showed acare. copyWe of the videothe at the trial, heard news on because of the rising college costs, rising cost start looking elsewhere for student funding. according the back motion, Smith Head of ofnursing thetoway andand were just PAG Sports:ously Men’s soccer upsets Incarnate ‘ˆ Ž‹˜‹Â?‰ ƒÂ?† –Š‡ ‹Â?’ƒ…– ‘ˆ –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ …”‹•‹• ‘Â? Bank America, which had been supporting argues that original surveillance verythe excited.â€? department says bill will 228 Truman students and six parents, sent a letter personal savings,â€? Morin said. ˜‹†‡‘ Ç˛Â™ÂƒÂ• Diaz, •‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹…ƒÂ?–Ž› „‡––‡”dz along with the–ŠƒÂ? ColMorin said banks had been providing a host Žƒ•– ™‡‡Â? –‘ –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ ƒ‹† †‡’ƒ”–Â?‡Â?– ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?benefit hospitals, nurses the copylege and “contained evidence and Democrats, has strong of services to students in addition to the loans ing them that it will suspend the processing of all information that was never of given to feelings in favor health and schools had been working with banks for the new student loans under FFELP effective Dec. 5. BY JARED YOUNG the jury to consider.â€? care for every American. past 40 years because of the extra services they Tom Nerad, the student lending executive for Staff Reporter A judge June that help the Sheordered said theinbill would were providing. Students also will have to sign Bank of America, supplied a list of instructions government release theproblems. original video solve several new promissory notes to obtain funding through –‘ Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ ƒ‹† ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”•ǥ ĥÂ?‹Â?‰ –Š‡Â? –‘ ”‡Â?‘˜‡ Government-regulated health for inspection by the defense. A video “I believe it’s a human Direct Lending. all references to Bank of America concerning care is one step closer to becom‡š’‡”– ˆ‘” –Š‡ to †‡ˆ‡Â?•‡ –Š‡ right have ‡šƒÂ?‹Â?‡† health care,â€? loansfor from school’s Web site and Big banks dig in ingFFELP a reality U.S.the residents, video in early Diaz August. said. “There are too publications. Commerce Bank, another big lender, has said as other President Barack Obama’s “We just hopeproblems that the motion many in for this on Dec. 5, 2009, if [Truman] students it will continue to support students until FFELP health“Starting care bill passed through Please see right MASTEN, page 7 country now with call Bank of America for new FFELP the House of Representatives on loans, we will Šƒ• „‡‡Â? ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽŽ› †‹•…‘Â?–‹Â?—‡†Ǥ ‹–‹„ƒÂ?Â? ƒÂ?† people not being able to ‡Â?…‘—”ƒ‰‡ –Š‡Â? –‘ …‘Â?•—Ž– ™‹–Š Č? ”—Â?ƒÂ?ǯ•Č? Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?Wells Fargo are still providing loans, as well as Saturday. Now it moves on to the afford health care. In this …‹ƒŽ ƒ‹† ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡ –‘ ‹†‡Â?–‹ˆ› ‘–Š‡” Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹Â?‰ ‘’–‹‘Â?•ǥ Çł local banks, such has Bank of Kirksville and MidSenate, where it will go through country, now, that’s just not Nerad said. west Bank. more debating and refining. right.â€? The loans of the 228 Truman students will The banks that have continued to support Stephanie Powelson, head of DiazSeptember said the College Thursday, 24, 2009 however, The University’s student-produced newspaper not be affected for January 2010. student loans are likely to see an increase in apthe department of nursing, said Democrats plan to voice U.S.™‹–Š Bank’”‡nj‡š‹•–‹Â?‰ is the largest provider of student plications as students get their last loans before ’‡‘’Ž‡ …‘Â?†‹their position around camloans, and hashave beentrouble supporting tions regularly ob-more than 700 –Š‡ •™‹–…Š –‘ ‹”‡…– ‡Â?†‹Â?‰ǥ ™Š‹…Š Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ ƒ‹† pus and the Kirksville com ”—Â?ƒÂ? •–—†‡Â?–•Ǥ
– Šƒ• Â?‘–‹Ď?‹‡† –Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”• •ƒ› Â?‹‰Š– –ƒÂ?‡ •‘Â?‡ –‹Â?‡ …‘Â?•‹†‡”‹Â?‰ –Šƒ– taining insurance. munity. aid department that it would cease processing at least 4,000 schools would have to be processed Government-regulated health “At one of our next meetFFELP loans. before the July deadline. care will help insure those who ings, we are going to orgafor the of president his healthy and exercise pital Sept. 14 Jefferson and returned toin BY STEPHANIE STEPHANIE HALL Bank & Trust last week “Thousands colleges while will beKrueger processing hunBY HALL cannot find anyone theannounced pri- eating nize a call to some congressrecovered. Paino said it at was to his survival. He said he has work lastvate Friday. NewsReporter Editor that no reissues, cancellations or funding of any dreds of thousands of applications the same Staff sector willing to insure men,â€? Diaz said. “We’ve also easysaid. because ofthink the close rela- governbegun after exercising again Krueger said Sept. 12provided he already kind would be under FFELP this time, â€? Morin “I don’t the federal them she said. had some members talk and Kruegerofmainby walking that more played golfSunday, with Provost Troy Interim President Darrell Ketadding that all disbursements arethan not three ment hastionship a systemhe that is capable supporting all Kirksville Dz – Â?ƒÂ?‡• –Š‡Â? ‡š–”‡Â?‡Ž› ‡šaboutresident standingJoseph out on Bala Hewitt/Index tain. miles. Paino and experienced some Krueger suffered aindicted minor heart made before Sunday will be cancelled. those applications in such a limited period of time. senburg, 32, was on federal pensive to insure, or they aren’t timore [Street] with some Saturday but work very closely toKrueger said Lendhe has They had might“We pains during the game. He went attack and underwent of surgery Elsea said the shift from FFELP to Direct have to extend the deadline, but banks charges of possession child porinsured, for something like high signs.â€? come law. gether,â€? Paino said. “He intenamazing support from the adon Monday, who to unblock anThursday, artery Sept. 14. to ing has hit big banks hardest, because they generƒŽ•‘ Šƒ˜‡ –‘ Â?ƒÂ?‡ „‹‰ Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽ †‡…‹•‹‘Â?• Č„ „ƒÂ?Â?• nography last according to a doctor blood pressure or a kidney infectionally includes me ministration and the students immediately directed him to “The willrelease receivefrom another stint ƒ–‡† •‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹…ƒÂ?– ƒÂ?‘—Â?–• ‘ˆ ”‡˜‡Â?—‡ ˆ”‘Â? ŠƒÂ?†Ž‹Â?‰ are in a more critical situation. â€? in most aHepress the U.S. Departtion,â€? Powelson said. older conversations about what’sFinancial during his ordeal. Boone Hospital Center in Coto unblock a second artery on student loans. Student loans had been a strategic The National Association of Student ment of Justice. you get, the more likely you are happening has in been the advocating University,for alter“Thank you for your prayers lumbia. to entry Monday. point into a lucrative banking market for Aid Administrators Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Reap get episodes of asthma, diabesville mayor Debbie Masten’s attorney even things that FFELP don’t directly and good thoughts, I’m to a 90 percent blockage “The doctor said on Monday many banks, as most students maintained theirand natives abruptly ending to allow schools announced Ketsenburg was indicted “I hadtes, heart disease or whatever.â€? report to me. I mean things looking forward to the next in one artery, which they are [Sept. 14] that I had a heart atbank accounts and credit facilities with banks to choose between the two systems, and it has a federal jury for two felony counts for newbytrial ‹Â?‡–›nj•‹š ’‡”…‡Â?– ‘ˆ Ž‡‰ƒŽ like athletics and student af-event the nine and a half months of serdolong next Monday, and tack, but he didn’t know if it going to U.S. after they graduated. urged schools to prepare to switch in the of possession of child pornography, residents would be insured fairs. I stay sticks involved and know vice tostudents [the students],â€? Krueger aŠ‡” 95 percent in the was today, day, or–Šƒ– theŠ‡ day•ƒ™ federal government to its July deadline to impact on according tothat the press release. Each Â?ƒÂ? ‹…Â? ‡””› –‡•–‹Ď?‹‡† underblockage thePossible proposed health care what’s going on, and he’s been said. “I love the students here. other one they had done [last before that — a week or two discontinue FFELP. Although students still will be able to access count carries a penalty range of 10 to al depart from a different entrance. This is one bill according to nursinglink. very good about that, so in that Interim They are fabulous.â€? Monday].â€? weeks,â€? Krueger said. ʹͲ ›‡ƒ”• ‹Â? ’”‹•‘Â? ƒÂ?†Ȁ‘” Ď?‹Â?‡• —’ –‘ e, ‘ˆ ˆ‘—” ‹Â?•–ƒÂ?…‡• ‹Â? ™Š‹…Š ‡””› –‡•–‹Ď?‹‡† ‹Â?com. Powelson said coverage Please see HEART, page 7 minor ”‘˜‘•– ”‘› ƒ‹Â?‘ Ď?‹ŽŽ‡† ‹Â? Krueger said he attributes Krueger got out of the hos$250,000 of accurately, according to the motion. like that would relieve Amerihe is cona“The government’s entireiftheory was cans’ stress about health care. Joseph Ketensburg was indited on charges of child pornography victed. Smith th based on circumstantial evidence,â€? “There are so many times in t argues in the motion. “There wasKnoephysiContinued from Page 85 percent of his sentence, he is eligible for parole, your life where you 1need the senburg al …ƒŽ ‡˜‹†‡Â?…‡ –Šƒ– Ž‹Â?Â?‡† ƒ•–‡Â? –‘ –Š‡ Ď?‹”‡ “Whileand thatcan’t case was being insurance, afford it asinvestigated and while in Missouri there is no requirement. He said exercisethat science majors Amy Schloss (left) and John Ven is whatsoever. In order to convictpreviously Masten, the workedPowelson up for trial,said. we hadJunior an incident the Kirksville Police Department received a anbasically individual,â€? Osteopathic Medicine. A new health care bill could keep p l e a d e d d. government had to place the defendant for the alleged victim complained that there federal grant from Project Safe Childhood thatemerg al“I where think that if Americans could guilty in en ƒŽŽ ’”ƒ…–‹…ƒŽ ’—”’‘•‡• ǎ‘Â? –‘’ ‘ˆ –Š‡ Ď?