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fort Worth STOCK SHOW 2023
National Shorthorn Show
Open Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus :: 132 head :: Judges: Kyle Conley & Mark Johnson
by Cassie Reid and Wade Minihan
Shorthorn exhibitors traveled down to Fort Worth, Texas to exhibit 132 head at the Fort Worth Stock Show National Shorthorn Show on Sunday, January 29, 2023. Kyle Conley of Sulpur, Oklahoma evaluated 70 Purebred Females and 18 Purebred Bulls, while

Mark Johnson of Orlando, Oklahoma sorted 38 ShorthornPlus Females and 6 ShorthornPlus Bulls.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Senior Bull Calf was awarded to Little Cedar Currency 2146, owned by Little Cedar Cattle Co. of Beaverton,
Mich., Delisle Farms of Gladwin, Mich., and Leemon Cattle Co. of Fairland, Okla.
Peakview Marvel 53322 was named Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Junior Bull Calf, owned by Peak View Ranch Inc. of Fowler, Colo.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Senior Female honors went to CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET, owned by Miller Smith of Pendleton, Ind.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf award went to Pioneer 261 ET, owned by Braylen Schaeffer of Hagerstown, Ind.
Moving onto the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Champion Late Spring Bull Calf honors went to Baker Sparkle Dust, owned by Kara Lea Baker from Jones, Okla.
Baker Pridemore Pride B14 was named Reserve Grand Champion
ShorthornPlus Bull and Champion Junior Bull, exhibited by Ryan Baker, Jones, Okla.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus
Female and Champion Intermediate Female was awarded to SULL Fancy Cherri
1221J ET, owned by Carter Kornegay of Tulsa, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Senior Female honors went to CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, owned by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio.
Division Winners:
Purebred Bull Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Bull Calf –DPF Dealer’s Choice 202, Jocelyn Phelps, Tecumseh, Okla.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – M&E Reliable 1045, M & E Shorthorns, Winnsboro, Texas.
Champion Early Spring Bull Calf –DEK C3 Cheeseburger 237K ET, DEK Cattle Company, Broxton, Ga.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – CASH-Farms Checkmate, Chloe Carlisle, Amarillo, Texas.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf
– JSP Captain McCray 0105, Jace Parker, Ardmore, Okla.
Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf
– Peakview Final Plan 2021 ET, Peakview Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo.
Champion Intermediate Bull – DC Impact, Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull – PRI Pence’s Cumberland Prince 0622, Priddy Shorthorns, Desdemona, Texas.
Champion Junior Bull – LDB Braveheart 114 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull –Fieser’s Captain, Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns, Plains, Kan., and Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Purebred Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –DCS Cumberland QR 22, Griffin Behrens, Colbert, Okla.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – DRY Rosemary’s Reward 2202 ET, Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SULL LGF Ruby Knights 2296K ET, Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Max Rosa 245 RK X ET, Carter Meyer, Needville, Texas.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 270 SOL ET, Ryli Bivens, Burleson, Texas.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF CSF Margie 1113 BD X ET, Ryli Bivens, Burleson, Texas.

Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – WHR V Cecilia 1906 ET, John Wells, Van Alystyne, Texas.
Champion Intermediate Female –/F Thirteene 1966C ET, Beth Wells, Van Alystyne, Texas.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AF She’s a Looker, Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.
Champion Junior Female – SULL
LGF Power of Ruby 1227J ET, Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.
Reserve Champion Junior Female –CF Augusta Pride 155 UR X, Mackenzie Laughery, Royse City, Texas.
Reserve Champion Senior Female –WHR HC Mona Lisa Perfection 1104 ET, Caitlyn Rasor, Van Alstyne, Texas.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair – 3B Luna, Samantha Fisher, Lindsay, Texas.
Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair – TMF BISS Cumberland 1108 9H ET, Danielle Roby, Temple, Texas.
ShorthornPlus Bull Show Divisions: Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – CCF Maximilian, Ethan Crow, Lawton, Okla.
Champion Senior Bull Calf – 2G Jacked 48J ET, Benjamin Mackey, Celeste, Texas.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull – PRI Buzz’s Blue Smoke, Priddy Shorthorns, Desdemona, Texas.
ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf
– DCFS Making Magic, Jace Parker, Ardmore, Okla.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – KKW Sangria Reality Red 519 Fancy, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – EMS Montana Primo, Elli Mathews, Muldrow, Okla.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – HHCC Sweet Dreams Reward 210K, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf –AF Playeful Cait 2205 ET, Josie Heter, Raymond, Kan.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – Lazy B Black Rose B21, Faith Daniel, Maypearl, Texas.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – 2GS Roan Speckles 9051 ET, Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – WHR Red Bud 1902 ET, Alexa Lane, Grove, Okla.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – KKW Miss Prestige, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.
