LinkedIn is on the top of business social networks. 3.

Facebook 2004

Facebook marked a new era in the usage of social networks, and communication between people from all ages. It was created for all users interested on the easy form of communication. Through the years, Facebook has !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 35


Potter, J. (2014). business to community. Retrieved!






changed and modified its functions in order for users to access to it at any moment. The popularity Facebook acquired benefited fields like education and publicity campaigns for good causes thanks to its social impact. The Facebook timeline includes the release from its creator Mar Zuckerberg, for his campus mates, up to the cell phone application that people can use nowadays at any time. “Mark Zuckerberg, (back then) 23, founded Facebook while studying psychology at Harvard University. A keen computer programmer, Mr. Zuckerberg had already developed a number of social-networking websites for fellow students, including Course match, which allowed users to view people taking their degree, and Facemash, where you could rate people's attractiveness. In February 2004 Mr. Zuckerberg launched "The Facebook", as it was originally known; the name taken from the sheets of paper distributed to freshmen, profiling students and staff. Within 24 hours, 1,200 Harvard students had signed up, and after one month, over half of the undergraduate population had a profile. The network was promptly extended to other Boston universities, the Ivy League and eventually all US universities. It became in August 2005 after the address was purchased for $200,000. US high schools could sign up from September 2005, then it began to spread worldwide, reaching UK universities the following month. The site's features [omitted] continued to develop during 2007. Users can now give gifts to friends, post free classified advertisements and even develop their own applications - graffiti and Scrabble are particularly popular.� 36 Nowadays, Facebook extended and daily millions of people create an account and it has had an immense impact into the internet. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 36


Phillips, S. (s.f.). the guardian. RetreavedFebruary de 2015, from!

24 !


Twitter 2006

Twitter is a social network that allows users to write opinions, feelings, and judgments and upload them to the internet to be shared publicly, as well as read and follow the ideas of other persons that users identify with. Since Twitter began the popularity of its functions attracted the attention of people around the globe; as a result of this, famous personalities have an official account to share opinions and thoughts with their followers. “Twitter began as an idea that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey had in 2006. Dorsey had originally imagined Twitter as an SMS-based communications platform. Groups of friends could keep tabs on what each other were doing based on their status updates. In its early days, Twitter was referred to as "twttr". At the time, a popular trend, sometimes to gain domain name advantage, was to drop vowels in the name of their companies and services. Software developer Noah Glass is credited (for) coming up with the original name twttr as well as its final incarnation as Twitter. Initially users had no way of replying or shouting out one another on Twitter. Some users would include an @ symbol before their username to identify another user within a Tweet. This became such a prevalent way to acknowledge another user that the Twitter team added the functionality natively to the Twitter platform. The same thing happened withhash tags, which are now an integral part of the Twitter ecosystem. This user-driven functionality is also true for how retweets (are) created. Users wanted a way to re-post a message from a Twitter user while including credit to the user who originally tweeted it. Twitters' user base has grown to over 200 million active monthly users. And most recently in March 2013, Jack and Biz



were awarded the patent they applied for way back in 2007 that secures the entire Twitter ecosystem.”37 Twitter users manifest satisfaction about the service because of the benefit of having a space to express all their thoughts and opinions; also users find motivation when people think the same or retweet (share) their writing; from a psychologist point of view it is mentally healthy as well as being a useful social network. 5.


“It is a social network which lets the users share anything they want without (too much) effort.It was created by David Karpin 2007. On this network users publish texts, photos, dates, links, music and videos through the (desktop devices), smartphone, and even by e-mail”. 38 When a profile is created on this site, the profile can be personalized with any kind of details, from colors up to backgrounds and layouts. It works as a blog where users share interesting contents, histories, humor, fashion, art, and even deep thoughts. Nowadays Tumblr has 223 millions of blogs and thanks to its easy use it is one of the most popular sites used by teenagers. 6.


