Fill Me out for a tailored experience
I Need to Know a bit... With these Questions I can learn about you so to ensure that you absolutely learn something new & walk away from this unique workshop with the proof of your progress in hand
SO.. . ANSWER ME THIS . . . 1) Have you sewn Before Today? Y/N 2) I Can thread a needle use a sewing machine
sew on a button
thread a sewing machine
3) If you can use a sewing machine ... on a scale of 1-10 (one being simply threading the needle and 10 being able to create button holes, serge, work with different stitches) 4) At this workshop I am looking to _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5) If I could create anything at this workshop I would make ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 6) I would not mind attempting to finish my project at home !