2022 Big League Genetics

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S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 12 noon cst…hosted by D O U B L E S E V E N R A N C H F O RT C O B B, O K L A H O M A 7 5 h e a d s e l l a s 4 4 P o l l e d H e r e f o r d l o t s … p l u s S e m e n V O L U M E I V d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s

Dear Friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Fourth Annual Big League Genetics Sale

This will be the second fall sale held in our new sale facility located in Fort Cobb, Oklahoma, at the Double Seven Ranch We are excited to welcome so many friends back for the sale We feel this set of cattle is tremendous, and we are excited for you all to see them!

We will be offering a really cool set of coming four and five year old females that have been the backbone of our program. Several of these have been flushed, and their genetics will continue here for years to come. We are also selling some incredible bred heifers, and some open heifers that are from the heart of our program and ET program. This is an exciting set of females! The genetics offered are some of the freshest and newest out there, and we look forward to your evaluation of the cattle.

There have been some changes for us this year For the last several years I have worked in New York and enjoyed ever y minute of it. This year I took a new position at the University of Oklahoma, and for the first time in several years I have had the opportunity to be back home for the majority of the year It has been a blessing to be with Amber and the boys on a daily basis once again.

This wouldn’t be possible without so many people who have helped us throughout the years, and we are grateful to each of you I want to say a special thanks to the Pribil family and the Birdwell family We have held our Hereford Heritage Bull Sale together for 10 years, and we will host the 11th one here at our ranch again in Februar y Not only do these families have tremendous cattle, but they are close friends, and we appreciate the confidence they have in us by continuing to join in our Big League Genetics Female Sale Last but not least, I want to say a special thanks to John and Mona Loewen They are family and mean the world to Amber and me. I’d also like to say a special thank you to Amber (The Boss) and our three boys Jaxon, Eli, and Hunter They work so hard and spend all their free time making this possible for

to continue to live our dream of raising Hereford cattle. With

on females. Ever y breeding decision we make


to numbers, to phenotype. As you

and expect nothing less than the best. We hope you enjoy

V O L U M E I V 1 2 N O O N, S AT U R D AY, N OV E M B E R 1 2
that said, our cattle and our breeding are focused
at Double Seven Ranch is to create unique females —
will see, we focus on udder and teat quality
the sale just as much as we enjoy hosting it, and we look forward to seeing each of you November 12th at the ranch If there is anything we can assist you with, please don’t hesitate to let us know Reggie Willits Double Seven Ranch, LLC DOUBLE SEVEN RANCH, LLC Reggie & Amber Willits Family 10191 CR 1260 Fort Cobb, OK 73038 (405) 306 7443 info@doublesevenranch.com Instagram: @doublesevenranch h e r e f o r d s Jim & Jeanne Birdwell Fletcher, OK Jim (580) 695 2352 Joel & Bridget Birdwell Family HC 64, Box 29, Kingfisher, OK 73750 Joel (405) 368 1058 Roger & Cindy Pribil Family Chris & Tanya Cameron Family 4775 North 2930 Rd. Hennessey, OK 73742 Cindy Pribil cell (405) 853 5232 rpribil65@pldi net John & Mona Loewen 9815 South 66th Waukomis, OK 73773 (580) 231 0683 john@loewenherefords.com www loewenherefords com


Yukon, OK, is a 1 hour drive from the ranch: Hampton Inn, 1351 Canadian Court, Yukon (405) 350 6400

Home2 Suites by Hilton, 11510 W I 40 Ser vice Rd , Yukon (405) 265 0999 Comfort Suites, 11424 NW 4th St , Yukon (405) 577 6500 Fairfield Inn & Suites, 1520 Garth Brooks Blvd., Yukon (405) 265 3866


Will Rogers World Airport, Oklahoma City, OK— 1 hour, 20 minute drive


Jack Ward, Executive Vice President, American Hereford Assn.

Shane Bedwell, Chief Opera ting Officer, American Hereford Assn.

Chad Breeding, Director, American Hereford Assn

Rind y Bacon, President, Oklahoma Hereford Assn

Brooke Redus, Executive Secretar y, Oklahoma Hereford Assn


Dustin N Layton (405) 464 2455

laytond@y ahoo com, email

Andee Marston (785) 250 4449 www laytonauction com


Dustin Layton, Auctioneer (405) 464 2455

Joel Birdwell, Auctioneer (405) 368 1058 Colton Pra tz, Hereford World (405) 385 1054 Chisolm Kinder, Oklahoma Co wman (405) 747 4683


If you would like to place a bid on an y lot but will not be able to be with us, please feel free to contact the o wners, the sale mana ger or an y member of the sale staff Internet bidding will be available to registered bidders online a t liveauctions tv

Videos online prior to sale day at liveauctions.tv


jCash or good check will be required for purchase before leaving the premises Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder, and the auctioneer will settle an y disputes as to bids


A licensed veterinarian will be on hand sale day, and all ca ttle will be accom panied with proper health certifica tes for immedia te shipment


All ca ttle sell under the recommended terms and conditions of the American Hereford Assn. (www.hereford.org) and will become the responsibility of the purchaser as soon as sold.


Truckers believed to be reliable will be a vailable for hire sale day. We will be ha ppy to assist with trucking arrangements for the most economical deliver y of your purchases


Livestock mortality insurance for your purchases will be a vailable sale day a t the clerk’s desk EPDS

Expected progen y differences (EPDs) are sta tistical predictions, or estima tes, of expected performance of future progen y, not guarantees of performance

EPDs are upda ted weekly by the American Hereford Assn The EPDs printed in this ca talog are from the 10/17/22 report Up to da te EPDs may be viewed online an y time a t www hereford org


All announcements made a t the sale by the o wners or the auctioneer will take precedence over printed ma terial

All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk Neither the owners, the sale manager, nor any other individual connected with the sale assumes liability, legal or other wise, for accidents or loss of property

the right to one successful flush is retained on all females selling.

d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s 1 V O L U M E I V S AT U R DAY, N O V E M B E R 12 , 2 0 2 2 12 noon c s t at the Double seven R anch sale Facility, Fort cobb, Oklahoma GPS address: 10191 County road 1260, fort Cobb, Ok 73038 Join us for refreshments Friday afternoon, November 11th, at Double seven Ranch. Lunch and refreshments will be available sale day. ALSO PLAN TO ATTEND THE BANkS POLLED HErEfOrDS SALE 1 P.m. AT ADA, Ok, SuNDAy, NOvEmBEr 13.
Sale catalog and advertising: Prepared by Layton Auction Ser vices, LLC (405) 464 2455 Produced by Southwest TypeStyles (405) 317 1743 S e l l i n g 7 5 h e a d o f P e r f o r m a n c e H e r e f o r d s w i t h S t y l e p l u s S e m e n ! P r o v e n d o n o r s • d o n o r f l u s h • e l i t e o P e n d o n o r P r o s P e c t s b r e d c o w s & c o w / c a l f s P l i t s • f a l l c o w / c a l f P a i r s • s e m e n • e m b r y o s p r e d o m i n a n t ly h o m o z y g o u s p o l l e d

• Homozygous polled

• The first Pinstripe calves are on the ground at Double Seven Ranch and at other programs across the countr y, and the calves are exceptionally good The calves at Double Seven Ranch and the reports from others are consistent that the cattle are dark red, conser vative marked, loaded with pigment, come with ease and they display excellent balance with eye appeal.

• Pinstripe has crossed well with the Grady and Genesis daughters he was bred to at Double Seven Ranch. He complements them well with his big spring of rib, bal ance and style He will be an outcross sire for many operations and brings value to the table with his solid EPD profile and incredible build If you are looking for a homozygous polled bull that offers calving ease, performance, value added car cass merit and maternal strength with superior phenotype, Pinstripe is the AI sire to use.

• A semen interest in Pinstripe was purchased by Five J’s Cattle Co last fall Semen will only be offered at special live or online auctions.

His progeny and AI ser vice also sell.

Certificates $75 each.

Selling 50 units of semen in 5 unit lots. Offered with

J’s Cattle Co.

b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 2 R E F E R E N C E S I R E A N D S A L E F E A T U R E S E M E N NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} KCF MISS 22S Z301 ET SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {CHB,SOD} KCF BENNETT HOMEWARD C776 {CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} LOEWEN MISS 30S 36U NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} 77 MISS TRUST167Y 36U 76D BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T HVH PROGRESS 25N 34S HVH QUEEN 33N 21S {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +1.5 +2.0 +62 +108 +1.0 +28 +59 +1.40 +1.40 +77 +.55 +.48 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ A1–A10 Double 7 7 7 PINSTRIPE 76D 7 3G 12/1/19 • Bull: P44121402 • Tat : BE 73G • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} +339 +440 +164 • LOT A-1: 5 units of semen • LOT A-2: 5 units of semen • LOT A-3: 5 units of semen • LOT A-4: 5 units of semen • LOT A-5: 5 units of semen • LOT A-6: 5 units of semen • LOT A-7: 5 units of semen • LOT A-8: 5 units of semen • LOT A-9: 5 units of semen • LOT A-10: 5 units of semen
semen A1-A10 77 PINSTRIPE 76D 73G P instripe semen sells!

Homozygous polled

off the 4th


with this

with an

individuals that carry her calving ease, maternal strength and exceptional carcass merit and are built like she is from the ground up.

The progeny from her sire, Grady, flush mate brother to Genesis, captivated the buyers in last year’s sale They were well received and commanded top dollar

• When I went to select the sale offering, Reggie told me I could have whatever I wanted except 48H! Well, here we are and 48H is Lot 1 She is one of if not the best he has produced and certainly one of the top females that I have had the opportunity to help market.

• Reggie knows that it is hard to find and even harder to create individuals of this quality and wants to keep her influence in the herd, so he will be retaining half interest She sells due to calve to the up and coming herd sire Pinstripe, and I feel this mating will flat out work. Grab hold here. Females of this stature are what the industr y is demanding

• PE 2/14/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G Ser vice obser ved 2/14/22 Checked safe but too close to call if safe to obser ved date or next cycle. Due to calve late November.

