KANSAS Bull Test
17770 May Day Rd, Green, KS (GPS Address)
I would like to welcome you to the 82nd Annual Kansas Bull Test. Every year these producers bring an excellent set of bulls and every year the competition for the top indexing bull becomes fiercer. This year we saw some incredible gains and the bulls perform at the highest level. I would like to thank the Larson Farms crew for all the hard work and dedication that went into feeding and caring for the bulls. At sale time they will be ready to go straight to work.
We are headed into an unprecedented time for the cow/calf business. With the total cow numbers low we are going to see some of the highest feeder calves we have ever seen. Many of the analysts and market gurus are predicting that times will be good for the foreseeable future. So here is your opportunity to add high quality, marketable genetics that will increase your pounds of calf sold and have a remarkable effect on your bottom line.
All the bulls have been semen tested, current on their vaccinations and ready to go to work. Thank you for your continued interest of the Kansas Bull Test program and the value that it adds to these bulls. Additional information will be made available on the website at www.kansasbulltest. com. Please feel free to call me or any of the other producers if you would like more information about the bulls.
All the best,
Andee Marston The Marston Group, LLC
Tuesday, April 4th 3:00 PM Bulls Available for Viewing
Wednesday, April 5th 11:00 AM Lunch, Sponsored by Central Valley Ag & Hubbard Milling
12:00 noon, 82nd Annual Kansas Bull Test
Andee Marston 785.250.4449
Dustin Layton 405.464.2455
Andy Larson 785.556.0035
Andee Marston 785.250.4449 andeemarston@gmail.com
Dustin Layton, Auctioneer 405.464.2455
Jeff Mafi, Angus Journal 816.344.4266
Guy Peverly, The Stock Exchange 785.456.4390
Stephen Russell, Kansas Stockman 785.458.2650
Hampton Inn, Manhattan 785.539.5000
Comfort Suites, Manhattan 785.728.4044
For long distance and internet purchases, we will assist with finding trucking deemed to be reliable. All bulls need to be picked up immediately following the sale unless other arrangements have been made.
INSURANCE Mortality Insurance will be available at clerks office.
HEALTH All cattle will sell with proper health certificates for immediate shipment. Bulls have been vaccinated for IBR, BVD, BRSV, PI3, Blackleg 8, Vibrio and Lepto 5. All the bulls were poured with Ivormectin and have been tested BVD-PI Free.
All cattle sell under the suggested terms and conditions of the corresponding breed association.
All bulls have passed a Breeding Soundness Exam and have been deemed Satisfactory by Ashland Vet Clinic. The bulls will not be guaranteed to freeze semen for the purposes of Artificial Insemination, Flushing or IVF. If the bull is injured within the first breeding season (in case of bulls making them functionally infertile, the seller will provide the buyer a satisfactory replacement after the bull is brought back in suitable condition or issue a credit, salvage value minus purchased price toward the purchase of a bull in a future Kansas Bull Test. This guarantee does not include death of a bull from natural causes or physical harm. There will be mortality insurance available at the clerks desk if you choose to insure your purchases. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the first turn out date of the bulls. If you do not intend to use the bull(s) for some time after the purchase, we suggest an additional BSE by a licensed veterinarian to assure the highest conception rates possible. We suggest normal management practices in caring for your bulls.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements made from the block will take precedence over information printed in this sale book.
Neither Kansas Bull Test nor Sale Management is responsible for any accident or injury incurred in route to, from or at the sale.
SALE ORDER Bulls will be selling in a sale order NOT catalog order.
5, 2023 Noon Wednesday, VIDEOS AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT WWW.KANSASBULLTEST.COM OR LIVEAUCTIONS.TV Technical Support 682.816.4900 TechSupport@LiveAuctions.tv
Larson Feedlot
82nd Annual Kansas Bull Test
Clarks Creek Angus
Cary Granzow
Herington, KS
LOTS 13 – 14
Clearwater Genetics
John Dugan Clearwater, KS
LOTS 19 – 23
Hammeke 7 Cattle Co
Clint Hammeke
Great Bend, KS
LOTS 5 – 8
Pearson Angus
Clint & Lisa Pearson
Scott City, KS
LOTS 9 – 12
RG Wendt Family Farms
R.G. Wendt
Lawrence, KS
LOTS 38 – 43
Sawyer Family Angus
Derek Sawyer
McPherson, KS
LOTS 1 – 4
VanDerVeen Farms
Curtis VanDerVeen
Phillipsburg, KS
LOTS 24 – 32
W&S Ranch Inc
Philip Weltmer
Smith Center, KS
LOTS 15 – 18
Willow Creek
Derek Jackson
Council Grove, KS
LOTS 33 – 37
Arrow H Cattle
Mark Hintz Hebron, NE 402.768.8329
LOTS 54 – 64
Beach Cattle Co
Matt Beach Leonard, MO 573.881.0404
LOTS 68 – 69
Kaser Brother’s Simmentals
Stephen Kaser Osborne, KS 785.346.6077
LOTS 44 – 53
Ludwig Simmentals
Doug Ludwig Jackson, MO 573-268-9609
LOTS 70 – 71
Teter Ranch
Zachary Teter
Eureka, KS
LOTS 65 – 67
Fancy Creek Charolais
Charlotte Olsen
Randolph, KS
TD Charolais
Todd Dick
Buhler, KS
LOTS 77 – 83
Wagner Charolais
Wade & Monica Wagner
Smith Center, KS
LOTS 84 – 88
Wal-Mar Charolais
Shad Marston
Canton, KS
LOTS 72 – 76
Whearty Farms
Jennifer Whearty
Randolph, KS
LOTS 90 – 92
82nd Annual Kansas Bull Test 6 1.2 61 108 27 0.86 48 0.62 0.63 62 57 85 50 139 241 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C 11 1.5 78.2 116.4 23.5 28.9 0.88 0.13 130.12 78.49 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI ANGUS SIMMENTAL 12 0.0 68 100 22 0.66 0.22 75.35 CED BW WW YW MILK REA MARB FPI GELBVIEH 5.9 -0.3 59 107 24 1.0 22 0.71 0.12 250.01 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB TSI CHAROLAIS ANGUS 854 976 1128 3.38 3.02 AVG. MID WEIGHT AVG. START WEIGHT AVG. FINAL WEIGHT AVG. ADG AVG. WDA SIMMENTAL CHAROLAIS GELBVIEH 872 955 1111 2.96 3.11 859 938 1073 2.65 2.98 827 920 1059 2.86 2.99
SFA Exclusive 216
Impressive!!! Not only did he top the KBT Index but he is one of the highest scoring bulls of all-time. A product of the popular ST Genetics bull Exclusive. Huge growth, heavy muscled with extra eye appeal. He ranks in the top 1% for YW and the top YW bull in the offering with a 300 $C.
SFA Exclusive 210
Lot 1
Calving ease bull with a huge growth curve. Negative birth that ranks in the top 10% for both WW and YW. Huge middled with muscle shape and eye appeal.
