2022 Burns Hereford Fall Bull & Commercial Sale

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14th Annual S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 5 , 2 0 2 2 12 noon cdt, at the Farm /// Pikeville, tennessee 84 Performance driven Bulls h e r e F o r d / / / a n g u s / / / B l a c k h e r e F o r d / / / c o m m e r c i a l Also selling 24 Registered Females plus 115 Commercial Females

Dear Fellow Cattlemen and Friends,

Welcome to the 14th annual Bull and commercial Female sale. We are blessed and grateful to be raising cattle in the great state of tennessee. Visiting the sequatchie Valley in the fall is a site to see as we watch the mountains change to brilliant colors. it is the perfect backdrop for looking at this fine selection of bulls. our farm was established in 1952 when my dad purchased two hereford heifers for a 4-h project with a loan he took out against his horse. dad is still instrumental on the farm, branding bulls and tending to the never ending task of a seasoned cattleman and farmer. We are able to raise our cattle on ground here in the valley and up on the mountain ground When our bulls are weaned, they are raised down in the valley and continue to draw attention these bulls grow into stout, ready to work, muscular sires planned for your herd. every year, dad mentions that “maybe we should keep this one…or that one.” it is easy to get attached to these bulls. this offering has many options for you. We are glad you are considering herefords and angus to add value to your herd. Both breeds continue to succeed for a variety of cattlemen’s needs. as always, our most popular requests from you are calving ease, good numbered, stout, hardy, and your desire to add value to other cattle breeds. this offering of bulls will meet all of your special requests! assisting you with bull selection is a top priority and a topic we are glad to discuss. this is a major decision for your herd, and we are ready to help. Zach day, our herdsman, has been with us for two years now and is also a helpful resource to assist you with purchasing options as well as myself

We hope to see you Friday, november 4th for our Preview dinner with good food and friends. sale day, november 5th, we will eat lunch at 11:00 a.m., and the sale will begin at noon. thank you again for your interest in our program. We are glad you continue to choose to Create your Legacy with Bur ns Farms Genetics! Best regards, David Burns

selling November

Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 1 e bulls
5th are stout, easy fleshing, scanned for carcass traits, semen checked and tested negative for BVD and PI. For breeders living in Tennessee, many are TAEP qualified. Herefords Since 1952 DAVID BURNS Far m Manager /// (615) 477 5668 DR. PHILLIP BURNS ZACH DAY Herdsman /// (859) 588 6271 KATIE BURNS Public Relations /// (615) 289 1097 /// Email: Bur nsHerefords@gmail.com SARAH BERNARD Business Manager /// (423) 582 7653 /// Email: bur nsbeef@gmail.com Mailing address: 12733 Old State Hwy. 28 /// Pikeville, TN 37367 www.b u r n s f a r m s . c o m Distant bidding online at superiorclicktobid com



Cattle available for viewing all day Join us for the Preview Party at 6:00 p.m. featuring Sarah’s Burns Beef Burgers


Cattle available for viewing until sale time

11:00 a.m. (CDT) Lunch

12:00 noon (CDT) — Sale begins bulls sell first


Hampton Inn, Crossville, Tenn (931) 707 7170

Holiday Inn Express, Crossville, Tenn (931) 707 1035


The Chattanooga,Tenn , airport is 45 minutes from the farm

The Nashville, Tenn., airport is two hours from the farm.


David Burns (615) 477 5668

Dustin Layton (405) 464 2455

Andee Marston (785) 250 4449


N Layton


Dustin Layton, Auctioneer (405) 464 2455 (TAL #6690; TFL #5818)

Andee Marston, Layton Auction Ser vices. . . . . . . . (785) 250 4449

Zach Day, Burns Farms Herdsman (859) 588 6271

Tommy Coley, American Hereford Assn (815) 988 7051

Juston Stelzer, Special Assignment (817) 992 7059

John Andras, Special Assignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . (406) 670 5074

Craig Reiter, PrimeTime Agri Marketing. . . . . . . . . (419) 350 9159

Bobby Singleton, Consultant (615) 708 1034

Kyle Knight (912) 690 5097

Jason Johns (770) 851 0691

Dale Pitchford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (972) 921 6261

If you would like to place a bid on any lot/s but cannot attend the sale, please contact the owners or any member of the sale staff. Online bidding will be available through Superior Productions Click-to-Bid (see page 32)

Free Bull Deliver y!

Free deliver y to central points in Tennessee and adjoining states on total bull purchases of $5,000 or more It will cost no more than $200 per bull on purchases of $5,000 or more to deliver bulls an ywhere within the continental United Sta tes. Pick up your bull/s sale day and receive a $25 discount per bull. No free deliver y on commercial fe males. Truckers believed to be reliable will be a vailable sale day



From Chattanooga:

• Take 27 North to ward Dunla p and Dayton

• Follo w left fork to 111 North (Dunla p, go 16 8 miles)

• At intersection of 11 North and 127 North, turn right onto 127 North (go a pproxima tely 18 miles)

• After the Bledsoe County High School, turn left onto Burton Street (a t the funeral home and convenience store)

• Go one block to dead end and turn right.

• Go a pproxima tely 0.6 miles to the Burns Farms Sale Facility.

From I-40 in Crossville:

• Ta k e t h e T N 1 0 1 / Pe a v i n e R o a d E x i t 3 2 2 t o w a r d C r o s s v i l l e 0 . 4 miles

• Keep right a t the fork to go on TN 101/Pea vine Road 2 5 miles

• T N 1 0 1 / Pe a v i n e R o a d b e c o m e s T N 3 9 2 / M i l l e r A v e / M i l o L e m e r t Pkwy 2 5 miles

• Turn left onto US 127/South Main Street/TN 28 Continue to follo w US 127 /TN 28 2 5 miles

• Turn slight right onto US 127 South/TN 28 South Continue to follow US 127 South/TN 28 South 28 1 miles

• Turn right on Alvin C. York Hwy. 1 mile.


All registered bulls and females sell under the recommended terms and conditions of the American Hereford Association or the American Angus Associa tion


All bulls in the sale ha ve been tested nega tive for BVD and PI All ca ttle will be accompanied with proper health certifica tes for imme dia te shipment. Females tha t sell bred ha ve been checked safe in calf by a licensed veterinarian All bulls of breeding a ge will be sold as guaranteed breeders. If a bull is dia gnosed as a non breeder, a written statement or phone call to Burns Farms must be made within six months of the sale da te At tha t time, a credit will be issued, pur chase price minus salva ge value, for a future purchase a t a Burns Farms Bull or Female Sale


Announcements made sale day from the auction block take prec e d e

e n t

i n t h e c a t a l o g a n d o t h e r a d v e r t i s i n g We reser ve the right to withdra w an y sale lot not meeting our specifica tions prior to sale time


EPDs are upda ted weekly by the breed associa tions, so we cannot guarantee EPDs listed in the ca talog The EPDs printed were current 10/3/22 Most of the EPDs listed are genomically enhanced for im proved accuracy, indica ted by one of these symbols:

All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk Neither the owners nor anyone else associated with the sale assumes liability, legal or other wise, for accidents or loss of property.

Bur ns Farms /// Sale Information 2 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale
n c e o v e r s t a t e m
(405) 464 2455 laytond@yahoo com Andee
(785) 250 4449 www laytonauction comTAL 6690; TFL 5818


Fall Yearling Bull /// Makers Mark son Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 3 Lot 1 1 BF VANWINKLE 1153 ET CALVED 8/25/21 /// BULL P44320634 /// TATTOO BE 1153 /// Hom. Polled BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 JDH AH MERCEDES 11E ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} GREEN JCS MAKERS MARK 229G ET {CHB} NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET JDH VICTOR 719T 33Z ET {CHB} AH MS 25L RUMBLER 19Z {DOD} PCR X51 BENTLEY 454B {CHB} VCR 236Z DARLIN 406B KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} HHQ 454B DORA 11E PCR IDA GOLDIE 40X VCR 993W ULTIMATE 236Z VCR 15G DARLIN 20X CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ACT WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF70 746* 1300* 14 0* 3 25* • Homozygous Polled. • Wow!! What a way to kick off the 14th Annual Burns Farms Bull Sale with this cur ve bender that is supported with a stellar pedigree, stylish phenotype and an outstanding EPD profile. This rugged made, deep sided bull blends muscle shape with style in a conser vative marked package with ample eye pigment • This son of the popular Makers Mark is stacked with maternal power on both sides of his pedigree. His dam, Dora 11E, was a featured donor in the Iron Lake Ranch dispersal She is a herd bull producing machine with style, muscle and maternal • Ranks in the top 1% for Udder, Teat; top 4% for YW; top 5% for WW, CW; top 10% for CED, SC; top 15% for REA, BMI, BII; top 25% for BW +8 3 +1 5 +69 +114 +1 4 +30 +86 + 62 06 +406 +482 +122 The Hereford
S A L E F E AT U R E FA L L Y E A R L I N G B U L L Green JCS Makers Mark 229G ET Sire of Lot 1 HHQ 454B Dora 11E Dam of Lot 1



