Grains de sel - Foreign rights Catalog

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Les Éditions Grains de Sel is a publishing house with a singular journey. We started to publish Georges, an innovative bookzine for kids. Next came the adventure of our first picture books and comics. Our books and magazines share a common approach, both ambitious and playful, and an elegant but dynamic graphic design. Georges, that’s also an unconventional tone and a happy and joyful world. We are fascinated by contemporary illustration, by design, by typography, and we are working on every project with the greatest care. More than anything we believe in the natural curiosity of children. That’s why we offer them new aesthetic and editorial horizons.

—  Magazine

Ladies & Gentlemen, Georges is a high quality quarterly magazine for children from 8 to 12, innovative and fun. In each edition, you will find fun stories to read, many games, and crazy stuff to make! Georges is illustrated by a selection of renowned authors, graphic designers and international illustrators.

—  Magazine


Georges • 2014 • 60 pages - 2O x 26 cm - soft cover • 9,90 €


This Ghost number of Georges is a collector! Its phosphorescent cover glows in the dark, and you can colour every inside page of the magazine! Inside, you will find:

The Panpi & Gorri Horror Show, a lemur in a pedestrian underpass, a flying vessel, haunted clues to decrypt, magic formulas to translate, a sequel comics, a vampire to discuss with, a (haunted) floating island to cook…

With illustrations and texts

by Ophélie Bernaud, Vincent Jadot, Stéphanie Lasne, Séverin Millet, Jean-David Minseroux, Marie Novion, Marta Orzel, Arnaud Petzl, Anouk Ricard, Lili Scratchy, Renaud Vigourt, Wood Campers and Elena Xausa.

—  Magazine


Georges • 2014 • 60 pages - 2O x 26 cm - SOFT COVER • 8,90 €


In this Crane Number of Georges, you will find:

A travelling lemur, a tightrope walker in New-York… You will also have to count birds, observe carefully a queue, measure the buildings, solve puzzles about jobs, attend a Greek language course, and play the role of Spiderman…

With illustrations and texts

by Malena Arrighi, Séverine Assous, Aurélien Débat, Icinori, Vincent Jadot, Stéphanie Lasne, Séverin Millet, Jean-David Minseroux, Marie Novion, Marta Orzel, Alexandra Pichard, Small Studio, Studio Muti and Susana Robledo.

Les grues chargent, déchargent, pivotent et recommencent presque sans arrêt. Mais peut-être que de temps en temps, elles contemplent aussi :


le ballon jaune coincé à jamais sur le toit de la maison, le cerf-volant emmêlé à l’antenne de télévision,


nos meilleures cachettes au parc...


modules vitrés

poutrelles modules de façade

briques cheminée 12


—  Magazine


Georges • 2014 • 60 pages - 2O x 26 cm - SOFT COVER • 8,90 €


In this Sardine Number of Georges, you will find:

A Scottish shipwreck, a red Bluebeard, kilograms of fish to add up, a do-ityourself submarine, a few calligraphy drawings to reproduce, and a real sailor and a false pirate to meet…

With illustrations and texts

by Madalena Matoso and Isabel Minhos Martins, Wassim Boutaleb J., Anne-Lise Boutin, Cruschiform & Gazhole, Vincent Jadot, Stéphanie Lasne, Michoucas Design, Séverin Millet, Jean-David Minseroux, Mügluck, Marie Novion and Aurore Petit.

JEU n°


C’eST DaNS La BoîTe !

Illustration : Aurore Petit

Soizic, une cousine de Georges, collectionne les boîtes de sardines depuis plus de 10 ans. A. Voici à droite une partie de sa collection. Regarde bien les boîtes et réponds : 1. Toutes les sardines sont à l’huile. o vrai

2. Quatre boîtes sont à l’huile d’olive. o vrai

o faux

o faux

6. Au moins 5 de ces boîtes sont rectangulaires. o vrai

o faux

o faux

5. Une de ces boîtes a été fabriquée en 1885 mais elle doit être mangée avant 2036. o vrai

3. En tout, il y a 15 poissons dessinés sur les boîtes. o vrai

4. Le mot « sardine(s) » apparaît 7 fois. o vrai

o faux

o faux

B. Soizic a appris à Georges que chaque collection porte un nom. Découvre comment s’appelle la sienne mais aussi celles de ses amis collectionneurs, en décodant les mots ci-dessous.

=A =L

=B =M

=C =N




de sardines

Maurice : les cagoules






































La collection de Soizic s’appelle la :

Soizic : les boîtes




La collection de Maurice s’appelle la : =L





















La collection de Sonia s’appelle la :

La collection de Roman s’appelle la :

Sonia : les taille-crayons 26

Roman : les peignes 27

—  Magazine


Georges Compil’ • 2014 • 196 pages -  17 x 23 cm - SOFT COVER • 13,90 €

This 196 pages-compilation gathers 4 editions:



Jeux Histoires

Expériences scientifiques

BD Déguisements Cinéma


Cours de langue


11 stories of various lengths: long fictions, short stories, stories to follow, real stories or invented ones. 20 games to boggle your brain! 4 paper-toys to construct 19 miscellaneous headings: experiences, interviews about a job, cooking recipes, express language lessons, do it yourself, fancy dresses… Made by 13 great French and international authors and illustrators



JEU n°

Se FaiRe La MaLLe*

Illustration : Séverin Millet

Retrouve les 13 valises cachées dans l’image.