‹”‡ǯ •‘ were on some imagesinsurance, taken off a computer that she lowed them to purchase theSenior computer equipment count health it ƒÂ?† ’ƒ–‹‡Â?–•Ǥ –ǯ• ƒŽ•‘ ˜‡”› ‡š’‡Â?Sean Cooksey, November w there could be no other possibility that the had taken out ofgive the us house to turn sive overto to hospitals her to track and process these types of cases. would probably greater to pay for that ber of College Republican 2002 to Š– Ď?‹”‡ …‘—Ž† Šƒ˜‡ „‡‰ƒÂ? —Â?†‡” ƒÂ?› ‘–Š‡” …‹”father, we became involved with that throughcare.â€? “Since the Kirksville–Šƒ– Police Department has peace of so mind. We would probƒŽ–Š‘—‰Š Š‡ ‡š’‡…– uninsured two counts cumstances.â€? thebe Kirksville Police Department.â€? had this computer lab put we’ve had a lotthrou [of ably a healthier population.â€? billin,would pass Government-regulated health of statutohe Smith submitted the motion pursuant Thenew Kirksville Policecare Department brought in acases]– too many,â€? “Really, one The health bill care House said. of Representativ is not new idea. Many Williams BY TAWANDA KANHEMA   ry rape ri- to Brady v.Joseph Maryland, which deals within the the FBI to co-investigate case. Ketensburg too many, but we’ve had a lot. The public would benefit hospitals,the nurses hopes the Senate will not places was around[case] the isworld have Staff Reporter the second ld suppression of evidence. To prove a Brady charged with possession of child pornography and doesn’t even really see the cases we refer to other and physicians as well, Powelson similar plans to the proposed suit. Ketsenburg d e “that g r e the e ns violation, a defendant must show the She case was to the U.S. Attorney’s Of- bill. states based on our investigations they said. saidhanded that ifoffeveryone “I don’t and think it’stake good health care As bulldozers the groun and one count of statutory sodomy government suppressed evidence, thatin the Ď?‹…‡Ǥ ‹ŽŽ‹ƒÂ?• •ƒ‹† –Š‡ †ƒ‹” ‘—Â?–› ’”‘•‡…—–‹Â?‰ [The] Police Dehad health insurance, emergency sey Kirksville said.pound “I think, ultima “You don’t over havethe to prosecution. look very construction of the the second degree in a Marion r- evidence was exculpatory and thatCounty the evi‘ˆĎ?‹…‡ —•—ƒŽŽ› ‰‹˜‡• –Š‡ …ƒ•‡• –‘ –Š‡ Ǥ Ǥ ––‘”Â?‡›ǯ• apave lot.â€? way rooms would not be as busy. thisforbill becomes law, it far to see thatpartment Canada, does Germany, ternate 63 highway project, quest circuit according toguilt the or press me dence wascourt, material to either pun ˆĎ?‹…‡ „‡…ƒ—•‡ –Š‡ ’—Â?‹•ŠÂ?‡Â?–• ƒ”‡ Â?‘”‡ •‡˜‡”‡Ǥ Departmentaofbig Justice launched “We all know our emergency and England do The burden on Projmost haveU.S. a national linger on‹Â?…‘Â?‡ how businesses in Kirks release.according Adair County prosecuting es ishment,â€? to Smith’s motion.atDz —” …Šƒ”‰‡• ™‡”‡ Ď?‹˜‡ –‘ ͳ͡ Č?›‡ƒ”•Č? ƒÂ?† Â–ÂŠÂƒÂ–ÇŻÂ• ect Safe Childhood in 2006 to combat technologyrooms have gotten backed up health plan that ˆƒÂ?‹Ž‹‡•Ǥ
ÇŻÂ? ‡š– covers them, ™‹ŽŽ ™‹–Š •‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹…ƒÂ?–Ž› ”‡†— torney ‘”‹‰‹Â?ƒŽŽ› Mark Williams the current m Â?‹–Š Ď?‹Ž‡† said ƒ Â?‘–‹‘Â? ˆ‘” ƒ why a lotthe of the time, we refer [cases]whether down there,they’re facilitated sexual exploitation crimes against because uninsured might skeptical about itschilabilit healthy or…‘’‡ –”ƒˆĎ?‹…Ǥ case spawned out ofbut an assault e. new trial in January, he saidcase. the new theircare, punishments are a well,â€? lot harder, dren, and“I in just 2008, state and local law enforcement usebecause them for rather than lower health care costs.â€? Powelson said. see Project construction of the pro “We had charged Ketsenburg with Š‡ Â?‘–‹‘Â? ™ƒ• Ď?‹Ž‡† „‡…ƒ—•‡ ‘ˆ ‡˜‹†‡Â?…‡ †‹•harsher,â€? he said. agencies received more than $17 million to comgoing to see somebody else,â€? lots of positives Although Cooksey a about it. I think started two months ago when to cont a domestic assault case, Williamssurveilsaid. he covered by viewing the â€?original Williams said that if Ketensburg found guilty bat Internet against children, according Powelson said. “That’s very isit’s College Republicans a something we’ve beencrimes needtor Brassposed Construction Please see PORN, page 7 ol- lance video. with federal will be required to serve the press release. frustrating tocharges, nurses,he physicians to thecleared healththe cal ing for a long time.â€? and built a two-lane box bridge n the exit at Baltimore Street, just no Volume 101, Issue 11 www.trumanindex.comof Kirksville. Jim Woodard, a supe sor at the site, said the project li will be completed in summer 2011 Alternate 63 will branch off f Baltimore Street at the northern e On-Campus: $3 per ad of Kirksville for approximately Off-Campus: $5 per ad miles and reconnect with Baltim Street at the southern edge. This cut out most of the business stop 785-4319 or email
News Clips Truman State University
Local man indicted for child porn recovers from heart attack Krueger
Highway construct
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Kirksville City Council proposes pit bull ban BY STEPHANIE HALL
Staff Reporter
Pit bulls like Tinsley (pictured above) could be the last generation of their breed in Kirksville if the City Council passes a proposed pit bull ban. Mayor Todd Kuhns said members of the Council proposed the pit bull ban, and the Council decided to reevaluate the entire vicious animal ordinance currently in place. The Council will hold a public forum sometime in the next two months to open up discussion about the ordinance and the ban. “I think we go into a bit of a slippery slope when [we] start doing that,â€? Kuhns said. “I [have] been out there reading lots of data on breed•’‡…‹Ď?‹… Ž‡‰‹•Žƒ–‹‘Â?ÇĄ ƒÂ?† ‹– •‡‡Â?• –‘ me that [the] overall consensus is that it’s unfair and doesn’t work.â€? The new ordinance would allow pit bulls currently living in Kirksville to stay but would not allow any new pit bulls to live inside city limits. Kuhns said many smaller surrounding communities already ban pit bulls. However, some large organizations like the Center for Disease Control and the American Kennel Club ‘’’‘•‡ „”‡‡† •’‡…‹Ď?‹… Ž‡‰‹•Žƒ–‹‘Â? ƒÂ?† many states have banned it. Kuhns said the Council discussed alternative education courses, such as getting dogs licensed and registered. “Technically all dog owners are
supposed to have their dogs reg- huas had two bites per breed. King said the current ordinance istered and licensed with the city and, admittedly, that’s something covers animals running at large, viwe could do a better job enforcing,â€? cious animals and any dog bite case. The current ordinance considers the Kuhns said. Kuhns said other changes to the Ď?‹”•– „‹–‡ ƒ Ç˛ÂˆÂ”Â‡Â‡Â„Â‹Â‡ÇĄÇł ‹Â?‰ •ƒ‹†Ǥ Dz ‡ –ƒÂ?‡ –Šƒ– Ď?‹”•– „‹–‡ ƒÂ?† •‡Â?† current ordinance include an exotic ƒÂ?‹Â?ƒŽ „ƒÂ? ƒÂ?† ‹Â?…”‡ƒ•‡† ‹†‡Â?–‹Ď?‹…ƒ- letters to the owners,â€? King said. “They have options to comply with the ordition and containment procedures. He said he thinks the ban would be nance or do different things, so it’s not †‹ˆĎ?‹…—Ž– ˆ‘” –Š‡ ‘—Â?…‹Ž –‘ ‡Â?ÂˆÂ‘Â”Â…Â‡ÇĄ „‡- until the second time that we could cause it is the dog owner’s responsi- charge them or do something.â€? He said this part bility to register the of the law would not dog and the Counbe changed except cil’s responsibility “Our codes when dealing with to make breed decidepartment did write pit bulls, in which sions. Kuhns said case the warning it would require a this ordinance to could be foregoed lot of staff time that make it breed and immediate acwould be “better inspecific, and I trust tion could be taken. volved elsewhere.â€? “I don’t know, Kirksville Police what they’ve done.â€? to be right honDepartment Deputy est with you,â€? King Tim King has been Martha Rowe said. “If the Couninvolved with disKirksville City Councilmember cil decides to pass cussions of the proit, then obviously posed ordinance. He we’ll do whatever said from July 2006 to March 2010 there have been 46 we can to enforce it, but it’s not dog bites with puncture wounds in something I’m pushing.â€? Councilmember Martha Rowe the Police Department’s jurisdiction. The most frequent offenders were supports the pit bull ban. She said unknown breeds with 10 bites, ter- she spoke with a few people about riers with six, unknown small/medi- pit bull cases and has heard other sto—Â? „”‡‡†• ™‹–Š Ď?‹˜‡ ƒÂ?† ’‹– „—ŽŽ• ™‹–Š ries of aggressive pit bulls. She said three. However, many other types of she understands that any dog can be dogs like poodles, dachshunds, bea- trained to be aggressive, but she worgles, German shepherds and chihua- ries about the pit bulls’ ability to lock
its jaws during an attack. “Our codes department did write this ordinance to make it „”‡‡† •’‡…‹Ď?‹…ǥ ƒÂ?† –”—•– ™Šƒ– they’ve done,â€? Rowe said. Senior Nicole Warner worked at a veterinary clinic in high school and when she was working during a school break, she met Tinsley, a oneyear-old pit bull. “[The vet clinic] doesn’t adopt out stray pit bulls that come into the vet clinic because of the liability that comes with adopting them out and the type of people that come to look at them,â€? Warner said. “Most of them Œ—•– ™ƒÂ?– –Š‡Â? ˆ‘” Ď?‹‰Š–‹Â?‰ ‘” „”‡‡†ing or something like that.â€? Warner said she’d never had problems with pit bulls in the past, so when she saw Tinsley she adopted her because the dog was nice and Warner didn’t want her to be euthanized. She said it was her intent to Ď?‹Â?† ‹Â?•Ž‡› ƒ Â?‡™ ‘™Â?‡”ǥ „—– •Š‡ †‡cided to keep her. “She’s my bed buddy,â€? Warner said. “We go for walks, she kind of thinks she’s a lap dog. I have a kitten at home, and I come home and they’re cuddling on my bed.â€? She said she didn’t know anything about Tinsley’s past when she adopted her, but she tested the dog’s aggression and made sure to socialize Tinsley with other animals. “I understand where the people that are trying to do it are coming
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Stephanie Hall/Index Senior Nicole Warner stands with her pet pit bull, Tinsley.
