Francisco Toledo Select Prints 1970 - 2018 Exhibition Catalog

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F R A N C I S C O TO L E D O S E L E CT E D P R I N TS 1 97 0 - 2 0 1 8

Bergamot Station | 2525 Michigan Avenue E2, Santa Monica, CA 90404 |

FRANCISCO TOLEDO SELECTED PRINTS 1970 - 2018 Latin American Masters presents Francisco Toledo: Selected Prints from 1970 - 2018. Printmaking has been an important means of expression for artists throughout history. Rembrandt, Goya, Picasso, and the German Expressionists are among the many who influenced the evolution of art through their graphics. Mexico has an illustrious history of artist printmakers. The late Francisco Toledo created an extensive and influential body of work devoted to the graphic arts. Latin American Masters’ current exhibition features a selection of original graphic works from 1970 - 2018. Francisco Toledo made his first prints in 1957, and from the beginning could see the possibilities of the medium. Toledo has mastered all of the classical graphic techniques. He has created a body of graphic work that, in size and expressive brilliance, is equaled by few living artists. His etchings, incised directly by Toledo in a copper plate, may have linear passages as fine as strands of hair, they may weave lyrically thru space or explode with gestural violence. If color is the key to Tamayo’s expressive world, Toledo’s is grounded in drawing. Although undoubtedly a great painter, ceramicist, and sculptor, printmaking remains Toledo’s first love. The act of incision, so central to the medium of printmaking, enriches his work in virtually all other media.



3 Pulpos con barcos y esclavos, 2018, drypoint and aquatint, ed. 1/5, 30 x 40 inches

Autorretrato XXIV, c. 2016 drypoint and roulette, ed. 19/20 9 1/2 x 10 1/4 inches


Pulpos con barcos y esclavos, 2018 drypoint and aquatint, ed. 1/5 30 x 40 inches



Snakes and Rabbits, 1971 lithograph, ed. 76/80 13 x 17 inches left: detail



Rabbit Soup, 1980 drypoint, woodcut and aquatint 11 1/2 x 15 inches left: detail


Auto Accident, c. 1971 drypoint and roulette, ed. P.A. 25 x 19 inches 10

Volador azulejos, 1970 lithograph 26 x 19 inches



La hermana de Juarez cose ajeno, 1984 drypoint and aquatint, ed. P.A. 11 1/4 x 15 1/2 inches left: detail 13

Mi hermano, 1984 lithograph ed. 25/25 18 x 23 1/2 inches


La tortuga, 1982 mixed-media etching, ed. P.A. 8 x 12 1/2 inches



8 cocodrilos bailando, 2018 drypoint, ed. 3/15 14 1/8 x 16 1/2 inches left: detail



The Water Carrier, 1993 etching ed. 9/20 34 x 41 inches left: detail


Tres caras en hamaca, 2018 drypoint, ed. 2/15 8 3/4 x 17 3/8 inches


Las hojas muertas, 2004 mixed-media etching 49 x 22 inches


Sapo con lenguas, 2004 etching, ed. 8/10 9 1/2 x 15 3/4 inches


Insectos, 1999 drypoint, ed. 10/25 15 x 31 inches



Vaca, 1970 etching, ed. P.A. 19 1/4 x 11 3/4 inches left: detail 25

Gato de Sara XIII, 2009 drypoint and roulette, ed. 5/20 7 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches


Sapos y pantalones, 1974 etching, ed. P.A. 30 x 22 inches 27


La Escalera, 1976 mixed-media etching, ed. xlvii/l 30 x 22 inches left: detail 29

Changos bailando en circulo, 2016 drypoint and aquatint, ed. 7/15 14 3/4 x 14 3/4 inches


Persona con pulpo, 2016 aquatint, ed. 2/25 19 1/4 x 27 inches


Changos jugando, 2016 drypoint and aquatint, ed. 9/15 14 1/2 x 6 inches 32

The Magician, 1974 drypoint and aquatint, ed. P.A. 11 1/4 x 15 1/2 inches



Rabbit Family, c. 1980 etching, ed. 24/25 22 x 30 inches left: detail



Langosta, 1999 woodcut, ed. 4/15 12 1/2 x 14 inches



El cocodrillo descanzando con baston, 2018 39 etching anddescanzando aquatint El cocodrillo con baston, 2018, etching and aquatint, 21 x 23 inches (detail)

El cocodrillo descanzando con baston, 2018 etching and aquatint, ed. 1/15 21 x 23 inches


Cocodrilos en el mar, 2018 aquatint and drypoint, ed. 3/30 21 x 23 1/2 inches


Medicina para todos, 2018 drypoint, ed. 6/15 10 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches 42

Dos cocodrilos, 1999 woodcut, ed. 6/12 14 1/2 x 12 inches 43

Skeleton with Frogs, c. 1990 etching ed. 10/10 34 x 41 inches


Juarez Fishing in the Orbit of the Skull, 1988 mixed-media etching, ed. 33/40 17 x 24 inches


La hamaca tiembla y tú también, 2018 drypoint and aquatint, ed. 5/15 15 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches


Medicina para todos, 2018 drypoint, ed. 6/15 10 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches 47

Gato de Sara VII, 2009 drypoint and roulette, ed. 10/20 3 3/4 x 3 3/4 inches


Sapos, 1996 aquatint and drypoint, ed. 26/55 11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches



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