2021 August Shorthorn Country

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august 2021

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

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august 2021 issue 7 • volume 48

The August cover photos were taken by Caseelynn Johnston and Abby Stier.

7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 •  FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net

Shorthorn Country

advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $ 565 $ 505 2/3 page 420 385 1/2 page-island 335 310 1/2 page 315 290 1/3 page 240 225 1/4 page 195 175 1/6 page 135 120 Business card (1 1/2”) 41 32 * Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs

color rates

4 color $200 1 color $195

* Color only available on half of page or larger


Delegate Election Process................................................................. 10 Annual Meeting Schedule & 150th Book Information................ 20 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference....... 24

Contract Rates And Discounts:

Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.

Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs

Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.

Show Results

NJSS Shorthorn Female Show.......................................................... 26 NJSS ShorthornPlus Female Show.................................................. 32 NJSS Bred & Owned Shorthorn Female Show.............................. 36 NJSS Bred & Owned Shorthorn Bull Show.................................... 40 NJSS Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Bull Show............................ 41 NJSS Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female Show....................... 42 NJSS Shorthorn Steer Show............................................................. 46 NJSS ShorthornPlus Steer Show...................................................... 48

Departments Update..................................................................................6 Association Outlook..........................................................8 In the Know.......................................................................10 Beef Blurb..........................................................................16 Tartan Plaid.......................................................................22 News & Notes....................................................................76 2021-2022 ASA Point Show System...............................78 Sales Calendar...................................................................85 Ad Index............................................................................86


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Don Cagwin, publisher Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com =Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.

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WHR Breeders WHR Assessments for 2021 were sent in November. If you have not received yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible.

Shorthorn Update American Shorthorn Association 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Cassie Reid, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services • cassie@shorthorn.org Wade Minihan, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services • wade@shorthorn.org Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org

ASA Board of Directors Hugh Mooney, president 209-712-6692 Joe Bales, vice president 615-330-2342 Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552 John Sonderman, 402-641-0936 Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522 Lee Miller, 330-231-6834 John Russell, 832-588-8604 Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Korbin Collins, president National Shorthorn Lassies Sommer Smith, president

1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2021 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2021.) 2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2021 to an assessed 2021 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months) 2021 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: March 1 - December 31, 2021 $25 *Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees.

Shorthorn Beef Locally Raised Visit shorthornbeef.org to see the availability of Shorthorn meat from Shorthorn producers. Contact shelby@shorthorn.org to get on the map or for more information.




ESTD 1872

Non-Certificate Bulls

ASA Dates of Note August

Oct. 10 KILE Junior Shorthorn and Aug. 1 Builder of the Breed Nominations ShorthornPlus Show due to ASA Oct. 17 NILE Junior Show and National Aug. 2 Ballots for delegate voting will Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show be mailed to members in good Oct. 21 American Royal Junior standing Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show Aug.10-12 NCBA Convention and Trade Oct. 22 American Royal National Shorthorn Show - Nashville, Tenn. and ShorthornPlus Show Aug. 31 ASA Fiscal year ends: All Oct. 22 ASA Annual Meeting - Breeders’ registrations counted for Century Happy Hour/Social at the ASA Club must be registered Office, Kansas City, Mo. September Oct. 23 ASA Annual Meeting Forum Sept. 6 ASA Office Closed - Labor Day and Awards Banquet - Shorthorn Sept. 7 All ballots due in ASA office for Sesquicentennial Kick-Off, Hilton electing delegates Kansas City Airport, Kansas City, Mo. Sept. 10 American Royal ownership and November entry deadline Nov. 25-26 ASA Office Closed - October Thanksgiving and day after Oct. 9 KILE National Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Show

2021 ASA Annual Meeting Forum & Awards Banquet October 22-23 - Hilton Kansas City Airport Kansas City, MO View Full Schedule on Page 20

To make a bull non-certificate, ALL DNA requirements for an A.I. Sire must be completed before we will make them non-certificate.

A.I. Certificates In order to have A.I. certificates released on a bull, it must be DNA tested as an A.I. Sire. However, if the bull is deceased, the calf can be DNA tested instead.

2021 ASA Annual Meeting Hotel Info Hilton Kansas City Airport 8801 NW 112th St. Kansas City, MO 64153 Call Hotel for Reservations Phone: 816-891-8900 Cutoff date: 12pm on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021

Regular Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone

(ASA Staff Meeting Wednesday’s 10:00-11:00 AM)

2021 International Year Code: J 6

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Association Outlook

Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO

Sesquicentennial Kickoff


his issue of the Shorthorn Country includes reports from the 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. I will begin with a few comments about the biggest event the breed gathers for and this was one of, if not the biggest in our history. In Louisville, Ky., tons of cattle and some of the finest folks you can find gathered to make this year’s event an extremely competitive show. I’d like to bring attention to all the contests held at this educational event. The Career Development Contest is a new addition; this is where the junior exhibitor prepares for a mock job interview. This is just one example of how this event helps prepare our youth for the future. Nearly 1,000 awards are presented at the show and youth conference each year. The young people of our breed are impressive when you analyze all they accomplish during the fun-filled week. The following Facebook post I saw explains the real value of purchasing Shorthorns for our children: “One of my friends asked, “Why do you pay so much money for your kids to show cattle?” Well, I have a confession to make, I don’t pay for my kids to show cattle. So, if I am not paying for them to show, what am I paying for? - I pay for those moments when my kids become so tired, they want to quit but don’t. - I pay for those days when my kids come home from school and are “too tired” to go the barn but go anyway. - I pay for


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my kids to learn to be disciplined. - I pay for my kids to learn to take care of their body. - I pay for my kids to learn to work with others and to be good teammates. - I pay for my kids to learn to deal with disappointment, when they don’t win what they’d hoped for, but still have to work hard in the grading. - I pay for my kids to learn to make and accomplish goals. - I pay for my kids to learn that it takes hours and hours and hours and hours of hard work and practice to create a champion, and that success does not happen overnight. - I pay for the opportunity my kids have and will have to make life-long friendships. - I pay so that my kids can be in the ring instead of in front of a screen......I could go on but, to be short, I don’t pay for show cattle, I pay for the opportunities that showing cattle provides my kids with, to develop attributes that will serve them well throughout their lives and give them the opportunity to bless the lives of others. From what I have seen so far, there is no greater investment out there.” ~Unknown Author~ (KellyHairSheep.com) I think this says it all; as we build future generations for our breed, industry, and nation. Thank you to all that help support this wonderful event each year. It is important for the youth of our breed. The other event I would like to draw to your attention is our 2021 ASA Annual Meeting on Oct. 23rd in Kansas City at the Hilton Kansas City Airport

Hotel which will also kick-off our 150th Anniversary (Sesquicentennial) Celebration. We will unveil the 150th Anniversary Book which can be purchased on our website or at the event. The history of our breed and of the cattle industry is captured from cover to cover. If you have any interest in Shorthorns or the cattle industry this one-of-a-kind book is a must have item! We will have a panel of Shorthorn Legends plus Shorthorn Trivia during the morning Forum along with comments from Dr. Tom Field. The Annual Meeting reports and election of new Board Members will take place that afternoon. The evening will include a Social and Awards Banquet where we will present last year’s awards as well as for the current year. Don’t forget the American Royal National Shorthorn Show is on Friday Oct. 22 and a social will be held at the ASA office on that same evening, with drinks and hor d’oeuvres. This time has become a favorite for many who attend. It provides time to socialize with other Shorthorn breeders and share ideas while meeting up with old friends and making new ones. The breed is gaining acceptance in the industry and there are many new breeders joining the breed. The atmosphere at the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference is a prime example of the positive happenings in the Shorthorn Breed! =

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In the Know

customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services

Wade Minihan

Cassie Reid

2021-2022 ASA Show System Updates & Delegate Election Process Though our show season begins each year in April, most of our point shows do not begin to take place until August and beyond. As Wade and I are finally able to attend our first point shows for the 20212022 Show Season, we are ecstatic to get our feet on the ground. In the month of August, you will find Wade and me at the following Super Regional Shows: Iowa State Fair, Kentucky State Fair and the Western Idaho Fair. Throughout the year, look for at least one of us at Super Regional, National and Super National Shows. We look forward to meeting more of our membership and serving you at these upcoming shows. In June, Wade and I attended our


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first National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference as staff members and we were extremely thankful for the warm welcome we received and the opportunity to serve our Junior members throughout the week. Junior Nationals served as a teaser to what the rest of the year will bring as we travel to shows. As always, we are excited to grow into our roles with the association! On another note, we would like to remind our breeders of the upcoming delegate election process. See below a list of everything you need to know. To be a member in good standing, be sure to pay your ASA bill if you have done any recent work in DigitalBeef so you do not

have a balance due. Be watching your mailboxes early August for the ballots. It is important that ballots must be RECEIVED back to the ASA office, (mail, fax, or scan) by Tuesday, September 7, 2021. With the annual meeting being earlier than normal, in October, we have less time to get the delegate list finalized. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the delegate election process. =

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Beef Blurb

Shelby director of youth activities, Diehm director of marketing & communications

Out of This World How is the best part of the year over already? The 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference was one of the biggest yet with more than 700 entries exhibited and 425 exhibitors in attendance. I heard many people in the barn say it was the “best one yet” and I really thought it would be hard to beat the 2020 NJSS in Texas! There are so many people to thank for their help in making the NJSS such a huge success. First, we need to thank the breeders who donated to the Red, White and Roan Club or donated a lot in their sale for the Royal Society Club. This was the first year of the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund and this really took off with donations. The NJSS is an important but expensive event, and we couldn’t do it without donations and sponsorships. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time to help the show and events run smoothly. The state advisors, contest judges and Kentucky Shorthorn

Association all had a role in making sure the junior exhibitors had a great experience. We did our best to stay on schedule with the help of these volunteers, but we had more participation than ever in the contests which was exciting even if the schedule ran a little behind. I truly appreciate all those who gave their time during the busy week. Thank you to Jim and Bev Freed for being the awesome NJSS office staff. If you visited the office with a question, signed up for the cornhole tournament, bought a t-shirt or anything in between, you would have seen their smiling faces. They have helped us for many years, and we couldn’t do it without their assistance! They love helping the Shorthorn juniors. Thank you to the rest of the American Shorthorn Association and Shorthorn Country staff for being so supportive in the months leading up to NJSS as well as everything you do during the week. I appreciate each of you for your friendship and help!

Thank you to the junior board new and old. It takes a lot of planning and fundraising to make this event happen. You have the junior members best interest in mind with each tweak and change. You are a great team, and I am so proud to serve as your activity director. I can’t wait to see what the team comes up with for next year. And finally, thank you to the entire Shorthorn family. The show wouldn’t be possible without the many exhibitors or their families. You are so important to the continued growth of the breed and success of NJSS. It is hard to believe I just wrapped up my fifth National Junior Shorthorn Show as the youth activity director. I look forward to many more years with the ASA and the Shorthorn family. Be sure to mark your calendars for June 1925 in Kansas City, Missouri. I hear it will be “Out of This World.” =

Thank you Jim and Beverly Freed!

Jim and Bev have been graciously volunteering their time to the ASA staff at Shorthorn Junior Nationals for a number of years, and without their time and dedication, things would be much more difficult. Thank you, Jim and Bev, for all that you do. It does not go unnoticed! The Shorthorn Junior Nationals takes an unimaginable amount of work to organize and host. It takes a lot of people, time, effort, and cooperation to make sure that everything runs as smooth as possible for our junior exhibitors. Things truly would not be the same without all of the help that our volunteers give to us.


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American Shorthorn Association



Shorthorn Sesquicentennial Limited Edition Book - America’s First Discount & Purchasing Options 150 Years of Shorthorn History: Pre-Order $50:

• Pre-order books by October 1, 2021. • Pre-payment required for pickup at the following ASA Events: Annual Meeting in Kansas City, Mo., North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky., or Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Okla. • Pre-Order forms will be found on the ASA website. • Book pre-order as an add on to the Annual Meeting Registration will be available for members. • Pre-Order books must be picked up, shipping not available.

Onsite Purchases $60:

• Purchase at the following ASA Events: ASA Annual Meeting, North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) or Cattlemen’s Congress. • Books purchased onsite must be picked-up, no shipping.

Regular Price $65 Plus Shipping & Handling:

• Order forms available on the ASA website at regular price plus shipping and handling.

Join us this fall as we begin the celebration of shorthorn.org/150th-anniversary-book/

150 years


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of the American Shorthorn Association

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Tartan Plaid Get to Know the Lassies Name? Harley Shelton Title? National Shorthorn Lassie Queen State? Texas School, grade? Oklahoma State University, Freshman What is one thing that you would put on your bucket list? Shark Cage Diving What is your favorite summer activity? Showing cattle at Jr. Nationals Are you a morning person or a night person? Night What is your favorite quote? “Don’t dull anyones sparkle, just to make yours shine brighter.” What would you do with 15 minutes of fame? Speak up and educate people about the necessities of agriculture, and the beef industry. Describe yourself in 3 words? Compassionate, Competitive, Graceful What’s your dream job? Veterinarian Favorite food? Chips and Queso What is your favorite hobby? Showing Cattle My favorite place is? The barn Favorite movie? Secretariat If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Jamaica The most important thing in my life is? Family and the love for Shorthorn Cattle I can’t stand? Rudeness and Meanness I’m afraid of? Snakes Favorite color? Purple What are you most looking forward to this year? Interacting and meeting new Shorthorn breeders from around the United States and , possibly the world. =


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Name? Sierra Betts Title? National Alternate Shorthorn Lassie Queen State? Ohio School, grade? Ohio University Eastern, Sophomore What is one thing that you would put on your bucket list? Travel What is your favorite summer activity? Showing cattle Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning What is your favorite quote? “No regrets, if it’s good, it’s wonderful, if it’s bad, it’s experience.” Describe yourself in 3 words? Dependable, Caring, Honest What’s your dream job? Child Psychologist Favorite food? Lasagna What is your favorite hobby? Showing Cattle My favorite place is? The barn Favorite movie? Pure Country The most important thing in my life is? Family I can’t stand? Getting caught in the rain I’m afraid of? Elevators Favorite color? Teal What are you most looking forward to this year? Attending lots of Shorthorn events, meeting new people, and visiting different parts of the country. =

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2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference by Korbin Collins

As we finish up a great week at junior nationals, which was the largest in the breed’s history, I could not be more thankful to be a part of this breed. Thankfully we did not have significant pandemics or other unexpected events to hurt this great event and get the Shorthorn family back together. It was great to see so many juniors from across the country compete against each other in the different contests from fitting to photography. The junior board had a great time hosting and helping with these contests, mainly because we interacted with the junior exhibitors before and after.


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This great event would not be able to happen without the American Junior Shorthorn Association, American Shorthorn Association Staff, the ASA Board of Directors, and more. I want to say thank you to all of those individuals that went above and beyond for this great event. I would also like to say thank you to all of the breeders, donors, and supporters. Without the generous contributions made throughout this year, we would not have had such amazing junior nationals and the great prizes we handed out. As president of the AJSA Junior Board of Directors, I am very excited and

honored to serve the breed and the youth of this industry for the following year. I am thrilled to be working with this Junior Board, AJSA & ASA staff, and all of the generous donors and supporters. I believe we will work great together and try to make this next Junior Nationals the best and, of course, the biggest. Finally, I am incredibly excited to see everyone again at the 2022 Junior Nationals in Kansas City, Missouri. I cannot wait to be surrounded by the Shorthorn family once again very soon. =

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National Junior Shorthorn Female Show 322 Head - Judge Dave Allan by Bella Chaffin

Third Overall Shorthorn Female and Division IV Champion, MFS Crystal’s Lu Lu 43 H ET, exhibited by Reid Utterback, Elwood, Ind.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Division VI Champion, was awarded to CF CSF Crystals Swan 015 EV X ET, exhibited by Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.

Fourth Overall Shorthorn Female and Division VI Reserve Champion, CF Max Rosa 025 EV X ET, exhibited by Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Division V Champion, was awarded to SS Max Rosa 029 ET, exhibited by Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.

Three hundred twenty-two Purebred Shorthorn Females were brought into the ring to be evaluated by Judge Dave Allan at the 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Female Show. Receiving the title of Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Division VI Champion was CF CSF Crystals Swan 015 EV X ET, exhibited by Houston Ferree of Sullivan, Ind. CF CSF Crystals Swan 015 EV X ET is a daughter of CSF Evolution HC 26

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and SULL Crystal’s Swan ET. Receiving Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Division V Champion was SS Max Rosa 029 ET, a daughter of SULL Propel 7187E ET and CYT Max CY Rosa 1110 ET. Kane Aegerter of Seward, Neb. was the exhibitor of this Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female. Third Overall Shorthorn Female and Division IV Champion was exhibited by

Fifth Overall Shorthorn Female and Division IV Reserve Champion, CF S/F Margie 093 SOL X ET, exhibited by Keagan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.

Reid Utterback of Elwood, Ind., and is named MFS Crystal’s Lu Lu 43 H ET. This female is a daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and SULL Crystal’s Lucy -1. Fourth Overall Shorthorn Female and Division VI Reserve Champion was awarded to CF Max Rosa 025 EV X ET, exhibited by Kane Aegerter of Seward, Neb. CSF Evolution HC and CYT DCS Max Rosa 4136 ET are the parents of

Division I Champion - Bratcher Mona Lisa 124, exhibited by Abby Bratcher, Elizabeth, Ind.

Division I Reserve Champion - CRK Ruby’s Sage 211, exhibited by Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.

Division I 3rd Overall - Armstrong Lady Crystal 2104 ET, exhibited by Henry J Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.

Division II Champion - SULL Fancy Rose 0518H ET, exhibited by Korbin Collins, Flanagan, Ill.

Division II Reserve Champion - CF Mona Lisa 0121 SOL X ET, exhibited by Carter Meyer, Needville, Texas.

Division II 3rd Overall - WHR HS Montana Morning 0931 ET, exhibited by Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas.

Division III Champion - CF Mona Lisa 099 SOL X ET, exhibited by Makenzie Laughery, Royse City, Texas.

Division III Reserve Champion - SS Myrtle Bo Bubbly 053 ET, exhibited by Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas.

Division III 3rd Overall - STECK WSCC Chelsie 042, exhibited by Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.

Division IV 3rd Overall - CF Rosebud 090 UH X, exhibited by Ryan Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.

Division V Reserve Champion - NR Quantum Queen 434H ET, exhibited by Warner Ott, Albion, Ind.

Division V 3rd Overall - TAD Margie’s Royal Commodity 5H ET, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.

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Division VI 3rd Overall - DVW Pretty Perfect 230, exhibited by Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge, Md.

Division VII Champion - CF Veronica 9124 SOL X ET, exhibited by Jackson Harlan, Bells, Texas.

Division VII Reserve Champion - CCS Augusta Linda 102G, exhibited by Murray Perkins, Buchanan, Tenn.