Pinterest is a site where people create and administer picture collections about events, hobbies, and more. Its mission is to connect people around the world through common interests. It was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp, on 2010. “Users on Pinterestcan upload, save, and administer images known as Pins and some multimedia information through “pinboards”. “Pinboards” are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 37

MacArthur, A. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2015, from 38Karp, D. (2007). Tumblr. Retrieved on February, 2015, form

! 26 !

(images) personalized, organized, classified and found by others users. They also can follow other users with the same interests.�39 Some of the most popular categories are: trips, cars, movies, humor, home design, sports, fashion and art. 7.


Instagram is a community of more than 300 million of followers who like to capture and share special moments through images around the world. It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, in 2010. “From the very beginning, Instagram was set to be a success story. In fact, it had 1 million users just 2 months after its launch and it kept on growing ever since. Instagram knew how to continually improve itself adding new features and new photo effects. After becoming available on Android phones and very recently adding direct messaging, Instagram may have made a place for itself that will last for many years to come�.40 Since the beginning of Instagram its founder was focused on simplicity and inspiring creativity; thatwayInstagramhas become a home for visual storytelling. This social network has millions of users and they share more than 60 million photos every day. All users share their lives in a modern, fun and fast way. Instagram works by just taking a photo or video, then choosing a filter to transform its aspect and it is ready to be published on Instagram.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 39

Silbermann, B. (2010). Pinterest. Retrieved on Febraury, 2015, from


Systrom, K. (2010). Instagram. Retrieved on Febraury, 2015, from

! !




Skype took the Windows Live Messenger place on 2012, when it announced their market withdraw. Skype started offering a service with similar characteristics to the Windows Live Messenger but with developed and more attractive tools. “Skype is a site where people can make video calls and send messages to keep in touch with others who are in different places, countries and even continents. This site makes easy the way users share experiences due to its instant messages”41. With Skype people are able to share histories, celebrate birthdays, learn new languages, make conferences, group video calls or even work with colleagues at a distance. This site is accessible, it can be downloaded to a smartphone, or TV, and it is free. In a business world, it means you can meet employers, colleagues, partners, and customers to make work a success. Skype is part of Microsoft Corporation, it was founded in 2003 and currently it has around 280 millions of users. 9.


The Internet popularity became an influence to culture in general around the world, mostly with teenagers and young adults. YouTube is a social network dedicated to videos, any person can create an account, film a video and upload it. Since YouTube started individuals and publicity companies make videos, currently, famous people upload musical videos to commercialize their work. “YouTube was founded ten years ago on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2005. Since then it regularly ranks in the top three sites visited worldwide (the other two are Google and Facebook). There have been many competitors and imitators that have cropped up since, but none of them had the draw or staying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 41

Corporation, M. (2003). Skype. Retrieved from

! 28 !

power of the site that can give you your fifteen minutes of fame again and again and again. Though the founders activated the domain on February 14, 2005 the first video wasn’t actually uploaded until April 23, 2005. It’s titled “Me at the zoo” and features YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo. YouTube has more than 1 billion users, The number of hours people are watching on YouTube each month is up 50% year over year, Around 60% of a creator’s views comes from outside their home country, YouTube is (accesible) in 75 countries and available in 61 languages, YouTube is the world’s second largest social networking site, behind Facebook.” 42 Because of the popularity of YouTube there are people who earn money just by creating videos that they upload on their channels or accounts. Other contributions of YouTube are the promotion for education and free access to any kind of useful information.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 42

Grothaus, M. (2015). know your mobile. RetreavedFebruary 2015, from

! !



PROBLEM A. Introduction Modern technology offers society many services and devices for fast

communication. Developed countries like the United States know how to take advantage of Social Networks; however it is important to understand how these services work to be able to get the best out of these resources. People tend to make mistakes regarding the use of Social Networks; these must be used as a strategy to improve communication, especially when it is hard for people to be in the same place or, to reaffirm long distance relationships. There is always a positive and a negative side about modern trends around the world. One of the countries that has more influence over the rest of the countries, in America, is the United States; if society is able to study, learn and understand about the many mistakes and success they have had about the use they make of Social Networks then a country like Guatemala might be able to take good advantage of the services in the Web. Devices are available, services are provided, our contemporary society makes use of them, however masses still need to discover the adequate use and aim them for noble purposes so in that way experiences are more positive. B. Research Problem Social Networks have become part of people’s everyday life; these services have had a tremendous impact on children, teenager, and adults equally. The main purposes of the available social networks are fast communication and to stay connected, up to date of the world’s affairs. Society has different opinions about the benefits of staying connected through the Internet. Interpersonal relationships in the United States have come to be defined by the status on and the information people share in their profiles.

