Annual Production sale February 21, 2023 1 p.m. CST Near Cozad, NE
Sale Contacts
Jon Caraway
Blair Caraway 308-325-2712
Matt Printz 308-440-2918
Sale Veterinarian
Stock Aid Veterinary Clinic - Dr. Kent Pieper 308-530-2000
Bill Schermer - The Stockman
Chris Beutler - Cattle Business Weekly 402-380-8244
Randy Rasby - Livestock Plus 308-539-6195 Kristian Rennert - Livestock Plus
Andee Marston - Livestock Digital 787-250-4449
Buyers unable to attend the sale may have their bid represented by contacting the auctioneer, one of the ring men, or one of the owners
Online Bidding:
This sale will be broadcaseted online through DV Auction. Bid online at or go to page 10 for more information.
Terms of the sale are cash, check or other terms agreed to in writing between the seller, and the buyer, payable immediately upon conclusion of the sale before animals will be moved. Buyer hereby grants to Seller a security interest in the livestock purchased to secure the payment of the purchase price, and buyer further authorizes Seller to file any necessary documents with any secretary of State or other governmental entity necessary to perfect such security interest. We are retaining 1/3 semen interest and selling 100% possesion in all bulls selling unless other terms are stated.
Any errors or changes in information contained in the catalog will be announced from the block and such announcements shall take precedence over the information contained herein.
Any disputes or challenges regarding bids or tie bids will be settled by the Auctioneer and the decision will be final.
February 21, 2023 1 P.M. Darr Feedlot Bull Development Center 75449 Road 426 Cozad, NE 69130
......................................................................... 507-530-3166
.......................................... 641-425-2641
.................................... 308-440-9463
Purchaser’s Risk
All animals are the owner’s risk prior to their sale and become the property of the purchaser as soon as declared sold by the Auctioneer.
Certificate of Registry
A certificate of registry for each animal will be transferred to the buyer at the seller’s expense.
All animals are eligible for interstate shipment. Interstate health papers prepared by an accredited veterinarian will be furnished on each animal sold. Arrangements for International shipment should be made with the Seller prior to the auction. All efforts for the exportation of cattle can be arranged through the Seller.
Guarantee & Insurance
All bulls are guaranteed to be breeders as of sale day. All bulls will be semen tested before sale. The buyer has the option of purchasing insurance (available sale day) from Martin-Trudeau Insurance. The policy is for 1 year and we will pay 50% of the premium.
All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The seller, auction facility, and sale manager assume no liability for any accidents that may occur. Neither does the seller, auction facility or sale manager assume liability for the loss or injury to livestock due to theft, mysterious disappearance, sickness, improper handling, or Act of God.
The above terms and conditions of sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal and shall be equally binding upon both. Each sale or resale of an animal constitutes a separate transaction.
A video of each lot will be on as well as via a link on our website at The sale will be a video sale. The animals will not be run through a sale ring. There will be a screen that will display a video of each animal while it is being sold.
Additional Sale Data & Information
Ultrasound data, current performance information, and scrotal data will be available sale day and on our website. Sale order will be posted on our website one day prior to the sale
Pick up your bulls on sale day and receive $100 off each animal purchased, plus $50 off an animal on next year’s sale. Or leave your trailer at home on sale day, pick up your animal within 6 days, and receive $50 off an animal next year. If you prefer, you may leave your animals with us until April 1st for FREE OF CHARGE. Then after that, it will be $5.00 per day to feed and pick up when you want them. Delivery will be arranged between the buyer and seller.
From Cozad, NE
Take Interstate 80 east for 8.4 miles to exit 231 (Darr). Turn South on Road 755 and continue for 2.6 miles. Turn South on Road 426 for 1/2 mile. Darr Feedlot Bull Development Center is on the East side of the road
From Lexington, NE
Take Interstate 80 West for 8.7 miles to Exit 231 (Darr). Turn South on Road 755 and continue for 2.6 miles. Turn South on Road 426 for 1/2 mile. Darr Feedlot Bull Development Center is on the East side of the road.