SFA Rawhide 205
Poss Maverick Poss Rawhide
Lot 2
A Rawhide son with a ton of practical genetics. Good spread from birth to yearling with huge ribeye and marbling scores. He ranks in the upper limits for $C in the top 2%.
ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.4 4.08 0.41 41.5 123.76 99 700 1329 4.38 3.56
POSS Rawhide- reference sire
LD Capitalist 316 Musgrave 316 Exclusive Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 Tehama CC&7 Z355 TC Pride 7206 TC Pride 2035 3 3.8 90 168 35 1.81 79 0.98 0.34 89 81 121 41 163 300 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/23/22 I 20444923 I 216 I KBT Tag 45 Sawyer Family Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.4 4.35 0.51 36.5 99.27 83 689 1275 2.96 3.35
Exclusive Musgrave
TC Lady Allison 8024 TC Lady Allison 4008 10 -0.3 82 145 29 0.61 64 0.62 0.86 77 81 101 59 161 286 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
LD Capitalist 316
Prim Lassie 163-386
Authentic 0829
1/15/22 I 20444911 I 210 I KBT Tag 46 Sawyer Family Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.6 4.93 0.23 42.5 100.88 74 635 1214 3.21 3.23
TC Queen 2030 12 1.1 79 138 26 1.95 81 0.94 0.9 58 72 137 68 204 323 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
TC Forthright
TC Queen 7064
1/15/22 I 20444761 I 205 I KBT Tag 47 Sawyer Family Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
Lot 4
Hammeke Phoenix 2223
SFA Storm 217
Sleep at night calving ease. This Storm son performed admirably on test gaining over 4 lbs per day. A true curve bender with a tremendous look and excellent structure.
Hammeke Phoenix 2216
Here’s the #1 ADG bull of the entire sale, quite a feat for such a low BW bull. With a $F, $G and #B all in the top 10% of the breed. His progeny is sure to perform great whether in the feedyard or sold at weaning.
The #2 ADG bull in the sale. This bull has a CED, YW, SC, CW, and RE in the top 15% of the breed. His lowest of the six dollar index still ranks in the top 10% of the breed. This bull has it all from calving ease, to maternal, to growth, to carcass!
Hammeke Phoenix 2224
GAR Sure Fire
Superb heifer bull that will still bring the pounds at weaning with a CED in the top 1% of the breed and a BW of -1. He has a WW in the top 25% and a RADG, Milk, $F, and $B EPD in the top 10th percentile. This bull also has a large scrotal with a 1.55.
Hammeke Hometown 2204
This is a real performance animal with WW, YW, SC, and $W all in the top 10% of the breed. Furthermore, his CW is top 3%, and RE is top 1%. On the indexes $F, $B, and $C all hit the top 4% of the breed making him a wonderful herd bull prospect.
ANGUS ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.7 3.85 0.33 41.5 114.45 73 685 1269 4.04 3.31
KR Rally KR Storm 900 GS Identity 42 EF Authentic 0829 TC Queen 9012 TC Queen 7064 12 -1.6 63 120 24 0.9 56 0.6 0.74 73 61 101 57 157 277 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/23/22 I *20447460 I 217 I KBT Tag 48 Sawyer Family Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 11.7 6.59 0.39 39.5 121.07 72 585 1188 4.81 3.02
GAR Phoenix GAR Prophet N744 Jindra Acclaim Hammke Acclaim 2027 Hammeke Discovery 1710 8 0.4 73 132 26 1.56 64 0.85 1.04 41 66 108 74 182 277 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
GAR Sure Fire
2/9/22 I +*20365327 I 2223 I KBT Tag 7 Hammeke 7 Cattle Co BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.9 6.5 0.3 40.5 118.02 82 588 1273 4.63 3.00
GAR Sure Fire GAR Phoenix GAR Prophet N744 SydGen Enhance Hammeke Enhance 2006 BJ Consensus 3159 11 1.1 79 137 27 1.48 65 0.91 1.16 83 78 109 81 190 329 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/10/22 I +*20365320 I 2216 I KBT Tag 6 Hammeke 7 Cattle Co BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.4 3.69 0.21 42 112.45 76 733 1242 3.90 3.31
Phoenix GAR Prophet N744 Jindra Acclaim Hammke Acclaim 2027 Hammeke Discovery 1710 16 -1 70 137 34 1.55 69 0.93 0.74 51 71 112 63 175 278 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/9/22 I +*20392933 I 2224 I KBT Tag 5 Hammeke 7 Cattle Co BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 37 116.34 68 559 4.35 3.15
Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 WR Journey-1X74 Hammeke Journey 1705 GAR Complete 1071 15 -0.7 64 110 37 0.46 50 1.17 1.29 63 74 94 95 189 308 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
Ashland GAR
2/13/22 I *20365450 I 2204 I KBT Tag 8 Hammeke 7 Cattle Co BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
PA Stellar 205
Mohnen Substantial 272
This Stellar son has been a standout since day one. His dam has put several bulls through the Kansas Bull Test and never disappoints. Big spread with exceptional carcass merit. Look at his adjusted REA at 16.4 and 5.45 for IMF.
PA Stellar 218
Substantial 272
If you like a bull with a great look and plenty of substance you will really like this one. Big topped with a big time REA at 15.5. Powerful genetics with phenotype.
PA Patriarch 262
A heifer safe option by the high use ABS sire Patriarch. An all-purpose bull that brings an extra shot of maternal with highly valuable carcass traits.
Lot 10 Lot 9
ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 16.4 5.43 0.3 37 121.10 80 735 4.15 3.61
Tehama Patriarch F028- reference sire
Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B LAR Protege 327 PA Flower 505 PA Flower 305 6 0.7 78 140 29 0.63 76 0.99 0.93 46 72 115 70 185 286 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/20/22 I *20425487 I 205 I KBT Tag 52 Pearson
BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.5 3.04 0.28 35.5 106.45 77 620 1102 3.77 3.07
Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B Connealy Counselor PA Martha 618 PA 213 Martha 218 6 -0.7 75 136 24 0.54 51 0.93 0.25 57 69 94 39 134 231 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/22/22 I 20425480 I 218 I KBT Tag 49 Pearson Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.7 4.19 0.28 40 108.96 76 684 1142 3.89 3.11
Tehama Patriarch F028 Tehama Elite Blackbird D826 ENS Generation 6104 PA 6206 Ms Amelia 862 ENS Ms All in 4118 6206 13 -1.4 56 106 32 1.08 40 0.54 0.63 81 63 79 50 129 248 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
SS Niagara Z29
2/22/22 I 20425481 I 262 I KBT Tag 51
Pearson Angus
Ellingson Authorize 7057 - reference sire
PA Authorize 232
Koupal Advance 28
Ellingson Authorize 7057
His progeny will hit the ground running adding pounds at weaning with added eye appeal. He ranks in the top 5% of the breed for WW and YW. A performance powerhouse with added length and balance.
Lot 13
CC Ramesses 202
Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36
This is a big stout bull that ranks in the top1% for RE carcass EDP and in the top 20% for all 6 $ value EPDs. 2nd highest KBT index bull.
