2022 Ladies of the Beartooths

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Jim & Andrea Stampfel - 406-780-1230


John & Laurie Carrel - 406-855-2832


Brian Barragree - 406-780-1219

Zane Barragree - 406-425-1720


Tim & Kris Todd - 406-220-1975


Joe Goggins, Auctioneer - 406-861-5664

Jeremy Roberts, Cattle Presentation - 406-850-4056

John Goggins, Western Ag Reporter - 406-698-4159

Kurt Kangas, American Angus Assoc. - 406-366-4190

Jeff Thomas - 406-581-8859


Mike Marlow, Marlow Cattle Service’s - 405-880-0108

Don Ravelette, RPI Productions - 605-685-5147

Glenn Davis, Special Assignment – 219-776-7584



If you will not be able to attend the auction and you would like to be on the phone for absentee bidding or if you would like to leave a bid, contact the sale staff.


Truckers believed to be reliable, will be available to assist you in shipping your purchases.


Cattle sell under the terms and conditions of the American Angus Association.


posted prior to


bidding is


at www.CCi.live.

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not necessary to view the auction live stream.

CATTLE CAN BE VIEWED NOW THROUGH SALE DAY! •All Pine Coulee cows will be at the historic Beartooth Ranch at 27 Beartooth Ranch Rd, Columbus, MT 59019
Sale videos will be posted on sale website. www. beartoothladies.com
Will be
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Sale Schedule OCTOBER 20TH, 2022 HISTORIC BILLINGS DEPOT 2310 Montana Avenue - Billings, Montana 59101 SOCIAL 6:00 PM // SALE 7:00 PM Plan to grab a bite to eat, have some drinks, stay and socialize with us!
Sale Partners Mike & Heather Marlow 8618 S. Western Road • Perkins, OK 74059 405.880.0108 • marlowcpc@gmail.com Scan here for video footage “Cattle with Grit”


Every year, we look forward to having the opportunity to showcase our programs to you in one of the most elite sale locations Billings has to offer, the Historic Downtown Billings Depot! The crowd has been full of friends and fellow breeders, the support has been unbelievable, and we are forever thankful. The cattle in this offering are practical, in realistic working condition, and are ready to work in any condition across the country. That is our guarantee. Please join us on October 20th at 6pm for social hour, followed by


If you are at the NILE Stock Show through the week, come by and visit about the cattle + grab a catalog at the Ladies of the Beartooths booth, right next to the show ring!

See you this fall, Pine Coulee & Guests


Mike & Heather Marlow 8618 S. Western Road • Perkins, OK 74059 405.880.0108 • marlowcpc@gmail.com

We invite everyone to attend the 6th Annual Ladies of the Beartooths Female Production Sale. It is 100% a dream to work with such a passionate group of families! Immediately you feel at home and welcomed. Ranchers that literally make their living at producing quality seedstock that not only work for a living, but they thrive. It hasn’t been ideal conditions across the country, and I can tell you firsthand these cattle have had to hustle to find the grass before the grasshoppers got to it first! That being said, as we drove and walked pastures this summer and fall, it hit me hard that this group of breeders had all designed an Angus female to work for them not vise versa. The kind that dig through snow, travel across several hundred acres of hills and mountains to find grass to eat, as well as bred back timely and get a calf to the finish line! What I call cattle with “GRIT”. The kind of seedstock that will make you money in the pasture through highly productive females that lay a foundation for success. I have watched this sale, as well as helped consult, and have seen these females go to different parts of the country and have firsthand witnessed other breeders manage these females into their operations with great success. Whether it be Angus breeders to Simmental as well as other breeds. These Montana born and raised females WORK. It’s my pleasure to help market Ladies of the Beartooths genetics. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of us. We look forward to seeing you October 20th in Billings, Montana. Please swing by and preview the sale offering any time prior to the sale.

- Mike



This female will captivate your attention immediately. With the extra style and eye appeal she carries and the amount of thickness and power she transmits will blow your mind. Her huge top and perfect square hip along with her massive amount of rib shape and she caps it off with a beautiful front 1/3 with excellent udder quality. Her dam, Pine Coulee Black Annie U7, has blazed a trail of stardom through most all of our past sales. U7 has been a top producer here at Pine Coulee Angus for several years. Her sons and daughters have consistently topped our sales year in and year out. She sold as a highlight lot in our 2018 Ladies of the Beartooths Sale and has 5 natural calves with a birth ratio of 5 @96, weaning ratio of 5 @110 and a yearling ratio of 4 @108. U7 is a cowboy’s kind of female that passes on a ton of muscle and style with good feet, udder, and excellent disposition. G11 is here to carry the torch as a spitting image of her dam. G11 is as powerful and three dimensional as you can make one and is everything we believe in here at Pine Coulee Angus Ranch. The kind to take you to the next level. Selling 50% embryo interest only. Will have calf at side by sale time by Pine Coulee Drifter G372 Reg# 19494135

U7 Dam of Lot 1 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 7
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RENOWN 3439 #+*17633839 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Onward PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE U7 +*16767556 War Hill Blackbone Annie RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 GAR Expectation 4915 VT 6807 Traveler S32 Pine Coulee Black Annie G111 dob. 1/19/19 COW +*19494135 tattoo. G11 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / 0.23 3 / 0.3 64 / 0.28 114 / 0.25 23 / 0.29 50


This phenomenal female has donor potential written all over and is from the heart of Pine Coulee Angus Ranch. As we were going through the sale cattle this summer, I had to do some major convincing on Jim to let this one go. She is what we call an ideal Angus female. Just a massive amount of rib shape, huge level top, basically wide bodied from every angle. An excellent hip and hind leg, loaded with muscle with an extra shot of eye appeal from front to back. Not only her phenotype is on point, but she is also a direct daughter of the Great Pine Coulee Ever Entense X64, a past feature at the Ladies of the Beartooths Sale. I can’t say enough about this female, she will absolutely put you on your heels as soon as you lay eyes on her. She’s got a look which captures your attention immediately. Don’t hesitate on this great female stemming back to the excellent maternal line Entense 2198 and the N BAR Ext, Everelda Entense 1137. G24 herself is just getting started with a birth ratio of 1 @96 and weaning ratio of 1 @105. We are retaining one

of a minimum of 8 embryos at the seller’s expense and buyer’s convenience. She will have a calf on her side by sale time, sired by Beartooth Saga 059. Selling one half interest with

option to double the purchase price to own 100%. SAV Harvestor 0338 SAV CUTTING EDGE 4857 +*17923290 SAV Blackcap May 5530 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 PINE COULEE EVER ENTENSE X64 +*16989334 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 SAV Heritage 6295 SAV Emblynette 7749 BCC Bushwacker 41-93 SAV May 7238 Jauer 7111 Traveler 353 719 Jauer 6807 Traveler 27 085 N Bar Emulation EXT Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Pine Coulee Ever Entense G242 dob. 1/8/19 COW +*19493455 tattoo. G24 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 1 / 0.19 4.7 / 0.29 55 / 0.27 101 / 0.25 24 / 0.26 37 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 9



DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 Service Sire for Lot 3 OFFERED
ANGUS This donor prospect is loaded with phenotype and is a great producer. She is big hipped, wide based and stands on near perfect feet with excellent udder quality. She is a true pleasure to handle, super easy going. 28D is backed by elite maternal genetics like a double shot of BAR EXT Traveler and N BAR Emulation EXT along with SAV Net Worth and 9FB3 to name a few. This flawless made female is sure to change the game with an extremely level top line, massive amount of rib shape, perfect throughout her hip and hind leg and beautiful feminine front end. Her BR 3 @97 WR 3 @107 and YR of 1 @102. She is bred to calve 1/10/2023 to DUFF Real Deal 19115 with a sexed bull calf. Her 2022 bull calf is being retained for the spring bull sale. SAV Net Worth 4200 PINE COULEE WORTH W121 16515040 B5 Patsy Ann 223 Pine Coulee EXT U302 CANDY 751 OF SA 7Y 18147608 Pine Coulee Candy 751 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2410 BAR Ext Traveler 205 B5 Patsy Ann 086 N Bar Emulation EXT Blevins Erica 9FB3 6041 WK Special Addition 4295 Miss Lantana Candy 12R Pine Coulee Candy 28D3 dob. 2/14/16 COW *18905225 tattoo. 28D CED BW WW YW MILK $W 9 / 0.12 -0.5 / 0.22 33 / 0.18 62 / 0.15 30 / 0.18 41 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 11
“Full sisters to 680 have made their mark in the Angus breed in some of the most renowned Angus operations in the US. 680 has done the same for GMAR with her added rib and dimension that sets her apart from her sisters” -Glenn Davis.

Coming straight from the heart of Green Mountain Angus Ranch a donor that has built an unstoppable foundation. She checks all the boxes across every board. She’s got added length of spine along with a massive top. Her offspring have topped our female and bull sales every year. This female has been proven the work is done buy with confidence. Sells short bred to Baldridge Flagstone F111 and ready to IVF.

OFFERED BY. GREEN MOUNTAIN ANGUS RANCH A deep bodied easy keeping female sired by the top semen selling stud from the Select Sires AI lineup, Deer Valley Growth Fund. This this heifer has so much extra rib shape and body for a calf. An excellent opportunity to buy some cutting-edge genetics. Her dam THM Lady Innovation 3189/6 has been an elite donor for Green Mountain Angus. GMAR LADY GROWTH FUND 100J Sells as Lot 4A Connealy Impression MAR INNOVATION 251 #*16983331 MAR Final Kahuna 856 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 RB LADY COMPLETE 890-3189 +*17832473 RB Lady Standard 305-890 Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 SAV Final Answer 0035 MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674 CF Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 LCC New Standard BA Lady 6807 305 THM Lady Innovation 3189-6804 dob. 10/28/16 COW +*18900743 tattoo. 680 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 0 / 0.36 2.2 / 0.54 66 / 0.44 116 / 0.39 31 / 0.35 67 Basin Payweight 1682 DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND +*18827828 Deer Valley Rita 36113 MAR Innovation 251 THM LADY INNOVATION 3189-680 +*18900743 RB Lady Complete 890-3189 Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Deer Valley Rita 9457 Connealy Impression MAR Final Kahuna 856 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 RB Lady Standard 305-890 GMAR Lady Growth Fund 100J4a dob. 11/20/21 COW +*20348402 tattoo. 100J CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / 0.36 1.1 / 0.52 73 / 0.44 133 / 0.39 40 / 0.33 83 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 13

Here’s a proven donor female with a classic maternal pedigree. This daughter of the great SH forever Lady 0337 sold as lot 13 for $25,000 in the very first Ladies of the Beartooths Sale. A37, a Sinclair Fortunate Son, daughter has the same look and overall balance as her dam. She adds even more femininity and length of spine with a beautiful front 1/3. The Fortunate Son daughters are really making exceptional cows and this is one of our best. Proven forage efficient and maternal with a load of style. Sells bred on 4/1/2022 SAV Resource 1441 and pasture exposed to BCC Exclusive 101H Reg# 19835852. Examined safe.


A daughter of the popular SAV Resource 1441. 104J can be admired for the added femininity, level design and well-balanced look she offers to complement her elite pedigree. Her dam, the great Pine Coulee Forever Lady A37, has been a longtime donor for Pine Coulee as well as H-C. A37 has been a potent donor, which is no secret coming from her powerful and maternal genetic makeup. The Forever Lady cow family’s pedigree breeds true, notorious for marking daughters with perfect udders, added length of spine, and feminine front 1/3. 104J is beautifully balanced with plenty of rib shape and muscle while still being smooth throughout her body lines. Look for this young spring bred heifer to make a big impact. Bred to calve 2/1/2023 to Werner Flat Top 4136 Reg# 18094501. With a sexed bull calf. Examined safe.