Catalog, Pictures. and Videos Photos & Catalog produced by Bailey McKay
308-470-1289 Videos taken & edited by Becky Rennert
Welcome to the 10th Annual Caraway Red Angus Bull Sale. First, we want to thank all past, current and future customers for supporting our ranch and purchasing bulls for their operations. Since our move in 2021 to Nebraska, we transitioned all of our calving over to the spring and will offer yearling bulls only. This fall, the bulls were moved to the Darr Bull Development Center for backgrounding ahead of our sale. They have been well looked after, and we know you will not be disappointed with any of the bulls that you purchase from our ranch.
Like many of you, drought has had a big impact on decisions for our herd. We don’t even have a clear picture for 2023 as we still lack adequate moisture in our pastures to pull us out of the severe drought we suffered. Health of our herd has been a major concern for us as the dry conditions and dust have increased cases of pneumonia and respiratory stress on our calves that were born in 2022. We have been very selective not only of the bulls we chose to background and bring to the sale, but also any heifers that we are keeping as replacements. Past experience has taught us that issues as calves can lead to health complications in older cattle.
Jon continues to ranch full time and is focused on bringing the best cattle to you day in and day out. Blair recently was given an opportunity that she couldn’t pass up and is now a sales account executive for KRVN radio in Lexington. She also is a full-time chauffer for the kids to all their sports and other various activities.
What really makes us proud is the next generation we are raising at Caraway Red Angus Ranch-Gabrielle (9), Parker (6), and Meredith (3). Having the kids alongside us so that we can teach them how to handle cattle, understand the importance of vaccinations, learn the value in feeding quality hay and grain to our livestock and learn the general responsibilities of being a ranch kid. They don’t always like when the work gets tough or challenging, but we manage to find it fun in some way when they are with us.
All cattle are available to be viewed ahead of the sale in February. Again, this year we will have DVAuction available for internet bids. Please contact Jon or Blair if you would like to arrange a viewing of the sale cattle or if have any questions on the sale offering.
Jon, Blair, Gabrielle, Parker & Meredith Caraway
5 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 95 74 21 15 -1.6 69 104 31 16 RAAA 4625791 DOB: 1/29/22 BW 70 ADJ WW 627 BIEBER H HUGHES W109 LOSSLI HUGHES 437 MISS LL SIGNATURE 916 BERG POWER EYE 567 CRAR MISS POWER EYE 68E CRAR MS DIAMND STELLAR 591 CRAR Power Hughes 4K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 89 33 56 13 -2.6 58 101 27 14 RAAA 4625861 DOB: 1/31/22 BW 70 ADJ WW 529 5L INDEPENDANCE 560-298Y FEDDES LIBERTY D210 FEDDES SLEEK 806 LRA REDEMPTION 729 CRAR MS REDEMPTION 111G CRAR MS JULIAN TWICE 553 CRAR Liberty Redemption 8K Moderate framed Heifer bull that will also add pounds to your calves • Ranks in the Top 10% for milk • Out of a first calf heifer • Above average EPDs across the boards • These Redemption daughters have great udders and mothering ability and are producing outstanding calves with great udders
6 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 141 89 53 11 -0.1 81 129 31 19 RAAA 4625777 DOB: 1/31/22 BW 89 ADJ WW 673 FEDDES SILVER BOW B226 FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202 FEDDES LARKABU X21 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MISS HUGHES 63E CRAR MISS HIGH CAPACITY 1124 CRAR Captain 11K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 122 84 38 10 +0.1 76 119 27 20 RAAA 4625773 DOB: 2/1/22 BW 90 ADJ WW 655 FEDDES SILVER BOW B226 FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202 FEDDES LARKABU X21 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MISS HUGHES 57F CRAR MS TAYLOR MADE 1041 CRAR Brunswick 13K Power from top to bottom Dam has MPPA of 107 • Great-Grand Dam was one of our foundation females • Top 1% REA • High Carcass EPDs • HERD BULl!
