2022 Cigar City Annual Production Sale

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Online | December 13, 2022 | 6 Pm (eST) New Date


We welcome you to our 5th Annual Fall Online Sale, Tuesday December 13, 2022. We will have our smallest, yet most powerful sale to date. Included are three yearling bulls of which the proceeds from the highest seller will go directly to help those Florida cattlemen affected by Hurricane Ian. Cigar City will be retaining a 1/3 semen interest. We feel truly blessed to be able to share our genetics with fellow Angus breeders.

7035 needs no introduction as she has been a no miss cow at Cigar City. Several years ago, she produced Cigar CENTCOM who is at stud at Grimmius, 0709 and 0766. She is open and sells in her entirety. Her Dam, GAR New Day M211 was in production until age 11, having over 25 Genomically tested progeny and 15 calves due this spring. She never had her feet trimmed. 0709 and 0766 are unique to the breed as they are in the top 1% EPDs for marbling, as well as Genomically ranking in the 2nd percentile for Tenderness. They both sell half interest with the option to double. 0709 is bred to Williams Promogen and is due 1-1-23. Her full sister, 0766, has already produced a $120K valued Radiant heifer and a unique Marbling, RE and Tenderness Clarity +389 $C son. She is open and ready to be flushed.

A Veracious heifer pregnancy out of Cigar Rita of 4100 7070 is sure to be a crowd favorite. This November at Deer Valley, her daughter Cigar EPF Rita 0154 sold a $100,000 half interest heifer. This heifer is due by sale day. She will come in a marbling package with phenotype, pedigree, and power.

Three cows, AI bred and sexed with spring heifers will work in any program in America.

Pay special attention to the Embryo packages. I want to thank my wife Donna and daughter Madison for all the help and support they provide throughout the year. I appreciate my herd manager, Will Ward, more than he will ever know. He shows up to work every day ready to face any challenge. Thanks for your interest in our program. Purchase with confidence as we stand behind what we sell. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me, Parker or Matt.

Thank you for your interest, John, Donna and Madison Massaro

Cigar City Cattle Co online Sale JOhn maSSarO - 813-310-2516 14925 DevOnShire WOODS Place, TamPa, Fl 33624 WWW . c igar c i T y c a TT le c O m P any . c O m
Alek, Madison, Helen, John & Donna John & Donna Will Ward Herd Manager Cigar City

SALE DATE: Tuesday, December 13, 2022, on WWW.CCI.LIVE

CIGAR CITY CATTLE COMPANY: John Massaro, Owner 813-310-2516

SALE BOOK PREPARED BY: Parker Friedrich Marketing & Consulting 566 Hillcrest Dr. Stephenville, TX 76401 254-413-2420 mob • 254-968-8162 fax/home parkerfriedrich@earthlink.net


Cattle will be accompanied with proper health certificates for immediate shipment. An updated breeding and calving report will be available sale day and announcements from the auction block will take precedence over all printed material.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cattle will sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association (http:// www.angus.org/Pub/suggested_sale_terms.pdf). All announcements from the auction block take precedence over printed materials.


Lathrop Trucking (Randy Lathrop) (847) 910-4673 & Tom Snell (580) 374-4168 will be available. Cattle can remain at the sale site until trucking arrangements can be made or pickup arranged.

SALE SETTLEMENT: All cattle are to be settled for prior to shipping out unless prior arrangement has been made with Cigar City Cattle Company. Terms are cash or check.