SH FOREVER LADY 0337 Dam of Lot 5 JC FOREVER LADY 104J Sells as Lot 5a Sinclair Emulate 7XT28 SINCLAIR FORTUNATE SON #*16648841 Sinclair Blackbird 2P8 7079 SAV Bismarck 5682 SH FOREVER LADY 0337 16943181 Boyd Forever Lady 5205 Sinclair Extra 4X13 Sinclair Blackbird 20F3 6417 N Bar Prime Time D806 Rito 707 of Ideal 089 7076 GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 DHD Traveler 6807 Boyd Forever Lady 811 Pine Coulee Forever Lady A375 dob. 1/3/13 COW *17726206 tattoo. A37 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 8 / 0.26 1.1 / 0.45 46 / 0.36 86 / 0.28 27 / 0.31 50 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RESOURCE 1441 #+*17016597 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Sinclair Fortunate Son PINE COULEE FOREVER LADY A37 *17726206 SH Forever Lady 0337 RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 Sinclair Emulate 7XT28 Sinclair Blackbird 2P8 7079 SAV Bismarck 5682 Boyd Forever Lady 5205 JC Forever Lady 104J5a dob. 12/24/20 COW *20187415 tattoo. 104J CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+5 / 0.05 I+2.6 / 0.05 I+58 / 0.05 I+109 / 0.05 I+22 / 0.05 49 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 15

This big-time donor female is the ultimate in so many aspects. Starting with her excellent phenotype and overall balance along with near perfect udder that you come to expect, stemming back to the great N Bar Emulation EXT and the foundation female producer Rito 6i6 as well as the great Majesty and Blackcap cow family. These Resource daughters have really excelled and thrived on the mountain range here at the Beartooth Mountains through their practical offspring that will absolutely get a calf to the finish line. D35 has been flushed IVF twice and froze 17 and 15 embryos respectively. She has had 1 conventional flush and transferred 18 embryos on top of her outstanding birth ratio of


@104 and

YR 1 @107. D35 has been a great producer across the board earning her way into the donor pen the old-fashioned way with her combination of excellent phenotype and maternal quality. She is bred to calve 2/22/2023 to Pine Coulee Frontier H527


calf at side is being retained for our spring bull sale.

WR 3
with a sexed heifer
Her bull
PINE COULEE BLACKCAP MHD35 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RESOURCE 1441 #+*17016597 SAV Blackcap May 4136 N Bar Emulation EXT SH BLACKCAP MCHENRY 9333 17155592 Sinclair Blackcap M 2Q11 0P6 RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Primrose 2424 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Majesty 0P6 of D806 8916 Pine Coulee Blackcap McH D356 dob. 1/26/16 COW +*18600712 tattoo. D35 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 4 / 0.24 2 / 0.31 58 / 0.28 106 / 0.25 23 / 0.32 51 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 16

Blairs’s External Law has a phenotype that is second to none, massive hip, extreme amount of rib and body, with added bone while standing on excellent feet. His dam is a past Canadian Western Agribition Champion Female. She has excellent phenotype with a perfect udder all wrapped up in a proven genetic package that has truly made an impact on several operations across the globe. External Law’s first calf crop has exceeded our expectations producing sons like $100,000 Duff Discovery 2136 selling in 2022 Power Plus Bull Sale. Guaranteed 2 pregnancies.


Great outcross genetics, adds an abundance of muscle, length, excellent structure, maternal excellence, with perfect foot quality. Backed by decades of predictability bred into him. Guaranteed 2 pregnancies. BC Surveyor 680D BC ROBUST 0807 18456252 BC 327-8 CP Belle 0-807 SAV Resource 1441 PINE COULEE BLACKCAP MCHD35 +*18600712 SH Blackcap McHenry 9333 BC Eagle Eye 110-7 BC 2266 Prides Lass 4132 680 BC Pure Pride 327-8 BC 607 CP Belle MF 807 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 N Bar Emulation EXT Sinclair Blackcap M 2Q11 0P6 Pine Coulee Blackcap McH D35 embryos6c Six (6) IVF Embryos Duff Napoleon 232 BLAIRS EXTERNAL LAW +*19639203 Bar-E-L Erica 74A SAV Resource 1441 PINE COULEE BLACKCAP MCHD35 +*18600712 SH Blackcap McHenry 9333 Duff Distinction 9105 Duff Eur 443 Merle 808 Bar-E-L Natural Law 52Y HF Erica 339T Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 N Bar Emulation EXT Sinclair Blackcap M 2Q11 0P6 Pine Coulee Blackcap McH D35 embryos6a Four (4) Conventional Embryos CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / .23 3.0 / .55 41 / .42 69 / .28 17 / .15 30 4 / .24 2.0 / .31 58 / .28 106 / .25 23 / .32 51 S D CED BW WW YW MILK $W 4 / .40 1.6 / .85 63 / .80 90 / .72 10 / .129 50 4 / .24 2.0 / .31 58 / .28 106 / .25 23 / .32 51 S D OFFERED
ANGUS Coleman Glacier 041 offers an outstanding genetic and visual package with his herd bull look and presence, and with his pedigree. He has explosive growth, ranking in the top 15% ofthe breed for weaning and yearling, while complimenting this with maternal genetics that rank him in the top 5% of the breed for $M. He blends the best of the Rito 707 lineage and stems from a very productive Pathfinder dam, Coleman Donna 4391, who has powerful dimension and has ratios of BR 5/93, NR 5/107, and YR 5/106. Guaranteed 2 pregnancies. SAV Renown 3439 COLEMAN GLACIER 041 +*19866409 Coleman Donna 439 SAV Resource 1441 PINE COULEE BLACKCAP MCHD35 +*18600712 SH Blackcap McHenry 9333 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 GDAR Game Day 449 Coleman Donna 714 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 N Bar Emulation EXT Sinclair Blackcap M 2Q11 0P6 Pine Coulee Blackcap McH D35 embryosSix (6) IVF Embryos6b CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / .36 2.4 / .52 73 / .43 130 / .39 29 / .35 68 4 / .24 2.0 / .31 58 / .28 106 / .25 23 / .32 51 S D LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 17

Here’s balanced and complete, very easy on the eyes, performance powered donor female that will absolutely produce pounds to the ground. These highly efficient performance driven females are getting hard to come by. Females like this will raise females and sons that will top sales consistently with ease, with so much power, mass and length of spine with extra width over their tops and do it efficiently. C135 has been flushed twice, freezing 10 and 19 respectively. This cow has never missed and records BR 3@104, WR 3@108, and YR 3@111. Her 2021 natural son, J315, was a top seller in the Pine Coulee Bulls March 2022 sale to a registered breeder. Sells open with calf at side. C135 is just hitting her prime and ready to flush.

PINE COULEE BLACKBIRD C135 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RESOURCE 1441 #+*17016597 SAV Blackcap May 4136 GAR Grid Maker PINE COULEE BLACKBIRD W10 16766778 MAR Blackbird 8067 RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 Sitz Traveler 8180 Jolly R Blackbird 184A Pine Coulee Blackbird C1357 dob. 2/4/15 COW 18317481 tattoo. C135 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / 0.37 4.1 / 0.57 62 / 0.5 117 / 0.45 25 / 0.41 45 Duff-JC 4Real 16250 DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 *19963120 Duff Queen 0570 3570 SAV Resource 1441 PINE COULEE BLACKBIRD C135 18317481 Pine Coulee Blackbird W10 Duff Napoleon 232 Duff Amigo 927K Juanada 071 SA Ranch Hand 8185 075 Duff Queen Mother 5146 0570 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 GAR Grid Maker MAR Blackbird 8067 Pine Coulee Blackbird K5487a dob. 7/25/22 COW *20435404 tattoo. K548 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+5 / 0.05 I+2.2 / 0.05 I+51 / 0.05 I+90 / 0.05 I+18 / 0.05 40 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 18

Another extremely attractive female loaded with phenotype and excellent maternal genetics that has stood the test of time. The Emulation and Traveler combination have been proven to work in the pasture along with added efficiency, producing seed stock with maternal and longevity. E44, sired by the proven female producer SAV Renown 3439. This female herself is very stylish with a perfect udder, excellent top line and loaded with extra rib shape and body capacity. Going back to the proven Everelda Entense 1137, her dam, Pine Coulee Entense 1515 had a birth ratio 8 @97 weaning ratio at 8 @104, yearling ratio of 3 @105. E44 herself has an excellent production record as well, with a birth ratio of 3 @91 weaning ratio of 3 @104 and a yearling ratio of 2 @104. This great female has extra extension, femininity, and a very quiet disposition. She is destined to be a foundation female in anyone’s herd. She’s the don’t miss kind. She sells bred to calve 2/7/23 to Beartooth Saga 059 Reg# 19780424 with a sexed bull.

Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RENOWN 3439 #+*17633839 SAV Blackcap May 4136 DHD Traveler 6807 PINE COULEE ENTENSE T515 +*16564139 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 N Bar Emulation EXT Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Pine Coulee Entense E448 dob 1/27/17 COW +*18988002 tattoo. E44 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 8 / 0.25 0.3 / 0.32 47 / 0.29 89 / 0.27 27 / 0.31 45 Musgrave 316 Stunner PINE COULEE DRIFTER G372 +*19651208 Pine Coulee Ever Entense X64 SAV Renown 3439 PINE COULEE ENTENSE E44 +*18988002 Pine Coulee Entense T515 LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 DHD Traveler 6807 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 Pine Coulee Entense K1238a dob 1/6/22 COW *20427912 tattoo. K123 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+7 / 0.05 I+1.6 / 0.36 I+54 / 0.33 I+93 / 0.05 I+29 / 0.17 52 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 19

J44 has true Angus character from nose to tail, along with being extremely feminine made, level top line, beautiful front 1/3 and an excellent proven pedigree. Being a daughter of our up-and-coming foundation donor for the Dixie Erica cow family, Pine Coulee Dixie Erica F202. J44 is her first natural calf, our second natural calf is selling in the calf division. Keep an eye out for this great cow family as they make a lot of headway in the future here at Pine Coulee Angus ranch. Due to calve 1/9/2023 to Pine Coulee Foundation H308 with a sexed bull calf.

If you study her pedigree, it is one that will absolutely put a smile on your face. She combines an angular smooth body type and slick clean front 1/3. This heifer has serious potential in the show ring as well as in the pasture. K62 caught my eye immediately. I noticed the way her neck was connected to the top of her shoulders. She is feminine and awesome throughout her top line and square as you can get. K62’s dam is one that you’re going to see a lot of coming down the pipe here at Pine Coulee Angus Ranch. She’s been an excellent producer. She’s one of those kinds that does not miss. If you trace back, you’ll see Coleman Dixie Erica and the great Leachman Right Time Dixie Erica. Very unique pedigreed female right here that will absolutely take you to the next level and should be a big-time potential donor female in the future. Sells open.