CC Enhance 906
Exceed 3223
Son of two time #1 bull in the breed for registrations. Huge spread from birth to yearling. High values in $G $B $C
W&S Dual Threat K42
Negative birth with double digit calving ease makes him not only a heifer bull but a performer as well. He ranks in the top 2% for $B, $G and top 3% for $C.
ANGUS ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 11.8 4.35 0.34 34.5 93.22 74 643 1080 3.20 2.78
EA Emblynette
Sitz Stellar
Ruby 432 5 2.1 84 147 24 0.41 49 0.54 0.67 58 75 79 47 126 221 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
726D Pa Stellar Ruby 032 PA
1/31/22 I 20425477 I 232 I KBT Tag 50 Pearson Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 16 2.43 0.22 43 121.37 77 708 1319 4.36 3.44
Welytok Total 10 Erianna 3B2 CC Brilliance
CC Miss Sarita
CC Miss Sarita 514 9 0 64 115 34 1.02 56 1.32 0.72 78 71 101 69 171 300 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
Springfield Ramesses
1/6/22 I 20423433 I 202 I KBT Tag 26 Clarks Creek Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 12.8 5.19 0.33 38.5 105.38 75 718 1176 3.77 3.00
SydGen Enhance SydGen
VAR Reserve
CC Miss Sarita 906 CC Miss Sarita 307 6 0.8 68 132 23 1.38 48 0.73 1.09 49 57 92 75 166 264 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
Rita 2618
1/11/22 I 20423434 I 906 I KBT Tag 28 Clarks Creek Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.7 6.67 0.31 42.5 111.99 75 580 1191 4.10 3.11
GAR Dual Threat GAR Daybreak
Connealy Black Granite 10-T Black Rachel 426 10-T Rachel’s Answer 253 11 -0.5 61 121 32 0.96 59 0.79 1.36 60 63 113 89 202 322 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
GAR Sure Fire
1/10/22 I 20462952 I K42 I KBT Tag 3
W&S Acclaim K32
3rd Dimension
Big outlined son of Acclaim. If you want to add some dimension to your calves give him a serious look.
W&S Rainfall K62
Sleep at night calving ease with a seriously good look. Clean fronted with plenty of mass and dimension.
W&S Playbook K52
1C43 of 9M26 Complete
Deep made with extra dimension and extension. This Playbook son is as solid as they come by pedigree, performance and figures.
7 ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 11.9 4.21 0.26 37.5 91.37 71 582 1092 2.96 2.88
Coleman Charlo
SAV Rainfall 6846 SAV Blackcap May
Connealy Final Solution W&S Susie C51 W&S Susie A51 15 -0.9 43 84 27 0.64 10 0.33 0.58 71 47 46 46 92 190 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/13/22 I *20459988 I K62 I KBT Tag 2 W&S Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA Lot 18 Lot 17 Jindra Acclaim - reference sire ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 12.1 3.69 0.23 36 103.71 72 656 1286 3.31 3.31
Jindra Acclaim Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 Hyline Right Time 338 W&S Charlotte Z 251 White Rock Charlotte 1158 1 2.6 67 130 26 -0.12 67 0.43 0.59 28 51 121 49 170 248 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/12/22 I 20459993 I K32 I KBT Tag 1 W&S Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.2 4.41 0.21 38 106.90 71 605 1175 4.01 2.88
Ellingson Secretary
W&S Charlotte H52 W&S Charlotte Z 251 11 0.1 49 89 35 0.82 25 0.25 0.49 85 62 63 41 104 220 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
Basin Payweight
1/8/22 I *20459987 I K52 I KBT Tag 4 W&S Angus BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
CG 219 Jet Black of 815
CG 210 Sure Fire of 028
A top performing Jet Black son with a big top and extra muscle shape. His growth EPD’s rank in the top 1% for YW and top 2% for WW. Get more production out of your cowherd by adding pounds at weaning.
A big spread Sure Fire son with plenty of carcass merit. He stems back to an ultra productive cow family with length and carcass quality.
KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Crossbow
Cove Pretty 205
Lot 21
Spring Cove Crossbow
036 of 121
KM Broken Bow 002
Spring Cove Pretty 205
1/8/22 I 20495747 I 204 I KBT Tag 9 Clearwater Genetics BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
Here is a bull that combines calving ease with valuable carcass traits. Awesome performance for a calving ease bull that weaned off over 700 and recorded a yearling weight of 1223.
8 Lot 22
ANGUS ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.4 3.04 0.27 36 113.06 79 625 1177 4.06 3.20
Bar R Jet Black 5063 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 SAV Platinum 0010 CG Elluna 815 of 331 Platin CG Elluna 331 of 408 FA 9 0.7 91 162 23 1.54 81 0.82 0.33 62 77 123 40 162 272 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
Connealy Black Granite
2/25/22 I 20495761 I 219 I KBT Tag 10 Clearwater Genetics BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.2 4.5 0.38 47 112.96 89 795 1289 4.00 3.25
GAR Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 GAR 8086 Nichols Extra K205 CG Lass 028 of 317 K205 CG Lass 317 of 0410 RW 11 0.7 75 126 38 2.73 60 0.65 0.79 72 84 91 60 150 267 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
Connealy In Sure 8524
1/15/22 I 20491534 I 210 I KBT Tag 12 Clearwater Genetics BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.9 6.26 0.34 40 106.06 82 741 1237 3.73 3.08
This Crossbow son has plenty of rib shape, productive look and extra muscle mass. Hige spread bull with a MARB EPD over 1.0. He will be an asset to any operation. E&B New Addition 608 CG Elluna 016 of 815 New Ad CG Elluna 815 of 331 Platin 7 1.6 80 143 20 1.34 57 0.76 1.08 59 63 99 76 175 286 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/7/22 I 20495748 I 203 I KBT Tag 14 Clearwater Genetics BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.2 4.33 0.28 37 94.40 71 721 1223 2.98 3.05
CG 203 Crossbow of 016
BlackM CG Elluna 121 of 820 RT 11 -0.4 53 100 35 0.77 37 0.52 0.94 54 60 79 67 146 243 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
Byergo Black Magic 3348 CG
CG 204 Crossbow of 036
CG 236 Niagara
Hoover Dam
Clearwater Genetics
Big topped Niagara son that has plenty of muscle shape and eye appeal. His balanced EPD profile is backed by solid genetics and strong performance value.
VF Scale House 2725
Marcys Scale Crusher SAV
This high performing, high indexing power bull that has checked all the boxes. Very complete on paper and in the flesh. Out of a nice uddered, fertile cow that is bred back AI again.
VF Stunner 2447
Natural Law 52Y
VF Natural Law 2138
High performing Stunner that had a weaning ratio of 120 and a yearling ratio of 114 and indexed near the top on test. Elite performance EPD’s
High indexing bull out of a big hipped, perfect uddered, pathfinder, Coleman dam. Pedigree is loaded with maternal excellence.
ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.4 3.67 0.34 33 96.73 80 564 1049 3.30 2.90
Lot 24 SS
Z29 - reference sire
CG Elluna 728 of 419 RW4097 CG Elluna 419 of 211 RT 6 -0.1 61 114 24 0.25 59 0.66 0.53 65 56 111 45 155 266 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
SS Niagara Z29 Jet
X144 VDAR Really Windy 4097
2/28/22 I 20491590 I 236 I KBT Tag 13
BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.4 4.98 0.28 37 116.72 93 617 1227 4.09 3.40
Scale House 0845
VF Miss Furtados 7725 KCF Miss Homestead C725 7 1.8 63 129 29 1.1 75 0.69 0.6 62 58 129 51 180 295 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
May 1416
3/7/22 I *20459498 I 2725 I KBT Tag 34 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 35.5 113.61 115 694 1268 3.78 3.49
TK Stunner F300 TK Miss Katee D341 Baldridge Waylon W34 KCF Miss Waylon C447 KCF Miss Sierra Cut Y374 -7 5.5 94 167 32 2.08 81 0.74 0.8 46 75 125 65 190 292 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
316 Stunner
3/30/22 I *20459495 I 2447 I KBT Tag 40 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14 4.13 0.38 37 110.25 89 611 1177 3.75 3.31
SAV Bismarck
Bar-E-L Magnolia
Coleman Charlo 0256 Coleman Everelda Entense3318 Coleman Everelda Entense1169 6 0.1 49 89 25 0.85 31 0.32 0.16 55 48 69 25 94 177 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
3/12/22 I +*20517423 I 2138 I KBT Tag 38 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
VF Natural Law 2338
VFR Ripper 2068
Outstanding maternal cross with the proven cowmaker Natural Law and a beautiful Coleman pathfinder dam.
Outcross maternal genetics here combining the heavy muscled sire Ripper with a highly maternal Diamond D pathfinder dam that produced consistently well into her teens. Will produce the easy fleshing, long, lasting females you’ll appreciate.
VF Tribute 2254
Maternal brother to the popular ST Genetics sire B/R MVP. Offers low birthweight with added carcass and maternal EPD’s and top end $ values.
Barricade 2516
Thick ended and deep ribbed Barricade son with outstanding performance and carcass EPD’s and elite foot and pap numbers.
VF Barricade 2736
The Barricades are the cowman’s kind with power, performance, and excellent foot structure.
10 Sitz Barricade 632F - reference sire ANGUS ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.3 4.53 0.31 35 90.79 75 555 1045 2.88 2.92
SAV Bismarck 5682 Bar-E-L Natural Law 52Y Bar-E-L Magnolia 143K Coleman Charlo 0256 Coleman Everelda Entense3318 Coleman Everelda Entense1169 7 1.6 58 103 34 0.63 29 0.6 0.04 68 67 65 26 91 186 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
3/6/22 I +*20459509 I 2338 I KBT Tag 43 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.5 3.89 0.32 39.5 111.47 114 618 1192 3.98 3.19
DMM Riptide 2Z Reich Ripper 37B Reich Pride 68Z DDA Emblazon 28A DDA Ginna 768 DDA Ginna 850 2 2.2 49 85 26 0.72 35 0.58 0.32 51 46 68 39 107 190 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/20/22 I +*20459520 I 2068 I KBT Tag 37 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.1 5.08 0.32 40 103.02 80 562 1128 3.42 3.17
Casino Bomber N33 T/D Tribute 8351 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 556 B/R Destination 7222-1148 B/R Blossom 3254 B/R Blossom 1102 6 0.2 78 126 25 1.92 59 0.72 1.05 86 77 94 74 168 304 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
3/9/22 I +*20459480 I 2254 I KBT Tag 33 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.4 5.13 0.33 36 102.72 97 562 1116 3.42 3.15
Sitz Stellar 726D Sitz Barricade 632F Sitz Barbaramere Nell 765D Deer Valley All In KCF Miss All In C516 KCF Miss Cultivator A492 1 4.2 85 142 17 1 59 0.74 0.94 92 65 93 67 161 301 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS VF
3/13/22 I *20459602 I 2516 I KBT Tag 30 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 16.2 4.45 0.27 37 99.70 90 560 1162 3.09 3.27
Sitz Stellar 726D Sitz Barricade 632F Sitz Barbaramere Nell 765D Connealy Iceman 4382 VF Chloe 7036 VF Chloe 2036 3 2.3 74 125 16 0.32 52 0.66 0.72 61 57 91 54 145 249 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
3/7/22 I *20459601 I 2736 I KBT Tag 36 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
Wick Eureka 943 310
Duff BI 619
Connealy Onward
Willow Creek Net Worth 2213
Willow Creek Atlantis 2210
Highly proven pedigree going back to both Net Worth and Bismarck. Strong performance numbers that gained at over 4 lbs a day on test.
SAV Rainfall 6846 Square B Atlantis 8060 Elbanna of Conanga 1209
Connealy Consensus
This Atlantis son scanned off the charts, at over 7.0 on his adj IMF. He also comes with a great look, with plenty of muscle shape and thickness. Full brothers sell as lots 35 and 36.
11 ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.4 3.78 0.25 36 108.24 92 560 1075 4.25 2.75
SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV Net Worth 4200 SAV May 2410 SAV Bismarck 5682 Mill Brae Bis Eileen 2269 Mill Brae DE Eileen 3116 I+7 I+2.0 I+55 I+102 I+29 I+.69 33 0.62 0.38 59 54 83 39 122 217 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/13/22 I 20435928 I 2213 I KBT Tag 109 Willow Creek BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.3 7.32 0.27 36 93.93 90 585 1097 3.21 2.81
SAV Rainfall 6846 Square B Atlantis 8060 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 Connealy Consensus 7229 E&B Lady 7229 Consensus 4172 E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936 I+7 I+.4 I+52 I+93 I+21 I+.44 26 0.72 0.86 73 51 65 65 131 243 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/10/22 I 20433161 I 2210 I KBT Tag 106 Willow Creek BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.6 4.82 0.3 36 98.81 82 663 1172 3.26 3.06
E&B Lady
Of the three ET brothers this one has the most performance and growth. Balanced carcass stats with a useful look and moderate frame. Full brothers sell as lot 34 and 36. E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936 I+7 I+.4 I+52 I+93 I+21 I+.44 33 0.76 0.57 73 51 69 52 121 230 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/16/22 I 20433165 I 2216 I KBT Tag 105 Willow Creek BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA Lot 32 Square B Atlantis 8060 - reference sire ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.8 3.34 0.32 38.5 94.54 80 563 1077 3.04 3.00
Willow Creek Atlantis 2216
Coleman Donna 5222 Coleman Donna 197 5 0.6 53 84 24 1.2 17 0.43 -0.07 75 56 42 17 60 153 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
Excellent maternal pedigree that should produce deep bodied, easy fleshing, and long lasting daughters.