• Selling 1/2 embryo interest and no possession with the buyer’s option to double the purchase price and own all of the female If the buyer does double the bid and take all of the female, Double Seven Ranch reser ves the right to two successful flushes consisting of at least six transferable embr yos per flush at the buyer’s convenience and seller’s expense

d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 3 S A L E F E A T U R E T W O - Y E A R - O L D A N D E M B R Y O S NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} 77 MISS 13B 36C 30E NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} 77 MISS ELLISON 30E 96F SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET LOEWEN 77 48 344N 4R 13B ET {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 36A 36C CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +10.1 0.1 +62 +95 +1.3 +27 +58 +1.40 +1.40 +89 +.77 +.30 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1 Double 7 7 7 CAPTIVATE 96F 48H 11/11/20 • Cow: P44203062 • Tat : BE 48H • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +461 +554 +150 •
• We lead
League Genetics female offering
calv ing ease daughter of Grady that is built for speed. Perfect marked
incred ible build, 48H offers ear ning potential It is extremely challenging to create
BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 RST MS X651 TESTED 8032 R LEADER 6964 {SOD} RST FINAL PRINT 0016 NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} RST MS 0124 TIMESAWASTIN 6094 LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET 77 MISS ELLISON 30E 96F NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} 77 CAPTIVATE 96F 48H LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} 77 MISS 13B 36C 30E CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +9 3 –0 4 +70 +109 +1 4 +33 +68 +1 45 +1 45 +87 + 68 + 32 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1A Double 7 FINAL PRINT 5 48H embryos 4 IVF Embr yos Mating EPDs: +420 +521 +148 • Get in on the ground floor of 48H’s genetics and the popular young Final Print • Selling four IVF embr yos with a guarantee of one 90 day pregnancy if put in by a certified embr yologist. 1
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 4 S A L E F E A T U R E P R O V E N D O N O R SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} K&B SENTINEL 0042X {SOD,CHB} 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} SHF MISS M326 T08 ET KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} LOEWEN MISS S072 38U LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N LOEWEN M326 27U LOEWEN MISS R125 12U CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +11 3 –0 5 +55 +91 +1 6 +28 +56 +1 70 +1 60 +69 + 61 + 29 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 2 Double 7 7 7 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F 1/10/18 • Cow: P43911381 • Tat.: BE 8F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +293 +372 +138 • Homozygous polled • 8F is the feature donor dam that produced the $52,000 valued 77 Potency 8F 63G that is owned with Burns Farms, Pikeville, TN, and 4B Herefords, Hennessey, OK • 8F is an elite calving ease female with superior udder quality and value added carcass merit Just a four year old, she has been a dominant producer among her contemporaries, recording 3@99 for BW, 2@109 for WW, 2@106 for YW, 1@106 for IMF and 1@101 for REA Potency was her first calf and dominated his contemporar y group with ratios of 99 for BW, 116 for WW and 107 for YW. • A proven producer with an impressive production record, this donor gets it done time and time again. Her daughters by Grady, Ellison and Benchmark also sell. • PE 2/18/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. Checked safe, due to calve in Februar y 2
The dam of Potency sells!
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 5 O P E N D O N O R P R O S P E C T NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +10 6 +0 5 +64 +102 +1 8 +24 +56 +1 40 +1 40 +70 + 48 + 26 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 2A Double 7 7 7 MISS GRADY 8F 5K 1/5/22 • Cow: P44319955 • Tat.: BE 5K • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +333 +423 +124 • Homozygous polled • This daughter of the resident herd sire Grady and maternal sister to Potency is ver y broody in her make and design. A natural daughter of the 8F donor that sells as Lot 2, 5K is stout featured from end to end with an elite calving ease EPD profile that is complemented with explosive growth and maternal strength • Posted an impressive BW ratio of 94 • Sells open 2A 77 MISS GRADY 8F 5K 77 POTENCY 8F 63G $52,000-valued homozygous polled son of Lot 2 and maternal brother to Lots 2A–B–c …his first progeny and ser vice sell
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 6 O P E N D O N O R P R O S P E C T NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T GV CMR X151 MR 847 Z210 SHF L388 X36 Z25 ET 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +10 3 +0 9 +58 +96 +1 5 +31 +60 +1 60 +1 60 +79 + 55 + 26 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 2B Double 7 7 7 MISS ELLISON 8F K49 ET 1/1/22 • Cow: P44367931 • Tat : BE K49 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +354 +436 +147 • Homozygous polled • Straight from the heart of the ET program, this is the only direct daughter of the now deceased maternal machine Ellison and 8F This one is really hard for Reggie to part with, as K49 encompasses so many positive attributes, including calving ease, performance, carcass merit, and the udder quality will be impeccable Ellison daughters in production have picture-perfect udders with excellent milk flow, but not many carr y K49’s capacity, power and overall design. • K49 is an elite donor female in the making with tremendous upside. • Sells open. 2B 77 MISS ELLISON 8F K49 ET SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 sire of Lot 2B
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 7 O P E N D O N O R P R O S P E C T BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} SULL TCC MS HARLEY 320 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BENCHMARK 8240 ET {CHB} BR BELLE 4082 ET NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} LCC TWO TIMIN 438 ET 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +6 8 +0 6 +51 +91 +1 9 +34 +59 +1 40 +1 40 +75 + 52 + 54 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 2C Double 7 7 7 MISS BENCHMARK 8F J06 ET 10/14/21 • Cow: P44368167 • Tat : BE J06 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +325 +418 +171 • If you are in the market for a young power donor with carcass merit that ranks in the upper echelon of the breed including a top 1% CHB ranking and is second to none for phenotype, take a look here. Sired by the popular CHB sire EXR Bench mark, J06 is packed with power, bone and style This maternal sister to Potency will be fun to mate and brings a lot of value to the plate • Sells open. 2C 77 MISS BENCHMARK 8F J06 ET EXR BENCHMARK 8240 ET sire of Lot 2c
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 8 S A L E F E A T U R E P R O V E N D O N O R EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} INNISFAIL P230 T723 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 {SOD,CHB} INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 ET {CHB} EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 EF F745 FRANK P230 {CHB} INNISFAIL 235 R501 ET {DOD} WHITEHAWK 2328 BEEFMKR 443A ET {CHB} GV CMR P25 MISS 918X A198 WHITEHAWK 4R REVOLUTION 2328 {SOD,CHB} WHR RMB 443A BEEFMAID 837C HH MISS ADVANCE 6083S GRANDVIEW CMR HAWK L1 ADV 918X RED HILLS P606 VICTORIA P25 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +2 0 +3 1 +69 +116 +1 3 +29 +63 +1 40 +1 40 +87 + 46 + 43 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 3 4B WHR 4013 837C BEEFMAID 641F 1/29/18 • Cow: P43890507 • Tat.: BE 641F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +338 +443 +168 • Homozygous polled • 641F is a proven donor dam that produced 1111, the $22,000 top selling Lot 4 in the 2022 Hereford Heritage Bull Sale to Whispering Pine Farms in Montana. • A beautiful designed, easy fleshing direct daughter of 4013, 641F has added power, bone and body and is equipped with a gorgeous udder. This big time per formance donor posted impressive individual ratios of 96 for BW, 109 for WW, 106 for YW, 110 for REA and 103 for IMF. 641F is in her prime and has been a prolific egg producer The Houston calf she is carr ying could be quite valuable • Flushed IVF twice for 30 transferable embr yos to average 15 per IVF flush. • AI 2/20/22 to SHF Houston D287 H086. Checked safe. 3
WHR 4013 837C BEEFMAID 641F
SHF HOUSTON D287 H086 AI ser vice sire to Lot 3
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 9 O P E N D O N O R P R O S P E C T S NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN 4B GARFIELD B42 G24 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 ET {CHB} WHR RMB 443A BEEFMAID 837C EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} WHR 4013 837C BEEFMAID 641F INNISFAIL P230 T723 WHITEHAWK 2328 BEEFMKR 443A ET {CHB} GV CMR P25 MISS 918X A198 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 9 +1 5 +63 +102 +1 4 +32 +64 +1 30 +1 30 +76 + 45 + 32 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 3A 4B 4B BEEFMAID 1233 12/27/21 • Cow: P44313733 • Tat.: BE 1233 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +352 +445 +128 • Homozygous polled • A dark cherry red, goggle eyed, short marked powerhouse that is sired by Garfield, a flush mate brother to Genesis. Super EPD profile that excels across the board. 1233 is a power donor in the making • Posted an impressive 108 ratio for weaning weight. • Sells open. 3A 4B BEEFMAID 1233 4B GENESIS 1111 ET son of Lot 3 and maternal brother to Lot 3A

the right to flush


to become one of the premier

in the

breed. A maternal sister to 1668 recently commanded $170,000 in the Churchill Cattle Co. sale this past Sep tember.

1668 is sired by the popular Daybreak and is something to spectate in person Dark red, short marked with big goggled eyes, stout hipped and huge bodied, this young female is on her way to becoming an elite donor You will have the first op portunity to IVF flush her after she calves in Februar y 2023 This IVF flush could result in unprecedented value and produce you an elite herd bull or elite future donor dam Opportunities of this caliber do not arise often take advantage!