30 !

Defining relationships through Social Networks has affected the way people look, and come to respect their interactions with their loved ones or people they care about. Also professional interactions have been affected by theses services and the over use. Marketing companies have taken good advantage of how easy is to reach their target population, but society is being bombarded with unnecessary information, services and products and information not needed that only clutter our thought and how we conduct ourselves through life. Awareness and an intelligent use of modern services through technology is imperative to find balance in our fast communication new era. C. Hypothesis Hypothesis (H1) Social networks affect interpersonal relationships, such as: family, friendship, school and work environment in the United States society. Hypothesis (Ho) Social networks do not affect interpersonal relationships, such as: family, friendship, school and work environment in the United States society. D. Definition and Operationalization of Variables Variable No. 1 - Interpersonal Relationships Conceptual Definition According to Psicology20 “An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people that may range from fleeting to enduring. This association may be based on inference, love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment.�43 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 43

(2010). Interpersonal relationships. Retrieved March 30, 2015, from Psicology 20:



Family • Parents •


Children (son, daughter)

Work environment •




Friendship •

Childhood friends

Virtual friends

Closest friend

School •




Variable No. 2 - Social Networks Conceptual Definition According to Nations D.“Social networking is based on a certain structure that allow people to both express their individuality and meet people with similar interests. This structure includes having profiles, friends, blog posts, widgets, and usually something unique to that particular social networking website -- such as the ability to 'poke' people on Facebook or (re-twitt someone Twitter).”44 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 44

Nations, D. (2015). About Tech. Retrieved 30 de March de 2015 from

32 !

Hardware • • •

Computer Tablet Smart phone

Internet Services • • • • •

Facebook Twitter Instagram Skype YouTube F. Contributions of the Research Study This research is based on the United States population and how they use

Internet and social networks as well as the influence their personal relationships because the United States trends impact Guatemalan lifestyle. The publication is directed to the Humanities Faculty students in order to inform them that social networks indeed may affect negatively how they interact within the environment. On the other hand, the efficient use of social networks may create a successful communication, especially for long distance interactions. The expectation is to make students aware of the positive and negative effect of the web services provided by the internet and the available devices such as smart phones, laptop and tablets in order to take advantage of them in an intelligent way.






METHODOLOGY A. Research Instrument

A survey was elaborated to find out the kind of devices people use, the purposes for the usage of them, and to obtain information of how the over use of technology affects their relationships. The survey was divided in three sections. a. General information 1. Nationality. Refers to the place where they were born. 2. Age. The interviewed people give information about how old they were. 3. How long have you lived in the USA? If the interviewed person has lived in the USA they must provide information about how long they lived there. 4. Gender. Obtains data about how many males and females answered the survey. 5. Profession. Provides important information about the academic level of the people who answered the survey.

34 !

b. Technological Resources 1. Do you have any personal devices with internet access? yes


The Interviewed people select an option to define if they had a device with Internet access. 2. What Kind of personal device you use? Smartphone




It was used to determine the kind of device people use. 3. What is the average time you use your personal device per day? 0-2 hours

3-5 hours

6-10 hours

more than that

Refers to the frequency of the usage of the device with Internet access. 4. What purpose do you use it for? business



social networks

Gives valuable information about the ways people use the technology and how they manage their free time. 5. Which apps do you use? facebook tumblr

twitter linkedln

skype pinterest

youtube others

This question was used to determine the most popular apps people use on their devices.



c. Use of Social Networks 1. How do you consider yourself as a user of Social Networks? If it’s needed



Provides information about how the people perceive themselves in the usage of the social networks. 2. Which of the following interpersonal relationships do you consider have been the most affected by the abuse of social networks?




work environment

It was used to gather important data of how people perceive the bad use of social networks affect the different types of relationships. 3. Do you consider that the use of social networks have affected your interpersonal relationships? yes


Share your experience

This question makes the interviewed person to criticize how the bad use of the social networks has affected their lives by sharing their experiences. 4. What would be your advice for the appropriate use of social networks? The purpose of this question was to make people think about the overuse of social networks their consequences, and to provide advices for the correct use of them.

