may/june 2024 issue 5 • volume 51
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
may/june 2024 issue 5 • volume 51
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs
Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
Don Cagwin, publisher
Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org
Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com
Advertising Representatives
Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com
Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com
Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com
Advisory Council
Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co.
US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300
(ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1
POSTMASTER: send address
American Shorthorn Association
7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • www.shorthorn.org
Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org
Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org
Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org
Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities; marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org
Cassie Reid, director of shows & events; customer service specialist cassie@shorthorn.org
Wade Minihan, director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist • wade@shorthorn.org
Carrie Land, customer service specialist • carrie@shorthorn.org Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org
May 1 AJSA Scholarship Deadline
May 1 Junior National Cattle Ownership and Entry Deadline
May 15 NJSS Online Contest Submission Deadline (Photography, Graphic Design, Career, Speech)
May 15 Junior National Late Cattle Entry Deadline (Additional Fees Apply)
May 27 ASA Office Closed - Memorial Day
June 10-13 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Symposium, Knoxville, Tenn.
ASA Board of Directors
Toby Jordan, president 219-819-4603
Lee Miller, vice president 330-231-6834
John Sonderman, executive director 402-641-0936
Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590
John Russell, 832-588-8604
Rick Osterday, 605-281-1175
Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905
Cory Bollum, 507-279-0480
Tyler Cates, 765-576-0035
Shorthorn Foundation
Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association
Xavier Ferris, president National Shorthorn Lassies Tawana Holland, president
The Board of Directors took some time to review the 90-day past-due policy. After seeing an increase in overdue accounts, a policy change was enacted, which brought about another change regarding membership renewals.
First (as of January 1, 2024): Any past due balance over 60 days will automatically put an account onhold until the full account balance has been paid. As a reminder, this will restrict online access to only being able to pay that balance, as well as no printing of any registration papers is permitted when there is a balance due.
Second (effective immediately): Due to the increase in unpaid membership renewals, (i.e. breeders logging in and renewing their membership and not making payment) membership renewals must be paid at the time of renewal in order to gain online/ member access for that calendar year. If a breeder logs in, agrees to renew the membership but then does not pay simultaneously, said membership renewal will be made null and void and deleted the next day.
WHR Assessments for 2024 were sent in November.
1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2024 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2024.)
2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2024 to an assessed 2024 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months)
2024 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: January 10 - February 29, 2024 $24 March 1, 2024 and after $30
*Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees.
June 15-22 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, Timonium, Maryland
July 4-5 ASA Office Closed
July 18-20 Shorthorn Summer Symposium, Lexington, Kentucky
Aug. 1 Builder of the Breed Nominations due to the ASA
Aug. 1 Deadline for ASA Membership in good standing to be eligible to be a voting delegate at Annual Meeting
Owned Show: Brady Jensen
Bred & Owned Show: Taylor Frank
ShorthornPlus: Blaine Rodgers
Showmanship: Tim Clark + Jacob Wolfrey
As a reminder, breeders can now send DNA samples directly to Neogen for testing rather than sending to the ASA office first. Starting July 1, 2023, a manual processing fee will be incurred for those samples sent to the office for preprocessing.
3 things will be required to send samples in for testing: 1. A registration (or recorded “U”) number for each tested animal
2. A paper copy of the finalized testing form, (emailed from staff, description below) which includes the Neogen order number
3. A barcode number for each animal tested
Breeders can queue up animals for testing in DigitalBeef and select which sample types they have, as well as which tests they want. Once the form is submitted, (it’s not entirely an automated process) staff will process the testing request and get an order ID # from Neogen. A finalized printable PDF of the submission form will be emailed to print and send to the lab with samples. Checks/payments are still made to the ASA. Once staff approves the testing request, the breeder’s DigitalBeef account is billed accordingly.
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone (ASA Staff Meeting Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)
We will gather in Timonium, Maryland for the 2024 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference June 15-22. This is our largest event each year and we anticipate another great show with lots of contest participation. Over 1,000 awards will be awarded to Shorthorn Junior Members. I invite everyone to Maryland for some great Shorthorn Fellowship and to take advantage of the interesting and historic sites in this part of our great country.
Another major Shorthorn event is taking place in Lexington, Kentucky this summer. The Shorthorn Symposium will be held July 18, 19, & 20 at the Blue Grass Stockyards. There will be time for socializing as well as gaining some educational information. The agenda for the symposium program includes sharing the most up-to-date technological advances. Even as our industry has become increasingly technology-driven, it is important to look at the animals to be sure they are quality individuals. The continued push for technology attached to purebred cattle is here forever, and its value is affected. It is crucial to understand how viewing the cattle and understanding the technology fit together and how both can be used. This symposium is focused on just that. Additionally, the importance and the do’s and don’ts of marketing will be addressed. It is all part of the package. The looks of the animals play a big role in the marketing package, along with the technology attached to the individual. One without the other will drop the value and the desire of folks who write the checks. This is the real world of producing Shorthorn cattle that can stand with any breed with documentation (data) and the phenotype that brings buyers. When it comes to marketing, we want to use all the best tools to promote our cattle and show them to the world.