Division VII 3rd Overall - SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET, exhibited by Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.

Division VIII Champion - GCC Maxim Margie 81 ET, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.

Division VIII Reserve Champion - BSF Ivory Pro 944, exhibited by Brigham Deborde, Bardwell, Texas.

Montana Morning 0931 ET, Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas. Division III Champion: CF Mona Lisa 099 SOL X ET, Makenzie Laughery, Royse City, Texas. Division III Reserve Champion: SS Myrtle Bo Bubbly 053 ET, Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas. Division III 3rd Overall: STECK WSCC Chelsie 042, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. Division IV 3rd Overall: CF Rosebud 090 UH X, Ryan Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Division V Reserve Champion: NR Quantum Queen 434H ET, Warner Ott, Albion, Ind. Division V 3rd Overall: TAD Margie’s Royal Commodity 5H ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio. Division VI 3rd Overall: DVW Pretty Perfect 230, Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge, Md. Division VII Champion: CF Veronica 9124 SOL X ET, Jackson Harlan, Bells, Texas. Division VII Reserve Champion: CCS Augusta Linda 102G, Murray Perkins, Buchanan, Tenn. Division VII 3rd Overall: SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. Division VIII Champion: GCC Maxim Margie 81 ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio. Division VIII Reserve Champion: BSF Ivory Pro 944, Brigham Deborde, Bardwell, Texas. Division VIII 3rd Overall: SFF Nebraska Queen 701 EV, Miller Smith,

Pendleton, Ind. Owned Shorthorn Female Class Placings: Class 1: Junior Heifer Calves (5 Entries): 1) J-F Lucky Charm 2136 M, Bennett Jester, Mooreland, Ind.; 2) BEA Margarets Jackie, Annalynn Beach, Palmyra, Neb.; 3) Dream Lady 2104, Taylor Peter, Vanderbilt, Mich. Class 2: Junior Heifer Calves (5 Entries): 1) Bratcher Mona Lisa 124, Abby Bratcher, Elizabeth, Ind.; 2) CRK Ruby’s Sage 211, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.; 3) Juniper Brandi RK 150 ET, Katelyn Moffitt, Indianola, Iowa. Class 3: Junior Heifer Calves (7 Entries): 1) LANE’S Cumberland Rose 1I, Alexa Jane, Jay, Okla.; 2) BERGS Charming Myra ET, Autumn Berg, Osage, Iowa; 3) Simple Sensation 2101, Jewel Thompson, Opelika, Ala. Class 4: Junior Heifer Calves (5 Entries): 1) TRN Traveling Missy 104 ET, Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.; 2) PFC Henrietta 101, Murray Perkins, Buchanan, Tenn.; 3) LDB Merci’s Georgia 103 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Class 5: Junior Heifer Calves (7 Entries): 1) Armstrong Lady Crystal 2104 ET, Henry J Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.; 2) Armstrong Lady Crystal 2105 ET, Benjamin P Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.; 3) KNEP Amber Diamond 214, Kase Knepp, Plymouth, Ind. Class 8: Winter Heifer Calves (4 Entries): 1) BCD Hattie 094, Brayden Cole Deborde, Bardwell, Texas; 2) SFF Mona Lisa 055 I, Nathan Hill, Yorktown, Ind.; 3) RDY Mirage Solution 206,

Division VIII 3rd Overall - SFF Nebraska Queen 701 EV, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.

this Purebred Shorthorn Female. Allan chose CF S/F Margie 093 SOL X ET as Fifth Overall Shorthorn Female and Division IV Reserve Champion. This daughter of CF Solution X ET and CF HHF Margie 2106 HC X ET was exhibited by Keagan McGrew of Gettysburg, Pa. Owned Shorthorn Female Divisions: Division I Champion: Bratcher Mona Lisa 124, Abby Bratcher, Elizabeth, Ind. Division I Reserve Champion: CRK Ruby’s Sage 211, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. Division I 3rd Overall: Armstrong Lady Crystal 2104 ET, Henry J Allen, Saxonburg, Pa. Division II Champion: SULL Fancy Rose 0518H ET, Korbin Collins, Flanagan, Ill. Division II Reserve Champion: CF Mona Lisa 0121 SOL X ET, Carter Meyer, Needville, Texas. Division II 3rd Overall: WHR HS 28

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Maddox Reedy, Tuscola, Ill. Class 9: Winter Heifer Calves (5 Entries): 1) DAS Augusta Pride HSS10, Kora Schroeder, Hamler, Ohio; 2) TMF Queens Reward ET, Kaitlyn Clements, Royse City, Texas; 3) 2G Myrtle Beau 51H F4, Jackson Akers, Lumberton, Texas. Class 10: Winter Heifer Calves (9 Entries): 1) CRK AVI Rose 201 ET, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.; 2) BERGS WRF Red Value Augustas Speck, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa; 3) WHR RHS Pure Charm 0N01 ET, Quinn Rasor, Van Alstyne, Texas. Class 11: Winter Heifer Calves (4 Entries): 1) CF Margie 0125 BW X ET, Cooper Laughery, Royse City, Texas; 2) 4P Sandtilly H112, Leaellison Phelps, Prattsville, Ark.; 3) SCCC Fantasia’s Emmylou, Jessica Turnpaugh, Wanette, Okla. Class 12: Senior Heifer Calves (6 Entries): 1) SULL Fancy Rose 0518H ET, Korbin Collins, Flanagan, Ill.; 2) CF Mona Lisa 0121 SOL X ET, Carter Meyer, Needville, Texas; 3) AF Mirage 2044, Jaylynn Humphreys, Wolcott, Ind. Class 13: Senior Heifer Calves (5 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 0119 TP X ET, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo.; 2) DAP’S Supreme Jewel, Ella Helton, Jonesboro, Ill.; 3) CLF Augusta Pride 2017, Joshua Blakeman, Oak Hill, Ohio. Class 14: Senior Heifer Calves (8 Entries): 1) WHR HS Montana Morning 0931 ET, Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas; 2) Rexlaine Beth S6H, Finley Jones, Aledo, Texas; 3) WHR HCAT Cecilia 0925 ET, James Kendel Cleere, Madisonville, Texas. Class 15: Senior Heifer Calves (6 Entries): 1) CCR Charming Lady 0920 ET, Emilee Munchrath, Graford, Texas; 2) CF AJ Desert Rose 0114 RK ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.; 3) WHR HCAT Mona Lisa 0909 ET, Lisa Horton, Marshall, Mich. Class 16: Senior Heifer Calves (5 Entries): 1) SULL Dozen Roses 0500H ET, Griffin Behrens, Colbert, Okla.; 2) 2G Demi 73H HC ET, Sheridan L. Soules, Sperry, Okla.; 3) JA Pale Face ER 0J92, Elly Harden, Gibson City, Ill. Class 17: Senior Heifer Calves (8 Entries): 1) SS Missing Mirage 0204 ET, Callie Turner, Mahomet, Ill.; 2) FSF Heidi’s Rose, Jansen Gerstner, Frankfort., Kan.; 3) Nollswood Peaches, Morgan Vondra, Mineral Point, Wisc. Class 20: Summer Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) TKA Roxy, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wisc.; 2) QK Cherri In Summer 2005, Alyssa Miller, Lanark, Ill.; 3) BERGS Carley Rose, Jaclyn, Thomas, Pikeville, Tenn. Class 21: Late Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) HCC Jolene’s Dream, Gage Woodruff, Rainbow, Texas;

2) TRN Red Traveler 274 ET, Alexa Lowe, Macy Ind.; 3) SSCC Chargers Lady to Love, Cora Stade, Prior Lake, Minn. Class 22: Late Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) DRY Sweetie, Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas; 2) SFF Mona Lisa 043 I, Evelyn Hill, Yorktown, Ind.; 3) BERGS Spotlight Pride, Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa. Class 23: Late Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Rosette KF 2010, Lexi Wetzel, Faribault, Minn.; 2) LSF Primabella 006 ET, Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ill.; 3) BWCC Bugaloo, Sammy Angotti, Freedom, Wisc. Class 24: Late Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) CF CSF Margie 0106 BD X ET, Jozie Beiser, Camden, Ohio; 2) SULL Rosie Knights 0464H ET, Brayden Cole Deborde, Bardwell, Texas; 3) CLF Proud Fool 2010 ET, Brandon Barr, Xenia, Ohio. Class 25: Late Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) SS Myrtle BO Bubbly 053 ET, Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas; 2) STECK WSCC Chelsie 042, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.; 3) DOUBLE C Myrtle BO 90, Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill. Class 26: Late Spring Yearling Females (8 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 099 SOL X ET, Makenzie Laughery, Royse City, Texas; 2) RDY Special Rose 202 ET, Maddox Reedy, Tuscola, Ill.; 3) WHR TS Augusta Pride 0501, Jace Parker, Ardmore, Okla. Class 29: Early Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) SFF Cumberland 033 AV ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.; 2) MFS SULL Crystal Lucy RK 49H ET, Mikayla Wetzel, Faribault, Minn.; 3) CF Mona Lisa 098 SOL X ET, Mallory Inskeep, Lafayette, Ind. Class 30: Early Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) SULL Knight Rose 0462H ET, Bailey A Farrer, Bremen, Ind.; 2) DPF Hot Annie BO 201, Jocelyn Phelps, Tecumseh, Okla.; 3) GCC Evolution Margie 201, Makiah Schroeder, Hamler, Ohio. Class 31: Early Spring Yearling Females (8 Entries): 1) CF S/F Margie 093 SOL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.; 2) CULL Miss Margie 2025 ET, Karlie Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio; 3) RGLC Rose Mary 006, Abby Bratcher, Elizabeth, Ind. Class 32: Early Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) MFS Crystal’s Lu Lu 43 H ET, Reid Utterback, Elwood, Ind.; 2) CF Rosebud 090 UH X, Ryan Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.; 3) Paradise Proud Fool 2007 ET, Macy V Burchett, London, Ohio. Class 33: Early Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) KEG Ruby 50H, Addison Counts, Warrensburg, Mo.; 2) BISH Augusta Pride 015, Catelyn Olsen, Berlin, Wisc.; 3) Waukaru Adelina 0163,

Jack Jordan, Rensselaer, Ind. Class 34: Early Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) DRY 100 Roses ET, Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas; 2) AF VF Magic Margie 055, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa; 3) Highland Pat 053, Cooper Laughery, Royse City, Texas. Class 37: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) LPA Delila Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.; 2) NR Quantum Queen 423H ET, Reagan Ray Ferris, Whiteland, Ind.; 3) Little Cedar Rose Mary 2011, Juliana Ritchie, Beaverton, Mich. Class 38: Early Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) CCR Cecilia 2315 ET, Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas; 2) STECK Chelsie RM 014, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa; 3) TKA Jolene 01H, Zach Meyer, Celina, Ohio. Class 39: Early Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) TAD Margie’s Royal Commodity 5H ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio; 2) LDB Melania Carmen 003 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.; 3) HCC Gypsy Rose, Katelyn Ezell, Stanton, Texas. Class 40: Early Spring Yearling Females (8 Entries): 1) SS Max Rosa Major 033, Karlie Becking, Florence, S.D.; 2) DSC Max Rosa HC 313H ET, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.; 3) SULL Maxed Rosa 0206H ET, Murray Perkins, Buchanan, Tenn. Class 41: Early Spring Yearling Females (8 Entries): 1) CF CSF Margie 058 HC X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.; 2) CLF Miss Margie 204 ET, Karly Goetz, Oak Harbor, Ohio; 3) PVSS Myrtle Bo’s Knight 99H ET, Shelby Lowe, Stillwater, Minn. Class 42: Early Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) SS Max Rosa 029 ET, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.; 2) SFF Caroline 017 W ET, Skyler Ward, New Paris, Ohio; 3) Z MAX Star S34H, Abbie Wagner, Milford, Ill. Class 43: Early Spring Yearling Females (8 Entries): 1) DKSN Ten Queens 303, Brextyn Grabiel, Edison, Ohio; 2) SULL Dreams Commodity 0257 H ET, Stetson Klise, New London, Mo.; 3) Waukaru Adelina 0111, Charlotte Jordan, Rensselaer, Ind. Class 44: Early Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) NR Quantum Queen 434H ET, Warner Ott, Albion, Ind.; 2) SS Max Rosa Magic 019 ET, Cash Lehrman, Spencer, S.D.; 3) AF Marvelous Mirage 2004 ET, Tayler Bacon, Hiawatha, Kan. Class 47: Junior Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) J-F SFF Mona Lisa Reward 2011 S ET, Emily Dahse, Thurman, Ohio; 2) LGF Knights of Ruby 0296H ET, John Gellerman, Petersburg, Ill.; 3) AF Marvelous Mirage 2001 ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. shorthorn country = august 2021 29

Class 48: Junior Yearling Females (8 Entries): 1) CF CSF Cherri 036 X ET, Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.; 2) Little Cedar WF Cumberland 20, Benjamin P Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.; 3) CF CSF Mona Lisa Smile 038 X ET, Abby Allred, Jemison, Ala. Class 49: Junior Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) DVW Pretty Perfect 230, Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge, Md.; 2) CF HHF Margie 034 HC X ET, Ravi Dare, Liberty, Ind.; 3) Waukaru Red Nan 0031, Chloe Jordan, Rensselaer, Ind. Class 50: Junior Yearling Females (8 Entries): 1) KNEP Ruby’s Commodity ET, Avery Hunter, Burnside, Ill.; 2) HAHN Fantasy P24H, Braden Hahn, Minonk, Ill.; 3) TMF Queen’s Roan Rider 8H ET, Adell Alford, Brazoria, Texas. Class 51: Junior Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) CF Max Rosa 025 EV X ET, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.; 2) J-F Mona Lisa Reward 2014 SOL ET, Rylan Jester, Mooreland, Ind.; 3) MFS Zena Bree 15H, Kade Lott, Hattiesburg, Miss. Class 52: Junior Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) CF CSF Crystals Swan 015 EV X ET, Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.; 2) HAHN Elizabeth C2H ET, John W Cox, Flemingsburg, Ky.; 3) SULL Chelsies Direction 0124H ET, Erika Scott, Ravenna, Ohio. Class 53: Junior Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) CSF Demi 2103 LL ET, Jaclyn Thomas, Pikeville, Tenn.; 2) CF Mona Lisa 002 SOL X ET, Alyssa Carter, Oregonia, Ohio; 3) BR Rona Rose FT20, Kylie Brunke, Eau Claire, Mich. Class 56: Senior Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) CLF Proud Fool 925 ET, Sydnee Hawkins, Xenia, Ohio; 2) FF/ DL White Crystaleen 37G ET, Emily Dahse, Thurman, Ohio; 3) R-C Jazzy Felecia 967 ET, Piper Campbell, Eaton, Ohio. Class 57: Senior Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) TCC Savannah 201 Sweetheart, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.; 2) AF Playful Cait 1950, Kegan Buckingham, Rogersville, Mo.; 3) TMF Queen Ace of Hearts 45G ET, Laramie Pieper, Caldwell, Texas. Class 58: Senior Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa Smile 9133 BW X, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.; 2) C/F Picture Perfect 94558 ET, Andlee Lane, Eucha, Okla.; 3) CROWE Aurora, Nolan Crow, Tompkinsville, Ky. Class 59: Senior Yearling Females (8 Entries): 1) CCS Augusta Linda 102G, Murray Perkins, Buchanan, Tenn.; 2) SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.; 3) CF CSF Cumberland 9128 AV X ET, Mckala Grauel, Ridgeway, Ohio. Class 60: Senior Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) CF Veronica 9124 SOL 30

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X ET, Jackson Harlan, Bells, Texas; 2) WHR Augusta Pride 9918, Jace Parker, Ardmore, Okla.; 3) CCR Robin 9953 ET, Emilee Munchrath, Graford, Texas. Class 63: Two-Year-Old Cow/Calf Pairs (4 Entries): 1) BFS Ivory Pro 944, Brigham Deborde, Bardwell, Texas; 2) WAT Bobby’s Fire Girl 120G, Karly Goetz, Oak Harbor, Ohio; 3) Little Cedar Dream Lady 1910, Taylor Peter, Vanderbilt, Mich. Class 64: Three-Four-Year Old Cow/ Calf Pairs (3 Entries): 1) GCC Maxim Margie 81 ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio; 2) TMF Low Rider Jane, Nathaniel Lucas, Luling, Texas; 3) Scratch. Class 65: Three-Four-Year Old Cow/ Calf Pairs (3 Entries): 1) SFF Nebraska Queen 701 EV, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.; 2) WJM Red Veronica D2F, Anna Phelps, Prattsville, Ark.; 3) Grove_Farm Phoebe, Sarah L Phelps, Saint Ansgar, Iowa. Class 66: Aged Cow/Calf Pairs (2 Entries): 1) WAYMAR UT Hot Sable, Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill.; 2) Scratch. =

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National Junior ShorthornPlus Female Show 136 Head – Judge: Will Coor by Bella Chaffin

Third Overall ShorthornPlus Female and Division IV Champion, SULL Classy Crystal 0401H ET, exhibited by Kaylie Shelton, Keymar, Md.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Division VI Champion was awarded to SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, exhibited by Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich.

Fourth Overall ShorthornPlus Female and Division VI Reserve Champion, CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET, exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Division V Champion was awarded to NIKL Blue Charm 064H ET, exhibited by Kennedy Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.

Fifth Overall ShorthornPlus Female and Division V Reserve Champion, SULL Bonnie 0350H ET, exhibited by Kaleb Johnston, Hobbs, N.M.

The title of Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Division V Champion went to NIKL Blue Charm 064H ET, a daughter of Colburn Primo 5153 and GNCC Lucky 320Z ET. She was exhibited by Kennedy Arthur of Stillwater, Okla. Third Overall ShorthornPlus Female and Division IV Champion was awarded to SULL Classy Crystal 0401H ET, exhibited by Kaylie Shelton of Keymar, Md. Colburn Primo 5153

and SULL Lady Crystal 434P-3 ET CL are the parents of this ShorthornPlus Female. Coor chose CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET as the Fourth Overall ShorthornPlus Female and Division VI Reserve Champion. A daughter of Colburn Primo 5153 and CF CSF Demi 650 SOL ET, she was exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio. Picking up the Fifth Overall

One hundred thirty-six ShorthornPlus Females were exhibited and evaluated by Judge Will Coor at the 2021 National Junior ShorthornPlus Female Show. Coor chose SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET as Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Division VI Champion. Exhibited by Makenna Hoppa of Fremont, Mich. SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET is a daughter of Conley No Limit and SULL Dream On 5158 ET. 32

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Division I Champion - CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 XET, exhibited by Kylie Harlan, Bells, Texas.

Division I Reserve Champion - PRNL Stylin Pride 1103 ST, exhibited by Eli Mathews, Muldrow, Okla.

Division II Champion - M&M 5177C Blackberry 061, exhibited by Raygan Harrison, Greensburg, Ind.

Division II Reserve Champion - CMF Cecilia Plus 9020 ET, exhibited by Jaxson Dillard, Merit, Texas.

