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Junior Corner
Reach for the Sky
As we embark on the 2023 National Junior Shorthorn Show in Des Moines, Iowa, my mind is flooded with memories of my first “cow-cation” to Des Moines in 2006, at just 4 years old to attend Junior Nationals. Taking these trips with my family, I remember seeing a few familiar faces, having fun with the “big kids”, and my favorite part, playing with my toy tractors there.
There wasn’t an end to these summer events because once we got home, we spent an entire year preparing our Shorthorn cattle, working on our art projects, and making speeches for 4-H and the national show. I think my entire life has been established around what we would whisper behind my dad’s back, a family “cow-cation”. This is where you pack up the entire family, a week’s worth of goods, projects, the pride of your herd and head to another state to see your stock show friends. Of course, it is always based around competition, but that is not what I remember. These friendships are as close as family. When you leave, you shake hands, hug necks and know that if you won’t see them at another show throughout the year, you will pick back up where you left off at the next junior nationals.
My dream to wear the red jacket started as an exhibitor at the 2012 junior nationals in Grand Island, Nebraska. I went home with a load of prizes which included a box of clippers, hence was the start of me carving out my future in the Shorthorn breed. I spent many hours clipping every calf, dog or cat that I could get my hands on. Our cowcation continued to be a time to see our Shorthorn family and gain more friends and experiences that we can all pass along to the next generation. Junior nationals can be more than a tradition, it’s a place where dreams really can come true. I am still perfecting these dreams that started at my first show, but I hope to inspire more along the way. The theme, Shorthorn Kingdom, is very fitting for me. I am often compared to a lanky cowboy character; Woody from Toy Story and I hope you will join me in embracing his famous comment to “reach for the sky”. Let’s make this 2023 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference in Des Moines one to remember!
Is It your last JunIor natIonal?
For those AJSA members participating in their last junior national, contact shelby@shorthorn.org for the list of questions to complete to be featured in the exhibitor folder! We will include your answers and 3-4 photos you send.
Junior Board
President :: Faye Smith

Vice President :: Miller Smith
Secretary :: Colton Hulsey
Public Relations :: Merideth Behrens
Fundraising :: Xavier Ferris
Director :: Ryan Lane
Director :: Amanda Smee
Director :: Brayden DeBorde
Director :: Haylee Ferguson
Words of Advice
“Reach for the sky...” - Woody, Toy Story