from, but it’s not a problem with the pit bull, it’s a problem with the owner, because they are very loyal dogs,â€? Warner said. Warner said she disagrees with the pit bull ban, because she thinks the current vicious animal ordinance should cover the problem and doesn’t –Š‹Â?Â? „”‡‡†nj•’‡…‹Ď?‹… Ž‡‰‹•Žƒ–‹‘Â? ™‘”Â?•Ǥ She said she thinks all pit bulls get lumped in the same category, and that Tinsley faces some judgment because of her breed. Warner said Tinsley’s veterinarian wrote a letter of recommendation to help convince Warner’s landlord to let Tinsley stay in the apartment complex. “People have one of two responses,â€? Warner said. “They either are like ‘Puppy!’ and want to pet it, or ‌ they make a big loop around us.â€?
Paino names members of sustainability committee BY JACKIE KINEALY
Staff Reporter
University President Troy Paino announced the formation of the President’s Sustainability Action Committee in a university-wide e-mail Sept. 3. The nine member committee will advise President Paino on how the University can move toward the goals of the Sustainability Initiative that interim President Daryl Krueger signed in April 2009, which seeks to lessen Truman’s environmental impact. The comÂ?‹––‡‡ ƒ‹Â?• –‘ ™”‹–‡ ƒ Ď?‹˜‡ ›‡ƒ” strategic plan by the end of the school year outlining steps to
take in order to improve the University’s sustainability. A proposed charter for the committee was included in the Sustainability Initiative, but it was not formed until this semester. Jon Gering, dean of the School of Science and Math, chairs the committee. Other members include represen–ƒ–‹˜‡• ˆ”‘Â? –Š‡ ˆĎ?‹…‡ ‘ˆ Residence Life and the student body. Š‡ ‰”‘—’ Šƒ• ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽŽ› met twice, geography professor Wolfgang Hoeschele said. Hoeschele said the members of the committee are committed to long-term sustainability at Truman. He said implement-
ing energy-saving measures is a priority for the committee right now. Michael Kelrick, director of interdisciplinary studies, said –Š‡ …‘Â?Â?‹––‡‡ǯ• Ď?‹”•– ’”‹‘”ity is to assess the University’s current level of sustainability. Sophomore Frank Vorhees and senior John Nolan are in the process of submitting information about the University to a rating system designed by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. The rating system measures sustainability performance for colleges and universities by awarding points based on an institution’s an-
swers to questions about sustainability measures already in place. The committee will use the results of the rating system to evaluate Truman’s sustainability performance. Nolan said the sustainability audit should be complete by February, and the committee then will have a more accurate idea of what can be done to reduce waste and energy usage. Nolan said the committee currently is working with faculty and students to add more sustainability-themed courses to the curriculum and is hoping to bring a series of speakers to the University throughout the year. Nolan said the committee also is working with ECO Club
to create a revolving sustainability fund, which would use University funds to invest in energy saving technologies on campus, and then reinvest the money saved by those technologies into new sustainability projects. Kelrick, co-author of the initiative, said projects likely will start small, but they will grow as savings are reinvested. The initiative also proposes a structure of sub-committees and employing a sustainability director who would oversee student interns and scholarship workers, but the University has not yet implemented these proposals. Kelrick said he and com-
munications professor Kevin Minch co-wrote the application for a $750,000 grant from the Federal Department of Education this summer after Congress announced a call for proposals to promote sustainability in rural-serving institutions. Kelrick said if Truman wins the grant, the sustainability program at the University would be greatly expanded and would support a sustainability director, student research projects and the development of community support for a viable market for local food production throughout northeast Missouri. The grant winner will be announced later this year.
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The University’s student-produced newspaper Index
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Kirksville gains in census turnout
101 years of excellence Kirksville MO, 63501 3
Suspect arrested for campus property damage
Junior Spencer Clark (right) and senior Mike McCarthy practice their fi
ƒ‰‡ ‹Â? –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– †‡‰”‡‡Ǥ Â… ‹ˆˆ ‹• ƒ Í´Í¸ÇŚÂ›Â‡ÂƒÂ”ÇŚÂ‘ÂŽÂ† BY STEPHANIE HALL Tournament in Iowa last August. Clark and McCarthy started a fishing
‹”Â?•˜‹ŽŽ‡ ”‡•‹†‡Â?–ǥ ƒÂ?† –Š‹• ‹• –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– –‹Â?‡ –Š‡ police department has dealt with him, Hughes said. Early morning Sept. 21, Missouri HallTwo Direc-students start their own fishing club, tea Â… ‹ˆˆ •Š‘™‡† ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”• ˆ‘—” Ž‘…ƒ–‹‘Â?• tor Zach Burden heard the distinct sound of a on campus and two in the city of Kirksville spray paint can from his window. He looked Continued from Page 1 clude entrance fees to tournaout his window to see a man spray painting on where he had spray painted. He also showed be expensive. ments, police the location oftransportation his spray paintcosts, can, fishthe foundation of Ophelia Parrish. “You don’t have any coaching,â€? ing rods, reels and equipment. A He called police dispatch and dashed out- stencil and rubber gloves, according to a Clark said. “It’s„Žƒ…Â? all on yourself to from goodtherod andCounty reel can be expenpress release Adair Prosecu•‹†‡ –‘ Ď?‹Â?† Â?‘ ‘Â?‡ ƒÂ?† ƒ ÂŠÂƒÂŽÂˆÇŚĎ?‹Â?‹•Š‡† do good. Plus you’re –‘”ǯ• ˆĎ?‹…‡Ǥ funding it sive. •’”ƒ› ’ƒ‹Â?– Â?‡••ƒ‰‡Ǥ Š‡ ‰”ƒˆĎ?‹–‹‡•– ”‡–—”Â?‡†ǥ all,him so to if you’re notthe cashing ‘Ž‹…‡ Žƒ–‡” ‹†‡Â?–‹Ď?‹‡† Â?‘”‡ ‰”ƒˆĎ?‹–‹ ‘Â? ”—checks “You’re looking at $600,â€? Mchowever, and Burden told stay until [or] making money, said. “Itdifferent can be very man’sgoing campus, Carthy as well as three loca- costpolice had a chance to question him, at which you’re to beso,â€? losing a lotoffof tions money.â€? in the point he said, “I don’t think and took in He said that contrary to many —‰Š‡• •ƒ‹† Â?‘•– ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‰”ƒˆĎ?‹–‹ ‹Â? –‘™Â? ™ƒ• running, Burden said. there’s also the financial strain of the intersections Elson and trying to do is this.â€? opinion, of fishing involves “Before he even left lot 15, which the lot on the sidewalkspeople’s Jeffersoncurstreets,a Washington and Elson streets behind Missouri Hall, thereHe were already DPS doesn’t said the club considerable amount of skill and Pierce and Elson streets. ĥ ™‡ŽŽ ĥ ‹”Â?•˜‹ŽŽ‡ ’‘Ž‹…‡ –Š‡› funding rently‘ˆĎ?‹…‡”•ǥ receive•‘ any from and practice. Department Safety director were very quickly on the scene and were but able hopes the University, to re- of Public “People think it’s Thomas a lot of luck, Johnson said heand doesn’t case is related to apprehend him,â€? Burden said. ceive some in the future. Clark it’sthink not this as much luck as you Kirksville Police Chief Hughes said –‘ –Š‡ ‰”ƒˆĎ?‹–‹ ˜ƒÂ?†ƒŽ‹•Â? ‘Â? …ƒÂ?’—• Žƒ•– •’”‹Â?‰Ǥ has Jim several sponsors who sup- think,â€? McCarthy said. “[It’s] your PleaseYour see GRAFFITI, page 7 it’s Joshua McNiff was arrested property portforhim, suchdamas Tru-Tungsten skills. time on the water,
News Editor
Truman alumna Jackie
‘Â?œƒŽ‡œ ™‘”Â?‡† ĥ ƒÂ? Ġministrative intern for the city of Kirksville and focused Kirksville residents at- on making Truman students tained an 83 percent mail- more aware of the census. in participation rate dur“My primary goal was to ing the 2010 census — a 2 reach out to students and tell percent increase from the students they count for the 2000 census. …‡Â?•—•ǥdz ‘Â?œƒŽ‡œ •ƒ‹†Ǥ Dz Ž‘– Missouri’s overall rate of of students didn’t know that participation was 74 per- at all. The student populacent, and Adair County’s was tion of Kirksville is pretty 81 percent. Participation na- Brian •‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹…ƒÂ?– –‘ –Š‡ ’‘’—Žƒ–‹‘Â? O’Shaughnessy/Index tionwide was at 74 percent, ‘ˆ –Š‡ …‹–› ĥ ƒ ™Š‘Ž‡Ǥdz ua McNiff for first degree property damage which was the same as in
‘Â?œƒŽ‡œ •ƒ‹† last •Š‡ week. –ƒ”d more than locations on campus. 2000, four according to the Cengeted Truman students sus Bureau’s website. by working with Student and Smack Tackle. gonna pay off.â€? The north Midwestern Senate to create a cenMcCarthy said expenses inMcCarthy said he and Clark states did particularly sus kickoff and particiwell in the 2010 census. pating in other campus The Kirksville clinic served approxi- has offered reproductive health services BY JACKIE KINEALY The highest mail-in par- events. She said she also mately 1,800 patients in 2000, but by for the last decade but expanded its famStaff Reporter ticipation rates were Wis- answered students’ ques2009 the number had dropped to less ily planning program this October when consin with 82 percent tions about the questionOne year ago this month, the than 600 patients, according to statis- it began receiving federal funding from and Minnesota with 81 naires and to clear up the Title X family planning program, Kirksville branch of Planned Par- tics provided by Davis. percent. Iowa and Indiana misconceptions. When open, the Kirksville branch of Guffey said. enthood closed its doors, but aftied with 79 percent. “I feel like that perTitle X is a federal grant profordable sexual health services are Planned Parenthood offered services Regional Director Den- centage really demonfrom Page 1 U.S. Department including different forms of birth con- gram through the Continued still available in Kirksville. nis Johnson said cities strated students listened of Health and Human Services that trol, emergency contraceptives, pregan efficient alternative The Truman Student Health „‡Â?‡Ď?‹– Ď?‹Â?ƒÂ?…‹ƒŽŽ› „› ’ƒ”- and paid attention, and Continued from Page 1 for family planCenter, the Adair County Health nancy tests, gynecological exams and provides funding personal ticipating in the census be- it was a great example interaction b “Unfortunately, no there was no connecDepartment and the Northeast Mis- sexually transmitted infection testing ning services for low-income famicause federal budgeting is about how Kirksville patient, Stewart said. lieshoping and individuals, according to treatment,said. Davis“We said. were kind of souri Health Council have adjusted tion,â€?and Johnson based on area population. cares about their commuEquivalents for most of the services the HHS website. to the change since Planned ParentThe drive-thru meth “A more complete and Â?‹–›ǥdz ‘Â?œƒŽ‡œ •ƒ‹†Ǥ thereat was but there wasn’t.