CATTLE WILL SELL IN SALE BOOK ORDER (516) 366-0734 CCI.Live schedule@cci.live AUCTIONEER: Dustin Layton (405) 464-2455 MARKETING AGENT: Parker Friedrich (254) 413-2420 MARKETING AGENT: Matt White (530) 552-0650 EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www.angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLink®, CAB®, Pathfinder®. | December 13, 2022 | 6 Pm (eST) New Date
2 | Cigar City Cattle Co online Sale Lot 1

Here is a very interesting and unique female to lead off this year’s Cigar City Online Sale. She is the Number 10 $C dam in the breed with her super impressive EPD combination of $EN, Marb, Claw and Angle. This female has already produced the $65,000 valued Cigar Centcom, the $20,000 daughter in the 2020 sale, and the $10,000 heifer pregnancy selected by Wilks in last year’s sale. This a super impressive opportunity to acquire a truly impressive female that sells open ready to flush.

tueSday, deCember 13, 2022 • 6 Pm | 3
CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +5 +1.4 +60 +112 +37 -15 +62 +1.55 +.90 -.043 $M +83 $W +68 $B +221 $C +370 +*SydGen Googol D A A R Infinity 313 *SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 4087 17501893 +*SydGen Forever Lady 1255 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 SydGen Forever Lady 8114 #*B/R New Day 454 #+Boyd New Day 8005 +*G A R New Day M211 B/R Ruby 1224 17112693 +*G A R Objective 2177 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +G A R 1407 New Design 2983 CIGAR RITA OF M211 7035 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 79 65 62 41 39 42 33 12 65 55 18 67 73 22 3 23 5 22 Birth Date: 02-26-2017 · Cow *18730413 · Tattoo: 7035 1 Lot Offering 5 IVF embryos by the record setting POSS Deadwood and the super impressive leadoff donor of this event, who produced the $20,000 heifer calf in the 2020 sale, the $65,000 Cigar Centcom, and the $10,000 heifer calf pregnancy selected by Wilks Ranch in last year’s sale. A guarantee of two pregnancies if the work is performed by a licensed professional. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +12 -.1 +83 +148 +28 -41 +82 +1.86 +1.00 +.033 +5 +1.4 +60 +112 +37 -15 +62 +1.55 +.90 -.043 $M +64 +83 $W +79 +68 $B +256 +221 $C +396 +370 *Poss Maverick #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *Poss Deadwood Poss Pride 5163 19597261 *Poss Ellunamere 399 Poss Easy Impact 0119 #Poss Ellunmere 0170 *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*SydGen Googol *Cigar Rita of M211 7035 +*SydGen Forever Lady 1255 18730413 +*G A R New Day M211 #*B/R New Day 454 +*G A R Objective 2177 5 IVF EMBRYOS 1A Lot S D S D
4 | Cigar City Cattle Co online Sale 1/2 Interest with the option to double Check out the performance in this female that is the Number 2 $C Maverick daughter in the breed. She is a full sister to the $65,000 Cigar Centcom selected by Grimmius in the 2020 sale, a maternal sister to the $20,000 high selling open heifer in the same event, and the $10,000 heifer calf pregnancy selected by Wilks Ranch in the 2021 sale. There is power in the blood here folks. She possesses the super rare genomic score of 2 for tenderness and sells due to calve 1/2/2023 to Promogen. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +1.0 +75 +127 +37 -27 +78 +1.50 +.98 +.002 $M +79 $W +84 $B +231 $C +379 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S *Poss Maverick 21AR O Lass 7017 18962396 Poss Pride 5163 +*Poss Hoover Dam 2509 +Poss Pride 9526 *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*SydGen Googol *Cigar Rita of M211 7035 +*SydGen Forever Lady 1255 18730413 +*G A R New Day M211 #*B/R New Day 454 +*G A R Objective 2177 CIGAR RITA OF 7035 0709 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 43 50 9 30 27 49 9 2 68 76 11 27 41 1 6 3 17 2 Birth Date: 04-04-2020 · Cow +*19743675 · Tattoo: 0709 2 Lot Offering three IVF Embryos by the deceased ST Genetics Sire Clarity and the super unique donor that is an Exceed daughter who is the Number 10 $C dam in the breed. With her unique EPD combination, these genetics should match up and be a home run. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +1.1 +76 +142 +20 -19 +67 +1.08 +.98 -.023 +5 +1.4 +60 +112 +37 -15 +62 +1.55 +.90 -.043 $M +83 +83 $W +64 +68 $B +202 +221 $C +345 +370 Cherry Creek Land Grant #K C F Bennett Homestead *Connealy Clarity Cherry Crk Eva B27 M 19555171 *Breshie of Conanga 6988 #*Connealy Confidence Plus Brelly of Conanga 367 *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*SydGen Googol *Cigar Rita of M211 7035 +*SydGen Forever Lady 1255 18730413 +*G A R New Day M211 #*B/R New Day 454 +*G A R Objective 2177 3 IVF EMBRYOS 2A Lot S D S D
tueSday, deCember 13, 2022 • 6 Pm | 5 Lot 2
6 | Cigar City Cattle Co online Sale Lot
tueSday, deCember 13, 2022 • 6 Pm | 7 1/2 Interest with the option to double The Number 1 $C Maverick dam in the breed that is a full sister to the $65,000 1/2 interest selection of Grimmius Cattle in the 2020 sale, Cigar Centcom, and a direct daughter of the Lot 1 female who is the Number 10 $C dam in the breed who possesses a truly unique EPD combination. This female checks all of the boxes in terms of performance, eye appeal and pedigree. She sells open ready to flush. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +9 +1.2 +75 +127 +37 -26 +78 +1.52 +.99 +.001 $M +79 $W +84 $B +232 $C +380 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S *Poss Maverick 21AR O Lass 7017 18962396 Poss Pride 5163 +*Poss Hoover Dam 2509 +Poss Pride 9526 *SydGen Exceed 3223 +*SydGen Googol *Cigar Rita of M211 7035 +*SydGen Forever Lady 1255 18730413 +*G A R New Day M211 #*B/R New Day 454 +*G A R Objective 2177 CIGAR RITA OF 7035 0766 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 39 44 14 31 24 54 11 2 73 78 10 34 50 2 5 3 16 2 Birth Date: 03-08-2020 · Cow +*19743679 · Tattoo: 0766 3 Lot
8 | Cigar City Cattle Co online Sale Cigar Rita 9029 of 7229 4100 - Granddam of Lot 5 Pregnancy A heifer calf pregnancy by the Select Sires roster member HPCA Veracious and the Cigar City and Edisto Pines Donor
a direct daughter
the foundation Cigar City Donor
performance cattle
super efficient and eye
CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +.5 +84 +149 +36 -29 +82 +1.70 +1.42 +.013 +4 +3.2 +87 +143 +18 -26 +67 +.50 +1.36 -.039 $M +81 +76 $W +90 +71 $B +234 +165 $C +384 +290 #*Mill Brae Identified 4031 #*Koupals B&B Identity +*HPCA Veracious *Mill Brae Pro Blackcap 1092 19699322 +*H P C A Sunrise A246 +*G A R Sunrise +*H P C A Prophet A3 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak *Cigar Rita of 4100 7070 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18730415 +*Cigar Rita 9029 of 7229 4100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +Exar Rita 9029 VERACIOUS PREGNANCY Due Date: 12-26-2022 5 Lot S D S D A long spined, super productive Rampage daughter who stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Consensus and Rito 9M25. Check out the early growth curve and elite ribeye this female possesses. She sells due to calve 1/2/2023 to BJ Surpass with a heifer calf. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +1 +3.7 +80 +143 +28 -33 +77 +.59 +1.31 -.047 $M +51 $W +69 $B +184 $C +290 #MCC Daybreak #+Boyd New Day 8005 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Miss Focus 134 16925771 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 *QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus *PaPaw 7229 Rito 2546 5008 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 18085916 +*SJH Rito 9M25 of 9029 2546 #+*Rito 9M25 of Rita 5F56 Pred +*Monarch Blackbird 9029 COX 5008 RITA 7057 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 84 76 26 21 79 21 20 56 68 65 46 35 30 9 55 2 2 45 Birth Date: 01-22-2017 · Cow *18730815 · Tattoo: 7057 4 Lot Lot 4
Rita of 4100 7070,
Rita 9029 of 7229 4100,
continually produces high
in a
This heifer calf pregnancy is due to calve
in a reg recip 4C.