Division II Third Overall - BFSH It’s Me Again Margaret ET, exhibited by Vivian Lou Thompson, Troy, Ala.

Division III Champion - TSSC LVSC Lady In Black, exhibited by Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind.

Division III Reserve Champion - NR Myrtle Bo Socks 519H ET, exhibited by Abby Allred, Jemison, Ala.

Division III Third Overall - SS Destiny’s Best Dance 050H, exhibited by Braylee Kraisinger, Hugoton, Kan.

Division IV Reserve Champion - SFF No Foolin 020 S, exhibited by Katelyn Hull, Noblesville, Ind.

Division IV Third Overall - SULL S/T Cull Sweet Dreams 0510H ET, exhibited by Kyia Hendrickson, Saint Ignatius, Mont.

Division V Third Overall - CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET, exhibited by Alyssa Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa.

Division VI Third Overall - SFF Jasmine 012 LL, exhibited by Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.

ShorthornPlus Female and Division V Reserve Champion was SULL Bonnie 0350H ET, exhibited by Kaleb Johnston of Hobbs, N.M. SULL Bonnie 0350H ET is a daughter of Colburn Primo 5153 and SULL Red Knight Rose 6452 ET. ShorthornPlus Female Divisions:

Division I Reserve Champion: PRNL Stylin Pride 1103 ST, Eli Mathews, Muldrow, Okla. Division I Third Overall: FRIE Winnie ET, Matthew Friemann, Riverfalls, Wisc. Division II Champion: M&M 5177C Blackberry 061, Raygan Harrison, Greensburg, Ind. Division II Reserve Champion: CMF

Cecilia Plus 9020 ET, Jaxson Dillard, Merit, Texas. Division II Third Overall: BFSH It’s Me Again Margaret ET, Vivian Lou Thompson, Troy, Ala. Division III Champion: TSSC LVSC Lady In Black, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind. Division III Reserve Champion: NR

Division I Champion: CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 XET, Kylie Harlan, Bells, Texas.

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Division VII Champion - LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET, exhibited by Addison Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa.

Division VII Reserve Champion - SH Sinful Rose ET, exhibited by Keagan Long, Lansing, Mich.

Division VIII Champion - C3 Suzie Q, exhibited by Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ill.

Pictures Not Available: Division I Third Overall - FRIE Winnie ET, exhibited by Matthew Friemann, Riverfalls, Wisc. Division VII Third Overall - SULL Dream Lady 9849G ET, exhibited by Kaleb Johnston, Hobbs, N.M.

Division VIII Reserve Champion - FR 2Q’S Red Queen ET, exhibited by Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind.

Division VIII Third Overall - WHR CMF Cecilia 9028 ET, exhibited by Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas.

Myrtle Bo Socks 519H ET, Abby Allred, Jemison, Ala. Division III Third Overall: SS Destiny’s Best Dance 050H, Braylee Kraisinger, Hugoton, Kan. Division IV Reserve Champion: SFF No Foolin 020 S, E Katelyn Hull, Noblesville, Ind. Division IV Third Overall: SULL S/T Cull Sweet Dreams 0510H ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Saint Ignatius, Mont. Division V Third Overall: CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET, Alyssa Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa. Division VI Third Overall: SFF Jasmine 012 LL, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio. Division VII Champion: LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET, Addison Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa. Division VII Reserve Champion: SH Sinful Rose ET, Keagan Long, Lansing, Mich. Division VII Third Overall: SULL Dream Lady 9849G ET, Kaleb Johnston, Hobbs, N.M. Division VIII Champion: C3 Suzie Q, Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ill. Division VIII Reserve Champion: FR 2Q’S Red Queen ET, Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind. Division VIII Third Overall: WHR CMF Cecilia 9028 ET, Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas. ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Class 1: Junior Heifer Calves (7 Entries): 1) FRIE Winnie ET, Matthew Friemann, River Falls, Wisc.; 2) WBF

Caroline, Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ill.; 3) Cupcakes Black Velvet, Blake Osborn, Lynchburg, Ohio. Class 2: Junior Heifer Calves (4 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 X ET, Kylie Harlan, Bells, Texas; 2) PRNL Stylin Pride 1103 ST, Eli Mathews, Muldrow, Okla.; 3) PARADISE Proud Fool 2101 ET, Caroline Winter, Ashville, Ohio. Class 5: Winter Heifer Calves (7 Entries): 1) HANK’S Roan Caroline 074, Foster Wingler, Christiana, Tenn.; 2) TMF Primo Cumberland ET, Laramie Pieper, Caldwell, Texas; 3) NBS Amelia 805H, Kelsey Francisco, Olivet, Mich. Class 6: Senior Heifer Calves (2 Entries): 1) BFSH It’s Me Again Margaret ET, Vivian Lou Thompson, Troy, Ala.; 2) FLEM Bernie’s Molly, Ty William Conklin, Olivet, Mich. Class 7: Senior Heifer Calves (3 Entries): 1) LDB Reckless Blue Pearl 102, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.; 2) EDEN’S Lady Annabelle 01H ET, Colton Hulsey, Red Oak, Okla.; 3) SCHAB’S TRN Jackie, Lily Stephens, Puxico, Mo. Class 8: Senior Heifer Calves (6 Entries): 1) M&M 5177C Blackberry 061, Raygan Harrison, Greensburg, Ind.; 2) CMF Cecilia Plus 9020 ET, Jaxson Dillard, Merit, Texas; 3) MM Anna PFTN 105H, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill. Class 11: Summer Yearling Females (3 Entries): 1) CROWE Annie Plus 720, Maggie Potter, Pikeville, Tenn.; 2) Sara Sara, Sara Clanton, Bartow, Fla.; 3) scratch. Class 12: Late Spring Yearling


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Females (6 Entries): 1) HALES Contressa PAH 240, Elizabeth Schneider, Lake City, Mich.; 2) TCC Wyoming Wind 206, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.; 3) LDB Reckless Blue Bell 006, Addison Dick, Nowata, Okla. Class 13: Late Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) TSSC LVSC Lady in Black, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind.; 2) SS Destiny’s Best Dance 050H, Braylee Kraisinger, Hugoton, Kan.; 3) DEGROOT Ten Queens 037, Tyler DeGroot, Edgerton, Minn. Class 14: Late Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) NR Myrtle BO Socks 519H ET, Abby Allred, Jemison, Ala.; 2) AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio; 3) HALES Lass PAH 1170, Taylor Black, Eaton Rapids, Mich. Class 17: Early Spring Yearling Females (4 Entries): 1) PGF Miss Madalyn H101 ET, Kate Day, Ambrose, Ga.; 2) CMA Sharona XTX, Emma Vogl, Adair, Iowa; 3) VWSF Blossom 010H, Lane Vanderwal, Volga, S.D. Class 18: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) SFF No Foolin 020 S, Katelyn Hull, Noblesville, Ind.; 2) HBEC Halo Dream Queen 904H ET, Madelyn Caulfield, Bradley, S.D.; 3) KANE Tada 828H ET, Addison Dick, Nowata, Okla. Class 19: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) SULL Classy Crystal 0401H, Kaylie Shelton, Keymar, Md.; 2) Miss Linda BM1 ET, Benjamin Moffitt, Indianola, Iowa; 3) PEMB BF Pure Hottie 158H ET, Jocelyn Phelps,

Tecumseh, Okla. Class 20: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) SULL S/T Cull Sweet Dreams 0510H ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Saint Ignatius, Mont.; 2) FOX Max Rosa Sheri 006 ET, Addy Baumert, Harper, Iowa; 3) PEAKVIEW Phat Lies 2003 ET, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo. Class 23: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) SULL Rosey Knight 0395H ET, Korbin Collins, Flanagan, Ill.; 2) CRYSTALS Ferrari ET, Hunter Struffert, Belle Plaine, Minn.; 3) KSC Crystal’s Tone K21 ET, Chloe Coblentz, Woodsboro, Md. Class 24: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) SULL Bonnie 0350H ET, Kaleb Johnston, Hobbs, N.M.; 2) SULL S/T Dream Lover 0515H ET, Aubrey Neal, Osgood, Ind.; 3) CF Tamale 070 Ferrari X ET, Mark Inskeep, Lafayette, Ind. Class 25: Early Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) NIKL Blue Charm 064H ET, Kennedy Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.; 2) CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET, Allyssa Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa; 3) SS Myrtle BO Bloom 034H ET, Reagan Easton, Bethany, Ill. Class 26: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) PVSS DDF Demi 6H Primo ET, Joshua Vachal, Valley City, N.D.; 2) Pepper, Savannah Jackson, Ozan,

Ark.; 3) HFA Stellas Beauty, Annette C Braun, Mechanicsville, Md. Class 27: Early Spring Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) FAIR Halo 032H, Harley Sargent, Denison, Texas; 2) BR Margie P20, Garrett Luallen, Adamsville, Ohio; 3) DASC Red Hot Hottie 2003, Dawson Osborn, Lynchburg, Ohio. Class 30: Junior Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) SFF Jasmine 012 LL, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio; 2) SULL Lady Chip 0129H ET, Reid Utterback, Elwood, Ind.; 3) T2 Maybelle Starr, Toby Behrends, Sheffield, Ill. Class 31: Junior Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) CF Lady Crystal 037 Style X ET, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio; 2) DEGROOT Black Cherri 002, Tyler DeGroot, Edgerton, Minn.; 3) CAIR Cherri Primo 209 ET, Ashton Bain, Lynchburg, Ohio. Class 32: Junior Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich.; 2) CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio; 3) CF Lady Crystal 003 Style X ET, Shyan Bennett, Winchester, Ind. Class 35: Senior Yearling Females (3 Entries): 1) LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.; 2) DTR Roan Witch 9095, Josie Heter, Raymond, Kan.; 3) BR KRS Dream Lady P1915 ET,

Emma Arnett, Brookville, Ohio. Class 36: Senior Yearling Females (3 Entries): 1) BFSH Sara’s Deal 34G, Asa Thompson, Troy, Ala.; 2) SEE Miss Tara TT, Ethan Spearman, Rockwall, Texas; 3) LYNN’S Jazzy Ginger, Clay Lynn, Guntersville, Ala. Class 37: Senior Yearling Females (3 Entries): 1) SH Sinful Rose ET, Keagan Long, Lansing, Mich.; 2) HAL Miss Sunny Nitro 920, Gracie Giles, Clinton, Tenn.; 3) Denney Reba 3G, Hannah Grace Childress, Thorsby, Ala. Class 38: Senior Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET, Addison Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa; 2) SULL Dream 9849G ET, Kaleb Johnston, Hobbs, N.M.; 3) C/F Miss Dream Rider, Ty William Conklin, Olivet, Mich. Class 41: Two-Year-Old Cow/Calf Pairs (2 Entries): 1) C3 Suzie Q, Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ill.; 2) LCCC QVS Rose Mary L 1918, Jaci McGowen, Wayne, Okla. Class 42: Three-Four-Year-Old Cow/Calf Pairs (2 Entries): 1) WHR CMF Cecilia 9028 ET, Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas; 2) AA KANE Blue Reward 497E, Bristol Soules, Sperry, Okla. Class 43: Aged Cow/Calf Pairs (1 Entry): 1) FR 2Q’s Red Queen ET, Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind. =

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National Junior Bred & Owned Shorthorn Female Show 80 Head – Judge: Chad Zehnder by Bella Chaffin

Third Overall B&O Shorthorn Female and Division III Champion, TKA Roxy, exhibited by Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wisc.

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Shorthorn Female and Division IV Champion, was awarded to KANE Ms Ava 39H ET, exhibited by Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.

Fourth Overall B&O Shorthorn Female and Division VIII Champion, GCC Maxim Margie 81 ET, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Shorthorn Female and Division IV Reserve Champion, was awarded to DRY 100 Roses ET, exhibited by Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.

Eighty Bred and Owned Shorthorn females entered the ring at the 2021 Junior National Show to be evaluated by judge Chad Zehnder. Receiving Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Female and Division IV Champion was KANE Ms Ava 39H ET, the daughter of Leveldale Boardwalk 520C and KOLT AA Lady Reward 1Y, exhibited by Kane Aegerter of Seward, Neb. 36

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Receiving Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Female and Division IV Reserve Champion was DRY 100 Roses ET, exhibited by Winston Dryer of Tolar, Texas. This April heifer is a daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and SULL Rosemary Rewards ET. Third Overall Bred and Owned Shorthorn Female and Division III Champion was exhibited by Bailey

Fifth Overall B&O Shorthorn Female and Division III Reserve Champion, DRY Sweetie, exhibited by Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.

Abney of South Wayne, Wisc., and goes by the name of TKA Roxy. This heifer is the daughter of TKA TC Purple Haze 07E and BFR Sara. Awarded Fourth Overall Bred and Owned Shorthorn Female and Division VIII Champion was GCC Maxim Margie 81 ET. Daughter of CYT Maxim 9201 ET and D&D Margie’s Beauty 610S ET, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn of Bellbrook, Ohio.

B&O Division I Champion- TRN Traveling Missy 104 ET, exhibited by Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.

B&O Division I Reserve Champion CRK Ruby’s Sage 211, exhibited by Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.

B&O Division I 3rd Overall - LBD Merci’s Georgia 103 ET, exhibited by Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.

B&O Division II Champion - BCD Hattie 094, exhibited by Brayden Cole Deborde, Bardwell, Texas.

B&O Division II Reserve Champion KGH One Hot Okie 1201H, exhibited by Kimberly Holland, Techumseh, Okla.

B&O Division II 3rd Overall - GCS Myrtle’s Reward ET, exhibited by Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa.

B&O Division III 3rd Overall - KANE Lady Cornerstone 7H, exhibited by Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.

B&O Division IV 3rd Overall - SFF Cumberland 033 AV ET, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.

B&O Division V Champion - FOX Myrtle Belle 009 ET, exhibited by Sheridan Fox, Kanawha, Iowa.

B&O Division V Reserve Champion - LPA Delila Dolly, exhibited by Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.

B&O Division V 3rd Overall - LDB Melania Carmen 002 ET, exhibited by Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.

B&O Division VI Champion - Little Cedar Picture Perfect 2, exhibited by Teagan Ritchie, Beaverton, Mich.

Winston Dryer of Tolar, Texas exhibited the Fifth Overall Bred and Owned Shorthorn Female and Division III Reserve Champion, DRY Sweetie. She is a June daughter of SULL Current Commodity 7630E and SULL Rosemary Rewards ET. B&O Shorthorn Female Divisions:

Traveling Missy 104 ET, Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill. B&O Division I Reserve Champion: CRK Ruby’s Sage 211, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. B&O Division I 3rd Overall: LBD Merci’s Georgia 103 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. B&O Division II Champion: BCD

Hattie 094, Brayden Cole Deborde, Bardwell, Texas. B&O Division II Reserve Champion: KGH One Hot Okie 1201H, Kimberly Holland, Techumseh, Okla. B&O Division II 3rd Overall: GCS Myrtle’s Reward ET, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa. B&O Division III 3rd Overall: KANE

B&O Division I Champion: TRN

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B&O Division VI Reserve Champion - LGF Knights of Ruby 0296H ET, exhibited by John Gellerman, Petersburg, Ill.

B&O Division VI 3rd Overall - HAHN Fantasy P24H, exhibited by Braden Hahn, Minonk, Ill.

B&O Division VII Champion - FPK Cindy Beauty 1985, exhibited by Fulton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio.

B&O Division VII Reserve Champion - TCC Savannah 201 Sweetheart, exhibited by Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.

B&O Division VII 3rd Overall - BARR Augusta Pride 1905, exhibited by Brandon Barr, Xenia, Ohio.

B&O Division VIII Reserve Champion SFF Nebraska Queen 701 EV, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.

B&O Division VIII 3rd Overall - Waymar UT Hot Sable, exhibited by Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill.

Lady Cornerstone 7H, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb. B&O Division IV 3rd Overall: SFF Cumberland 033 AV ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. B&O Division V Champion: FOX Myrtle Belle 009 ET, Sheridan Fox, Kanawha, Iowa. B&O Division V Reserve Champion: LPA Delila Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa. B&O Division V 3rd Overall: LDB Melania Carmen 002 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. B&O Division VI Champion: Little Cedar Picture Perfect 2, Teagan Ritchie, Beaverton, Mich. B&O Division VI Reserve Champion: LGF Knights of Ruby 0296H ET, John Gellerman, Petersburg, Ill. B&O Division VI 3rd Overall: HAHN Fantasy P24H, Braden Hahn, Minonk, Ill. B&O Division VII Champion: FPK


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Cindy Beauty 1985, Fulton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio. B&O Division VII Reserve Champion: TCC Savannah 201 Sweetheart, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla. B&O Division VII 3rd Overall: BARR Augusta Pride 1905, Brandon Barr, Xenia, Ohio. B&O Division VIII Reserve Champion: SFF Nebraska Queen 701 EV, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. B&O Division VIII 3rd Overall: Waymar UT Hot Sable, Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill. B&O Shorthorn Female Class Placings: Class 1: Junior Heifer Calves (7 Entries): 1) CRK Ruby’s Sage 211, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.; 2) Bratcher Mona Lisa 124, Abby Bratcher, Elizabeth, Ind.; 3) BEA Margarets Jackie, Annalynn Beach, Palmyra, Neb. Class 2: Junior Heifer Calves (7

Entries): 1) LBD Merci’s Georgia 103 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.; 2) LANE’S Cumberland Rose 1I, Alexa Lane, Jay, Okla.; 3) BERG’S Charming Myra ET, Autumn Berg, Osage, Iowa. Class 3: Junior Heifer Calves (6 Entries): 1) TRN Traveling Missy 104 ET, Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.; 2) KNEP Amber Diamond 214, Kase Knepp, Plymouth, Ind.; 3) PFC Henrietta 101, Murray Perkins, Buchanan, Tenn. Class 6: Winter Heifer Calves (7 Entries): 1) BCD Hattie 094, Brayden Cole Deborde, Bardwell, Texas.; 2) GCS Myrtle’s Reward ET, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa,; 3) BERGS WRF Red Value Augustas Speck, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa. Class 7: Senior Heifer Calves (6 Entries): 1) KGH One Hot Okie 1201H, Kimberly Holland, Tecumseh, Okla.; 2) Nollswood Peaches, Morgan Vondra, Mineral Point, Wisc.; 3) DAP’S Supreme Jewel, Ella Helton, Jonesboro, Ill.