Fall Two Year Old Bulls /// Contender sons 4 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale Lot 2 2 BF CONTENDER 0258 ET Congress Pen Bull CALVED 9/5/20 /// BULL 44218782 /// TATTOO BE 0258 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N BF CSF TARGET 3209 BF 670 ADELAIDE 896 CHURCHILL TARGET 0165X ET BF TRINA 6232 CSF BR GABRIELLE 8129 ET BF 2490 ADAM 670 BF 2490 ADDIE 5123 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF68 621 1115 13 3 3 30 • A cur ve bending calving ease bull that is packed with muscle. This big hipped, stout son of Contender was a featured bull in our Fall Pen at the Cattlemen’s Congress in Januar y in Oklahoma City Look at his value added EPD profile with outstanding car cass merit and CHB value. • He posted a REA ratio of 112 • Ranks in the top 1% for CW; top 2% for CHB; top 4% for REA; top 5% for YW; top 10% for WW; top 15% for CED; top 20% for SC; top 25% for BW, Marb +8 1 +1 5 +66 +110 +1 3 +29 +95 + 74 + 19 +314 +397 +164 FA L L T
O -Y E A R - O L D H E R E F O R D B U L L S …
T S 2– 2 0 KJ BJ 58Z Contender D56 ET Sire of Lots 2–8 PEN bull
Fall Two Year Old Bulls /// Contender sons Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 5 Lot 3 4 BF CONTENDER 0399 ET Congress Pen Bull CALVED 11/9/20 /// BULL 44266234 /// TATTOO BE 0399 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N GO 3196 ADVANCE S109 {CHB,SOD} STAR ROCKIN ON BABY 25U ET HH ADVANCE 3196N {SOD} RMB ROCK ON BABY 470B ET GO MS L18 EXCEL N89 CS BOOMER 29F {SOD} STAR ROCKIN ERICA 38F CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF70 786 1345 14.2 3.70 • The final member of the OKC fall pen bulls selling, 0399 is out of one of Phillip’s fa vorite donor females, 470B She has a habit of producing stout, easy fleshing cattle that add substance. 0399 is no exception, having a super complete look, rugged bone and added foot size Look at his adjusted ribeye at over 14 sq in • He posted ratios of 104 for REA and IMF. • Maternal brother sells as Lot 44 • Ranks in the top 10% for CHB; top 15% for CW; top 20% for REA +0 7 +3 8 +55 +87 +0 3 +30 +79 + 56 + 16 +284 +353 +141 3 BF CONTENDER 0334 Congress Pen Bull CALVED 9/16/20 /// BULL 44217919 /// TATTOO BE 0334 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N BF 88X RICHIE 4100 ET BF 670 ADELAIDE 8145 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} BF 4100 RILEY 7153 CSF BR GOLDREIL 7902 ET BF 2490 ADAM 670 BF 171 DOMINET 5145 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF67 569 1288 13.8 3.38 • This high performing bull was also in our 2022 OKC pen He is rugged in his design and posts powerful growth ranks in the top 1% for YW, making him an excellent ad dition to add muscle shape and pounds. Contender has added exceptional progeny to our herd and continues to lead the way with carcass merit, performance and style • 0334 posted ratios of BW 98, YW 111, REA 113 and IMF 101. • Ranks in the top 1% for YW; top 2% for REA; top 3% for CW, CHB; top 20% for SC, Marb. +2 7 +3 4 +70 +120 +1 3 +34 +89 + 84 + 23 +349 +438 +157 Lot 4 PEN bull
PEN bull
Fall Two Year Old Bulls /// Contender sons 6 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 5 BF CONTENDER 0316 CALVED 9/13/20 /// BULL 44217914 /// TATTOO BE 0316 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET CSF BR GABRIELLE 8129 ET H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} EXR T/R GABRIELLE 6252 ET R SWEET RED WINE 039 DM BR SOONER {CHB} BR GABRIELLE 5082 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ACT WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF68 602* 1189 13 1 3 27 • Calving ease Contender son that offers a ton of potential Powerful maternal genetics that combine with added muscle and $ Indexes. He is big topped, dark red and backed by the legendar y Gabrielle cow family • 0316 posted ratios of BW 97, WW 103, YW 103 and REA 107. • Ranks in the top 5% for REA; top 10% for Teat; top 15% for CED, CW; top 20% for BW, Udder, BMI, BII, CHB. +8 3 +1 1 +55 +86 +0 8 +30 +79 + 71 + 15 +395 +468 +129 6 BF CONTENDER 0370 CALVED 10/12/20 /// BULL P44218585 /// TATTOO BE 0370 /// Scurred UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} KCF MISS 774 N316 FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} INNISFAIL N316 REVOLUTION 1109 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N FELTONS DOMINO 774 {SOD} MISS H142 L332 {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF74 1021 11.4 2.79 • Offering sleep at night calving ease, 0370 is a square hipped, balanced bull with added look and carcass quality His dam stems from the ver y influential Revolution 4R Genex herd sire. 0370 will improve carcass quality, maternal and phenotype. • Ranks in the top 10% for CED; top 15% for BW, Marb; top 25% for Teat +9 3 +0 8 +48 +74 +1 0 +27 +61 + 35 + 26 +285 +358 +122 7 BF CONTENDER 0374 CALVED 9/26/20 /// BULL 44218564 /// TATTOO BE 0374 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N H5 9131 DOMINO 2185 {SOD} DH MISS ADVANCE 0162 H5 YANKEE 9131 BF 2185 DOMMINETTE 5513 ET H5 MS 408 DOMET 915 {DOD} HH ADVANCE 8050U ET {SOD} DH DOMINETTE 7129 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF72 1036 10 6 3 49 • A stout built Contender son in a dark red, conser vatively marked package Rugged and sound bull that can cover several females. Big hipped and huge middled with an impressive look • Posted an IMF ratio of 105. • Ranks in the top 10% for CHB; top 15% for CW +4 2 +3 3 +56 +89 +1 7 +30 +80 + 50 + 17 +374 +450 +139 8 BF CONTENDER 0302 CALVED 9/1/20 /// BULL P44217911 /// TATTOO BE 0302 /// Polled UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N CHEZ AA NEXT LEVEL ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} BF IM NEXT 775 ET R SWEET RED WINE 039 PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ACT WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF69 583* 900 9 1 3 39 • High calving ease with exceptional marbling. His dam stems from the foundation donor female 817 • He posted an IMF ratio of 102. • Ranks in the top 20% for CED, Marb +6.5 +2.7 +56 +74 +0.8 +32 +64 +.35 +.22 +320 +399 +114
Fall Two Year Old Bull /// Blueprint son Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 7 Lot 9 9 BF BLUE PRINT 0401 ET CALVED 11/10/20 /// BULL P44220812 /// TATTOO BE 0401 /// Polled R LEADER 6964 {SOD} NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REMITALL RITA 91H GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} CSF BR GABRIELLE 8129 ET GOLDEN OAK FUSION 3S {SOD} BF NOVEL 5502 ET GOLDEN OAK 60D MALLORY 15M DM BR SOONER {CHB} BR GABRIELLE 5082 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF70 655 1169 12 3 3 96 • 0401 is a stout featured, long patterned bull that adds muscle, growth and maternal power His dam, Novel 5502, is one of our leading donor females and has produced over $300,000 worth of progeny 0401 is exceptional in his EPD profile, with eight traits in the top 10% of the breed. Sired by the popular Genex bull Blueprint. • He posted an IMF ratio of 112 • Ranks in the top 1% for Udder; top 2% for WW, SC; top 3% for REA; top 5% for YW; top 10% for Teat, CHB; top 25% for BMI, BII –1 7 +3 9 +73 +112 +1 8 +32 +90 + 77 + 11 +378 +466 +148 BF Novel 5502 ET Dam of Lot 9
Fall Two Year Old Bull /// Genesis & Pioneer sons 8 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale Lot 11 11 BF PIONEER 0276 ET CALVED 9/6/20 /// BULL 44220754 /// TATTOO BE 0276 /// Horned TH 89T 755T STOCKMAN 475Z TH 71U 17Y RITA 403A TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 403A 475Z PIONEER 358C ET TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} TH 7N 45P RITA 71U K&B 927 ADVANCE 2490 BF MS 171 DOMINET 399 HH ADVANCE 927J {SOD} BF 2490 ADDIE 1247 K&B MS SILVER 8566 CL1 DOMINO 171L {SOD} RCH MISS ADVANCE 1170 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF75 736 1197 12 7 3 01 • A performance oriented herd bull that features increased growth with strong maternal genetics His dam, 1247, has been a featured donor female and consistently produces exceptional progeny with style • Posted a REA ratio of 107 • Ranks in the top 15% for Teat; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for YW. +3.3 +1.9 +56 +98 +1.1 +26 +65 +.51 .04 +366 +433 +79 10 BF GENESIS 0368 CALVED 9/24/20 /// BULL P44218563 /// TATTOO BE 0368 /// Scurred NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GENESIS G16 ET {CHB} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} BR BELLE 4082 ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} BR BELLE E100 ET CHURCHILL LADY 078X GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} BR CSF BRIELLE 8052 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF50 610 1000* • Powerful calving ease bull with impressive performance His mother is a full sister to the two time Supreme Champion Hereford at the NWSS, Belle Air, and his sire is one of the hottest bulls in the Hereford breed, Genesis This bull’s EPD profile is loaded with low birth weight, highly profitable carcass and maternal value. • He posted a BW ratio of 73 • Ranks in the top 1% for SC; top 4% for CED, Marb; top 10% for BW, BII, CHB; top 15% for WW, CW; top 20% for Udder, BMI; top 25% for YW, Teat +10 9 +0 3 +63 +99 +1 9 +33 +80 + 50 + 40 +392 +492 +147 Lot 10 Loewen Genesis G16 ET Sire of Lot 10 BR Belle Air 6011 Full brother to dam of Lot 10
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls /// 864F sons Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 9 12 BF CUDA 0436 CALVED 10/30/20 /// BULL P44217938 /// TATTOO BE 0436 /// Polled BEHM 100W CUDA 504C {CHB} HQ MISS NEW YORK 534C NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} HQ CUDA 864F BEHM R294 JASMAN102Y {DOD} R NEW YORK 4713 HRH HUTH ADVSIOR 306A BR TRUST 0217 3373 {CHB} BF 207 RACHEAL 487 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BF TRUSTFUL 8204 BR REVOLUTION OF 8279 0217 BF 408 HARLAND 207 MSU RACHAEL 31Z CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF70 621 1254 10 2 4 27 • A cur ve bender that is loaded with strong growth and remarkable carcass quality His WW EPD of +74 ranks in the top 1% of the breed. 0426 is smooth made with bal ance and dimension • He posted a BW ratio of 100 and WW ratio of 113. • Ranks in the top 1% for WW; top 2% for YW, CHB; top 4% for Marb; top 10% for REA; top 25% for BW. +5 1 +1 7 +74 +118 +1 5 +35 +88 + 70 + 42 +338 +445 +164 13 BF CUDA 0378 CALVED 9/27/20 /// BULL P44217931 /// TATTOO BE 0378 /// Scurred BEHM 100W CUDA 504C {CHB} HQ MISS NEW YORK 534C NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} HQ CUDA 864F BEHM R294 JASMAN102Y {DOD} R NEW YORK 4713 HRH HUTH ADVSIOR 306A BF 88X RICHIE 4100 ET BF FREE FLOW 5187 ET NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} BF REGINA 8182 CSF BR GOLDREIL 7902 ET DKF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} BR ASHLINN 8165 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF68 575 1153 11 7 3 56 • 0378 is a huge spread growth bull with added marbling. A big ended bull with extra rib shape and a powerful build • Posted an IMF ratio of 107. • Ranks in the top 15% for WW, SC; top 20% for YW, CHB; top 25% for Marb +2.4 +3.3 +64 +100 +1.4 +34 +73 +.46 +.21 +296 +378 +132 Lot 13 Lot 12 HQ Cuda 864F Sire of Lots 12 & 13
Fall Two Year Old Bulls 10 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale Lot 15 Lot 16 14 BF 3373 TRUST 0483 ET CALVED 10/12/20 /// BULL P44285400 /// TATTOO BE 0483 /// Polled NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BR REVOLUTION OF 8279 0217 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} BR TRUST 0217 3373 {CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} BR BENNETT N106 OF 2245 8279 DKF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} BR ASHLINN 8165 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} BF CHA CHING 5505 ET JRR MISS TOBEY 711T BR KEY DOMINO 5040 DM ASHLINN 669 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF68 646 993 10 1 3 42 • A heavy weaning and yearling bull with added muscle, sired by the CHB sire Trust 3373. His dam is the tried and true performance donor dam BF Cha Ching 5505. • Posted an IMF ratio of 102 • Ranks in the top 10% for WW, REA; top 15% for YW +0 1 +3 4 +66 +103 +1 1 +33 +74 + 63 + 05 +371 +449 +116 15 BF CN ICON 914H CALVED 9/20/20 /// BULL P44279654 /// TATTOO BE CN56 /// Scurred JCS ICON 4641 LJR MSU WHITNEY 182Z {DOD} JCS ICON 7060 JCS 4641 ICON 6110 JCS 146 CHELSEA 8094 ET LJR 023R WHITMORE 10W {SOD} LJR MSU TESSA 305X NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} TH MISS LADY IN RED 1502 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {CHB,SOD} CN RED HOT HOMETOWN GIRL 302E NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} STAR KCL K849 CALICO 16S CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF68 637 1100 10 4 3 53 • This massive power bull brings a balanced numerical profile to the table. Incredible build and performance with marbling • Posted ratios of YW 100 and IMF 114. • Ranks in the top 10% for SC –1.0 +3.6 +56 +95 +1.5 +26 +62 +.30 +.16 +346 +423 +107 16 BF ROCKETMAN 0298 CALVED 8/29/20 /// BULL P44275306 /// TATTOO BE 298 /// Scurred DPH LH BF LAUNCH 1310 ET BF REDDY GO 88X 435 CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} BF 1310 ROCKET MAN 629 BR DM GEISHA 6129 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} BR MS REDLINE 4120 CL 1 DOMINO 215Z {SOD,CHB} MSU RACHAEL 31Z CL 1 DOMINO 9122W 1ET {CHB} BF Z311 EDNA E28 ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 055X {DOD} TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} MSU RACHAEL 38X ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF68 690 1215 10 2 3 03 • A foundation pedigree that combines the highly proven Rocket Man and the Rachael cow family from Michigan State. Rich histor y of performance with look and balance. • Posted ratios of WW 119 and YW 105 • Ranks in the top 15% for WW; top 15% for CW; top 20% for BMI, BII. –0 7 +2 8 +63 +95 +1 1 +33 +80 + 45 + 07 +393 +473 +109 17 WF124Y HEAVY METAL 2051 CALVED 11/18/20 /// BULL 44234399 /// TATTOO BE 2051 /// Horned BR COPPER 124Y {CHB} BF WINNIE 4128 ET BR CSF COPPER ET {CHB} BF 124Y HEAVY METAL 7264 ET BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET H W4 GRIZZLY 0146 ET BF MS 171 DOMINET 399 HH ADVANCE 1098Y HH MISS ADVANCE 3190A HH ADVANCE 8050U ET {SOD} WF MISS ADVANCE 503C HH MISS ADVANCE 9065W ET HH ADVANCE 0002X {SOD} HH MISS ADVANCE 1226Y CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF • 2051 has a unique pedigree with a blend of proven Line One genetics. Ample growth with strong maternal traits • Posted ratios of BW 96 and WW 100. • Ranks in the top 15% for Teat; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for YW +2.6 +2.8 +59 +98 +1.1 +31 +74 +.40 +.16 +309 +386 +123 BR Trust 0217 3373 Sire of Lot 14
Fall Two Year Old Bulls Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 11 Lot 19 20 JWL LGF CASSIDY 2012 M047 CALVED 10/17/20 /// BULL P44391384 /// TATTOO BE M047 /// Polled NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} NJW BW LADYSPORT DEW 78P ET KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} NJW 78P TWENTYTWELVE 190Z ET {CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S RU 20X BOULDER 57G {SOD} SADDLE VLY LADYSPORT 120 AH JDH CRACKER JACK 26U ET {SOD} THM 4037 VICTRA 7408 NJW 1Y WRANGLER 19D {SOD} LGF MS CRACKER M606 CRR D03 VIOLET 349 THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} DRP 7024 VICTORIA 337P CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF80 684 1160* 13 7* 2 41* • A stout made, big outlined TwentyTwelve son that is a keep the females type of bull • Ranks in the top 20% for Udder; top 25% for Teat –2 8 +4 4 +52 +89 +0 6 +15 +64 + 35 + 09 +317 +383 +117 18 BF MA REDEYE GRAVY 34F 0160 CALVED 9/25/20 /// BULL P44282141 /// TATTOO LE MA160 /// Polled ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF 424 REGARD 34F ET JRR MISS TOBEY 711T PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 WHITEHAWK 330 BEEFMAKER 923X {CHB} INNISFAIL 350 012X KCF BENNETT RED HOUSE S330 {CHB} INNISFAIL 923X 461B {DOD} KCF MISS 9126J T306 {DOD} KCF BENNETT M326 T350 {SOD} INNISFAIL P230 T728 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF85 • A standout Regard son that is backed by a Dam of Distinction Powerful carcass ge netics with real world performance. • Posted ratios of BW 99, WW 101 and YW 105 • Ranks in the top 5% for CHB; top 10% for Marb; top 15% for REA; top 25% for SC +2 1 +2 4 +54 +93 +1 2 +26 +74 + 62 + 35 +304 +385 +149 19 JWL LGF CATAPULT IN TIME CALVED 1/25/20 /// BULL P44391980 /// TATTOO BE M060 /// Polled CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} CRR 713 KELLY 0117 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} CRR 109 CATAPULT 322 CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 CRR 63J KODIAK 713 CRR 9B KELLY 521 {DOD} CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} JP 242 DEVO’S LEGACY THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} CJB LADY LEGEND 743 CRR D03 CASSIE 206 FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} DEVO’S MISS RIVAL 28L CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF74 620 • Big bodied, wide topped bull with an easy fleshing look. +1.6 +2.0 +52 +82 +0.1 +27 +60 +.41 .11 +313 +366 +85 r to getefordAdvantage.com t started today! rorieuph site wcattl REQUIREMENT .temgeanad mnh aealt, hscetinge TS BENEFITS f • • Minimum of 5 50% Bull battery ran (bull battery ave Bull ownership t • Recommended • um Hereford genetics king in top 50% of breed for $CHB i erage) ransferred (all bulls) minim m p protocol: ndex • • • Loo to i for k for this logo in Hereford bull sa dentify sires meeting the genetic the Hereford Advantage program le catalogs requirements . American Hereford Association | (816) 842 3757 | 11500 NW Ambassador Drive, Suite 410, Kansas City, MO 64153 | HerefordAdvantage com
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls /// Genesis & Contender sons 12 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale 22 BF ROCKY 16J ET Congress Pen Bull CALVED 4/14/21 /// BULL 44301471 /// TATTOO BE 16J /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET CSF BR GABRIELLE 8129 ET H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} BF FULL OF IT 5600 ET R SWEET RED WINE 039 DM BR SOONER {CHB} BR GABRIELLE 5082 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF73 766 1356 14 4 4 11 • Impressive calving ease with powerful maternal genetics His dam, 5600, is a top producer in our donor program and stems from the legendar y 8129. A member of the 2022 Spring Pen in OKC, this bull has a powerful look with muscle and body mass • Posted ratios of REA 103 and IMF 121. • Ranks in the top 5% for Udder; top 10% for Teat; top 20% for CED +6 5 +2 3 +49 +84 +0 6 +27 +58 + 35 + 16 +364 +434 +110 21 BF THE BEGINNING 7J ET Congress Pen Bull CALVED 4/7/21 /// BULL P44275324 /// TATTOO BE 7J /// Scurred NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GENESIS G16 ET {CHB} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N DM BR SOONER {CHB} BR GABRIELLE 5082 REMITALL ONLINE 122L {CHB,SOD} CSF BR GABRIELLE 8129 ET DM L1 DOMINETTE 901 BR LANSING 3060 BR GOLDRIEL 3029 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF64 788 1247 15 4 3 70 • An incredible son of the immortal donor female 8129 This may be one of the last op portunities to acquire a direct son of 8129. Sired by one of the most sought after bulls in the breed, 7J has a bright future as a herd sire Impressive perfor mance values that rank high for growth and carcass with all his $ Indexes in the top 10% of the breed. He was a member of our 2022 Cattlemen’s Congress Spring Pen. • Posted scan ratios of REA 110 and IMF 109 • Ranks in the top 3% for WW, YW; top 5% for REA; top 10% for CED, BMI, BII, CHB; top 20% for SC, Marb +9 0 +2 9 +71 +114 +1 3 +29 +89 + 74 + 22 +410 +506 +145 Lot 21 PEN bull S P R I N G C O M I N G T W O -Y E A R - O L D H E R E F O R D B U L L S … L O T S 2 1 – 5 6 Lot 22 PEN bull BF Full of It 5600 ET Dam of Lot 22
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls /// Contender sons Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 13 24 CLC D56 CONTENDER 725 24J CALVED 2/4/21 /// BULL 44266221 /// TATTOO RE 24J /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N DELHAWK KAHUNA 1009 ET BF AT EDITH 1239 ET CH ENUFF PROPHET 2913 BF 1009 SUNAMEE 725 ET MCR PPF MISS GOLD DOM 206 ET CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF75 1127 13 3 2 61 • Visually, 24J is a ver y striking bull with plenty of rib shape, muscle and squareness He comes complete with dark red color and extra eye pigment. • Ranks in the top 10% for REA; top 20% for CW +3 2 +3 0 +57 +88 +0 8 +31 +77 + 71 + 01 +280 +340 +117 23 BF CONTENDER 168 ET CALVED 3/24/21 /// BULL 44386606 /// TATTOO BE 168 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} CSF 18U OLIVIA 2102 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} RAMSEY’S GABRIELLE PAM ET NJW 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S {DOD} GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} CSF BR GABRIELLE 8129 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ACT WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF70 820* 1101 9 2 3 39 • This is one of the truly deep, powerful and excellent structured bulls of this offering His dam, Pam, is a featured donor and stems from the highest valued donor ever in production at Burns Farms, Gabrielle 8129 • 168 excels in his numerical profile with big time calving ease, stellar carcass predic tors and fantastic maternal stats • Ranks in the top 10% for Teat, REA; top 15% for CED, CHB; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for CW, Marb +8 1 +2 5 +59 +94 +0 9 +34 +76 + 67 + 20 +359 +438 +135 Lot 23 Lot 24
Gabrielle Pam ET Dam of Lot 23
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls /// Contender sons 14 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale Lot 25 28 BF CONTENDER 121 CALVED 1/21/21 /// BULL P44221633 /// TATTOO BE 121 /// Scurred UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N DPH LH BF LAUNCH 1310 ET BF DOMINETTE 6177 CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} BF LEANNE 8161 BR DM GEISHA 6129 H L1 DOMINO 3053 ET BF 387 BEATRICE 8129 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF62 667 1029 9 2 3 90 • A big spread bull that is heifer safe. Strong maternal genetics that stem from a cow family known for longevity and growth • Posted ratios of BW 94 and IMF 121. • Ranks in the top 10% for CW, REA, CHB; top 15% for CED; top 25% for YW, Teat +7.8 +2.2 +59 +97 +0.9 +28 +84 +.66 +.09 +376 +449 +141 25 BF CONTENDER 157 CALVED 2/17/21 /// BULL 44221657 /// TATTOO BE 157 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N JCS 240 FLINTLOCK 5815 BF NOVEL 5502 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} BF PISTOL 872 ET LJR MSU WHITNEY 182Z {DOD} GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} CSF BR GABRIELLE 8129 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF71 816 1097 11 0 3 42 • Built with performance and carcass indicators in mind, this heavy performance son of the Reser ve National Champion Contender recorded a WW over 800 lbs. Square built with strong maternal genetics His dam stems back to the superior donor matron Novel 5502 • Posted ratios of WW 117, REA 119 and IMF 106 • Ranks in the top 2% for REA; top 3% for CW; top 15% for WW, CHB; top 20% for YW, Udder, BII; top 25% for Teat, BMI +4 8 +2 7 +64 +100 +1 2 +34 +88 + 86 + 16 +386 +467 +138 27 BF CONTENDER 125 CALVED 1/22/21 /// BULL 44221641 /// TATTOO BE 125 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N DPH LH BF LAUNCH 1310 ET BF TRINA 6108 CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} BF TRINA 8198 BR DM GEISHA 6129 BF CSF TARGET 3209 BF 670 ADELAIDE 181 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF63 765 1079 8 9 2 73 • Sleep at night calving ease with cur ve bending growth. This big topped individual will make an impact on his first calf crop • Posted ratios of BW 96, WW 109 and YW 103. • Ranks in the top 10% for CED; top 20% for BW, YW, REA; top 25% for WW +9.5 +1.4 +59 +101 +0.9 +31 +73 +.56 +.03 +332 +401 +111 Lot 26 26 BF CONTENDER 170 CALVED 2/25/21 /// BULL 44225411 /// TATTOO BE 170 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF 109 SKY GURL 4215 ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} BF 2296 GOOSEBUMPS 7269 ET UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} BF HEIDI 703 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF71 753 1129 10 3 3 18 • Big time growth bull with extra spread Long made with a big hip and rugged struc ture. A natural calf out of the $16,000 valued Goosebumps 7269 donor female. • Posted ratios of WW 108, YW 108, REA 118 and IMF 126 • Ranks in the top 10% for WW; top 20% for YW +0 4 +4 4 +65 +102 +0 7 +35 +74 + 44 + 08 +338 +417 +117 BF 2296 Goosebumps 7269 ET Dam of Lot 26
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls /// Contender sons Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 15 Lot 30 Lot 32 34 BF CONTENDER 188 CALVED 4/7/21 /// BULL 44386612 /// TATTOO BE 188 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N CHEZ AA NEXT LEVEL ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} BF NEXT GENERATION 778 ET R SWEET RED WINE 039 PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ACT WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF70 714* 1204 10 1 2 57 • A rugged made bull that is wide topped and big ended. His dam stems back to the foundation donor 817, the mother of the resident herd sire Regard • Ranks in the top 10% for REA; top 20% for CW, CHB. +5.2 +2.7 +57 +88 +0.9 +26 +77 +.67 +.17 +318 +391 +133 31 BF CONTENDER 141 CALVED 1/30/21 /// BULL P44221651 /// TATTOO BE 141 /// Polled UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N KCF BENNETT HOMELAND C34 INNISFAIL 755T 526C NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} BF RF DAYTON 8185 KCF MISS PROFICIENT A47 TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} INNISFAIL 316 REVOLUTION 2029 {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF72 715 905 8 2 2 60 • Strong maternal genetics cap off his balanced EPD profile. • Posted a WW ratio of 102 • Ranks in the top 2% for Teat; top 5% for Udder; top 15% for REA +5.0 +2.6 +53 +83 +0.3 +27 +72 +.59 +.17 +290 +359 +125 32 BF CONTENDER 178 CALVED 3/2/21 /// BULL 44224998 /// TATTOO BE 178 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N BF 109 HI FLYER 4208 ET BF 9116 LILLY 4268 CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} BF 4208 ATTENDANT 7185 BF HEIDI 703 BF NUCKY 9116 BF M326 BEONCIA 8125 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF70 689 960 9 8 3 48 • A cur ve bending, heifer safe bull that will add exciting carcass figures. • Posted a REA ratio of 107 • Ranks in the top 5% for CW; top 10% for CHB; top 15% for REA; top 20% for CED; top 25% for WW, YW, SC, Marb +7.2 +2.5 +61 +98 +1.2 +29 +85 +.59 +.21 +341 +422 +146 29 BF CONTENDER 115 CALVED 1/19/21 /// BULL 44221623 /// TATTOO BE 115 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N H L1 DOMINO 3053 ET T/R GOLDRIEL E63 ET CL 1 DOMINO 955W {SOD} BF GOLDRIEL 968 HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} EXR GOLDRIL 4220 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF62 641 1005 7 8 3 58 • Heifer safe option with exceptional carcass stats Big time Marbling and REA EPDs that combine to rank in the top 2% for CHB. His dam stems from the productive Goldriel family • Posted ratios of BW 98 and IMF 111. • Ranks in the top 2% for CED, CHB; top 2% for BW, CW, REA; top 10% for Marb; top 20% for BW, Udder; top 25% for Teat. +13 1 +1 2 +57 +88 +0 6 +31 +88 + 78 + 33 +355 +440 +163 30 BSB D56 DAVID BURNS 126 CALVED 1/23/21 /// BULL 44310983 /// TATTOO BE 126 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N BF Z80 INFLUENCE 4323 ET BF 207 HELEN 4217 KCF BENNETT INFLUENCE Z80 {CHB} BF 4323 INGRID 7112 CSF BR GOLDREIL 7902 ET BF 408 HARLAND 207 BF 2490 ADDIE 1252 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLP,HYP,IEP} ACT BW ACT WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF70 676* 1160* 10 7* 3 26* • High calving ease Contender son out of the $10,000 Ingrid 7112 female that was a sale highlight in 2019. • Ranks in the top 15% for REA; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for CED, Teat +6 2 +2 8 +57 +89 +0 9 +25 +72 + 61 + 10 +288 +357 +120 KJ BJ 58Z Contender D56 ET Sire of Lots 22– 34



Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls /// 864F & Heavy Metal sons 16 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale Lot 38 38 BF HEAVY METAL 2102 CALVED 11/27/20 /// BULL 44297079 /// TATTOO RE 2102 /// Horned BR COPPER 124Y {CHB} BF WINNIE 4128 ET BR CSF COPPER ET {CHB} BF 124Y HEAVY METAL 7264 ET BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET H W4 GRIZZLY 0146 ET BF MS 171 DOMINET 399 WF ADVANCE 402B CL 1 DOMINETTE 1130Y 1ET HH ADVANCE 1098Y WF DOMINETTE 701E (701) HH MISS ADVANCE 1139Y CL 1 DOMINO 860U {SOD} CL 1 DOMINETTE 5131R CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF1450* 12 4* 3 90* • A powerfully constructed son of the $20,000 Heavy Metal, owned with White’s Here ford Farms 2102 is a tanky made, dark red, rugged bull that is stacked with growth and a top 20% CHB $Index • Ranks in the top 20% for YW, CW, CHB 1.2 +4.6 +59 +101 +1.0 +24 +76 +.51 +.16 +306 +381 +130
2101 CALVED 12/9/20 /// BULL 44297090 /// TATTOO RE 2101 /// Horned BR COPPER 124Y {CHB} BF WINNIE 4128 ET BR CSF COPPER ET {CHB} BF 124Y HEAVY METAL 7264 ET BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET H W4 GRIZZLY 0146 ET BF MS 171 DOMINET 399 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET {SOD} HH MISS ADVANCE 8262U HH ADVANCE 5161R HH MISS ADVANCE 1139Y HH MISS ADVANCE 752G HH ADVANCE 5104R {SOD} HH MISS ADVANCE 6031S ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF1340* 13 8* 3 49* • Growth and performance bull that stems back to reliable Line One genetics • Posted a WW ratio of 101 • Ranks in the top 10% for YW, CW; top 15% for WW, CHB; top 25% for Marb +0 1 +4 8 +63 +105 +1 1 +22 +83 + 51 + 19 +296 +377 +136 40 BF HEAVY METAL 2103 CALVED 12/31/20 /// BULL 44297085 /// TATTOO RE 2103 /// Horned BR COPPER 124Y {CHB} BF WINNIE 4128 ET BR CSF COPPER ET {CHB} BF 124Y HEAVY METAL 7264 ET BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET H W4 GRIZZLY 0146 ET BF MS 171 DOMINET 399 CL 1 DOMINO 1161Y HH MISS ADVANCE 2016Z ET CL 1 DOMINO 732T {SOD} HH MISS ADVANCE 4081B CL 1 DOMINETTE 4126P HH ADVANCE 8050U ET {SOD} HH MISS ADVANCE 5017R CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF1400* 13 4* 2 62* • Big spread performance bull from elite Line One producing lines for strong maternal and carcass • Posted ratios of BW 93 and WW 104. • Ranks in the top 20% for Udder; top 25% for CW, REA +1.6 +2.4 +57 +92 +1.1 +22 +75 +.53 +.07 +312 +381 +111 35 BF 864 CUDA 173 CALVED 2/27/21 /// BULL P44224996 /// TATTOO BE 173 /// Polled BEHM 100W CUDA 504C {CHB} HQ MISS NEW YORK 534C NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} HQ CUDA 864F BEHM R294 JASMAN102Y {DOD} R NEW YORK 4713 HRH HUTH ADVSIOR 306A BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR GOLDRIL 4220 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} BF 6011 HOT AIR 6G ET BR BELLE 4082 ET NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} CSF BR GOLDREIL 7902 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF58 687 1153 9 2 3 32 • Calving ease with exceptional growth and performance Truly exceptional carcass quality that ranks in the top 3% for Marb and CHB and in the top 20% or higher for a total of 11 traits His dam is backed by one of the most prolific cows ever to walk the pastures at Burns Farms, Goldreil 7902. • Posted ratios of BW 92, YW 110 and IMF 103 • Ranks in the top 1% for SC; top 3% for Marb, CHB; top 10% for CED; top 15% for BW, WW, CW; top 20% for YW, Udder, REA, BII +8 6 +0 8 +63 +100 +1 9 +33 +80 + 58 + 46 +378 +478 +161 36 BF 864 CUDA 108 CALVED 1/15/21 /// BULL P44221612 /// TATTOO BE 108 /// Polled BEHM 100W CUDA 504C {CHB} HQ MISS NEW YORK 534C NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} HQ CUDA 864F BEHM R294 JASMAN102Y {DOD} R NEW YORK 4713 HRH HUTH ADVSIOR 306A KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} BF MS 808 DOMINET 298 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF CONTESSA 985 MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET BF 316 DOMINO 808 B F MS 504 DAISY 772 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF63 710 1087 9 9 3 39 • A calving ease bull with a huge spread and carcass quality It’s not ever y day that you find a bull that ranks in the top 10% for growth, CED and CHB. • Posted ratios of WW 102, YW 104, REA 107, IMF 105 • Ranks in the top 10% for CED, WW, YW, CHB; top 15% for CW, Marb. +8 6 +2 4 +67 +107 +1 2 +29 +79 + 41 + 26 +349 +442 +143 37 BF 864 CUDA 1108 CALVED 3/30/21 /// BULL P44232739 /// TATTOO BE 1108 /// Polled BEHM 100W CUDA 504C {CHB} HQ MISS NEW YORK 534C NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} HQ CUDA 864F BEHM R294 JASMAN102Y {DOD} R NEW YORK 4713 HRH HUTH ADVSIOR 306A KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} BF 122 MAX 509 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF CONTEMPT 974 MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET H H MAXIUM 122 ET {CHB} BF 2490 ADDIE 8186 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF64 786 1054 9 1 3 43 • Big spread Cuda son that stems back to a super productive Contender daughter. Ex cellent carcass stats as well • Posted ratios of BW 96, WW 105 and IMF 115. • Ranks in the top 5% for CW; top 10% for CHB; top 15% for WW, YW; top 20% for Marb +4.0 +2.8 +64 +103 +1.5 +24 +86 +.61 +.24 +304 +387 +146 BF 124Y Heavy Metal 7264 ET Sire of Lots 38– 40
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 17 Lot 41 43 BF BLUEPRINT 132 CALVED 1/25/21 /// BULL P44224958 /// TATTOO BE 132 /// Hom. Polled R LEADER 6964 {SOD} NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REMITALL RITA 91H TH 403A 475Z PIONEER 358C ET BF 8Y HOMEMAID 4146 TH 89T 755T STOCKMAN 475Z BF REE 4G ET TH 71U 17Y RITA 403A NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} BF 590R MS DOMINO 258 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF66 686 • Homozygous Polled. • A calving ease, cur ve bending performance bull by the popular Genex sire Blueprint His dam stems back to the $40,000 valued donor Homemaid 4146. Elite maternal genetics and packed with added muscle shape • Ranks in the top 1% for Udder; top 2% for Teat; top 5% for YW; top 10% for WW, CW; top 15% for CED; top 20% for REA +7.2 +2.3 +67 +111 +1.7 +29 +84 +.55 .01 +311 +386 +121 44 BF BIG PLANS 2J ET CALVED 2/23/21 /// BULL P44266366 /// TATTOO BE 2J /// Polled R LEADER 6964 {SOD} NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REMITALL RITA 91H GO 3196 ADVANCE S109 {CHB,SOD} STAR ROCKIN ON BABY 25U ET HH ADVANCE 3196N {SOD} RMB ROCK ON BABY 470B ET GO MS L18 EXCEL N89 CS BOOMER 29F {SOD} STAR ROCKIN ERICA 38F CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF72 812 1143 11 4 3 13 • This high calving ease Blueprint son comes with big growth and excellent female making ability His dam, 470B, has been a welcome addition to our donor batter y • Maternal brother to Lot 4. • Ranks in the top 5% for Udder; top 10% for Teat; top 25% for CED +6 0 +2 5 +56 +92 +0 8 +26 +65 + 40 + 01 +305 +369 +114 45 BF FRONTIER 149 CALVED 2/11/21 /// BULL P44224962 /// TATTOO BE 149 /// Polled TH 403A 475Z PIONEER 358C ET FTF TRUSTING LADY 312A TH 89T 755T STOCKMAN 475Z TH FRONTIER 174E TH 71U 17Y RITA 403A NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} FTF BOOM AND BLOOM 8211U CJH HARLAND 408 {SOD} BF 2490 ADDIE 5168 HH ADVANCE 9005J BF 408 HELEN 265 CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 K&B 927 ADVANCE 2490 DH DOMINETTE 5136 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF73 649 1056 8 2 2 65 • Strong calving ease genetics with a huge spread to yearling. Dominant maternal ge netics with a foundation pedigree • Posted a YW ratio of 104. • Ranks in the top 1% for SC; top 2% for Milk; top 5% for YW; top 10% for CED, WW; top 20% for Udder. +9.1 +1.9 +65 +111 +1.9 +38 +58 +.20 .06 +339 +411 +95 41 HH LOGIC 3J CALVED 3/22/21 /// BULL 44241982 /// TATTOO BE 3J /// Horned CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} R SWEET RED WINE 039 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} CHEZ/PUGH/HARA LOGIC 8815F ET CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 207 BR COPPER 124Y {CHB} BR DM BRYANNA 8021 ET BR CSF COPPER ET {CHB} BR NATALIE 6797 ET BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET BR MOLER ET DM L1 DOMINETTE 901 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF1150* 11 7* 3 09* • A Logic son with an expansive rib cage and a powerful hip and hind leg. • Quick growth from this bull that posted a 91 ratio for BW • Ranks in the top 20% for WW +1.9 +3.4 +61 +95 +0.7 +30 +70 +.50 +.10 +323 +397 +120 42 BF LEAD ON 1118 CALVED 4/19/21 /// BULL P44266289 /// TATTOO BE 1118 /// Hom Polled R LEADER 6964 {SOD} KJ 044B RENEA 555D HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} KJ 555D LEADER 117F R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} KJ BJ 804P RIBEYE 060B ET KJ 698Z RENEA 044B R LEADER 6964 {SOD} KJ 811U VELVET 319X HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} KJ BJ 319X VELVET LEAD 461G ET R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} KJ 597N VINCENT 463T KJ 219S PAIGE 811U CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF72 807 1071 9 8 2 54 • Homozygous Polled • Line bred Leader 6964 grandson that ranks among the elite in the breed for growth He will add marbling and carcass quality as a bonus Superior maternal ability with exceptional udder quality for replacement females. • Posted ratios of WW 107, YW 101, REA 104 • Ranks in the top 1% for SC; top 2% for WW, Teat, BII; top 3% for BMI; top 5% for Udder; top 15% for YW; top 20% for Marb +5 3 +2 2 +71 +102 +2 1 +27 +70 + 26 + 23 +453 +556 +111 R Leader 6964 Grandsire of Lots 42– 44 Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153 Sire of Lots 43 & 44



Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls 18 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale 49 BF LJ SMART PARAMOUNT 160 CALVED 5/1/21 /// BULL P44250155 /// TATTOO LE 160 /// Hom Polled H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET BF 2490 ADDIE 875 H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} BF FULLY SMART 622 ET R SWEET RED WINE 039 K&B 927 ADVANCE 2490 BF ADVANCE 3105 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BF 743 ALL ABOUT EDITH 4240 ET KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} LJ PARAMOUNT TRUST 761 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF74 852 900 11 4 2 88 • Homozygous Polled • Loaded with maternal production in an easy fleshing package His dam traces back to the foundation donor matriarch Edy 747, who can be found in many of the great ones from Burns Farms. • Ranks in the top 20% for Udder, REA; top 25% for Teat +2 2 +1 8 +49 +80 +0 8 +35 +66 + 56 02 +311 +365 +102 50 BF SMART HOMEGROWN 152 CALVED 3/1/21 /// BULL P44250137 /// TATTOO LE 152 /// Polled H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET BF 2490 ADDIE 875 H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} BF FULLY SMART 622 ET R SWEET RED WINE 039 K&B 927 ADVANCE 2490 BF ADVANCE 3105 AN 8Y HOMEGROWN 401 ET AN 161 BETH 420 NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} BF AN HOMESTYLE 621 CG CELEBRITY 47R BF 3027 ENTICER 161 ET {CHB} NF MISS ADVANCE 8116 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} ACT. BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW ADJ. REA ADJ. IMF68 693 1006 8.4 2.30 • An easy calving herd bull prospect that has extra marbling. Look at the CHB value he brings to the table • Ranks in the top 10% for Marb, CHB; top 20% for SC. +2.1 +1.9 +49 +77 +1.2 +27 +73 +.35 +.34 +312 +391 +139
CALVED 3/9/21 /// BULL P44250147 /// TATTOO LE 156 /// Polled H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET BF 2490 ADDIE 875 H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} BF FULLY SMART 622 ET R SWEET RED WINE 039 K&B 927 ADVANCE 2490 BF ADVANCE 3105 C 88X GOLD RIBEYE 1312 ET GRASSY RUN RACHEL 4056 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} RF RACHEL 6308 C NOTICE ME ET TH 122 71I VICTOR 520X ET GRASSY RUN RACHEL 114Y CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF70 706 998 9 3 2 01 • A rugged bull that is built on a solid foundation. Many great sires and dams line his pedigree +0.3 +3.1 +46 +68 +0.5 +25 +45 +.12 +.14 +285 +350 +82 46 BF REGARD 1006 CALVED 2/25/21 /// BULL P44274261 /// TATTOO BE 1006 /// Scurred ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF 424 REGARD 34F ET JRR MISS TOBEY 711T PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} KJ 618N TIMEWISE 236X SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} TMG 88X SIERRA ROSE 8001 ET NJW 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S {DOD} CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} KJ 122L LENA 618N {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF73 582 1268 10 4 3 27 • Sleep all night calving ease His dam stems back to the popular donor female 236X at Jensen Bros. in Kansas. 236X is a herd bull producing machine. • 1006 posted ratios of BW 90 and YW 101 • Ranks in the top 10% for CED, BW; top 25% for REA and BMI +9 2 +0 4 +47 +83 +1 1 +31 +64 + 53 + 14 +378 +444 +124 47 BF REGARD 1002 CALVED 2/8/21 /// BULL P44274257 /// TATTOO BE 1002 /// Scurred ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF 424 REGARD 34F ET JRR MISS TOBEY 711T PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} BF HEIDI 703 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} BF SHEZA QUEEN 88X 416 NJW 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S {DOD} SR CG HARD ROCK 5073 {SOD} BF MS 871 DONNA 201 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB ACT. BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW ADJ. REA ADJ. IMF80 654 1253 10.1 2.63 • A heifer safe option that doesn’t sacrifice muscle shape and end product. His dam is a direct daughter of one of the premier donors at Burns Farms, Heidi 703 • He posted ratios of BW 94 and WW 101. • Ranks in the top 10% for CED; top 20% for REA; top 25% for BW +8.7 +1.5 +50 +79 +0.9 +30 +68 +.55 +.15 +369 +439 +123 48 BF 44U DURANGO 155 CALVED 3/6/21 /// BULL P44250145 /// TATTOO LE 155 /// Polled THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} NJW 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S {DOD} CS BOOMER 29F {SOD} NJW 98S DURANGO 44U {SOD} THM 7085 VICTRA 9036 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET {SOD,CHB} NJW 57G 74G DEW 5M BF FULLY SMART 622 ET MJ HALEY TRUST 2013 H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET LJ 622 SMART COOKIE 954 BF 2490 ADDIE 875 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} MJ PEACE HALEY 11 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF72 784 1070* 10 5* 2 55* • Moderate BW bull that is strong for maternal genetics. Sired by the popular female maker Durango 44U • Ranks in the top 4% for Milk; top 20% for BW; top 25% for Teat. +4.2 +1.2 +54 +80 +0.5 +36 +70 +.40 +.05 +309 +372 +113 BF 424 Regard 34F ET Sire of Lots 46 & 47 BF Fully Smart 622 ET Sire of Lots 49– 51



Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 19 Lot 54 52 BF 167Y HOMEWRECKER 159 CALVED 4/28/21 /// BULL P44250152 /// TATTOO LE 159 /// Polled NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} BR DM BRITTANY 6140 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} LJ TRUST 167Y 773 BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T KJ SPH 520E CARTER 183J BR DM MS DOMINO 2102 ET LJH 8Y HOME WRECKER 507 BF 590R DOMINETTE 1192 NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} LJ 8Y HOMECOMING 858 CPH MISS DOMINO 171L W908 CL 1 DOMINO 590R {SOD} WHF DOMINETTE 0209 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF71 792 947 8 9 2 12 • A calving ease specialist with a pedigree full of proven herd sires • Ranks in the top 20% for CED, Udder +6 6 +1 8 +43 +64 +0 6 +31 +60 + 31 + 15 +300 +361 +104
CALVED 3/11/21 /// BULL 44315493 /// TATTOO BE 851 /// Horned BF 670 ADEN 1225 LJH DOMINO SALLY 4003 BF 2490 ADAM 670 EBHCC SNOWMAN BF 171 DOMINET 564 CL 1 DOMINO 9122W 1ET {CHB} BF 510 DOMINETTE 890 BF 3027 ENTICER 161 ET {CHB} BF 8140 ARIA 1155 UPS DOMINO 3027 {CHB,SOD} BF 161 ENTICE 512 BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET BF 2490 ADAM 8140 BF 092 SOPHIE 8189 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF1020* 10 7* 3 33* • 851 is square made, balanced and easy fleshing • Ranks in the top 25% for Marb +0 3 +2 8 +46 +75 +0 6 +23 +57 + 20 + 19 +258 +323 +110
CALVED 2/4/21 /// BULL 44315485 /// TATTOO BE 849 /// Horned BF 670 ADEN 1225 LJH DOMINO SALLY 4003 BF 2490 ADAM 670 EBHCC SNOWMAN BF 171 DOMINET 564 CL 1 DOMINO 9122W 1ET {CHB} BF 510 DOMINETTE 890 H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET BF AN 1310 LUNAR 617 H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} BF AN FT THROTTLE DOWN 817 {MDP} R SWEET RED WINE 039 DPH LH BF LAUNCH 1310 ET BF AN 8Y HOMEGIRL 403 ET {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} ACT. BW ADJ. WW ACT. YW ACT. REA ACT. IMF1120* 10.9* 3.07* • Big time calving ease with style. • Posted a WW ratio of 104 • Ranks in the top 10% for BW; top 15% for CED; top 25% for Teat +7.4 +0.6 +44 +68 +0.2 +23 +53 +.33 +.14 +384 +450 +93 56 EBHCC TITAN CALVED 3/14/21 /// BULL 44315501 /// TATTOO BE 852 /// Horned BF 670 ADEN 1225 LJH DOMINO SALLY 4003 BF 2490 ADAM 670 EBHCC SNOWMAN BF 171 DOMINET 564 CL 1 DOMINO 9122W 1ET {CHB} BF 510 DOMINETTE 890 DPH LH BF LAUNCH 1310 ET BF 161 ENTICE 512 CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} EBHCC LUCILLE BR DM GEISHA 6129 BF 3027 ENTICER 161 ET {CHB} BF 8140 ARIA 1155 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF975* 7 6* 2 53* • A calving ease specialist that ranks in the top 5% for BW and top 10% for CED. • Ranks in the top 5% for BW; top 10% for CED; top 25% for Teat +9.3 0.5 +43 +71 +0.3 +18 +57 +.19 +.04 +258 +313 +90 53 BF BELL HEIR 161 CALVED 5/8/21 /// BULL P44250160 /// TATTOO LE 161 /// Polled NJW 33TB 100W TRUST 167Y {CHB} BR DM BRITTANY 6140 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} LJ TRUST 167Y 773 BROOKVIEW 242 TEQUILA ROSE 33T KJ SPH 520E CARTER 183J BR DM MS DOMINO 2102 ET BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} BF 2185 HERITAGE 4326 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} LJ 6011 BELL OFTHE BALL 864 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET H5 9131 DOMINO 2185 {SOD} CSF BR GOLDREIL 7902 ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT. BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW ADJ. REA ADJ. IMF70 841 900 10.6 2.78 • Big time calving ease son of the resident herd sire Trust 773. Lots of high quality car cass combined with strong maternal production • Ranks in the top 1% for Udder, Teat; top 3% for CED; top 5% for BW, Marb; top 15% for BMI; top 20% for BII +12.7 0.3 +41 +70 +1.5 +25 +52 +.41 +.38 +395 +474 +110 NJW 33TB 100W Trust 167Y Grandsire of Lots 52 & 53 e bulls selling November 5th are stout, easy fleshing, scanned for carcass traits, semen checked and tested negative for BVD and PI. For breeders living in Tennessee, many are TAEP qualified.
Fall Yearling Bulls /// 4013 & Sargent sons 20 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale Lot 57 58 BF MA HOT SAUCE 7270 5509 331 CALVED 11/9/21 /// BULL P44318665 /// TATTOO LE MA331 /// Polled BF HOMELAND 495 ET BF 2094 MONROE 4209 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} BF 495 SARGENT 7270 ET BF HEIDI 703 H DIMAGGIO 2094 ET BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET CHURCHILL RED BULL 200Z {SOD} BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} BF SHE’S HOT 5509 ET CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF98 739 1080* 10 5* 3 32* • This high growth Sargent son is big topped with extra mass and muscle. • Posted ratios of BW 98 and WW 119 • Ranks in the top 10% for REA; top 20% for YW, CHB +0.6 +3.4 +57 +96 +0.9 +29 +74 +.66 +.06 +313 +379 +127 57 BF GOLD 1159 ET CALVED 9/8/21 /// BULL P44306854 /// TATTOO BE 1159 /// Polled EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} INNISFAIL P230 T723 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 {SOD,CHB} INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 ET {CHB} EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 EF F745 FRANK P230 {CHB} INNISFAIL 235 R501 ET {DOD} K&B 927 ADVANCE 2490 BF MS 171 DOMINET 399 HH ADVANCE 927J {SOD} BF 2490 ADDIE 1247 K&B MS SILVER 8566 CL1 DOMINO 171L {SOD} RCH MISS ADVANCE 1170 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ACT REA ACT IMF72 790 1227 12 5* 3 37* • Don’t discount this bull just because he is younger. He is a big time performance son of the popular AI sire 4013, loaded with marbling for superior profitability • His dam has been a mainstay in our donor pen for many years, producing cattle with longevity, performance and attractive appearance Maternal brother sells as Lot 11 • Ranks in the top 5% for Teat; top 10% for YW, Teat, Marb; top 15% for CHB; top 25% for WW +3.1 +1.9 +61 +108 +1.1 +23 +68 +.25 +.30 +319 +408 +136 FA L L Y E A R L I N G H E R E F O R D B U L L S … L O T S 5 7 – 6 2 59 BF MA PEANUT BUTTER 7270 251 CALVED 9/1/21 /// BULL P44318669 /// TATTOO LE MA251 /// Polled BF HOMELAND 495 ET BF 2094 MONROE 4209 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} BF 495 SARGENT 7270 ET BF HEIDI 703 H DIMAGGIO 2094 ET BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET WHITEHAWK 330 BEEFMAKER 923X {CHB} INNISFAIL 350 012X KCF BENNETT RED HOUSE S330 {CHB} INNISFAIL 923X 461B {DOD} KCF MISS 9126J T306 {DOD} KCF BENNETT M326 T350 {SOD} INNISFAIL P230 T728 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF69 720 1230* 13 0* 2 71* • 251 is a big topped bull that balances power and maternal strength His dam has achieved the elite status of Dam of Distinction. • Ranks in the top 10% for REA; top 15% for CW; top 20% for CHB; top 25% for BW +1 4 +1 7 +58 +87 +1 0 +24 +78 + 64 + 15 +334 +407 +131 BF 495 Sargent 7270 ET Sire of Lots 58– 61