Champion Junior Female – OBD Alya 2105J, Shane Carisle, Amarillo, Texas.
Reserve Champion Junior Female –EFS Augusta Pride 105J, Chloe Carisle, Amarillo, Texas.
Reserve Champion Senior Female –720 KGL County Queen ET, Kase Glazier, Loyal, Okla.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair – SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510 ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Class Placings: Purebred Bull Class Placings (Top 3): Late Spring Bull Calves – (4 Entries): 1) DPF Dealer’s Choice 202 owned by Jocelyn Phelps; 2) M&E Reliable 1045 owned by M & E Shorthorns; 3) JA_C
Ozark 702K M owned by J. Armstrong Cattle.
Early Spring Bull Calves – (2 Entries):
1) DEK C3 Cheeseburger 237K ET owned by DEK Cattle Company; 2) CASH-Farms
Checkmate owned by Chloe Carlisle.
Junior Bull Calves – (5 Entries): 1)
Peakview Marvel 53322 owned by Peak View Ranch Inc; 2) JSP Captain Mccray 0105 owned by Jace Parker; 3) JA_C
Hustlin’ Hillbilly 21K TS owned by Kara Lea Baker.
Winter Bull Calves – (2 Entries): 1)
Little Cedar Currency 2146 owned by Little Cedar Cattle Co, Delisle Farms, Leemon Cattle Co; 2) Peakview Final Plan 2021 ET owned by Peakview Ranch Inc.
Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries): 1) DC Impact owned by Dayson Cash; 2) PRI Pence’s Cumberland Prince 0622 owned by Priddy Shorthorns.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries): 1) LDB Braveheart 114 ET owned by Lane Blankership; 2) Fieser’s Captain owned by Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns, Dayson Cash.
Junior Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry):

1) JA_C Hot Wire 217 HW owned by Brooke McKean.
Purebred Female Class Placings (Top 3):
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) DCS Cumberland QR 22 owned by Griffen Behrens; 2) AF VF Myrtles World 206 owned by Andlee Lane; 3) JNT Wynonna owned by Jessica Turnpaugh.
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) DRY Rosemary’s Reward 2202 ET owned by Winston Dryer; 2) BCD Karson 248 owned by Audrey Ivey; 3) DPF Cumberland 203 ET owned by Jocelyn Phelps.
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) DTR Taffeta 2024 owned by Josie Heter; 2) MBETH Robin K51 owned by Bailee Taylor; 3) SFF CPRU Roses are Red RK 247 ET owned by Morgan Brooks.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) GCC Buckeye Charm72 ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 2) Peakview Max 2214 ET owned by Peak View Ranch Inc and Knitelynn June Toney; 3) MCK_ ICY Firestorm owned by Brooke McKean.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) SULL LGF Ruby Knights 2296K ET owned by Winston Dryer; 2) CCBF Cool Crystal Charisma 11K ET owned by Kase Glazier; 3) /F Lavendar 2677 owned by Benjamin Mackey.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) Pioneer 261 ET owned by Braylen Schaeffer; 2) CF Mona Lisa 270
SOL ET owned by Ryli Bivens; 3) SFF Crystal’s Swan HC 217 ET owned by Ryder Heter.
Junior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1)
CF Max Rosa 245 RK X ET owned by Carter Meyer; 2) GDLC Cumberland 2203 owned by Emilee Munchrath; 3) LSA Mistletoe 0015 owned by Morgan Brooks.

Junior Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1)
SHOUF Red Sable RD 2201 owned by Ryli Bivens; 2) Shadybrook -PL Midnight Fire 11K ET owned by Beth Wells; 3) DKSN Lady Crystal 1252 ET owned by Pepper Elmore.
Winter Heifer Calves – (3 Entries):
1) AF VF Myrtle Bo 122 ET owned by Hayley Basham; 2) GCS Juneflower Rev 25J ET owned by Alexa Lane; 3) TMF Crystal’s Drea ET owned by Kenzey Cox.
Senior Heifer Calves – (8 Entries): 1)
CF CSF Margie 1113 BD X ET owned Ryli Bivens; 2) WHR V Cecilia 1906 ET owned by John Wells; 3) CCR PEG 9121 owned by Emilee Munchrath.
Summer Yearling Females – (3 Entries):
1) SMS Max Rosa J3 owned by Abbi Scott;
2) HCC Baby Girl 0716 owned by Jayson
Shorthorn Bulls
114 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Shorthorn Bull pictures not available: Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – M&E Reliable 1045, M & E Shorthorns, Winnsboro, Texas.