Class 10: Summer Yearling Females (3 Entries): 1) TKA Roxy, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wisc.; 2) KANE Lady Cornerstone 7H, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.; 3) KGH Suede’s Quiet Cloud 2001H, Kimberly Holland, Tecumseh, Okla. Class 11: Late Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) DRY Sweetie, Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.; 2) BERGS Spotlight Pride, Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa.; 3) NF Red Lady Goose, Kendall Nelson, Seneca, Ill. Class 12: Late Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) TILT Cindy Beauty 11K ET, Caroline Tilton, Bellville, Ohio.; 2) Wernacres Gwendoline 007, Laci Wernicke, Lena, Ill.; 3) Missy Kitty 1198, Cooper Hetrick, Fremont, Ohio. Class 15: Early Spring Yearling Females (6 Entries): 1) KANE Ms Ava 39H ET, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.; 2) DRY 100 Roses, Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.; 3) SFF Cumberland 033 AV ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Class 18: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) LPA Delila Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.; 2) Jenna’s Chloe ET, Jenna Beisbier, Reedsburg, Wisc.; 3) Hannah Rose OS, Katelyn Moffit, Indianola, Iowa.

Class 19: Early Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) FOX Myrtle Belle 009 ET, Sheridan Fox, Kanawha, Iowa.; 2) LDB Melania Carmen 003 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.; 3) TAD Margie’s Royal Commodity 5H ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio. Class 22: Junior Yearling Females (7 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Picture Perfect 2, Teagan Ritchie, Beaverton, Mich.; 2) LGF Knights of Ruby 0296H ET, John Gellerman, Petersburg, Ill. 3) HAHN Fantasy P24H, Braden Hahn, Minonk, Ill. Class 23: Junior Yearling Females (1 Entry): 1) 3H Blossom Joy Maid, Zachary Word, Frohna, Mo. Class 26: Senior Yearling Females (4 Entries): 1) FPK Cindy Beaut 1985, Fulton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio.; 2) TCC Savannah 201 Sweetheart, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.; 3) BARR Augusta Pride 1905, Brandon Barr, Xenia, Ohio. Class 30: Three-Four-Year-Old Cow/ Calf Pairs (2 Entries): 1) GCC Maxim Margie 81 ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio; 2) SFF Nebraska Queen 701 EV, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Class 31: Aged Cow/Calf Pairs (1 Entry): 1) Waymar UT Hot Sable, Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill. =

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National Junior Bred & Owned Shorthorn Bull Show 21 Head – Judge: Chad Zehnder by Bella Chaffin

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Shorthorn Bull was awarded to SFF Ragweed 003 B ET, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Shorthorn Bull was awarded to GCC Hascall Street, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.

Twenty-one Bred and Owned Shorthorn Bulls stepped into the show ring to be evaluated by judge Chad Zehnder at the 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show in Louisville, Ky. Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Bull was awarded to SFF Ragweed 003 B ET, exhibited by Miller Smith of Pendleton, Ind. SFF Ragweed 003 B ET is the son of Leveldale Boardwalk 530C and CF JBC Caroline 40

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487 HC ET. Kolten Greenhorn of Bellbrook, Ohio exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Bull, GCC Hascall Street, a February bull out of Free K-Kim Hot Commodity and GCC Maxim Margie 81 ET. B&O Shorthorn Bull Class Placings: Class 1: Junior Bull Calves (3 Entries): 1) GCC Hascall Street, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.; 2)

Jefferson Spark ACD 134, Bryce Moffitt, Indianola, Iowa.; 3) CKC Southern Echo, Kade Lott, Hattiesburg, Miss. Class 2: Junior Bull Calves (3 Entries): 1) LDB Merci’s Pendleton 104, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.; 2) COPE Cumberland’s Commodity Tori Copeland, Greenville, Texas. Class 3: Winter Bull Calves (3 Entries): 1) WAYMAR AU Cashin In, Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill.; 2) 4S Cassanova’s Reward 2031, Abbi Scott, Seminole, Okla.; 3) CHR Hot Tonic Rider, Nathaniel Lucas, Luling, Texas. Class 4: Senior Bull Calves (2 Entries): 1) SCHAB’S Road Trippin ET, Cooper Schabbing, Cape Girardeau, Mo.; 2) Waukaru It’s Time 0201, Chloe Jordan, Rensselaer, Ind. Class 5: Summer Yearling Bulls (No Entries). Class 6: Late Spring Yearling Bulls (2 Entries): 1) MM Lookout 69H, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.; 2) GROVE_FARM Garth, Sarah L Phelps, Saint Ansgar, Iowa. Class 7: Early Spring Yearling Bulls (2 Entries): 1) DEGROOT Red Kingdom, Tyler Degroot, Edgerton, Minn.; 2) Sweet Child of Mine, Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge, Md. Class 8: Junior Yearling Bulls (3 Entries): 1) SFF Ragweed 003 B ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.; 2) Paradise Foolin’ Hot 2004 ET, Caroline Winter, Ashville, Ohio.; 3) LASY B Bandito B01, Morgan Brooks, Venus, Texas. Class 9: Senior Yearling Bulls (3 Entries): 1) Night Train, Peyton Davis, Emmitsburg, Md.; 2) CROWE Foundation, Nolan Crowe, Tompkinsville, Ky. =

National Junior Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Bull Show 10 Head- Judge: Will Coor by Bella Chaffin

Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Bull was awarded to SMCK Jameson, exhibited by Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly Mich.

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Bull was awarded to DEGROOT Blue on Black, exhibited by Tucker DeGroot, Edgerton, Minn.

Ten Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Bulls set into the show ring in Louisville, Ky. to be evaluated by judge Will Coor. Taking the title of Grand Champion Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Bull was SMCK Jameson, exhibited by Caitlynn Kruyer of Holly, Mich. SMCK Jameson is a son of Silveiras Style 9303 and BOWL Lady Legacy ET. Coor selected DEGROOT Blue on Black as the Reserve Grand Champion

Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Bull. Exhibited by Tucker DeGroot of Edgerton, Minn., DEGROOT Blue on Black is a February son of SULL Revolution 4383 and DG Susie Blue 611. B&O ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings: Class 1: Junior Bull Calves (2 Entries): 1) SLE Macarthur 3J, Bristol Soules, Sperry, Okla.; 2) T2 Cash, Toby

Behrends, Sheffield, Ill. Class 2: Junior Bull Calves (2 Entries): 1) DEGROOT Blue on Black, Tucker DeGroot, Edgerton, Minn.; 2) MR Black Crystal J1, Sara Clanton, Bartow, Fla. Class 3: Winter Bull Calves (2 Entries): 1) DG Hot Legacy R57, Alexis Gindlesperger, High Springs, Fla.; 2) JLCF Bloody Mary’s Lightning Strik, Caytie Couch, Miami, Okla. Class 4: Senior Bull Calves (1 Entry): 1) DL Talking to the Moon, Kylee Dameron, Silex, Mo. Class 5: Summer Yearling Bulls (No Entries). Class 6: Late Spring Yearling Bulls (1 Entry): 1) HCC-1701-Yellowstone Peace Maker, Colton Hulsey, Red Oak, Okla. Class 7: Early Spring Yearling Bulls (1 Entry): 1) HARPER’S Red Head Living Color, Roanee Harper, Prattsville, Ark. Class 8: Junior Yearling Bulls (1 Entry): 1) SMCK Jameson, Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly, Mich. = shorthorn country = august 2021 41

National Junior Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female Show 37 Head – Judge: Chad Zehnder by Bella Chaffin

Third Overall B&O ShorthornPlus Female and Division V Champion, WGR Chelsie 201H, exhibited by Hannah Wetzel, Faribault, Minn.

Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female and Division VI Champion, was awarded to BAA Bo’s Heavenly Style, exhibited by Benjamin Archer, West Finley, Pa.

Fourth Overall B&O ShorthornPlus Female and Division V Reserve Champion, DEGROOT Black Cherri 002, exhibited by Tyler DeGroot, Edgerton, Minn.

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female and Division III Champion, was awarded to DEGROOT Ten Queens 037, exhibited by Tyler DeGroot, Edgerton, Minn.

Thirty-Seven Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Females took part in the National Junior Shorthorn Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Female Show. Judge Chad Zehnder evaluated each animal, and chose BAA Bo’s Heavenly Style to be Grand Champion Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Female and Division VI Champion. Exhibited by Benjamin Archer of West Finley, Pa., BAA Bo’s Heavenly Style is the daughter of Silverias Style 9303 and SULL 42

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Myrtle’s Date ET. DEGROOT Ten Queens 037 was named Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Female and Division III Champion by Zehnder. DEGROOT Ten Queens 037 is the daughter of Silverias Style 9303 and STECK Ten Queens C 506, and was exhibited by Tyler DeGroot of Edgerton, Minn. Third Overall Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Female and Division V

Fifth Overall B&O ShorthornPlus Female and Division VIII Champion, FR 2Q’s Red Queen ET, exhibited by Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind.

Champion went to WGR Chelsie 201H, daughter of 5T Power Chip 4790 and Steck Chelsie C 805 ET. This March female was exhibited by Hannah Wetzel of Faribault, Minn. Tyler DeGroot of Edgerton, Minn. Exhibited the Fourth Overall Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Female and Division V Reserve Champion DEGROOT Black Cherri 002. She’s a February daughter of Colburn Primo 5153 and STECK Cherri 707 ET.

B&O Division I Champion - WBF Caroline, exhibited by Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ill.

B&O Division I Reserve Champion - JRA Hot Jewel, exhibited by Joshua Archer, West Finley, Pa.

B&O Division I 3rd Overall - Paradise Proud Fool 2101 ET, exhibited by Caroline Winter, Ashville, Ohio.

B&O Division II Grand Champion Wernacres Rosebud 069, exhibited by Isabella Forbes, Lena, Ill.

B&O Division II Reserve Champion - BXC Cecilia Prima Donna 100, exhibited by Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas.

B&O Division II 3rd Overall - MM Anna PFTN 105H, exhibited by Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.

B&O Division III Reserve Champion - AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, exhibited by Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio.

B&O Division III 3rd Overall - RD Jane 422, exhibited by Erika Scott, Ravenna, Ohio.

B&O Division IV Champion - PEAKVIEW Phat Lies 2003 ET, exhibited by Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo.

B&O Division IV Reserve Champion Cattail Ridge Harley, exhibited by Kelsey Kuehni, Boyd, Wisc.

B&O Division IV 3rd Overall - VWSF Blossom 010H, exhibited by Lane Vanderwal, Volga, S.D.

B&O Division V Reserve Champion - SLE Legacy’s Cocoa 3H, exhibited by Aspen Soules, Sperry, Okla.

Fifth Overall Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Female and Division VIII Champion picked by Zehnder was FR 2Q’S Red Queen ET exhibited by Xavier Ferris of Whiteland, Ind. FR 2Q’S Red Queen ET is a March daughter out of SULL Red Blood and CF Quantum Queen 099 FS X. B&O ShorthornPlus Female


B&O Division I Champion: WBF Caroline, Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ill. B&O Division I Reserve Champion: JRA Hot Jewel, Joshua Archer, West Finley, Pa. B&O Division I 3rd Overall: Paradise Proud Fool 2101 ET, Caroline Winter, Ashville, Ohio.

B&O Division II Grand Champion: Wernacres Rosebud 069, Isabella Forbes, Lena, Ill. B&O Division II Reserve Champion: BXC Cecilia Prima Donna 100, Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas. B&O Division II 3rd Overall: MM Anna PFTN 105H, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.

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B&O Division V 3rd Overall - HFA Stella’s Beauty, exhibited by Annette Braun, Mechanicsville, Md.

B&O Division VI 3rd Overall - CMA Advanced Evolution, exhibited by Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa.

B&O Division VII Reserve Champion - C/F Miss Dream Rider, exhibited by Ty William Conklin, Olivet, Mich.

B&O Division VII 3rd Overall - LYNN’S Jazzy Ginger, exhibited by Clay Lynn, Guntersville, Ala.

B&O Division III Reserve Champion: AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio. B&O Division III 3rd Overall: RD Jane 422, Erika Scott, Ravenna, Ohio. B&O Division IV Champion: PEAKVIEW Phat Lies 2003 ET, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo. B&O Division IV Reserve Champion: Cattail Ridge Harley, Kelsey Kuehni, Boyd, Wisc. B&O Division IV 3rd Overall: VWSF Blossom 010H, Lane Vanderwal, Volga, S.D. B&O Division V Reserve Champion: SLE Legacy’s Cocoa 3H, Aspen Soules, Sperry, Okla. B&O Division V 3rd Overall: HFA Stella’s Beauty, Annette Braun, Mechanicsville, Md. B&O Division VI 3rd Overall: CMA Advanced Evolution, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa. B&O Division VII Champion: LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. B&O Division VII Reserve Champion: C/F Miss Dream Rider, Ty William Conklin, Olivet, Mich. B&O Division VII 3rd Overall: LYNN’S Jazzy Ginger, Clay Lynn, Guntersville, Ala.

B&O ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Class 1: Junior Heifer Calves (4 Entries): 1) WBF Caroline, Lilian Unger, Chebanse, Ill.; 2) JRA Hot Jewel, Joshua Archer, West Finley, Pa.; 3) Cupcakes Black Velvet, Blake Osborn, Lynchburg, Ohio. Class 2: Junior Heifer Calves (3 Entries): 1) Paradise Proud Fool 2101 ET, Caroline Winter, Ashville, Ohio.; 2) KKW Red Velvet 318 Scarlet, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.; 3) GSC Nitro’s Augusta Lady, Ella Graves, Winchester, Ky. Class 5: Winter Heifer Calves (3 Entries): 1) BXC Cecilia Prima Donna 100, Kanin Cleere, Madisonville, Texas.; 2) PEAKVIEW Crystal 49520, Richard Valentino Leone, Fowler, Colo.; 3) GILES FF Fire Dust, Ethan Giles, Clinton, Tenn. Class 6: Senior Heifer Calves (3 Entries): 1) Wernacres Rosebud 069, Isabella Forbes, Lena, Ill.; 2) MM Anna PFTN 105H, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.; 3) LDB Reckless Blue Pearl 102, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Class 9: Summer Yearling Females (2 Entries): 1) DL Cecilia, Kylee Dameron, Silex, Mo. Class 10: Late Spring Yearling Females (5 Entries): 1) DEGROOT Ten Queens 037, Tyler DeGroot, Edgerton, Minn.;


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B&O Division VII Champion- LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, exhibited by Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.

2) AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio.; 3) RD Jane 422, Erika Scott, Ravenna, Ohio. Class 13: Early Spring Yearling Females (4 Entries): 1) PEAKVIEW Phat Lies 2003 ET, Gabri Leone, Fowler, Colo.; 2) Cattail Ridge Harley, Kelsey Kuehni, Boyd, Wisc.; 3) VWSF Blossom 010H, Lane Vanderwal, Volga, S.D. Class 16: Early Spring Yearling Females (4 Entries): 1) WGR Chelsie 201H, Hannah Wetzel, Faribault, Minn.; 2) SLE Legacy’s Cocoa 3H, Aspen Soules, Sperry, Okla.; 3) HFA Stellas Beauty, Annette Braun, Mechanicsville, Md. Class 19: Junior Yearling Females (4 Entries): 1) BAA BO’S Heavenly Style, Benjamin Archer, West Finley, Pa.; 2) DEGROOT Black Cherri 002, Tyler DeGroot, Edgerton, Minn.; 3) CMA Advanced Evolution, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa. Class 22: Senior Yearling Females (4 Entries): 1) LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.; 2) C/F Miss Dream Rider, Ty William Conklin, Olivet, Mich.; 3) LYNN’S Jazzy Ginger, Clay Lynn, Guntersville, Ala. Class 27: Aged Cow/Calf Pairs (1 Entry): 1) FR 2Q’S Red Queen ET, Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind. =

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National Junior Shorthorn Steer Show 44 Head – Judge: Chad Zehnder by Bella Chaffin

Champion Shorthorn Prospect Steer was awarded to The Gingerbread Man, exhibited by Stanton Hooper, Temple, Okla.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Prospect Steer, PSD Champ 11, exhibited by Parker Shayne Dowell, Whitesboro, Texas.

Champion Shorthorn Market Steer was awarded to Barney, exhibited by Delaney Ott, Albion, Ind.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Market Steer, FSF Enzo ET, exhibited by Dallas Richey, La Porte, Ind.

Forty-Four Purebred Shorthorn steers, both Owned and Bred and Owned, were evaluated by Chad Zehnder at this year’s National Junior Shorthorn Steer Show in Louisville, Ky. The Grand Champion Shorthorn Prospect Steer was The Gingerbread Man, son of FSF Perfection 812. The Gingerbread Man was exhibited by Stanton Hooper of Temple, Okla. Parker Shayne Dowell of Whitesboro, 46

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Texas exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Prospect Steer, PSD Champ 11. PSD Champ 11 is a September son of SRV Quiet Man. The Grand Champion Shorthorn Market Steer was awarded to Barney, a son of FSF Perfection 812 and was exhibited by Delaney Ott of Albion, Ind. The Reserve Grand Champion Shorthortn Market Steer went to FSF Enzo ET, and was exhibited by Dallas

Richey of La Porte, Ind. FSF Enzo ET is a February son of FSF Perfection 812. Zehnder selected Hermann as the Grand Champion Bred and Owned Shorthorn Steer. Hermann is the son of GRST Gasmonkey 050A and was exhibited by Jansen Gerstner of Frankfort, Kan. To round out the steer show, Zehnder chose FFS Cisco Dewey to win Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned

Champion Bred & Owned Shorthorn Steer was awarded to Hermann, exhibited by Jansen Gerstner, Frankfort, Kan.

Shorthorn Steer. FFS Cisco Dewey was exhibited by Kelsey Francisco of Olivet, Mich. He is a February 2020 son of NBS Low Rider 42W ET. Shorthorn Steer Class Placings: Class 1: Prospect Steers (425 Wt.) - (1 Entry): 1) SEE Cat Daddy, Ellee Spearman, Rockwall, TX Class 2: Prospect Steers (600-690 Wt.) - (3 Entries): 1) PSD Champ 11, Parker Shayne Dowell, Whitesboro, Texas.; 2) BOW JVT Waylon, Clay Lynn, Guntersville, Ala.; 3) Cotton Picker, Addison Dick, Nowata, Okla. Class 3: Prospect Steers (820-895 Wt.) - (2 Entries): 1) The Gingerbread man, Stanton Hooper, Temple, Okla.; 2) J A Hopper, Ty Harden, Gibson City, Ill. Class 1: Market Steers (940-995 Wt.) - (4 Entries): 1) DE Dumbo 209, Delanie Erwin, Lacona, Iowa.; 2) MBCF Sunset, Dylan Searson, Kenton, Ohio.; 3) TRNR Casper 390, Kaden Maes, Las Animas, Colo. Class 2: Market Steers (1015-1040

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Shorthorn Steer, FFS Cisco Dewey, exhibited by Kelsey Francisco, Olivet, Mich.