SAV Rainfall 6846 SQUARE B ATLANTIS 8060 +*19405249 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 OCC Juneau 807J PINE COULEE DIXIE ERICA F202 +*19496420 Coleman Dixie Erica 8273 Coleman Charlo 0256 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Consensus Elbasta of Conanga 9703 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 903E Leachman Right Time Coleman Dixie Erica 143 Pine Coulee Dixie Erica J449 dob. 1/2/21 COW *20006081 tattoo. J44 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 7 / 0.24 0.4 / 0.35 59 / 0.3 104 / 0.29 23 / 0.12 54 Coleman Charlo 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 +*18734838 Coleman Donna 714 OCC Juneau 807J PINE COULEE DIXIE ERICA F202 +*19496420 Coleman Dixie Erica 8273 OCC Paxton 730P Bohi Abigale 6014 Connealy Onward Coleman Donna 386 OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Dixie Erica 903E Leachman Right Time Coleman Dixie Erica 143 Pine Coulee Dixie Erica K629a dob. 1/19/22 COW *20288441 tattoo. K62 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+10 / 0.05 I-2.0 / 0.38 I+67 / 0.35 I+104 / 0.05 I+22 / 0.26 75 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 20 PINE COULEE BRED HEIFERS

This is powerhouse spring bred heifer sired by the proven female producer SAV Renown 3439. 1J is loaded with overall body mass, plenty of muscle throughout her top line and down her lower stifle, combined with a beautiful front 1/3. Extreme donor potential here! Her dam, Pine Coulee Barbara 516, has an incredible birth ratio of 8 @104 weaning ratio at 7 @102 and yearling ratio 3 @103 respectively. 516 has proven longevity as she is still in production at 16 years of age, her udder and feet are still in excellent condition. We look for 1J to mature into a powerful cow and still maintain her feminine look and potentially be a very potent donor. 1J’s maternal sister, Pine Coulee Barbara 3H, was a feature in the 2021 Ladies of the Beartooths sale. We are retaining one future flush of a minimum of 6 transferable embryos at the seller’s expense and buyers’ convenience. Due to calve 1/10/23 to Pine Coulee Frontier H572 with a bull calf.

Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RENOWN 3439 #+*17633839 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Leachman Right Time SCR BARBARA 516 15037637 JR Barbara 052I RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 N Bar Emulation EXT Leachman Erica 0025 High Valley 4C6 Ambush JR Barbara 029B Pine Coulee Barbara 1J10 dob. 1/10/21 COW +*20235460 tattoo. 1J CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+1 / 0.05 I+1.3 / 0.05 I+50 / 0.05 I+87 / 0.05 I+27 / 0.05 50 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 21
OFFERED BY. PINE COULEE ANGUS Long term I believe this daughter of the super-efficient Coleman Knight 209 has what it takes to be a big-time donor production female. As you study this daughter of one of our leading donor females, Pine Coulee Everelda W77, you’ll see just how stout, super deep bodied, and smooth she really is. Truly a complete package female loaded with a remarkable pedigree from top to bottom. W77 breeds true, all her daughters look very similar to her as far as the overall makeup of body mass and maternal characteristics. She has eight natural calves with a birth ratio of 8 @104, a weaning ratio of 8 @104 and yearling ratio of 5 @101. That being said, Pine Coulee Angus has several direct daughters on the ranch and are consistently top producers across the board. Sells due to calf 1/9/2023 to W S Sunrise Executive Law 507 H with a sexed heifer calf. RR Rito 707 COLEMAN KNIGHT 209 +*17255860 Coleman Donna 714 SAV Net Worth 4200 PINE COULEE EVERELDA W77 +*16767770 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 Rito N Bar Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3 Connealy Onward Coleman Donna 386 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2410 N Bar Emulation EXT Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Pine Coulee Everelda 2J11 dob. 1/10/21 COW +*20228009 tattoo. 2J CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+4 / 0.05 1.6 / 0.35 43 / 0.31 67 / 0.25 21 / 0.23 40 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 22

Here’s a daughter of the ever popular $450,000 Coleman Bravo 6313. J56 was hand-picked for this years sale for her style, eye appeal, and massive amount of rib shape and body. Additionally, she has a classic Angus head along with a super feminine body style and stands on solid feet. J56 has all the Angus characteristics you can ask for in a nice all-around package. Due to calve 3/9/2023 to Pine Coulee Cattleman H557 with a sexed bull calf.

Straight out of the heart of the program this female has been a favorite in our replacement pen all year. She may very well be one of my favorite bred heifers of the fall sale. Powerful with a gorgeous pattern, she’s wedge shaped, beautiful fronted, very feminine, and comes from about as good of cow family as we have to offer at the ranch. She has a perfect hip and hind leg, massive body shape, an extra shot of bone and foot size, her overall design puts her at the top of the heap. Her dam, Pine Coulee Everelda W3, was a big-time feature in our donor pen. She had a birth ratio of 10 @100 a nursing ratio of 10 @107 and a yearling ratio of 6 @108. This donor female gets it done across the board, dots every i and slashes every t. J20 is a maternal sister to Pine Coulee Hannibal H316, which has been used heavily the last two years here at Pine Coulee Angus ranch and Arntzen Angus ranch, proven and predictable. Due to calve 2/1/23 to Duff Real Deal 19115 with a sexed bull calf.

PINE COULEE EVERELDA J20 Sells as Lot 13 PINE COULEE EVERELDA H5 Sold as Lot 41 in the 2021 Ladies sale. PINE COULEE HANNIIBAL H316 Full brother to Lot 13 Coleman Charlo 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 +*18734838 Coleman Donna 714 Pine Coulee Battle W815 PINE COULEE FOREVER LADY Z24 *17415784 KCS Forever Lady 4934 OCC Paxton 730P Bohi Abigale 6014 Connealy Onward Coleman Donna 386 SAV Net Worth 4200 War Hill Blackbone Annie DHD Traveler 6807 Pine Coulee Forever Ldy 2B66 Pine Coulee Forever Lady J5612 dob. 1/14/21 COW *20003039 tattoo. J56 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 7 / 0.23 3 / 0.36 44 / 0.32 86 / 0.3 24 / 0.2 32 Musgrave 316 Stunner PINE COULEE DRIFTER G372 +*19651208 Pine Coulee Ever Entense X64 Connealy Onward PINE COULEE EVERELDA W3 16767554 Pine Coulee Everelda 2B77 LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 Bon View Bando 598 BT Everelda Entense 76D Pine Coulee Everelda J2013 dob. 1/10/21 COW +*20003043 tattoo. J20 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+7 / 0.05 I+1.7 / 0.05 I+57 / 0.05 I+102 / 0.05 I+31 / 0.05 58 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 23
Here’s a daughter of the proven sire Coleman Resolve 7219. J41 has an impressive overall phenotype with a smooth front 1/3, plenty of rib shape and flawless structure. Her dam, Coleman Donna 1270, has a ton of performance starting with birth ratio of 3 @103 weaning ratio of 3 @114 yearling ratio of 3 @111. A direct daughter of the great KMK Donna J311 who is the dam of Coleman Donna 714. Due to calve 2/1/2023 to Pine Coulee Frontier H527 with a sexed heifer calf. OFFERED BY. PINE COULEE ANGUS Stunning daughter here of Pine Coulee Drifter G372. With an excellent profile, abundance of length of spine and a near perfect hip combined with a beautiful balanced look. J78 has all the bells and whistles that ring true foundation genetics. Stemming back to the great Pine Coulee Black Annie U7, a foundation donor that helped build the heart and foundation of Pine Coulee Angus. Pine Coulee Black Annie U7 has birth ratio of 6 @103 weaning ratio of 6 @107 and a yearling ratio of 2 @109. Due to calve 1/10/2023 to Ingram Intensity 0030 with a sexed bull calf. PINE COULEE BRED HEIFERS COLEMAN DONNA 1270 Dam of Lot 14 KMK DONNA J311 Granddam of Lot 14 PINE COULEE DONNA J41 Sells as Lot 14 SAV Renown 3439 COLEMAN RESOLVE 7219 +*19102305 Coleman Donna 714 SAV Final Answer 0035 COLEMAN DONNA 1270 #+*17185312 KMK Donna J311 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Onward Coleman Donna 386 Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 DHD Traveler 6807 Brooks Donna 319 Pine Coulee Donna J4114 dob. 1/12/21 COW +*20201045 tattoo. J41 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+4 / 0.05 I+2.4 / 0.05 I+65 / 0.05 I+112 / 0.05 I+29 / 0.05 64 Musgrave 316 Stunner PINE COULEE DRIFTER G372 +*19651208 Pine Coulee Ever Entense X64 Mc Cumber Rito Rolette 1108 PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE A51 +*17616045 Pine Coulee Black Annie U7 LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 Sinclair Entrepreneur 8R101 B Pride 636 of Mc Cumber Connealy Onward War Hill Blackbone Annie Pine Coulee Black Annie J7815 dob. 1/28/21 COW *20201054 tattoo. J78 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 4 / 0.18 3.1 / 0.36 62 / 0.31 107 / 0.27 28 / 0.14 53 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 24
BALDRIDGE FLAGSTONE F411 Sire of Lots 16, 17 & 18 OFFERED BY. GREEN MOUNTAIN ANGUS J043 offers practicality in a high-quality package. She is a high-capacity female, that’s moderate framed, with plenty of power. This Baldrige Flagstone F411 daughter exhibits massive rib shape derived from the dam of flagstone, Baldrige Isabel Y69. J043’s individual performance records a birth weight of 67 pounds, birth weight ratio of 94 -205-day weight at 679 pounds with a weaning ratio of 99 with 7 contemporaries. J043 has a scrotal EPD of + 1.03. and the highest marbling EPD of all the GMAR heifers being offered. To go along with all this heifer’s stellar performance, her dam GMAR Foundation B059 has a birth ratio of 6 @ 95 and nursing ratio of 5 @ 106. Her granddam, JVC Altune of Conanga 803, is a full sister to Connelly Onward and has been a potent donor at GMAR. J043 has single digit genomic scores for weaning weight, yearling weight, docility, and claw traits. Due to calve 2/2/2023 to Sitz Stellar 726D with a sexed bull calf. Examined safe. Hoover No Doubt BALDRIDGE FLAGSTONE F411 +*19478642 Baldridge Isabel Y69 Musgrave Foundation GMAR FOUNDATION B059 17791649 JVC Altune of Conanga 803 Mogck Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Styles Upgrade J59 Baldridge Isabel T935 Kesslers Frontman R001 MCATL Blackcap Juara 29-434 Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 GMAR Flagstone J04316 dob 1/27/21 COW 20011684 tattoo. J043 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 1 / 0.3 2.5 / 0.5 71 / 0.43 128 / 0.34 31 / 0.27 69 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 25
OFFERED BY. GREEN MOUNTAIN ANGUS J031 has all the extra added volume you could ask for while still balancing femininity. This Baldrige Flagstone F411 daughter has a level hip and perfect amount of style. J031 individual performance records a birth weight of 72 pounds, 692 pounds at 205 days and a weaning ratio of 101 with 7 contemporaries. This visually impressive Flagstone daughter reads as good as she looks, the top 4% for claw and top 1% for angle. The Flagstone progeny have brought nothing but success to Green Mountain Angus Ranch, just last year they were the highest selling sire group in our 2021 Bull Sale. Due to calve 2/2/2023 to Sitz Stellar 726D with a sexed heifer calf. Examined safe. GMAR FLAGSTONE J031 Hoover No Doubt BALDRIDGE FLAGSTONE F411 +*19478642 Baldridge Isabel Y69 VAR Reserve 1111 GMAR RESERVE C347 18112736 Gmar Final Answer Y01 Mogck Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Styles Upgrade J59 Baldridge Isabel T935 B/R New Day 454 Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 SAV Final Answer 0035 Gmar 6I6 Lady 5006 GMAR Flagstone J03117 dob 1/26/21 COW 20011677 tattoo. J031 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / 0.33 2.5 / 0.54 76 / 0.45 133 / 0.37 31 / 0.29 73 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 26

Another daughter of the very popular Baldrige Flagstone F411. J069 balances extra length of spine and high-volume body capacity to give you the ideal phenotype. She offers cutting edge genetics as Flagstone leads the pack as the only bull in the breed that’s top 1%, for docility, claw and foot angle EPDs. Along with J069 phenotypic package, she carries a single digit genomic score for claw and carcass weight right along with that her scrotal EPD is a +1.70. Due to calve 2/2/2023 to Sitz Stellar 726D with a bull calf. Examined safe.