â€? “Our services include physical exPlanned Parenthood are offered at hood closed. accurate count will make Cherie Bryant, assistical means to distribu Burden said McNiff had spray painted ams, women’s health services, cancer the Student Health Center, Adair CounBrenda Higgins, director of the sure the state is getting tant to the city manager, nations because patien screenings, men’s health services, birth ty Health Department and Northeast Student Health Center, said she had several places around campus, including „ƒ…Â? ™Šƒ– ‹– Â†Â‡Â•Â‡Â”Â˜Â‡Â•Ç¤Çł worked as part of the control supply, pregnancy Missouri Health Council. expected to see more patients the af- east fasttesting, and emerefficiently whi Johnson said. Complete Count Commitside and west entrance of Ophelia “I think we provide most reproduc- gency contraception, testing for sexually ter Planned Parenthood closed and Johnson said the re- tee that was formed to their testing, cars, he said. Parrish and the northwest corner Blantondiseases,inHIV-AIDS transmitted –‹˜‡ Š‡ƒŽ–Š Â•Â‡Â”Â˜Â‹Â…Â‡Â•ÇĄ Çł of that she prepared sponse rates for cities help with census marketIt’s ideal educa- in an emer Higgins said. “We don’t counseling, community health for the anticipated across Missouri varied ing. The committee first Nason Brewer Hall. ™Š‹…Š offer abortion but we –‹‘Â? ”‡ˆ‡””ƒŽ ƒÂ?† ‹Â?Â?—Â?‹œƒ–‹‘Â?ÇĄ increase in traffic greatly. He said a factor looked at areas where keep individuals from “It’s not too easy to see, which I’m glad ed do offer birth control, ‹Â?…Ž—†‡• ƒ”†ƒ•‹Ž ƒÂ?† ‘–Š‡” ‹Â?Â?—Â?‹œƒby filling an open inhibiting some cities people might not receive spreading illness to ot about that, and fortunately we were able to well-woman care, pel- –‹‘Â?•ǥdz —ˆˆ‡› •ƒ‹†Ǥ position at the ƒ– was geographic location. the census, like nursing “I think we provide treated, Stewart said. Guffey said the Gardasil vaccine is vic exams, STI diagnohealth center with In cities where residents homes or dorm rooms. stop him before he did any more so that’s mmost reproductive sis and treatment and available for $20. a women’s health use a post office box to The group’s second Burden said. “I think hardly anyone “Our focus is on family planning emergency contracephealthgood,â€? services. We nurse practitioner. ”‡…‡‹˜‡ Â?ÂƒÂ‹ÂŽÇĄ …‹–‹œ‡Â?• Šƒ† task was marketing the ed education, preventative care and public has abortion noticed it.â€? Â–Â‹Â˜Â‡Â•Ç¤Çł The Adair County difficulties receiving the census to the commudon’t offer Çł —ˆˆ‡› •ƒ‹†Ǥ Student Health Department census because the postal nity. Bryant said memair message The sprayed was, ÂŠÂ‡ÂƒÂŽÂ–ÂŠÇĄ “Google but we do The offer birth Like Planned Parenthood, the Adair Health center no has also seen an inservice does not deliver bers participated in all of se Zeitgeist: Addendum and watch it!â€? Health Department charges palonger directly dis- CountyBurcontrol, well-woman crease in patient volcensus questionnaires to the parades and distribÂ?penses birth con- tients on a sliding fee scale for services ume since Planned den said. post office boxes. uted products like pencare, pelvic exams, trol pills, but stu- toŽ‹Â?‡ „‹”–Š …‘Â?–”‘Ž ’‹ŽŽ• ƒÂ?† …Šƒ”‰‡• ƒ Ď?Žƒ– Parenthood’s closing on Johnson said that be- cils, signs, fans and cups. Continued from Page 1 “To me, appeared be about STI diagnosis and [the video] dents can go to the fee for others, Guffey said. last fall, clinic sucause of this policy, some They also participated he relaxdepartment and enjoy her capitalism in the United States, and how Guffey said the health health center for a pervisor Lori Guffey treatment and cities did not get counted in the Chamber of Comth offersorder testing for HIV, syphilis, gonkind of show.â€? said. She said the there’s a better gynecological way to leadexam a world at all. Beginning in May, merce Spring Expo and emergency –‘ of charge said she and a prescription orrhea and chlamydia free health department workers visited residenc- answered question about McManimie than through a capitalistic society, so not contraceptives.â€? for birth control through a state-funded program on has expanded its es that had not turned the census forms. est many the 2,500 availabl necessarily something I would withWednesdays Mondays, andof Fridays to have filled at a agree hours on Wednesin their mail-in census She said the census es Brenda Higgins from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.will be sold to general adm pharmacy like Walday evenings until 6 forms in order to collect affects funding directed personally but he’s got his own view, just director of the Student Health s. Guffey said no one in need of care greens or Hy-Vee p.m. to meet the inthe data. toward the city, schools, Beth Katz, a senior at B Center a poor way to share it with people,â€? chose for $8 a month, Hig- will be turned away from the health he creased demand. “Folks that work for county and state. Burden said. center, regardless of ability to pay or gins said. Angie Snyder, ofthe census, we had coop“The higher the popuor Students can insurance status. Ď?‹…‡ Â?ƒÂ?ƒ‰‡” ƒ– –Š‡ eration not only during the lation, the more funding ‘ˆ “Our goal is to be there for someone bill their insurance Northeast Missouri mail-back phase but also ™‡ ™‹ŽŽ Â”Â‡Â…Â‡Â‹Â˜Â‡ÇĄÇł ”›ƒÂ?– Â’company for services through the ™Š‘ Â?‡‡†• —•ǥdz •Š‡ •ƒ‹†Ǥ ‡ƒŽ–Š ‘—Â?…‹Žǥ •ƒ‹† ‹– ‹• †‹ˆĎ?‹…—Ž– –‘ when our census-takers said. “In these times, it’s The Northeast Missouri Health Counhealth center, like pelvic and breast count the number of former Planned ng went out to collect the in- crucial to get the most acParenthood patients who now use the exams, pap smears and pregnancy cil services include gynecological care, ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?ÇĄÇł ‘ŠÂ?•‘Â? •ƒ‹†Ǥ …—”ƒ–‡ …‘—Â?–Ǥdz om birth control options, STD testing and NEMO Health Council clinic, but she tests, she said. Š‡ Higgins said STI tests and pap tests, treatment, pregnancy tests and emersaid the clinic hopes to attract more
Staff Reporter
Clinics offer Planned Parenthood alternatives
G one fishin’ GRAFFITI I
Four campus buildings spray painted
FLU I Drive-thr
News Clips Index
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Kirksville seeks dentistry school BY STEPHANIE HALL
Staff Reporter
The Kirksville community is attempting to offset the cost of a new dentistry school in order to feel the effect of a potential $98 million economic boost. Heinz Woehlk, vice president for communication and special assistant to the president at A.T. Still University, said the Northeast Missouri Health Council Inc. and a local committee are raising awareness and money to help sway the ATSU Board of Governors to choose Kirksville as the location for a new dentistry school. Their competition includes San Diego and Orlando, Fla. Once the school reaches capacity at 70 students per year in the four-year institution, the economic impact would be approximately $98 million annually. “It’s going to take a strong, organized, coordinated community effort for us to overcome both San Diego and Orlando, Fla. to win this expansion,” said Phil Tate, director of job creation for Kirksville Regional Economic Development Inc. Tate said the dental school would be the most exciting and important economic de-
velopment that Kirksville has had in years. The dentistry school would add approximately 300 more students and professors to the city’s population. It would also increase the number of prospective students and students’ families visiting Kirksville. “It is not the traditional economic development we think of, in terms of bringing a new company to town,” Tate said. Dz ǯ ϐ ǡ but it will have outstanding economic impact on the community and the region.” Last Friday, an unexpected source of support for the dental school arrived when NMHC was awarded $3.8 million to help promote oral health and primary care in northeastern Missouri. Andy Grimm, CEO of NMHC, said they entered their project to receive funding from the United States Department of Health and Human Services under the Affordable Care Act. “The timing of this award is extremely good for the Kirksville community,” Grimm said, according to the Oct. 11 press release. “Particularly in light of the discussions ATSU is having regarding the establishment of a new dental school in Kirksville.” Grimm said the NMHC re-
search found many barriers for rural northeastern Missourians attempting to access oral health care, and that he hopes this funding will help residents gain access to more care. The funding is for all nine counties the council presides over and is ϐ Dz ǡ expansion and construction of Community Health Centers,” according to the press release. “The Northeast Missouri Health Council is extremely interested in a partnership that could create a Teaching Health Center, a model being developed across the country,” Grimm said, according to the press release. “We are very hopeful that ATSU pursues a school in Kirksville, as the synergy created by our two organizations working together could increase the number of patients we could serve even more.” Ranee Brayton, local committee co-chair and associate CEO at the Northeast Regional Medical Center, said a committee was formed that is dedicated to raising funds for the potential dental school. She said it aims to raise one million dollars to present to ATSU’s Board of Governors as a show of goodwill. The committee hopes to have the money raised
Karli-Rae Kerr/Index
Kirksville is in competition with San Diego and Orlando, Fla. for a new dentistry school through A.T. Still University. by February, when the Board will make its decision. She said the committee’s ϐ lic about the potential dentistry school through meetings. Its ϐ the Shrine Club and is open to the public. “Our plan is to establish broad support and educate those who aren’t aware of the impact of a dental school coming to Kirksville, to the econom ϐ ǡdz Ǥ She said dentists, business owners, banking industry professionals and real estate companies have contacted the committee and pledged their support for the new dental school. Brayton said the committee’s second purpose is to identify groups and individuals who could support the fund-
raising effort. She said other cities also are very interested in attracting the dental school, so the committee’s focus is to show Kirksville’s community support. She said an additional school and additional students would bring more diversity and economic growth, which will aid the whole Kirksville community, including Truman. “Because education is one of the cornerstones that Kirksville is built on, and we are recognized as a community for education, this is simply another way to demonstrate community support for higher education and the impact it has on the area,” Brayton said. Last week, ATSU began working on a feasibility study to test Kirksville’s viability for a new dental school. Woehlk said
they would be looking at cost, availability of faculty, location of the dental school, number of patients for students to see and other factors. “Most importantly, Kirksville is a rural area and ATSU’s mission in its medical schools and its dental schools and its other schools is to serve the underserved populations and uninsured and underinsured people and rural areas,” Woehlk Ǥ Dz ϐ Ǥdz Woehlk said the dental school would provide more dental and oral health care for the underserved population in Missouri, and especially northern Missouri. He said there is a national shortage of dental practitioners and that the average age of dental practitioners is 55.