Wt.) - (3 Entries): 1) SAS Sawyers Golden Ticket, Lucie Ullom, Coleman, Mich.; 2) OLIVERS Dream Shadow 0462, Drake Penrod, Jonesboro, Ill.; 3) QK Outsiders Salute 201, Keegan Mcgrew, Gettysburg, Pa. Class 3: Market Steers (1060-1095 Wt.) - (4 Entries): 1) Hermann, Jansen Gerstner, Frankfort, Kan.; 2) MBCF Whiteout, Kylie Searson, Kenton, Ohio.; 3) HFA Dolly’s Legend, Francesca Bologna, Mechanicsville, Md. Class 4: Market Steers (1120-1130 Wt.) - (4 Entries): 1) MR 22, Lane Hull, Noblesville, Ind.; 2) NPS Proud, Madison Love, Pittsboro, Ind.; 3) BEA Lee Birds Buck, Aliyah Beach, Palmyra, Neb. Class 5: Market Steers (1170-1190 Wt.) - (6 Entries): 1) PFC Quantum Threat 001 ET, Murray Perkins, Buchanan, Tenn.; 2) KNEP Travelers Commodity ET, Alexa Lowe, Macy, Ind.; 3) Famous Dave ET, Taylor Nulik, Arkansas City, Ark.

Class 6: Market Steers (1205-1225 Wt.) - (3 Entries): 1) Barney, Delaney Ott, Albion, Ind.; 2) FSF Enzo ET, Dallas Richey, La Porte, Ind.; 3) CFC Princess’s Incredible Hulk, Caytie Couch, Miami, Okla. Class 7: Market Steers (1245-1260 Wt.) - (5 Entries): 1) Whitey 402, Wyatt Osborn, Lynchburg, Ohio.; 2) Shorty, Peyton Davis, Emmitsburg, Md.; 3) PVSS Broadway 144H ET, Kaleb Neshem, Berthold, N.D. Class 8: Market Steers (1270-1295) - (6 Entries): 1) HPR Chunk 41H, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wisc.; 2) CREEK’S Woody, Emma Helsinger, West Manchester, Ohio.; 3) LORENZ’S Slim’s Image 2020, Alyssa Carter, Oregonia, Ohio. Class 9: Market Steers (1320-1375) - (3 Entries): 1) CF Julio X, Ashley Wampler, Milton, Ind.; 2) FFS Cisco Dewey, Kelsey Francisco, Olivet, Mich.; 3) LORENZ’S White Boy, Elly Roessler, Bargersville, Ind. =

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National Junior ShorthornPlus Steer Show 52 Head – Judge: Will Coor by Bella Chaffin

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Prospect Steer was awarded to TINY Diamond ET, exhibited by Addison Dick, Nowata, Okla.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Prospect Steer, FOX Rodney 220, exhibited by Hayden Fox, Kanawha, Iowa.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Market Steer was awarded to PRES 50 Cent 520H, exhibited by Harlee Keller, Sandborn, Ind.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Market Steer, PEEP Chip, exhibited by Koby Kearns, Winslow, Ill.

The ShorthornPlus Bred and Owned and Owned Market and Prospect Steer Show combined had a total of fifty-two steers exhibited and evaluated by Will Coor. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Prospect Steer was awarded to TINY Diamond ET, exhibited by Addison Dick of Nowata, Okla. TINY Diamond ET is an August son of TRN Omaha 79. Coor selected FOX Rodney 48

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220 as Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Prospect Steer, son of Trump Train, exhibited by Hayden Fox of Kanawha, Iowa. Harlee Keller of Sandborn, Ind., exhibited the Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Market Steer, PRES 50 Cent 520H, son of Here I Am. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Market Steer went to PEEP Chip, son of Here I am. PEEP

Chip was exhibited by Koby Kearns of Winslow, Ill. The Grand Champion Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Steer was MBEH Uncle Harry G10, exhibited by Merideth Behrens of Colbert, Okla. He is a son of Uncle Si. Coor selected TINY Diamond ET as the Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned ShorthornPlus Steer for the last winner of the steer show. TINY

Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Steer was awarded to MBEH Uncle Harry G10, exhibited by Merideth Behrens, Colbert, Okla.

Diamond ET was exhibited by Addison Dick of Nowata, Okla., and was the Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Prospect Steer as well. ShorthornPlus Steer Class Placings: Class 1: Prospect Steers (385-480 Wt.) - (3 Entries): 1) JRA Jalapeno, Joshua Archer, West Finley, Pa.; 2) PARADISE Karson 2104, Christina Winter, Ashville, Ohio; 3) SCLC Jazzy OJ 2103, Charlie Sutherland, Petal, Miss. Class 2: Prospect Steers (510570 Wt.) - (4 Entries): 1) Chief ET, Cameron Catrett, Luverne, Ala.; 2) DL Hereford Steer, Kylee Dameron, Silex, Mo.; 3) MM Perfection 104H, Brianna Wood, Grove, Okla. Class 3: Prospect Steers (610-670 Wt.) - (5 Entries): 1) FOX Rodney 220, Hayden Fox, Kanawha, Iowa; 2) MF/ KGH Mr. Man, Kimberly Holland, Tecumseh, Okla.; 3) FT Big Jim 012, Haylee Ferguson, Rockvale, Tenn. Class 4: Prospect Steers (750-780 Wt.) - (3 Entries): 1) TINY Diamond

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Steer, TINY Diamond ET, exhibited by Addison Dick, Nowata, Okla.

ET, Addison Dick, Nowata, Okla.; 2) GOLDIE’S Mac & Cheese, Jessi Maples, Waverly, Ala.; 3) Red Pepper 2003, Jessi Maples, Waverly, Ala. Class 5: Prospect Steers (815-900 Wt.) - (3 Entries): 1) JMSC Bluey 203H, Jessi Maples, Waverly, Ala.; 2) SCHAB’S Bosco, Lily Stephens, Puxico, Mo.; 3) IDA Sam Man, Hannah Martin, Edmond, Okla. Class 1: Market Steers (960-1080 Wt.) - (5 Entries): 1) Gypsy Creek’s Churro, Keegan Mcgrew, Gettysburg, Pa.; 2) SCHAB’S Carlos, Caden Delaney, Puryear, Tenn.; 3) CRCRK Sweetie’s Pride, Teagan Barr, Highland, Ill. Class 2: Market Steers (1145-1165 Wt.) - (5 Entries): 1) PRES 50 Cent 520H, Harlee Keller, Sandborn, Ind.; 2) Horton, Jansen Gerstner, Frankfort, Kan.; 3) PEAKVIEW Scooby 420, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo. Class 3: Market Steers (1170-1180 Wt.) - (6 Entries): 1) CCS Force 307H, Tate Behrends, Sheffield, Ill.; 2) 17H, Emma Ludwig, West Harrison, Ind.; 3)

Rusty, Ella Graves, Winchester, Ky. Class 4: Market Steers (1195-1215 Wt.) - (6 Entries): 1) PEEP Chip, Koby Kearns, Winslow, Ill.; 2) Toretto, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wisc.; 3) Ray Ray, Fallon Ray, Defuniak Springs, Fla. Class 5: Market Steers (1220-1255 Wt.) - (5 Entries): 1) PVF Walker 37H, Derek Miller, Millersburg, Ohio; 2) Bull Crush ET, Bryce Bennett, Washington, Ind.; 3) RTCC Sunshine, Mackenna Geeseman, Evart, Mich. Class 6: Market Steers (1280-1305 Wt.) - (4 Entries): 1) WL’S Mr Two Plus Trust BM1 ET, Benjamin Moffitt, Indianola, Iowa; 2) WERNACRES Mr Miyagi 015, Cierra Mapes, Stockton, Ill.; 3) MINN Hudson 036H ET, Ryleigh Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa. Class 7: Market Steers (1340-1440 Wt.) - (3 Entries): 1) PRNL Hendrix GL 1901, Corley Williams, Blountsville, Ala.; 2) MBEH Uncle Harry G10, Merideth Behrens, Colbert, Okla.; 3) KR Boy Style, Madelyn Watson, Kent City, Mich. =

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Outstanding State by Amelia Schatz

Outstanding State Winner, Ohio.

Throughout the week of the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, each state was in the running for the high honor of being the Outstanding State. This honor is sought after by many, but only few are granted the opportunity. It is based off the junior exhibitor’s combined points for contests,

the number of socks donated to the sock drive, and participation in various activities. This year’s winner is none other than the great state of Ohio, with a total of 65 exhibitors competing throughout the week. Not only did they compete in showing their cattle, but they also did

well within contests, and contributed one of the largest sums of socks for the sock drive. Their determination to do well and participate throughout the week paid off. Congratulations to everyone from Ohio! =

Mentor/Apprentice & The Golden Comb by Faye Smith

The Golden Comb Award & Mentor/Apprentice.

Through the week of Junior Nationals, juniors of all ages are able to participate in the Mentor-Apprentice program. This initiative lead by the junior board, is to pair up an older member, with a younger member to teach them not only how to interact with other juniors, but leadership and communications lessons throughout the week. This year, we were able to have 24 mentors and 38 apprentices be able to complete events for three days of junior nationals. The first day, juniors were 50

paired up and tasked with completing a “get to know you Q&A”, along with creating an animal mask craft project to align with the safari theme of junior nationals. Day two of this program, mentorapprentice pairs set their salesmanship skills to the test, as they competed to sell the most “stress tigers” to benefit the Junior Shorthorn Association. The juniors were able to raise 3,000 dollars for junior nationals, and the sales of the stress tigers were also able to be entered

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in a contest to win a chute from Sullivan Supply. On the last day, the duos were left to complete a safari scavenger hunt where they were able to gain signatures from breeders, state advisors, and many more people to teach them the importance of meeting new individuals. We are excited for next year’s MentorApprentice, as this is such a great way to meet new juniors in the organization and make lasting memories and impressions with those juniors that need guidance. The Mentor/Apprentice Team that sold the most stress tigers, and the winners of the backpack, headphones and battery packs: Brandon Barr from Ohio, and Reagan Fox from Iowa. The other winners of the mentor/apprentice program were: - Kade Lott, Miss. with apprentices Jessi Maples, Ala., and Vivial Lou Thompson, Ala. - Emilee Munchrath, Texas with apprentice Lane Hull, Ind. Winners of the Golden Comb and bragging rights for being “experts of the trade”: - Victoria Thompson, Ala. with apprentices Sam Teeple, Tenn., and Ethan Giles, Tenn. =

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American Shorthorn Foundation Scholarship Recipients by Michelle Noggle

Back Row L to R: Les Mathers, Bill Rasor, Gabriella Leone, Brandon Barr, Val Leone, Murray Perkins, Hugh Mooney; Front Row L to R: Sheridan Fox; Cameron Catrett; Emily Bollum; Grace Rincker, Paige Wickard. Not Pictured: Sara Sullivan and Lindsay Galbreath.

At the 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, 12 scholarships were awarded to junior members. The Shorthorn Foundation, as well as the American Shorthorn Association are dedicated to building the future of the Shorthorn breed as well as supporting educational opportunities for the AJSA members. One way they do that is by providing these scholarships in an effort to help ease the financial burdens that may come alongside a college education. These scholarships were presented to 12 deserving juniors by the President of The Shorthorn Foundation, Bill Rasor. Jared and Justin Bedwell Memorial Scholarship: The $1,500 Jared & Justin Bedwell Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by the family of Jared & Justin Bedwell in cooperation with The Shorthorn Foundation and awarded to a high school senior, college freshman or college sophomore based upon the applicants’ involvement, future goals and career plans in Agriculture, college GPA, and character references. This scholarship was created to honor the Bedwell brothers who were both active AJSA members. This year’s scholarship recipient is Sara Sullivan. Sara Sullivan is the daughter of John and Dede Sullivan, and is from Dunlap, Iowa. Sara plans to attend Oklahoma State University where she will pursue a 52

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degree in Agribusiness. “In all my experiences in livestock production, what I have truly gained the most knowledge from is the basic understanding that if you fail to work hard, you cannot achieve success. There is no free lunch at Sullivan Farms- its work from 6 a.m. until dark and then some,” said Sullivan. “I am grateful to have been raised in this mindset especially in today’s society, which seems to lack these ideals.” Lyle and Katharyn Dewitt Memorial Scholarship: The one $1,500 Lyle and Katharyn DeWitt Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by The Shorthorn Foundation and awarded to high school seniors or college freshmen based upon Shorthorn involvement, grades, need, and participation in other activities. This scholarship was created in memory of Lyle and Katharyn Dewitt, to honor their contributions to the Shorthorn breed. This years recipient is Paige Wickard. Paige Wickard is the daughter of David and Leslie Wickard. Paige is from Wilkinson, Indiana and is a nursing student at Anderson University. “I have met lifelong friends. I have attended shows all over the country and have many purple banners that show my achievement within the industry. Cows have become my passion and define who I am, I strive to win and always try to do my best in the show ring,” said Wickard.

Jesse M. and Jennie S. Duckett Memorial Scholarship: The $1,500 Jesse M. & Jennie S. Duckett Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by The Shorthorn Foundation and is awarded to high school seniors or college freshmen based upon the applicant’s involvement in agriculture, educational background, ACT scores and high school and/or college GPA. The 2021 recipient of this scholarship is Emily Bollum. Emily Bollum is the daughter of Cory and Mary Bollum. Emily is from Austin, Minnesota and is a freshman at Iowa State University where she studies Agribusiness. “It is my lifetime goal to stay involved with the farm and continue to improve the herd so my children can grow up within agriculture and get the chance to show,” said Bollum. “This industry and the people in it have given me some of the greatest memories and a growing passion that I want my children to experience.” Mike Dugdale Memorial Scholarship: This Scholarship was created in the memory of Mike Dugdale, who had a large impact on the shorthorn breed before his passing in 2006. Dugdale took part in the first importation of Irish Shorthorns in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Dugdale held positions for both the Iowa and Nebraska State Shorthorn Associations, and was elected to the American Shorthorn Association board of directors in the early 80’s. The $1,500 Dugdale Scholarship is awarded to a collegiate upperclassman who is an active AJSA member with a sincere interest in bettering the beef cattle industry after college. This year’s recipient is Murray Perkins. Murray Perkins is the son of John and Paula Perkins. Murray is from Buchannan, Tennessee and is a senior at South Dakota State University where is pursuing a degree in Animal Science. “Shorthorns continue to prove their value in areas vital to the commercial cattle industry, it is now time to meet the standards in which buyers put preference,” said Perkins. “While it is up to breeders to continue offering high quality cattle, the ASA plays a vital role in

creating new avenues in marketing and research that benefits all. It is not up to one sole entity, but together breeders and the American Shorthorn Association will achieve the change needed by working together.” Charles B. “Chuck” Leemon Memorial Scholarship: The $2,500 Charles B. “Chuck” Leemon Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by the family of Chuck Leemon in cooperation with the Shorthorn Foundation and awarded to a college student based upon the applicant’s involvement, future goals and career plans in agriculture, college GPA and character references. This scholarship was created in memory of Chuck Leemon, and this year’s recipient is Gabriella Leone. Gabriella Leone is the daughter of Rick and Trish Leone. Gabriella is from Fowler, Colorado and is attending Kansas State University where she is studying Animal Science. “I will never, nor could I ever leave the agricultural industry. Everything I am and everything I have is what I worked for and earned through ag,” said Leone. “I can’t wait to become a physician and raise my children and my Shorthorns. But I’m afraid no matter how hard I work to improve my own cattle and the breed, I’ll never truly be able to give back what others have done for me in the Shorthorn family.” Don Longley Memorial Scholarships: Don Longley was a past publisher of the Shorthorn World magazine. He followed in his father’s footsteps and continued the empire of the Shorthorn magazine, insisting his staff attend every Shorthorn show, sale and conference possible in order to bring Shorthorn breeders the most accurate and expansive information of the time. He worked effortlessly to promote the breed, and his greatest delight was to publish a journalistically superior book. The Shorthorn World was never the same after the Longley era, with more than 50 years of father-and-son work towards the magazine and breed. Each year four $1,500 Longley Memorial Scholarships are awarded. The scholarships are sponsored by The Shorthorn Foundation and awarded to high school seniors or college freshmen based upon Shorthorn involvement, grades, need and participation in other activities. Lindsay Galbreath is the daughter of Ryan and Shannon Galbreath. Lindsay is from Enderlin, North Dakota and is planning to attend South Dakota State University to pursue a degree in Agricultural Communications. Val Leone is the son of Rick and Trish Leone of Fowler, Colorado. Val

is planning to attend Chadron State College where he will study Exercise Science. Sheridan Fox is the daughter of Brian and Emily Fox, and is from Kanawha, Iowa. Sheridan plans to attend Iowa State University where she will study Animal Science. Brandon Barr is the son of Jeff and Jill Barr. Brandon is from Xenia, Ohio and plans to attend Wilmington College where he will Pursue a degree in Agriculture with a focus on business. John Miller Scholarship: The $2,500 John Miller Scholarship is awarded to collegiate upperclassmen (including trade schools) that are active AJSA members with an emphasis placed on those having some interest in making Shorthorns more viable in the commercial cattle industry. This year’s recipient is Cameron Catrett. Cameron Catrett is the son of Perry and Ashley Catrett. Cameron is from Luverne, Alabama and is currently a junior at Oklahoma State University where he studies animal and food science. “My intentions are to expand my herd and continue to promote the Shorthorn breed wherever my professional life may take me beyond college. Luckily, I am preparing myself for a career in animal science so there will always be a tie between my personal and professional goals,” said Catrett. “I foresee many future generations within my family raising Shorthorn cattle; a dream that started with slight hesitation but has proven to be one of the best decisions we could have made.” John C. “Jack” Ragsdale Scholarship: The recipient of this award exemplifies the qualities of Ragsdale, who is also known as “Mr. Shorthorn” by many breeders. Hailing originally from Indiana, he has been active in the Shorthorn business his entire life. Ragsdale was the High Point Individual at the International Livestock Judging Contest in Chicago in 1948 and had the record high score until 1961. Ragsdale was on the Purdue University Intercollegiate Livestock Judging Team. After judging, Ragsdale began his servitude at the American Shorthorn Association in 1965, where he began a 12-year term on the Board of Directors, eventually being named president. Ragsdale was instrumental in the inception of the North American International Livestock Exposition, and also implemented the first Shorthorn Youth Conference in 1968, which was the start to the American Junior Shorthorn Association. Ragsdale’s portrait is hung in the Purdue University Livestock Hall of Fame in Indiana, and also has been inducted into the Saddle and Sirloin Portrait Club.