A performance packed, femininely balanced, powerful daughter of GAR Ashland. J080 is genetically loaded with growth and power top and bottom. J080 combines the added rib shape and volume with an attractive profile. Her individual performance records a birth weight of 60 pounds, birth weight ratio of 96, 205-day weight of 635 pounds and a weaning ratio of 102 with 33 contemporaries. J080 is loaded with power with an extreme amount of performance yet balancing the pendulum with plenty of maternal and overall femininity. Her dam, GMAR Southern Charm G439, has a birth ratio of 2 @ 95 and a nursing ratio of 1 @ 102. J080 leads her contemporary with the largest ribeye EPD. Due to calve 2/2/2023 to Sitz Stellar

726D with a sexed bull calf. Examined safe. GMAR FLAGSTONE J069 Sells as Lot 18 GMAR ASHLAND J080 Sells as Lot 19 Hoover No Doubt BALDRIDGE FLAGSTONE F411 +*19478642 Baldridge Isabel Y69 Soo Line Motive 9016 GMAR MOTIVE B014 17792500 Gmar in Focus Z502 Mogck Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Styles Upgrade J59 Baldridge Isabel T935 HF Kodiak 5R TLA Beauty 5R Mytty In Focus Gmar Image Maker U023 GMAR Flagstone J06918 dob 1/29/21 COW 20011702 tattoo. J069 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 2 / 0.33 1.1 / 0.53 58 / 0.42 109 / 0.36 29 / 0.29 59 GAR Early Bird GAR ASHLAND +*18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 BUBS Southern Charm AA31 GMAR SOUTHERN CHARM G439 19457860 Gmar Active Duty C245 GAR Daylight GAR Progress 830 B/R Ambush 28 GAR Yield Grade N366 Silveiras Conversion 8064 Hickory Hill Erica 009 RB Active Duty 010 Gmar Alliance 6239 GMAR Ashland J08019 dob 1/30/21 COW *20032746 tattoo. J080 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 7 / 0.38 2.9 / 0.55 77 / 0.47 137 / 0.38 26 / 0.33 67 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 27


Cove Reno

Substance 8506


Here’s another incredible female sired by Sitz Stellar 726D. This heifer combines phenotype and performance that check all the boxes. Her individual performance data is a birth weight of 61 pounds, birth weight ratio 97 -205-day weight 611 pounds with a weaning ratio of 99 of 33 contemporaries. J023 combines added volume throughout her center, level hip, great teat placement, and feminine front 1/3. Like I stated before, this young female checks every box. This visually impressive female reads on paper as good as she looks, combining Sitz Stellar 726D and the limited genetics of Spring Cove Reno 4021. Due to calve 2/2/2023 to S Wrangler 630 with a sexed heifer calf. Examined safe.


This is a very complete female here, sired by Sitz Stellar 726D. J019 has extra depth of body, threedimensional body shape and near perfect feet. She’s got the balance and eye appeal to make a successful producer. Her individual performance records a birthweight of 61 pounds, weaning weight of 602 pounds at 205 days and a weaning weight ratio of 97 with 33 contemporaries. Her dam, GMAR Southern Charm G066, has a nursing ratio of 1 @ 97. Her current progeny is a highlight and feature of the 2022 GMAR Bull Sale. J019 offers single digit genomic scores for foot angle with a scrotal EPD of + 1.35. This super feminine female is due to calve 2/2/2023 to S Wrangler 830 with a sexed bull calf. Examined safe.

272 SITZ STELLAR 726D *18397542 SITZ Pride 200B Spring
4021 GMAR RENO G056 19409282 Gmar Rampage E207 Benfield
Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1758 Connealy Final Product Sitz Pride 308Y KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Liza 021 Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Gmar Impressive C727 GMAR Stellar J02320 dob. 1/25/21 COW 20032894 tattoo. J023 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / 0.38 1.7 / 0.53 74 / 0.46 123 / 0.37 25 / 0.3 74 Mohnen Substantial 272 SITZ STELLAR 726D *18397542 SITZ Pride 200B BUBS Southern Charm AA31 GMAR SOUTHERN CHARM G066 19409293 Gmar Upward Y406 Benfield Substance 8506 Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1758 Connealy Final Product Sitz Pride 308Y Silveiras Conversion 8064 Hickory Hill Erica 009 Sitz Upward 307R Gmar Force Lady 2531 GMAR Stellar J01921 dob. 1/25/21 COW *20032893 tattoo. J019 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 2 / 0.37 1.8 / 0.53 78 / 0.45 140 / 0.37 23 / 0.3 67 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 28


This female is an extremely powerful spring bred heifer with extra length of spine and added volume. When you get behind her you truly appreciate her three-dimensional overall power. She leads the group as the top weaning weight EPD among all of the Green Mountain Angus Ranch bred heifers in the sale. Her individual performance records report a birth weight of 72 pounds, 740 pounds at 205 days and a weaning weight ratio of 119 with 33 contemporaries. Rich Clova pride 40G4 was hand-picked by Tim Todd from Jed Stevenson’s Rich Angus dispersal as a heifer calf from this from the elite Clova Pride cow family. Visually, she is one of the favorites in the offering and we feel she has unlimited earning potential for her new owner. Due to calve 1/31/2023 to S Wrangler 830 Reg# 19198304. With a sexed bull calf. Examined safe.

MRA ADVOCATE 9035 Sire of Lot 22 KG Justified 3023 MRA ADVOCATE 9035 *19572776 MRA Blackbird 6362 JVC Cavalry V3326 RICH CLOVA PRIDE 40G4 19480926 R&S Clova Pride E51 Connealy Judgment KG Miss Magic 1443 Connealy Arsenal 2174 Mra Blackbird 0072 Connealy Cavalry 1149 Brusett Forever W857 Stevenson Bruno 561G JRS Clova Pride 919X GMAR Advocate J01322 dob. 1/24/21 COW *20011645 tattoo. J013 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 7 / 0.36 2.4 / 0.52 82 / 0.44 136 / 0.34 33 / 0.27 84 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 29


Another female with extra width and a classic Angus design. A true powerhouse female sired by BUBS Southern Charm AA31. This female is a profit maker in today’s times, combining calving ease and feed efficiency. J098’s individual performance is a birth weight of 51 pounds, a birth weight ratio of 72 and a 205-day weight of 622 pounds. Her dam, GMAR Final Product Z165, has a birth ratio of 9 @ 96, a nursing ratio of 8 @102 with a calving interval of 9 at 364 days. Additionally, her dam is raising a top of the line Varlek Loaded Up heifer that we can envision in the donor pen. J098. has single digit genomic scores for DMI, HP, and milk traits. As well as top 4% of the Angus breed for DMI EPD for low feed input and feed efficiency traits. Along with a scroll EPD of + 1.35. Due to calve 2/2/2023 to S Wrangler 830. Examined safe.

Silveiras Conversion 8064 BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31 *17853196 Hickory Hill Erica 009 Connealy Final Product GMAR FINAL PRODUCT Z165 17189829 Gmar Alliance 5222 BT Crossover 758N EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 Connealy Stimulus 8419 Hickory Hill Erica TA32 Connealy Product 568 Ebonista of Conanga 471 KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Gmar Force Lady 3219 GMAR Southern Charm J09823 dob. 2/1/21 COW 20033026 tattoo. J098 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 5 / 0.35 -0.7 / 0.53 45 / 0.45 75 / 0.37 35 / 0.34 61 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 30


Here’s a big ribbed wide bodied, tank of a female, that has a robust overall design, tanky, and very practical, that’s loaded with phenotype to make a great cow. J892 has an individual performance starting at BW 80 pounds, 205-day weight 705 pounds, WWR 144 with 45 contemporaries. Tons of performance with overall balance is the way I describe this proven pedigreed powerhouse. Her Sire Payweight 1682 son from Leo Mc Donnell bred for growth and feed efficiency and combination that’s important today more than ever. Her dam GMAR Significant B437 has had an impressive career starting with a Birth Ratio of 6 @ 95 and a nursing ratio of 6 @ 104. Due 2-2-2023 to MRA Advocate 9035 sexed carrying a bull calf. He is a calving ease KG Justified 3023 son.


Here’s a moderate framed, attractive female with plenty of rib shape and correct in her overall design. A daughter of the super proven, calving ease LD Capitalist 316. J814’s individual performance is birthweight of 75 pounds birth, weaning ratio of 99 with a 205-day weight of 585 pounds along with a scrotal EPD of +1.06. J814 is very feed efficient with a high conversion rate that ranks in the top 25% for dry matter intake EPD. Due to calve

2/3/2023 to Sitz Stellar 726D with a bull calf. Examined safe. GMAR PAYWEIGHT J892 Sells as Lot 24 GMAR CAPITALIST J814 Sells as Lot 25 Basin Payweight 1682 MCD PAYWEIGHT 687 18614443 McD-2 Primrose 443 EXAR Significant 1769B GMAR SIGNIFICANT B437 17791914 Gmar DR J W119 Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Performer 884 McD Primrose 202 Connealy Consensus 7229 Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T Dr J Analyst M250 Gmar Scotch Cap Lady 9015 Gmar Payweight J89224 dob. 3/18/21 COW 20071326 tattoo. J892 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 2 / 0.31 2 / 0.52 62 / 0.44 117 / 0.33 30 / 0.29 59 Connealy Capitalist 028 LD CAPITALIST 316 +*17666102 LD Dixie Erica 2053 RB Active Duty 010 GMAR ACTIVE DUTY D401 18454964 Gmar Alliance 7550 SAV Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 CA Future Direction 5321 LD Dixie Erica Oar 0853 LCC New Standard BA Lady 6807 305 KMK Alliance 6595 I87 Gmar Super Gal 8097 GMAR Capitalist J81425 dob. 2/26/21 COW 20037339 tattoo. J814 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 7 / 0.35 1.4 / 0.53 58 / 0.46 98 / 0.37 16 / 0.33 51 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 31


This female has incredible phenotype and a daughter of the extreme female producer Bar E-L Natural Law 52Y. We feel like 32K has a bright future ahead of her in the showring as well as an extremely elite donor. She will be a beautifully made cow in time with her perfect level topline, excellent smooth front one third,

deep and soft body shape. She is truly the complete package. With plenty of


with a 113 ratio.

performance built in her actual data reads Birthweight -85 pounds with a 98 ratio
a 746 pound 205- day weight
Now to the factory 32K’s dam BCC Miranda 10D records a birth ratio of a 4 @ 98 and weaning ratio of 4 @ 110 with a 102 IMF and 104 RE. A well as sired by Koupal Advance 28 the ultimate maternal plus feed efficiency sire. SAV Bismarck 5682 BAR-E-L NATURAL LAW 52Y 19310190 Bar-E-L Magnolia 143K Koupal Advance 28 BCC MIRANDA 10D 18752621 Craft Miranda 1024-419 GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 Bar EL MCC 365 Icon 20H Double Four Duchess 12G Koupal Juneau 797 Koupal Ebonette 734 HARB Stur-D 191 JH Craft Miranda 9032-1024 BCC Miranda 32K26 dob. 2/5/22 COW 20433288 tattoo. 32K CED BW WW YW MILK $W 9 / 0.21 1.9 / 0.36 63 / 0.31 107 / 0.23 27 / 0.2 59 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 32


Yet another daughter Of Bar E-L Natural Law, the supreme female producing machine. 58K open heifer has a lights out good design, smooth clean front 1/3 deep soft rib shape, with an excellent structure. Her dam is a loaded with red meat as well as extremely maternal that comes naturally stemming back to an Angus great BT Everelda Entense 57D. 58K has the look, and genetics to go the long haul!