36 !

B. Research Procedure 1. Coordination activities to make surveys a. Group organization b. Variables definition c. Surveys application through e-mails and a digital survey. d. Results presentation

2. Scientific methodological and technical activities that were developed to apply surveys a. Distribution of the number of surveys each student will give. b. Survey application through internet during a specific time. (individually) c. Classification of the obtained information d. Variable definition e. Statistical analysis and interpretation results f. Hypothesis validation g. Final written report h. Results presentation

3. Methodology, techniques, and data instruments used a. Survey method: Consisted in asking questions through a survey with multiple choice answers, from which the necessary information was collected to identify the variables, to later reject or accept the hypothesis.



b. Tools (survey) It consisted in a variety of questions answered individually. The persons who were interviewed took the survey by e-mail or by a digital way,

to obtain the necessary statistical data for the

variables definition and acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis.

C. Statistical Methodology The discretional methodology was applied in this research study; it means that according to the criteria of the researcher the elements and study subjects are selected depending on how much they can enhance the results of the study.

38 !


DATA PRESENTATION A. Statistical Charts


37%! male! female! 63%!


In this graphic it can be seen that 37% who answered this survey were men, on the other hand women doubled men to fill the survey with 63%. !




! 31%!




18K25! 26K35! 36K45!



! ! 42%!


In this graphic is seen that 42% who answered this survey are from 36 to 45 years old, followed by those who are 45 and so on. The third place is taken by the ages from 26 to 35 with 15%. The last percentage is for young adults with 12%.








yes! no!


According to this result, 100% is using devices with access to internet.


15%! Smartphone,!laptop,! tablet,!desktop! Smartphone,!laptop,! tablet! Smartphone,!laptop!




The results show that 100% use at least smartphones, then it can be seen that they use other devices such as laptops, tablets or even continue using desktop.

40 !





! !










! 52%!

This graphic show that more than 50% use their devices from 3 to 5 hours per day, 24% use them from 6 to 10 hours per day, 19% use them no more than 2 hours, and just 5% use them for more than 10 hours per day.

PURPOSE& 13%! 23%! business! entertaiment! social!network!


study! 31%!

The results show that 33% use their technological resources for social network, 31% use them for entertainment, 23% for studies, and just 13% use them for business.





! !

1%! 6%!

9%! facebook!




! !


twitter! skype!






others! 25%!

The use of applications has a vary, the most used is facebook with 43%, it is followed by youtube with 25%, the rest is taken by applications such as twitter, skype, instagram, and others. ! !


! !

19%! 30%!

! !



average! addicted!

! ! !



More than 50% consider themselves as average users; meanwhile 30% consider that they use social networks when it is needed, and 19% consider themselves as addicted to social networks.

42 !



! !







family! work!environment!







Now, 34% consider that the family is the most affected with the inadequate use of social networks, 24% consider that work environment results affected, and 21% consider that marriage and friends are affected.



! ! ! !



yes! no!


! ! ! !

More than 50% have not been affected directly with the inadequate use of social networks;












! ! !

29%! 38%!






! ! !


In this case, level 1 refers to those who are currently studying. Level 2 refers to those who work in a non-professional appointment, for example, nurses, construction workers and businessmen. Level 3 refers to those who work in a professional appointment, for example, engineers, teachers, and doctors. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

44 !

! ! !