BOG to discuss budget, construction projects
Staff Reporter
The Board of Governors’ second meeting of the semester is at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the SUB Conference Room. Matthew Potter, chair of the Board of Governors, said the Uni ǯ ϐ main concern of the school year. Potter said the University budget depends partially on state appropriations. “We’re in the stage right now where we’re coming up with plans, but until we determine exactly what our appropriations will be from the state, it’s hard to sug-
gest the level of modifications to the budget,” Potter said. “We’re looking at long-term ways to continue the fiscal viability of the University.” ϐ cal issues in the past, but planning ahead for the future is something that needs to be done this year. In addition to the budget, the Board is working on construction projects such as Ryle Hall’s renovation and Pershing Building’s expansion, Potter said. He said both projects are on schedule. Potter said the Board is happy with the increased enrollment this year and would like to keep recruiting the same amount and
caliber of students in the future. He said he is excited to continue working with University President Troy Paino and newly-appointed out-ofstate, non-voting board member Michael Zito. Although it was a highly de ϐ ǡ the Board of Governors is waiting for more information before proceeding further in its review of the smoking policy, Potter said. Luke Freeland, student representative to the Board of Governors, said the potential smoking ban could have a major impact on students if implemented, and the president’s office is looking into various solutions to see which
would work best at Truman, he said. “Right now we’re working from different angles to try and get enough information that the right decision can be made, as far as how to implement and what kind of smoking ban, if any smoking ban at all,” Freeland said. Freeland said students should attend Board of Governors’ meetings. “The students should care about the Board of Governors because they are the highest governing body for Truman State University,” he said. “They’re ones that have ϐ money on, what gets budgeted and
rules, such as the smoking ban. In essence, they make decisions for the University, and the University is here to serve students.” Freeland said his position is important because it gives the Board an inside view of students’ opinions and perspectives. He said he wants to have as much input as possible from students concerning potential budget cuts. The Finance and Auditing Committee and the Budget and Capital Conference Committee will be meeting today. The committees will present points they discussed in these closed meetings to the Board at the open meeting Friday.
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Ways you can re-purpose every day!
Fine personal favorite is from artist and random things [on it.] I edit and I alter random things.” war said room.his Red Scare 1950s culture Lisa isAlembik. Alembik is drawing Sherry Stacey, owner of Hidden Treasures, said many of still at large. Watergate never while she is pregnant, so theVigilantes audience have is exposed Show your sewing her shoppers search her store for scraps of fabric, odd pieces of Go Shopping!! happened. been to the issuesFeeling ambitious? of women’s reproductive Fine said. furniture or old pieces of china to repurpose. outlawed despite the health, apparent good skills use scraps of old Make a bowl out of an at a second hand store. “I call us the ultimate recycling program because be it clothElliot said she named the exhibit they caused in the past, save for thosePap Artold record. cloth to create ing or household items, they’re getting the second or maybe as a sanctioned reference to test performed by the the Pap government. There in gya new wallet even third go around, and why not if it still has great function necological Elliot said the inexists oneexaminations. superhero, Dr. Manhattan, or purse left,” Stacey said. spiration fromof her personal experience and ascame the result a science experiShe said she has a few customers come to the store lookwhile visiting her gynecologist. ment gone wrong, he can manipulate ing for a certain percentage of wool in fabrics to make quilts or “My first exam [my doctor] asked me ‘Do matter according to his will. The rugs. Stacey said one customer buys old china to make mosaic refused you vigilante want to Rorshach, see your who cervix? It to is a smiley tables tops. retire, is investigating the murder of memoface,’” Elliot said. “It had been very “Nothing gets wasted,” Stacey said. The economic downa former friend. smartest man rable, although not The dramatic. [It] made me return has helped Stacey because shoppers are saving money and the world iswith attempting to make ally in comfortable my body.” the environment by repurposing items from Hidden Treasures, resources order to make Elliot said in shenite wasinfamiliar with Kirksville she said. war obsolete. The former Nite because she visited the University 10 years Design by Antionette Bedessie/ Index. Photographs by Photo Staff . “We had the best year we’ve ever had last year and hope to see heard WATCHMEN, page 13 ago, so Please when she about the opportunity do the same this year,” Stacey said. she became interested in developing a relationship with Truman. She felt comfortable bringing controversial art to the University because she knew she could relate to the students, Elliot said. “Most of it is very humorous and is supposed to make this topic [of the] vagina very accessible, disarming and take away all the cult of culture baggage that we have about talking about it,” Elliot said. “So we are using said. “But that’s changed and a lot of communities BY STEPHANIE HALL humor so as to make it very commonplace, have grown to where the drive-ins are.” Features Editor especially around young people, because But the main problem lies in the location of these are important issues.” During the summer of 1950, drive-in theaters were the drive-ins — in the great outdoors. VanOrden said Elliot said she tried to make the art straightforward this is especially an issue in the Midwest where the place to go after the sun set. Now entering the 21st century, but she was skeptical weather can be unpredictable. He said it is hard to it seems the sunabout has censorship. set on drive-ins’ popularity. “Even though saythethat [Northeast During the people height of craze there were 131 drive-ins pay the bills on a small business that only runs a Missouri] is a more conservative area to … I rein the state of Missouri, according Now the few months out of the year. member being Truman]towatching the stu- across the state. The Moberly Five and Drive came out of the number has[at dwindled just 13 scattered dents’ version of ‘The that Vagina Monologues,’” The Macon Drive-in, which opened in 1952, The few drive-ins remain face shorter seasons and un- ashes of the downtown Moberly theater, which Elliot “Eventually they started incorpodid not close because of lack of business, but beclosed to build the new five-screen theater at the stable but manage to prevail. rating their ownremaining stories, and I thought cause of a tornado. In 2004 a tornado tore down The only drive-in theater that nearby is the Mober- same location as the existing Highway 63 Drivewas ly brave. was eye-opening to me.” the screen at the drive-in and it never has been Five That and Drive in Moberly, Mo. This drive-in is not only in. Now they both run during the summer months, Itunique was a tocoincidence opening of rebuilt. The drive-in was owned and operated by the area butthat alsothe is the only drive-in and regular but the drive-in closes for the winter. Because this her theater exhibition was women’s history Dan and Iris Arnold. combination is unique to Moberly, VanOrden said hybrid in during the world. month, “The but she said she agreed istoattached work with “It was built when my husband and I were in Moberly operation to a five-screen in- the Associated Press picked up the story a few the WRC when she heard its plans to high school by his father, and it was operated by door theater,” said Dan about VanOrden, the circuit general man- years ago and ran it worldwide. celebrate theB&B month. his father until we took over when he died, and so “We’ve never had anyone come back and say ager for Theaters. “As far as I know it’s the only operait was a family thing and had just been around all “We thrilled with the WRC],” there is another one like it,” VanOrden said. tion are of its kind in[to the be country.” these years, and we just took it over in the early Although the Moberly location is doing well, he Elliot said. areonly helping publicize B&B“They Theaters ownsus two drive-insitincluding the one 70s,” Iris said. said the company has no plans to build more driveand in that is good.All It of helps continue the lonMoberly. theirtoother drive-ins have been shut down Not only did the Arnolds keep the drive-in a ger discussion think that isVanOrden cool.” said. He blames their ins. He said that in addition to normal theater costs, for the pastso 15I to 20 years, family business, they also aimed it toward expenses such as weed control, lawn care and maintedemise on a number of factors, including The exhibition continues until April 16 atlocation. families. Iris said they tried to keep their drive-in Ophelia“Drive-ins Parrish. used [to] be on the outskirts of town and the nance need to be taken care of. Please see DRIVE-IN, page 13 One drive-in in Adair county was taken down by nature. land wasn’t very expensive to own and insure,” VanOrden
Features Clips
Drive-ins decline in numbers, but the few left ourish
Around ucers tried to keep to the original the
enate those who hadn’t read it
Mar. 27
thing, baby. short of the depth Snyder’s lm is true to the h that Moore’s 7 subtle, p.m to 9 p.m. graphic novel in the aesthetic ng, one-of-a-kind text sense only — many stills and Snyder’s movie has cameraRon angles (eyeball angles?) things overtlyAdult that film legend from the book appear on screen, for the reader to Jeremy vs. Pastor Craig Gross the characters look as they do in ite this, it still leaves Auditorium the book and the music is used xplained, likeBaldwin how to great ID effect. As far as everyface changesFree and with Student $5 GA thing else goes, even at almost gilantes do not have three hours long (and, like “The powers (Rorshach Copyright © 2009 Index have super agility and Dark Knight,” it doesn’t feel like three hours if you are swept up eemed to have super strength) — only by the ride), so much is changed and missing that the lm only Dr. Manhattan does. Snyder had can be enjoyed by fans of the alter dialogue, graphic novel who have read it n’ to and know it, so they can subconand henceforth , character, in sciously ll in the gaps, while their friends who saw the preorder to account for the condensa- view last summer and thought, tion. He changed “Whoa,” have to lean over and whisper inquiries throughout the the ending in lm until they give up trying to date the lm for an hat lives in a world 24 put everything together. If you haven’t read “Watchthe one inhabited by men,” the movie leaves you with l audience, for better unanswered questions, characters rse. Dr. Manhattan’s that seem over-acted (they are ars, both going there comic book characters — they k is amazing) while kind of have to be), little resolupast and touring the Silk Spectre II in the tion and a plot that moves too fast to grasp, despite the grand visual e, is so weak comand audio elements of the lm. e novel that Snyder If you are interested in “Watchomitted it, which men,” read the graphic novel, then y did, gutting the nd eliminating most of see the movie. Who watches the “Watchmen?” Only fans prior to y across the Martian its cinematic release. To the rest, n’t nothin’ like the real it’s all a joke, and not a good one.