Terms of Lot 4

flush: 1668 is currently bred and should be ready to flush

n Fletcher, OK. The buyer will be responsible for all costs associated with the IVF flush. Seller guarantees a minimum of six transferable embr yos, with the buyer also receiving all embr yos produced in the flush over six. If the embr yos are implanted by a certified embr yologist, Birdwell Ranch will guarantee a minimum of two pregnancies.


b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 10 S A L E F E A T U R E I V F F L U S H SHF YORK 19H Y02 {SOD,CHB} SHF MISS M326 T08 ET MSU MF HUDSON 19H {SOD} SHF DAYBREAK Y02 D287 ET {CHB} LOEWEN MISS P20 10W KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} SHF POSTIVE MISS 73C M15 EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} BR BENNETT 4R Y428 2101 6035 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} BR VALIDATED B413 6035 7098 EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION Y428 BR BENNETT OF 4070 2101 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +6 4 +1 2 +70 +105 +1 6 +30 +65 +1 40 +1 40 +89 + 82 + 59 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 4 Birdwell BR DAYBREAK D287 7098 1668 ET 3/1/21 • Cow: P44297682 • Tat.: BE 1668 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +461 +581 +176 • A unique opportunity to flush 1668, a daughter of the immortal 7098, the donor dam that commanded $62,500 for half interest to Churchill Cattle Co in the 2019 Inaugural Big League Genetics Sale 7098 is currently ser ving as a donor
the Birdwell Ranch and Churchill Cattle Co programs and has certainly escalated
4 Flush Donor BR DAYBREAK D287 7098 1668 ET BR VALIDATED B413 6035 7098 $125,000 valued dam of Lot 4 flush donor •
b e g i n n i n g i n M a r c h 2 0 2 3 . T h e I V F f l u s h w i l l t a k e p l a c e a t R e p r o L o
i x i
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 11 S A L E F E A T U R E O P E N E T H E I F E R R LANDMARK 4386 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} 77 POTENCY 8F 63G R MISS REVOLUTION 3032 {DOD} 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} 77 MISS HOMERUN Z27 16E NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} 77 MISS ELLISON 16E 80F SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET 77 LOEWEN C&L HOMERUN 33N 72Z 77 ELEGANT S277 4R ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +10 4 –0 4 +64 +102 +1 5 +26 +58 +1 60 +1 60 +72 + 61 + 17 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 5 Double 7 7 7 MISS POTENCY 80F K48 ET 1/1/22 • Cow: P44367929 • Tat.: BE K48 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +355 +439 +116 • Homozygous polled • K48 is an ET daughter of 80F, a feature donor in last year’s sale that is now a res ident donor at Five J’s Cattle Co. and Chapman Land and Cattle. K48 resembles her dam with a touch more power, body and style This is the first calf crop by Potency, the herd bull that topped this sale in 2020 at $26,000 to Burns Farms and 4B Herefords. To say we are excited about his future would be an understate ment He offers elite calving ease, performance and carcass merit, and the udder quality should be fantastic • K48 is unique in her EPD profile, offering breed-leading calving ease, performance and udder quality. This female is hard to part with, as she targets a lot of the pos itive attributes Double Seven Ranch breeds for An elite female from the heart of the program • Sells open. 5 77
77 MISS ELLISON 16E 80F Dam of Lot 5 …Lot 3 in the 2021 sale
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 12 S A L E F E A T U R E O P E N H E I F E R R LANDMARK 4386 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} 77 POTENCY 8F 63G R MISS REVOLUTION 3032 {DOD} 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} 77 MR ALL STAR 18C 36A 15F 77 MISS 13B 1X 14F 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS 15F 14F 86G 77 THE FUTURE S277 50U LOEWEN 77 48 344N 4R 13B ET {CHB} WILLITS 27U 38U 1X {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 8 +0 4 +61 +105 +1 5 +30 +60 +1 40 +1 40 +76 + 65 + 17 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 6 Double 7 7 7 MISS POTENCY 86G 75J 11/13/21 • Cow: P44312855 • Tat.: BE 75J • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +338 +417 +136 • Homozygous polled • Talk about consistency! When you visually appraise Lots 5 and 6, you quickly see that these Potency daughters are short marked, red eyed, loaded with volume and power and have superb eye appeal • You have to appreciate the balance, design and mater nal look 75J possesses. When you study her EPD profile, you are impressed with the calving ease, rapid growth and maternal strength. The teat size and placement on this young female are picture perfect A surefire donor in the making! • Posted a BW ratio of 96 out of a homozygous polled first calf heifer. • Sells open. 6 77 MISS
86G 75J 77 POTENCY 8F 63G sire of Lots 5 and 6
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 13 S A L E F E A T U R E O P E N H E I F E R NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} 77LOEWEN48MS REVOLUTION344NET MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N PCR JACK PHROST 18K PCR VICKI NICOLE 642F CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3 0 +1 1 +62 +98 +1 4 +25 +56 +1 20 +1 10 +76 + 53 + 25 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 7 Double 7 7 7 MISS GRADY Z23 13K 1/14/22 • Cow: P44320420 • Tat.: BE 13K • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +350 +438 +125 • Homozygous polled • A unique bred female sired by Grady, 13K is the natural calf of the Double Seven Ranch resident donor Z23, a full sister to B42, that dam of Grady, Genesis, Garfield and the popular Grand Champion Pen of 3 heifers at the 2020 National Western Stock Show • 13K is something to spectate in person She has added length, power, shape and volume and puts it all together in an ultra cool, feminine package. Females of this stature are hard to let go, because as you breeders know, they are hard to re place • Sells open 7
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 14 S A L E F E A T U R E O P E N E T H E I F E R C CJC BELLE HEIR ET {CHB} C BLACK HAWK LASS 8019 BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} C KEY WEST 0065 C CJC 89T MISS MILES 4264 ET C BLACK HAWK DOWN ET C 88X RIBEYE LADY 6245 INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 ET {CHB} BF GIRL POWER 646 ET EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} BF 4013 POSH 12H ET INNISFAIL P230 T723 WLB WINCHESTER POWERBALL 27A CSF BR GABRIELLE 8129 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5.0 +4.5 +77 +122 +1.6 +37 +75 +1.40 +1.40 +92 +.67 +.16 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 8 Double 7 7 7 MISS KEY WEST 12H K32 ET 2/10/22 • Cow: P44367683 • Tat : BE K32 • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +468 +567 +146 • The dam of K32, Posh 12H, was the feature female selected by Double Seven Ranch in the Burns Farms Fall 2020 Female Sale Posh 12H is something to see in person and is equipped with an elite, breed leading EPD profile K32’s sire, Key West, was a feature top seller in the Colyer Herefords 2021 Production Sale. • K32 is big boned, big hipped, wide topped and just loaded with extra power. Fe males of her stature that can add extra muscle and power with breed leading perfor mance are hard to find in the design package K32 comes in If you like power and performance in tandem with volume, length and true muscle, K32 is your kind of female • Sells open 8 77 MISS KEY WEST 12H K32 ET BF GIRL POWER 646 ET Maternal granddam of Lot 8 BF 4013 POSH 12H ET Dam of Lot 8 (pictured fall 2020)
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 15 O P E N E T H E I F E R S SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} SPEARHEAD LULU BELLE B27 {DOD} SCHU LAR 5N OF 9L 3008 {CHB,SOD} SPEARHEAD 22S CORPS COMMANDE14 {CHB} SCHU LAR 208 OF 1H 121 ET {DOD} SPEARHEAD RIBEYE TROOPER Z32 SPEARHEAD 4R LULU Z7 NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} EXR OKSANA 6254 ET BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T HVH KREMLIN 57F 108K HVH GENETIC QUEEN 53H 4L CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +11 4 +2 1 +54 +100 +1 0 +22 +49 +1 30 +1 40 +79 + 59 + 23 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 9 4B 4B OKSANA 1227 ET 12/24/21 • Cow: P44313728 • Tat.: BE 1227 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +410 +490 +146 • Homozygous polled • A unique calving ease female that descends from the immortal 33N, a donor dam that has had a huge impact in the Hereford breed. 1227 is sleek in her design with the added markings and pigment that add a premium value to Hereford seed stock Sired by Command, a herd bull John Loewen found at Spearhead Ranch in Texas that has done an incredible job of producing cattle with added muscle and style Study the EPD profile and pedigree on this elite calving ease female that stems from a potent genetic lineage • Maternal sister sells as Lot 10 • Sells open NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN 4B GARFIELD B42 G24 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} EXR OKSANA 6254 ET BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T HVH KREMLIN 57F 108K HVH GENETIC QUEEN 53H 4L CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +4 0 +3 6 +73 +125 +1 1 +24 +60 +1 10 +1 10 +86 + 58 + 18 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1 0 4B 4B OKSANA 1187 ET 9/4/21 • Cow: P44282225 • Tat.: BE 1187 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +302 +392 +143 • Homozygous polled • 1187 is sired by 4B Herefords’ resident herd sire Garfield, the flush mate brother to Grady and Genesis. Loaded with performance and value added carcass merit, this female has a lot to add to any operation She is sleek in her design like her maternal sister 1227, who sells as Lot 9, with added length and superior structure Looking to add performance to your herd? Grab ahold here. • Sells open. 9 4B OKSANA 1227 ET 10 4B OKSANA 1187 ET LOEWEN 4B GARFIELD B42 G24 ET sire of Lot 10 SPEARHEAD 22S CORPS COMMANDE14 sire of Lot 9



ease and CHB sire Relevant and out of a Validated daughter that ranks in the upper echelon

equipped with a picture-perfect udder, balance and style.

her EPD profile, as she offers calving ease, performance, maternal strength and carcass numbers in the upper ranks of the breed Females

The calves at the side of these Birdwell Ranch females are the first to be sired by Birdwell Redbird, a homozygous polled feature AI sire in the Select Sires lineup. Redbird’s dam is the immortal 7098 donor dam that was a feature in the Inaugural Big League Genetics Sale, topping the sale for half interest to Churchill Cattle Co A maternal sister to Redbird was the featured $170,000 top selling female this past September in the Churchill Cattle Co sale