SAV Bismarck 5682 BAR-E-L NATURAL LAW 52Y 19310190 Bar-E-L Magnolia 143K Duff New Edition 6108 BCC EVERELDA ENTENSE 62D 18753336 JAF Everelda Entense 79S GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 Bar EL MCC 365 Icon 20H Double Four Duchess 12G OCC Genesis 872G OCC Dixie Erica 814G N Bar Emulation EXT BT Everelda Entense 53K BCC Everelda Entense 58K27 dob. 2/19/22 COW 20433287 tattoo. 58K CED BW WW YW MILK $W 9 / 0.2 0.4 / 0.36 43 / 0.31 77 / 0.23 25 / 0.2 41 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 33
This stunning daughter of Beartooth Saga 059 is as ideal of a female as you can ask for. Moderate framed, huge middled, along with a super clean front 1/3, loaded with muscle, and a big square hip along with maternal excellence. Hand-picked for this sale since she was a major standout in the donor pen at the side of her proven dam, Pine Coulee Black Annie G82. K76 has a big-time cow power look already as an open heifer calf. K76 has all the makings of an excellent producer that’s backed by great genetics top and bottom. Sells open. Coleman Bravo 6313 BEARTOOTH SAGA 059 +*19780424 Coleman Dixie Erica 8270 LD Capitalist 316 PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE G82 *19880540 Pine Coulee Black Annie A27 Coleman Charlo 0256 Coleman Donna 714 N Bar Emulation EXT Coleman Dixie Erica 143 Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Dixie Erica 2053 Connealy Impression War Hill Blackbone Annie Pine Coulee Black Annie K7628 dob 1/26/22 COW *20316049 tattoo. K76 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+10 / 0.05 I+.7 / 0.05 I+58 / 0.05 I+95 / 0.05 I+25 / 0.05 55 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 34
OFFERED BY. GREEN MOUNTAIN ANGUS BW 76 BWR 101@388 This Baldrige Flagstone F411 daughter has an abundance of rib and overall substance. The Flagstone daughters are leading the pack here at GMAR, and we’re excited for to watch these foundation females go into production and make fault free cows. OFFERED BY. GREEN MOUNTAIN ANGUS BW 71 BWR 96 with 38 contemporaries Dam has a nursing ratio of 2@102 A female that combines maternal genetics and excellent carcass traits. K208 Sire G Mar innovation 9304 was the $20,000 high selling bull to Wall Street Cattle Company in 2019. Buy with confidence. GMAR FLAGSTONE K080 Sells as Lot 29 GMAR INNOVATOR K208 Sells as Lot 30 Hoover No Doubt BALDRIDGE FLAGSTONE F411 +*19478642 Baldridge Isabel Y69 Connealy Guinness GMAR GUINNESS E709 18788663 Gmar Slick C209 Mogck Bullseye Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 Styles Upgrade J59 Baldridge Isabel T935 Connealy Dublin 8223 Panda of Conanga 3609 GMAR Final Products Z168 Gmar New Level 6257 GMAR Flagstone K08029 dob 1/28/22 COW *20336539 tattoo. K080 CED BW WW YW MILK $W -1 / 0.32 2.2 / 0.54 63 / 0.42 109 / 0.36 31 / 0.29 68 MAR Innovation 251 GMAR INNOVATION 9304 +*19517566 CAV Lady Identity 202-4202 SAV Resource 1441 GMAR RESOURCE F025 19088493 Gmar Upward A215 Connealy Impression MAR Final Kahuna 856 Koupals B&B Identity RB Lady 02-202 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Sitz Upward 307R VAR Susanna 9052 GMAR Innovator K20830 dob 2/9/22 COW 20336621 tattoo. K208 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 5 / 0.3 2.1 / 0.52 70 / 0.38 120 / 0.32 27 / 0.27 70 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 35

Major game changer here. The foundation kind. Angus females like this don’t come around on the regular. This is why the Angus breed became popular from the beginning. 6102 is an ideal Angus female that has an incredible future ahead of her here at Pine Coulee Angus Ranch and as well as at Sadler ranches, in Perkins, Oklahoma. With her moderate stature, massive amount of rib shape and body along with her extreme amount of red meat and muscle, this female deserves your full attention. Her current progeny records a weaning ratio of 3 @101 and yearling ratio of 3 @103. The $50,000 highlight of Eriskay cow family at the 2021 Coleman Angus Female Sale. Buy this heifer pregnancy or embryos with confidence. Heifer pregnancy due to calve 1/7/2023. SAV Renown sires excellent, easy fleshing, deep bodied females with good feet and udders, with muscle and performance.


PINE COULEE ANGUS Blairs’s External Law has a phenotype that is second to none, massive hip, extreme amount of rib and body, with added bone while standing on excellent feet. His dam is a past Canadian Western Agribition Champion Female. She has excellent phenotype with a perfect udder all wrapped up in a proven genetic package that has truly made an impact on several operations across the globe. External Law’s first calf crop has exceeded our expectations producing sons like $100,000 Duff Discovery 2136 selling in 2022 Power Plus Bull Sale. Guaranteed 2 pregnancies. COLEMAN ERISKAY 6102 Donor dam of Lots 31-31a SAV RENOWN 3439 Sire of Lot 31 CED BW WW YW MILK $W -3 / .83 2.8 / .97 69 / .97 125 / .95 20 / .91 59 2 / .34 1.3 / .57 51 / .48 83 / .43 27 / .39 60 S D Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RENOWN 3439 17633839 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Coleman Juneau 3296 COLEMAN ERISKAY 6102 18570018 Coleman Eriskay 316 RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 Coleman Juneau 044 Coleman Donna 194 Coleman Charlo 0256 Sinclair Eriskay 2N1 7883 Coleman Eriskay 6102 Female Pregnancy31 Offering Heifer Pregnancy CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / .23 3.0 / .55 41 / .42 69 / .28 17 / .15 30 2 / .34 1.3 / .57 51 / .48 83 / .43 27 / .39 60 S D Duff Napoleon 232 BLAIRS EXTERNAL LAW 19639203 Bar-E-L Erica 74A Coleman Juneau 3296 COLEMAN ERISKAY 6102 18570018 Coleman Eriskay 316 Duff Distinction 9105 Duff Eur 443 Merle 808 Bar-E-L Natural Law 52Y HF Erica 339T Coleman Juneau 044 Coleman Donna 194 Coleman Charlo 0256 Sinclair Eriskay 2N1 7883 Coleman Eriskay 6102 Embryos31a Six (6) IVF Embryos BLAIRS EXTERNAL LAW Sire of Lot 31a PREGNANCIES & EMBRYOS LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 36

032 was the lot 4 cow in the 2017 Ladies of The Beartooths Sale and sold for $30,000 to Northway Cattle Company in Canada. We felt so strongly about this cow that we purchased an interest back in this cow in 2019. This cow is without a doubt one of the best producing cows that H C Cattle has ever had. She earned her right to stand in the donor pen. She has built a great legacy here at Pine Coulee. Her son, Pine Coulee Ovation H309, was the top selling bull in our 2021 bull sale. Pine Coulee Foundation H308 was the 3rd top selling bull that same year. In 2022, her son Pine Coulee Frontier H572, was the high selling bull and we are using him extensively. One of her daughters was chosen as the ‘Pick of the Heifers’ from the 2021 Ladies of The Beartooths Sale. She is sound, stout, huge bodied with an explosive hip and rib. We love her docility, and above all, love the predictability that she brings to the table. Coleman Glacier 041 offers an outstanding genetic and visual package with his herd bull look and presence, and with his pedigree. He has explosive growth, ranking in the top 15% of the breed for weaning and yearling, while complimenting this with maternal genetics that rank him in the top 5% of the breed for $M. He blends the best of the Rito 707 lineage and stems from a very productive cow family.

emulates his name. He is a striking individual with


shape, and a style all his own. He is one impressive individual and we believe he will leave an impact in the Angus industry. Guaranteed 2 pregnancies.

OFFERED BY. PINE COULEE ANGUS Duff Real Deal 19115 perfectly
COLEMANS GLACIER 041 Sire of Lot 32 DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 Sire of Lot 32a CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / .36 2.4 / .52 73 / .43 130 / .39 29 / .35 68 8 / .33 2.5 / .61 54 / .51 97 / .39 35 / .42 56 S D SAV Renown 3439 COLEMAN GLACIER 041 19866409 Coleman Donna 439 Connealy Impression MW BLACK NELLIE RITA 032 16876889 MW Black Nellie Rita 845 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 GDAR Game Day 449 Coleman Donna 714 Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 MW Black Nellie 232 MW Black Nellie Rita 032 Female Pregnancy32 Offering Heifer Pregnancy CED BW WW YW MILK $W 7 / .29 .3 / .53 40 / .40 62 / .31 11 / .23 32 8 / .33 2.5 / .61 54 / .51 97 / .39 35 / .42 56 S D Duff-JC 4Real 16250 DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 19963120 Duff Queen 0570 3570 Connealy Impression MW BLACK NELLIE RITA 032 16876889 MW Black Nellie Rita 845 Duff Napoleon 232 Duff Amigo 927K Juanada 071 SA Ranch Hand 8185 075 Duff Queen Mother 5146 0570 Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 MW Black Nellie 232 MW Black Nellie Rita 032 Embryos32a Six (6) IVF Embryos MW BLACK NELLIE RITA 032 Donor dam of Lots 32-32a LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 37

OFFERED BY. PINE COULEE ANGUS Duff Real Deal 19115 perfectly emulates his name. He is a striking individual with abundant muscle, rib shape, and a style all his own. He is one impressive individual and we believe he will leave an impact in the Angus industry. The power and size of D22 should match perfectly with the unmatched phenotype and breed character of Real Deal. Pine Coulee Ever Entense D22 Is an exceptional donor. She was sold as the Lot 1 feature of the 2021 Ladies Sale. D22 is an extremely long feminine made Resource daughter. With the style, power, and lineage to build around. In turn has proven herself with BR 3@93, WR 3@106, YR 2@106. Her dam, Pine Coulee Ever Entense T25, was a longtime donor at Pine Coulee and had BR 10@103, WR 10@108, YR