A super efficient Playbook daughter that stems from the Lady Standard tribe that has produced millions in progeny sales and has the reputation of producing eye appealing, big footed super stout progeny. This long spined, super attractive female possesses 13 traits in the top 15% of the breed. She sells due to calve 2/27/2023 to HPCA Veracious with a heifer calf.

tueSday, deCember 13, 2022 • 6 Pm | 9
CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +7 +.5 +60 +112 +34 -5 +57 +.46 +.85 +.017 $M +84 $W +69 $B +158 $C +289 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*TEX Playbook 5437 21AR O
7017 18414912 +*Rita
Complete #*Summitcrest
Pred *EXAR
1022B #*Connealy
7229 +*Mindemann Lady B15 EXAR Lady
9056 17860163 +*R B Lady Standard 305-0790 #*LCC New Standard +*B A Lady
305 BLACK GOLD LADY K7109 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 61 63 25 7 85 46 8 16 40 9 11 42 38 4 73 5 51 94 Birth Date: 09-30-2017 · Cow +*18990630 · Tattoo: K7109 7 Lot A super efficient High Weigh daughter who stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Hoover Dam and Riverbend Cornerstone. There are seven Pathfinders in the first three generations of this pedigree adding stability and predictability to her progeny. She sells due to calve 2/27/2023 to Veracious with a heifer calf. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +8 +1.5 +74 +118 +25 -2 +50 +1.17 +.41 +.024 $M +94 $W +78 $B +160 $C +302 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 #*Sitz Upward 307R +*E W A High Weigh 3123 #Barbara of Plattemere 337 17816333 Edgewood Jaunty 128 #+G A R New Design 5050 Edgewood Jaunty 935 #*Hoover Dam #*SydGen C C & 7 Riverbend Rita Z114 #Erica of Ellston C124 17311692 +Riverbend Rita X927 #Riverbend Cornerstone +G A R Retail Product 1266 RIVERBEND RITA F1434 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 31 49 30 74 64 87 66 7 40 67 72 89 93 56 6 84 84 99 Birth Date: 08-10-2018 · Cow 19269918 · Tattoo: F1434 6 Lot Lot 6 Lot 7
Complete 1P55
9M26 of Rita 5F56

Selling 2/3 Interest and Full Possession

Town son that expresses an elite growth curve along with outstanding carcass merit in a super attractive package, anchored by the deceased Rimrock donor, TCA Protege Treasure 003, who has produced over $500,000 in progeny sales. The proceeds from the high selling bull will be donated to the Hurricane Ian relief for farmers and ranchers.