Heifer calf born 9/24/22, tattoo 2503, by Birdwell Redbird 7098


please feel free


staff listed on page 1. Internet bidding

to registered bidders

at liveauctions


b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 16 FA L L F I R S T- C A L F H E I F E R PA I R KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} KCF MISS 3027 Z44 ET SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} KCF BENNETT RELEVANT D67 ET {CHB} KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET UPS DOMINO 3027 {CHB,SOD} KCF MISS DURANGO X72 EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} BR BENNETT 4R X51 1151 4006 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} BR VALIDATED B413 4006 7779 EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} BR BENNETT N106 OF 4178 1151 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +7 8 +0 6 +62 +112 +1 5 +29 +59 +1 30 +1 20 +77 + 74 + 69 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1 1 Birdwell BR RELEVANT D67 7 7 79 0540 10/1/20 • Cow: P44253196 • Tat : BE 0540 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +467 +585 +188 • Homozygous polled. •
beautifully designed two
old is sired by the all around calving
of the Hereford breed for marbling 0540 is
of this stature are hard to create and especially hard to obtain •
0558ET BW 63 lbs 11 BR RELEVANT D67 7779 0540 If you would like to place a bid on any lot but will not be able to be with us in person sale day,
to contact the owners, the sale
member of the sale
tv Email: TechSupport@LiveAuctions.tv Phone: (682) 816-4900
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 17 FA L L F I R S T- C A L F H E I F E R PA I R EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 {SOD,CHB} EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} EFBEEF N014 THYRA S645 {DOD} KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} BR HOMETOWN 10Y 6152 4535 SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} BR ENCORE Z311 4535 7746 KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} BR BENNETT N106 OF 3093 6152 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3 8 +1 4 +65 +107 +1 2 +24 +57 +1 20 +1 20 +75 + 68 + 94 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1 2 Birdwell BR VALIDATED B413 7 746 0542 10/3/20 • Cow: P44253191 • Tat : BE 0542 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDC} +405 +540 +204 • Homozygous polled • Sired by Validated, the No. 1 animal in the Hereford breed for marbling. Short marked and loaded with pigment, this big spread female ranks in the top 1% for $CHB at +204. If you are looking to add carcass merit to your operation without sacrificing performance and phenotype, tie hard here. • This set of young females is ver y hard for Birdwell Ranch to part with, especially considering they have the first calves at side by Redbird, a young sire that will certainly leave his mark in the Hereford breed • MD carrier • LOT 12A: Heifer calf born 9/27/22, tattoo 2538, by Birdwell Redbird 7098 0558ET BW 64 lbs 12 BR VALIDATED B413 7746 0542 EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 sire of Lots 12–14
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 18 FA L L F I R S T- C A L F H E I F E R PA I R EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 {SOD,CHB} EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} EFBEEF N014 THYRA S645 {DOD} KCF BENNETT RELEVANT D67 ET {CHB} BR MCEWEN 88A 1289 6053 KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} BR RELEVANT D67 6053 8010 KCF MISS 3027 Z44 ET NJW 135U 10Y MCEWEN 88A ET BR NEW ERA OF 8283 1289 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +2 1 +1 3 +63 +100 +1 4 +23 +55 +1 30 +1 20 +76 + 80 + 77 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1 3 Birdwell BR VALIDATED B413 8010 0507 9/20/20 • Cow: P44253198 • Tat.: BE 0507 • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +467 +591 +181 • Pay attention here if you are serious about performance 0507 posted impressive individual ratios of 96 for BW, 107 for WW and 102 for YW in the renowned Birdwell Ranch prog ram, known for producing elite individuals for perfor mance Also boasting an elite EPD profile for REA and marbling, this dark red, sleek designed two year old is something to spectate in the flesh as well. Opportunities to acquire young females that are future donors from the Birdwell Ranch program do not arise often. Take advantage! • LOT 13A: Heifer calf born 9/26/22, tattoo 2535, by Birdwell Redbird 7098 0558ET. BW 63 lbs. 13 BR VALIDATED B413 8010 0507 BR VALIDATED B413 6035 7098 e heifer calves by Birdwell Redbird that sell at the side of Lots 11 14 are granddaughters of this $125,000 valued donor dam
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 19 FA L L F I R S T- C A L F H E I F E R PA I R EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 {SOD,CHB} EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} EFBEEF N014 THYRA S645 {DOD} BR TRUST 0217 3373 {CHB} BR WORLDWIDE 6152 3414 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BR TRUST 3373 3414 8013 BR REVOLUTION OF 8279 0217 BOYD WORLDWIDE 9050 ET {SOD} BR BENNETT N106 OF 3093 6152 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB –3 3 +3 1 +72 +112 +1 3 +35 +71 +1 40 +1 40 +87 + 90 + 78 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 14 Birdwell BR VALIDATED B413 8013 0512 9/23/20 • Cow: P44253203 • Tat.: BE 0512 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +418 +548 +200 • Homozygous polled • Ultra cool and well balanced, this breed leading female for carcass merit, per formance and maternal strength is one that will certainly wind up in some pro gram’s donor pen this fall Birdwell Ranch has spent years breeding up their herd to produce bulls and females that are right for today’s beef industr y, as we live in a world that demands superior quality beef. This set of two year olds they are of fering for your appraisal certainly meets those demands • 0512 posted an impressive WW ratio of 112 as a heifer’s first calf • LOT 14A: Heifer calf born 9/27/22, tattoo 2537, by Birdwell Redbird 7098 0558ET. BW 66 lbs. 14 BR VALIDATED B413 8013 0512 BR TRUST 0217 3373 Maternal grandsire of Lot 14
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 20 Y O U N G FA L L PA I R HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} R LEADER 6964 {SOD} HYALITE TS LASS 310 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 3007 LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} HVH CMR P606 LADY S277 ET SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} 77 THE FUTURE S277 50U HVH OKSANA 4L 33N PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +8 1 +1 8 +58 +87 +1 7 +30 +59 +1 50 +1 60 +61 + 38 + 25 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1 5 Double 7 7 7 MISS LEADER 36A 382A ET 8/23/19 • Cow: P44121421 • Tat.: BE 382A • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +379 +465 +112 • Homozygous polled • If you are in the market for a Hereford female with that WOW factor, stop here! We will let the picture do the talking to describe this elite individual. Not only does she excel in phenotype, but she is also off the charts for maternal excellence Her donor dam is a direct daughter of S277, a female that stems from the maternal giant P606 and 0064, the dam of CJH Harland 408. Here’s a female that offers a unique pedigree with an incredible build Her bull calf sired by Pinstripe is a herd bull in the making • Flush mate sister sells as Lot 16 • LOT 15A: Bull calf born 9/29/22, tattoo 66K, by 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. BW 85 lbs 15 77 MISS LEADER 36A 382A ET 77 THE FUTURE S277 50U Dam of Lots 15 and 16
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 21 Y O U N G FA L L PA I R HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} R LEADER 6964 {SOD} HYALITE TS LASS 310 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 3007 LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} HVH CMR P606 LADY S277 ET SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} 77 THE FUTURE S277 50U HVH OKSANA 4L 33N PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +7 4 +1 7 +60 +88 +1 6 +34 +64 +1 60 +1 60 +67 + 22 + 12 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1 6 Double 7 7 7 MISS LEADER 36A 405C ET 8/23/19 • Cow: P44121423 • Tat.: BE 405C • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +356 +436 +105 • Homozygous polled • 405C is built much like her sister selling as Lot 15 It is hard to find homozygous polled females that are equipped with the design and elite phenotype these two flush sisters possess If you are looking for maternal excellence in a homozygous polled package that has elite phenotype, these two sisters fit that bill to a tee • LOT 16A: Heifer calf born 9/3/22, tattoo 59K, by 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. BW 74 lbs 16
Maternal granddam of Lots 15 and
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 22 Y O U N G FA L L PA I R S K&B SENTINEL 0042X {SOD,CHB} SHF MISS M326 T08 ET UPS DOMINO 3027 {CHB,SOD} SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} K&B RED LADY 8045U KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} SHF POSTIVE MISS 73C M15 KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} LOEWEN MISS S072 38U MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} KCF MISS PROFICIENT U201 HUTH LAGRAND DOMINO S072 ET HVH CMR LADY PROGRESS 132S ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +11 0 +1 1 +57 +95 +1 9 +27 +55 +1 50 +1 50 +60 + 57 + 41 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 17 Double 7 7 7 MISS ALL STAR 19A G58 ET 9/24/19 • Cow: P44121535 • Tat.: BE G58 • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +370 +462 +136 • A double-digit calving-ease female with strong mater nal characteristics and value added marbling. This set of young females is the type the industr y is de manding today They will produce progeny that come light at birth, perform, pro duce daughters with gorgeous udders, and their progeny will have tremendous carcass value for both REA and Marb. • LOT 17A: Heifer calf born 9/2/22, tattoo 57K, by CMF 242D Gunsling 491G BW 68 lbs. R LEADER 6964 {SOD} GRASSY RUN RACHEL 3005ET HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} CMF 3005 EPIC 384E ET R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N ABRA 719T RANSUM 17Z WMC BOOMERS PEARL 10Z {DOD} TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} WMC 17Z FANCY VICTOR 2B {DOD} ABRA 225 MILEY 22X PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} WAT LADY PEARL 38T CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 2 +2 0 +69 +103 +1 7 +33 +68 +1 30 +1 40 +75 + 72 + 08 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 18 Double 7 WMC 384E 2B RACHAEL 514H ET 9/30/20 • Cow: P44224085 • Tat.: LE 514H • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +370 +453 +112 • Homozygous polled • This stout designed female was produced in the WMC Cattle Co herd in Missouri Her donor dam has been a mainstay in the WMC program and was a feature in their production sale this past fall • 514H has a solid EPD spread with added muscle, volume and phenotype to com plement her maternal excellence You will find the maternal giant P606 several times throughout her pedigree. Her sire, Epic, was the $20,000 feature in the WMC Cattle Co 2021 Fall Production Sale • Will calve before sale day to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. 18 WMC
514H ET
