Facebook Ads Guide

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Facebook Ads Guide:

A step-by-step tutorial on how to place a Facebook ad 0

Getting started with Facebook ads Facebook and Instagram can be powerful resources when trying to reach local customers, raise awareness of your shop, engage customers, and increase sales. This guide should help you quickly set up your shop’s Business Page and begin advertising. Remember, MyTeleflora.com includes a Facebook Kit with social media posts ready for you to use.


Before you get started, make sure you have: • Dates you’d like to run your campaign • Teleflora’s Facebook Kit assets used for your campaign, and/or your own images and copy • Budget (can be as little as $50) • Credit card or PayPal for billing


6 steps to set up your campaign We’ve identified these steps to setting up your first Facebook ad campaign:


1. Create and set up a Facebook Business Page

Slides 05 - 08

2. Get started with ads

Slides 10 - 12

3. Set ad parameters

Slides 14 - 16

4. Upload the image and text

Slides 18 - 21

5. Place the order and pay

Slides 23 - 24

6. View and manage your ads

Slides 26 - 30

Step 1 Create and set up a Facebook Business Page Ensure your Facebook Page is a Business Page Create a new Business Page Update your business information


Cre a te a n d se t u p a F a c e b ook B u si n e ss Pa g e : E n su re y ou r F a c e b ook Pa g e i s a B u si n e ss Pa g e

Ensure your Facebook Page is a Business Page

• Business Pages are tied to your personal account. • Log in to Facebook with your personal account information. • Select the arrow in the upper right to view your pages. Note: If your Business Page is not listed, you can “Create Page.” Considerations: • Your personal friends will not automatically transfer to your Business Page. • Make sure to announce your new Business Page to your personal friends so they can follow or “like.”


Cre a te a n d se t u p a F a c e b ook B u si n e ss Pa g e : Cre a te a n e w B u si n e ss Pa g e

Create a new Business Page

• Select “Local Business or Place.”


• Fill in your information and select Florist as your Local Business.

Cre a te a n d se t u p a F a c e b ook B u si n e ss Pa g e : Up d a te y ou r b u si n e ss i n forma ti on

Update your business information

• Now that you have a Business Page, you can add a cover photo, profile photo and edit your business details. • Teleflora’s Facebook Kit on MyTeleflora.com includes a number of seasonal cover photos to choose from.


• In the About tab, you can edit and update business hours, website and contact details. • The more information you can provide, the better.

Visit Facebook for additional resources on how to create and set up a Business Page. https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/set-up-facebook-page


Step 2 Get started with ads

Create an ad and select an Objective Create an Ad Account (only needed once)


G ettin g S ta rte d with Ad s: Cre a te a n Ad a n d se lec t a n O b je c ti ve

Create an ad and select an Objective


• Under Facebook Business (facebook.com/business), select “Create an Ad.” • Alternatively, you can select “Create Ad” from the dropdown in the upper-right corner when you log in to Facebook.

• Select your marketing objective and then click “Create an Ad Account.” • We suggest Local Awareness, to drive more potential customer views and visits to your shop. • When creating your first ad, you’ll be guided through the necessary steps to create an Ad Account.

G ettin g S ta rte d with Ad s: Cre a te a n Ad Ac c ou n t

Create an Ad Account (only needed once)

• Complete the necessary fields to create an Ad Account. • You will only need to complete this step the first time you’re setting up an account. • Moving forward, your Ad Account will auto-fill.


Visit Facebook for additional resources on choosing an objective and setting up your ad account. https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/facebook-ads-basics


Step 3 Set ad parameters

Set your target audience parameters Set where, how much, and when


S et Ad Pa ra mete rs: S e t y ou r ta rg e t a u d ie n c e

Set your target audience parameters Ad Set Name • Create an Ad Set Name and complete the necessary fields. • Implement a naming convention now, so you can easily find your ads in the future. • We recommend using a naming convention that includes the holiday name, the audience you are targeting, and the date range. For Example: MothersDay__GiftGivers_2017 Audience • Choose your audience based on preferred demographic information (such as age range and your local delivery area). • We suggest using a radius based on your local delivery area. In this case, we used 10 miles.


S et Ad Pa ra mete rs: S e t wh e re , h ow mu c h , a n d wh en

Set where, how much, and when Placement • We recommend using Automatic Placement, meaning Facebook will show your ads in their best performing placement, whether it’s the right column, the desktop news feed, or even Instagram. Budget • A Lifetime Budget will allow Facebook to optimize your spend over the time period of your campaign. • A Daily Budget allows you to increase or decrease your spend each day. • We recommend using a Lifetime Budget. • We suggest testing so you can discover what the right investment is for your business. Schedule • Determine how long your ad should run; we see ads perform best 5 to 7 days before the holiday. • Ad Scheduling allows you to only run ads during certain times of the day (e.g., when you can take your orders).


