2023 Iowa Shorthorn Association

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BOARD MEMBERS 2023-2024 Jalane Vaughn, President aldenjalane@gmail.com (816) 465-0341 Anita Studer, Secretary studershorthorns@yahoo.com (641) 344-1435 Caleb Burke caleb2709@gmail.com (515) 587-1866 Richard Mitchell mandbcattle@gmail.com (641) 330-3720 Dan Mitchell, Vice President danmitchell1030@gmail.com (641) 330-5207 Ashley Berg, Treasurer jaberg03@gmail.com (641) 512-6692 Emily Fox foxshorthorns@hotmail.com (574) 320-7013 Hunter Wilkening hcwilkening@gmail.com (641) 750-2712 Lisa Green mom2cma@gmail.com (641) 691-0266 Ashley McDermott ashleykress54@hotmail.com (641) 757-1352 Ashley Will willcattleco@hotmail.com (712) 249-8046 Senior 6

Iowa Royal


Ben Studer

Levi Johnson

Albert J. Hamann

Otis W. Rothlisberger

Donald E. Penningroth

H. Russell Held

Warren Cowman

Daniel Fogarty

Dr.& Mrs. Wayne C. Neely

Glen Struve

Orville & Georgia Berg

Bob & Helen Johnson

Bill & Harriet Moore

Bob & Dorothy Connell

The Late Richard Studer

Duane & Evelyn Greeley

Wilbert & Marvella Korthaus

Dr. Dave and Ellie Castle

Roger & Ruth Applegate

Charlie & Judy Obrecht

Glen & Shirley Ahrendsen

Alvin & Donna Flack

Wayne & Aileen McKee

The Late William McCullough

Polled Congress

Dale Studer Family

Leonard & Ruth Adams

Jim & Marlene Scott

Bernie & Norma Bolton

Charlie & Joyce Duffy

Zelpha Henderson

Doug Moothart & Family

Dan Weeda & Family

Charlie Obrecht & Family

Bob Brouwer / Shawn Berg

Tom & Sandy Johnson

Tom & Jan Mitchell

Lonnie Flack & Family

Marlan & Brenda Korthaus

Steve & Linda Haywood

Gilman Shorthorn Family

Bruce Brooks

Luett Family Shorthorns

Michael T. Studer & Family

Bert & Millie Moore

In Honor of all Deceased Members

Lyle & Stephanie Sexton

Kendrick & Theresa Berg

1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
sale hosted on 14

Alden Farms Ron and Judy Alden 32570 225th St. Hamilton, MO 64644 816-465-0341

Berg Shorthorns

Josh & Ashley Berg 1295 Highway 9 Osage, IA 50461 641-832-7772

Berg Shorthorns Kendrick & Theresa 1895 350th Osage, IA 50461 319-240-9012

Blazin A Shorthorns

Craig & Denise Amos 16795 130th Ave Indianaola, IA 50125 515-238-9852

Bern-A-Dale Shortorns Bernie & Norma Bolton 38995 Honey Suckle Rd Oakland, IA 51560 714-482-3386

Bollum Family Shorthorns Cory Bollum 27271 370th St Goodhue, MN 55027 507-279-0480

Brandt Ranch Marty Brandt 2131 175th St Clarion, IA 50525 575-291-5276

Branstad Sisters Andrew Branstad 17423 390th St Leland, IA 50453

CHB Cattle Company Caleb Burke Altoona, IA 515-587-1866

Cress Cattle Company Randy Cress & Devan Cress 6186 180th Ave Anamosa, IA 52205 319-480-7746

Circle K Cattle Company Cody & Hannah Korthaus 202 272nd Ave Udell, IA 52593 641-895-2391

Circle K Cattle Company Marlan & Brenda Korthaus 19593 272nd Ave Udell, IA 52593 641-895-2295

Cyclone Trace Cattle Co John Hagie 1001 8th Ave NW Clarion, IA 50525 515-532-3005

Steve Determan 2303 255th St Early, IA 50535 712-273-5399

MEMBERS 2023-2024
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Oakview Shorthorns

