Breat he
It’s time to sport how we feel. We breathe. We move organically.
Breathe B uine ss Pros p e c t s Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
1 Business Outline
Ta b le of co ntent s 2.
Exe cut ive S u m m a r y
D e sig n
D e sig n id eas t o life
T hre e I d eas
Co m p a ny S u m m a r y
Let ter hea d Sy ste m
B usine ss Fo r ms
Pro d uc t P h ot os 4 x 5
C at a l o g
S watc h b o o k
Pr ice s he et
Co m p a ny H ist o r y (St a r t- u p P la n)
5 yea r pla n
Per s o n as
Co m p et it ive missio n st ate m ent s
Pro d uc t O ver vie w
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
E xe cut ive S u m m a r y Executive Summary Breathe is an upscale active line that will be introduced in the sum-
artwork seem in the moma:
Products seen in the moma
mer of 2012. Breathe is not just necessary for everyday living it’s what we need to do to relax to live to experience. The verb “breathe” is the sole essence of the company. We feel that life is to stressful and with are line you will feel in powered to relax and enjoy life. What are we? We are active wear for women. Breathe shoppers are busy woman who lives in northern California area with a household income over $100K. They enjoy their time off and wants a place where she can go to get services that meet her busy lifestyle. We empower the busy women of today; to be able to have her days off and relax. The line will consist of yoga pants, relaxing crop tops, tanks and accessories. What makes us unique we combine the aspects of yoga into the lifestyle of movement in peaceful flows, throughout the design in layers of lines within are philosophy etc. Objectives Are goal is to get women in touched with their physical side. We want women to live in a peaceful life, without stress. Make it OK to know that it’s alright to take some time off to relax enjoy the simple things in like the earth with all of it’s natural wonders. We want to hold are style and design to the standards of the MOMA which is very modern. A lot of the artwork and products are clean yet some of them have chaos in an organic way. A lot of the color palette are used with meaning. Our Mission It’s time to sport how we feel. We breathe on a daily without thinking about what we are doing. We live fast paced lives. We breathe. We move organically. We believe in offerings high quality active gear in a relaxing setting. We believe that coming into are store is not a quick shop that’s time pressured it’s a feeling that you will get once entering. It’s the smell the essence of the music, the feeling that for however long it takes you to purse are store you can feel at ease. Nothing else will matter. We believe in quality and that your shopping experience will be unforgettable. We also believe in kindness that shall spread from are customer service. Keys to Success Seek out feedback from our customers to develop a successful clothing line that meets their needs and tastes Having a good location in a high-shopping area
Quality product and good relationships with vendors
Outstanding customer service
Online Sells
F a b r ic L ine Sc he d ule:
Business Outline
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
with this schedule tasks can
be noted and kept track of every step of the way on a timely matter.
Fe b r u a r y
week 2
M ay
15 concepts Refine 3 concepts Final chosen concept Product line Producing product Identity Photography Catalog Swatch book Price sheet Packaging Bank Presentation
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
D e sig n Ideas are a dime a dozen Ideas are a dime a dozen, what I’m in the business of making ideas. The first steps to creating a well constructed fabric line is to brainstorm various ideas and let it all out on the table. Not all ideas are bad ideas some just need more refining than others. The first step of brainstorming is thinking of what I like?
(Stay a child while you can.) Which
(Fly like a bird.) Idea is being free. That
(live. Breathe. music) music is all
(Never Forget) Techonogy always
would be a fabric line based off
time is meaningless in the sky.
around us this fabric would be made
changes but we shall never forget are
for the music lover of live shows.
(You are you, now isnt that pleasent.)
(Eventually everything connects.)
Using barbie dolls saying it’s great to be
Culturally things connect like lines and
different and not just a doll..
The choice is yours : apple) A play off
(What is love?) A Play off the one of the
of childhood things like toys and iconic colors.
(Just breathe, just believe) Which would be a fabric line based off movement, thoughts and flow.
(Every road leads to somewhere.) Based off the idea of roads, continuation the
(Shine on you crazy diamond.) Mainly it’s ok to be different. The colors would be loud.
(Safty in numbers) The idea of many objects people animals.
adam and eve.
mysterys of life.
idea of never ending..
(One’s man’s trash is another man’s treasure.) What we see if beuty, is different to each person.
(The choice is yours.) This would be taken in the gamer aspect visually but metaphorically saying you can choice.
(Shine on) Pink floyd psycadelic look.
(Time flys.) Steampunk view of time flying away.
