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fort Worth STOCK SHOW
FWSS Show Honoree Scott Family Shorthorns
The Scott family moved to Texas in 1988 and connected with Linda’s aunt and uncle who had retired to their ranch in Jewett. They enjoyed visiting their ranch and Linda’s uncle gave her a heifer to start her very own herd. After her uncle passed away in 1995, they visited her aunt every weekend and in 1998 purchased property in the area. Their daughter Erika moved close in 1996 and she enjoyed going to sales eventually starting her herd. They started going to cattle sales such as WHR, Ahlschwede Livestock and Durham Shorthorns. They enjoyed going to the shows to see the 4-H and FFA kids show livestock and wanted to be more involved on the National Level. Thanks to Jim Williams and Travis & Beth Pembrook they enjoyed meeting more Shorthorn people and were very fortunate to have some success.
In 2005, Mr. V8 Johnny Reb was the All-American Winter Bull Calf. In 2006, Mr. V8 Jimmy Mack was the All-American Jr. Yearling Bull. In 2007 & 2008, Miss V8 Dionne D was the crowned Grand Champion at the Oklahoma State Fair, Reserve Grand Champion at the Illinois State Fair, Reserve Grand Champion at the Ozark Empire Fair, Reserve Grand Champion in Denver, Grand Champion in Houston, the All-American Summer Yearling Female, and the Show Female of the Year. In 2009, Miss V8 Greta Grey-Bo was the Grand Champion at the Houston Open Show. In 2010, Miss V8 Dolce D was the All-American Senior Heifer Calf. SFS Danny D was the 2011-12 ASA All-American Senior Bull Calf and the 2012-13 All American Senior Yearling Bull. At the 2012 National Western in Denver, Danny D was the Reserve Grand Champion Bull and in 2013 was the Grand Champion Bull right here in Fort Worth. In 2015, SFS Super Chief was the South-Central Regional Show Bull of the Year.
Rich’s mother and sister Kathy came for many years to Fort Worth for both the Junior and Open show. They enjoyed their time at the ranch and Kathy became pretty adept at learning to put out rolls of hay. Rich’s mother enjoyed driving the big truck. When showing at the American Royal in Kansas City, family came from Missouri and Kansas to visit.
The Scott’s became members of the Texas Shorthorn Association in 1997 and Rich was on the Board of Directors from 2007-2012. Rich was voted several years as a delegate from Texas to the National Meeting in Kansas City. In 2011, Scott Family Shorthorns was honored by the Texas Shorthorn Association as the TSA Progressive Breeder.
Linda has served as the TSA Secretary/ Treasurer since 2007. Linda also serves as the Texas Shorthorn Lassies Treasurer. Unfortunately, Rich was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2015 and it was decided to sell the ranch and cattle to move to Fort Worth for medical reasons. Rich passed away from Covid in July of 2020 and is interred at the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery.
The Scott’s have had the time of their lives raising and showing Shorthorns. They thank all Shorthorn breeders for the wonderful memories.
Congratulations to Scott Family Shorthorns for being selected as the 2023 Fort Worth Stock Show Honoree.