ANGUS 32 3/3/22 I +*20459492 I 2522 I KBT Tag 44 VanDerVeen Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
VF Honcho 2522
Lot 36
Willow Creek Atlantis 2214
SAV Rainfall 6846
Square B Atlantis 8060
Elbanna of Conanga 1209 Connealy Consensus 7229 E&B Lady 7229 Consensus 4172
Lot 37
Here is the one that packs the most muscle and shape. Scanned over a 15 sq. in. ribeye. His dam is a tremendous female that stems back the Lady cow family made popular at Benoit Angus. Full brothers sell as lot 34 and 35.
Willow Creek Foundation 2222
A bull that just does everything right. Real world growth and performance numbers that are backed by strong carcass quality. No hole’s pedigree with the great Karama cow family from the historic Mill Brae program.
WA Tenx 227
Ten X 7008 SA
Recommended for use on heifers. A solid made, rugged bull that stems from the pathfinder sire Ten X. Great performance value that scored well in the KBT index.
12 ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.2 4.34 0.26 33 96.90 86 641 1177 3.15 3.04
E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936 I+7 I+.4 I+52 I+93 I+21 I+.44 33 0.86 0.51 73 51 69 51 120 229 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/14/22 I 20433162 I 2214 I KBT Tag 103 Willow Creek BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.8 4.39 0.15 42 98.01 96 664 1166 3.20 3.07
Willow Creek Foundation 7128 Ba-Ler Promptitude 509A Connealy Stimulus 8419 Mill Brae Stim Karama 3025 Mill Brae AB Karama 1304 6 2.8 58 96 28 I+1.09 34 0.7 0.73 77 55 65 59 124 238 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/22/22 I 20432880 I 2222 I KBT Tag 104 Willow Creek BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
ANGUS ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13 3.03 0.18 35 110.52 69 687 1133 4.02 3.08
WA Tenx 807 WA Elsie 332 Eathington Sub-Zero WA Blackbird 607 WA Blackbird 405 11 0.1 67 111 39 0.83 68 0.7 0.24 71 79 108 32 141 254 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/25/22 I 20451003 I 227 I KBT Tag 24 RG Wendt Family Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
Barstow Cash Barstow
Barstow Bankroll B73 Barstow Miss
Dianna Z25
Enhance MOGCK Entice MOGCK Erica 2255 Vin-Mar O’Reilly Factor WA Elbrea 548 WA Elbrea 305 0 2 65 121 35 1.55 43 0.46 0.7 65 68 78 54 132 236 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
If you are looking to retain ownership on your calves look at this one. Huge ultrasound data with a 14.9 sq. in. Ribeye and over 5.3 for IMF. These ones will hit about any grid in the industry. Reliable pedigree with balanced numbers.
13 Lot 40 Lot
MOGCK Entice
ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.9 3.26 0.25 38 104.02 74 683 1237 3.68 3.00
- reference sire
Bankroll B73 Barstow Miss Dianna
We have liked this Bankroll son since the day he was born. Great look with extra turn and shape down his top with a cool profile from the side. Big spread in his EPD profile with excellent dollar indexes across the board. SAV Rainfall 6846 WA Miss Maybloom 004 WA Miss Maybloom 705 8 0.2 67 125 27 0.47 51 0.84 0.47 76 67 99 48 147 267 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/3/22 I 20450989 I 204 I KBT Tag 23 RG Wendt Family Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.6 4.39 0.31 38 84.45 67 741 1159 2.51 2.86
WA Bankroll 204
Basin Payweight
Sleep at night calving ease without a decrease in performance. Ranks in the top 4% for BW and top 10% for CED. Look at his actual performance numbers that weaned off over 700 lbs and almost a 1200 YW. WA Blackbird 014 WA Blackbird 425 12 -2 61 101 34 0.99 44 0.2 0.59 70 73 77 43 120 226 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/8/22 I 20450991 I 207 I KBT Tag 17 RG Wendt Family Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.9 5.34 0.31 42 101.76 73 696 1154 3.40 3.12
WA Bankroll 207
2/14/22 I 20450999 I 223 I KBT Tag 25 RG Wendt Family Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
WA Entice 223
WA Rainfall 210
WA Growth Fund 228
Calving ease deluxe. Double digit CED with a negative birth weight. Loaded with marbling he scanned over 5.8 for IMF. Great maternal with proven cow power from the Elsie cow family.
Sired by the ever popular Growth Fund. Heavy structured with a balanced design and extra muscle shape.
ANGUS ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 12.4 5.82 0.34 36.5 99.34 64 575 1124 3.58 2.81
Coleman Charlo 0256 SAV Rainfall 6846 SAV Blackcap May 4136 WA O’Reilly Factor Wa Elsie 840 WA Elsie 325 13 -1.8 44 80 36 0.45 6 0.29 0.84 75 59 39 58 98 202 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
1/12/22 I 20450993 I 210 I KBT Tag 20 RG Wendt Family Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.7 4.33 0.25 36 82.89 71 663 1108 2.35 2.91
Basin Payweight 1682 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 WA Brilliance 520 Wa Ideal 923 WA Ideal 413 9 0.6 74 129 30 1.1 62 0.48 0.36 62 74 106 35 141 245 CED BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS
2/25/22 I 20451004 I 228 I KBT Tag 21 RG Wendt Family Farms BW WW YW ADJ ADJ ADG WDA
KB Mr Hoffman K216
A big high performance son of AllABoard. This bull came on late and really surprised us by posting some staggering growth numbers late in the game. Take a look at the incredible ultrasound measurements at almost a 16 inch ribeye and nearly at 4.0 for IMF. If you want performance and style, make sure you find him on April 5th.
KB Me Start K213
Lot 45
KB Mr Start K208
Hook’s Full Figures 11F
Sleep at nice calving ease plus incredible performance. He comes in at 18 on CED and the highest calving ease bull in the Simmental division. A combination bull that scores in the top 10% for CED, top 15% for BW, API and top 20% for TI.
Calving ease deluxe herd bull with curve bending genetics. He ranks in the top 10% for YW, TI, top 15% for WW, API and top 20% for CED, BW. Big topped with awesome muscle shape you will appreciate his rugged appearance and balanced look.
KB Mr Start K200
Hook’s Full Figures 11F
Strong contender to be a calving ease bull with substance and power. Great structure with ample muscle and great carcass figures. He will work in every scenario you could image. HE ranks in the top 10% for REA, API; top 15% for CED, MARB; top 20% for BW and TI.