Champion Intermediate Bull – DC Impact, Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull – PRI Pence’s Cumberland Prince 0622, Priddy Shorthorns, Desdemona, Tex.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull – Fieser’s Captain, Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns, Plains, Ks and Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Smith; 3) MCK Strawberry Shortcake 8201 owned by Molly Kreutzer.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (6 Entries): 1) /F Thirteene 1966C ET owned Beth Wells; 2) AF She’s a looker owned by Winston Dryer; 3) SULL RGLC Fancy Rose 113 ET owned by Jocelyn Phelps.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) SULL LGF Power of Ruby 1227J ET owned by Winston Dryer;
2) CF Augusta Pride 155 UR X owned by Mackenzie Laughery; 3) BCD LDF Jasmine 132 owned by Brayden Cole DeBorde.
Junior Yearling Females – (3 Entries):
1) CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET owned by Miller Smith; 2) WHR HC Mona Lisa Perfection 1104 ET owned by Caitlyn Rasor; 3) LDB Merci’s Gergia 103 ET owned by Lane Blankinship.
Senior Yearling Females – (3 Entries):
1) CF Margie 0125 BW X ET owned by Cooper Laughery; 2) CCR Charming Lady 0920 ET owned by Emilee Munchrath; 3) Lady Stella Eve owned by Samantha Fisher.
Two-Year Old Cow/Calf – (2 Entries):
1) 3B Luna owned by Samantha Fisher;
2) TMF BISS Cumberland 1108 9H ET owned by Danielle Roby.
ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings (Top 3):
Late Spring Bull Calves – (2 Entries):
1) Baker Sparkle Dust owned by Kara Lea Baker; 2) CCF Maximilian owned by Ethan Crow.
Senior Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) 2G Jacked 48J ET owned by Benjamin Mackey.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (3 Entries): 1) Baker Pridemore Pride B14 owned by Ryan Baker; 2) PRI Buzz’s Blue Smoke owned by Priddy Shorthorns; 3) G & S Roan Crush 4420 owned by G&S Shorthorns.
ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings (Top 3):
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) DCFS Making Magic owned by Jace Parker; 2) KKW Sangria Reality Red 519 Fancy owned by Kadin Kinder Worthington; 3) LDB Serenas Vienna 212 ET owned by Lane Blankinship.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) HHCC Sweet Dreams Reward 210K owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 2) FFF Myrtle Bo 2247 ET owned by Samuel Parker; 3) BAKERS Neba B18 owned by Kara Lea Baker.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) EMS Montana Primo owned by Elli Mathews; 2) MFS Oreo Red Velvet 217K ET owned by Wyatt Fechter; 3) COUCH Miss Nikki owned by Crow Creek Farms.
Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) AF Playeful Cait 2205 ET owned by Josie Heter; 2) /F Orange Girl Tina 18223 owned by J and M Cattle Company; 3) RWD Liberty 196K owned by Sydney Jorgenson.
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) Lazy B Black Rose B21 owned by Faith Daniel; 2) BCB Simple Molly Duece 0117 owned by Brittney Basham.
Senior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) 2GS Roan Speckles 9051 ET owned by Dayson Cash; 2) WHR Red Bud 1902 ET owned by Alexa Lane; 3) MKM Jossette owned by Vinoka Morris.
Summer Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) KKW Miss Prestige owned by Kadin Kinder Worthington; 2) MBETH Miss Feathertail J720 owned by James Edelen.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 2) CCBF Max Rosa’s Recollection 08J owned by Logan Diffee; 3) KKW Red Diamond Jewels 521 owned by Kelby Ann Worthington.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) OBD Alya 2105J owned by Shane Carisle; 2) EFS Augusta Pride 105J owned by Chloe Carisle; 3) Jazz’s Tippi owned by Marlin Priddy.
Junior Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) 720 KGL County Queen ET owned by Kase Glazier; 3) DEK RCF Ms Cheyenne owned by Addison Bailey.
Two-Year Old Cow/Calf – (1 Entry): 1) SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510 ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson.
Shorthorn Female picture not available: Reserve Champion Junior Female – CF Augusta Pride 155 UR X, Mackenzie Laughery,
City, Texas.
ShorthornPlus Females pictures not available:
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – HHCC Sweet Dreams Reward 210K, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – 2GS Roan Speckles 9051 ET, Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair – SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510 ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
ShorthornPlus Bulls
ShorthornPlus Bull pictures not available:
Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – CCF Maximilian, Ethan Crow, Lawton, Okla.
Champion Senior Bull Calf –2G Jacked 48J ET, Benjamin Mackey, Celeste, Texas.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull – PRI Buzz’s Blue Smoke, Priddy Shorthorns, Desdemona, Texas.