7 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 93 46 47 8 +0.6 70 115 28 16 RAAA 4625805 DOB: 2/2/22 BW 85 ADJ WW 606 BECKTON EPIC R397 K CRAR FOURTEEN E 1414 CRAR MISS HIGH CAPACITY 1014 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MISS HUGHES 37F CRAR MISS JACKHAMMER 1311 CRAR Fourteen Hughes 15K Pros Explained-New Red Angus EPD The breed’s new flagship index, abbreviated ProS, is an all-purpose index that covers economically relevant traits across all aspects of the beef supply chain from conception to carcass. This updated index will work as a combination of the already-existing HerdBuilder and GridMaster indexes, which include traits from conception to weaning, and postweaning through harvest, respectively. The ProS index is expressed in dollars per head born. -Sited from httpJ:/ Ultrasound Data available sale day or online at our website. ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 91 60 31 12 -1.6 58 92 25 16 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 94 55 39 13 -1.9 60 96 25 15 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 91 54 37 13 -1.8 62 100 25 15 Red Angus Breed Averages Averages for Non Parents Under Two Years of Age Averages for Active Dams on Inventory in 2022 Averages for Proven and Opportunity Sires Deep gutted, thick topped CRAR Fourteen E 1414 has produced many outstanding bulls and heifers for us • A bull that will work excellent on your cows
8 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 111 55 57 12 -0.1 74 119 28 17 RAAA 4625789 DOB: 2/2/22 BW 83 ADJ WW 637 FEDDES SILVER BOW B226 FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202 FEDDES LARKABU X21 BERG POWER EYE 567 CRAR MISS POWER EYE 100E CRAR MS LUCKY LOGAN 590 CRAR Brunswick 19K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 86 39 47 12 -1.5 63 106 30 14 RAAA 4625869 DOB: 2/1/22 BW 80 ADJ WW 563 5L INDEPENDANCE 560-298Y FEDDES LIBERTY D210 FEDDES SLEEK 806 LRA REDEMPTION 729 CRAR MS REDEMPTION 90G CRAR MS HIGH HUGHES 69D CRAR Liberty Redemption 16K Balanced bull with lots of muscle Moves extremely well • Top 5% CW • If you are looking for a home run take a look at this bull
9 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 152 78 73 15 -3.7 68 116 26 20 RAAA 4625897 DOB: 2/5/22 BW 72 ADJ WW 612 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BEIBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C 3SCC LASER FOCUSED C171 CRAR MS LASER FOCUSED 21H CRAR MISS PATRICK 1371 CRAR Bruno 25K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 90 78 12 13 -1.5 70 106 33 17 RAAA 4625793 DOB: 2/5/22 BW 80 ADJ WW 633 BIEBER H HUGHES W109 LOSSLI HUGHES 437 MISS LL SIGNATURE 916 BERG POWER EYE 567 CRAR MISS POWER EYE 69E CRAR MS DIAMND STELLER 572 CRAR Hughes Eyes 26K He is out of our daughter Meredith’s cow, hence the name chosen by a 3 year-old • Would compliment any commercial cow/calf program as his PROS is in the top 1% • So much extension in his front one third • Packs a lot of muscle on a moderate frame
