2023 Conley Cattle Fall Sale

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SWSN PANARAMA 51J - ASA 3939182 SO Remedy 7F X WAGR Panarama 204Z Young donor by the $530,000 SO Remedy 7F that is a direct daughter of the multi-million producing WAGR Panarama 204Z! C-4 BLACKBIRD 221J - ASA 3939993 Profit X Limestone Blackbird Y52 A stunning Profit daughter that is backed by the Dameron First Class sired female from the dam of BC 7022 Raven 7965! CONLEY LADY G9709 - ASA 3700093 TMAS Mr Upgrade 6519D X Gambles Lady 4079 This young and productive half-blood female is supported by Gambles Lady 958 - the FULL SISTER to the influential Gambles Hot Rod!


Proven and

CONLEY SHEZA STAR D3 - ASA 3143836 HOC Broker X Conley Sheza Star Z32 preditable genetics from the heart of the programthe dam of Conley High Rise F3 sells in her entirety! CONLEY SHEZA STAR D2 - ASA 3143837 MR HOC Broker X Conley Sheza Star Z32 The dark red hided baldy flushmate sister to Conley Sheza Star D3 offers true maternal prowess! CONLEY SHEZA STAR 144F - ASA 3490359 SC Pay the Price C11 X Conley Sheza Star W32 A daughter of the two-time NWSS Champion, SC Pay The Price C11 from the dam of Conley GCC Shocker C19!

Unmatched presence and style - a captivating daughter of LKCC

CONLEY SHEZA STAR 758K - ASA 4218647 TJ High Calibre 556B X Conley Sheza Star D3 Stout, broody, and three-dimensional - a donor in the making! CONLEY SHEZA STAR 737K - ASA 4218648 TJ High Calibre 556B X Conley Sheza Star D3 This blaze faced full sister to Conley High Rise F3 is a must see on sale day! CONLEY SHEZA STAR K544 - ASA 4218651 LKCC Bold Venture 194F X Conley Sheza Star E544 Bold Venture 194F! BCR RIGHT TO LOVE H057 - ASA 3858501 MR CCF 20-20 X HPF Right to Love C083 This MR CCF 20-20 daughter is backed by a FULL SISTER to HPF Quantum Leap Z952 - her heifer calf by RP/BCR Eminence H005 will be a sale day feature! CONLEY RIGHT TO LOVE 057L RP/BCR Eminence H005 X BCR Right to Love H057 DUP JELLY YUM 109J ET - AMAA 523128 BOE Epic X CMCC Yum 105 The 2022 National Champion Maine-Anjou Female - her unbelievable heifer calf by the $460,000 Conley Lead The Way 0738 also sells! CONLEY JELLY YUM 109L Conley Lead the Way 0738 X DUP Jelly Yum 109J ET DUP JELLY YUM 109J ET Grand Champion Female, 2022 Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo.

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