VI. Data Conclusions and Recommendations A. Conclusions 1. People in the United States use social networks to keep in touch with immediate family and friends, so they can be part of their daily life and improve the relationships. 2. Most people in the United States use social networks to reconnect with old acquaintances, as well as to keep in touch with long distance relatives. 3. Regarding business, social networking is described as a useful resource to promote services and create functional marketing. 4. There are two types of users:the one that posts every detail about their lives and the one that does not usually posts or shares hardly anything, but is constantly following everybody else's posts through social networks. 5. In the educational field, professionals have found that social networking is an attractive and practical tool to motivate students to get more involved and be accountable for their education, and accomplish their goals.



B. Recommendations 1. People should limit their time in social networks when they are in family gatherings or socializing, to be able to spend quality time with each other. 2. People should be careful about who they allow to see their posts, and consider the consequences before posting anything on the web that could be controversial or even dangerous to their security. 3. Marketing companies should respect people’s privacy. 4. Many people seem to spend more time talking about their lives on social networks and worrying about other people’s actions and thoughts, while they should actually be out there living their own lives. 5. Parents should monitor children’s time on the web especially during the school year, to avoid compromising their education.

46 !



Boyd M. Danah, E. N. (2008). Social network Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship. Department of Telecommunication, information studies, and media Michigan State University. Michigan: Michigan State University. Bukowski. William M., Newcomb, Andrew F., Hartup, Willard W. “The Company They Keep: Friendships in Childhood and Adolescence” Cambridge studies, p4 CBSNews. (2010, January 12). How Americans Eat Today. Retrieved February 9, 2015, from CBS News: Condella, Craig. “Why can`t we be virtual friends”. p3. Crossman, A. (2015). Democracy in America. Retrieved February 20, 2015, from Definition of Society, Significations, Retreaved on February, 2015,ó, page 1. Digital Trends Staff. (2014, August 5). The history of social networking. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from Digital Trends: htttp:// Fischer, C. S. (2010). Made in America A Social History of American Culture and Character. Retrieved February 9, 2015, from University of Chicago Press:



Georgas, J. (2003). FAMILY: VARIATIONS AND CHANGES ACROSS CULTURES. Retrieved February 18, 2015, from Online Readings in Psychologyand Culture. UNIT 13, CHAPTER 3: Interpersonal relationships. Psychology20. Retreaved on February, 2015 from, page 1. Lee, K. (2015). How to encourage good sibling relatiships.Retreaved on February 19, 2015, from About Relationships: Nardi, B. A. (1996). Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and HumanComputer Interaction. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Page 265 Shceinkman, J. A. Social Interactions, Princeton University and NBER, Princeton: Stevenson and MessingerFogel. Parent-child socialization in diverse cultures. Ablex publishing corporation,1992. pp 49. Burbach, C. (2015). Difference Between a Friend and a Close Friend.Retreavedon February 19, 2015, from About Relationships: ABC Dictionary. (2007). Retrieved February 10, 2015, from htt:// Definition of Principal. Retrieved February 19, 2015, from

48 !

Definition of Teacher. Retrieved February 19, 2015, from Definition of Computer: Retreaved on February 21, 2015 from Charlesworth, A. (2009, February 21). The ascent of smartphone. Retrieved March 2015, from IET Digital Library: htt/://digitallibrary. Howe, D. (2010). Laptop. Retrieved 2015 from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing: Journal of Computer-Mediated CommunicationArticleSocial Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship by Boyd Danah M. and Ellison Nicole B. first published online: 17 DEC 2007 Potter, J. (2014). business to community. Retrieved February 2015, from MacArthur, A. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2015, from Karp, D. (2007). Tumblr. Retrieved on February, 2015, form Silbermann, B. (2010). Pinterest. Retrieved on Febraury, 2015, from Systrom, K. (2010). Instagram. Retrieved on Febraury, 2015, from




ANNEXES A. Research Instrument

Languages Section Seminar II Profesorado de ense単anza media en Ingles. March 2015 The students from seminar II from UNIVERSIDAD DE SAN CARLOS DE GUATEMALA are currently working in a research project about how social networks affect interpersonal relationships in the United States Society. We will appreciate your collaboration to accomplish the objectives of this seminar. GENERAL INFORMATION Part I. Please answer the following questions. 1. Nationality: _________________________ 2. Age:________________________________ 3. How long have you lived in the USA? _______________________________ 4. Gender:

Male: ____

Female: ______


5. Profession: ________________

Part II.Please mark the appropriate box next to your answer choice with an "x" 6.Do you have any personal devices with internet access? Yes

50 !