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Fall Yearling Bulls /// Sargent sons Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 21 61 BF MA BIG MAC 7270 663 261 CALVED 9/1/21 /// BULL P44318660 /// TATTOO LE MA261 /// Polled BF HOMELAND 495 ET BF 2094 MONROE 4209 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} BF 495 SARGENT 7270 ET BF HEIDI 703 H DIMAGGIO 2094 ET BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET HYALITE RESOURCE 331 {CHB} CPH MISS DOMINO 171L W908 KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {CHB,SOD} LJ 331 HYALITE DOMINETTE 663 HYALITE 22S LASS 018 CL1 DOMINO 171L {SOD} CPH LADY DOMINO P03 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF100 693 1160* 12 7* 2 75* • Strong maternal stats combine with added marbling in this Sargent son • Ranks in the top 10% for Teat; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for CED, Marb +5 5 +2 4 +44 +62 +1 0 +23 +53 + 28 + 21 +287 +352 +107 60 BF MA SPARE RIB 7270 754 271 CALVED 9/7/21 /// BULL P44318657 /// TATTOO LE MA271 /// Polled BF HOMELAND 495 ET BF 2094 MONROE 4209 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} BF 495 SARGENT 7270 ET BF HEIDI 703 H DIMAGGIO 2094 ET BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET C 88X GOLD RIBEYE 1312 ET GRASSY RUN RACHEL 4056 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} LJ RACHEL’S RIBLET 754 C NOTICE ME ET TH 122 71I VICTOR 520X ET GRASSY RUN RACHEL 114Y CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ACT REA ACT IMF80 742 1120* 9 67* 3 33* • This calving ease bull will add high carcass value to any set of heifers • Posted ratios of BW 92 and WW 102 • Ranks in the top 10% for BW, Marb; top 15% for CHB; top 20% for CED, Udder +7 0 +0 4 +44 +64 +0 6 +26 +68 + 48 + 32 +368 +442 +136
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Fall Two Year Old Bulls /// Powerball & Plus One sons 22 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale 64 CES PLUS ONE X82 CALVED 11/28/20 /// BULL 19958747 /// TATTOO BE X82 #CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS #+E&B LADY 1023 PRECISION 936 #CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 +E&B PLUS ONE ELBANNA OF CONANGA 1209 #+E&B 1680 PRECISION 1023 E&B LADY 878 NEW DESIGN 441 +TEX PLAYBOOK 5437 +DEER VALLEY RITA 03133 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +BRITT RITA 7264 +RITA 1C43 OF 9M26 COMPLETE #+S A V BISMARCK 5682 G A R OBJECTIVE 2345 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF60 601 1328* • Big time calving ease with the highest CED in the sale. He is one of the best balanced Angus bulls in the offering and is deep made with plenty of turn and shape A Plus One son that is super efficient and easy fleshing • Posted ratios of BW 89 and WW 100 • Ranks in the top 2% for CED, top 3% for BW; top 10% for $EN. +15 2 2 +52 +95 + 12 +27 I+25 I+ 78 I+ 59 +56 +72 +130 +248 63 BF POWERBALL 0317 CALVED 9/13/20 /// BULL *19976656 /// TATTOO BE 0137 E W A PEYTON 642 ROSEDA BLACKCAP B103 D118 +QUAKER HILL MANNING 4EX9 +ROSEDA POWERBALL23 F091 #+E W A 444 OF 968 PROGRESS #V A R DISCOVERY 2240 +ROSEDA BLACKCAP 0134 B103 #SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 +EXAR BLACKCAP 9790 #C F RIGHT DESIGN 1802 EXAR BLACKCAP 6272 SUMMITCREST ELBA 1M17 #21AR ROUNDUP 7005 +G A R 044 TRAVELER 2328 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF73 587 1552 13 2 5 94 • Leading off the Angus division, 0317 is a thick made, powerful bull that is packed with growth Clean and angular in his design with a great hind leg and hip set His marbling EPD comes in at 1 25 and ranks in the top 4% of the breed He scores ver y high across the board and will be an elite herd sire for any operation. • Posted impressive ratios of WW 118, YW 122, IMF 149 and REA 112 • Ranks in the top 3% for $G, $B; top 4% for WW, Marb; top 10% for YW; top 15% for CW, $F, $C +8 +2 8 +85 +143 + 32 +21 +63 +1 25 + 70 +67 +105 +189 +284 The Angus
FA L L T W O - Y E A R - O L D B U L L S … L O T S 6 3– 6 6 Lot 64 Lot 63



T h e C

Ta r g e t i n g t h e B r a n d l o g o i d e n t i f i e s b u l l s w i t h g e n e t i c p r e d i c t i o n s f o c u s e d o n c a r c a s s q u a l i t y T h e l o g o r e q u i r e m e n t s a r e b a s e d o n t w o k e y m e t r i c s : M a r b l i n g E P D a n d G r i d Va l u e ( $ G ) Q u a l i f y i n g a n i m a l s h a v e a m i n i m u m M a r b l i n g E P D ( M a r b ) o f + 6 5 a n d a n A n g u s G r i d Va l u e ( $ G ) i s a m i n i m u m o f + 5 5 . S i r e i d e n t i f i e d c a r c a s s d a t a f r o m m o r e t h a n 8 , 6 0 0 r e c o r d s i n t h e A m e r i c a n A n g u s A s s o c i a t i o n d a t a b a s e s h o w t h e s e m i n i m u m t h r e s h o l d s f o r M a r b a n d $ G a c h i e v e a n a v e r a g e o f 5 0 % C A B a c c e p t a n c e W h i l e a s i r e ’s g e n e t i c p o t e n t i a l o n l y a c c o u n t s f o r a p o r t i o n o f m a r b l i n g p e r f o r m a n c e i n a c a l f c r o p , t h e s e b e n c h m a r k s p r o v i d e c o m m e r c i a l c a t t l e m e n a s t a r t i n g p l a c e t o i d e n t i f y g e n e t i c s t h a t w i l l g o o n t o b r i n g p e r f o r m a n c e p r e m i u m s o n q u a l i t y b e e f g r i d s R e a l i z e t h a t c a r c a s s t r a i t s n e e d t o b e b a l a n c e d w i t h m a t e r n a l t r a i t s a n d o t h e r e c o n o m i c a l l y i m p o r t a n t t r a i t s v i t a l f o r p r o g r e s s i v e , p r o f i t a b l e o p e r a t i o n s

Fall Two Year Old Bulls /// Plus One & 8894B sons Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 23 Lot 66 66 BF PAYWEIGHT 0466 CALVED 12/1/20 /// BULL 19967700 /// TATTOO BE 0466 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +EXAR PAYWEIGHT 8894B 21AR O LASS 7017 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 #EXAR DENVER 2002B TLC TIFFANY 4117 #EXAR UPSHOT 0562B TLC TIFFANY 6078 +EXAR ROYAL LASS 1067 #W H S LIMELIGHT 64V TLC TIFFANY 2045 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF68 594 1446* • Big spread bull that is smooth made with added quality. • Posted a WW ratio of 109 • Ranks in the top 10% for YW, $F, $B, $C; top 15% for WW, Marb, $W, $G. I+9 +1 5 +77 +138 I+1 41 +30 I+64 I+1 03 I+ 60 +72 +113 +181 +292 65 BF PLUS ONE 0340 CALVED 9/18/20 /// BULL *19976648 /// TATTOO BE 0340 #CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS #+E&B LADY 1023 PRECISION 936 #CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 +E&B PLUS ONE ELBANNA OF CONANGA 1209 #+E&B 1680 PRECISION 1023 E&B LADY 878 NEW DESIGN 441 +EXAR CONSISTENT 1128B +EXAR BELLE 2466 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 EXAR BELLE 4218 EMPRESS OF HOLIDAY 7004 #EXAR UPSHOT 0562B BOBO BELLE 9200 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF68 515 1475 11 0 3 89 • A son of the popular AI sire Plus One that is an excellent candidate to use on heifers. Cur ve bending growth with an adjusted yearling weight nearing 1500 pounds • Ranks in the top 4% for CED; top 15% for YW; $F; top 20% for $W; top 25% for BW. +14 +0 1 +67 +134 13 +33 +54 + 57 + 64 +69 +103 +150 +255 E&B Plus One Sire of Lots 64 & 65 We began the Burns Farms Angus program in 2015 due to demand and the compatibility of Hereford and Angus cattle. While Herefords will continue to dominate at Burns Farms, we like offering some diversity to our customers.
e r t i f i e d A n g u s B e e f ®
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls /// Weigh Up grandson & Growth Fund son 24 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale 68 BF GROWTH FUND 155 CALVED 2/17/21 /// BULL 20089669 /// TATTOO BE 155 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND 21AR O LASS 7017 #PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 +DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 #CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 +EXAR LUCY 1795 CONNEALY TOBIN EXAR LUCY 3123 BECKA GALA OF CONANGA 8281 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 +BASIN LUCY U308 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF63 710 1152 13 5 5 07 • A heifer safe option with explosive growth. He stems back to the famous Lucy cow family that has become a household name in the Angus breed Huge middled with a big hip and extra style • Posted a BW ratio of 90 • Ranks in the top 2% for $W; top 10% for WW, YW; top 15% for CED, BW, $M, $F, $C; top 20% for CW; top 25% for REA, $B +11 0.7 +81 +140 +.11 +28 +61 +.67 +.79 +84 +104 +157 +283 67 BF WEIGH UP 177 CALVED 2/28/21 /// BULL *20191403 /// TATTOO BE 177 #PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 +EF RITA 4526 #SITZ UPWARD 307R +EF WEIGH UP 8451 #BARBARA OF PLATTEMERE 337 #A A R TEN X 7008 S A +CHAIR ROCK OBJECTIVE 7042 DL DUALLY +2 BAR PREDICTION 2182 DL SONIC 444 ZEBO BLACKLASS 9168 DL INCENTIVE 2103 +G A R PREDICTION +2 BAR MILE HIGH 9303 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF76 903 1266 12 3 4 17 • This bull will have several friends sale day. He ranks in the upper echelon of the Angus breed for growth and is the highest ranked $C bull in the offering 177 is powerfully constructed with ample muscle and rib shape • Posted a WW ratio of 119 • Ranks in the top 1% for WW, YW, $W; top 3% for CW; top 5% for $F, $C; top 10% for $B; top 25% for $M, $G +6 +2.7 +93 +165 +1.82 +32 +76 +.80 +.63 +86 +114 +176 +301 Lot 68 S P R I N G C O M I N G T W O -Y E A R - O L D A N G U S B U L L S … L O T S 6 7 – 7 7 Lot 67

Deer Valley Growth



Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls /// Growth Fund sons Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 25 Lot 71 71 BF GROWTH FUND 131 CALVED 1/24/21 /// BULL *20089666 /// TATTOO BE 131 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND 21AR O LASS 7017 #PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 +DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 EXAR INSIGHT 2461B +C&C ERICA 1118 #+PVF INSIGHT 0129 C&C ERICA 6000 EXAR WENDY 9626 DAMERON FIRST CLASS OSU ERICA 6185 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF76 896 1227 13.8 3.11 • Moderate birth Growth Fund son that will increase pounds He is deep and powerful with lots of growth • Posted a WW ratio of 118 • Ranks in the top 5% for $W; top 10% for WW, YW; top 20% for CED, REA. +10 +0 9 +80 +141 + 59 +27 +57 + 14 + 85 +78 +95 +125 +229
CALVED 1/26/21 /// BULL 20089667 /// TATTOO BE 136 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND 21AR O LASS 7017 #PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 +DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 #EXAR UPSHOT 0562B +SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 285U #SITZ UPWARD 307R +EXAR HENRIETTA PRIDE 3799 #+EXAR BARBARA T020 #CONNEALY THUNDER SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF78 620 • A powerhouse Growth Fund son that stems from the renowned Henrietta Pride cow family • Ranks in the top 4% for $M; top 10% for $W; top 20% for WW, YW. +5 +2.0 +72 +128 +1.10 +33 +50 +.46 +.50 +75 +85 +130 +257 69 BF GROWTH FUND 138 CALVED 1/27/21 /// BULL *20089668 /// TATTOO BE 138 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND 21AR O LASS 7017 #PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 +DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 #+QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 +COX 1132 LADY 4177 #MCC DAYBREAK COX 4177 LADY 6705 +QHF BLACKCAP 6E2 OF4V16 4355 #PA SAFEGUARD 021 +R B LADY 890 1132 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF65 533 952 8.5 4.05 • Add some growth and power to your next calf crop Sired by the popular Growth Fund from the Select Sires lineup, 138 is great structured with a rugged look and still sharp through his front third. • Posted a BW ratio of 94 • Ranks in the top 1% for $F; 2% for CW; 3% for YW; top 5% for WW; top 10% for $B; top 15% for $W, $C; top 20% for REA +3 +1 9 +83 +154 + 60 +28 +78 + 62 + 82 +72 +128 +181 +282 70 BF GROWTH FUND 164 CALVED 2/20/21 /// BULL *20089671 /// TATTOO BE 164 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND 21AR O LASS 7017 #PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 +DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 C&C ERICA 6000 #CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE BF ERICA 953 BAR R IRIS ANITA 0113 EXAR INSIGHT 2461B +C&C ERICA 1118 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF62 847 1066 10 8 3 80 • A cur ve bending genomic profile that will work on any group of heifers. Huge growth stats that rank in the top 1% of the breed He will add product and value to his calves • Posted a WW ratio of 112. • Ranks in the top 1% for WW, YW, $W; top 2% for CW; top 10% for $F; top 15% for CED. +11 +1.4 +96 +167 +.69 +31 +78 +.45 +.55 +92 +113 +151 +254 Lot 69
Fund Sire of Lots 68– 72
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls 26 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale Lot 73 Lot 76 Lot 74 75 BF JET BLACK 159 CALVED 2/19/21 /// BULL *20280694 [NHF] /// TATTOO BE 159 #CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE BAR R IRIS ANITA 0113 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 #EURA ELGA OF CONANGA 9109 #SITZ UPWARD 307R BAR R ANITA 7081 3F EPIC 4631 +EXAR EILEENMERE LASS 2903 VARILEK PRODUCT 2010 04 EXAR EILEENMERE LASS 8274 ZEBO QUEEN 1072 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 +BASIN EILEENMERE LASS 32U5 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF61 885 1199 12 1 3 31 • Cur ve bending performance traits make him a stellar heifer safe option • Posted ratios of 97 for BW and 117 for WW • Ranks in the top 2% for CW; top 4% for WW, $F; top 5% for YW; top 10% for $W; top 15% for CED +11 +0 8 +84 +147 + 66 +22 +78 + 43 + 61 +75 +116 +155 +256 76 BF POWERBALL 162 CALVED 2/19/21 /// BULL *20089670 /// TATTOO BE 162 E W A PEYTON 642 ROSEDA BLACKCAP B103 D118 +QUAKER HILL MANNING 4EX9 +ROSEDA POWERBALL23 F091 #+E W A 444 OF 968 PROGRESS #V A R DISCOVERY 2240 +ROSEDA BLACKCAP 0134 B103 #EXAR UPSHOT 0562B +CIRCLE G FOREVER LADY 3208 #SITZ UPWARD 307R +EXAR FOREVER LADY 2115 #+EXAR BARBARA T020 #BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 +CIRCLE A FOREVER LADY 9099 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF62 717 1183 12 5 3 84 • A calving ease bull that covers all the bases Excellent carcass stats combined with incredible $Values. Big outlined, high performance Powerball son that can do it all. • Posted a BW ratio of 89 • Ranks in the top 10% for CW, $W, $F, $B, $C; top 15% for CED, WW, YW, $G; top 20% for Marb, REA; top 25% for BW +11 0 0 +75 +136 + 72 +31 +69 + 94 + 83 +74 +110 +180 +293 77 BF LGA FOREVER STYLING M146 CALVED 2/15/21 /// BULL 20444508 /// TATTOO BE M146 GAMBLES HOT ROD +SILVEIRAS ELBA 2520 #FAMOUS 7001 +SILVEIRAS STYLE 9303 +CHAMPION HILL LADY 703 #TWIN VALLEY PRECISION E161 D A R ELBA 55 #+S A V BISMARCK 5682 LGA FOREVER LADY M904 #+G A R GRID MAKER LGA FOREVER LADY M904 M109 S A V ABIGALE 0451 #+B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 +BOYD FOREVER LADY 1217 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF70 675 • A direct son of Silveiras Style that will produce quality, good doing progeny with added substance and eye appeal I+6 I+2.3 I+45 I+79 I+18 +32 73 BF 8894 JET BLACK 181 CALVED 3/4/21 /// BULL 20089674 [OHP] /// TATTOO BE 181 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +EXAR PAYWEIGHT 8894B 21AR O LASS 7017 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 EXAR COMANCHERO 1022B TLC IN FOCUS 4083 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 TLC INFOCUS 6024 EXAR LADY BLANCHE 9056 #EXAR UPSHOT 0562B MCCO IN FOCUS 724 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF78 932 1325 11 1 6 09 • 181 mashed down the scales at weaning to record the heaviest weight of all the Angus bulls at over 900 pounds A powerful hind leg combines with a huge top and plenty of fleshing ability • Posted a WW ratio of 115 • Ranks in the top 10% for Marb, $F, $B, $C; top 15% for YW, CW, $W, $G. +6 +1.2 +72 +134 +1.49 +29 +63 +1.08 +.40 +73 +110 +178 +299 74 BF 8894 JET BLACK 1116 CALVED 4/11/21 /// BULL 20089678 [OHP] /// TATTOO BE 1116 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +EXAR PAYWEIGHT 8894B 21AR O LASS 7017 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 #CONNEALY FORWARD 7 L MISS ELBA P333 #CONNEALY ONWARD MCC MISS ELBA Y311 BECKY LEE OF CONANGA 74 #+G A R EXPECTATION 4915 +S V F ELBA 110G CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF63 847 1000* 9 8 4 07 • Sleep at night heifer bull with real world performance. • Posted ratios of BW 90 and WW 105 • Ranks in the top 4% for CED; top 10% for BW +14 1.3 +52 +93 +1.97 +30 +40 +.52 +.18 +60 +79 +117 +212


