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Stephanie Hempel

United States

R.I.P. Jim, Roger, Playlist 4, my heart, and whatever poor innocent soul is it today. Im a loner. Im broken hearted. Im a GEEK. Im scared of evvveeeeerything. Im being crushed by guys all across the country. Im clingy. Im creative. Im not easily embarrassed. Im smart when I feel like it, and dumb unintentionally. Im bad at telling jokes. Im an "artist" but so is everyone else. Im 6. Im 16. Im already planning my future children. Im GREAT at coloring. Im a constant status updater, my apologies. Im outgoing around some. Im very very quiet around others. Im a waste of mass,time, and energy. Im a poet,a speaker,and acto-ress. Im having a love affair with words. Im sensitive. Im annoying. Im moooody times 10. Im happy. Im "non-violent", not to mention wimpy. Im always wondering obscene things. Im curious like George. Im a monster. Im loving. Im hateful. Im at a loss of words. Im easily amused/entertained/inspired. Im independent, and Im starting over new. Im a picture taker (when I have camera batteries), spe