Porn Debate
Mar. 28
Drive-in I
Mar. 29
Mayank Dhungana/Index
7 p.m. 9 is in Moberly, but The to closest Truman studentsFashion can enjoy the SAB drive-in on May 2
6:30 p.m to 9 p.m.
Lights, Camera, comedian and lm committee and A film based on Continued from page 9 a true story about said they it has been doing the drivewell-kept and clean inFashion: content. from in movies longer than anyone can are-North Korean “I remember whenHollywood ‘Finding Nemo’ to member but a couple of years ago they came out we had that as a big afamily Truman, designer family and their night presentation,” Iris said. “We showed the movie inside. and model fashion “It’s just easier to control your daily struggles to gave away helium balloons. We had survive contests about fish. show Out on the patio environment when you’re inside,” we had hula hoop competitions. We Razavi said. “It’s easier to sit. You SUB Activity Room Georgian Room have bleachers, you just had fun things Free for Free have air conditionthe children.” ing, no insects [and The Macon Drive-in “Did it make us it’s not] too hot.” could fit 350 cars with The SAB goes individual speakers, but millions? No. We through a Web site it also had a radio stahad a lot of fun called Swank, a comtion that patrons could doing it, got a lot pany based out of St. tune in to that allowed for a bigger turnout. of satisfaction out Louis that provides rights to newShe said that before of it and if it hadn’t itly the released movies. they shut down, their blown down we’d Razavi said the SAB business held its own, but like other drive-ins still be over there.” usually aims for a comedy and drama in the Midwest they when making its sehad a number of things Iris Arnold lections. The next going against them Former Macon drive-in owner drive-in movie day is including the limited May 2. season. Iris said most “Right now drive-ins are only open we’re going to show ‘Role Models’ from May to September. “We just did it because we liked it and ‘Gran Torino,’ but ‘Role Models’ and it was a family-oriented thing,” she could be changed to ‘Slumdog Milsaid. “Did it make us millions? No. We lionaire’ — we’re looking at prices had a lot of fun doing it, got a lot of sat- right now,” Razavi said. New releases are $800 and others isfaction out of it and if it hadn’t blown are $400, Razavi said. New releases down we’d still be over there.” With the Macon Drive-in closed are movies that have not gone to DVD and the Moberly Five and Drive an yet. In previous semesters the attenhour away, the Student Activities Board tries to provide its own drive- dance has been about 500 people, in experience to Truman students. which Ravazi said they hope to attain Senior Aaron Razavi is on the SAB again this semester.
Volume 100, Issue 23
Features Clips 14
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Missourians find their inner twitter BY STEPHANIE HALL
News Editor
While Ashton Kutcher and CNN raced for 1 million followers on Twitter, it left many wondering, “What’s the point?” Twitter is a popular form of microblogging that prompts users to answer the question, “What are you doing?” Many people from Truman, Kirksville and other parts of Missouri have signed up to answer that question and follow others’ responses. With 140 followers, State Rep. Rebecca McClanahan, D-Kirksville, was one of the rst in the Missouri House of Representatives to start Twittering. “Well, you can’t avoid the fact that it’s fun,” McClanahan said. “Actually what I think motivated me to get started was the opportunity to communicate with people that are constituents or other people that are interested in what we’re doing here in the House of Representatives.” McClanahan said she makes an effort to tweet about a variety of subjects, from the actions in the House of Representatives to more personal observations. “I think it’s just one additional way of getting to know me, and when people know me, know what I care about and know what my passions are, I would hope people would feel more comfortable communicating with me in other ways,” McClanahan said. Because many politicians have started using Twitter, McClanahan said she tweets as a tool for learning as well. “I’ve actually learned several things about the legislature and the process going on in the legislature from other legislators tweeting,” she said. “Even nding out what they’re doing, or issues they’re working on or even their perspective of their debate on the oor.” Senior Casey Millburg, also known as the Kirksville Socialite, a local wellknown blogger, has both a personal and professional Twitter for the Socialite. “Well, rst of all, I think it’s just ridiculous fun,” Millburg said. “… It gives me a chance to be online and keep in touch with what other people are doing.” For the Socialite, she uses Twitter to post stories from the blog and uses it as a source for blog topics, Millburg said. “I usually try and keep my subscription feed to people who are in Kirksville or at Truman State, or if they pertain to Missouri in general, and so I have a few politicians,” Millburg said. She said she likes the tweets of State Sen. Jeff Smith, D- St. Louis, because they have the perfect balance of politics and personality. “I look for individuality, I mean a willingness to be personal,” Millburg said. “I
think there’s a very clear way to be personal and professional at the same time. I mean the whole 140 characters thing limits the amount of info, but there needs to be a willingness to be more informal and to talk about things that you do daily.” A particular pet peeve of Millburg’s is when people use Twitter as a form of therapy or to dictate their daily activities. “It has to be something — it’s not earthshattering — but has a purpose other than tweeting for the sake of tweeting,” Millburg said. “It can honestly range from the crazy squirrels that live outside my house to just learning that the rapper Rick Ross is actually a licensed corrections ofcer.” The Blue Note concert venue in Columbia has utilized Twitter for more than a year, but Marketing Promotions Manager Sean Allmeyer said that within the last month he has seen an increase in Twitter’s popularity. He said The Blue Note recently has received 100 more followers on Twitter. “We gure the more ways we can reach people and get them information, the more likely they are to buy tickets to our shows, which is the ultimate goal,” Allmeyer said. In addition to Twitter, The Blue Note has a MySpace page, a Facebook page and an e-mail list, but Allmeyer said he noticed an increase in hits on the Web site from Twitter. “At rst I thought [Twitter] was kind of trivial, but so was MySpace when it started, but I guess people just really like microblogging,” Allmeyer said. “The responses we’ve been getting, we’ve been getting more here recently, so might as well keep doing it until the next big thing starts, then we’ll probably jump on that one.” Todd Kuhns, web integration manager at Truman and Kirksville City Council member, said he considers tweeting a part of his job. He said he looks at new technology to see how it would benet the University. “I’m supposed to … help the University leverage these technologies to attract students and make it easier for faculty to connect with students and students to connect with each other,” he said. Kuhns said using Twitter and other technology really opens up a window for younger people to communicate with each other. However, he said he has had trouble coming up with communications of his own. “I sort of decided [that] if I focus on City Council issues, city issues and how my day goes in regards to how the city government’s working, it doesn’t feel as conceited to me and as selsh,” Kuhns said. He said he mainly tweets about city government issues, but he occasionally slips in more personal tweets.
“I’m amazed at the people that gure out I’m Twittering and follow me,” Kuhns said. “That’s been a weird experience. ‘How did you [know] I was doing this? Why do you even care?’ I’m attered but a little disturbed.” Junior Kelley Seitter created a Twitter account two months ago to stay in touch with a friend. “I had no idea what it was at rst,” Seitter said. “I didn’t understand the point to it really because it’s like Facebook status updates, which I’ve never understood the point of that either. I use it mainly to get information from other people, not to put my information out there. I don’t know why anyone would be interested in following me.” Seitter said she uses Twitter to get her news by following CNN and NPR. She said she follows everyone from politicians like Claire McCaskill to celebrities like Jimmy Fallon, John Mayer and Rainn Willson. She said the amount she tweets depends on the day, but her tweets usually are nerdy topics about her science classes. “Some days where I hate everything, I’m going to complain about it through tweeting,” Seitter said. Communication Department Chair Elizabeth Clark said she started tweeting after a fellow professor told her about it. “I’m always puzzled that people would take the time to write what things they are doing in a minute-by-minute way or a moment-by-moment way,” Clark said. “I’m always curious about what kind of function that serves individually for people that do it — is it a means of catharsis, an informal diary, or is it their means of gaining their 15 minutes of fame because they’re broadcasting in their own little way?” Clark said some professional organizations have trouble integrating Twitter into their work. She said an example of this is when reporters were dispatched to the Democratic Convention to cover politics and ended up tweeting about celebrities’ outts. “[This incident] was cited as one of the problems of people trying to incorporate new technology just to incorporate new technology when it had little to do with the work of reporting the news, so there is a lot of controversy about that,” Clark said. She said she doesn’t tweet as much as her students but thinks Twitter reaches out to today’s portable users. “There’s a cycle to every technology,” Clark said. “At some point there will be something that comes in and replaces Twitter that we may have not thought of now, something that may not be on anyone’s drawing board yet but that will better meet the needs or desires of consumers at that point, and it’s hard to tell what that’s going to be.”
twit.ter n. a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates known as tweets
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Give your wallet a (summer) break.