7. What Kind of personal device you use? smartphone






8. What is the average time you use your personal device per day? 0 -2 hours

2-5 hours


5-10 hours



9. What purpose do you use it for? Business





Social Networks



10. Which apps do you use? Facebook



TumblrlinkedlnPinterest L!


! !







PART III Please mark the appropriate box next to your answer choice with an "x" 11. How do you consider yourself as a user of Social Networks? Only if it´s needed






12. Which of the following interpersonal relationships do you consider have been the most affected by the abuse of social networks? Family





Work environment



13. Do you consider that the use of social networks have affected your interpersonal relationships? Yes




Provide your experience ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 14. What would be your advice for the appropriate use of social networks ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Thank you very much for your time

52 !

B. Extension Project

Universidad de San Carlos De Guatemala Facultad de Humanidades Sección de Idiomas e Instituto de Formación y Actualización Docente

TEACHING TRAINING SESSIONS (Training sessions for English language teachers) March 23rd and 24th, 2015

Languages’ Section 2015




The training sessions entitled “Teaching Training Sessions” is targeted to the English teaching degree students and teachers of the Languages’ Section, as well as graduated students and teachers from the different departments of the Humanities Faculty who teach English courses. It is been designed with the purpose to cover the English language students and teachers’ demands of updated material and information for today’s global requirements of more competitive professionals. It also acknowledges the proposals addressed in the recommendations report from the evaluation simulacrum of the Profesorado de Enseñanza Media en Idioma Inglés regarding the incorporation of humanistic, cultural and civic activities for future professionals. The Teaching Training Sessions have been designed to reach as many professionals as possible through different media like, posters at the Humanities Faculty premises, private and public educational institutions throughout Guatemala City and different social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

54 !


1. Provide students and teachers from the Languages’ Section with the necessary tools and knowledge about English teaching.

2. Contribute with a renewed space for graduated students, current students and teachers of Profesorado de Enseñanza Media en Idioma Inglés for them to renew their professional performance.

3. Institutionalize annual trainings focused on specialization, that integrate students from the career, in response to the improvement plan for the Languages’ Section as part of the self assessment process.

4. Accomplish further involvement from students on extracurricular activities.

5. Establish academic relations with publishing houses and lecturers from different institutions who specialize on English language teaching. The proposed dates for the training sessions are March, Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th at the Humanities Faculty premises, S-4 building.




1. Technology integration in the classroom, Lic. Javier Aguirre, Centro Escolar El Roble. 2. Learning competencies and objectives, M.A. Luisa Fernanda Ramos, FAHUSAC. 3. “How do I get my students to develop efficient group projects? The usage of PBL in the classroom”, Professor Nicté de León, IGA. 4. “Strategies for theoretical subjects”, Lic. Héctor Palala, FAHUSAC. 5. “Tu valor docente”, Dr. Harold Herrera, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. 6. The use of recycled materials to create effective didactic resources, Licda. Claudia Morataya. 7. The English Language impact on Guatemalan’s society, M.A. Luisa Fernanda Ramos, FAHUSAC. 8. *Pearson Editorial, Lucrecia Cruz. 9. *IGA representative.

56 !