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 23 Y O U N G FA L L PA I R S EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} BR TRUST 100W 9118 3358 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} BR SRR C&L LOEWEN VALIANT {CHB} EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BR BENNETT N106 OF 5227 9118 LCX UNLEASHED KEEPSAKE 1110 ET SPEARHEAD 745 LAVERNA W8 {DOD} TRIARA UNLEASHED 893U SPEARHEAD UNLEASHED DAMSEL D68 MSU KEEPSAKE 14S FELTONS ENDURANCE 745 {SOD} SPEARHEAD RADAR SHOW T10 ET {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +2 7 +3 6 +61 +94 +1 1 +28 +59 +1 40 +1 30 +71 + 50 + 47 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 20 Loewen LOEWEN VALIANT DAMSEL H36 10/19/20 • Cow: P44231188 • Tat.: LE H36 • Polled +316 +413 +155 • A young two-year-old that posted an impressive individual ratio of 88 for BW Still this female has performance plus valued added carcass merit and puts it all to gether in an ultra cool, feminine package • LOT 20A: Bull calf born 9/20/22 by Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. BW 69 lbs. /S PEERLESS 1571Y /S LADY DOMINO 9144W HH ADVANCE 286M 1ET {SOD} /S PEERLESS 55000 ET /S LADY DOMINO 652S UPS DOMINO 3027 {CHB,SOD} /S LADY ADVANCE 7291T HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} LOEWEN C&L MISS 33T 10Y ET SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} LOEWEN MISS ON TARGET 10Y 1A HYALITE TS LASS 310 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET {SOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +0 8 +5 2 +72 +109 +2 0 +23 +59 +1 50 +1 50 +87 + 51 + 08 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 22 Double 7 /S L ADY PEERLESS 8369F ET 8/21/18 • Cow: P44016696 • Tat : BE 8369 • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +452 +542 +127 • This powerfully designed female originated in the Shaw Cattle Co herd, a program known for performance and maternal strength. The donor dam, 1A, was a feature in the Loewen Legacy Sale that Shaws purchased in 2016 Big spread female coupled with maternal excellence • Daughter sells as Lot 21 • LOT 22A: Heifer calf born 9/3/22, tattoo 58K, by 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. BW 72 lbs EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} SPEARHEAD BRIGADIERS BEAUTY EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 {SOD,CHB} SPEARHEAD X651 D-DAY D14 {CHB} EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 SPEARHEAD R117 BRIGADIER X16 {CHB} SPEARHEAD 42S SUPER CLASSY U23 SPEARHEAD 4R DETERMINED D20 ET SPEARHEAD X51 BEAUTY C36 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} SPEARHEAD D20 BEAUTY F48 SPEARHEAD RADAR SHOW T10 ET {DOD} KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} SPEARHEAD 4037 DURANGO GIRL Y79 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +6 6 –0 1 +60 +99 +0 7 +29 +59 +1 30 +1 30 +72 + 44 + 52 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 1 9 Loewen LOEWEN VALEETA H39 11/9/20 • Cow: P44207504 • Tat.: LE H39 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +493 +602 +161 • Homozygous polled • This dark red female offers calving ease, performance and valued added carcass merit. Spearhead Ranch bred on the top and bottom sides of her pedigree from a program known for all around performance excellence. Grab onto these young females they have elite calves at side with big time EPD profiles to boot • LOT 19A: Heifer calf born 10/14/22 by Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. BW 66 lbs. LCX PERFECTO 11B ET BG 100W NICKY 31C {DOD} NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} BG LCC 11B PERFECTO 84F WLL ZOEY 3Z NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BG MS DOMINO 90Z /S PEERLESS 55000 ET LOEWEN MISS ON TARGET 10Y 1A /S PEERLESS 1571Y /S LADY PEERLESS 8369F ET /S LADY DOMINO 9144W HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} LOEWEN C&L MISS 33T 10Y ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +2 0 +3 9 +77 +116 +1 3 +33 +71 +1 30 +1 30 +86 + 75 + 14 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 21 Double 7 7 7 MISS PERFECTO 1A 0470 9/1/20 • Cow: P44194431 • Tat : BE 0470 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +447 +544 +129 • Homozygous polled • Sired by the ST Genetics proven calving ease sire 84F, 0470 is out of a high per forming dam that originated in the Shaw Cattle Co program in Idaho Big spread with a 116 YW EPD and loaded with muscle with a .75 REA EPD. Just a two year old, she has a cool made Grady bull calf at side • Dam sells as Lot 22 • LOT 21A: Bull calf born 9/10/22, tattoo 62K, by Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. BW 74 lbs 19
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 24 B R E D H E I F E R S NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} 77 MISS HOMERUN 2U 46B GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} 77 MISS DRUMLINE 46B 68F SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 77 LOEWEN C&L HOMERUN 33N 72Z LOEWEN MISS R125 2U CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 5 +2 2 +60 +95 +0 8 +21 +52 +1 30 +1 40 +68 + 44 + 29 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 23 Double 7 7 7 MISS GRADY 68F 57H 11/23/20 • Cow: P44203079 • Tat.: BE 57H • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +379 +469 +121 • 57H is a powerfully constructed daughter of the resident herd sire Grady that certainly in her own right could have been Lot 1 in this power packed offering. Short marked with big red eyes and volume to boot, 57H is a power donor in the making • Individual WW ratio 104 • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. Checked safe 8 months. KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REMITALL RITA 91H 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS HOMERUN 23U 1C SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 1C 22F 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} 77 LOEWEN C&L HOMERUN 33N 72Z LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3 7 +1 9 +55 +86 +1 0 +27 +54 +1 20 +1 30 +65 + 64 + 02 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 24 Double 7 7 7 MISS ENDURE 22F 75H 12/9/20 • Cow: P44203198 • Tat.: BE 75H • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +342 +405 +105 • Homozygous polled • A stout designed direct daughter of Endure that offers added muscle while main taining a ver y low BW EPD. This is a powerful set of bred heifers with several fu ture donors stacked in this division • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. Checked safe 7.5 months. 23 77 MISS GRADY 68F 57H NOtE: the right to one successful flush at the seller’s expense and the new owner ’ s convenience is retained on all females selling.
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 25 B R E D H E I F E R S R LEADER 6964 {SOD} NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REMITALL RITA 91H 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} LOEWEN MISS 30S 11U SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS ALLSTAR 18C 11U 26F 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} HVH PROGRESS 4L 30S HVH MISS N038 19R CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +4 7 +3 1 +51 +87 +1 6 +20 +45 +1 60 +1 50 +51 + 35 + 36 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 27 Double 7 7 7 MISS BLUEPRINT 26F 64H 12/1/20 • Cow: P44207141 • Tat : BE 64H • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +328 +412 +118 • Sired by the ver y popular AI sire Boyd Blueprint, this female traces back to some powerful genetics in the program, including 4L, the maternal granddam of 33N, the dam of Redeem Moderate birth female with elite Udder and Teat scores cou pled with value-added marbling • AI 2/15/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET Checked safe AI PE 3/1/22 to 3/21/22 Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T GV CMR X151 MR 847 Z210 SHF L388 X36 Z25 ET LOEWEN M326 24U LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} 77 MADELINE 12Z 23U 24U HVH PEARL 71K 11N HVH PROGRESS 4L 30S HVH MISS N038 49R CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +9 9 +1 2 +46 +79 +0 5 +25 +48 +1 10 +1 20 +72 + 51 + 31 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 25 Double 7 7 7 MISS ELLISON 12Z 44H 9/24/20 • Cow: P44180904 • Tat : BE 44H • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +405 +483 +143 • Homozygous polled • An elite, high CED female that offers added carcass merit, and the Ellison daugh ters in production have picture perfect udders Ellison is deceased and his semen is in limited supply, so take advantage of the opportunity to obtain his progeny. • AI 4/1/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. Checked safe AI. PE 4/10/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G UPS SENSATION 2296 ET DM 646 CLAIRE 966 ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} CH MR SENSATION 6262 ET UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET BR LANSING 3060 DM BR TERRI 646 ET KCF BENNETT INFLUENCE Z80 {CHB} CSF BR GOLDREIL 7902 ET KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} EXR GOLDREIL 4112 ET KCF MISS M326 R52 {DOD} BR LANSING 3060 BR GOLDRIEL 3029 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3.7 +3.2 +61 +93 +0.8 +23 +53 +1.30 +1.30 +66 +.66 +.10 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 28 Double 7 L AYTON GOLDRIEL 012 9/20/20 • Cow: P44290847 • Tat : LE 012 • Polled +273 +345 +111 • Unique pedigree that traces on the maternal side to Goldreil 7902, the full sister to Gabriel 5082, one of the most influential females ever to surface in the suc cessful Barber Ranch program • AI 2/15/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. Checked safe AI. PE 3/1/22 to 3/21/22 Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T GV CMR X151 MR 847 Z210 SHF L388 X36 Z25 ET 77 BIG TIME 23U HOMERUN 77 MISS 33T WONDER 4C 77 LOEWEN C&L HOMERUN 33N 72Z 77 MISS BIG TIME16B 4C 74D LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} LOEWEN M326 SIR 33T 4B LOEWEN VICKY 1079 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5.7 +1.5 +44 +74 +0.5 +22 +44 +1.20 +1.30 +63 +.27 +.29 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 26 Double 7 7 7 MISS ELLISON 74D 35H 8/27/20 • Cow: P44180891 • Tat : BE 35H • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} +328 +400 +126 • Grab onto these Ellison daughters, as they make tremendous momma cows. They are the right size, easy fleshing, big volume females equipped with gorgeous ud ders 35H is a calving ease female with added substance that traces back to some powerful genetics in the Double Seven and Loewen programs. • AI 2/14/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. Checked safe AI. PE 3/1/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 sire of Lots 25 and 26 BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 sire of Lot 27