10 Watch & Bid online for FREE! Can’t make the sale? Let DVAuction bring the sale to you! Busy during the sale? Let DVAuction represent your bid! Visit and Register! It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 ... 1. Create an account at under the “create new account” tab. 2. Apply for bidding by clicking “apply for bidding” in the upper left corner of your screen, at least 24 hours prior to the auction. 3. Tune into the sale and make your purchases! For General Questions Please Contact Our Office: (402)316-5460 or *High Speed Internet Access Required ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 89 54 35 11 -0.4 65 106 29 15 RAAA 4625743 DOB: 2/5/22 BW 85 ADJ WW 601 BECKTON EPIC R397 K CRAR FOURTEEN E 1414 CRAR MISS HIGH CAPACITY 1014 LOSSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MS DOUBLE HUGHES 62D CFAR DOUBLE ROCKER 0538 CRAR Fourteen E 27K High gaining bull This bull has gained 460 lbs. since Nov. 30th • Larger famed and bigger footed
11 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 105 67 38 11 -0.5 67 108 29 17 RAAA 4625741 DOB: 2/6/22 BW 85 ADJ WW 576 BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 LRA REDEMPTION 729 LRA MS PACKER 521 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MISS HIGH HUGHES 77D CRAR MS HIGH COUNTRY 0518 CRAR Redemption 33K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 98 39 59 11 -0.7 69 114 30 13 RAAA 4625883 DOB: 2/10/22 BW 92 ADJ WW 647 5L INDEPENDANCE 560-298Y FEDDES LIBERTY D210 FEDDES SLEEK 806 BROWN PACESETTER Y7170 CRAR MS PACESETTER 80G CRAR MISS HUGHES 93E CRAR Liberty Pacesetter 39K This guy packs on the pounds for WW & YW Still keeps a high milk and stayability • Dam has an MPPA of 105 • Out of a first calf heifer • Gaining over 4 lbs. a day
12 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 94 58 36 13 -1.8 65 107 28 17 RAAA 4625707 DOB: 2/11/22 BW 75 ADJ WW 577 BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 LRA REDEMPTION 729 LRA MS PACKER 521 RED CROWFOOT MOONSHINE 8081U CRAR MISS MOONSHINE 1406 CRAR MS TREND 808 CRAR Moon Redemption 45K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 113 45 68 9 +1.1 74 124 28 13 RAAA 4625841 DOB: 2/12/22 BW 86 ADJ WW 516 BEIBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118 BEIBER DEEP END B597 BIEBER LAURA 158W LOOSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MISS ADRIAN 34G PFFR MS CEDAR 548 CRAR Deepend 49K Soggy made bull with so much length of hip Big footed, wide based bull • Our son showed his dam who had a great temperament and this bull is also very mild in disposition • Perfect for adding pounds to calf crop as his average daily gain EPD is in the top 5% • He also has carcass weight EPD in the top 1%
13 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 157 93 64 16 -1.8 68 118 31 20 RAAA 4625717 DOB: 2/14/22 BW 75 ADJ WW 617 ANDRES IN FOCUS B152 3SCC LASER FOCUSED C171 3SCC HANNAH Z100 BECKTON EPIC R397 K CRAR MISS EPIC CAPACITY 1517 CRAR MS HIGH CAPACITY 1017 CRAR Laser Epic 55K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 112 76 36 11 -0.1 62 106 26 17 RAAA 4625679 DOB: 2/14/22 BW 90 ADJ WW 618 BIEBER H HUGHES W109 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 MISS LL SIGNATURE 916 CFRA JR107 0323 CRAR MISS LANA 1204 3SCC LANA S63 CRAR Hughes 56K Barrel chested, wide based Dam is a 7 year old wo has an MPPA of 107 • Big nutted Loosli Hughes 437 son • Loosli Hughes has done everything we expected and more for us