PROGRAM Lunes 23 de marzo, 2015 3:00 - 3:20 Inauguración Msc. Stuardo Monroy, Especialista Cultural Embajada Norteamericana. Aula Magna

M.A. Jorge García (Cómo redactar ensayos) 101 Licda. Catalina González Aula Magna 4:00 - 5:00

3:30 - 4:30 Msc. Andrew Raphael 102 M.A. Alan Palala (Evaluación del Aprendizaje) 101 4:30 - 5:30 Lic. Héctor Palala (Strategies for theoretical subjects) 101 Richmond 201 A 5:30 - 5:45 Receso 5:45 - 6:30 Licda. Ana Lucía Estrada (Metacognition) 101

Profesor Javier Aguirre (Technology in the classroom) Aula Magna M.A. Luisa Fernanda Ramos (Competencies and learning objectives) 201 A 5:00 - 5:30 R e c e s o 5:30 - 6:30 Profa. Nicté de León ( The usage of PBL in the classroom) 101 Miss Ana Lucía Celada (The 21st. century core skills) 6:30 - 6:50 Clausura y entrega de diplomas 10

Licda. Claudia Morataya (Taller de material didáctico con reciclaje) 101 Martes 24 de marzo, 2015 3:00 - 4:00



LOGISTICS The registration for the activity was on line, where participants were able to assign by giving basic information. Commissions 1. Data base: Print and cut stickers with participant´s names. Put it into a plastic bag with their coffee brake tickets. IN CHARGE: M.A. Luisa Fernanda Ramos Barrera a. Gladys Chay b. Carlos Alecio 2. Event Day: Hand out the badges to the guests and do an attendance list. IN CHARGE: Licda. Ana Lucia Estrada a. Felipe Muñoz b. Eli Asturias c. Elmer Valle d. Mildred Ordoñez e. Paola Barrueto f. Rosario Pocón g. Ana Ríos h. Raquel Rosales de Sosa

3. Diplomas: Print the diplomas with participant´s names according to the attendance list. IN CHARGE: M.A. Luisa Fernanda Ramos Barrera a. Carlos Alecio b. Allan Veliz c. Eri López d. Roberto Rojas e. Karla Sosa f. Lourdes Rodríguez

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4. Coffee Break: Provide bottles of water to the speakers. Make sure coffee break gets ready on time. Pick up the tickets; give the food to the speakers and to the editorials representatives. IN CHARGE: Licda. Evelyn Ruano a. Ilse Gómez b. Diana Morales c. Ingrid Lucas d. Norma López e. Emely Coroy

5. Speakers: Be in charge of the audiovisual equipment. Read in front of the audience the speaker´s resume and give them their participation’s diploma. Help to hand out any material that speaker may need to share with the audience and save the PPT in a pen drive. IN CHARGE: Lic. Héctor Palala a. Dora Merida b. Elmer Valle c. Carlos Alecio d. Allan Veliz e. Nicté de León f. Dinorha López g. Berly Arévalo h. Marylin Veliz i. Stephanie Alberto j.

Martha Rios

k. Dorian de León



6. Seals: Check and seal the attendance lists and make sure all participants sign. IN CHARGE: M.A. Ester Tezaguic a. Mayra Mendizábal b. Ada Gelsi Hernández c. Jerssica Galiano d. Evelyn Jeanneth Robles e. Elmer Hernández f. Eva Bolaños g. Lilian Hidalgo

7. Logistics: Organize and order tables at the beginning and at the end of the activity. IN CHARGE: Lic. Jorge López a. Nydia González b. Karla Hernández c. Annie Suriano d. Irene López e. Wendy Pérez f. Elí Asturias g. Erí López

8. Photographs: Take pictures during the activity and videos with interviews to participants, speakers and editorials representatives. INCHARGE: Licda. Ana Lucía Estrada a. Sheyla Mateo b. Johana Illescas c. Diana Morales d. Martha Ríos

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At the end of the activity, Oxford Editorial donated 200 books, which were distributed among all the participants. The activity had 274 participants, including students from the Faculty of Humanities, students from other faculties of the USAC, teachers from different public and private high-schools of Guatemala City. The conferences were given in Spanish and in English. An e-mail was created for sharing the presentations of all the speakers of the activity, with the support of the virtual Education. There were 15 simultaneous conferences in total.

C. Extension Project Pictures

Advisor Licda. Ramos and the group of seminarists who collaborated on the TTS project



English teacher attendees

Advisor Licda. Ramos and the group of seminarists on a meeting for the last details, a week before the

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