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
D e sig n I d eas t o life concepting Ideas come and go it’s best to write down and sketch every idea quickly to generate more and better ideas faster.
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
S hine O n
J ust B reat he
L ive. B reat he. M usic
“shine on you crazy Diamond”
Yoga line, lifestyle
Music is life is is everwhere
“Shine on Crazy Diamond”, is the title of this fabric line which is
“Just Breathe, is the title of this fabric line which is made for yogis a
Live Breathe music is the line that brings the music lover back in toned
made for young women that are ready for a night out on the town.
yogi is someone who enjoys or pratices yoga on the reular and em-
with color to embrace the feeling of being a live show on a daily base. We
The line is made for women around the ages 18 to 30. The line quote
praces the live style. I wanted this fabric to have a feeling of yoga with
want to target younger women that love to be at shows. They shop at hot
orginated from a Pink Floyed song. As I took the quote I felt the old
the color pallete being earthy. The texture is smooth because in yoga
topic, urban outfiters, they want to be unique. They are in their teens to
phyidelic influence of the 70s from when Pink Floyd was popular
each move is done smoothly. The type is hard written to give it a much
early adulthood finding out who they are.
yet I added in a modern twist of keeping in alot of colors over laping
more organic feeling of motion and flow. Age range is 16-30 years old.
over each other.?
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Co m p a ny S u m m a r y
Business Outline
Color: the colors I
Company Summary
choice are within
Breathe is an upscale active line that will be introduced in the sum-
nature and are bright yet
mer of 2012. We intend to expand into are boutiques in July 2015.
Breathe will embrace the active women with her own personality as she relaxes in her active line. Company Ownership Are goal is get women in touched with their physical side. We want women to live in a peaceful life, without stress. Make it ok to know that it’s alright to take some time off to relax enjoy the simple things in like the earth with all of it’s natural wonders. We plan to start out by introducing four unique designs that will be implemented into different products such as: 1. Bag 2.tank top 3. Crop top
Muladhara=chakra located at the
Bahir=outside, external, Our breathe
Humming breath=a breath exercise
base of the spine “energy center in
should be heard we should “just
that involves a short inhalation and
the subtle body”. This is the fire fabric
breathe” In yoga it is praticed to
long exhalation while making a hum-
that will inspire to get out and flow.
breathe with volumn.
ming sound.
Easy breath=a natural breathing pattern that is relaxed and nonmanipulated. My line is all about breatheing and letting go.
4.headband 5. Yoga pant
This line was inspired
by various images of organic shapes, burning
We plan to expand the look with styled packaging that will carry on
man, nature, movement
the look and feel of the fabric. The idea of the packaging is to be easy
emotion of being alive.
to asscemble and stack, also to be iconic of a yoga block in shape and demension. Which will be easy to change in varation with color. Sales Literature It’s now 2012 it’s time to sport how we feel. We breathe on a daily
Agni Crop top
Bahir Yoga bag
Ekagura Yoga pants
Ananda tank top
Jnana headband
Flowrider skateboard deck
Ananda=bliss, ecstasy.
Jnana=knowledge, un-
Flowrider=someone that
derstanding, wisdom
moves organicly.
without thinking about what we are doing. We live life fast passed lives. It’s time to start feeling alive. We breathe. We move organically. Sourcing and Fulfillment Having a good location in a high-shopping area Quality product and good relationships with vendors Outstanding customer service Market Segmentation We plan in the first round of introducing the brand we plan to have print marketing strategies with a catalog which folds out to be a
Agni =fire, the god of fire.
Bahir=outside, external
Ekagura=focused or “one pointed awarness”
Packaging for this line will be varied in different color palates with emboss logo.
poster. We also plan to have pricing sheets. Later on we would like to expand the market via web ads and flyers at local yoga studios.
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Let ter hea d sy ste m
Business Outline
The breathe logo was created through the fabric it’s open and inviting, just like yoga you take big breaths and small breathes as you focus and flow throughout the poses. I went through various logotype variations before narrowing it down to the selected system.
Breathe 8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624
Stephanie Horvilleur (916) 501-0052 Breathe 8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624 (916) 501-0052
breathe Stephanie Horvilleur
8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624
Breathe (916) 501-0052
8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624 (916) 501-0052
Breathe 8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624 (916) 501-0052
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
B usine ss Fo r ms
Business Outline
On the Left is a Non-disclosure agreement form which is made during any time a contract changes so that both parties on the same page. On the right is a Project approval form which is used to approval any new project or if there will be any new changes to projects so both parties are aware of changes.