Guaranteed 2

pregnancies. OFFERED BY. PINE COULEE ANGUS BC ROBUST 0807 - Great outcross genetics, adds an abundance of muscle, length, excellent structure, maternal excellence, with perfect foot quality. Backed by decades of predictability bred into him. Guaranteed 2 pregnancies. PINE COULEE EVER ENTENSE D22 Donor dam of Lots 33 & 33a BC ROBUST 0807 Sire of Lot 33a CED BW WW YW MILK $W 7 / .29 .3 / .53 40 / .40 62 / .31 11 / .23 32 4 / .27 3.1 / .42 56 / .35 104 / .27 33 / .31 50 S D Duff-JC 4Real 16250 DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 19963120 Duff Queen 0570 3570 SAV Resource 1441 PINE COULEE EVER ENTENSE D22 18600873 Pine Coulee Ever Entense T25 Duff Napoleon 232 Duff Amigo 927K Juanada 071 SA Ranch Hand 8185 075 Duff Queen Mother 5146 0570 Rito 707 of Ideal 1418 076 SAV Blackcap May 4136 N Bar Emulation EXT BT Everelda Entense 579L Pine Coulee Ever Entense D22 Embryos33 Six (6) IVF Embryos CED BW WW YW MILK $W 4 / .40 1.6 / .85 63 / .80 90 / .72 10 / .29 50 4 / .27 3.1 / .42 56 / .35 104 / .27 33 / .31 50 S D BC Surveyor 680D BC ROBUST 0807 18456252 BC 327-8 CP Belle 0-807 SAV Resource 1441 PINE COULEE EVER ENTENSE D22 18600873 Pine Coulee Ever Entense T25 BC Eagle Eye 110-7 BC 2266 Prides Lass 4132 680 BC Pure Pride 327-8 BC 607 CP Belle MF 807 Rito 707 of Ideal 1418 076 SAV Blackcap May 4136 N Bar Emulation EXT BT Everelda Entense 579L Pine Coulee Ever Entense D22 Embryos33a Six (6) IVF Embryos DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 Sire of Lot 33 PREGNANCIES & EMBRYOS LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 38


This young Pine Coulee donor female has an eloquent design and overall balance as well as perfect udder quality that put her on the list of main stays here at the ranch. G82 is genetically low birthweight, sired by the popular and proven LD Capitalist 316. Her dam Pine Coulee Black Annie A27 has an excellent production record and backed by nothing but maternal yet highly phenotypic genetics like, Connealy Impression, G A R Expectation 4915 as well as the efficiency founding sire DHD Traveler 6807. Exciting opportunity to buy into frozen genetics on this front runner donor female. Coleman Glacier 041 offers an outstanding genetic and visual package with his herd bull look and presence, and with his pedigree. He has explosive growth, ranking in the top 15% of the breed for weaning and yearling, while complimenting this with maternal genetics that rank him in the top 5% of the breed for $M.He blends the best of the Rito 707 lineage and stems from a very productive Pathfinder dam, Coleman Donna 439, who has powerful dimension and has ratios of BR 5/93, NR 5/107, and YR 5/106. Guaranteed 2 pregnancies.

CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / .36 2.4 / .52 73 / .43 130 / .39 29 / .35 68 11 / .27 -.6 / .40 64 / .33 105 / .26 27 / .26 65 S D SAV Renown 3439 COLEMAN GLACIER 041 19866409 Coleman Donna 439 LD Capitalist 316 PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE G82 19880540 Pine Coulee Black Annie A27 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 GDAR Game Day 449 Coleman Donna 714 Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Dixie Erica 2053 Connealy Impression War Hill Blackbone Annie Pine Coulee Black Annie G82 Embryos34 Six (6) IVF Embryos LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 39


Pine Coulee Black Annie F77- Here’s a very complete angular, high production female that has worked well in our program. She is sired by the great foundation sire PF Broad View 5009 who has worked well producing top end females, that have added length of spine, plenty of performance, easy fleshing, and great udder quality. Sells open with calf at side.


Pine Coulee Black Annie D37- D37 can be admired for the added femininity, level design and well-balanced look she offers. Coming from one of the foundation cow families at Pine Coulee, she’s a maternal sister to U7, U10, Y96 and B87 who were once featured lots in the Ladies of the Beartooths sale. Another maternal brother, W815 has produced numerous top end daughters here at the ranch. The Black Annie cow family is extremely maternal with an excellent combination of one of the most classic and proven pedigrees. D37 is an excellent example of the predictable combination of the great N BAR Emulation EXT and the DHD Traveler 6807 which has been proven and, in my eyes, absolutely a timeless mating that has lasted the durations of fads among the Angus breed. She is due to calve 1/17/23 to Blair’s External Law with a sexed heifer calf.

PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE F77 Sells as Lot 35 PF BROADVIEW 5009 SIre of Lot 35 DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 SIre of Lot 35a PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE U7 Maternal sister to Lot 36 W SUNRISE EXECUTIVE LAW 507H Sire of Lot 36a SandPoint Butkus X797 PF BROADVIEW 5009 +*18185986 Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T CAR Duke 826 PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE B198 18169096 Pine Coulee Black Annie X97 SAV Final Answer 0035 GAR Grid Maker 4603 Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M CAR Duke 504 CAR Miss Wendy 1139 SAV Net Worth 4200 War Hill Blackbone Annie Pine Coulee Black Annie F7735 dob. 1/22/18 COW *19383422 tattoo. F77 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / 0.22 2.7 / 0.4 51 / 0.35 95 / 0.3 21 / 0.25 36 Duff-JC 4Real 16250 DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 *19963120 Duff Queen 0570 3570 PF Broadview 5009 PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE F77 *19383422 Pine Coulee Black Annie B198 Duff Napoleon 232 Duff Amigo 927K Juanada 071 SA Ranch Hand 8185 075 Duff Queen Mother 5146 0570 SandPoint Butkus X797 Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T CAR Duke 826 Pine Coulee Black Annie X97 Pine Coulee Real Deal K55235a dob 7/10/22 BULL *20435568 tattoo. K552 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+5 / 0.05 I+1.5 / 0.05 I+46 / 0.05 I+79 / 0.05 I+16 / 0.05 33 Mohnen Density 730 MOHNEN SOUTH DAKOTA 402 #*17250190 Mohnen Jilt 539 GAR Expectation 4915 WAR HILL BLACKBONE ANNIE 13833681 VT 6807 Traveler S32 SAV 004 Density 4336 Mohnen Jilt 910 TC Aberdeen 759 Mohnen Jilt 787 N Bar Emulation EXT GAR Traveler 2421 DHD Traveler 6807 GAR 9J9 757 Pine Coulee Black Annie D3736 dob. 2/15/16 COW +*18602569 tattoo. D37 CED BW WW YW MILK $W -1 / 0.23 3.4 / 0.35 65 / 0.32 108 / 0.3 25 / 0.34 55 PM Executive Decision 5’17 W SUNRISE EXECUTIVE LAW 507H 19940954 HF Tibbie 27D Mohnen South Dakota 402 PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE D37 +*18602569 War Hill Blackbone Annie Bar-E-L Natural Law 52Y PM Blossom 124’13 HF Syndicate 213Z HF Tibbie 162B Mohnen Density 730 Mohnen Jilt 539 GAR Expectation 4915 VT 6807 Traveler S32 Pine Coulee Black Annie K12136a dob. 1/21/22 COW *20427911 tattoo. K121 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+1 / 0.05 I+3.7 / 0.34 I+70 / 0.3 I+116 / 0.05 I+24 / 0.16 59 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 40

This hard-working female is sired by the performance powerful Connelly Thunder, her dam is sired by none other than Efficiency King himself DHD Traveler 6807. E34 is an ideal low maintenance female with all the style and eye appeal you can ask for in an Angus female, she has plenty of body, extra straight lines and perfect profile with ideal udder quality. Also her dam, 5403, had BR 7@110, WR 7@108, and YR 7@101. Sells open with calf at side.

Pine Coulee Blackbird K84- As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. K84 has her mama’s style and eye appeal, plenty of rib shape and flawless structure with longevity built in genetically. Sells open.

An excellent young female that is packed with power, super long spined, has an excellent hip and hind leg combined with a feminine front 1/3 and great udder. List of proven genetics back her being a daughter of the great Pine Coulee Blackbird W10 who will wean her 12th consecutive calf this year with the birth ratio of 12 @101, WR 11 @101 and a YR of 7 @103. The Blackbird cow family has done an excellent job throughout production as well as being easy fleshing. She has two maternal sisters that have easily carved their path to the donor pen, C135, who sells as lot 7 in this sale, and D80. She is due to calve 1/11/23 to DUFF Real Deal 19115 with a sexed heifer calf.

INDRELAND JUANADA ANNE 5403 Dam of Lot 37 PINE COULEE BLACKBIRD C135 Maternal sister to Lot 38 PINE COULEE BLACKBIRD F111 Sells as Lot 38 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF CONNEALY THUNDER #15148659 Parka of Conanga 241 DHD Traveler 6807 INDRELAND JUANADA ANNE 5403 15127108 IA Fore Viking 383 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Pleasanta of Conanga 736 Bon View Bando 598 Partina of Conanga 6237 QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 Leachman Foreman IA Keyban Viking 912 Pine Coulee Juanada Anne E3437 dob 1/4/17 COW +*18935243 tattoo. E34 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 0 / 0.24 1.8 / 0.31 38 / 0.29 68 / 0.27 27 / 0.29 40 Coleman Bravo 6313 PINE COULEE OVATION H309 +*19895453 MW Black Nellie Rita 032 Connealy Thunder PINE COULEE JUANADA ANNE E34 +*18935243 Indreland Juanada Anne 5403 Coleman Charlo 0256 Coleman Donna 714 Connealy Impression MW Black Nellie Rita 845 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka of Conanga 241 DHD Traveler 6807 IA Fore Viking 383 Pine Coulee Juanada Ann K54737a dob 6/8/22 COW *20435403 tattoo. K547 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+8 / 0.05 I+0 / 0.05 I+45 / 0.05 I+81 / 0.05 I+31 / 0.05 56 Connealy Earnan 076E BROOKING BANK NOTE 4040 *18069951 EA Rose 918 GAR Grid Maker PINE COULEE BLACKBIRD W10 16766778 MAR Blackbird 8067 Connealy Consensus Brazila of Conanga 3991 839A SAV Final Answer 0035 EA Rose 738 GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 Sitz Traveler 8180 Jolly R Blackbird 184A Pine Coulee Blackbird F11138 dob 2/2/18 COW 19379839 tattoo. F111 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 2 / 0.26 3.4 / 0.42 65 / 0.36 113 / 0.33 17 / 0.3 44 Musgrave 316 Stunner PINE COULEE DRIFTER G372 +*19651208 Pine Coulee Ever Entense X64 Brooking Bank Note 4040 PINE COULEE BLACKBIRD F111 19379839 Pine Coulee Blackbird W10 LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 Connealy Earnan 076E EA Rose 918 GAR Grid Maker MAR Blackbird 8067 Pine Coulee Blackbird K8438a dob 1/28/22 COW *20302455 tattoo. K84 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+4 / 0.05 I+3.2 / 0.36 I+62 / 0.33 I+105 / 0.05 I+24 / 0.16 49 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 41


This cow has a classic pedigree… daughter of the great Resource 1441. She is a female that is super easy on the eyes with her massive rib shape, wide top, extreme length of spine, and near perfect udder that is sure to catch your attention come sale day. She’s a daughter of the legendary GDAR Traveler 044 stemming back to the great Thomas Lucy cow family on the bottom side. C67 has done an incredible job with her offspring, all have had tremendous width and overall dimension. Her daughters are big ribbed and her sons are loaded with extra power, extra bone, and extremely well structured. She is due to calve 1/30/2023 to W Sunrise Executive Law 507H with a sexed heifer calf.