Montie D. Soules asa executive secretary/CEOThis educational event is a valuable investment in your future as a Shorthorn cattle producer. It will address topics from how to use Indexes, EPDs, and Genomics to announcing updates on the Shorthorn Indexes and what they mean. Things like the importance of taking pictures and the value of a good picture; customer service to contact prospective buyers and past customers. This all becomes part of a successful marketing endeavor. We spend time selecting genetics and using all the tools we have available, but seldom do we, as agricultural producers, spend the time and money needed to get the full value of our special product that has taken years to develop.
I want to challenge you to attend this symposium. It will help in making proper decisions for your operation in the future and will provide insights on how to market your product.
I also want to challenge you to invite your friends and other fellow cattlemen you might know. This event is not just for Shorthorn breeders, it is open to all cattle enthusiasts.
Registration for the Shorthorn Symposium is now open, and I encourage you to secure your spot early. The early bird registration fee is $250 per person and $150 for juniors, fitting
the age limits of the AJSA (early bird registration deadline is July 1, 2024). After this date, a late registration fee of $300 for adults and $200 for Juniors will apply. Registration includes three meals and all bus transportation to and from the Stockyards and special event tours. You can fly or drive to Lexington, and everything is taken care of once there. Registration forms and a link to the hotel can be found on the Shorthorn website, shorthorn. org. To ensure your comfort during the event, make hotel reservations early. The Embassy Suites is offering a special Shorthorn Block price. Please look at the Symposium program schedule on Page 22 in this issue for more details.
It will be a great time to have some fun and get the best information on technologies that are available to us. If you can, plan to take an extra day or two to take in the sights around Lexington. I suggest coming early to spend Thursday morning or afternoon at the Kentucky Horse Park, a venue for everyone, not just horse people. You will thoroughly enjoy it. We look forward to seeing you all in Kentucky on July 18, 19 & 20, when you’ll have an opportunity to network with industry leaders and fellow cattle producers.
Be sure to put your herd in the winners circle!
A month late is better than never, right? Signing off from the March Symposium preview article, I promised another round of speaker highlights in the April magazine, but another column idea came to light that needed to be covered in the moment. I hope you can forgive me for making you wait an extra 30 days for the introduction of some more of our industry-leading professionals joining us in Lexington in a couple of months. The gentlemen you’re soon to read about are worth the wait (and the trip to Lexington.)
When developing the educational program for the Summer Symposium, I wanted to bring world-class beef industry leaders in to share knowledge, ideas, and wisdom with our Shorthorn breeders. But I took that a step further: I wanted that same industry leading experience from the Thoroughbred breeding industry, which is the heartbeat of the Lexington region. Thanks to some helpful contacts, I’m thrilled to have Price Bell of Mill Ridge Farm on the docket to join us Friday morning to give us an insider’s perspective on what it’s like being involved in the business of breeding Thoroughbred racehorses. You’ll get his perspective of the similarities, differences, and challenges our fellow stockmen face in the horse business. Mill Ridge Farm is a third-generation family farm that participates in all facets of the Thoroughbred business from housing mares and foals, sales consignments, promoting stallions and breeding stock consulting. You don’t have to be a horse lover to appreciate what Price Bell will share with us on his experiences in the business.
Saturday morning’s schedule is loaded with talent, but I think our attendees will especially enjoy the conversation “Meeting Expectations:
Utilizing Performance Data in the Seedstock Industry to Satisfy Customer Goals”. Joining me for this discussion is Brian McCulloh of Woodhill Angus in Viroqua, Wisconsin. Brian was instrumental in building Woodhill into a successful commercial bull marketing operation from the ground up. Developing a hotbed for commercial beef bulls in the heart of dairy country is no easy feat! Bulls with the Woodhill prefix have been leaders in Angus registrations and been housed in every major bull stud in the United States due to Brian’s breeding program devoted to improving the product with the data and tools available. I heard Brian speak at a meeting last winter at Iowa State and knew before that meeting was over that he was THE guy to speak on this topic in Lexington. He’s knowledgeable about every corner of the seedstock business and is passionate about sharing that with others to help them be better cattle breeders. Grab an extra cup of coffee to make sure you’re on the edge of your seat when we welcome Brian to the speaker’s seat. If not, his enthusiasm will wake you up anyways!