Fall Yearling Bulls Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 27 79 TC BAR COMBUSTION 1003 CALVED 8/29/21 /// BULL *20336667 /// TATTOO BE 1003 #+G A R SURE FIRE +G A R MOMENTUM 1724 #CONNEALY IN SURE 8524 +G A R COMBUSTION +CHAIR ROCK 5050 G A R 8086 G A R MOMENTUM +G A R 28 AMBUSH M91 +STEVENSON BIG LEAGUE 70749 EXAR LUCY 3056 #JINDRA ACCLAIM +CRAZY K LUCY 9171 RL 9061 BIRDIE 3102 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 EXAR LUCY 1061 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF80 726 • Big time spread in his numerical profile with exceptional marbling • Ranks in the top 3% for SC; top 10% for Marb, $W, $G, $B, $C; top 15% for WW; top 20% for YW; top 25% for CW, $F +6 +2 8 +77 +130 +1 98 +31 +59 +1 09 + 53 +76 +98 +173 +289
CALVED 8/9/21 /// BULL *20282221 /// TATTOO BE 1001 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 #POSS TOTAL IMPACT 745 +BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 POSS ELMARETTA 736 #HOOVER DAM BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD X89 #JINDRA ACCLAIM +2 BAR CONSENSUS 4852 JINDRA 3RD DIMENSION +CRAZY K FANNY 9154 +JINDRA BLACKBIRD LASSY 1111 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 +2 BAR 28 AMBUSH 1735 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF76 707 • Calving ease bull with lots of spread. Big scrotal with high quality carcass stats. His dam stems back to the donor matriarch 4852 for the 2 Bar program • Ranks in the top 2% for $F; top 4% for $B; top 10% for CW; top 20% for $G; top 25% for SC, $C +9 +0.4 +61 +116 +1.34 +27 +68 +.92 +.59 +52 +125 +188 +270 78 BF FAIR & SQUARE 1215 CALVED 10/28/21 /// BULL 20272794 /// TATTOO BE 1215 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT MYERS MISS BEAUTY M136 #CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS MYERS FAIR N SQUARE M39 WOODHILL EVERGREEN Z291 B233 #CONNEALY THUNDER #MYERS MISS BEAUTY M476 #EXAR DENVER 2002B TLC BESS 4017 #EXAR UPSHOT 0562B TLC BESS 6016 +EXAR ROYAL LASS 1067 CONNEALY NAMESAKE 10X TLC BESS 2028 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF74 • A Fair N Square son that combines balanced EPDs with muscle shape and eye ap peal • Ranks in the top 20% for WW, REA, $C; top 25% for YW, $F, $G, $B. +6 +2.7 +72 +126 I+.25 +26 I+50 I+.75 I+.82 +61 +97 +157 +274 FA L L Y E A R L I N G A N G U S B U L L S … L O T S 7 8– 8 0
Spring Coming Two Year Old Bulls 28 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale 81 BFS REGARD 122 75% Black Hereford CALVED 1/15/21 /// BULL HB024728 /// TATTOO BE 122 /// Scurred ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF 424 REGARD 34F ET JRR MISS TOBET 711T PURPLE MILSAP 45S BF MS ADVANCE 285 BF WASTED 4103 ET EXAR NORTHERN MISS 4445 RST TIMES A WASTIN 0124 BF 4103 LENA 7221 CSF BR GOLDREIL 7902 ET DAMERON BRILLIANCE 240 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 2218 CED BW WW YW MILK ACT BW ACT WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF75 683* 1175* • A powerful Regard son with muscle shape and spring of rib. 4.8 +3.6 +53 +83 +32 82 BFS JACKSON 127 79.5% Black Hereford CALVED 1/23/21 /// BULL HB024725 /// TATTOO BE 127 /// Polled CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 JM CATTLE LADY A301 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T JM CAT A ROUND A301 8205 ET CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 WR CURVE BENDER 8616 IRON LADY 124T JO BLACK JACK 4217 SWEET 36C JO EMPIRE Z631 SWEET JONAH JACK 26F JO LADY CLASSIC 217 STONE GATE JONAH 582 SWEET EARLY MORNING 05A CED BW WW YW MILK ACT BW ACT WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF76 742* 1230* • Smooth made bull that is easy fleshing with a productive look. +1.5 –0.6 +43 +72 +28 The Black Hereford Bulls Lot 81 S P R I N G C O M I N G T W O -Y E A R - O L D B U L L S … L O T S 8 1 & 8 2 Pick up your bull/s sale day and receive a $25 discount per bull. Free deliver y to central points in Tennessee and adjoining sta tes on total bull purchases of $5,000 or more / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Attention, Tennessee cattlemen: Man y of the bulls selling qualify for the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP). For more informa tion, go online to: www.tn.gov/a griculture/farms/taep


Spring Coming Two Year Old & Fall Yearling Bulls Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 29 Lot 83 83 BF COMMERCIAL ANGUS 139 CALVED 1/27/21 /// BULL /// TATTOO BE 139 #CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE BAR R IRIS ANITA 0113 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 #EURA ELGA OF CONANGA 9109 #SITZ UPWARD 307R BAR R ANITA 7081 3F EPIC 1968 [M1P NHF] EXAR RITA 5638 EF EPIC 4631 ANGUS 8233 3F QUEEN 1843 EXAR DENVER 2002B V A R RITA 2160 ACT BW ACT WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF60 770* 1100* • A stout Jet Black son 84 BF COMMERCIAL 6224 CALVED 10/15/21 /// BULL /// TATTOO BE 6224 /// Scurred #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +EXAR PAYWEIGHT 8894B 21AR O LASS 7017 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 H L1 DOMINO 3053 ET BF 109 FLY GIRL 4206 ET CL 1 DOMINO 955W BF DOMINETTE 6224 HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF72 1240* • Black baldy yearling bull 85 BF COMMERCIAL ANGUS 1258 CALVED 10/19/21 /// BULL /// TATTOO BE 1258 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +EXAR PAYWEIGHT 8894B 21AR O LASS 7017 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 3F EPIC 1968 [M1P NHF] EXAR PRIDE 4072 EF EPIC 4631 7204 3F QUEEN 1843 EXAR COMBINATION 1750B EXAR PRIDE 2184 ACT BW ADJ WW ADJ YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF • Black yearling bull 86 BF COMMERCIAL 263 CALVED 10/27/21 /// BULL /// TATTOO BE 263 /// Scurred #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +EXAR PAYWEIGHT 8894B 21AR O LASS 7017 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 BAR S MR 175E 209 BF DOMINETTE 6217 GB L1 DOMINO 175E BF REVA 8122 BAR S MS 5216 922 H L1 DOMINO 3053 ET BF 2094 EDDI TIME 4218 ACT BW ADJ WW ACT YW ADJ REA ADJ IMF75 1160* • Black baldy yearling bull The Commercial
S P R I N G C O M I N G T W O -Y E A R - O L D & FA L L Y E A R L I N G B U L L S … L O T S 8 3– 8 6