This beautiful made, stout, Lucy bred female carries a solid pedigree that is proven to produce potent high maternal females and muscular bulls. C102 stems back to the VDAR Lucy 235 female who is loaded with a ton of maternal power along with balanced performance. Rest assured she will get a calf to the finish line. Sells open with calf at side. Her Real Deal heifer calf at side is super stout.

K69 has all the ingredients to take her to the next level. Super complete with her overall design has that extra pop of cow power coming from her dam, Pine Coulee Miss Lucy C67. The Pine Coulee Drifter G372 and SAV Resource 1441 combination has done some incredible things here on the ranch at Pine Coulee. Look for these females to go out and be excellent producers with plenty of maternal muscle and overall value. Sells open.

Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RESOURCE 1441 #+*17016597 SAV Blackcap May 4136 GDAR Traveler 044 MILL BAR MISS LUCY 4441 15066450 Thomas Miss Lucy 4253 RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 DHD Traveler 6807 GDAR Blackcap Lady 840 Rito 8E8 of 5H11 Traveler Thomas Miss Lucy 0147 Pine Coulee Miss Lucy C6739 dob. 1/20/15 COW 18317584 tattoo. C67 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / 0.26 2.7 / 0.43 54 / 0.36 100 / 0.32 21 / 0.32 39 Musgrave 316 Stunner PINE COULEE DRIFTER G372 +*19651208 Pine Coulee Ever Entense X64 SAV Resource 1441 PINE COULEE MISS LUCY C67 18317584 Mill Bar Miss Lucy 4441 LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 GDAR Traveler 044 Thomas Miss Lucy 4253 Pine Coulee Lucy K6939a dob. 1/15/22 COW *20309187 tattoo. K69 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 3 / 0.19 2.9 / 0.35 55 / 0.23 100 / 0.2 26 / 0.13 44 Basin Excitement MOHNEN IMPRESSIVE 1093 #+*17532083 Mohnen Jilt 787 N Bar Emulation EXT PINE COULEE LUCY P7 #*14855399 Pine Coulee Lucy 0P11 Basin Expedition R156 Basin Lady S532 AK Mohnen Brushpopper 353 Mohnen Jilt 1655 Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Primrose 2424 Papa Durabull 9805 VDAR Lucy 235 Pine Coulee Lucy C10240 dob. 1/13/15 COW +*18177773 tattoo. C102 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+5 / 0.05 1.8 / 0.27 55 / 0.27 92 / 0.25 29 / 0.25 55 Duff-JC 4Real 16250 DUFF REAL DEAL 19115 *19963120 Duff Queen 0570 3570 Mohnen Impressive 1093 PINE COULEE LUCY C102 +*18177773 Pine Coulee Lucy P7 Duff Napoleon 232 Duff Amigo 927K Juanada 071 SA Ranch Hand 8185 075 Duff Queen Mother 5146 0570 Basin Excitement Mohnen Jilt 787 N Bar Emulation EXT Pine Coulee Lucy 0P11 Pine Coulee Lucy K54940a dob 7/1/22 COW *20435405 tattoo. K549 CED BW WW YW MILK $W / I+1.1 / 0.05 I+48 / 0.05 I+77 / 0.05 I+20 / 0.05 42 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 42


Sired by the $175,000 Genex proven sire, SAV Renown 3439. D079 is truly an ideal Pathfinder female loaded with maternal value. She has an abundant amount of rib shape and body, very correct structure, and plenty of muscle with an ideal udder. A proven classic pedigree that carries a load of maternal/efficient genetics. Exposed to Shipwheel Northern Lights. Reg# 19534733. Examined safe.

This awesome made daughter of SAV Regard 4863 is perfect structured and balanced with added muscle shape and a smooth clean front 1/3 with excellent udder quality. Her dam, Pine Coulee Lass W47, was a long-time donor female here at Pine Coulee Angus with birth ratios 6 @102 weaning ratio at 6 @111 and yearling ratio at 4 @103. Her daughters are consistently top producers today and D81 absolutely fits that exact mold. D81 herself has a weaning ratio of 5 @103 and yearling ratio 2 @102. Proven production at its finest right here, these kinds of females are hard to come by. They come from great proven cow families and make for very dependable females to have on the ranch in today’s world. She is due to calve 1/31/23 to Pine Coulee Frontier H572. Reg# 18601003. With a sexed heifer calf.

COULEE ANGUS Here’s another excellent PF Broadview 5009 daughter. This female has been a solid producer for us and will flat raise one. The combination of SAV Resource 1441 makes this a true viable female with maternal aspects and extremely easy fleshing. E80 has a perfect udder, very sound in her design and overall makeup, which makes her an ideal, range ready, highly phenotypic female with a great foundation. Sells open with calf at side. PINE COULEE LASS W47 Dam of Lot 42 PF BROADVIEW 5009 Sire of Lot 43 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RENOWN 3439 #+*17633839 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Bon View New Design 878 ALC TREASURE S54P 15414847 ALC Treasure C40L RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2397 B/R New Design 036 Bon View Gammer 85 Connealy Forefront Baldridge Treasure 59G Iron MTN Treasure D07941 dob. 2/20/16 COW #18632091 tattoo. D079 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 6 / 0.26 0.1 / 0.43 50 / 0.36 92 / 0.29 29 / 0.3 53 SAV Resource 1441 SAV REGARD 4863 17923520 SAV Blackcap May 5530 SAV Net Worth 4200 PINE COULEE LASS W47 #*16767764 Pine Coulee Lass R53 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 BCC Bushwacker 41-93 SAV May 7238 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV May 2410 Bon View New Design 878 Pine Coulee Lass 3Z60 Pine Coulee Lass D8142 dob. 1/30/16 COW 18601003 tattoo. D81 CED BW WW YW MILK $W -4 / 0.21 5.4 / 0.36 66 / 0.32 117 / 0.28 27 / 0.34 47 LD Capitalist 316 PINE COULEE CAPITALIST F320 *19307356 Pine Coulee Everelda W3 SAV Regard 4863 PINE COULEE LASS D81 +*18601003 Pine Coulee Lass W47 Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Dixie Erica 2053 Connealy Onward Pine Coulee Everelda 2B77 SAV Resource 1441 SAV Blackcap May 5530 SAV Net Worth 4200 Pine Coulee Lass R53 Pine Coulee Lass K12242a dob. 2/5/22 COW *20438475 tattoo. K122 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+5 / 0.05 I+3.4 / 0.23 I+68 / 0.2 I+118 / 0.05 I+28 / 0.18 56 SandPoint Butkus X797 PF BROADVIEW 5009 +*18185986 Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T SAV Resource 1441 PINE COULEE MISS NELLIE A110 #17705043 M&W Miss Nellie 048 SAV Final Answer 0035 GAR Grid Maker 4603 Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Impression M&W Miss Nellie 85 of BP54 Pine Coulee Miss Nellie E8043 dob. 1/29/17 COW *18986202 tattoo. E80 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 4 / 0.23 2.6 / 0.37 58 / 0.32 109 / 0.21 23 / 0.19 44 Coleman Bravo 6313 BEARTOOTH SAGA 059 +*19780424 Coleman Dixie Erica 8270 PF Broadview 5009 PINE COULEE MISS NELLIE E80 *18986202 Pine Coulee Miss Nellie A110 Coleman Charlo 0256 Coleman Donna 714 N Bar Emulation EXT Coleman Dixie Erica 143 SandPoint Butkus X797 Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T SAV Resource 1441 M&W Miss Nellie 048 Pine Coulee Saga K55343a dob. 6/23/22 BULL *20438152 tattoo. K553 CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+7 / 0.05 I+2.3 / 0.05 I+55 / 0.05 I+97 / 0.05 I+23 / 0.05 44 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 43
OFFERED BY. PINE COULEE ANGUS Here’s a fancy daughter of the $450,000 Coleman Bravo 6313. She’s very free moving with a smooth clean front end, along with having plenty of added volume. Her dam, Pine Coulee Blackbird G86, is a daughter of the proven Musgrave 316 Stunner, she has done an incredible job weaning her calf with a NR of 1 @104 ratio. J65 has added extension and length of spine with a beautiful, feminine profile. Bound for greatness in the pasture as well as an excellent producer with maternal to spare. Due to calve 1/26/2023 to W Sunrise Executive Law with a sexed bull calf. PINE COULEE FEATURED FEMALES COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 The $450,000 sire of Lot 44 Coleman Charlo 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 +*18734838 Coleman Donna 714 Musgrave 316 Stunner PINE COULEE BLACKBIRD G86 *19793668 Pine Coulee Blackbird E114 OCC Paxton 730P Bohi Abigale 6014 Connealy Onward Coleman Donna 386 LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 Pine Coulee Black Knight Pine Coulee Blackbird C05 Pine Coulee Blackbird J6544 dob 1/13/21 COW *20201936 tattoo. J65 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 9 / 0.29 0.7 / 0.36 60 / 0.32 104 / 0.29 25 / 0.18 54 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 44

Here’s one

that is sure to catch your eye. You want to talk about stout, deep bodied with a nice square hip, she’s got it. Along with an incredible profile and balance throughout. She has the look of a serious producer of power and functionality. J73 was weaned off at a ratio of 105 as her dam, Pine Coulee Black Annie G90’s, first calf. Due to calve 1/10/2023 to Pine Coulee Hannibal H316 with a sex bull calf. OFFERED
ANGUS This stylish, sleek fronted, smooth made Coleman Resolve 7219 daughter is loaded with extension with a very feminine look. Her dam, Pine Coulee Buena 83C, has a birth ratio of 4 @92 and a weaning ratio 3 @103 and has been an extremely highly productive female here on the ranch. The combination of Coleman Donna and Koupal Juneau 979 has added growth and dimension with superior maternal traits. Due to calve 1/9/2023 to Pine Coulee Frontier H72 with a sexed bull calf.
Sells as Lot 45
COULEE BUENA 41J Sells as Lot 46 Musgrave 316 Stunner PINE COULEE DRIFTER G372 +*19651208 Pine Coulee Ever Entense X64 ZWT Summitt 6507 PINE COULEE BLACK ANNIE G90 *19879140 Pine Coulee Black Annie B87 LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 SAV Renown 3439 Coleman Donna 714 Connealy Onward War Hill Blackbone Annie Pine Coulee Black Annie J7345 dob. 1/14/21 COW *20201047 tattoo. J73 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 6 / 0.23 2.4 / 0.34 63 / 0.3 111 / 0.27 27 / 0.11 54 SAV Renown 3439 COLEMAN RESOLVE 7219 +*19102305 Coleman Donna 714 Koupal Advance 28 PINE COULEE BUENA 83C 19927855 Buena T418 of SA 85A Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Onward Coleman Donna 386 Koupal Juneau 797 Koupal Ebonette 734 Pine Coulee Battle W815 Pine Coulee Buena T418 Pine Coulee Buena 41J46 dob. 1/24/21 COW 20236106 tattoo. 41J CED BW WW YW MILK $W 9 / 0.19 0.7 / 0.34 61 / 0.29 106 / 0.2 29 / 0.14 59 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 45


This female is sired by our lead herd sire, Shipwheel Northern Lights. She is an angular female loaded with real performance throughout, with an awesome spread from birth to yearling EPD. 139J has plenty of performance and growth with a load of style and eye appeal. Beautiful front 1/3, awesome hip structure and plenty of body shape that comes from the great Elba cow family. Which is also noted for tremendous maternal strengths, as well as fertility and efficiency. 139 has all the true Angus characteristics you can ask for. She’s a nice all-around package. Bred to calve 2/1/2023 to Pine Coulee Countdown 111G Reg# 19535020. Examined safe with a bull calf.