WS All Aboard B80 HSF Allaboard 42A 11F HSF Ms Roller 107U 42A Pelton Statement 245W KB Miss Statement 477B KB Miss Day 12 -0.2 83 134 29 32.4 0.84 0.41 141 86 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/25/22 I 4111647 I K216 I KBT Tag 94 5/8 SM 3/8 AR Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Red I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.88 3.9 0.28 43 130.93 BW WW YW 88 756 1323 4.22 3.71 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Figures 11F WS Head Start 11H DCR Ms Abilene F350 WS High Point Y107 KB Miss Highpoint C545 KB Miss C+T2ub X073 14 -0.4 91 141 28 54 0.91 0.29 153 92 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
Hook’s Full
2/17/22 I 4111648 I K213 I KBT Tag 87 PB SM Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Red I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.32 3.23 0.21 37 117.90 BW WW YW 83 733 1365 3.42 3.74 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
WS Head Start
DCR Ms Abilene F350 HAR Stingray 5103 KB Miss Sting Ray E729 KB Miss Highpoint C525 18 -2.5 78 124 23 37.6 0.82 0.55 158 89 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
3/21/22 I 4111643 I K208 I I KBT Tag 91 5/8 SM 11/32 AN 1/32 AR Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.79 2.85 0.2 36 112.64 BW WW YW 77 658 1132 3.43 3.40 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
WS Head Start 11H DCR Ms Abilene F350 HAR Stingray 5103 KB Miss Sting Ray E728 KB Miss Olaf C508 16 -2 75 115 20 30.6 0.95 0.6 162 88 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
3/15/22 I 4111641 I K200 I I KBT Tag 88 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.76 2.93 0.09 34 109.80 BW WW YW 85 643 1088 3.44 3.21 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
All Aboard B80 - reference grandsire
KB Mr Hoffman K202
Balanced bull from every angle. He is a rugged made, big topped individual with more mass and substance. If you look at his EPD figures they are very balanced with an emphasis on performance.
KB Mr Start K210
Hook’s Full Figures 11F
The cowboy kind. K210 is a rugged made beef bull that will make the kind of calves that everyone likes to see at market time. Stout and powerful with a great look. He has the biggest REA EPD of the bunch.
KB Mr Start K212
Hook’s Full Figures 11F
A bull with some extra style and pizzaz to him. Square made with a huge hip and balanced look. He is big topped with a ton of real world performance.
WS All Aboard B80 HSF Allaboard 42A 11F HSF Ms Roller 107U 42A BLKWD Allied 1502 KB Miss Allied E733 KB Miss Beefmaker Z237 14 -1.3 78 120 31 33.6 0.64 0.34 135 83 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/28/22 I 4111652 I K202 I KBT Tag 97 5/8 SM 3/8 AR
Brother’s Simmentals I Red I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.71 3.7 0.21 40 109.28 BW WW YW 83 757 1245 3.07 3.57 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Head Start
HAR Stingray 5103 KB Miss Sting Ray E732 KB Miss Pace It C516 15 -1.1 83 125 24 37.1 1.02 0.34 139 85 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
Abilene F350
3/5/22 I 4111642 I K210 I KBT Tag 89 5/8 SM 11/32 AN 1/32 AR Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Red I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.1 3.41 0.2 39 106.22 BW WW YW 83 730 1192 3.04 3.42 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
WS Head Start 11H DCR Ms Abilene F350 WS High Point Y107 KB Miss Highpoint R5D616 KB Miss S56 X092 15 -0.9 80 111 25 28.4 0.97 0.25 148 85 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
SIMMENTAL 50 3/5/22 I 4111651 I K212 I KBT Tag 96 PB SM Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Hetero Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.25 3.3 0.21 37 102.65 BW WW YW 80 717 1110 3.05 3.18 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ Lot 49
Hook’s Full Figures 11F- reference grandsire
KB Mr Start K204
Lot 51
KB Mr Imperial K201
Highest API bull in the offering. The Imperial sons are no stranger to this test and continue to achieve high marks for performance both in the real world and on paper. His offspring should come easy at birth and then grow like weeds.
If you need to add the extra mass and substance that in vogue today you need this one. Exceptionally stout makes him the complete package. Big time performance with a keep the daughters maternal ability.
KB Mr Bozeman K211
Here is a Bozeman son that is super extended upfront with a clean look and straits in his lines. He is a great bull that is a sound as you can make one with performance and style.
Arrow H Kingston J106
CLRS Dividend 405D
Apex Dividend WD448F
APEX Savannah W448D
Kingston is the big boy of the pen finishing well over 1,400#. Yes, he’s a Christmas calf but boy has he done well! He has 10 EPDs in the top 30% of the breed. He’s out of an 11 year old Sure Bet cow and our APEX Dividend sire. Being born when he was will give him enough age to cover a few more cows as well. It’ll be difficult to miss the King. Help yourself!
Full Figures 11F WS Head Start 11H DCR Ms Abilene F350 KS Reno A962 KB Miss Reno 951G KB Miss Allied E733 14 -0.7 85 118 30 34.8 0.93 0.41 143 87 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
3/5/22 I 4111644 I K204 I KBT Tag 90 3/4 SM 5/32 AR 3/32 AN Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Hetero Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.9 3.6 0.2 37.5 97.12 BW WW YW 84 789 1144 2.63 3.28 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
KWA Riddler 201D Bell Bozeman F63 Bell Miss Free Time D20 OLF Otis B18 KB Miss Otis E761 KB Miss Statement 477B 13 -0.5 76 123 23 35 0.82 0.2 136 77 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/19/22 I 4111635 I K211 I KBT Tag 92 3/4 SM 1/4 AR Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.77 3.52 0.29 35.5 95.98 BW WW YW 84 650 1150 2.67 3.17 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
IR Imperial B772 IR Imperial D948 IR Ms Dual Focus W086 WS All Aboard B80 KB Miss Aboard H032 KB Miss Reno 835F 17 -2.2 71 107 19 24.4 0.97 0.65 170 92 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
1/26/22 I 4111636 I K201 I KBT Tag 93 PB SM Kaser Brother’s Simmentals I Red I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 12.89 4.46 0.12 36 94.93 BW WW YW 80 669 1110 2.89 2.87 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Dikemans Sure Bet
RRCC Miss Sure Bet 125Z
13 1.6 94 154 23 39.1 0.9 0.2 146 90 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
RRCC Grand Legacy 29X
12/26/21 I 4111593 I J106 I KBT Tag 56 PB SM Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 17.25 2.31 0.17 40.5 118.84 BW WW YW 87 730 1430 3.78 3.42 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Lot 52
Arrow H Klassified K001
This guy won’t be Klassified for very long once you walk in the pen. This APEX Dividend son is real easy on the eyes, with a moderate 83# BW and exceptional growth numbers and nearly a 15 inch ribeye. What an amazing set of feeder calves he’ll produce and heifers to keep!
SO Remedy 7F
GKS/Arrow H Kindred Remedy
HPF/HILL Uprising C104
Kindred Remedy is a super well-made and heavily muscled son of Hartman’s Remedy where they recently sold 31 brothers to K009 that averaged over $31,000. Granted one brother sold for a half million which boosted the average, but all the Remedy sons are GOOD and are similar in type with great rear quarters, thick and deep. You’ll be the envy of all the neighbors when he’s running in your pasture!
GKS/Arrow H Black Knight
HPF/HILL Uprising C104
Not every year on the KBT do you have the opportunity to purchase two full ET brothers. #57 and #68. Black Knight is a son of Remedy. You can read the footnote above as well. This bull is just slightly bigger framed than #57. Remedy’s offspring are in big demand wherever they sell and look a lot alike and Black Knight is no exception. Take advantage of genetics that are hot!