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 26 B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 JDH AH MERCEDES 11E ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} GREEN JCS MAKERS MARK 229G ET {CHB} NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET JDH VICTOR 719T 33Z ET {CHB} AH MS 25L RUMBLER 19Z {DOD} 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} LOEWEN C&L MISS 33T 10Y ET SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 10Y 45E 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} HH ADVANCE 8203U ET {SOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +10 6 +1 5 +67 +116 +2 1 +32 +66 +1 70 +1 70 +86 + 61 + 20 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 29A Double 7 7 7 MISS MAKERS MARK 45E 85J 12/13/21 • Cow: P44320334 • Tat : BE 85J • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +379 +468 +155 • This daughter of the popular Makers Mark AI sire is certainly one of the ver y best to surface from both a phenotype and genotype standpoint. She is ultra cool on the profile with a big hip, wide top and flawless structure Study her EPD profile, and you will be challenged to find another female of her caliber with the figures that she possesses. 85J is a surefire donor in the making and one of the elite fe males in this power packed offering • BW ratio 94. • Sells open. SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} K&B SENTINEL 0042X {SOD,CHB} 77 MR ALL-STAR 19A 18C {CHB} SHF MISS M326 T08 ET KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} LOEWEN MISS S072 38U HH ADVANCE 8203U ET {SOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N HH ADVANCE 5161R LOEWEN C&L MISS 33T 10Y ET HH MISS ADVANCE 752G HVH KREMLIN 57F 108K HVH GENETIC QUEEN 53H 4L CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +10 0 +1 8 +56 +94 +2 0 +23 +50 +1 80 +1 90 +61 + 42 + 40 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 29 Double 7 7 7 MISS ALL STAR 18C 10Y 45E 12/1/17 • Cow: P43911368 • Tat : BE 45E • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +396 +491 +127 • If you are in the market for elite calving ease females, we have an abundance of options for you. Study 45E’s EPD profile, especially for Teat and Udder, as she ranks among the breed’s best This female traces back to 10Y, a powerfully de signed direct daughter of 33N that was something to spectate in person An attractive female that is good in her lines and has an abundance of volume, 45E is a producer, as is evident in her daughter that sells as Lot 29A • AI 3/6/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. PE 3/18/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G. Checked safe. Calving date will determine sire. 29 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 10Y 45E 29A 77 MISS MAKERS MARK 45E 85J LOEWEN C&L MISS 33T 10Y ET Dam of Lot 29
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 27 B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} 77 MISS BIG TIME16B 1X 3D {DOD} GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} 77 MISS DRUMLINE D256 3D 41F SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 77 BIG TIME 23U HOMERUN WILLITS 27U 38U 1X {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 7 +1 6 +62 +95 +1 5 +21 +52 +1 30 +1 30 +73 + 50 + 36 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 30a Double 7 7 7 MISS GRADY 41F 89J 12/15/21 • Cow: P44312956 • Tat : BE 89J • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +362 +457 +139 • Homozygous polled • If you like cattle that are solid from end to end with added power and style, 89J is your type of female To complement her elite phenotype, study her top notch EPD profile that does so many things right. • BW ratio 97. • Sells open. GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y SHF KENNEDY 502R X36 SHF MAGGIE T57 W74 77 BIG TIME 23U HOMERUN WILLITS 27U 38U 1X {DOD} 77 LOEWEN C&L HOMERUN 33N 72Z 77 MISS BIG TIME16B 1X 3D {DOD} LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} LOEWEN M326 27U LOEWEN MISS S072 38U CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +1 1 +2 7 +57 +87 +1 4 +24 +52 +1 50 +1 50 +65 + 38 + 42 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 30 Double 7 7 7 MISS DRUMLINE D256 3D 41F 2/12/18 • Cow: P43916267 • Tat : BE 41F • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +333 +425 +144 • A direct daughter of Drumline, a mainstay in the Double Seven program that con sistently sires productive daughters that are functional and have tremendous udder quality As evident in her daughter that sells as Lot 30A, this female is a top producer Buy them for what they can produce • 41F scanned an IMF ratio of 122 and records 2@114 for IMF ratio • AI 3/5/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G PE 3/18/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G. Checked safe. Calving date will determine sire. 30 77 MISS DRUMLINE D256 3D 41F 30A 77 MISS GRADY 41F 89J SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 sire of Lot 30
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 28 B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T S NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T GV CMR X151 MR 847 Z210 SHF L388 X36 Z25 ET LOEWEN 77 48 344N 4R 13B ET {CHB} 77 MISS HOMERUN 23B 2U MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} 77 MISS 13B 23B 52D PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N 77 LOEWEN C&L HOMERUN 33N 72Z LOEWEN MISS R125 2U CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +4 5 +2 5 +51 +83 +1 4 +20 +46 +1 50 +1 60 +60 + 36 + 11 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 32 Double 7 7 7 MISS ELLISON 52D 23G 2/1/19 • Cow: P44015998 • Tat.: BE 23G • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +342 +409 +106 • Homozygous polled • A dark red, powerfully constructed daughter of the now deceased maternal giant Ellison You must appreciate the power and design this young female displays along with her dark cherry red color and fully pigmented eyes. This female is spe cial and one you are sure to find sale day Her maternal grandsire is a full sister to B42, the dam of Genesis, Grady and Garfield. • PE 3/22/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Cooperstown 80F G16 J65 ET. Checked safe 7 months. R LANDMARK 4386 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} 77 POTENCY 8F 63G R MISS REVOLUTION 3032 {DOD} 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} 77 MISS 13B 23B 52D NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} 77 MISS ELLISON 52D 23G SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET LOEWEN 77 48 344N 4R 13B ET {CHB} 77 MISS HOMERUN 23B 2U CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3 2 +0 9 +53 +88 +1 5 +27 +54 +1 40 +1 40 +62 + 38 + 16 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 32A Double 7 7 7 MISS POTENCY 23G 84J 12/10/21 • Cow: P44312935 • Tat : BE 84J • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +328 +400 +102 • The Potency progeny have created quite a stir among visitors to Double Seven Ranch. His combination of calving ease, performance and maternal strength with style have us excited about the future of his progeny This female has tremendous upside and stems from a dam that is good no matter what color she is • Likely homozygous polled • Sells open SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} K&B SENTINEL 0042X {SOD,CHB} 77 MR ALL-STAR 19A 18C {CHB} SHF MISS M326 T08 ET KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} LOEWEN MISS S072 38U LOEWEN M326 27U LOEWEN MISS R125 12U KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X HVH CONTESSA 4L 28P SHF RADAR M326 R125 {SOD} HVH MISS MOM 83K 3N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 7 +3 0 +59 +96 +2 0 +32 +62 +1 30 +1 30 +71 + 46 + 06 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 31 Double 7 7 7 MISS 18C 2X 83F 12/16/18 • Cow: P44015662 • Tat.: BE 83F • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +308 +378 +115 • A higher CED female with spread Sired by the resident herd sire 18C that did a great job in the Double Seven Ranch program, siring productive females and bulls the ranchers love in the bull sale • Records progeny ratios of 1@118 for WW, 1@116 for YW and 1@104 for REA. • AI 3/5/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. Checked safe AI. PE 3/18/22 to 4/1/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T GV CMR X151 MR 847 Z210 SHF L388 X36 Z25 ET 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS 18C 2X 83F 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} LOEWEN M326 27U LOEWEN MISS R125 12U CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +1 9 +3 8 +53 +88 +1 3 +30 +57 +1 40 +1 50 +69 + 39 + 16 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 31A Double 7 7 7 MISS ELLISON 83F 86J 12/13/21 • Cow: P44312946 • Tat : BE 86J • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +310 +381 +121 • Homozygous polled • A young daughter of the deceased cow maker Ellison Take advantage of the op portunity to acquire his daughters, as there will not be many more in the future • Sells open. 32 77 MISS ELLISON 52D 23G
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 29 B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} GR MISS WRANGLER 1546 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} GR ANODIZE 2568 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y THR THOR 9136W {CHB,SOD} GR MISS REVOLUTION 53 R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CT MISS TANK 42Y {DOD} HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} 4B JENNY 7257 ET R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P {SOD} CT MISS EXTENSION 42N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +8 0 +0 9 +55 +82 +1 1 +21 +48 +1 40 +1 30 +74 + 37 + 24 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 33A 4B 4B JENNY 1228 12/25/21 • Cow: P44313729 • Tat : BE 1228 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +337 +418 +118 • A well balanced, big bodied female that just has that big time momma cow look Offering calving ease with solid performance across the board, this young female will flat out get the job done in production • BW ratio 95. • Sells open. HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} R LEADER 6964 {SOD} HYALITE TS LASS 310 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 3007 NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P {SOD} CT MISS EXTENSION 42N FHF 8403 STARBUCK 19H {SOD} CT MISS TANK 42Y {DOD} GV 579 VICTORIA 9710 CT EXTENSION 9925 WTK 75A JENNY 102C CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +1 8 +3 9 +61 +86 +1 4 +24 +54 +1 20 +1 20 +67 + 30 + 08 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 33 4B 4B JENNY 7257 ET 12/12/17 • Cow: P43895402 • Tat : BE 7257 • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +312 +388 +97 • This Leader daughter has a picture perfect udder and stems from the immortal 42Y donor that 4B Herefords purchased in the Loewen Legacy Sale in 2016. 7257 is powerful in her design with added rib and hip in an attractive package There will not be many more opportunities to acquire a direct daughter of the immortal 42Y, so take advantage. • Records progeny ratios of 2@101.5 for WW, 1@103 for YW and 1@104 for IMF. • AI 3/1/22 to 77 Potency 8F 63G. Checked safe. 33 4B JENNY 7257 ET 33A 4B JENNY 1228 CT MISS TANK 42Y Dam of Lot 33
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 30 B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T S GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y SHF KENNEDY 502R X36 SHF MAGGIE T57 W74 SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77LOEWEN48MS REVOLUTION344NET K&B SENTINEL 0042X {SOD,CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR Z23 22C SHF MISS M326 T08 ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +1 7 +1 4 +50 +81 +1 7 +23 +48 +1 70 +1 70 +62 + 41 + 25 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 35 Double 7 7 7 MISS ALLSTAR 18C 22C 28F 1/24/18 • Cow: P43913365 • Tat.: BE 28F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +386 +463 +125 • Homozygous polled • This female is big bodied, powerful and a consistent producer Her strong maternal excellence puts her in the top 1% for both Udder and Teat EPDs On the maternal side, 28F stems back to a full sister to B42, the dam of the influential herd bulls Genesis, Grady and Garfield Sired by the strong maternal bull Drumline • Her progeny ratios include 2@97 for BW and 2@101 for YW • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G Checked safe 8 months KCF BENNETT HOMEWARD C776 {CHB} CMF 59A ANN 242D NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} CMF 242D GUNSLING 491G KCF MISS 22S Z301 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CMF 829S ANN 59A SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR Z23 22C GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} 77 MISS ALLSTAR 18C 22C 28F SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77LOEWEN48MS REVOLUTION344NET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +1 5 +3 4 +68 +108 +1 2 +28 +62 +1 70 +1 60 +67 + 53 + 29 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 35A Double 7 