8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624
8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624 (916) 501-0052 (916) 501-0052
project approval
Client: Client:
N o n - d i s c l o s u re A g re e m e nt Client:
Contact: Project:
Project number: Date:
Insert image file of project here for reference and attach printouts.
1. Keepallinformationprovidedtomeand[designfirm]relatingtobusinessand/ormarketing plans, discussions, re
Please refer to attached project printouts
search, graphic design and marketing related programs and processes under development in
strict confidence. Use the above if no image file applies. 2. Disclose this information solely to individuals who have a signed non-disclosure agreement with, or who have
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This is to verify that I/we, representing the above named client company, have thoroughly reviewed the
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with this form, prior to final approval.
Client Approval Signature(s):
Print Name/Title Signature
Print Name/Title
Print Name/Title
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
B usine ss Fo r ms
Business Outline
On the Left is a project form so that we can keep track of each project. On the right is a image release form made for photo shots.
I M AG E R EL E A S E Stylist ‘s Name: Stylist’s Address:
8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624
8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624 (916) 501-0052
P R OJ E C T: Client:
Job Description/ Information:
Stylist’s E-mail: STYLIST’S PERMISSION AND RIGHTS GRANTED: For good and valuable Consideration herein acknowledged as received, and by signing this release, I hereby give the Photogra-
Email/Online#: (916) 501-0052
Attach visual reference here Stylist’s Phone:
pher and Assigns my permission to license the Images and to use the Images in any Media for any purpose (except porno- graphic or defamatory) which may include, among others, advertising, promotion, marketing and packaging for any product or service. I agree that the Images may be combined with other images, text and graphics, and cropped, altered or modified.
I agree that I have no rights to the Images, and all rights to the Images belong to the Photographer and Assigns. I acknowledge and agree that I have no further right to additional Consideration or accounting, and that I will make no further claim for any reason to Photographer and/or Assigns. I acknowledge and agree that this release is binding upon my heirs and assigns. I agree that this release is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual, and will be governed by the laws of the state of California, excluding the law of conflicts.
I represent and warrant that I am at least 18 years of age and have the full legal capacity to execute this release. To be completed by Stylist:
Stylist’s Signature:
Stylist’s Printed Name:
Print Name
Print Name
The following to be completed by Photographer:
Photographer’s Signature:
Photographer’s Printed Name: Project Approved By:
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Shoot Description (and Shoot Reference if applicable):
Definitions: STYLIST means me and includes the design of character theme, staging and form. MEDIA means all media including digital, electronic, print, television, film and other media now known or to be invented. PHOTOGRAPHER means photographer or any other person or entity photographing or recording the Model. ASSIGNS means any person or company to whom Photographer has assigned or licensed rights under this release as well as the licensees of any such person or company. IMAGES means all photographs, film or recording taken of Model as part of the Shoot. CONSIDERATION means something of value I have received in exchange for the rights granted by me in this release. SHOOT means the photographic or film session described in this form.
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
P h ot os
Business Outline
selected by the photoshoot. Headband
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
P h ot os
Business Outline
selected by the photoshoot. Yoga mat bag
11. 13
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
P h ot os
Business Outline
selected by the photoshoot. Tanktop
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
P h ot os
Business Outline
selected by the photoshoot. crop top & skateboard
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
P h ot os
Business Outline
selected by the photoshoot. Yoga pants
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
C at a l o g
Business Outline
We plan to market to young women by giving the catalog a fresh designed look, showing how the product will be in person.
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
This small book will allow the buyer to feel the fabric, know the fabrics price and see close up shots of each of the fabrics in use to see the quality of the material that will be used in each of our products.
17. 18
Pr ic ing s he et
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
Our Price sheet is interactive it is formatted to be like a yoga mat in the way it folds out and also folds out to be a poster for the consumer. It’s a one of are new unique ways to market.
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
Company History (Start-up Plan) Our Start up plan is to start out with local festivals such as wanderlust, Harmony festival, Outsidelands selling a few products and to get the name out. Than get in contact with a few local yoga shops such as Zuda in midtown, and finally opening up are own boutique that also is a yoga studio.
The first year I plan to work
The second year we plan to
In 2015 we plan to rent out an
from home. This is the year
expand to the garage for more
office space in a building. With
we will start to get are name
room for extra employees. We
high demand and sells we plan to
out their via festivals.
also will expand are market and
keep selling to festival, and yoga
start selling to local yoga studios
studios but also open up are
such as Zuda and Asha Yoga in
very own store. While having a
larger staff working on designs in
Company Locations and Facilities
a upscale office building,
We will be located in Northern California Sacramento San Francisco Berkeley As we gain popularity we plan to expand to southern California.