14 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 124 74 51 14 -1.7 64 108 25 19 RAAA 4625711 DOB: 2/14/22 BW 80 ADJ WW 530 FEDDES SILVER BOW B226 FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202 FEDDES LARKABU X21 3SCC LANCER Z173 CRAR MISS LANCER 1447 CRAR MISS HIGH CAPACITY 1158 CRAR Brunswick Lancer 58K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 124 86 38 10 -0.1 74 120 28 21 RAAA 4625737 DOB: 2/15/22 BW 89 ADJ WW 625 FEDDES SILVER BOW B226 FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202 FEDDES LARKABU X21 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MS HUGHES PURSUE 37D CRAR MS PURSUE 1270 CRAR Brunswick 60K Heifer bull Top 10% ProS • Top 7% in Stayability • Meat wagon on the move • STAY EPD in the top 1%-you will be keeping the females this Brunswick son produces • Growth potential is shown in a WW EPD of 74
15 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 121 82 39 16 -2.2 63 104 26 20 RAAA 4625715 DOB: 2/16/22 BW 77 ADJ WW 558 ANDRES IN FOCUS B152 3SCC LASER FOCUSED C171 3SCC HANNAH Z100 RED CROWFOOT MOONSHINE 8081U CRAR MISS MOONSHINE 1513 CRAR MISS WORTHY TREND 1211 CRAR Laser Focused 64K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 68 14 54 13 -1.4 75 123 34 10 RAAA 4625713 DOB: 2/16/22 BW 77 ADJ WW 564 LJC MERLIN T179 WFL MERLIN 018A WFL COMMITMENT 042Y BADLANDS OPPORTUNITY 53Y PFFR MS CEDAR 548 PFFR MS CEDAR 3015 CRAR Merlin Cedar 65K Dam has an MPPA of 106 who goes back to one of our foundation females, CRAR MS TREND 808 • Top 4% in STAY EPD-the females out of him will be mamas • Growth potential is high with this Merlin son • He is powerful yet balanced • His dam has an MPPA of 106
16 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 117 74 43 11 -0.2 68 113 29 19 RAAA 4625705 DOB: 2/17/22 BW 88 ADJ WW 632 BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 LRA REDEMPTION 729 LRA MS PACKER 521 LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27 CRAR MISS STATEMENT 1418 CRAR MS PURSUE 1120 CRAR Mission Redemption 66K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 94 51 43 14 -2.1 71 115 28 17 RAAA 4625821 DOB: 2/18/22 BW 71 ADJ WW 654 3SCC DOMAIN A163 CRAR DOMAIN 32G CRAR MISS JACKHAMMER 1311 BERG POWER EYE 567 CRAR MISS POWER EYE 60F CRAR MS HIGH HUGHES 77D CRAR Domain 69K Power from top to bottom Dam has MPPA of 107 • Great-Grand Dam was one of our foundation females • Calving Ease - great heifer bull • Wide topped
17 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 91 47 44 10 +0.6 66 108 27 16 RAAA 4625771 DOB: 2/22/22 BW 83 ADJ WW 563 3SCC DOMAIN A163 CRAR DOMAIN 32G CRAR MISS JACKHAMMER 1311 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MISS HUGHES 93E CRAR MS T3 CHIEF 829 CRAR Domain 81K H Livestock insurance endorsed by the SD Angus Association, the SD Simmental Association and the SD Hereford Association H 1531 West Elm Street, P.O. Box 487, Mitchell, SD 57301 605-996-3106, 1-800-450-3106 H 1. All Risk Mortality (ARM) 100% Indemnity • Bulls & Females 2. ARM + Accidental External Injury (ACC) 80% Indemnity • Bulls Only 3. ARM + Accident Sickness and Disease Infertility (ASD) 80% Indemnity • Bulls Only 4. ARM + Comprehensive Infertility (COMP) 85% Indemnity • Bulls Only COVERAGES ARE SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE DEDUCTIBLES AND/OR COINSURANCE, MINUS SLAUGHTER VALUE. Livestock insurance for all your needs! Katie Williams Cell: 605-770-9986 Maternal brother was high selling bull in 2018 Dam has an MPPA of 102