Once again, the dates for the Summer Symposium are July 18-20, 2024. We kick off Thursday afternoon with the opportunity to tour Castle & Key bourbon distillery and enjoy Shorthorn fellowship on the ground at our welcome reception, presented by AMS Inc. Friday is a “classroom and cows” day, as we will be in educational forums most of the day before loading buses for a tour and dinner hosted by Boyd Beef Cattle. Saturday morning, we will wrap up the classroom sessions and dive into the culture of the Kentucky Thoroughbred industry after lunch. Once you get yourself to Lexington, we can take care of your transportation needs to and from
all Symposium events. That includes the Castle & Key festivities, rides to the Bluegrass Stockyard each day, and of course to our off-site tour locations.
By now, the registration deadline is coming up for joining us at Summer Symposium. Make your way to the ASA website to get your registration completed. Host hotel information is also available on the website. Lexington has an abundance of hotels around the city, but do not delay in getting a room if you choose not to lodge at the host site. This event has been in the making for over a year, with hours of dedication to making it as strong of an educational event as we could provide Shorthorn breeders. You’re not going to want to miss it. Be sure to share with your fellow cattlemen, as this event is open to more than just our Shorthorn breeders. The discussion topics at Symposium can benefit any cattlemen, seedstock or commercial oriented.
For more information on other speakers, you can refer to my February and March columns for other highlights of presenters and the places we will go in the Bluegrass State. The schedule for the entire Summer Symposium presented by the American Shorthorn Association is also available in this issue or online. It’ll be here before we know it. We look forward to seeing you in July!
Keeping track of all the things happening in life can be a full time job and with how busy life can be it’s hard to remember it all. Let us help you stay up to date with what’s all going on within the ASA coming up.
The ASA website (shorthorn.org) has an event calendar that we post up and coming Shorthorn events happening in your area or surrounding areas. I ask that any state associations that has any state related event coming up to reach out and get them added to the ASA calendar. We love to be aware of all the awesome things the state associations are doing out there.
With that note, it’s the time of the year to update each State Associations Board of Directors. We list the President and Vice President of each state on our website. This is a useful tool for new and old members to use to find ways to get involved and communicate with fellow breeders leading their state association. If you are a new state association director or a past director with updated information, please email wade@ shorthorn.org with that information and we will get it updated. State Associations Board of Directors are currently being contacted for updated information. A roster of updated state association board of directors will be listed in the July issue of the Shorthorn Country Magazine.
We released the 2024-2025 Point Show System in the last issue of the
Shorthorn Country. If you missed it, this is something you can also find on the website (shorthorn.org).
Many Factors have been considered when selecting our Show Point System each year. This includes entry history, membership participation, and show schedules. Shows are evaluated on a yearly basis and we have selected the 20242025 shows based on a solid number of participants with the anticipation for continued growth.
We look forward to our membership’s participation in the selected shows and are excited to see you there.
No changes have been made to a state’s regional assignment.
National Awards will be calculated from the seven total National Shows: five National Shows and two Super National Shows. An animal MUST exhibit at two shows on the National level to be considered for National Awards. National Awards consist of National Show Female, National Show Bull and divisional awards.
Each Region consists of four total shows: two Regional shows, one Super Regional Show and one National Show. Regional Awards will be calculated
from points earned at each show by an individual animal. To be considered for awards, an animal MUST exhibit at two shows within a region. Overall Regional winners will receive year end awards.
Points will be distributed based on the provided point scale, with Super National Shows receiving the most points and Regional Shows receiving the fewest points as indicated. An animal’s earned points will be recorded with the ASA and used to calculate Regional and National Awards.
For the 2024- 2025 show season, the exhibitors and breeder can track and view their current show point standing by viewing the Show Points page in DigitalBeef. Feel free to reach out to either Cassie or myself if you have any questions in the show system. We look forward to another amazing year attending shows and representing the red, white and roan breed!
Cassie Reid, cassie@shorthorn.org
Wade Minihan, wade@shorthorn.org
Wade Minihan director of shows & member communications; customer service specialistKassidy Schumann is currently a junior at Kansas State University majoring in Agricultural Communications and Journalism. She grew up on a ranch in eastern Kansas where her family raises purebred Herefords and runs commercial pairs. She has been showing livestock since she was 6 and has a passion for all sectors
of the cattle industry. Kassidy is excited to purse this opportunity with the American Shorthorn Association and assist its members! She looks forward to the National Junior Shorthorn Show and learning more about communications within a breed association.