Visit Facebook for additional resources on setting your ad parameters. Targeting: https://www.facebook.com/business/products/ads/ad-targeting Placement: https://www.facebook.com/business/products/ads/how-ads-show


Step 4 Upload the image and text Upload your ad image Upload your ad text Preview the ads across platforms


Up l oa d th e i ma g e a n d te xt: Up l oa d y ou r a d ima g e

Upload your ad image • Select Single Image or Carousel (depending on the number of images available) and upload. • A single image is a great way to show off a featured product, while a carousel of images allows a user to browse a few of your bouquets and products. • The Teleflora Facebook Kit has many beautiful, seasonal images for you to use.


Up l oa d th e i ma g e a n d te xt: Up l oa d y ou r a d text

Upload your ad text • Add an Instagram account, if desired. (You can still place your ad on Instagram without an Instagram account.) • Fill in the text. You can write your own, or use the text provided in the Word document in Teleflora’s Facebook Kit. • Write your headline. This will show in bold above your link. We recommend using your store name. • You can choose which “Call to Action” you want your followers to take, such as “Learn More” or “Call Now.” • You can choose to direct the ads to your website or Facebook page. We recommend pointing to whichever has the most information consumers are looking for. • The preview on the right-hand side will update as you complete your text and fill in your headline. If using a website link, a brief description of the website will also be previewed. • Remember to check your Facebook Kit on MyTeleflora.com for all the options available for social ads, depending on your objective.


Up l oa d th e i ma g e a n d te xt: Pre vie w th e a d s a c ross p la tform s

Preview the ads across platforms This drop-down menu provides preview options of the different ad types.

Desktop News Feed


Mobile News Feed

Visit Facebook for additional resources on ad image and copy. https://www.facebook.com/business/ads-guide/


Step 5 Place the order and pay Review, place, and pay for your order


Pl a c e y ou r ord e r a n d p a y : R e vi e w, p l a c e , a n d p a y for y ou r ord e r

Review, place, and pay for your order • Review the Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad before placing the order.


• Enter preferred method of payment.

Visit Facebook for additional resources on payment options. https://www.facebook.com/business/help/338388466239851


Step 6 View and manage your ads Navigate to the Ads Manager View your ads in the Ads Manager Edit your ads Definition of terms with tips


View a n d m a n a g e y ou r a d s : Na vig a te to th e Ad s M a n a g e r

Navigate to the Ads Manager


To navigate to the Ads Manager, log in with your personal Facebook account and select “Manage Ads.�

View a n d m a n a g e y ou r a d s : Vie w y ou r a d s in th e Ad s M a n a g e r

View your ads in the Ads Manager

• You can view your current ad status anytime you want. We recommend checking your ads at least twice during your campaign. • From Ads Manager you can see your scheduled Campaigns, their Ad Sets (audience and targeting), ads (creative), and the budget spent so far. • It’s simple to turn ads on or off by selecting the switch to the left of your Campaign name. • Blue means your Campaign is on and will run when scheduled, Grey means your Campaign is off and won’t run anymore. • You can select the tools on the right to edit your Campaign, view performance, or change your budget.


View a n d m a n a g e y ou r a d s : E d it y ou r a d s

Edit your ads

• • • •


To edit a Campaign, Ad Set (shown above) or ad, make sure it’s selected and then click the pencil on the right. From here you can adjust your budget, schedule, and update your naming convention. Be sure to click ”Save and Close” to save your changes. Remember that these campaigns are test-and-learn and vary by business, so don’t be afraid to adjust budgets or timing to see what works well for your customers and shop.

View a n d m a n a g e y ou r a d s : D e fi n i tion of terms with tip s

Definition of terms with tips

Metric Campaigns

Ad Set




The name of the ad campaign; your campaign contains ad sets

Utilize a naming convention that includes your holiday name or theme, so

and ads.

you can quickly reference these campaigns in the future.

An ad set is a group of ads that share the same budget, timing,

Utilize a naming convention that includes your target audience, so you

delivery and audience.

can quickly reference ad sets in the future.

The creative (images or copy) used within an ad set.

Some ads perform better with different audiences, so be sure to check how your ads are doing with different ad sets.


The current status of your campaign, ad set, or ads. These

Not Delivering – A note will explain why your ads are not delivering

include; Not Delivering, Inactive, or Active.

Inactive – Due to scheduling or ads being paused by a page administrator Active – Ads are currently running


The number of times your ad achieved the outcome stated when

Results for the Local Awareness objective (recommended), will be shown

you created your Ad Objective.

as impressions.


The number of times your ads were viewed.

Typically, the higher the impressions, the better.

Cost per Result

The average cost per result of your ad.

The lower the cost per result, the better.


The number of people who saw your ads at least once. Reach is

Reach refers to your unique audience. Typically, the larger the audience,

different from impressions, which may include multiple views of

the better. Note, your target audience will impact the amount of people

your ads by the same people.

you can reach.

The estimated total amount of money you've spent on your

You control your budget, so make sure you’re comfortable with the

campaign, ad set or ad during its schedule.

amount you plan to spend and your budget.

The scheduled end time and date of your campaign, ad set or

We recommend ending campaigns if you’re not able to fulfill orders closer


to the holiday.

Amount Spent



Visit Facebook for additional resources on managing ads. https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/managing-facebook-ads


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