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Stephanie Hamilton
I am a geek in every incarnation. And a nerd. And a bit of a dork. I have no friends but for my online lovelies and my cat. My life kind of revolves around my cat and the chasm of boredom that is my job. I love music and films and books, I believe in all those liberal commie ideals. I'm a socialist, an athiest and a 'I don't care if you're black, white, gay, bi, pink, twistie or whatever - if you are nice to me I'll be nice to you, and if you are smart enough to back up your views with solid facts and argument, I will be happy to chat' kind of person. I think my finest feature is my hair - a little obsessed with my hair. I don't want to grow up, I think that'd suck. And while I am now 28, I still think I'm not a grown up. Expect tongue poking out.