Lonnie Flack 19733 677th Ave Nevada, IA 50201 641-377-2112

Fox Family Shorthorns

Brian & Emily Fox 2333 110th St Kanawha, IA 50447 574-320-7009

Gilman Shorthorns

Cary & Rochelle Gilman 1157 Trenton Ave Stuart, IA 50250 515-523-2917

Gilman Shorthorns

Ethan & Kathleen Gilman 1279 Sheldon Ave Stuart, IA 50250 515-360-1445

Green Castle Shorthorns

Glenn Thompson/ Rosemary Thompson 3031 Green Castle Rd. Gilman, IA 641-751-1783

CMA Cattle Company

Loren & Lisa Green PO Box 542 State Center, IA 50247 641-691-0266

Haywood Cattle

Steve & Linda Haywood 34675 300th St Union, IA 50258 641-486-2346

Ralph Hodson 1904 Hwy 92 Ackworth, IA 50001 515-961-4564

Tom & Sandy Johnson 1724 30th St Ackley, IA 50601 641-648-9066

L & D Show Cattle

Damewood Family 1508 8th St Corning, IA 50841

Marvin Koeper 10791 W 92nd St N Rhodes, IA 50234 515-227-3511

Long Family Shorthorns Ron Long Vinton, IA

Luett Family Shorthorns

David, Elaine and Dylana Luett 16505 7th St Maquoketa, IA, 52060

Double M Stock Farms

Dexter & Ashley McDermott 61968 Oxford Rd Atlantic, IA 50022 712-254-0949

Mapleton Polled Shorthorns

Dr. Bert & Millie Moore 407 12th St Indianola, IA 50125

McKee Family Shorthorns

Wayne & Aileen McKee 635 155th Ave Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-2073

Mitchell Family Shorthorns

Dan & Renea Mitchell 3051 Addison Ave Nashua, IA 50658 641-330-5207

MTS Shorthorns

Michael T Studer PO Box 53 Wesley, IA 50483 515-341-6846

Naylor Angus & Shorthorns

Brett & Brittney Naylor 1595 422nd Rd Halfway, MO 65663

Matt Nissen 5925 Wilde Rd Coggon, IA 52218 319-551-4274

Owens Shorthorns

Elizabeth Owens 2187 W Ave Homestead, IA 52236 319-213-5961

Puckett Shorthorns Brooke Puckett IA 563-249-4949

Jim Scott PO Box 277 Leon, IA 50144

Roger Richter 1024 Fallow Ave Adair, IA 50002

BS4 Cattle

Bejamin Schulmeister 18683 P Ave

Hawkeye, IA 52147

Larry Sexton

6B Farms

Barb Brouwer/Jim Brouwer 20406 110th St Parkersburg, IA 50665 319-242-1712

Studer Shorthorns

Austin & Nicki Studer 5726 160th Ave Indianola, IA 50125 309-335-8042

Studer Shorthorns

Nathan Studer 1209 Jaguar Ave Creston, IA 50801 641-344-8487

Dale Studer Family Shorthorns

Dale & Anita Studer 2125 125th St Creston, IA 50801 641-782-2286

Studer Shorthorns

Kaisha & Chad Lowe IA

Studer Shorthorns

Sarah Studer & Dominic Formaro IA 515-850-6880

Vaughn Farms

Matt & Jalane Vaughn 30001 635th Ave Maxwell, IA 50161 303-506-8511

Will Cattle Company

Chance & Ashley Will 55467 730th St Anita, IA 50020 712-249-6865

Wilkening Show Cattle

Hunter & Allyssa Wilkening State Center, IA 641-750-2712

Jason & Stacey Vonnahme 249 Windwood Dr Carroll, IA 51401

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Jr. Shorthorn
Ryleigh Obrecht SECRETARY Sheridan Fox PRESIDENT Addison Obrecht BOARD MEMBER McKenna Sonntag SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Madeline Berg VICE PRESIDENT Jorden Peterson BOARD MEMBER
Samantha Sagar BOARD MEMBER