Breathe 8769 Maranello Way Elk Grove, Ca 95624
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
St a r t- u p P l a n
1st Ye a r O v e r h e a d M o nt h
Ye a r
2n d Ye a r O v e r h e a d M o nt h
1st yr Goals:
We like to get our name known by traveling to festivals promot-
ing the products. Within the first year it will just be one person,
Maintenance Other
doing the designing and traveling. This is the year we work from
Car Payment
home therefore the rent will be relatively low.
Parking Maintenance
3rd yr Goals:
In our third year we plan to hire two part-time staff develop a
Ye a r
5t h Ye a r O v e r h e a d
Maintenance Other
Car Payment
Ye a r
M o nt h
Business Outline
Car Payment Parking
reputation by being involved in the local yoga studios. With more Office
demand we plan to keep the traveling to the festivals while trying
to open are market in the local Sacramento area. Appealing to locals will strengthen the customer relationship via events and social networking held by the local yoga studios. 5th yr Goals:
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone
other products, increase social networking/traffic Get voted as one
In our fifth year we plan to hire full-time staff as we generate an-
Equipment Subtotal
Mobile Phone
Equipment Subtotal
of best places to shop on City search and fashion magazines Get
featured in San Francisco travel & shopping guides Send press kits
to, and hold interviews with, top publication Make a profit
Lawyer Fee
Lawyer Fee
Lawyer Fee
Start-up costs have been primarily for inventory, trade shows festivals, marketing, Branding. Upon receiving a loan for the first
month of operation, the company is planning on extensive adver-
tising through the Internet as well as yoga and skate publications,
and sponsorship of community on-site events.
Rental Cars
Travel $300
Airfare Rental Cars
Total Overhead
Travel $800
Rental Cars
Total Overhead
Total Overhead
In order to develop my brand, I plan on pricing my products reletively low. Employees
This way my consumers are willing to pay the non established brand.
manager, sales rep, two inhouse designers and one freelancer.
$55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 0
By 2015 we plan to
expand not only in are sales but also in FREEELANCER
markting personal.
adding on a business
and also a part-time
to expand once again
designer, markerter
lowing 2013 we plan
on a part time intern
to expand and add
The creative director
out with just me as a
Within two years fal-
Within a year we plan
The company Starts
emplyess therefore increasing each emplyee’s wages.
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
Per s o n as Audience Profile We plan to market young women at first and branch out to men. We want to market the type of person that loves to do yoga on a daily basis. A person that likes to be outdoors. Likes to be in comfort yet fashionable. We are targeting college students due to the growing trend of ladies that wear yoga pants as a fashion statement rather than for usage. These women would be seen at yoga studios, they are in the age range of 20-28 years old, they are relaxed free spirited. They like to eat organic food and are into the environment, they enjoy the sunshine, and being able to just move around.
Answers: Tessa Outhyse
Ashley Nicole McKinney age 23
1) yes, the colors pair well.
1. Do you like these series of fabrics? Why or why not..
2) at jc penny or target
1. I like the patterns/colors
3) on a prom dress or bed spread
2. Target
2. What stores can you see this fabric collection in?
3.Exercise clothing
3. What products can you picture this fabric on? Tina Horton
Bart Firch
age 24
age 24
1. I mostly like the first two
1.) Yes because you made them,
2. Kohls or Target type of department stores, or maybe sports
2.) duh Yoga, like traditional garb,
stores if it’s on active wear
3.) clothes, web design, cards, the words at first glance remind me
3. Active wear or swimwear for the first one. It looks like it would
of sanskrit, so this could be inlet on traditional pants or blankets
look best on like sports-bra type of material, as opposed to cotton. The second one on summer dresses, where there are lots of crinkles. Or a decorative scarf. The other two on like, stationary and notebook covers. Just cuz the bubbles or whatever across look like writing sort of.
ALyssa Eustaquio
Ciandra Cole
age 25
age 21
1. i like orange and i like green, but this pairing is quite acidic. i
1.CHYEAH!! Mostly the top
prefer the swatches that are more orange than the top left
Calming colors. Interesting but not overwhelming patterns. Bot-
2. i agree with tina that this is something you would see on active
tom 2 are a liiittle on the busy side, though.
wear. so i can see this collection at a sporting goods store.
