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Guest Consignors

Guest Consignors

I lost my “brother” Mike when we were on a canoeing adventure last May. Our hearts will be forever broken over this tragedy. He was a mentor to me in the cattle business, and the definition of a true friend.

The Leary Foundation Heifer will be an annual donation to a farming family that has suffered a devastating loss. This year the Leary family will decide upon the family that is most in need. Mike was a blessing to all of us, and we will honor him by blessing others.

A H Veracious 6p40 4192

Birth Date: 09-12-2022 · Cow *20446977 · Tattoo: 4192

#*Mill Brae Identified 4031 #*Koupals B&B Identity

+*HPCA Veracious *Mill Brae Pro Blackcap 1092

19699322 +*H P C A Sunrise A246 #+*G A R Sunrise +*H P C A Prophet A3

#*G A R Prophecy #+*G A R Prophet

*LA Rita 6P40 of 1A40 +*G A R 28 Ambush 181

19137389 *Rita 1A40 of Rita 8MN0 7M96 +*Rito 7M96 of Rita 5F56 Pred #+Rita 8MN0 of Rita 5FK8

A double-digit calving ease Veracious daughter that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire GAR Prophecy and Rito 7M96. She posses a super-unique number combination with a +131 YW and a +6 $EN, along with industry-leading marbling and ribeye. She possesses 6 Pathfinders in the first three generations and 14 traits in the top 20% of the breed.

Lot 9

A H Veracious 2076 4177

A super-balanced Veracious daughter that is a direct daughter of the $70,000 GAR Momentum 2076 and a maternal sister to the $19,000 selection of FB Genetics in last year’s sale. A full sister sells as Lot 7 in this event. Check out the balanced growth curve, elite carcass merit and elite efficiency this female possesses with excellent foot scores, PAP, and $Values. This is a tremendous breeding piece here.

GAR Momentum 2076 - Dam of Lot 10

Lot 10

A H Deadwood 5306 4200

Birth Date: 09-17-2022 · Cow +*20451562 · Tattoo: 4200

*Poss Maverick #+*Basin Payweight 1682

*Poss Deadwood Poss Pride 5163

19597261 *Poss Ellunamere 399 Poss Easy Impact 0119

#Poss Ellunmere 0170

#+*PVF Insight 0129 #*S A V Brilliance 8077

*EXAR Blackcap 5306 +*PVF Missie 790

18567692 *EXAR Blackcap 0484 *EXAR It All Counts 2219

#EXAR Blackcap 2359

A full sister to the Lot 2A female in this event that is by the recordsetting POSS Deadwood and a direct daughter of the $29,000 valued Angus Hill and Tuckaway Angus donor, Blackcap 5306, who has generated over $250,000 in progeny sales that includes the $35,000 selection of FB Genetics in the 2021 sale, the $12,000 selection of Linz Heritage, and the $9,500 selection of Gabriel Ranch in the same event, and the $20,000 selection of Kern Cattle in the 2022 sale. The maternal side of these genetics just don’t miss. This is a tremendous female both on paper and on the hoof.

Lot 11

A H Set Apart 2076 4062

Check out the growth curve in this GAR Set Apart daughter that is a direct daughter of the $70,000 GAR Momentum 2076, and a who is a maternal sister to the $19,000 selection of Fb Genetics in last year’s sale. Double-digit calving ease, explosive growth and elite carcass merit in this tremendous breeding piece. She sells bred on 6/28/2023 to Gardens Opus.

A H SET APART 2076 4061

12B Lot

#+*G A R Sure Fire #*Connealy In Sure 8524 *G A

R Set Apart

*G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress

+*G A R Momentum 2076 +G A R Big Eye 1770

18635931 +*G A R In Sure 654 #*Connealy In Sure 8524 +*G A R Complete 3011

CED BW WW YW DMI SC HP Milk $EN +16 +0 +68 +117 +1.54 +1.17 +10.5 +37 -13 DOC Claw Angle PAP CW Marb RE +18 +.67 +.59 -.95 +53 +1.31 +1.29

Lot 12B

A H Fire Proof 2076 4333

A double-digit calving ease Fire Proof daughter that stems directly from the $70,000 GAR Momentum 2076, and is a maternal sister to the $19,000 selection of FB Genetics in last year’s sale. This female possesses 15 different traits in the top 20% of the breed and has 4 Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree. She sells due to calve 10/29/2023 to HPCA Veracious.

Lot 12C

Lot 13A

A H Calvary Of 5306 4303

Birth Date: 03-26-2021 · Cow +*20034831 · Tattoo: 4303

#*Connealy Cavalry 1149 #*Connealy Consensus

*WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 +Brista of Conanga 927T

17979842 War CC&7 Z044 X029 #*SydGen C C & 7 War Game Day X029 U239 #+*PVF Insight 0129 #*S A V Brilliance 8077

*EXAR Blackcap 5306 +*PVF Missie 790

18567692 *EXAR Blackcap 0484 *EXAR It All Counts 2219 #EXAR Blackcap 2359

A H Cavalry 5306 4305

A super-impressive Cavalry daughter who is a full sister to the $22,000 selection of Kern Cattle in last year’s sale and the $12,000 selection of Linz Heritage in the 2021 sale, anchored by the nevermiss $29,000 Angus Hill and Tuckaway Angus donor, Blackcap 5306, who has generated over $250,000 in progeny sales. Check out the explosive growth and added CW and RE on this tremendous female. She sells due to calve 10/27/2023 to GB Fireball.

A flush sister to the previous lot that is a full sister to the $22,000 selection of Kern Cattle in last year’s sale, and the $12,000 selection of Linz Heritage in the 2021 sale, anchored by the nevermiss $29,000 Angus Hill and Tuckaway Angus donor, Blackcap 5306, who has generated over $250,000 in progeny sales. There is power in the blood here, folks! She sells due to calve 12/26/2023 to GB Fireball.

Lot 14

B I G Opus Of 918 B112

A super-balanced, very-complete Opus daughter that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sires Sure Fire and Absolute, and Lorson Angus donor GAR Daybreak 342. Check out the combination of efficiency and marbling this female possesses. She sells due to calve 3/14/2024 to HPCA Veracious.

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