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contest tips

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Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events

Prospector I: 5 to 9 years :: Prospector II: 10 to 12 years :: Intermediate: 13 to 16 years :: Senior: 17 to 21 years

If any individual participates in a “team” contest with someone of a different age division, the team must participate in the oldest contestant’s age division unless the contest rules don’t allow competing in a different age division. For showmanship, the Prospector I age division matches show rules (must be 7).

Contest Topic Changes and Deadlines


Product cooked will be the same for all teams. This year’s choice of meat will be any cut from the “Wholesale Round.”


Graphic Design Contest

All entries must be emailed by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Entries will not be accepted at NJSS. Entries must be 8.5x11 to fit Shorthorn Country Guidelines. (Live Print Area is 7.485” x 9.833”)

Intermediate Topic: promote the AJSA

Senior Topic: promote Shorthorn beef

Herdsman Quiz Bowl Contest

No spectators will be allowed until the final championship round. The championship round will take place at the end of quiz bowl (not awards ceremony). Awards will be given at contest and announced at awards ceremony.

Photography Contest

ALL Entries must be emailed by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Entries will not be accepted at NJSS.

Speech Contest

NEW RULE: ALL speech participants must submit a video giving their speech by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Judges will evaluate the submitted videos for the age divisions with more than 15 participants. The judges will select a top 15 that will compete at junior national for placing. The top 15 will be notified if they have made it to the placing round. The elimination round and placing round will each have a different set of judges.

Senior Topic: How would you market Shorthorns for the show ring versus commercial industry?

Intermediate Topic: How would you market Shorthorn beef competitively against other certified beef programs?

PII Topic: How does your family market Shorthorn cattle?

PI Topic: What’s magical about the Shorthorn breed?

Showmanship Contest

Showmanship participants are required to enter online during cattle entry to be eligible to participate. We will not accept entries at junior national. The showmanship heats will have exhibitors randomized in their age divisions.

How is High Point Award Calculated?

The purpose of the High Point Contest is to recognize the top five AJSA exhibitors in each age division for their participation and placing in contests throughout the week. The point system breakdown can be found at juniorshorthorn.org.

Exhibitors receive points for each contest they choose to participate in during the week of NJSS. They also will receive additional points for placing in these contests. Points are only based on participation and placing, not scoresheet totals. Ties for all age divisions and states will be broken based on the number of higher placing contests.

Learn more about our contests

You can find all contests rules and information at juniorshorthorn.org under junior national > contest rules or junior national > EDGE Newsletter. If you have questions about contests, email shelby@shorthorn.org or contact a junior board member!

All members interested in competing in contests at junior national must pay the exhibitor fee to participate.

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