CLRS Dividend 405D Apex Dividend WD448F APEX Savannah W448D Basin Payweight 1682 Arrow H Enshrine E037 Arrow H Ms Super Z010 13 0.8 93 150 24 44.6 0.49 0.34 142 88 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
1/21/22 I 4111596 I K001 I KBT Tag 58 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.85 3.64 0.22 39 112.96 BW WW YW 83 742 1330 3.46 3.39 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
B&K Cream Soda
CNS Dream
Magnificent Dreams SVF NJC Magnetic Ldy M25 14 1.7 73 111 25 32.3 0.91 -0.01 123 73 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
On L186 SS
2/26/22 I 4136203 I K009 I KBT Tag 57 PB SM Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.61 2.83 0.18 38 106.41 BW WW YW 76 901 1160 3.20 3.26 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
SO Remedy 7F B&K Cream Soda 8D CNS Dream On L186 SS Magnificent Dreams SVF NJC Magnetic Ldy M25 14 1.7 73 111 25 32.3 0.91 -0.02 123 72 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/24/22 I 4136202 I K007 I KBT Tag 68 PB SM Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.24 2.68 0.09 34.5 95.43 BW WW YW 77 855 1080 2.78 3.02 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ Lot 57 Lot 56 Lot 55
Arrow H Kansas K036
WS Proclamation E202
Arrow H Kudos K075
WS Miss Sugar C4
S A V Brilliance 8077
Arrow H Ms Brill B081
Kansas is a very nicely made Proclamation son. He has 12 EPDs in the top 30% of the breed and ratioed 111 on test. Kansas’ mother has a brother on the ground out of Dividend that’s going to be every bit as good as Kansas. She’s proving to be one of the best cows in the herd! I’ll be happy to buy back his heifer calves to make cows out of them. I think that highly of Kansas’ mother!
Kudos to this guy! He may be the youngest bull on the sale 4-10-22 birth date. Give this bull 2-3 more months and he’d look just like the older January bulls on the sale. I brought this guy because of the potential he has and the terrific Brilliance dam he’s out of. He may be the “sleeper” of the sale with the most merit of any if you like great maternal attributes! His Milk, MWW and API EPDs are in the top 30%.
Arrow H Keynote K021
CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z
Keynote has 11 EPDs in the top 30% of the breed. The Proclamation sons are very popular across the country. Part of the reason why is because he sires moderate BW and, in this case, weans at 800#! Check out his API of 162.
TJ Gold 274G
Arrow H Krugerrand K047
Hook’s Eagle 6E
TJ 12C
GW Lucky Man 644N
RRCC Maid Right 36Y
Hold the phone here folks! Krugerrand has 11 EPDs in the top 30% of the breed! This is a fancy son of TJ Gold who has put together a lot of very positive attributes will not only catch your eye physically, but he managed to achieve an 800+ WW with just an 81 lb.BW and his EPDs back it up. His dam at 11 years old is still raising good ones! I want more like her in my herd so please call me when you get ready to sell Kruggerand’s heifer calf crop!
WS Proclamation E202 WS Miss Sugar C4 Hook’s Broadway 11B Arrow H/GKS FAYE F026 SS Magnificent Dreams 9 2.8 94 139 31 36.3 0.92 0.37 154 92 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z
SIMMENTAL 58 3/17/22 I 4111599 I K036 I KBT Tag 59 PB SM Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 16.66 3.13 0.21 34 111.65 BW WW YW 88 841 1173 3.30 3.48 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z
Arrow H Primrose P081 12 0.6 80 118 27 34.7 0.7 0.48 146 84 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
4/10/22 I 4111597 I K075 I KBT Tag 70 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.88 3.92 0.23 35 104.02 BW WW YW 77 759 1010 3.09 3.23 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
WS Proclamation E202 WS Miss Sugar C4 CCR Abilene 6018C Arrow H Miss Abilene F047 Arrow H Ms Upgrade C047 12 1.2 92 135 27 35.8 0.92 0.56 163 98 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
3/10/22 I 4111589 I K021 I KBT Tag 69 PB SM Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.42 4.21 0.18 37 91.25 BW WW YW 75 799 1078 2.42 3.13 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
13 -0.1 82 130 29 39.6 0.76 0.42 154 90 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
Overload Babe U3
3/24/22 I 4111594 I K047 I KBT Tag 66 PB SM Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.67 4.05 0.17 35 110.51 BW WW YW 81 805 1138 3.26 3.45 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Lot 61 Lot 60
Arrow H Knight K024
Arrow H Kurus K051
This Knight puts together quite a few very good aspects. He’ll have very good calving ease and yet has the growth spread that every producer desires to have in their next calf crop. His Highlife sire provides new genetics and his dam by Dream On is the tried and true standard for performance that a lot of cattlemen across the country have used and been successful with for years. Get the best of both worlds.
Hoover Dam
Boulder 1339A CCR Ms L Taylor 1339Y
Payweight 1682
TJ Diplomat 294D TJ Ambassador 204F TJ 102D MRL Premier Power 175B Teter Sarah 833F Teter 07X Of 819U PRTO 9 2.1 75 116 26 15.5 0.6 0.24 118 73 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
Here is a ½ blood cow making machine. There isn’t a cow on our place out of Basin Payweight 1682 that I don’t like. They’re mostly moderate framed, have good dispositions and raise big calves. I can walk up to his mother and pet her head anytime, anyplace. Kurus should be a calving ease option with a 72# BW and +12.3 for CE.
RF Impact 601C Rainbowriver Titan 58G Rainbowriver Linne 18C CCR Boulder 1339A Teter Jane 941G Teter Jane 769E 8 2.7 94 150 23 29.1 0.96 0.14 128 83 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
Ambassador 204F - reference sire
KBHR High Road E283 Mr SR Highlife G1609 Miss SR D1609 CNS Dream On L186 Arrow H Zoey Z009 KCF/EG Fantasia 25G 13 1.7 79 117 21 31.9 0.83 0.05 136 77 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
SIMMENTAL 62 3/14/22 I 4111588 I K024 I KBT Tag 65 PB SM Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 12.91 3.01 0.15 33.5 103.40 BW WW YW 81 716 1053 3.17 3.10 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Basin Payweight 006S Bazin Payweight 1682 21AR O Lass 7017 CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z Arrow H Decore D046 Arrpow H Primrose P081 12 -0.1 77 115 22 35.5 0.14 0.46 144 81 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
3/26/22 I 4111600 I K051 I KBT Tag 60 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.04 3.54 0.2 36.5 101.85 BW WW YW 72 714 1031 3.04 3.14 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Here is a real Kool Kat. He was born unassisted out of a first calf heifer weighing just 71 lbs. This guy would be a great option for a high percentage Simm herd since he’s actually 5/8 Angus to keep the hybrid vigor at an optimal level. Great depth and thickness that has the low birth to high growth, to over 700# at weaning, going for him! His maternal grand dam was a very nice female that came from Stephan Kaser that has all the nice red bulls on the KBT. Arrow H Hedonist H047 KB Miss Statement C541 15 -1.8 72 114 23 27.4 0.42 0.51 145 81 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/25/22 I 4111598 I K012 I KBT Tag 61 3/8 SM 1/2 AN 1/8 AR Arrow H Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.92 3.96 0.25 34 95.45 BW WW YW 71 703 1031 2.90 2.89 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Arrow H Kool Kat K012
Homo Black and Homo Polled. A big weaning and yearling weight bull that was of the top performers in the KBT. 2941K ranks in the top 10% for both WW and YW. If you want a bull that adds end product take a look here.