The $1,500 Jack Ragsdale Scholarship is awarded to a high school senior or college freshman who is an active AJSA member with a sincere interest in learning how to evaluate livestock and an appreciation for the purebred livestock industry. 2021 applicants wrote an essay on “The Value of the Whole Herd Reporting Program to the Shorthorn Breed.” This year’s recipient is Grace Rincker. Rincker is the daughter of Doug and Marla Rincker and is from Strasburg, Illinois. Grace plans to attend Lake Land College where she will study Animal Science. “I believe that as producers we need to talk with our consumers and ask them what they would like to know and how we can inform them about our industry,” said Rincker. “This is where credible sources will post articles and talk to our consumers telling them the truth and facts behind our industry. In my opinion, communication is key and that is where our industry will benefit.” Outstanding Junior Board Member: The $500 Outstanding Junior Board Member Scholarship was created to honor a Junior Board Member who has gone above and beyond in their service to the American Junior Shorthorn Association during their time in office. This recipient has been selected by the members themselves in acknowledgment of their hard work and determination. Wetzel is the daughter of Mike and Lisa Wetzel and is from Faribault, Minnesota, and is a recent graduate of South Dakota State University where she earned her degree in Agribusiness. Lexi then moved to central Iowa where she now works as a Financial Analyst for Smithfield in Des Moines, Iowa. “Receiving this scholarship isn’t about the monetary value,” said Wetzel. “It truly humbles me to know that just maybe, I was able to make a positive impact on a few of the youth in this breed. I can’t thank everyone involved in the Shorthorn association enough for everything they have done for me.” =

Outstanding Junior Board Member Scholarship winner, Lexi Wetzel.

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State Cook-Off by Allyssa Obrecht & Gabriella Leone

The competition was hot in this year’s State Cook-Off and Tailgate Party! Many states rose to the challenge of providing food samples that related to their state; from catfish and sweet tea to chips and salsa. Participating states were able to win points for the outstanding state through exhibitors and parents who voted for their favorite food by placing the ticket in the state’s jar. Many states went all out with their scrumptious food, awesome music, and game/activities to get everyone involved. Thanks to the states that participated in the 2021 NJSS State Cook-Off Contest and congratulations to the winning state! Another favorite event Thursday afternoon is the cornhole tournament. It

was a HUGE success this year attracting 62 teams and even more fans cheering from the side lines. The two men representing Texas were the victorious team who won a custom cornhole board set with this year’s logo to represent the AJSA. At the end of the day, the fundraiser raised a total of $1,320! And lastly, Thursday ended with an unforgettable evening dance! Our amazing junior membership made the night one to truly remember. I can’t wait for the amazing Thursday that you all will share next year in Kansas City! Start planning your state’s snack, perfect your cornhole game, and stay on the watch for the announcement of next year’s plans!

State Cook-Off/Tailgate Party Winners: 1. Oklahoma 2. Ohio 3. Texas 4. Illinois 5. Indiana =

Cow Cutout - Fundraiser by Amelia Schatz

This year the Junior Board created a fundraiser with animal printed cow cutouts (sunset painted, zebra, leopard and giraffe printed), as they ventured through the barns on their week-long safari, to raise money for the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund Foundation, which supports the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. The animals started their journey at four different tribes of the Junior Board’s choice; the exhibitors who were lucky enough to receive a cow cutout in their stall paid to have it moved to a stall of their choice and/or paid a higher fee to not receive it back. This soon turned into a game between breeders to attack the other breeder’s colony. We want to send a huge thank you everyone who took part in this as we enjoyed exploring through the barns to see which stalls were poached on the safari. At the end of the expedition, during the awards banquet, “the cows” were auctioned off to find their forever home, 54

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to help raise additional funds for the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund Foundation. We want to send out a huge thank you to Steve and Julie French, at Little Cedar Cattle Company of Beaverton, Michigan, for purchasing these cows for $1,700/cow. When the auctioneer said “sold,” they swept the arena and the French’s took all three to be kept as a

herd. Throughout the week, we raised a grand total of $6,100 to be put into the fund. The National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference is the largest show put on throughout the year within the breed. This cannot be pulled off or have the success it does, without the continuous support of our sponsors and donors.=

Sullivan Supply Showmanship by Bella Chaffin

PI Showmanship Winners.

PII Showmanship Winners.

Intermediate Showmanship Winners.

Senior Showmanship Winners.

Game faces were on and fierce Wednesday morning, as participants were getting ready for the Sullivan Supply Showmanship Contest. The showmanship contest allows the exhibitors to truly show off all the hard work they have put into working with their animals. The junior members are judged on the way they present

themselves, exhibit their animal, as well as their knowledge of the shorthorn breed. This year’s Senior and Prospector I showmanship divisions were judged by Danny and Jill Harker of Hope, Ind. Cary and Sarah Beth Aubrey of Aubrey’s Cattle Co. in Monrovia, Ind., were the judges for the Intermediate and

Prospector II divisions. Eventually, all four judges came together to evaluate and place the top ten seniors. Wednesday evening, the top ten seniors were able to put their work to the test. The top ten senior showmen were allotted 45 minutes to fit their animal to get it ready for the final showdown. When the 45 minutes were through, the senior members brought their ‘A game’ in front of all four judges at a chance to win the title of Grand Champion Senior Showman. Congratulations to the following exhibitors: Prospector I: 1. Alayna Caufield, S.D. 2. Kennedy Arthur, Okla. 3. Bristol Soules, Okla. 4. Emma Helsinger, Ohio 5. Aspen Soules, Okla. Prospector II: 1. Shayan Bennett, Ind. 2. Reagan Ferris, Ind. 3. Delaney Ott, Ind. 4. Callie Turner, Ill. 5. Sheridan Soules, Okla. Intermediate: 1. Cash Lehrman, S.D. 2. Kaylie Shelton, Md. 3. Warner Ott, Ind. 4. Karly Goetz, Ohio 5. Emilee Munchrath, Texas 6. Ashton Bain, Ohio 7. Reid Utterback, Ind. 8. Harlee Keller, Ind. 9. Madalyn Rankin, Penn. 10. Kesler Collins, Ill. Senior: 1. Dalton Kennedy, Ohio 2. Korbin Collins, Ill. 3. Skylar Ward, Ohio 4. John Cox, Ky. 5. Alyssa Carter, Ohio 6. Xavier Ferris, Ind. 7. Kane Aegerter, Neb. 8. Brayden Deborde, Texas 9. Sheridan Fox, Iowa 10. Harley Sargent, Texas = shorthorn country = august 2021 55

Team Sales by Miller Smith

Many junior exhibitors tried their hand at closing the deal this year in the team salesmanship contest! From selling their calf, to Shorthorn beef, to applying for a loan, juniors made their case to a pair of judges. These smoothtalking teams made it hard for the judges to come up with their top five. After hearing some of these sales pitches, I’m excited to see where our breed is going with these young individuals making the deals! Congratulations to the top 5 teams in each division!

Prospector I: 1. Piper Cates & Bennett Jester, Ind.

2. Blaine Evans & Emma Helsinger, Ohio 3. Maddox Reedy & Jackson Bunton, Ill. 4. Aspen Soules & Bristol Soules, Okla. 5. Maddie Jodrey & Sawyer Hayslip, Ohio Prospector II: 1. Caytie Couch & Kennedy Arthur, Okla. 2. Kolten Greenhorn & Alexa Turner, Ohio 3. Evelyn Hill & Lindsey Jester, Ind. 4. Kimberly Holland & Sheridan Soules, Okla.

5. Brigham DeBorde & Grady Jennings, Texas Intermediate: 1. Samantha VanVorhis & Caroline Tilton, Ohio 2. Emilee Munchrath & Jackson Akers, Texas 3. Wyatt Osborn & Ashton Bain, Ohio 4. Warner Ott & Delaney Ott, Ind. 5. Elley Inskeep & Mallory Inskeep, Ind. Senior: 1. Faye Smith & Tayler Bacon, Kan. 2. Xavier Ferris, Ind. & Caden Kephart, Ky. 3. Murray Perkins & Haylee Ferguson, Tenn. 4. Brandon Barr & Caroline Winter, Ohio 5. Corley Williams & Hannah Grace Williams, Ala. =

Team Sales Winners.


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Kruse Ranch Beef Cook-Off by Gabriella Leone

Beef Cook-Off Winners.

Who doesn’t love to eat beef? The 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference Kruse Ranch Beef Cook-Off Contest competition was hot. The purpose of the beef cook-off contest is for a group of four juniors from the same state, some states having multiple teams, to come up with the tastiest recipe, practice and perfect it, and then present it to a panel of judges. The cut of meat to be used this year was the wholesale cut rib, with a safari theme for the skits and presentations to go along with the junior nationals theme, Shorthorn Safari. All of the states that participated brought decorations and costumes that made for top notch competition. At the end of the day the judges named their top five teams, and their choice for champion recipe and champion showmanship. We cannot wait to select the cut for next year’s contest, stay tuned!

Champion in the Recipe Division: Indiana 1 Champion in the Beef Cook-Off Showmanship Division: Alabama Red Overall Finalists: 1. Ohio 2: Sawyer Hayslip, Sydnee Hawkins, Owen Bailey, Alyssa Betts 2. Ind. 2: Jemma Jordan, Charlotte Jordan, Chloe Jordan, Jack Jordan 3. Ala. Red: Jewel Thompson, Victoria Thompson, Clay Lynn, Jessi Maples 4. Ind. 1: Piper Cates, John Humphreys, Reid Utterback, Miller Smith 5. Ohio 4: Dawson Osborn, Blake Osborn, Wyatt Osborn, Ashton Bain =

Beef Cook-Off Recipe Winner Champion Recipe

2 medium tortillas ½ pound shaved ribeye ½ chopped onion ½ diced red pepper ½ diced green pepper 6 ounces diced mushrooms 3 slices provolone cheese 1 tablespoon light olive oil 1 garlic clove, minced ¼ tablespoon sea salt 1/8 tablespoon black pepper 2 tablespoon mayo

1. Cook shaved ribeye with 2 tablespoons oil, salt and pepper in a skillet.Once fully cooked, remove from skillet. 2. Sautee onion, peppers & mushrooms in same skillet until tender, adding 1 tablespoon of oil if needed. 3. Add ribeye and garlic into skillet. 4. Spread mayo on tortillas. 5. Add filling to half of each tortilla, top the filling with provolone and fold tortilla 6. Place tortilla in skillet with oil over medium heat. Sautee until the cheese is melted and the outside is golden and crisp, flipping once. 7. Slice and serve.

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Team Fitting by Colton Hulsey

On your mark, get set, go. Just like that more than seventy teams from four different age divisions went to work. This contest was created to challenge a group of four individuals to cooperate and make a calf look its best in twenty minutes. This is judged on three things: teamwork, presentation, and communication among team members. Team Fitting teaches the teams how to better their fitting skills, work as a team, and make fast decisions without hesitation. A unique part of this contest is that a handful of these teams have not met one another and are still doing their best with a common goal in mind. Being able to watch these individuals come together to celebrate their victory is what this contest, and breed is all about. Thanks again to Sullivan Supply for donating the fitting contest awards. The results of the fitting contest are as follows: Prospector I & II: 1. Dallas Richey, Ind., Reagan Fox, Iowa., Kylie Brunke, Miss., Lauren Berg, Iowa 2. Lane Hull, Ind., Peyton Demerly, Ind., Bryce Bennett, Ind., Keagan McGrew, Penn. 3. Jackson Jester, Delaney Ott, Charlotte Jordan, Alexa Lowe, Ind. 4. Piper Cates, Jaylyn Humphreys, Sophia Humphreys, Bennet Jester, Ind.


5. Kimberly Holland, Sheridan Soules, Kadin Kinder Worthington, Jace Parker,Okla. Intermediate: 1. Kesler Collins, Ill., Reid Utterback, Ind., Abby Bratcher, Ind., Hayden Fox, Iowa 2. Houston Feere, Ryan Wickard, Rylan Jester, Carter Wickard, Ind. 3. Jocelyn Phelps, Carter Kornegay, Eli Matthews, Cyrus Kornegay, Okla. 4. Shayan Bennett, Nathan Hill, Hailey Jester,Warner Ott, Ind. 5. Grace Giles, Tenn., Caden Delaney, Tenn., Blair Lamon, Tenn., Dalton Barger, Ky. Senior: 1. Dawson Osborn, Fulton Kennedy, Ashlyn O’Brien, Dalton Kennedy, Ohio 2. Murray Perkins, Tenn., Haylee Ferguson, Tenn., Foster Wingler, Tenn., J.W. Cox, Ky. 3. Miller Smith, Ind., Lexi Wetzel, Minn., Skylar Ward, Ohio, Xavier Ferris, Ind. 4. Alyssa Carter, Ohio, Karly Goetz, Ohio, Madeline Berg, Iowa, Rosemary Thompson, Iowa 5. Tucker DeGroot, Minn., Tyler DeGroot, Minn., Matthew Friemann, Wis., Lane VanderWal, S.D. =

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Prospector I & II Team Fitting 2nd Place

Prospector I & II Team Fitting 3rd Place

Prospector I & II Team Fitting 4th Place

Prospector I & II Team Fitting 5th Place

Intermediate Team Fitting 2nd Place

Intermediate Team Fitting 3rd Place

Intermediate Team Fitting 4th Place

Intermediate Team Fitting 5th Place

Senior Team Fitting 2nd Place

Senior Team Fitting 3rd Place

Senior Team Fitting 4th Place

Senior Team Fitting 5th Place

Prospector I and II Team Fitting Winner.

Intermediate Team Fitting Winner.

Senior Team Fitting Winner.

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Senior Prepared Speech Winner - Haylee Ferguson Again this year, the Champion Senior in the Prepared Speech Contest, presented their speech during the awards banquet Friday night. Below is a copy of Haylee Ferguson’s winning speech. “Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better,” this quote from basketball coach, Pat Riley, helps explain the importance of exporting beef for the American cattleman. The United States produces excellent, high quality beef. The economic specialization of trade focuses on doing what you do best and exchanging products which leads to higher levels of production. The United States exports beef to fuel economic growth. We export because there are people in other parts of the world willing to pay more for certain products than we are. The importing and exporting of beef, in its simplest form, is a balancing act. For this discussion, I am focusing on exports, but it is important to note that for U.S. beef to help the economy and be sold on the world market, we must reciprocate and be open to imports. The U.S. moves a lot of beef, and at times we have been the biggest importer and exporter simultaneously. As a registered Shorthorn producer, how does exporting beef work for me? You have to remember, not all beef is the same, meaning not all cuts of beef are consumed and appreciated at the same level. In the United States, we have a deep love for hamburger, while Japan really likes higher end cuts, and Korea enjoys short ribs. There are some cultures out there that find livers and other organ meat divine, while most consumers in the U. S., for example, have not developed a palate for those cuts. Again, as our world population increases, it is so important to provide the protein necessary for a healthy diet. The U.S. continues to pursue these export markets. Because there are different demands for different cuts of meat the U.S. exports boxes with specific cuts of beef in them to other countries, not whole or half carcasses. This is not only the more economical way to market beef, but also the most efficient. Boxes are much easier to pack on big shipping containers than hanging sides of meat. The important detail is the United States is exporting and selling people what they want to buy in the beef market and not sending products they do not consume. Presented in numbers, the U.S. exports about 11% of its total beef production. That is equivalent to roughly 2.8 billion pounds of beef annually, give or take. 60

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The main countries we export to are Japan, Korea, Mexico, and Canada with Hong Kong getting a sizable amount of our beef products as well. For the last four years from 2016-2020, beef and beef products have been a top five U.S. agricultural export. In 2019, for instance, U.S. beef exports were valued at 8.1 billion dollars. In terms of value, we tend to export more than we import (information from United States Department of Agriculture 2020 beef report). In the United States, hamburger is by and large the most popular cut of meat. In fact, ground beef accounts for 45% of U.S. beef consumption. Did you know the average American eats approximately 26 pounds of hamburger a year? The United States’ domestic source of ground beef is cull cows. It simply is not economical to be grinding up choice or prime fed animals into a low value product such as hamburger. This information is from an April 2021 article written by Dr. David Anderson, an agriculture economist at Texas A&M University. So, as a producer of Shorthorn beef and a commercial beef producer, too, I appreciate the opportunity for beef that I raise to be exported and provide a higher market price. During the pandemic, we learned just how fragile the food supply chain is in the United States. With packing plants shut down or forced to operate at 40% of capacity, grocery store shelves were sometimes empty and that included the beef counter. Now, as we emerge from covid, economists are predicting consumers are enjoying higher quality cuts at home. Again, as a beef producer, I appreciate the opportunity to market locally whether through the Shorthorn Beef – Locally Raised program or the continued efforts of marketing at the global level. Remember with 9 billion people estimated to be in the world in 2050, a significant protein source is needed. After hearing this information about beef exports, whether you are enjoying a cheeseburger or a juicy steak off the grill this summer, you can better understand the why of exports and that our U.S. beef producers are working hard and continually striving to put the highest quality beef on the market for all of us. =

Speech Contest by Faye Smith

The speech contest is a great way for Juniors to be able to gain experience learning how to improve their public speaking, and writing skills. This year, juniors were tasked with creating a speech that embodies answering a question for their specific age group. This years topics ranged from “Why are you ‘Wild’ about Shorthorns” for the Prospector I’s, to “Explain the importance of exporting beef for the American Cattlemen” for Seniors. Being able to dive deep into certain questions and learn more about the beef industry, as well as the Shorthorn breed, gives these juniors the ability to enhance their knowledge and present

it in a strategic manner. This year, we selected the top 5 speeches from each age division, and the 1st overall senior speech was selected to be presented at the annual banquet. Prospector I: 1. Piper Cates, Ind. 2. Kennedy Arthur, Okla. 3. Sawyer Hayslip, Ohio 4. John Wells, Texas 5. Aspen Soules, Okla. Prospector II: 1. Sheridan Soules, Okla. 2. Charlotte Jordan, Ind. 3. Elizabeth Wells, Texas 4. Addison Counts, Mo. 5. Caytie Couch, Okla.

Intermediate: 1. Darla Fesmire, Okla. 2. Victoria Thompson, Ala. 3. Wyatt Fechter, Kan. 4. Savannah Jackson, Ark. 5. Emilee Munchrath, Texas Senior: 1. Haylee Ferguson, Tenn. 2. Carter Meyer, Texas 3. Brandon Barr, Ohio 4. Jewel Thompson, Ala. 5. John Cox, Ky. =

Prepared Speech Senior Winners.

Speech Winners.

Sock Drive by Amelia Schatz

For the fifth year in a row, the American Junior Shorthorn Association (AJSA) has partnered with a local organization, who provides socks for those in need. This year, the AJSA partnered with Jacob’s Ladder, a nonprofit organization located in Louisville, Ky. Jacob’s Ladder strives to provide community and progressive support to individuals experiencing homelessness. They do this through street outreach and diligently providing their volunteers with the education and tools needed to help folks meet their goals. Jacob’s Ladder vision is to develop a community with safe shelter for all.

AJSA members from 27 states came together at opening ceremonies, to donate 8,637 pairs of socks. The process of determining which state provided the most socks, occurs by totaling the number of socks provided per state, divided by the number of exhibitors participating at the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, from that state, thus finding the sock to exhibitor ratio. =

Jacob’s Ladder representatives picking up the donated socks.