Features Clips 14
Theto invade nion Truman INTERVIEW BY STEPHANIE HALL
Features Editor
Stephanie Hall: What section do you guys write for at The Onion? Jack Kukoda: We both are staff writers for The Onion News, which is the video component of The Onion. Dan Mirk: The Onion has really grown throughout the years. Jack and I are relatively new here — there have been people working here for 20 years. It started off as a really small college paper in Wisconsin, and then it grew on the Internet and expanded to the radio, and now the videos are the next thing The Onion is
Daniel Mirk
doing. SH: Are you guys looking forward to visiting Missouri? Kukoda: I’ve never been in Missouri. Mirk: Me neither, but yeah we’re really looking forward to it. Kukoda: And we’re most desperate to return to our youth. Yeah, we don’t know what college students do anymore, and we assume it’s like in an ’80s movie where it’ll just be like wild parties, pillow ghts and mud wrestling — that’s what I’m assuming it’ll be like when we get there. SH: I’m not sure it’ll be that crazy — it’s a pretty small town. Mirk: We’re both from really small towns, so I’m sure Kirksville is going to seem like a big, awesome city to us. I come from a town [of] 8,000 people, so that’s a pretty big school. SH: So what did you guys major in? Kukoda: I majored in political science, and I took production and radio classes. Mirk: I ended up doing literature, but I was a lm major for a while and then I was a history major, but then I ended up doing literature and writing as sort of a last resort. I actually wanted to study journalism, but there wasn’t a journalism major at my school. SH: Did you always want to be a writer, Dan? Mirk: First I wanted to be an archeologist, then I wanted to be a ninja, then I wanted to be a cartoonist, then I wanted to be a reporter, like, for a real news organization and then I ended up sort of falling into this. SH: How did you guys get started working at The Onion? Kukoda: After college, I moved back to Buffalo and started writing for an alternative newspaper. Later I moved to New York, was doing improv and sketch comedy and freelance comedy writing, met someone at The Onion that suggested that [I] submit a joke, and I did that and became a contributing writer for Onion News network and was eventually hired full time two years ago. Mirk: Well, I’d always been a really big fan of The Onion. It had always been a dream job for me. The only real reason I started working here is because I got the internship before any other jobs panned out — it wasn’t really that I chose this over serious journalism. … I was highly unqualied for any legitimate job —so a lack of skills is what lead me to The Onion. SH: What kind of jobs did you have before The Onion?
Kukoda: All sorts of jobs — I worked for a company that unplugged computers. [We] would go to an ofce and … for some reason the employees weren’t t to unplug the computers themselves so they would call this company. I got paid a lot of money to crawl under desks and unplug computers and put the powers cables in a bag. Mirk: I was an RA in college. I was one of those people that was supposed to break you up if you have alcohol in your room. I was very bad at that job — I was like a negligent RA. All my programs were like, “We’ll watch a movie and eat pizza,” and then I would not even attend my own event. SH: Do you nd it’s easier to write satire than serious news? Mirk: It’s more fun, obviously. It’s actually really similar — basically the whole style of writing for The Onion is the same I would use for the radio. It’s actually much less different than you would think. The format and the way we lay out stories — all the same rules of journalism still apply to what we’re doing. [You] still need to cite your sources, even though you’re making them up. SH: What are some of your favorite topics to write about? Mirk: I think that, typically, you just try to write jokes about what you think is obscure or makes you angry, or things that are stupid or disgusting, because the jokes that we typically like the most are the ones that are tearing something down or [have an] angry point behind them. Kukoda: The day after Obama’s election, we did a story about [how] Obama’s supporters are basically drowning, because they don’t know what
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Jack Kukoda Feb 18th The Onion comes to Baldwin Auditorium 7 to 8:30 p.m.
to do with their lives after the election is over. It was really funny and silly, and I’m really glad we made a joke about the Obama administration that quickly because people were saying, “You aren’t going to be able to make fun of Obama,” or that people won’t want to because many of the writers are left-winged. SH: So what are your plans for Valentine’s Day? Kukoda: I am going to get a special Valentine’s bag of combos, you know — just watch happy couples out my window. Mirk: I have a special lady in my life that puts up with my 700-pound body — I’m not really 700 pounds, I’m actually skinny. My plans are to not make her cry for the day. That’s as romantic as I think we’re going to get. Last year I tried to cook her some lamb chops, which is ambitious considering that my previous cooking experience was a grilled cheese sandwich and cereal, and I set off the re alarm like four times in one night. Actually right after Valentine’s Day is when Jack and I are coming to your college. So I think that will be our Valentine’s Day treat to each other. It’s our little getaway — stay in a bed and breakfast in Kirksville. Kukoda: You do have stores that sell the teddy bears and Mylar balloons, right?
Features Clips
Banana split Index
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A-peeling facts
Chimps’ fruit faces slippery future BY STEPHANIE HALL
Staff Reporter
Along with the woolly mammoth and eight track tapes, the banana might soon nd itself on the road to extinction. In 2005, Popular Science magazine published an article describing the imminent demise of the banana. After the article ran, there was continued controversy among experts about the dramatization of the banana's future. Randy Ploetz, a pathologist from the University of FloridaGainesville, is one of the experts involved in the story in Popular Science. He said that the view that bananas will go extinct is exaggerated. "It has been overblown that it's headed for extinction," Ploetz said. "The banana is a diverse crop — the Cavendish is only a part of the banana world. There are a lot of different types of bananas." The Cavendish is the most common type of banana that Americans eat. Ploetz said the main threat to the Cavendish is the Tropical Race 4 disease. Although the imminent extinction of the banana might seem unlikely, one type of banana already met its demise in the mid-1960s. The Cavendish banana actually is America's replacement for the Gros Michel or "Big Mike" banana, which was wiped out by Tropical Race 1 disease. Ploetz said Tropical Race 1 initially was spread by the exportation of banana suckers, or subordinate shoots from banana plants, to start new plantations. From there the disease was transported onto machetes and machinery and made its way to the water supply, which further spread the epidemic. The Cavendish is immune to Tropical Race 1 but
• As bananas ripen, the starches in the fruit taste sweeter. turn to sugars, so riper bananas ta • The average American consumes more than 28 pounds of bananas annually (1.5 (1 bananas per week). • Bananas actually are giant herbs o of the genus Musa in the same family as lilies, orchids o plants on and palms. They are the largest p Their fleshy earth without a woody stem. Thei contains underground stem, or rhizome, co many buds like a potato. • Bananas can be stored in the refrigerator. The fruit will ripen and stay fresh even though the peel may become dark. Reporting by Leah Bowring/Index Source: International Banana Association
Brian O’Shaughnessy/Index Sophomore Peter Park adds a banana to his meal in the Centennial dining hall. Some parts of the world, including the U.S., might see fewer strains of this fruit due to diseased crops. "With one cell you can is susceptible to Tropical Race 4. Freshman Felipe Vasquez grow up to 100 banana plants," spent the last two summers Vasquez said. These plants are working with his used in research on dad at Lapanday, the genetic differa fruit research fa“The disease is ences in the cells, cility in the Philippines. already spreading he said. Vasquez said that Vasquez said fast. It has spread although all the gethe Tropical Race pretty far in the netics are supposed 4 fungi attacks and to be the same, cells eats the leaves, last 10 years.” often experience gewhich collect nutrinetic jumps. These ents from the sun. Randy Ploetz jumps, unexplainVasquez said University of FloridaGainesville Pathologist able by scientists, occommercial bacur when a cell skips nanas do not have or changes a gene. seeds and are un"It turns out, if able to reproduce you take two different routes on their own. At Lapanday, researchers use cell division to with a similar banana plant ... 10 years later their genetic compocultivate more plants, he said.
sition is signicantly different even though they are supposed to be the same," Vasquez said. Researchers at Lapanday are looking for a strain of banana plants that are resistant to Tropical Race 4 disease. "They've gotten some developments but nothing major," Vasquez said. "They have found some [cells] that are more susceptible, but [they have found] some that are not completely resistant to [Tropical Race 4] but more resilient than others." Companies spend a lot of money on research, Vasquez said. However, no company has produced anything obtainable. "[We] really don't have a good replacement [for the Cavendish] that produces high yields," Plo-
etz said. "The closest is a mix of clones with some tolerance in Taiwan." Ploetz said he and his team are working on a new test that will be able to detect the fungus quickly. Currently the test takes about three weeks to detect the disease. Although the loss in America might mean banana splits are taken off the menu, in some parts of the world it means a lot more, he said. "[Tropical Race 4] is found in several countries where plantains are considered a food source," Ploetz said. "Bananas are considered a [major] food source in West Africa and parts of Latin America." Tropical Race 4 is primarily found in Southeast Asia and parts of the Eastern Hemisphere, Ploetz said. Ploetz said his main goal is keeping the fungus out of Latin America, where the United States gets most of its bananas. "[We are having] a series of meetings, the rst in Ecuador then Costa Rica in 2009," Ploetz said. "[We are speaking] with quarantining personnel on ways to safely transfer the product [and] teaching them what they should and should not do and what [is] safe and not safe." Ploetz said he thinks re-
searchers rst should educate the public about the disease, then learn how to detect the disease and nally develop protocols and plans to deal with a potential outbreak. Harper Higgins, produce manager at the Hy-Vee in Kirksville, said the banana is the No. 1-selling fruit. "I heard something about [the banana extinction] three years ago, but I haven't heard anything about it since then," Higgins said. Lately bananas have seen a spike in price as much as 20 cents, but Higgins attributes this to poor weather conditions in Honduras where Hy-vee gets its bananas. The Kirksville Hy-Vee alone orders about 4,000 pounds of bananas every week. Although the banana is the No. 1 selling fruit in America, it still is in danger, Higgins said. "The disease is already spreading fast," Ploetz said. "It has already spread pretty far in the last 10 years." Ploetz said it is only a matter of time before the disease reaches the Western Hemisphere. "[It's] not a question of if, but when," Ploetz said. "[It is] human nature to bring stuff in. People don't like to be told what they can't do. So I would have to say . . . stay tuned."
we’re new in Kirksville. We’d like to take a second to introduce ourselves to northeast Missouri.