18 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 95 61 34 11 -0.8 69 109 26 16 RAAA 4625859 DOB: 2/20/22 BW 77 ADJ WW 565 3SCC DOMAIN A163 CRAR DOMAIN 44F AMBER LIGHT HALFMAN 604 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 CRAR MS HUGHES 92G CRAR MISS JACKHAMMER 1509 CRAR 44F Domain 85K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 65 27 38 15 -2.8 66 106 29 13 RAAA 4625823 DOB: 2/22/22 BW 71 ADJ WW 626 3SCC DOMAIN A163 CRAR DOMAIN 32G CRAR MISS JACKHAMMER 1311 BERG POWER EYE 567 CRAR MISS POWER EYE 64F CRAR MS DOUBLE HUGHES 62D CRAR Domain 83K Heifer bull - calving ease Level topped • Smooth striding • Out of first calf heifer • Top 6% in HPG
19 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 78 47 32 12 -1.0 62 103 29 16 RAAA 4625745 DOB: 2/27/22 BW 78 ADJ WW 521 BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 LRA REDEMPTION 729 LRA MS PACKER 521 HXC DECLARATION 5504C PFFR MS CEDAR 732 PFFR MS CEDAR 38Y CRAR Redemption 92K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 112 66 46 12 -1.9 67 110 29 17 RAAA 4625889 DOB: 2/26/22 BW 70 ADJ WW 591 3SCC DOMAIN A163 CRAR DOMAIN 44F AMBER LIGHT HALFMAN 604 LRA REDEMPTION 729 CRAR MS REDEMPTION 100G CRAR MISS HUGHES 103E CRAR 44F Domain 90K Lots of extension from nose to tail on this Domain grandson We wouldn’t hesitate to use him on heifers with a -1.9 BW EPD and an actual birthweight of 70 pounds • He is out of our son’s cow • Barrel chested and deep bodied he will make some good mamas for you
20 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 108 66 42 10 1.0 76 125 29 17 RAAA 4625865 DOB: 3/17/22 BW 90 ADJ WW 664 3SCC DOMAIN A163 CRAR DOMAIN 4F AMBER LIGHT HALFMAN 604 CRAR FOURTEEN E 1414 CRAR MS FOURTEEN E 84G CRAR MS HUGHES MADE 86D CRAR 44F Domain 107K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 112 66 46 12 -1.1 76 121 32 17 RAAA 4625877 DOB: 3/2/22 BW 77 ADJ WW 680 3SCC DOMAIN A163 CRAR DOMAIN 44F AMBER LIGHT HALFMAN 604 LRA REDEMPTION 81G CRARMS REDEMPTION 81G CRAR MISS HUGHES 98E CRAR 44F Domain 94K Such a powerfully made bull all the way through Dam has an MPPA of 107 • Fancy, long fronted, dark cherry red our of our Domain son • One of the best gainers of this group of bulls. He had an adjusted weaning weight of 664
21 ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 106 56 50 16 -2.4 56 94 28 16 RAAA 4625763 DOB: 4/10/22 BW 77 ADJ WW 658 BIEBER FOREFRONT B281 BIEBER CL FOREFRONT F135 BIEBER CL ADELLE 105D OHRR 85Y-ND COMPASS 79C OHRR 134C MS NEW DM 150E OHRR 26Z HOBO TRISH 134C CRAR Hughes 118K ProS HB GM CED BW WW YW Milk STAY 79 49 30 12 -0.6 71 119 30 14 RAAA 4625757 DOB: 3/18/22 BW 80 ADJ WW 553 BIEBER H HUGHES W109 LOOSLI HUGHES 437 MISS LL SIGNATURE 916 LSF CONQUEROR 0026X CRAR MS CONQUEROR 2E CRAR MS ST.PATRICK 1535 CRAR Hughes 109K Long striding Big extension through his neck and front end • Level topped • Young, but he is an impressive gainer with an adjusted weaning weight of 658 • More moderately framed with good bone structure down to the ground
22 Notes
23 Reference Sires Bieber CL Stockmarket E119 Beiber Deep End B597 Feddes Liberty D210 Feddes Brunswick D202
76005 Road 429 Lexington, NE 68850