Franklin Akers

Emily Allen

Olivia Allen

Tyi-Alicyn Alter

Grant Anderson

Kenlee Anstey

Dawson Barnett

Addison Baumert

Colton Becker

Brock Benson

Autumn Berg

Kaitlyn Berg

Lauren Berg

Madeline Berg

Austin Bishop

Ayva Bohr

Allyson Boyle

Gabrielle Branstad

Madison Branstad

Emma Braun

Owen Braun

Makenna Brouwer

Natalia Brown

Helen Burds

Kennadi Butikofer

Alyssa Byars

Hailee Cannon

Khloee Cannon

Troy Condon

Tonna Damewood

Addi Dawson

Sophie Deacon

Justin Decker

Ross Dier

Kalayna Durr

Brady Eastman

Savannah Evans

Hailey Faris

Landan Fetters

Madisen Fischer

Dylan Fitzgerald

Kenleigh Fooken

Hayden Fox

Reagan Fox

Sheridan Fox


Adaline Gade

RyLee German

Abigail Green

Braydn Greubel

Luke Guthrie

Colton Happe

Jaylee Happe

Kaitlyn Haskovec

Halli Hershberger

Collin Hoakison

Blake Huffman

Issabella Johnson

Addie Johnson

Lane Johnson

Ty Johnson

Molly Jones

Caleb Junis

Mariska Kirchert

Kinsley Knutstrom

Riley Lockard

Kenadie Long

Tyler Loudon

Kylie Loyd

Ada Lund

Kelly Marshek

Mckenna Martens

Hattie McCollom

Lane McDonald

Hadley McDonald

Addie McKenna

Ellie Mewes

Emery Miller

Braeden Mitchell

Cooper Mitchell

Sarah Mitchell

Tyler James Mitchell

Cole Mobley

Benjamin Moffitt

Bryce Moffitt

Katelyn Moffitt

Belle Netolicky

Colton Netolicky

Claire Nibe

Alena Oberbroeckling

Addison Obrecht

Cheyenne Obrecht

Coy Obrecht

Ryleigh Obrecht

Rylan Oglesbee

Taylor Quade

Jorden Peterson

Sarah Phelps

Joslynne Plath

Harley Pueggel

Jacob Robinette

Kinsley Robinette

Josie Robinson

Colleen Romig

Lacey Rouse

Chase Rozenboom

Alexandra Sagar

Samantha Sagar

Alyza Schimmelpfennig

Libby Sojka

McKenna Sonntag

Mari Stevenson

Nolan Stevenson

Addison Strohbehn

Brock Studer

Sara Sullivan

Madison Swanton

Connor Tapken

Sawyer Taylor

Erika Thomann

Campbell Thomas

Paige Totemeier

Noah Valde

Adalynn Vaughn

Alden Vaughn

Will Vlasek

Emma Vogl

Halle Wade

Hayden Wade

Joaquin Wailes

Addison Wall

Sophia Waterman

Kyser Will

Landrie Will

Morgan Will

Brianna Wolfer


Membership Form

Farm Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Contact Name:

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________ Contact Number: ___________________________

Facebook Farm Page: ___________________________________________________________________

Annual Dues: $50

Send checks to Ashley Berg

1295 Hwy 9 Osage, IA 50461 or Venmo @Iowa-shorthorn-association

Iowa Shorthorn Association 28
2022 Iowa State Fair Open Shorthorn Show AUGUST 19, 2023 JOIN US FOR THE 2023 IOWA STATE FAIR Show Results
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull GCS Guns N Roses - Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, IA Grand Champion Shorthorn Female KNEP Amber Diamond 217 - Colton Becker, Atlantic, IA Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull TKA Mystery Machine 98J - Bailey Abney, South Wayne, WI Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female ABEN Blackberry 112J ET - Allyssa Wilkening, State Center, IA Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull BWR Whiskey Bent - Makenna Brouwer, Aplington, IA Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female GCS White Magic ET - Olivia Allen, Tiffin, IA Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull BSSC Outkast - Madison Branstad, Leland, IA
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female /F Rosemary 19001 - Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, IA
2023-24 ADVERTISERSThanks to our ADVERTISER PAGE 6B Farms 17 Alden Farms 31 Berg Shorthorns 2-3 Bern-A-Dale Shorthorns 15 Blazin A Shorthorns 26 Bollum Family Shorthorns 10-11 Brandt Ranch 33 CHB Cattle Company 32 Circle K Cattle Company 20 CMA Cattle 32 Fox Shorthorns 21 Gilman Shorthorns 34-35 Mapleton Polled Shorthorns 7 Mitchell Family Shorthorns 25 MTS Shorthorns 16 Naylor Shorthorns 12-13 Oakview Shorthorns 27 Studer Shorthorns 4-5 Vaughn Farms 8-9 WCC Cow Palace/Will Cattle Company 23 33

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