7 7 MISS GUNSLING 28F 16K 1/17/22 • Cow: P44320431 • Tat : BE 16K • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +336 +430 +133 • Homozygous polled. • This is one of the first Gunsling daughters to be offered at auction. They have a big time momma cow look with strong EPDs across the board Check out 16K’s elite Udder and Teat EPDs • Sells open. NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} BROOKVIEW M48 MIS RILEY ROSE KJ 968R POLLED SOLUTION 668ZET {SOD} KJ BJ 274S MISTY B002 ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} KJ BJ B002 MISTY 562D ET KJ 2403 ROBINETTE 968R NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} KJ 2054 MISTY 274S ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +12 1 +2 2 +47 +74 +0 4 +24 +47 +1 30 +1 20 +66 + 64 + 37 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 34 4B 4B MIST Y 903 12/20/18 • Cow: P44012150 • Tat.: BE 903 • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +340 +418 +135 • This sharp fronted female with incredible balance and style stems from a female 4B Herefords purchased from the Jensen Bros. program in Kansas. Her maternal granddam, B002, has become an elite donor in the Jensen program and is loaded with power and maternal excellence • 903 is elite in that she has a +12 1 CED EPD with two progeny posting an average BW ratio of 93.5 and puts it all together in such an attractive package. • PE 3/8/22 to 5/12/22 to Loewen 4B Garfield B42 G24 ET. Observed bred 4/11/22. Checked safe to obser ved date. R LANDMARK 4386 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} 77 POTENCY 8F 63G R MISS REVOLUTION 3032 {DOD} 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} KJ BJ B002 MISTY 562D ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} 4B MISTY 903 BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T KJ 968R POLLED SOLUTION 668ZET {SOD} KJ BJ 274S MISTY B002 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +16 2 –1 4 +50 +83 +1 0 +34 +59 +1 40 +1 40 +73 + 69 + 38 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 34A 4B 4B MIST Y 1222 12/14/21 • Cow: P44310974 • Tat : BE 1222 • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +368 +451 +139 • Check out this elite calving ease daughter of Potency. If you are serious about producing top end calving ease bulls for the commercial industry, it takes females of this caliber to accomplish that feat. • BW ratio 87 • Sells open. 34 4B MISTY 903 35 77 MISS ALLSTAR 18C 22C 28F
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 31 B R E D C O W / B U L L C A L F S P L I T GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y SHF KENNEDY 502R X36 SHF MAGGIE T57 W74 LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} 77 MISS UPTOWN 23U D14 ET {DOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N HVH PROGRESS 4L 30S HVH MISS N038 49R CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 3 +1 8 +55 +86 +0 8 +26 +54 +1 70 +1 80 +80 + 51 + 12 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 36 Double 7 7 7 MISS DRUMLINE D14 82F 12/16/18 • Cow: P44015661 • Tat.: BE 82F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +362 +433 +139 • Homozygous polled • A gorgeous made Drumline female that is great in her design with exceptional balance and design. 82F is in the prime of her life with exceptional udder quality, ranking in the top tier of the Hereford breed Both her dam and maternal grand dam are designated as a Dam of Distinction Her full sister, 25F, is a donor matron in our ET program. Another daughter of the strong maternal bull Drumline. • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G. Checked safe 7.5 months. NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T GV CMR X151 MR 847 Z210 SHF L388 X36 Z25 ET SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 23U D14 ET {DOD} GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} 77 MISS DRUMLINE D14 82F SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 2 +2 5 +56 +93 +0 8 +25 +53 +1 70 +1 80 +85 + 53 + 29 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 36A Double 7 7 7 MR ELLISON 82F 94J 12/16/21 • Bull: P44312971 • Tat.: BE 94J • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +373 +457 +157 • Homozygous polled • 94J is a powerfully constructed herd bull prospect with elite maternal strength and value added carcass merit backing him. Sired by the now deceased Ellison. Take advantage of the opportunity to obtain his genetics, as the availability will be limited • Birth weight 80 lbs 36 77 MISS DRUMLINE D14 82F
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 32 B R E D C O W / B U L L C A L F S P L I T S GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y SHF KENNEDY 502R X36 SHF MAGGIE T57 W74 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET UPS DOMINO 3027 {CHB,SOD} HCC DORA 6020 ET CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} CHURCHILL LADY 600S ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB –0 1 +2 6 +60 +91 +1 2 +33 +63 +1 60 +1 70 +74 + 49 + 34 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 38 Double 7 7 7 MISS DRUMLINE 6020 G9 ET 1/13/19 • Cow: P44020448 • Tat.: BE G9 • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +420 +513 +152 • G9 is direct from the donor pen! She is a female built with incredible mass, stout ness and style. She stems back to the prolific Lady 002X cow family, popularized by the Churchill Cattle Co program Big time EPD figures for carcass, growth and maternal ability. • She ranks in the top 1% for Udder and Teat and the top 3% for CHB She records average progeny ratios of 2@104 for REA and 2@102 for IMF. • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Cooperstown 80F G16 J65 ET. Checked safe 7 months NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} HCC DORA 6020 ET GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} 77 MISS DRUMLINE 6020 G9 ET SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +0 4 +2 7 +68 +104 +1 4 +37 +70 +1 40 +1 30 +86 + 67 + 28 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 38A Double 7 7 7 MR GRADY G9 17K 1/18/22 • Bull: P44320432 • Tat : BE 17K • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +456 +553 +151 • A stellar Grady son with exceptional muscle shape and design Big time perform ance stats that feature moderate birth combined with perfor mance, mater nal strength and carcass merit. • He ranks in the top 5% for CHB plus the top 10% for WW and REA. • Birth weight 84 lbs SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} K&B SENTINEL 0042X {SOD,CHB} 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} SHF MISS M326 T08 ET KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} LOEWEN MISS S072 38U LOEWEN M326 27U LOEWEN MISS R125 12U KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X HVH CONTESSA 4L 28P SHF RADAR M326 R125 {SOD} HVH MISS MOM 83K 3N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3 2 +1 9 +60 +102 +2 3 +31 +61 +1 40 +1 40 +66 + 56 + 18 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 37 Double 7 7 7 MISS 18C 2X 84F 12/16/18 • Cow: P44015663 • Tat.: BE 84F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +369 +451 +120 • Homozygous polled • Check out the spread and maternal strength 84F displays on her EPD profile 84F is built on a solid foundation of genetics for longevity and real world performance. • Her first calf recorded impressive ratios of 112 for WW, 110 for YW and 118 for IMF. • AI 3/6/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. Checked safe AI. PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T GV CMR X151 MR 847 Z210 SHF L388 X36 Z25 ET 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS 18C 2X 84F 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} LOEWEN M326 27U LOEWEN MISS R125 12U CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +0 1 +4 5 +62 +107 +1 7 +32 +63 +1 50 +1 40 +79 + 44 + 29 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 37A Double 7 7 7 MR ELLISON 84F 95J 12/16/21 • Bull: P44312974 • Tat : BE 95J • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +326 +415 +146 • Homozygous polled • If you are looking to improve udder quality in your cow herd, the Ellison sons can fix that in one generation They can accomplish this without sacrificing perform ance or style. His genomic EPD profile ranks in the top 25% for nine traits. • Birth weight 88 lbs 38 77 MISS DRUMLINE 6020 G9 ET P roven Donor
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 33 B R E D C O W / B U L L C A L F S P L I T NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} 77 MISS DRUMLINE 23U 85F SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 HVH PROGRESS 4L 30S HVH MISS N038 49R CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +8 9 +0 4 +59 +88 +0 9 +26 +55 +1 50 +1 50 +74 + 50 + 19 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 39A Double 7 7 7 MR GRADY 85F 20K 1/22/22 • Bull: P44322926 • Tat : BE 20K • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +413 +496 +120 • Homozygous polled • A calving ease herd bull candidate that has added muscle shape, balance and elite phenotype Extremely dark red to the ground with extra eye pigment makes him a desirable herd bull prospect in the seed stock industr y. • Birth weight 72 lbs , ratio 92 GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y SHF KENNEDY 502R X36 SHF MAGGIE T57 W74 HVH PROGRESS 4L 30S HVH MISS N038 49R SHF PROGRESS P20 {SOD} LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} HVH GENETIC QUEEN 53H 4L HUTH 6191 JAMES N038 ET HVH JILL 102J 51N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +6 2 +1 3 +48 +82 +0 6 +24 +48 +1 50 +1 60 +69 + 42 + 19 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 39 Double 7 7 7 MISS DRUMLINE 23U 85F 12/16/18 • Cow: P44015664 • Tat : BE 85F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +382 +454 +126 • Homozygous polled • 85F brings calving ease and maternal quality to the forefront. She stems from the Dam of Distinction 23U, who has been a mainstay in our program, producing 16 calves with five daughters in the herd. • 85F records progeny ratios of 2@94 5 for BW and 1@103 for WW • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G. Checked safe, due to calve around sale day. 39 77 MISS DRUMLINE 23U 85F 39A 77 MR GRADY 85F 20K