2/23/22 I 4092647 I 2941K I Homo Polled I KBT Tag 72 3/4 SM 5/32 AN 3/32 CS Teeter Ranch I Homo Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 15.16 3.52 0.14 33 114.27 BW WW YW 87 721 1140 3.74 3.18 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Teter Zeus 2941K
Another homo polled, homo black this time by the popular TJ Ambassador. Real world performance with a balanced EPD profile.
2/3/2 I 4092640 I 2833K I Homo Polled I KBT Tag 75 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Teeter Ranch I Homo Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.19 2.91 0.19 36 92.52 BW WW YW 85 660 1050 2.84 2.77 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ TJ
Teter Agent 2833K
Lot 68
Teter Riley 2302K
A stout baldy bull that has a ton of muscle shape. As square built as you can make one with plenty of performance and eye appeal.
BC/C Genuine K255
This unique bull ranks in the top 1% for CW and top 10% for growth traits. If you sell your calves by the pound take advantage of the massive weight gains, he will put into his calf crop.
Frontline 40F Hook’s Carina 15C TJ Roosevelt 366E Ludwig Miss 36H Ludwig Miss Rhsurge 116B 11 2.4 89 134 29 37.2 0.97 0.37 152 90 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
The Frontline calves are built right from the ground up with tremendous bone and foot size. 39K has been a big performer with almost a 700 lb WWT and top 20% for API.
Bentley 81F Wheatland Bull 74H Wheatland Lady 643D MSR Olie’s Power 0108X Teter 302A Of 75 0108X Teter 075X Of 810 5596R 9 2.6 95 140 21 35.1 0.87 -0.01 113 83 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/3/22 I 4092605 I 2302K I Homo Polled I KBT Tag 73 PB SM Teeter Ranch I Homo Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.91 3 0.15 40 92.34 BW WW YW 79 691 1174 2.52 3.10 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Rubys Turnpike 771E Oval F Genuine G930 Oval F Yin Y26 G A R Sunrise HF Rita 6023 Chair Rock 9Q13 Rita 4087 11 2.2 94 148 29 67.8 0.85 0.43 130 89 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/28/22 I 4041648 I K255 I Homo Polled I KBT Tag 86 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Beach Cattle Co I Homo Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.94 4.08 0.31 35.5 98.04 BW WW YW 78 723 1167 2.67 3.30 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
These Genuine bulls are stacked with proven production. K203 ranks in the top 10% of the breed for WW and YW. A rugged bull with a big outline and powerful look. Turnpike 771E Oval F Genuine G930 Oval F Yin Y26 OVAL F Double Or Nothing Oval F Miss Double Or Not G940 Oval F Miss WT C514 10 3.6 94 141 28 34.7 0.88 0.2 138 87 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/20/2 I 4041598 I K203 I Homo Polled I KBT Tag 84 PB SM Beach Cattle Co I Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.56 3.18 0.16 37 100.28 BW WW YW 85 623 1093 3.06 3.02 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
BC/C Genuine K203
CDI Mainline265D Hook’s
3/9/22 I 4021655 I 39K I Homo Polled I KBT Tag 81 PB SM Ludwig Simmentals I Homo Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 13.61 4.15 0.19 36.5 101.09 BW WW YW 81 693 1086 2.99 3.15 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Ludwig LAD 39K
Lot 67
6K is the cattlemen’s kind. Massive ribbed with balanced look with top and a rear end. His dam is a beautiful Boulder daughter with a great udder and maternal ability. Keep the females with this dude.
Hook’s Hallmark 24H Hooks Zafirah 41Z CCR Boulder 1339A Ludwig Miss 5G Ludwig Miss Marissa 134E 14 -1 69 111 22 3.7 0.86 0.35 145 78 CED BW WW YW MILK CW REA MARB API TI EPDS
2/11/22 I 4013132 I 6K I Homo Polled I KBT Tag 82 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Ludwig
I Homo Black I ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 17.06 3.79 0.22 35.5 96.69 BW WW YW 77 599 1105 2.89 2.98 ADJ ACT ADG WDA ADJ
Imperial D948
Ludwig LAD 6K
Lot 71
Lot 72
Wal-Mar Mr Miles 201 P/S
Lot 73
Here is the standout in the Charolais offering. Look at his performance over 800 at weaning and over 1300 at a year, plus a massive 17.0 inch ribeye. Not just a standout on paper but also one of the most massive bulls in the whole KBT. Huge topped, muscle shape with extra eye appeal.
Wal-Mar Mr Blazing Miles 205P
As square built and as sound as you can make one. Plenty of body length with extra neck extension that will add that desirable look to a set of calves. Great performance with a soft look.
Wal-Mar Long Miles 203P/S
A calving ease option from the Charolais division. The Milestone calves have made a lasting impact on our herd producing rugged bull like him and valuable, maternal females that stay in the program.
HCR Milestone 8607 PLD ET Miss HCR Lexis 5012 PLD Sparrows Sanchez 715T Wal Mar Ms Sanchez 307P M&M Ms 4569 6548 PLD 0.6 2.6 74 121 30 1.3 38 1.18 0.12 257.27 CE BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB TSI EPDS
5223 P
2/7/22 I M971843 I 201 I Scurred I KBT Tag 123 Wal-Mar Charolais ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 17.05 3.94 0.2 38.5 120.58 BW WW YW 87 1120 1374 3.14 3.66 ACT ACT ADG WDA
WC Milestone 5223 P HCR Milestone 8607 PLD ET Miss HCR Lexis 5012 PLD LT Ledger 0332 P Warl-Mar Ms Blaze 509 P Wal-Mar Ms Kinder Fire 211 PLD 2.3 1.7 74 124 27 1.4 34 0.99 0.12 259.51 CE BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB TSI EPDS
3/8/22 I M971844 I 205 I Polled I KBT Tag 124 Wal-Mar Charolais ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 14.6 2.93 0.19 36 112.54 BW WW YW 82 871 1121 3.09 3.24 ACT ACT ADG WDA
WC Milestone 5223 P HCR Milestone 8607 PLD ET Miss HCR Lexis 5012 PLD LT Long Distance 9001 PLD M&M Ms Long Distance 3512PLDET M&M Ms Stealth 8512 ET 10.2 -1.5 56 96 28 0.8 13 0.71 0.17 240.86 CE BW WW YW MILK SC CW REA MARB TSI EPDS
2/8/22 I M972922 I 203 I Scurred I KBT Tag 126 Wal-Mar Charolais ADJ REA ADJ IMF ADJ BF ACT SC INDEX 12.68 1.62 0.11 38 114.19 BW WW YW 75 689 989 3.70 2.64 ACT ACT ADG WDA
WC Miiestone 5223P - reference grandsire CHAROLAIS