Merlin inched. of keratin, thedissame substance found in human Russell visited the University ing attendants treat Russell a bit remembers experiencing “That’s because he’s got these sharp heels,” ngernails. Merlin’s leg extended outward so crimination based on her gender. March 20 to offer law school ad- differently. Sanders said. “So, when we atten those heels Sanders could maintain a good grip. “Maybe that’s because no“Now today, I have my own vice to aspiring attorneys — a “I’ve never seen him get trimmed before,” out and give him more surface area with which to beat me said. “Very feminine.” career path that took her a while parking space,” she said. “... I body [was] goingNathan to bear his weight, it should take that away. Holbrook at politics or Cardinal baseball Merlin continued to provide his hook to the Sharp heels are bad because you get these to settle on. Even after she left guess I’ve arrived in life.” bruises just from the impact. Sixty percent of trimmer in a manicure-like manner. Russell said that after her expe- talk,” she said. her family’s dairy farm in Hantalking about me again?” Sanders the weight is on the front, so it’s kind of like a In 1995, after her“You clerkship nibal, Mo., to come to Truman, rience in the capital, she considered two-wheel drive tractor or a four-wheel drive asked, jokingly. and 12 years of private she couldn’t have predicted that trying her hand at studying law. “Oh,practice the horse, too,” Nathan Holbrook car. The front wheels do the steering.” Hannibal, “I thought, ‘What inPhoto she would become Sanders said he can tell where he needs said. applicaby KristaRussell’s Please see TRIM, Page 15 Sanders grinned and then turned serito the Missouri Court of ApGoodman/Index the heck? I’ll just tion the third woman aptake that LSAT,’” peals was accepted, and she saw pointed to the state’s “Now today, I a courtroom from the other side she said. highest court. have my own For the summa- for the rst time. “I didn’t think I Russell said the downside to wanted to practice parking space. ... cum-laude graduate, it proved to be donning judge’s robes is that she law,” she said. “When I guess I’ve dog ever on campus,” said. A former moment. BMX biker, Moody Students finda student ways here, I “I have met so many friends,” a deciding might not nd outMoody how the I was said. “I have all my said he took up skateboarding “I have never hit anyone skatearrived in life.” in a case and wereI affected by Russell entered the parties boarding, to think Pepple I to makecontinued their wheels think you are classes out in Barnett, and I’m when he transferred schools. her decisions. wanted to stick in the incomparable more likely to hit someone on a “I met thisof kidMisin my Spanish always running late so if I see University Rhodes “Onbike the than bench, you don’t rein journalism eld, write a skateboard because class, and we started hanging out someone Mary else running late, I’m souri-Columbia Russell BY STEPHANIE justthe step off a skateboard. and fall he was skateboarding,” like, ‘Get on.’” ally getItocansee people that you the of into 1980. for a HALL magazine, mayYou can’t really step off of a Moody said. “He had been skatePepple said she has met some Staff Reporter Missouri Supreme “Law school help,” she said. be even a consumerinteresting people while giving boarding for like eight years. He bike as easily.” Court Judge For a self-described “joiner,” changes your outtype publication.” Although most college cars rides and would not trade her got me into it, and I just kind of Skateboards are not allowed this is onreally a disadvantage. look,” Russell Russell could use a little assistance selected from two-seater for the world. the University campus bestuck with it.” said. Russell has forof “It changes your Truman after of she “I was waiting outside the “Pimp My Ride,” some forms of therecognized large number Moody is a street skater, cause been transportation attract attention pedestrians, according DPS meaning he mainly skates gaps, post of ce for my friend, and I spent some time on campus vocabulary, it changes your per- everything from providingto exall on their as own.a middle-schoolgave rules and regulations. stairs, rails ledges rather this ride to aspectives, woman whoit changes traordinary free legal services howand people clarinetist, Junior Patti Pepple is a bike had the most interesting stories,” than vertical ramp. However, he Nastassja Moses’ to victimsSophomore of the 1993 ood to but she didn’t entertain hopes look at you.” enthusiast whose preferred Pepple said. “She had been said that since coming to Kirks- car needs no help from “Pimp becoming a three-time But she wasn’t aiming for a of making it big in the music method of cruising campus is homeless by choice for a while. ville, the area available to skate My Ride” because shekeynote has taken at Missouri State. Supreme slot yet: There speakermatters business — she for who on her yellow two-seater ba-wasIt aiming into her Girls’ own hands. has dwindled. is just so cool you meet.”Court nana bike. a career as a medical Grad “I like doing things andgetmak“Campus is perfect [for student Matthew HerShe talked at length about dietician. were no female judges on the apShe saidShe she ended rides it up around thingsathat show who I am,” skateboarding], but I have manson and senior peals Juli Hermanting toing know female Afghan courts of Missouri, and it gotten with two degrees, Kansas City, Mo., and the far- son also own a tandem. Their in trouble for skating around,” Moses said. “I think your car is a Bachelor of Arts and a Bach- would be nine more years before judge who ed the country afthest she has ever ridden it was two-seater was their wedding Moody said. “I pretty much just one of the best ways to do that.” terit’sthe Taliban banned women a woman elor ofMo., Science, is no doubt from Kansas City, to Seda-andpresent Moses’ car is hard to miss skate down toby,the I think to each other in 2006.wasgoappointed homes unachigh the only Truman to have lia, Mo., about 78 miles. Thisstudent among their the rows in Missouri Matthew Hermanson saidcourt. when Sinclair, the gas station.” from leaving summer, she plans toher travel from Moody said he has a De- Hall’s parking lot. Her white car the weather turns nice again,was only “There a handful ofhad companied. signed own diploma. Kansas City to When St. Louis. is painted with numerous black of PublicanySafety ofcer they plan up what Russell’s husband Jim, a forwomen who partment were judges the University was tore-go pick “It is so wonderful,” Pepple they enjoy — going to Saturday stop him from skating on the stars and sayings such as “Evmer state representative and now where in the state, and they were ... named, Russell chaired the Board said. “If you’re having a bad day, garage sales on their tandem. sidewalk next to Ophelia Par- eryone is equal” and “Everyone MoAg Industries, the lowest of the judiciary,” of Governors, her dutyErik atMoody just take a ride on your bike.”so it wasFreshman rights.” On her back winish because the University president owns has of said level when“One asked about said. “There werenow lesshethan sign all theisre-issued diplomas She saystothe company the he enjoys dow the words nation” are it. He said doesn’tdidn’t even hesitate riding Russell after classes best part of her banana bike. on his Trafc skateboard. crossed out with “One world” bother trying to wasn’t skate on campus. his wife. ve. ... ItThe was something that to alumni. Mayank Dhunaga/Index Whether taking“If Sodexho written “It just doesn’t seem fair that board shows its ageeven and the abil“I just feelunderneath. extremely lucky,” dreamable because women you workers see it hanging in my Sophomore Nastassja Moses’ car sits behind Missouri Hall, for a spin or a friend to the park, ity of its rider from obvious wear other people can ride their bike, In addition to the outside, Jim RussellPlease said. see “The only mispositions.” ofanyone ce, you might think it’s a didn’t hold those Jessie Gasch/Index she encourages to hop on. and RIDES, Page 15 customly decorated to showcase her personality. rollerblade or even walk their tear. But Russell did manage to take I made in life is not to marry joke,” Russell said. to her During college, she interned capture a clerkship with the Su- her sooner.” aw students.
Features Clips
Same roads, different rides
Around the leaves options open LIFE l Graduation
being my friend because ContinuedApril from Page 4 10 up I already have someone, "How am I going to make p.m. which I have seen happen new friends 7:30 outside of work, to numerous couples in new and how will I ever meet Contemporary Ballet cities. Being single will someone new?" And he is Missouri Contemporary Ballet will perform even from St. Louis. Imagine practically force me to nd “Rock,” exploring music of past decades. new friends or to reconnect doing it in Colorado Springs or Paris. Baldwin Auditoriumwith old ones. Tickets Available But the truth is that I am I really hate thinking scared to not belong to a about this. Copyright © 2008 Index community. Whether that Maybe this is why they community is my family, call it the real world — old high school friends, old because suddenly there is college friends or even just no structure where everyone one special person. Not is new and in the same belonging makes me nervous situation. In the real world, as all hell. not everyone is looking for This is just the next step, friends and signicant others. and next steps are always In an instant, everyone is on scary. With someone or their own, struggling at difalone, they all pose those ferent places in their life. obnoxious questions like So at some point, mean"Will I be happy?" and "Will ing in about seven weeks or this work?" so, I am going to struggle No one really knows, but on my own whether I am my grandma always says, in my old city or an entirely new one. And in some ways, "It always just takes a bit of patience, but you will always I am unlucky because no fall into your proper place." one special will be coming I think that applies to with me to that place to help nding a guy with whom to me through this major life walk down the aisle, as if it change. And in some other is my duty in life to nd this ways, I am lucky because I someone. will not have to help anyone But I think, taken out of but myself through this a traditional, elder context, it struggle. There will be no applies to so much more. So temptation to stay in some nights and chill with that one really, I'm just going to hope I fall into place, and I think I person, forfeiting opportuniwill. Grandma is pretty wise ties to make new friends. I like that. don't think people will pass
April 9
8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Habitat Vigil
Graffiti Exhibit
The Centennial Flame in front of Kirk Memorial
Tent on the Mall Free desserts all day
Come hear a guest speaker from Habitat for Humanity house No. 6 in Kirksville and stay for a candlelight vigil
Mayank Dhunaga/Index
Matthew and Juli Hermanson ride their blue tandem bike to local garage sales.
Students make mobility fun
Continued from Page 9 Moses said she has begun to paint the inside. So far, she only has song lyrics from Something Corporate, a band that both she and her mother liked. She said she received the car from one of the teachers at her high school two weeks before her freshman year at Truman. After her mother’s death, her high school raised funds to x up the teacher’s car to give to her. “I gured since it was free and it wasn’t in the best shape, this would be the only chance to paint my car and do what I wanted with it,” Moses said. “So I went out and bought some car paint.” A little paint goes a long way. She said that since she
has painted her car, she gets a lot of honks on the road and comments at gas stations. Moses said little kids in cars have the best reactions. However, not all attention is good. “I’ve been pulled over for it too,” Moses said. “The cop tried to tell me I couldn’t have all the writing on my back window. As long as you have side mirrors you could have the back window covered up completely. It’s the law.” During the car’s time in Missouri Hall’s parking lot, somebody scratched through some of the words on her back window. “I’m sure some people think it’s stupid, but I don’t care because I like it, and I don’t care what other people think,” Moses said.
Celebrate with Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc. as they honor their founding date with an art exhibition.
Volume 99, Issue 24