6 minute read
Prepping for Junior National
As the spring sale season has nearly passed, every Shorthorn junior exhibitor across the country is starting preparations for the biggest exhibition of Shorthorn cattle of the year, the National Junior Shorthorn Show. Purchased cattle are being brought home or raised cattle are being moved to the show barn, to start the work needed for the summer. This work, to me, is the most rewarding. The impact of the hard work and time it takes before a show is not only the most important for the project but for the exhibitor as well. Through my many years of showing, the show barn has been my classroom. It has taught me life skills like patience and the importance of goals. The hardest lesson I have learned is that hard work guarantees nothing in the ring. The only thing hard work can guarantee is a sense of pride and fulfillment in one’s project.
Entries for contests like photography and graphic design must be submitted to contests@shorthorn.org by May 15th, so don’t forget to get those entries submitted. Due to our exceptional participation in the speech contest last year, the junior board had to make some changes to how the contest runs. Now is the time to start preparing speeches that must be videoed and sent in before May 15th. For all age divisions with more than 15 participants there will be an elimination round and judges will select their top 15 who will then compete at junior national.
Another deadline is for the Junior Board Applications, due the 10th of April. This is for any junior over the age of 17 that has attended a Junior National before. Up to two juniors per state can run for one of the three positions that will be open this summer. Personally, being on the board and having the ability to make a change for the coming generations has been one of the most rewarding things I have done.
On behalf of myself and the AJSA Board, I would like to wish everyone good luck in their preparations. I cannot wait to see everyone in Des Moines, Iowa!
Junior Board
President :: Faye Smith
Vice President :: Miller Smith
Secretary :: Colton Hulsey
Public Relations :: Merideth Behrens
Fundraising :: Xavier Ferris
Director :: Ryan Lane
Director :: Amanda Smee
Director :: Brayden DeBorde
Director :: Haylee Ferguson
Upcoming Junior Nationals
2023 • Des Moines, IA
2024 • Timonium, MD
2025 • Grand Island, NE
2026 • Abilene, TX
2027 • Madison, WI
Words of Advice
The EDGE Newsletter is your source for ALL things National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference. It includes the schedule, contest rules, show rules, hotel information and more. Find the EDGE at juniorshorthorn.org/edge-newsletter/

Entry Costs
Enter May 1: $45 per entry
Bedding/Stalling: $50 per animal
**Please Note: If
Things to Know
Enter after May 1: $75 per entry
Extra Shirts: $15
• Online entries will include entry fee (per show) and stalling/bedding fee for each animal in the barns and tieouts, exhibitor fee, and additional options.
• Entries must be paid online at time of entry or they will not be processed. There will be NO refunds on entries. See General Rule #6.
• Entry fee is $45 per show entry.
• If you are showing an animal in more than one show it must be entered for each show.
• There is a $50 stalling/bedding fee per head. Tie-out bedding is included. You will not be allowed to tie to trailers for tieouts this year. You can not add your own bedding at tieouts.
• Exhibitors must pay the $50 exhibitor fee during online entry. Exhibitor fee includes: show shirt, contest fee and two meal tickets. Purchase extra meal ticket packets can be during online entry. No show entries after final deadline of May 15, 2023.
• No entry substitutions allowed after May 15, 2023.
• All animals must be registered in the sole name of the junior member who will be showing.
• Ownership deadline is May 1, 2023. (No farm or family names allowed)
• Cattle will be allowed on the fairgrounds on Saturday, June 17, in tie outs ONLY after 5:00 p.m. Cattle will be allowed in barns after 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 18.
• All cattle must tie out in designated area. You can not tie outside during the day after check-in is completed. All cattle must stay on grounds & in the barns during the day.
• Must bring registration papers and health papers to the show for check-in. We will not verify tattoos at check-in but animals tattoo must match the corresponding registration papers. Entries not matching will be disqualified from show. See general rule #9.
• ONLY steers will be weighed at check-in.
Health Requirements
A. All animals intended for exhibition winthin the State of Iowa will be considered under quarantine and not eligible for showing until the owner or agent presents a CERTIFICATE of VETERINARY INSPECTION, stating the animals are apparently free of infectious or communicable diseases as determined on clinical inspection by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days prior to the date of entry to exhibition grounds.
B. Please note (vet and exhibitor): The certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) must include the name and owner or exhibitor and 911 address of the site the animal reside, the name and 911 address of the exhibition and shall only be used for one exhibition.
All cattle intended for exhibition shall have individual official identification and be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) that lists official identification. Examples of acceptable official identification include but may not be limited to; a USDA alphanumeric tag, Brucellosis (calfhood) vaccination tag, registry tattoo (if CVI is accompanied with registration papers that shows registry tattoo), or USDA approved RFID or 840 series tag.
TUBERCULOSIS (Iowa is class free):
Cattle originating from an accredited-free state or zone may be exhibited without other testing requirements when accompanied by a CVI that lists official individual identification (see above). Cattle from a herd or area under quarantine for tuberculosis may not be exhibited. Cattle from a state or zone which
Exhibitor Fee: $50
Meal Packets: $35 (includes two tickets)
• Individual Contest including Showmanship, speech and career development contests MUST be entered during online entry. Showmanship entries will not be accepted at junior national.
• All other individual contests must be entered by going through contest registration, Monday, June 19, starting at 8:00 a.m. You will also pick-up your show shirts.
• Group contests will be entered by state advisors. They will be provided the group sign-up sheets to return to the junior director and interns.
• Each exhibitor will be given colored-coded meal tickets at check-in. The color-codes will correspond to the meal.
• Electricity – People should come prepared with generators and extension cords. All generators must be housed outside.
No generators or gas cans will be allowed inside the barn and must meet local fire codes for inspection by fire marshall.
• Exhibitors are reminded that portacools and butt fans are not allowed in the barns.
• Pets are allowed on the fairgrounds, but NOT in the arena/show ring area for any reason or at any time.
• Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. In accordance with grounds policy and this youth event, consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
• If the junior member is unable to show their animal due illness or health, follow the procedure in the show rules. See General Rules #4, #5, #13.
• Animals will NOT be allowed to enter the show ring after the judge has given the signal to walk. See general show rule #18.
ALL photography, graphic design, speech and career development entries must be submitted by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org is not an accredited-free state or zone must meet the following requirements:
There have been some contest rule changes. Be sure to carefully read rules to know all the updates!
1. An individual animal test conducted within 60 days of the exhibition, or
2. Originate from a tuberculosis accredited-free herd, with the accredited herd number and date of last test listed on the CVI.
BRUCELLOSIS (Iowa is class free):
A. Native Iowa cattle originating from a herd not under quarantine can be exhibited without other testing requirements when accompanied by a CVI, showing individual identification.
B. Cattle originating outside the state must meet one of the following requirements: a. Originate from Brucellosis Class “Free” states when accompanied by a CVI and showing individual official identification, or b. Official vaccinates under 24 months when accompanied by a CVI, showing official calfhood vaccination and individual official identification, or c. Animals of any age originating from a herd not under quarantine when accompanied by a CVI, showing a report of a negative brucellosis test conducted within 30 days prior to opening date of exhibition and individual official identification, or d. Originate from a certified brucellosis-free herd, accompanied by a CVI, showing individual identity, herd number, and date of last test, or e. Calves under 6 months of age when accompanied by a CVI, showing individual official identification.
Additional information on health regulations at juniorshorthorn.org/ia-health-rules/