107 BF INNONA 0470


Spring Bred Heifers 30 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale 101 BF CONTESSA 1103 CALVED 3/26/21 /// COW 44232736 /// TATTOO BE 1103 /// Horned UPS SENSATION 2296 ET MSU RACHAEL 58Z ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N CL 1 DOMINO 590R {SOD} BF 9059 BETTY 607 CL 1 DOMINO 246M {SOD} BF RS 590R BETTY 3211 ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 258M DS BEEF 9059 {SOD} CL 1 DOMINETTE 244M CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +5 7 +2 9 +55 +93 +1 0 +26 +72 + 46 + 33 +318 +401 +143
CALVED 12/6/20 /// COW P44217962 /// TATTOO BE 0470 /// Polled ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF 424 REGARD 34F ET JRR MISS TOBEY 711T PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 KCF BENNETT R413 U620 INNISFAIL CAT K030 {DOD} KCF BENNETT 774 R413 {SOD} INNISFAIL U620 336A KCF MISS 3008 M276 {DOD} JC CATALYST {SOD} IF VICTRES 517 G644 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +3 5 +2 3 +57 +95 +1 5 +31 +76 + 56 + 12 +347 +420 +128 109 BF REQUIEM 0278 ET CALVED 9/11/20 /// COW P44218783 /// TATTOO BE 0278 /// Polled ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF 424 REGARD 34F ET JRR MISS TOBEY 711T PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} BF 2490 ADDIE 875 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {CHB,SOD} BF AN 8Y HOMEGIRL 503 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S K&B 927 ADVANCE 2490 BF ADVANCE 3105 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +9 6 +0 5 +48 +82 +1 6 +35 +58 + 43 – 08 +318 +369 +86 108 BF
0463 CALVED 11/22/20 /// COW P44217957 /// TATTOO BE 0463 /// Polled ECR RO CHOSEN ONE 424 ET BF SCHOOLGIRL 817 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET BF 424 REGARD 34F ET JRR MISS TOBEY 711T PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} BF MS ADVANCE 285 PURPLE KING DAVID 21A ET P&R MS ADVANCER 149Y GO EXCEL L18 {SOD} BF 21A QUEEN 574C MCR PPF MISS GOLD DOM 206 ET DL 1 DOMINO 970W P&R MS ADVANCER 839U ET CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +5 1 +2 5 +48 +81 +0 0 +28 +67 + 42 + 09 +307 +368 +118 110 BF SKYETTE 0471 CALVED 12/7/20 /// COW P44217963 /// TATTOO BE 0471 /// Polled DELHAWK KAHUNA 1009 ET BF AT EDITH 1239 ET CH ENUFF PROPHET 2913 BF ABOVE THE LAW 5605 ET MCR PPF MISS GOLD DOM 206 ET CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} BF 2490 EDITH 747 ET H L1 DOMINO 3053 ET BF 9122 L1 DOMINETTE 5100 CL 1 DOMINO 955W {SOD} BF 3053 SKYETTE 7241 HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET CL 1 DOMINO 9122W 1ET {CHB} BF 670 ADELAIDE 1126 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} –3 0 +3 7 +53 +87 +1 2 +30 +86 + 54 + 21 +257 +327 +149 R E G I S T E R E D H E R E F O R D B R E D H E I F E R S … L O T S 101–110 Lots 101 110 were exposed 6/1/22 to 8/1/22 to 77 Potency 8F 63G (AHA P44120592 Homozygous Polled).
Late Fall / Early Spring Bred Cows Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee 31 111 CHF PIPER 1181Y 2090 ET CALVED 4/9/20 /// COW 44182896 /// TATTOO LE 2090 /// Horned BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 TCC MISS LEXUS 84 ET HH ADVANCE 7034T ET HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET L1 DOMINO 03571 {SOD} HH MISS ADVANCE 1181Y ET HH MISS ADVANCE 1088L {DOD} CL 1 DOMINO 2136M HH MS ADVANCE 8037H CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +1 7 +3 6 +63 +109 +1 3 +40 +87 + 88 + 03 +442 +516 +141 • AI 2/14/22 to Loewen Grady G15 ET PE 3/2/22 to 5/1/22 to CHF Closing Bell 240 9115 ET Checked safe 112 CHF TILLY 1181Y 2091 ET CALVED 4/9/20 /// COW 44182882 /// TATTOO LE 2091 /// Horned BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 TCC MISS LEXUS 84 ET HH ADVANCE 7034T ET HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET L1 DOMINO 03571 {SOD} HH MISS ADVANCE 1181Y ET HH MISS ADVANCE 1088L {DOD} CL 1 DOMINO 2136M HH MS ADVANCE 8037H CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +3 7 +3 8 +66 +108 +2 0 +38 +85 + 86 – 03 +402 +474 +128 • AI 2/13/22 to Loewen Grady G15 ET PE 3/2/22 to 5/1/22 to CHF Closing Bell 240 9115 ET Checked safe 113 CHF PENELOPE 6014D 88X 2027 ET CALVED 3/17/20 /// COW P44186750 /// TATTOO LE 2027 /// Polled SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} NJW 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S {DOD} KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET {SOD,CHB} NJW 57G 74G DEW 5M EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} /S LADY JET 3169A EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY TESTED 6014D EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 THR THOR 4029 {SOD,CHB} JET MS X010 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +9 3 +1 9 +55 +87 +1 0 +29 +59 + 57 + 40 +458 +551 +136 • AI 2/12/22 to Loewen Grady G15 ET PE 3/2/22 to 5/1/22 to CHF Closing Bell 240 9115 ET. Checked safe. 114 CHF TRIXIE 6014D 2087 ET CALVED 4/8/20 /// COW P44186743 /// TATTOO LE 2087 /// Polled SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {CHB,SOD} NJW 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S {DOD} KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {CHB,SOD} NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET {SOD,CHB} NJW 57G 74G DEW 5M EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB,SOD} /S LADY JET 3169A EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY TESTED 6014D EFBEEF P606 MABEL R415 THR THOR 4029 {SOD,CHB} JET MS X010 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} +8 2 +0 4 +55 +80 +1 0 +33 +57 + 54 + 50 +452 +552 +136 • AI 2/12/22 to Loewen Grady G15 ET PE 3/2/22 to 5/1/22 to CHF Recoil 1181Y 0124 ET. Checked safe. 115 CHF BP TINKERBELLE 2042 ET CALVED 4/17/20 /// COW 44241593 /// TATTOO LE 2042 /// Horned DM BR SOONER {CHB} BR GABRIELLE 5082 REMITALL ONLINE 122L {CHB,SOD} BR CSF COPPER ET {CHB} DM L1 DOMINETTE 901 BR LANSING 3060 BR GOLDRIEL 3029 ET GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} BR CSF BRIELLE 8052 ET GOLDEN OAK FUSION 3S {SOD} BR BELLE 4082 ET GOLDEN OAK 60D MALLORY 15M {HYP} DM BR SOONER {CHB} BR GABRIELLE 5082 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –0 4 +4 2 +72 +111 +1 0 +25 +80 + 56 + 18 +343 +433 +136 • AI 2/11/22 to Loewen Grady G15 ET. PE 3/2/22 to 5/1/22 to CHF Recoil 1181Y 0124 ET Checked safe 116 CHF LADY KAY 654 9015 ET CALVED 2/10/19 /// COW P44075777 /// TATTOO LE 9015 /// Polled KJ 968R POLLED SOLUTION 668ZET {SOD} CRR 719 ECLIPSE 101 {DOD} MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} CRR 668Z COMMITMENT 654 KJ 2403 ROBINETTE 968R TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} CRR 63N ECLIPSE 982 DKF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} BR ASHLINN 8165 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} BF CHA CHING 5505 ET JRR MISS TOBEY 711T BR KEY DOMINO 5040 DM ASHLINN 669 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –2 0 +4 5 +59 +91 +1 1 +30 +63 + 29 – 19 +311 +366 +80 • PE 1/10/22 to 3/30/22 to CHF Closing Bell 240 9115 ET Checked safe 117 BF CATCHING FIRE 6201 CALVED 10/27/16 /// COW P43769647 /// TATTOO BE 6201 /// Polled CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} BR DM GEISHA 6129 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} DPH LH BF LAUNCH 1310 ET CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 DM BR SOONER {CHB} BR DM GEISHA ET MHW CHEKOTA 512 BF ADDISON 681 MH DAKOTA 0230 {SOD} BF CHEYENNE 109 MHW MISS CHARGER 9959 K&B 927 ADVANCE 2490 BF SHERI 190 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB {DLP,HYP} –0 1 +3 0 +49 +89 +0 8 +20 +67 + 38 – 01 +295 +351 +106 • PE 1/10/22 to 3/30/22 to CHF Closing Bell 240 9115 ET Checked safe 118 BOYD X54 MS ADVANCE 5304 ET CALVED 9/4/15 /// COW 43659680 /// TATTOO BE 5304 /// Horned CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RST MS 1000 BLAZER 2029 {DOD} THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} RST TIMES A WASTIN 0124 {SOD} CRR D03 CASSIE 206 MJB BLAZER 1000 {SOD} MS RST 858 VICTOR 9059 HH ADVANCE 7195T {SOD} GO MS PJ EXCEL T124 L1 DOMINO 03571 {SOD} GO MS 7195 ADVANCE X54 HH MISS ADVANCE 3128N GO L18 EXCEL N40 GO MS 293 MARK DOM 0084 {DOD} CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 4 +2 6 +52 +88 +0 6 +21 +67 + 38 – 05 +324 +380 +103 • PE 1/10/22 to 3/20/22 to CHF Closing Bell 240 9115 ET Checked safe 119 BF WINNIE 4128 ET CALVED 4/26/14 /// COW 43494709 /// TATTOO BE 4128B /// Horned GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} C MS PURE GOLD 2003 GOLDEN OAK FUSION 3S {SOD} H W4 GRIZZLY 0146 ET GOLDEN OAK 60D MALLORY 15M C S PURE GOLD 98170 {SOD} C 8403 MS ACHV 96047 CL1 DOMINO 171L {SOD} RCH MISS ADVANCE 1170 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET {SOD} BF MS 171 DOMINET 399 CL 1 DOMINETTE 4107 HH ADVANCE 965J RB L1 DOMINETTE 2023 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +4 0 +2 6 +53 +94 +1 3 +21 +66 + 36 + 12 +290 +357 +117 • PE 1/10/22 to 3/20/22 to CHF Closing Bell 240 9115 ET Checked safe R E G I S T E R E D H E R E F O R D B R E D C O W S … L O T S 111–119 Lots 111–119 are offered by C&H Farms, Opelika, Alabama. Cameron Price, manager (334) 524 4262


L O T S 120–124






123 BF VIOLET 1104

124 BF PRIMROSE 1105


Spring Bred Heifers 32 Bur ns Farms 14th Annual Fall Bull & Commercial Female Sale 120 BF RACHEL 113 CALVED 1/19/21 /// COW 20104977 /// TATTOO BE 113 #CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE BAR R IRIS ANITA 0113 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 #EURA ELGA OF CONANGA 9109 #SITZ UPWARD 307R BAR R ANITA 7081 TLC DENVER 5103 TLC OBJECTIVE 6048 #EXAR DENVER 2002B BF RACHEL 8269 #TD MS PRECISION 703 #HOOVER DAM #TURNER OBJECTIVE 8046 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C +13 +1.5 +66 +120 +.41 +20 +55 +.84 +.85 +55 +108 +175 +280
BF BESS 105 CALVED 1/12/21 /// COW *20280569 [NHC] /// TATTOO BE 105 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND 21AR O LASS 7017 #PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 +DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 3F EPIC 4631 TLC BESS 6016 VARILEK PRODUCT 2010 04 BF BESS 8158 ZEBO QUEEN 1072 #EXAR DENVER 2002B TLC BESS 4017 CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE $W $F $B $C +10 +0.1 +81 +150 +.65 +38 +69 +.88 +1.07 +87 +111 +180 +301
Lots 120–124 were bred AI 6/2/22 to DB Iconic G95 and exposed 6/5/22 to 8/1/22 to EXAR Expert 0020B. HOW TO BID & BUY ONLINE Logged on at www.superiorclicktobid.com, you can participate in this Bur ns Far ms sale in just three easy steps:
Membership is free All you need to do is click on the “Become a Member” tab, fill in the required info needed and crea te your o wn username and password This will allow you to register for the auctions that you want to participate in
Once you have your username and password, simply find an auction you’re interested in, and click on the “register” button Your registration request will be sent to Superior, and once approved, you will be notified that you can now bid live for that auction.
On sale day, simply login, browse to the auction that you desire to participate in, and click the “Bid Live” button Simply follow along with the auction, and when the price that you want to bid appears, click on the bid button You will be told if you are the current high bidder, and if you won the lot.
If you are unable to participate live, you are encouraged to leave an absentee bid Simply browse to the auction and the lot/s that you are interested in, enter your absentee bid in the box, and click submit Your bid will be executed by Superior at the appropriate time on your behalf


LOTS 201– 224

L O T S 2 0 1

Burns Farms, Pikeville, TN David Burns (615) 477 5668

24 Black & Black Baldy Spring Bred Heifers

AI 6/2/22 or 6/3/22 to Deer Valley Growth Fund (AAA 18827828) Exposed 6/5/22 to 8/1/22 to EXAR Expert 0020B (AAA 19630940)

LOTS 225 – 232

Eastbound Hay & Cattle, Whitwell, TN Michael Grant (423) 605-8120

4 Hereford Spring Bred Heifers

Bred to low birth weight Hereford bull (Registration certificates available for an additional $100 per head)

4 Black Baldy Spring Bred Heifers

Bred to low birth weight Hereford bull.

LOTS 233 – 252

Randy Lawson, Abington, VA (276) 780 3436

20 Black & Black Baldy Spring Bred Heifers

Bred to low birth weight Burns Farms Angus bulls.

LOTS 253 – 268

Post Oak Creek Farm Steve Slatten (931) 260 2433

8 Black & Black Baldy Spring Bred Heifers

Bred to low birth weight Angus bulls.

8 Black & Black Baldy Open Heifers Ready to breed.

LOTS 269 – 283

Allen Carter Farms Steve Miller (423) 887 3788

15 Black Baldy & Red Baldy Spring Bred Heifers

Bred to low birth weight Angus bulls.

LOTS 284 – 290

Josh Deans (865) 389 1298

7 Black Baldy Spring Bred Heifers

Bred to a Burns Farms Hereford bull.

LOTS 291– 315

Tricor Tom Burns (423) 290 2454

25 Black Spring Bred Cows

4 to 5 year old cows bred to Burns Farms Hereford and Angus bulls.

Commercial Females Saturday, November 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, Tennessee
– 316
Thank You!
14th annual Bull & commercial Female sale 12 noon, saturday, november 5, 2022 /// Pikeville, tennessee C R E AT E Y O U R L E G A C Y W I T H Bur ns Far ms Genetics 12733 Old State Hwy 28 Pikeville, TN 37367 Herefords Since 1952 P R E S O RT E D F I R S T C L A S S U. S P O S TA G E P A I D SLATE GROUP FIRST CLASS MAIL TIME SENSITIVE: PLEASE DO NOT DELAY

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