2. Kinda fancy yoga stores like Lulu Lemon or Lucy
3. I can see a lot of this being pattern on active ware like sports
3. Border on black yoga pants, exercise tanks, yoga mat, bathing
bras, anything lycra like stretch and with sheen.
suit, maybe a flowy skirt
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
Co m p et ive missio n st ate m ent s Pacsun Our mission is to be the leading lifestyle retailer of casual fashion apparel, footwear and accessories for teens. Our target customers are young men and women between the ages of 12 and 24. We believe our customers want to stay current with, or ahead of, fashion trends and continually seek newness in their everyday wear. We offer a complete wardrobe selection representing fashion trends considered timely by our target customers. Lucy So we decided to change that. lucy Activewear® was founded in 1999 in Portland, Oregon by a group of like-minded women who felt that workout wear should not only support your athletic pursuits, but should be stylish and flattering, too. All of our styles are designed and developed by women who do the activities we design for: yoga, running, training, exploring the outdoors, and traveling to your favorite destination. And that’s just scratching the surface: on our team we also have marathoners, triathletes,
lulu lemon
swimmers, tennis players, golfers, rock climbers, dancers, weight lifters, Pilates enthusiasts and even martial arts experts. We’re a passionate group, and our mission is to make clothes that fit and flatter you, your life, and your passion. Zumiez “We provide you with cutting edge clothing, footwear, accessories, DVDs, hard goods for skate and snow for active lifestyles. Everything we do revolves around the customer—you are the heart of our company.”
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
Pro d u c t O v e r v i e w
Product and Service Description As we lunch the line we will start up with a few products that
Pro d u c t s
include, crop tops, yoga mat bags, yoga pants, workout tanks,
Agni Crop top
Bahir Yoga bag
Ekagura Yoga pants
Ananda tank top
Jnana headband
Flowrider skateboard deck
PacSun $26.50
REI $23.00
Lucy $79.00
Lulu $52.00
Lucy $10.00
CSS $49.99
Bahir Yoga bag
Ekagura Yoga pants
Ananda tank top
Jnana headband
flowrider skateboard deck
headbands and skateboards to appeal to a wider audience. Strengths: Strong design concepts, innovative collaboration of styles along with lifestyle Weakness: Limited products sold, economic limitations. Threats: Rapid changing fashion trends, rising production costs. Opportunities: Expanding products to other areas. Expanding business to
Co m p et i o n
yoga studios and skate parks.
Design Concepting + refining = 6 hours for the design of the three fabrics. Digital + Finalizing = 11 hours If I was to pay myself $15 per hour for design the design total
Co st of s i n g l e it e m s
comes out to being = $225 Competitive Comparison We are competing aganist such brands like: a high end yoga line, yet they only offer clothing Manduka highend assoicory line for yoga, they only offer accose-
Agni Crop top Cost to design Cost of materials Cost of labor Price of item
rioes and we plan to have both. We are also realizing that extreme sports such as skateboarders are enjoying yoga and such a connection that more women are enjoying the feeling of being free on a
M at e r i a ls
skateboard. Breathe is going to be the one that connects the two. “But with my newly focused fountain of youth, I was steadfast knowing I’d take my time to shine in the long term. For me, my yoga practice needs to happen as soon as I wake up because it really sets up my day (and prevents me from looking goofy in public). I’ve never regretted going to yoga class; I’ve only regret-
1 yard (56” x 36”)
1 yard (42” x 36”)
1 yard (42” x 36”)
7 1/8”
Total Price
ted not going. I practice ashtanga yoga, which starts with the sun salutation. It really keeps me in touch with myself, my family, my friends, my skating, and these days, with the business side of
Co st of 5 0 0 (b u l k)
skateboarding. Yoga has been such a joyous part of my life. So seek out a yoga class. They’re not expensive and can make an incredible difference in your life.” —Matt
Future Products and Services In the future we plan to open up are own boutique with a yoga
Agni Crop top Cost to design Cost of materials Cost of labor Price of item Retail Price Profit
Bahir Yoga bag $225
Ekagura Yoga pants
Ananda tank top
Jnana headband
flowrider skateboard deck
$225 $36,425.00
$20.78 $30.00 $10.70
$18.90 $25.00 $6.10
$4.50 $55.00 $41.50
$22.33 $45.00 $21.67
$6.05 $8.00 $2.00
$73.30 $80.00 $7.80
studio on the side, while we can teach classes. In the years later sell more skateboards and open up a skatepark. Breathe will not just be something you can do, clothing wise but it will be a place to relax or enjoy a saturday afternoon.
Ste p h a n ie H o r v illeu r
Business Outline
This opportunity can become a reality.