—  Magazine




M. Ravla

Mme Nusmi

M. Louichou

M. Pipo

Mlle Podecolle

M. Grolap

M. Temym

Mme Crispin

M. Banane

Mme Chougar

Mme Tagada

M. Patrick

M. Cheval

Mme Tinlu

Mlle Ulul




ge orge

M. Louichou

M. Pipo

Mlle Podecolle

M. Grolap

M. Temym

Mme Chougar

Mme Tagada

M. Patrick

i s-v lle

M. Ravla

Mme Nusmi



M. Louichou

M. Pipo

Mlle Podecolle

M. Grolap

M. Temym

Mme Chougar

Mme Tagada

M. Patrick

i s-v lle

M. Ravla

Mme Nusmi

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M. Patri ck

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M. Ravla


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Melle Mariochka

Melle Mariochka


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M. Cuèn-Tin

M. Cuèn-Tin

M. Mulot

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Mme Crispin

M. Banane

journal Scoop toujours !

M. Alucinato

Mme Mamouk

M. Mulot M. Cheval

Mme Tinlu

Mlle Ulul

Mme Crispin

M. Banane

journal Scoop toujours !

M. Alucinato

Mme Mamouk

M. Mulot M. Cheval

Mme Tinlu

Mlle Ulul

journal Scoop toujours !

Melle Mariochka

M. Alucinato

Mme Mamouk



Jeux Histoires

Expériences scientifiques

BD Déguisements Cinéma


Cours de langue



—  Magazine


Georges • • • • •

2014 60 pages  20 x 26 cm SOFT COVER 9,90 €

• • • • •

2014 60 pages  20 x 26 cm SOFT COVER 8,90 €

• • • • •

2014 60 pages  20 x 26 cm SOFT COVER 8,90 €

• • • • •

2014 60 pages  20 x 26 cm SOFT COVER 8,90 €

• • • • •

2013 60 pages  20 x 26 cm SOFT COVER 8,90 €

• • • • •

2013 60 pages  20 x 26 cm SOFT COVER 8,90 €

• • • • •

2013 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2013 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2012 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2012 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2012 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2012 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2011 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2011 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2012 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2012 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2011 52 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 6 €

• • • • •

2014 196 pages  17 x 23 cm SOFT COVER 13,90 €

—  Books

In the aftermath of Georges, we have published our first picture books. They are the results of wonderful encounters with talented authors and illustrators of Georges. We wanted to go further with them! Our first comics, activity books and picture books combine strong personal illustrative universes and sensitive stories. They invite children and adults to share a similar sense of curiosity, and a similar reading pleasure.

—  Books

Marie Novion

Panpi & Gorri • 2012 • 52 pages - 2O x 25 cm - HARD COVER • 12,50 €

Panpi & Gorri are cousins, and they spend their whole time together. They keep inventing intrepid

adventures. Alternately acrobats, private detectives, or explorers... Let’s follow these specialists of «home made adventures»! The picture book gathers long stories (4 pages), or short ones (strips or one picture gags). Here are two humorous characters, in a very vivid and delicate drawing. The 2d book of the series will be published in 2015.

—  Books

Chloé Perarnau

The Day When the Elephant • 2013 • 36 pages - 24 x 31 cm - HARD COVER • 16,50 €

Anna lives in Wuppertal, a city where a spectacular suspended monorail runs. One evening, during dinner, she hears at the radio that Tuffi, the elephant from the circus had been embarked on the train to announce the show… The elephant apparently did not enjoy the ride - he trumpeted wildly and ran through the wagon, broke through a window and fell down into the river below.

Anna decides to accompany Tuffi to the boat that will bring him back at home. This picture book is inspired by a true story that happened in 1950 at Wuppertal in Germany

—  Books

Julien Billaudeau

Nothing at All • 2014 • 40 pages - 18,5 x 25 cm - HARD COVER • 16 €

« At the beginning, there was nothing.

Nothing at all. Of course, yes, there was a couple of trees, but it was almost nothing. Birds perched in trees, a fox, a few rabbits... But nothing more. When Mr C. arrived, he thought that this was not enough. He thought there was nothing at all. » So Mr C. decided to add a street, and then a block of buildings, some groceries shops, a casino and some advertising signs…until the final power failure! “Nothing” or “everything” is a question of point of view in this clever story, built around the recurring word of “nothing”. Is the nature surrounding us everything or nothing? A high quality picture book and a text close to a song, to view the world from a higher perspective.

• Éditions Grains de Sel  • 75, rue Chaponnay 69003 Lyon - France • •

Foreign rights: • Stéphanie Vernet / The Picture Book Agency • 142, avenue Parmentier 75011 Paris - France • •

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