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 34 B R E D C O W / B U L L C A L F S P L I T S GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y SHF KENNEDY 502R X36 SHF MAGGIE T57 W74 LOEWEN 77 48 344N 4R 13B ET {CHB} LOEWEN C&L MISS 33T 10Y ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} 77 MISSREV13B 45D PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N HH ADVANCE 8203U ET {SOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 7 +1 9 +65 +100 +1 2 +23 +55 +1 60 +1 60 +83 + 61 + 19 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 41 Double 7 7 7 MISS DRUMLINE D256 45D 47F 3/6/18 • Cow: P43916272 • Tat : BE 47F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +338 +422 +143 • Homozygous polled • 47F is a production machine! Her progeny record includes 2@106 for WW, 2@107 5 for YW, 2@102 5 for REA and 2@100 for IMF This beautifully uddered Drumline daughter also happens to be a cur ve bender on paper. Her maternal side features the familiar donors 33N and 344N • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G. Checked safe 8 months. /S DYNASTY 66001 ET /S LADY VICTOR 5139C ET HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} /S GRAND SLAM 88455 ET /S LADY DOMINO 652S TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} /S LADY ADVANCE 8066U SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} 77 MISSREV13B 45D GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} 77 MISS DRUMLINE D256 45D 47F SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 LOEWEN 77 48 344N 4R 13B ET {CHB} LOEWEN C&L MISS 33T 10Y ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3 7 +3 1 +67 +99 +1 6 +24 +57 +1 50 +1 40 +72 + 59 + 13 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 41A Double 7 7 7 MR GRAND SL AM 47F 8K 1/8/22 • Bull: P44319958 • Tat : BE 8K • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +304 +384 +122 • Homozygous polled • A rugged made, long bodied /S Grand Slam son 8K’s EPD profile is packed with added performance, added REA and maternal excellence • Birth weight 88 lbs GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y SHF KENNEDY 502R X36 SHF MAGGIE T57 W74 LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} 77 PATCHES 344N UPTOWN Z25ET HVH OKSANA 4L 33N PCR JACK PHROST 18K PCR VICKI NICOLE 642F CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +7.5 –0.4 +51 +77 +1.1 +30 +55 +1.50 +1.50 +62 +.28 +.23 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 40 Double 7 7 7 MISS DRUMLINE Z25 93F 12/19/18 • Cow: P44015680 • Tat : BE 93F • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +394 +471 +125 • A powerfully made Drumline daughter with as much volume as anything in the sale 93F is a calving ease specialist that will add maternal proficiency • Her dam stems back to the legendar y donor 344N, the mater nal granddam of sires Genesis, Grady and Garfield • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to 77 Pinstripe 76D 73G Checked safe 8 months NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} 77 PATCHES 344N UPTOWN Z25ET GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} 77 MISS DRUMLINE Z25 93F SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +9 4 +0 2 +62 +99 +1 3 +32 +63 +1 30 +1 30 +85 + 57 + 39 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 40A Double 7 7 7 MR GRADY 93F 37K 2/14/22 • Bull: P44366555 • Tat : BE 37K • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +406 +502 +164 • Homozygous polled • 37K offers a rare opportunity to gain a herd bull with cur ve bending EPDs and a pedigree that is rich in heritage His strong phenotype complements his elite EPD profile that checks a lot of boxes across the board. • Birth weight 70 lbs., ratio 96. 40 77 MISS DRUMLINE Z25 93F 41a 77 MR GRAND SLAM 47F 8K
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s 35 B R E D C O W S MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} LOEWEN 77 48 344N 4R 13B ET {CHB} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N PCR JACK PHROST 18K PCR VICKI NICOLE 642F LOEWEN M326 27U LOEWEN MISS S072 38U KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} WILLITS 27U 38U 1X {DOD} HVH CONTESSA 4L 28P HUTH LAGRAND DOMINO S072 ET HVH CMR LADY PROGRESS 132S ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3.7 +0.6 +49 +77 +0.8 +23 +47 +.90 +.90 +63 +.32 +.25 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 43 Double 7 7 7 MISS 13B 1X 14F 1/15/18 • Cow: P43912453 • Tat : BE 14F • Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +266 +336 +129 • A unique bred female that has a killer look. Huge middled with a smooth pattern and lots of red Her sire is a full brother to the dam of Genesis, Grady and Garfield Her dam has been a longtime producer, making longevity bred into this sappy, easy calving female. • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G. Checked safe 8.5 months. NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T GV CMR X151 MR 847 Z210 SHF L388 X36 Z25 ET SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS PROGRESS 39T K&B SENTINEL 0042X {SOD,CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 12A 19C SHF MISS M326 T08 ET SHF PROGRESS P20 {SOD} LOEWEN M326 MISS 39T CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +8 1 +2 2 +56 +95 +1 4 +27 +55 +1 60 +1 60 +65 + 34 + 44 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 44 Double 7 7 7 MISS ELLISON 19C 69F 12/11/18 • Cow: P44015645 • Tat : BE 69F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +405 +501 +146 • Homozygous polled • A big spread female with strong carcass genetics that is ultra productive An El lison daughter than stems from the cow maker All Star, 69F has a beautiful udder with balance, superior structure and style. Study the calving ease and maternal excellence 69F will bring to your operation • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G Checked safe 8 5 months GERBER ANODYNE 001A {CHB} SHF MAGGIE LG Z161 KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 {SOD,CHB} SHF DRUMLINE 001A D256 {CHB} GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y SHF KENNEDY 502R X36 SHF MAGGIE T57 W74 77 BIG TIME 23U HOMERUN 77 PATCHES 344N UPTOWN Z25ET 77 LOEWEN C&L HOMERUN 33N 72Z 77 MISS BIG TIME16B Z25 10D LOEWEN MISS 30S 23U {DOD} LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +0.2 +3.6 +59 +100 +1.4 +29 +59 1.50 +1.50 +80 +.49 +.24 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 42 Double 7 7 7 MISS DRUMLINE D256 10D 49F 3/7/18 • Cow: P43916277 • Tat : BE 49F • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +340 +422 +148 • Homozygous polled. • 49F is well built with a stunning look and all the accessories of being dark red with plenty of eye pigment. She has a powerful production record of 3@100 for BW, 2@109 5 for WW, 2@104 5 for YW, 2@104 5 for REA and 2@105 for IMF Bal anced growth figures with value added carcass merit. • PE 2/25/22 to 7/15/22 to CMF 242D Gunsling 491G. Checked safe 7 months. 42 77 MISS DRUMLINE D256 10D 49F 43 77 MISS 13B 1X 14F
several of the lots descend from this influential
donor dam
b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s v o l i v • s at u r d ay, n o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 • f o r t c o b b , o k l a h o m a 36 A I A N D PA S T U R E S E R V I C E S I R E S HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 3032 {DOD} SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} R LANDMARK 4386 {CHB} HYALITE TS LASS 310 R REVOLUTION 4510 {CHB,SOD} R MISS PUCKSTER 678 {DOD} 77 MR ALL STAR 19A 18C {CHB} 77 MISS UPTOWN 2X {DOD} SHF ALL STAR 42X A191 {CHB} 77 MISS ALL STAR 18C 7A 8F 77 MISS X51 38U {DOD} LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} WILLITS 27U 12U 2X CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +10 1 –1 0 +63 +106 +1 6 +37 +69 +1 50 +1 50 +84 + 74 + 24 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ REF. Double 7,4B 7 7 POTENCY 8F 63G 12/1/19 • Bull: P44120592 • Tat : BE 63G • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} +384 +472 +140 • Homozygous polled • His dam sells as Lot 2. • Owned by Double Seven Ranch, 4B Herefords and Burns Farms KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REMITALL RITA 91H MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N PCR JACK PHROST 18K PCR VICKI NICOLE 642F CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +8 4 +0 8 +67 +106 +1 6 +27 +60 +1 10 +1 10 +82 + 67 + 31 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ REF. Double 7, Loewen LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET 1/15/19 • Bull: P44001386 • Tat.: BE G15 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +376 +473 +143 • Homozygous polled • Full brother to Genesis and Garfield. • Owned by Loewen Herefords and Double Seven Ranch KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REMITALL RITA 91H MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N PCR JACK PHROST 18K PCR VICKI NICOLE 642F CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +0.2 +3.4 +72 +120 +1.6 +33 +69 +1.00 +1.10 +83 +.61 +.22 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ REF. Loewen,4B LOEWEN 4B GARFIELD B42 G24 ET 1/25/19 • Bull: P43995204 • Tat : BE G24 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF} +342 +436 +132 • Homozygous polled. • Full brother to Genesis and Grady • Owned by Loewen Herefords, 4B Herefords and Clarence Tegtmeier and Sons. NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GENESIS G16 ET {CHB} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N SHF ELLISON 167Y E149 {CHB} 77 MISS HOMERUN Z27 16E NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} 77 MISS ELLISON 16E 80F SHF L388 Z210 C96 ET 77 LOEWEN C&L HOMERUN 33N 72Z 77 ELEGANT S277 4R ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5 1 +2 7 +69 +110 +1 6 +25 +59 +1 30 +1 20 +95 + 68 + 40 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ REF. Double 7 7 7 COOPERSTOWN 80F G16 J65 ET 3/24/21 • Bull: P44285055 • Tat : BE J65 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +355 +458 +168 • Homozygous polled. • Sold as Lot 1 in the 2022 Hereford Heritage Bull Sale • Owned by Double Seven Ranch, Heyen Farms and Beever Family Herefords. 77 POTENCY 8F 63G LOEWEN 4B GARFIELD B42 G24 ET 77 COOPERSTOWN 80F G16 J65 ET LOEWEN GENESIS G16 ET Full brother to Grady and Garfield sire of cooperstown
d o u b l e s e v e n r a n c h • b i r d w e l l r a n c h • 4 b h e r e f o r d s • l o e w e n h e r e f o r d s b i g l e a g u e g e n e t i c s A I A N D PA S T U R E S E R V I C E S I R E S NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} KCF MISS 22S Z301 ET SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {CHB,SOD} KCF BENNETT HOMEWARD C776 {CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB,SOD} KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CMF 829S ANN 59A HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} CMF 59A ANN 242D R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} CMF 490J ANN 829S CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +3 6 +2 5 +76 +119 +0 9 +34 +72 +1 40 +1 30 +77 + 30 + 39 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ REF. Double 7 CMF 242D GUNSLING 491G 8/29/19 • Bull: P44108413 • Tat : RE 491G • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} +324 +435 +144 • Homozygous polled • Owned by Double Seven Ranch. R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CHURCHILL LADY 500C ET HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} CHURCHILL RED BARON 8300F ET R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} CHURCHILL RED BULL 200Z {SOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} BR BENNETT 4R Y428 2101 6035 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} BR VALIDATED B413 6035 7098 EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION Y428 BR BENNETT OF 4070 2101 CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +13 2 0 0 +73 +112 +1 6 +28 +65 +1 30 +1 50 +86 + 86 + 51 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ REF. Birdwell BIRDWELL REDBIRD 7098 0558ET 11/4/20 • Bull: P44254851 • Tat.: BE 0558 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +470 +588 +165 • Homozygous polled • Owned by Birdwell Ranch and Select Sires, Inc. SHF YORK 19H Y02 {SOD,CHB} SHF MISS M326 T08 ET MSU MF HUDSON 19H {SOD} SHF DAYBREAK Y02 D287 ET {CHB} LOEWEN MISS P20 10W KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} SHF POSTIVE MISS 73C M15 LOEWEN 44X 6X 20Z SHF RADAR R125 T75 LOEWEN DURANGO 344N 44X ET SHF MISS 14 20Z D223 LOEWEN MISS 33T 5S 6X SHF RADAR M326 R125 {SOD} SHF DOMINETTE 2C L42 {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB +5.8 +2.6 +73 +122 +1.3 +27 +64 +1.40 +1.40 +101 +.79 +.27 BMI$ BII$ CHB$ REF. SHF HOUSTON D287 H086 2/8/20 • Bull: P44123641 • Tat : BE H086 • Homozygous Polled {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} +377 +476 +167 • Homozygous polled. • Used AI Also plan to join us for the 11th Annual Hereford Heritage Bull Sale THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST! CMF 242D GUNSLING 491G BR VALIDATED B413 6035 7098 $125,000 valued dam of Birdwell Redbird SHF HOUSTON D287 H086 Monday, Februar y 27, 2023 Double seven Ranch sale Facility Fort cobb, Oklahoma
P. O. Box 31684 Edmond, OK 73003
S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 2 • F O R T C O B B , O K L A H O M A

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