This attractive, eye appealing daughter of our in-house herd sire, who combines maternal and style, Shipwheel Northern Lights. 139J has an excellent profile with an abundance of length of spine and near perfect hip and topline. Stemming back to the great Leachman Blackbird cow family which carries a ton of maternal power wrapped in this beautiful spring bred female. Bred to calve 2/1/2023 to KG Solution 4289 Reg# 17998419. With a heifer calf. Examined safe.

JC ELBA 139J Sells as Lot 47 JC BLACKBIRD 130J Sells as Lot 48 SHIPWHEEL NORTHERN LIGHTS Sire of Lots 47 & 48 Shipwheel Motive 6508 SHIPWHEEL NORTHERN LIGHTS *19534733 Shipwheel Eriskay 607 SRS Balance 0609B SRS ELBA 8240F 19241663 SRS Elba 2257Z Soo Line Motive 9016 Shipwheel Enchantress 8184 SAV Renown 3439 Apexette Eriskay 3060 Tombstone 050 Ox Bow Manor 443 WK Bobcat SRS Elba 7141T JC Elba 139J47 dob. 1/11/21 COW *20187426 tattoo. 139J CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+1 / 0.05 I+2.4 / 0.05 I+69 / 0.05 I+119 / 0.05 I+30 / 0.05 65 Shipwheel Motive 6508 SHIPWHEEL NORTHERN LIGHTS *19534733 Shipwheel Eriskay 607 BPF Automatic KRONE BLACKBIRD 018 17686169 Leachman Blackbird 0263 Soo Line Motive 9016 Shipwheel Enchantress 8184 SAV Renown 3439 Apexette Eriskay 3060 Mytty In Focus BPF Nell 043 JLB Exacto 416 Leachman Blackbird 4012 JC Blackbird 130J48 dob. 1/9/21 COW 20187423 tattoo. 130J CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+4 / 0.05 I+1.2 / 0.05 I+54 / 0.05 I+100 / 0.05 I+32 / 0.05 57 PINE COULEE FEATURED FEMALES LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 46

This extremely angular, beautiful made female sired by the proven Coleman Resolve 7219 has been a looker from day one. With her flowing maternal design yet superior overall style she really checks all the boxes. Her dam, Pine Coulee Lucy Y5, is loaded with a unique style and eye appeal of her own with added fertility and proven production in her corner. Classic genetics involving the DHD Traveler 6807 plus the great Pine Coulee Lucy OP11, the N BAR EXT daughter. The combination of DHD Traveler 6807 and N BAR Emulation EXT makes her truly a solid foundation. Pine Coulee Lucy Y5 has produced 7 natural calves with a birth ratio of 7 @100, nursing ratio of 7 @105 and a yearling ratio of 3 @105 respectively. 3J is due to calve 1/29/2023 to Pine Coulee Frontier H572 with a sexed bull calf.

This is what I call cutting edge genetics at its finest. Being a daughter of Pine Coulee Drifter G372 that has all the bells and whistles. J47 has a good outline, with her overall power and awesome hip and hind leg with plenty of rib shape. Half interest of her dam, Pine Coulee Lass G1, sired by $450,000 Coleman Bravo 6313, sold to Shawn Fredericks in the 2020 Ladies of the Beartooths Sale. Don’t let this one slip through the cracks. Royal bred across the board with maternal excellence built in genetically. Due to calve 1/9/2023 Pine Coulee Hannibal H 316 with sexed bull calf.

COLEMAN RESOLVE 7219 Sire of Lot 49 PINE COULEE LASS G1 Dam of Lot 50 PINE COULEE LUCY Y5 Dam of Lot 49 SAV Renown 3439 COLEMAN RESOLVE 7219 +*19102305 Coleman Donna 714 DHD Traveler 6807 PINE COULEE LUCY Y5 #+*17096019 Pine Coulee Lucy P7 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV Blackcap May 4136 Connealy Onward Coleman Donna 386 QAS Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 N Bar Emulation EXT Pine Coulee Lucy 0P11 Pine Coulee Lucy 3J49 dob 1/12/21 COW +*20228010 tattoo. 3J CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+5 / 0.05 1.6 / 0.33 54 / 0.29 97 / 0.22 28 / 0.17 51 Musgrave 316 Stunner PINE COULEE DRIFTER G372 +*19651208 Pine Coulee Ever Entense X64 Coleman Bravo 6313 PINE COULEE LASS G1 +*19500020 Pine Coulee Lass W47 LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Sitz Everelda Entense 2198 Coleman Charlo 0256 Coleman Donna 714 SAV Net Worth 4200 Pine Coulee Lass R53 Pine Coulee Lass J4750 dob 1/14/21 COW *20201044 tattoo. J47 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 8 / 0.23 1.3 / 0.34 59 / 0.3 98 / 0.27 30 / 0.11 59 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 47


Shipwheel Eriskay 607 Whitestone Black

Solid pedigreed daughter of the Pine Coulee Angus /H-C Cattle resident herd sire, Shipwheel Northern Lights. Very unique combination of genetics stemming back to the great DHD Traveler 6807, SAV Renowned 3439 as well as Sooline Motive 9016. All maternal performance female making machines. J74 has a beautiful hip and hind leg, excellent top line, deep smooth body type, along with a smooth shoulder, clean front end and maternal bred in her genetically. Due 1/31/2023 to W Sunrise Executive Law 507H with a sexed heifer calf.



Another handpicked incredible daughter of Coleman Bravo 6313. You want to talk about power. J70 is a load of beef. She has a massive amount of volume and capacity along with a smooth wide top line and stands on plenty of bone with good feet. A true grass efficient female that will earn her way in the pasture. Due to calve 3/27/2023 to Pine Coulee Cattleman H557 with a sexed bull calf.


This beautifully balanced daughter of BUBS Southern Charm AA31 has an excellent phenotype with a pedigree to match. Her dam, JC Miss Caroline 7C, is great uddered angular, and a high producing female that’s done an incredible job for us here at H-C Cattle. 156J offers the blend of power and feminity that we strive to produce. Due to calve 2/12023 to Werner Flat Top 4136 Reg# 18094501. With a sexed bull calf. Examined safe.

LIGHTS Sire of Lot 51
BRAVO 6313 Sire of Lot 52 JC MISS CAROLINE 156J Sells as Lot 53 PINE COULEE FEATURED FEMALES Shipwheel
Arrow Z101 PINE COULEE LADY B2 18031899 SH Lady 7321 939 Soo Line Motive 9016 Shipwheel Enchantress 8184 SAV Renown 3439 Apexette Eriskay 3060 Sitz Upward 307R Whitestone Evergreen W243 DHD Traveler 6807 Majesty 939 of 5439 4286 Pine Coulee Lady J7451 dob 1/24/21 COW 20248818 tattoo. J74 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 4 / 0.17 0.8 / 0.35 52 / 0.3 99 / 0.27 29 / 0.11 49 Coleman Charlo 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 +*18734838 Coleman Donna 714 ECR Xcalibur 700 of 413 PINE COULEE ELLUNA G75 *19879142 DL Elluna 1374 OCC Paxton 730P Bohi Abigale 6014 Connealy Onward Coleman Donna 386 Young Dale Xcaliber 32X ECR Zara 413 of 1102 SAV Resource 1441 MA Elluna 041 Pine Coulee Elluna J7052 dob 1/5/21 COW *20201933 tattoo. J70 CED BW WW YW MILK $W 12 / 0.26 -1.2 / 0.36 62 / 0.3 110 / 0.28 23 / 0.16 56 Silveiras Conversion 8064 BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31 *17853196 Hickory Hill Erica 009 SAV Brilliance 8077 JC MISS CAROLINE 7C 18201913 JC Miss Caroline 70A BT Crossover 758N EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 Connealy Stimulus 8419 Hickory Hill Erica TA32 SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Blackcap May 5270 CAR Duke 826 JC Miss Caroline 46X JC Miss Caroline 156J53 dob 1/16/21 COW 20187432 tattoo. 156J CED BW WW YW MILK $W I+5 / 0.05 I+2.0 / 0.05 I+58 / 0.05 I+96 / 0.05 I+29 / 0.05 56 LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 48
Bred Heifers These bred heifers are all registered and were kept as replacements for our registered cow herd. Exact numbers will be available before the date of sale including their registration numbers, AI sire, and due date. Pregnancy checked by Dr Ralph Miller. Will be rechecked prior to delivery. 50 Bred Heifers Sold as Commercials – $300 / head additional to transfer if buyer prefers. 30 AI Bred Heifers54a OFFERED BY. PINE COULEE ANGUS Due 1/9/23 - 1/30/23 AI BRED TO: Ingram Intensity 0030 (19718074) Pine Coulee Hannibal H316 (19895467) Pine Coulee Frontier H572 (20271172) Duff Real Deal 19115 (19963120) W Sunrise Executive Law 507H (19940954) 20 Bred Heifers54b OFFERED BY. PINE COULEE ANGUS Due 2/1/23 - 3/20/23 Bred to Pine Coulee Cattleman F300 sons LADIES OF THE BEARTOOTHS | 10.20.22 PG. 49

Commercial Bred Heifers


All of these heifers were ultra-sounded by Dr. Ralph Miller DVM

Green Tagged Heifers



All from one ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the replacements they kept and had to sell due to drought.

Green Tagged Heifers55b



All from one ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the replacements they kept and had to sell due to drought.

Heifers were AI’d to Pine Coulee Ovation H309 (19895453), which was the top selling bull in the 2021 Pine Coulee Bulls sale.


Green Tagged Heifers




All from one ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the replacements they kept and had to sell due to drought.


White Tagged Heifers



Heifers were AI’d to Pine Coulee Ovation H309 (19895453), which was the top selling bull in the 2021 Pine Coulee Bulls sale.

Green Tagged Heifers



All from one ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the replacements they kept and had to sell due to drought.

White Tagged Heifers56b



All from a different ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the top end of 300 heifers that were kept for replacements. Sold due to drought. These heifers are freeze branded and tagged to match. Heifers were AI’d to Pine Coulee Ovation H309 (19895453), which was the top selling bull in the 2021 Pine Coulee Bulls sale.

White Tagged Heifers56d


All from a different ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the top end of 300 heifers that were kept for replacements. Sold due to drought. These heifers are freeze branded and tagged to match. Heifers were AI’d to Pine Coulee Ovation H309 (19895453), which was the top selling bull in the 2021 Pine Coulee Bulls sale.

Green Tagged Heifers55e




All from one ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the replacements they kept and had to sell due to drought.


White Tagged Heifers



All from a different ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the top end of 300 heifers that were kept for replacements. Sold due to drought. These heifers are freeze branded and tagged to match.

White Tagged Heifers56e



All from a different ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the top end of 300 heifers that were kept for replacements. Sold due to drought. These heifers are freeze branded and tagged to match.


All from a different ranch that uses Pine Coulee bulls. These were the top end of 300 heifers that were kept for replacements. Sold due to drought. These heifers are freeze branded and tagged to match.

PINE COULEE OVATION H309 Service sire of all AI Bred Heifers.

PO Box

772 Absarokee, MT 59221

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