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Arts & Crafts by Miller Smith

Exhibitors took on the arts & crafts contest to present their skills, talent, and creativity. In a very competitive contest this year, numbers were much higher than recent years, which shows a vast variety of projects by juniors in every age division. This creativity and talent will take our amazing breed to high levels. Congratulations to all the winners! Prospector I: 1. Sawyer Hayslip, Ohio 2. Piper Cates, Ind. 3. Kelby Worthington, Okla. 4. Maddox Reedy, Ill. 5. Emma Helsinger, Ohio

Prospector II: 1. Clay Lynn, Ala. 2. Ellanor Tarbert, Ohio 3. Asa Thompson, Ala. 4. Kylie Brunke. Mich. 5. Alexa Turner, Ill. Intermediate: 1. Travis Dick, Okla. 2. Wyatt Fechter, Kan. 3. Victoria Thompson, Ala. 4. Courtney Rathke, Wis. 5. Emilee Munchrath, Texas Senior: 1. Paige Phillips, Ohio 2. Carter Meyer, Texas 3. Alyssa Betts, Ohio

4. Sierra Betts, Ohio 5. Brandon Barr, Ohio Refurbished Arts & Crafts Division: 1. Alyson Utegg, Ill. 2. Madalyn Rankin, Penn. 3. Asa Thompson, Ala. 4. Emilee Munchrath, Texas 5. Alyssa Carter, Ohio =

Arts & Crafts Winners.

Career Development by Lexi Wetzel

Woah! We already knew our breed was filled with amazing youth that will have the ability to go and do whatever they wish in this world. This new contest just farther proved it. There were around thirteen senior individuals that stepped up to the plate to try this new contest. Through filling out a resume and taking part in an interview process, judges selected their top candidates. Whether they finished on top or finished short, all participants are one step closer to 62

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making the best impression in the room to further their careers. The results are as follows: Senior: 1. Cameron Catrett, Ala. 2. Murray Perkins, Tenn. 3. Haylee Ferguson, Tenn. 4. Jewel Thompson, Ala. 5. Morgan Vondra, Wis. = Career Development Winners.

Promotional Poster & Graphic Design by Kendall Nelson

Everyone has unique talents! Some are craftier than others and it shows in their abilities to construct projects in the area of graphic design and poster displays. Individuals work hard to put together projects that portray the Shorthorn breed in their work. The Prospector divisions create a poster and the Intermediate and Senior divisions create a graphic design ad. Here is how the following individuals achieved success with their skills: Prospector I Poster: 1. Sawyer Hayslip, Ohio 2. Francesca Bologna, Md. 3. Cooper Schabbing, Mo. 4. Vivian Lou Thompson, Ala. 5. Ty Conklin, Mich.

Prospector II Poster: 1. Reagan Ferris, Ind. 2. Evelyn Hill, Ind. 3. Mallory Inskeep, Ind. 4. Kolten Greenhorn, Ohio 5. Kadin Kinder Worthington, Okla. Intermediate Graphic Design: 1. Victoria Thompson, Ala. 2. Samantha VanVorhis, Ohio 3. Wyatt Osborn, Ohio 4. Emilee Munchrath, Texas 5. Karly Goetz, Ohio Senior Graphic Design: 1. Paige Phillips, Ohio 2. Murray Perkins, Tenn. 3. Jewel Thompson, Ala. 4. Carter Meyer, Texas 5. Faye Smith, Kan. =

Graphic Design Winning Ads.

SHORTHORN BEEF fromour farmto your fork!

www.shorthorn.org American Shorthorn Association 7607 NWPrairie ViewRd Kansas City, MO64151 Phone :816-599-7777

Promotional Poster & Graphic Design Winners.

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Photography by Allyssa Obrecht

This year, many juniors showed their creativity behind the lens while promoting the Shorthorn breed through the Photography Contest. Entries were submitted and judged prior to the National Junior Shorthorn Show and judges selected the best ‘Shorthorn picture’. Contestants showed off their skills through submitting candid shots, scenic pasture views, and anything that featured a Shorthorn. Intermediates and seniors had the opportunity to enter images in the Digital Photography Contest. These entries were also submitted and judged prior to the NJSS. Judges selected the best ‘Agriculture picture’ from contestants’ entries that included any form of digital enhancement. Congratulations to all the Photography and Digital Photography contest winners!

Photography Winners.


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Prospector I: 1. Piper Cates, Ind. 2. Maddox Reedy, Ill. 3. Rylie Maples, Ala. 4. Sawyer Hayslip, Ohio 5. Grady Jennings, Texas Prospector II: 1. Charlotte Jordan, Ind. 2. Kase Glazier, Okla. 3. Kadin Kinder Worthington, Okla. 4. Clay Lynn, Ala. 5. Kolten Greenhorn, Ohio Intermediate: 1. Caleb Hall, Idaho 2. Cooper Hetrick, Ohio 3. Chloe Jordan, Ind. 4. Dean Hetrick, Ohio 5. Jack Jordan, Ind. Senior: 1. Catelyn Olsen, Wis. 2. Carter Meyer, Texas

3. Jewel Thompson, Ala. 4. Annette Braun, Md. 5. Paige Wickard, Ind. Intermediate Digitally Enhanced: 1. Caleb Hall, Idaho 2. Karly Goetz, Ohio 3. Victoria Thompson, Ala. 4. Samantha VanVohris, Ohio 5. Toby Behrens, Ill. Senior Digitally Enhanced: 1. Carter Meyer, Texas 2. Annette Braun, Md. 3. Samantha Schoenbauer, Minn. 4. Charlie Sutherland, Miss. 5. Faye Smith, Kan. =

Digitally Enhanced Photography Winners.

Quiz Bowl by Tayler Bacon

The intensity was high this year at the Junior National Quiz Bowl Contest. Even just one second can change the whole game! As always this is one of the largest contests. Each team consists of two prospectors, one intermediate and one senior competing for the Grand Champion Quiz Bowl title. Don’t let age fool you some of the youngest contestants can answer the hardest questions. Again this year, the final round of the quiz bowl contest took place during the Awards Ceremony for the teams to compete head to head in front of a large crowd!

Quiz Bowl Winners: 1. Alabama Red: Cameron Catrett, Victoria Thompson, Asa Thompson, and Vivian Lou Thompson 2. Kansas: Melissa Ard, Wyatt Fechter, Ryder Heter, and Josie Heter 3. Tennessee 1: Murray Perkins, Addison Delaney, Sam Teeple, and Ethan Giles 4. Oklahoma 1: Ryan Lane, Molly Kruetzer, Kimberly Holland, and Sheridan Soules 5. Indiana 1: Miller Smith, Chloe Jordan, Delaney Ott, and Evelyn Hill =

Quiz Bowl Winners.

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Livestock Judging by Gabriella Leone

Livestock Judging Winners.

Judging livestock has always been one of my favorite pass-times, but having the opportunity to evaluate alongside my Shorthorn family for my last junior nationals was bitter sweet! We got to see a class of ShorthornPlus Heifers, Shorthorn Heifers, Shorthorn Bulls, and Steers. Although the day is long, I thought the junior board had the layout and schedule well prepared to make a 4 class and 10 question contest run

smoothly. The day wouldn’t have been possible without our officials Tyler Cates and Toby Jordan, and our awesome exhibitors who let us use their cattle! Good luck to everyone next year! Congratulations to all of the top 5 contestants. This contest is always close when we’re tallying scantrons, but an especially big congrats to the high individuals in each age group:

Prospector I: 1. Jackson Bunting, Ill. 2. Murphy Fahrmeier, Mo. 3. Cooper Schabbing, Mo. 4. John Humphreys, Ind. 5. Curtis Bomar, Tenn. Prospector II: 1. Annalyn Beach, Neb. 2. Reagan Ferris, Ind. 3. Coy Obrecht, Iowa 4. Kanin Cleere, Texas 5. Ella Graves, Ky. Intermediate: 1. Addison Campbell, Ind. 2. Darla Fesmire, Okla. 3. Lexi Lane, Okla. 4. Kesler Collins, Ill. 5. Jay Allen, Penn. Senior: 1. Annette Braun, Md. 2. Emily Bollum, Minn. 3. Sammy Angotti, Wis. 4. Megan Keeney, Md. 5. Murray Perkins, Tenn. =

Cattleman’s Written Test by Kendall Nelson

Cattleman’s Written Test Winners.

The Shorthorn breed and beef industry are extremely diverse! Every year, individuals put their brains to work in a multiple-choice written test that helps them to demonstrate their individual understanding of different 66

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topics of history, current events, beef composition, and many other topics. The following individuals went above and beyond by demonstrating their ability to test to the top! The results are as follows:

Prospector I: 1. Ryder Heter, Kan. 2. Emma Helsinger, Ohio 3. Vivian Lou Thompson, Ala. 4. Kennedy Arthur, Oklahoma 5. Avery Flax, Ohio Prospector II: 1. Kimberly Holland, Okla. 2. Sheridan Soules, Okla. 3. Joshua Blakeman, Ohio 4. Addison Counts, Mo. 5. Reese Phelps, Okla. Intermediate: 1. Hannah Wetzel, Minn. 2. Victoria Thompson, Ala. 3. Samantha VanVorhis, Ohio 4. Delanie Erwin, Iowa 5. Mark Inskeep, Ind. Senior: 1. Cameron Catrett, Ala. 2. Kimberly Boyer, Okla. 3. Murray Perkins, Tenn. 4. Tori Copeland, Texas 5. Sarah Phelps, Iowa =

High Point Individuals by Amelia Schatz

Junior Nationals is a very busy time for everyone. The High Point Contest attests to individuals who go above and beyond to not only compete in multiple contests, but also do well within the contests. After spending countless hours in the barn with their cattle, these individuals also find time to perfect their contest entries, and prepare for all of what Junior Nationals means, not solely the cattle show portion. While being the Youth Activities Intern, my job was to ensure each contest was ready for the judges, as well as overseeing contest check-in. The Shorthorn Association has a tremendous amount of involvement across the board, which is great to see, and is something to be proud of. Once every contest reaches a close, points are tallied for every junior who has participated in each contest, and more points are given for those who are placed in the Top 5 or 10. The Top 5 of each division are recognized at the awards ceremony on Friday evening. Listed below are the High Point winners of each division:

Prospector I: 1. Piper Cates, Ind. 2. Sawyer Hayslip, Ohio 3. Kennedy Arthur, Okla. 4. Emma Helsinger, Ohio 5. Maddox Reedy, Ill. Prospector II: 1. Sheridan Soules, Okla. 2. Reagan Ferris, Ind. 3. Kimberly Holland, Okla. 4. Kolten Greenhorn, Ohio 5. Charlotte Jordan, Ind. Intermediate: 1. Victoria Thompson, Ala.

2. Emilee Munchrath, Texas 3. Darla Fesmire, Okla. 4. Samantha VanVorhis, Ohio 5. Wyatt Fechter, Kan. Senior: 1. Carter Meyer, Texas 2. Murray Perkins, Tenn. 3. Haylee Ferguson, Tenn. 4. Jewel Thompson, Ala. 5.Cameron Catrett, Ala. =

High Point Winners.

Shorthorn Sidekicks by Michelle Noggle

Shorthorn Sidekicks is a program that takes place at Shorthorn Junior Nationals for children who are not yet old enough (ages four and under) to compete in contests or the show. This year, Shorthorn Sidekicks was hosted on two separate days. Day one consisted of a safari around the Kentucky Exposition Center, where they talked about all the different types of animals you could see on a safari, and then everyone was able

to take home their very own safari goody bag. Sidekicks day two consisted of an exciting water fight held in the exercise ring. The purpose of this program is to help the sidekicks get excited about coming to junior nationals each year, especially when they’re old enough to participate in contests and the show. We hope everyone enjoyed the 2021 Shorthorn Sidekicks program and we cannot wait to see your smiles again

next year! We would like to give a special thank you to Katie Cull, Jean Cull and Becky Bolin for their help in coordinating Sidekicks this year. We couldn’t have done it without you! =

Red Coat Award by Michelle Noggle

The Prospector exhibitors at the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference are the future generations of Shorthorn Breeders. The prestigious Red Coat Award is given to a junior of prospect age each year at Shorthorn Junior Nationals. The purpose of this award is to honor a young junior or juniors who go beyond expectations through their involvement and participation. The junior board

interacts with the exhibitors throughout the week of NJSS and they select the junior of their choice to honor at the awards ceremony. The 2021 recipients of the Red Coat Award are Asa and Vivian Lou Thompson from Alabama. Collectively, Asa and Vivian Lou placed top five in six contests this year. Congratulations to Asa and Vivian Lou Thompson and keep up the great work! =

Red Coat Award Winners.

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Lassie Tea & Lassie 101

Some of the Lassie Tea Participants.

Shorthorn Lassie enthusiasts came together in Louisville, Kentucky, where we gathered for the annual Lassie Tea on the morning of June 24. Around 20 young girls and state queens representing several states were in attendance. Each girl that attended received a sash to decorate, a tiara, a cookie, along with an ear tag to decorate as well. All the State Queens and Princess got a goodie bag that had a travel size hair spray, teasing comb, and chapstick to take with them as they are some the essentials of being a Lassie Queen. After, the girls got to partake in some fun activities! These included coloring pages, puzzles, games, crafts, and dressing up for the photo booth. During this fun filled hour, the room


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was definitely filled full of laughter! We are so grateful for the Queens and Princess that attended and helped with all the games, crafts, and puzzles. It always great to see so many young girls, parents, and supporters make the Lassie Tea a success this year. After the Lassie Tea, we changed gears and held the Lassie 101. This event allows State Queens and Princesses to interact with members of the National Shorthorn Lassie Association. Discussion took place about the responsibilities of a Lassie Queen. We also talked about the proper way to lead in classes, handing out awards, and gave tips on make-up and hair, along with other advice on being a Lassie. Lassie 101 also helps build the

relationships among the Queens and the Princess before the shows in the days following. It is a great honor to serve as the National Shorthorn Lassie Queen and Alternate Queen and highly suggest that any and all State Queens run to be a National Shorthorn Lassie, it is an experience that you will never regret! Thanks to those who helped sponsor the Lassie Tea and Lassie 101. In addition, thanks to all the individuals that helped set up, clean up, and everyone that made this a great experience for these young ladies. =

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State Herdsmanship by Tayler Bacon

Every year states compete to see who has the best decorated and cleanest stalls. This year states rose to the challenge, it didn’t matter where you were in the barn you felt like you were in a “Shorthorn Safari”! The purpose of the Herdsmanship contest is to encourage teamwork and cooperation among the states and juniors. The State Herdsmanship contest is a combination of the best decorated stalls, cleanliness, promotion of association/state, and the cooperation they show together as a state. Congratulations to all the states and juniors for showing us your WILD side

at the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. States with 20 head and under: 1. Colorado 2. Kansas 3. Arkansas 4. Montana 5. Kentucky States with 21 head and up: 1. Maryland 2. Michigan 3. Oklahoma 4. Iowa 5. Wisconsin =

21 head and up Herdsmanship Winner.

20 head and under Herdsmanship Winner.

State Basket by Korbin Collins

Winning State Basket.

State Basket Winners.

This year we had an excellent turnout for state baskets. This is an excellent opportunity for states to compete against each other. Also, it is a great event because it can help each state raise money for the next coming year. Each state-based its theme off of the central theme this year which was “Shorthorn Safari.” All the baskets this 70

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year were outstanding and were very creative. The results go as followed: State Basket Placings: 1. Texas 2. Oklahoma 3. Ohio 4. Alabama 5. Indiana =

Runner-Up State Basket.

Interns Views on NJSS Amelia As the National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference has come and gone, it is a memory that will stay with me forever. This event is something special, to say the least. The environment is everything while being at a national show, and the environment over the ten days at NJSS is something I am proud to say was family-like, inviting, and energetic. The youth of this breed are unlike any other. I have said it a million times throughout the summer, but I will say it again, I love the kids who are involved in the Shorthorn breed. The way they present themselves and represent the breed is in a way I cannot describe. They are all very inviting and eager to compete while at NJSS. With being the Youth Activities Intern, I was responsible to ensure contest check-in and contests ran smoothly, along with making sure the scripts and results were accurate. Being behind the scenes takes being at a show to a whole different level. I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for those who work endlessly to provide these opportunities to the youth as they need to make sure every part of the wheel is turning and working together. It was an eye-opening experience to be behind the scenes and not on the other side of the office desk; I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the American Shorthorn Association. I

wish everyone a safe and wonderful rest of the summer and I hope to cross paths with many of you in the future. Bella As someone who didn’t grow up showing cattle, I was excited to see how everything at the National Junior Shorthorn Show worked. The people of the Shorthorn breed simply are some of the best. While assisting with check-in, contests, and answering questions in the office, I met so many parents and juniors involved in the breed. I loved being able to put names to faces after working on entries prior to the show. While it was a lot of work put in before, and during the show, it was very rewarding. Throughout my time working at the American Shorthorn Association, I have gained a whole new respect and appreciation for those people who work to put on shows and events. I hope everyone who attended the 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show had a great time and had success! Michelle The 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference has come to a close, and we finally have a chance to recover. The week spent in Louisville, Ky., were both exhausting and exciting all in one. I grew up showing both swine and cattle, however I attended mostly swine junior nationals for multiple years. Having attended so

many junior nationals you tell yourself you might have an idea of what goes on behind the scenes, but it is truly eye opening when you are actually the one behind the scenes. It feels really good to see all of your hard work finally fall into place when junior national’s week rolls around. In my opinion, junior nationals were a success this year. As the communications intern, I am so glad I had the opportunity to capture special moments from showmanship, contests, meetings, and in the barns. I got to see the inside of an event that I hope, one day, my future children will even be able to attend. I hope everyone enjoyed their trek through the Shorthorn Safari and are looking forward to a show that is “Out of This World”, in 2022! =

Tiger Toss by Amelia Schatz

Throughout the week, Junior Mentors and Apprentices pair up to complete a list of tasks given to them. One of those tasks includes selling a specific item to raise money for the next year’s National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. Sullivan Supply and the American Junior Shorthorn Association (AJSA) pair up to donate a chute for the winner of this throw-down. This year, they were asked to sell stress tigers. Before the annual State CookOff/Tailgate and Cornhole Tournament,

those who purchased stress tigers lined up in Broadbent Arena, for a chance to win a chute worth over $800. These small stress tigers were thrown into a water bucket; the winners from each round continued to toss them until there was a definite winner. Congratulations to Derek Miller of Ohio, the winner of this year’s toss. Special shout out to the close runner-up, Neil Sheridan of Michigan. Thank you to all who contributed! =

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New Junior Board of Directors Elected by Michelle Noggle

L-R: Colton Hulsey; Miller Smith; Korbin Collins; Tayler Bacon; Faye Smith; Sheridan Fox, Merideth Behrens, Ryan Lane and Xavier Ferris.