10 | Cigar City Cattle Co online Sale
A double
CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +13 +1.7 +89 +161 +29 -41 +83 +1.35 +1.35 -.032 $M +64 $W +82 $B +228 $C +360 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird *G A R Home Town +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19266718 +*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*Chair Rock Progress 3005 *Byergo Titus 6340 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*Cigar Rita 8302 of 1601 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 19226791 +*M A R Treasure 1601 +*FF Rito 2Q26 of 356H 9Q13 *T C A Protege Treasure 003 CIGAR RITO HT OF 8302 2252 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 14 55 14 9 73 67 38 10 61 8 35 23 44 6 2 2 6 74 Birth Date: 11-17-2021 · Bull +*20227746 · Tattoo: 2252 9 Lot Selling 2/3 Interest and Full Possession A big stout Iconic son that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Rampage and Consensus. Check out the growth curve and carcass merit in this impressive dude that is ready to go to work. The proceeds from the high selling bull will be donated to the Hurricane Ian relief for farmers and ranchers. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +3 +2.3 +87 +153 +27 -42 +78 +1.01 +1.27 +.022 $M +60 $W +77 $B +201 $C +321 *Musgrave 316 Stunner +*LD Capitalist 316 *DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak *CoX 5008 Rita 7057 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18730815 *PaPaw 7229 Rito 2546 5008 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*SJH Rito 9M25 of 9029 2546 CIGAR BLACK DRAGON 1239 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 69 64 17 10 85 64 6 27 11 61 44 15 34 13 20 2 50 71 Birth Date: 10-10-2021 · Bull *20150949 · Tattoo: 1239 8 Lot Lot 9 Lot 8
digit calving ease Home
tueSday, deCember 13, 2022 • 6 Pm | 11 Selling 2/3 Interest and Full Possession A herd sire prospect by one of the hottest bulls in the industry, SG Salvation, and from a super attractive Ashland daughter. Check out the performance in this dude; +94 WW, +171 YW, +83 CW, +1.60 Marb and +236 $B with a huge +360 $C. This guy checks every box in terms of value adding genetic traits in a super eye appealing package. The proceeds from the highest selling bull will go to the Hurricane Ian relief fund for farmers and ranchers. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +6 +2.9 +94 +171 +19 -58 +83 +1.60 +.76 -.007 $M +52 $W +68 $B +236 $C +358 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 *SG Salvation Baldridge Blackbird A030 19559741 +*MGR JP Rita 7037 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird +*Goode Ashland 8677 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19447100 +*Goode Quanah 6872 +*G A R Quanah 687L +*G A R Daybreak M562 CIGAR RITO OF 8677 2257 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 39 59 7 2 79 28 88 9 19 26 92 2 8 5 1 32 34 76 Birth Date: 12-05-2021 · Bull *20218647 · Tattoo: 2257 10 Lot Lot 10
12 | Cigar City Cattle Co online Sale Cigar Rita 9029 of 7229 4100 - Dam of Lots 11 & 12 CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +4 +4.0 +88 +164 +25 -47 +95 +1.17 +1.00 -.004 -3 +3.5 +70 +121 +20 -22 +62 +.70 +1.13 -.046 $M +54 +57 $W +65 +54 $B +234 +180 $C +357 +290 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 #*Connealy Consensus *WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 +Brista of Conanga 927T 17979842 War CC&7 Z044 X029 #*SydGen C C & 7 War Game Day X029 U239 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus +*Cigar Rita 9029 of 7229 4100 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 17958864 +Exar Rita 9029 #TC Total 410 +G A R 1407 New Design 193 3 IVF EMBRYOS 12 Lot S D S D Offering choice in the two extremely exciting matings that include the $85,000 valued Friendship Farms FF Rito Radiant and the deceased ORIgen Sire WAR Calvary with the foundation female here at Cigar City, Cigar Rita 9020 of 7229 4100, who is a female that just flat gets it done and is one who always out produces herself. The winning bidder gets first choice in these exciting matings. These are groups of three IVF embryos with a guarantee of one pregnancy per mating if the service is performed by a licensed professional. CED BW WW YW MILK $EN CW Marb RE Fat +15 +1.4 +88 +159 +23 -40 +82 +1.28 +.97 -.054 -3 +3.5 +70 +121 +20 -22 +62 +.70 +1.13 -.046 $M +47 +57 $W +75 +54 $B +225 +180 $C +339 +290 *EXAR Stallion 7986 #+*EXAR Stud 4658B +*FF Rito Radiant 8S1 *EXAR Blackcap 3385 19197974 +*FF Rita 5B63 of 356H 3S10 +*Rito 3S10 of 9Q15 Progress +J/R Queen of New Design 356H #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus +*Cigar Rita 9029 of 7229 4100 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 17958864 +Exar Rita 9029 #TC Total 410 +G A R 1407 New Design 193 3 IVF EMBRYOS 11 Lot S D S D
tueSday, deCember 13, 2022 • 6 Pm
Our son Matt wife Miranda Auggie and soon to be Winona Owners Slow Fox Farm In Rhinebeck NY


Friedrich Marketing and Consulting

566 Hillcrest Dr. Stephenville, TX 76401 (254) 413-2420 mob (254) 968-8162 fax/home parkerfriedrich@earthlink.net

PRSRT FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID St. Joseph, MO Permit #2017 New Date Online | December 13, 2022 | 6 Pm (eST)

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