At the 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, four new board delegates braved the Shorthorn Safari and were elected to the American Junior Shorthorn Association Board of Directors for 2021-2022. Your newly elected Junior Board of Directors and Officers are as follows: President: Korbin Collins is the 22-year-old daughter of Brian and Tiffany Collins from Flanagan, Illinois. Korbin graduated from the University of Illinois with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication and a minor in Agricultural Business. She recently started a full-time job with the Illinois Farm Bureau in the County Manager Trainee Program. Vice President: Miller Smith is the 19-year-old son of Neal and Jennifer Smith and is from Pendleton, Indiana. Miller is currently attending Purdue University where he is working to obtain a degree in animal science and agribusiness. Secretary: Tayler Bacon is the 22-yearold daughter of Joel and Rebecca Bacon of Powhattan, Kansas. Tayler is currently


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working as the Partnership Coordinator at the American Royal in Kansas City, Missouri. Public Relations: Faye Smith is the 20-year-old daughter of Troy and Sommer Smith and is from Walton, Kansas. Faye is currently attending Kansas State University where she is working to obtain a degree in agricultural communications and journalism. Director: Colton Hulsey is the 19-year-old son of Brian and Arla Hulsey, and is from Red Oak, Oklahoma. Colton is currently attending Eastern Oklahoma State College and is working to obtain a degree in animal science and is a member of the EOSC shooting team. Director: Sheridan Fox is the 18-yearold daughter of Emily and Brian Fox, and is from Kanawha, Iowa. Sheridan is a freshman at Iowa State University where she is pursuing a degree in animal science. Director: Merideth Behrens is the 18-year-old daughter of Justin and Stephanie Behrens of Colbert, Oklahoma. In the fall, Merideth will be a freshman at Redlands Community College working to obtain a degree in

agricultural education. Director: Xavier Ferris is the 19-yearold son of Brian and Andrea Ferris from Whiteland, Indiana. Xavier is a current freshman at Oklahoma State University where he is working to obtain a degree in agricultural business. Director: Ryan Lane is the 18-yearold son of Will Lane and is from Grove, Oklahoma. In the fall, Ryan is going to be attending Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College where he plans to participate on the livestock evaluation team, then transferring to Oklahoma State University where he plans to obtain a degree in agricultural business and sales. Although our retiring board members will be missed, we know that newly elected directors will do great things! Thank you Lexi Wetzel, Allyssa Obrecht, Gabri Leone and Kendall Nelson for your hard work and over the past year. Your passion and dedication for the American Junior Shorthorn Association did not go unobserved. You have been huge role models for junior members, and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors! =

Junior Herdsman Award This year we presented a new award at the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. The purpose of the award is to recognize an outstanding AJSA member who exhibits a strong work ethic, dedication to the breed, and the ability to present their animals. Any senior member (ages 17-21) exhibiting cattle at the NJSS was eligible to receive this award. A nomination committee was selected by ASA staff to evaluate the senior exhibitors Monday through Thursday and select 3 to 5 individuals to be voted on by NJSS exhibitors. The nomination committee evaluated senior exhibitors on the following traits: hardworking, general involvement, role model, interaction with breeders/ juniors, represents/advocates for Shorthorn breed. After the nominees were announced, their fellow junior exhibitors voted to select the winner. This year the individual who received this award is very deserving as shown by her actions throughout the week and the votes she received. Korbin Collins is the daughter of Brian and Tiffney Collins from Flanagan, IL. Korbin’s love for the cattle industry runs deep as she showed her first heifer at four years old. In 2018, she ventured to her first National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, and it did not take long for her fall in love with the breed and the people that make the Shorthorn breed the best. After attending her first NJSS, she knew she wanted to be a part of the red jacket team. In 2019, she set out to be elected to the Junior Board and was able to accomplish that goal. She has absolutely loved getting to interact and help the

kids in and outside of the ring. She has quickly grown her herd from two show heifers to a 25 head herd. As much as she loves attending shows some of her favorite memories come from walking through the cow calf pairs in the pasture and talking about future breeding decisions with her two siblings. At her fourth NJSS she was able to accomplish being Reserve Champion Senior Showman. She is a recent graduate from the University of Illinois with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication with a minor in Agricultural Business. In June, she started a full-time position working for Illinois Farm Bureau as a County Manager Trainee. She is looking forward to serving her last year on the Junior Board as the Board President. Congratulations to Korbin for being selected as the 2021 Junior Herdsman of the Year! “As you may know, we have a very busy week at NJSS. I was in the office resting for a few minutes after finishing the quiz bowl contest,” Korbin said. “Shelby showed me the finalist for the junior herdsman award, and I was speechless. I wasn’t sure how I was someone deserving of this award. Then when the winner was announced right before the Grand Drive of the Purebred Show it was so special because it recognizes how hard I work at home before the show and during the show to improve my herd. There were so many deserving individuals and nominees, and I am extremely honored to have received this award.” =

Korbin Collins Receiving Award.

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News & Notes Farewells Theodore “Ted” G. Sherbeck, age 82, of Ansley, NE passed away June 23, 2021, at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney, Nebraska. Theodore G. Sherbeck was born on April 14, 1939, in Ansley, Nebraska to Clarence “Jack” Sherbeck and B. Loene (Lanphear) Sherbeck. He attended Ansley Public Schools through high school graduating in 1957. He went on to graduate in 1961 from Kearney State Teachers College with a degree in mathematics. He felt a passion to learn more about agriculture and soils and continued on to Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana and received an MS in 1963 and completed his PhD in Agronomy the summer of

Congratulations! Fred and Emily Golemboski of GSKI Shorthorns are proud to announce the arrival of the newest Shorthorn enthusiast. Miranda Jean Golemboski was born on March 31 weighing 9#6oz and measuring 21.5” long. She was welcomed home by her adoring big brother Rhett at the family’s operation in Colorado. =

1967. Ted met Carol Dase of Wheatfield, Indiana while attending Purdue University. They were married on June 1, 1963 and stayed in Indiana while Ted finished his PhD. In 1967 they moved to Ansley and remained there for the next 54 years working on the family farm and raising four children. He loved science and research and applied it to farm work in the manner he planted crops and grew cattle. Ted placed many cattle in feeding and carcass trials often winning the rate of gain. He strived to improve the herd by using those outcomes to improve genetics in the herd. Ted served eight years on the Nebraska Beef Council Board of Directors and used his love of research on the Nutrition Research Committee for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Over time, he participated in the

Elks Lodge 1688 and held several leadership positions including Exalted Ruler twice. He continued with service to the organization by being the State Chairman of the Veterans Hide Program which gathers deer hides to be made into gloves for veterans. He is survived by his wife of 58 years Carol (Dase) Sherbeck; four children: Julie (Rex) Moore of Aurora, CO; Thomas (Michaela) Sherbeck of Lincoln, NE; Richard Sherbeck, of Ansley, NE; Laura (Garrod) Fernau of Ansley, NE; eight grandchildren: William and Ethan Moore; Katlyn (Justin) Notter, Samantha, Madisen, and Travis Sherbeck; Garrison and Lauren Fernau; and great-grandson Kannon Notter. He is also survived by his brother Michael (Kay) Sherbeck of Lincoln, NE. He was preceded in death by his parents. =

Contact Cindy or Check Out Her Website to Purchase Pictures from the 2021 Shorthorn Junior National! cindyslivestockphotos.smugmug.com cagwincattle@casscomm.com


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ASA Hotel Information for Upcoming Events

2021 ASA Annual Meeting Hotel Info Hilton Kansas City Airport 8801 NW 112th St., Kansas City, MO 64153 $112/Night Cutoff date: Noon Wednesday, September 29, 2021 Book by contacting the hotel directly at: 816-891-8900 Additional Information: Complimentary parking for all attendees Complimentary airport shuttle

2022 NAILE - Super National Shorthorn Show Hotel Info * Our headquarters hotel has changed due to new lower rates the Crowne is offering *

Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport 830 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY 40209 $129/night Reservation cut-off: Monday, October 11, 2021 Reservations may be made by calling hotel reservation line at 1-877-227-6963 Additional Information: Complimentary Parking based on availability Complimentary Airport Shuttle Basic Wireless Internet included in room rate

2022 Junior National Hotel Info Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center 2345 McGee St., Kansas City, MO 64106 $134/night Block opens August 1, 2021 • Must be canceled by 3 pm June 1, 2022 to receive full refund. Reservations may be made by calling Marriott reservations at 1-866-932-6214 or by using our custom link found on https://juniorshorthorn.com/accommodations/ Additional Information: Complimentary basic wireless internet Overnight self-parking $10

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2021–2022ShowASA Point Show System Season: April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 *Individual show schedule subject to change


Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo Super Regional Show :: **Removed from Point System Regional Shows :: Maryland State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia Southeast Region :: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN National Show :: Dixie National Super Regional Show :: Kentucky State Fair Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair

South Central Region :: AR, KS, LA, OK, TX National Show :: Fort Worth Stock Show Super Regional Show :: Tulsa State Fair Regional Shows :: Kansas State Fair & Oklahoma State Fair West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY National Show :: Northern International Livestock Exposition Super Regional Show :: Western Idaho Fair Regional Shows :: National Western Stock Show & Washington State Fair

*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Show within each region. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 4 shows to qualify.


Regional 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 4 Points 2 Points 7 Points 5 Points

shorthorn country = august 2021

North American International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK

National Shows :: 5 total, 1 in each region Northeast :: Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA Southeast :: Dixie National :: Jackson, MS North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO South Central :: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX West :: Northern International Livestock Exposition :: Billings, MT

North Central Region :: IL, IA, MO, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI National Show :: American Royal Super Regional Show :: Iowa State Fair Regional Shows :: Illinois State Fair & Minnesota State Fair

Placing 1st in Class 2nd in Class 3rd in Class 4th in Class 5th in Class Division Champion Reserve Division Champion Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion

Super National Shows :: 2 total

*National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.

ASA Point Show System Point Distribution Super Regional 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 5 Points 3 Points 9 Points 7 Points

National 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 7 Points 5 Points 11 Points 9 Points

Super National 11 Points 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 7 Points 10 Points 8 Points 14 Points 12 Points

2022 National jr Shorthorn Show & youth Conference will be

‘out of this world’ June 20 - 25, 2022 Kansas City, Missouri

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Advertise Your Farm/Business Place your Business Card Advertisement Here! Contact us for more information: Darryl 217-473-1124 Cindy 217-370-6034

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Sales Calendar

* To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.

Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales

Sept. 4 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, IN Sept. 7 - Carstens Family Shorthorns “Fancy Heifer Sale”, Pierce, NE, amsonlinesales.com

Aug. 15 - Highland Farms “Fab 5” Online Show Heifer Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 4 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, Ind. Sept. 4-5 - RC Show Cattle “Early Bird” Online Sale and Open House, Eaton, Ohio, sconlinesales. com. Sept. 5 - Cornerstone Farms “Born to be Rockstars” Online Sale, Winchester, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 5 & 6 - Turner Shorthorns “Somerset Sensations” Open House and Private Treaty Sale, Somerset, Ohio. Sept. 7 - Vaughn Farm Show Heifer and Steer Online Sale, Maxwell, Iowa, cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 11 - Shadybrook Farms “Decades of Excellence” Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, Canada. Sept. 13 - Smith Family Farms, “Cattlemen’s Cut” Online Sale, Pendleton, Ind., cwcattlesales. com. Sept. 14 - Meyer Family Shorthorns “Elite Heifer and Steer” Online Sale, Greensburg, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 14 - Bonnell Cattle Online Sale, Columbus, Ind., sconlinesales.com Sept. 16 - Highland Farms All Breed Show Heifer Online Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales. com. Sept. 19 - Farrer Stock Farms “48th Annual Club Calf Sale”, Royal Center, Ind. Sept. 20 - Tadmore Farms Show Heifer, Bred Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, Texas, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 20 - Jester Farms “No Foolin’” Online Sale, Mooreland, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 20 - M&B Cattle Show Heifer Online Sale, Charles City, Iowa, cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 21 - Moore Shorthorns Show Heifer Online Sale, Jerseyville, Ill., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 21 - Berg Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, Iowa, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 21 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle/ Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, West Middletown, Pa., sconlinesales.com. Sept. 22 - Inskeep Family Show Heifer and Steer Online Sale, Lafayette, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 23 - Brandywine Farms Cattle Co “Vintner’s Reserve” Online Sale, Ohio, cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 25 - The Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, Mich. Sept. 26 - Warner Ranch “Fall Harvest”

Production Sale, Columbus, Neb. Sept. 28 - Shoufler Shorthorns “Multi Breed Show Heifer” Online Sale, Fortville, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 29 - Armstrong Farms Show Heifer Online Sale, Saxonburg, Pa., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 15-30 - Meyer Farms Show Heifer Online Sale, Rushville, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Oct. 2 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Great Females Make A Difference”, Waynesville, Ohio. Oct. 5 - Nikkel Bros Show Stock “Online Female Sale”, McPherson, Kan., sconlinesales. com. Oct. 9 - Studer Family Shorthorns, “Family Legacies” Production Sale, Creston, Iowa. Oct. 9 - Schrag 605, “Family Event” Production Sale, Marion, S.D. Oct. 9 - Hill Haven Farm “Selection Sale” Online, Duntroon, Ontario, Canada, smartauctions.co. Oct. 11 - Bollum Family Shorthorns “Red, White & Roan” Online Sale, Goodhue, Minn., sconlinesales.com. Oct. 12 - Bishell/Nollswood Online Sale, Mineral Point, Wisc., sconlinesales.com. Oct. 16 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, Okla. Oct. 16 - “Keystone Autumn Klassic” Production Sale, Waynesburg, Pa. Oct. 17 - Bedwell Cattle Co & Lost Diamond B Ranch, “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, Okla. Oct. 24 - Alden Farms and Friends Production Sale, Hamilton, Mo. Oct. 30 - Leveldale Farms, “Investment Sale”, Mason City, Ill. Nov. 6 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, N.D. Nov. 9 - Highland Farms Show Heifer & Bred Female Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales.com. Nov. 14 - Greenhorn Cattle Co, “Where Future Generations Are Created”, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 21 - Farrer Stock Farms “26th Annual Dynamic Dams Sale”, Royal Center, Ind. Nov. 22 - Bar N Shorthorns, “Holiday Classic” Online Bred Heifer Sale, Bellview, Minn., amsonlinesales.com Dec. 7 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, N.D., amsonlinesales.com Dec. 11 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, Ohio. =

Sept. 11 - Shadybrook Farms “Decades of Excellence” Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, Canada Sept. 20 - Tadmore Farms Show Heifer, Bred Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, TX, amsonlinesales.com Sept. 21 - Berg’s Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, IA, amsonlinesales.com Sept. 25 - The Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, MI Sept. 26 - Warner Ranch “Fall Harvest” Production Sale, Columbus, NE Oct. 2 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Great Females Make A Difference”, Waynesville, OH Oct. 9 - Schrag 605, “Family Event” Production Sale, Marion, SD Oct. 16 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, OK Oct. 17 - Bedwell Cattle Co & Lost Diamond B Ranch, “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, OK Oct. 24 - Alden Farms and Friends Production Sale, Hamilton, MO Oct. 30 - Leveldale Farms, “Investment Sale”, Mason City, IL Oct. 31 - 3 Buck Cattle Company “Online Show Heifer and Steer Sale”, Bryant, SD, amsonlinesales.com Nov. 6 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, ND Nov. 8 - KAW Red Angus “Maternal Magic” Sale, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com Nov. 14 - Greenhorn Cattle Co, “Where Future Generations Are Created”, Louisville, KY Nov. 21 - Norman/Ripberger “Breeders Alliance”Sale, Newman, IL Dec. 7 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales.com Dec. 11 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, OH

Online sales with a personal touch.

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com

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Ad Index

AAA Shorthorns............................. 80 Aegerter Cattle Co........................... 7 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.... 85 Bennett Land & Cattle................... 80 Berg Shorthorns....................... 19, 80 Bigelow Farms................................ 80 Bonnell Cattle Company LLC....... 15 Bowman Superior Genetics............ 80 Brooks, Bruce................................. 83 Bye Well Shorthorns....................... 80 Byland Polled Shorthorns............... 80 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC........... 83 Cagwin Farms................................ 31 Cairns Shorthorns.......................... 80 Cates Farms................................ 9, 80 Cattle Visions................................. 83 Cornerstone Farms.............. 11-14, 80 Crawfdown Farms.......................... 80 Dedmon Shorthorns...................... 80 DJS Shorthorns.............................. 80 Double C Shorthorns..................... 80 Dreamy 280 Cattle Company........ 80 DTR Cattle Co.............................. 80 Duis Farms..................................... 80 Farrer Stock Farms......................... 45 Fickbohm Farms............................ 80 Fieser Family Shorthorns................ 81 First Class Cattle Marketing Ltd..... 83

Foster Farms (Desirae Logsdon)..... 69 Greenhorn Cattle Co................ 81, 84 GSKI Shorthorns........................... 81 Haumont Shorthorns..................... 81 Homeplace Farms........................... 81 Hub Ranch Shorthorns.................. 81 Humble Stock Farm....................... 81 Inness Shorthorns........................... 81 James F. Bessler, Inc........................ 83 Jester Farms.............................. 18, 81 Kevin Wendt.................................. 83 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm............ 81 Keystone International .................. 79 Keystone Shorthorns...................... 81 KSS Keystone Shorthorns............... 81 KW Cattle Co................................ 81 Laban’s Roanoke Farm.................... 81 Legacy Ranch................................. 81 Leveldale Farms.............................. 81 Little Cedar Cattle Co.................... 81 McCall Show Cattle....................... 81 McKee Family Shorthorns.............. 82 Meyer Family Shorthorns............... 82 Meyer Farms.................................. 82 MFK Shorthorns............................ 82 Nikkel Bros Show Stock................. 25 Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson Trust.. 82 Norman Farms............................... 82

Junior Spotlight

What is your favorite color Shorthorn? What is your favorite beef Crimson Red recipe? Smoked Prime Rib

What is your favorite show product? Tail Adhesive


shorthorn country = august 2021

Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Assoc...... 51 Oler Farm...................................... 82 Paint Valley Farms......................... BC RC Show Cattle ............................ 23 Revival Sale..................................IBC Richardson Farms Shorthorns........ 82 Robjoy Shorthorns......................... 82 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle............... 82 Rocky Branch Shorthorns.............. 82 Schrag 605..........................IFC-3, 82 Sears Marketing Services, LLC....... 83 Shadybrook Farm............................. 5 SharBen Shorthorns....................... 82 Singing H Shorthorns.................... 82 Smith Family Farms................. 17, 82 Smoky Mountain Farm.................. 82 Stangl Shorthorns........................... 82 Stone Springs Shorthorns............... 82 Sullivan Supply.............................. 83 Sutherland Shorthorns................... 82 Turner Family Shorthorns.............. 83 Utterback Show Cattle................... 83 Vaughn Farms................................ 21 Warner Ranch................................ 83 Waukaru Shorthorns...................... 83 Wilson Livestock Agency................ 83

Cash Lehrman, Spencer, S.D.

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