Elizabeth Crumm is originally from Anadarko Oklahoma, where her family owns and operates Diamond E Hereford Cattle Company. She is currently a junior at Kansas State University. This past spring she graduated from Redlands Community College with an Associate in Science, she was on the beef team and a member of the Aggie club. Elizabeth has been showing cattle since she was nine years old, starting with Herefords and Maines. She has competed
registrations youth activities
Paige Van Dyke is currently a senior at Oklahoma State University, majoring in Agricultural Communications with a minor in Special Education. She grew up in Louisville, Illinois where she was born and raised on her family’s grain and livestock operation. She traveled all across the state of Illinois and the country exhibiting club lambs, Angus, and Red Angus cattle. Before attending OSU she received her Associate’s degree at Lake Land College in Mattoon, Illinois where she was on the livestock judging team. Paige served as the 2020-
at various state and national shows. As she got older, she became more involved in the American Hereford Association and Oklahoma Hereford Association. She has had many internships in the livestock show industry. These experiences have connected her to industry leaders and helped her gain valuable knowledge. The cattle industry has raised Elizabeth and shaped her into the person she is today. She looks forward to joining the ASA for the summer!
2021 North American Jr. Red Angus Event Jr. Board President, was actively involved in both 4-H and FFA and just finished her Junior Show career. Although she won’t be in the ring exhibiting, Paige is excited to start this new journey upon graduation to serve prestigious youth organizations like AJSA. She looks forward to meeting all the AJSA staff, families, and junior exhibitors this summer serving as the Youth Activities Intern! Paige says she will see everyone soon as we prepare to “Sail Away with Shorthorn!”
An event open to all in the cattle industry, join us for a two-day educational event offering learning opportunities across the spectrum of beef cattle production, with topics including genetics, herd management, marketing, emerging technologies, and more. We will tour an industry-leading seedstock operation, as well as embrace the culture and history the Lexington, KY area has to offer. If you want to put your herd in the winner’s circle, we will see you at The Summer Symposium, July 18-20, 2024!
April in Kentucky. What an exciting season filled with the pomp and circumstance I have only known with horse racing in May at the ‘Kentucky Derby’, as a girl raised on your average Midwest diversified farm.
But wait, April in Kentucky? The American Shorthorn Association did not host an event in Kentucky during April. You are absolutely correct. The Summer Symposium presented by the American Shorthorn Association is scheduled for July 18-20th in Lexington, Ky. As we place the final touches on the event, I found myself in Kentucky prospecting sites, which definitely has me excited for what’s to come!
What we have ahead in Kentucky is going to blow the starting gates open! Saddle up your horse and hold the reins, we are full steam ahead, excitement ensues.
many unknowns. Getting to see and dream about the Summer Symposium has filled my mind with ideas and I could not be more excited to welcome everyone to Lexington in July.
Kicking off the event on Thursday evening, we will board our trusty steed (okay, a bus) to visit what may be the prettiest valley in Kentucky for a tour of Castle & Key Distillery. Castle & Key will set the southern hospitality stage with the sights, sounds and smells of spirits while we tour “The Castle”, before enjoying an evening social in The Springhouse. Please note, comfortable shoes are recommended and closed toe shoes preferred for the tour.
Saturday afternoon finds us touring iconic Thoroughbred facilities, both Claiborne Farm, a breeding farm and Fasig-Tipton, a Thoroughbred auction leader. Notable for me, Claiborne Farm serves as the final resting place of the ninth American Triple Crown winner, Secretariat. Though my visit to Lexington did not take me to Paris, Ky., my visit took me past many Thoroughbred farms that had me fascinated by the beautiful mares and foals I saw throughout the rolling green hills. I am certain Claiborne Farm will be just as majestic.
Finally, our extended weekend concludes with Shorthorn fellowship at our host hotel, Embassy Suites by Hilton Lexington/UK Coldstream Saturday evening. Set among the University of Kentucky’s Coldstream Research Campus, this hotel embodies the luscious sights of Lexington.
registration fee raises on July 1
Friday kicks off strong with educational sessions focusing on the future of your operation through genomics, marketing and herd development at the Blue Grass Stockyards. The Blue Grass Stockyards is a standing example of perseverance through adversity and a perfect venue for our event. Friday evening will culminate at Boyd Beef Cattle with dinner onsite following a seminar covering livestock photography.
Registration includes 3 meals and transportation during the event.
$250 :: Adult Registration
Matt Woolfolk has worked endlessly to select a tremendous location to host our event at the Blue Grass Stockyards, secure top notch educational speakers and handpicked industry leading tours throughout the Lexington area. As we drew nearer to the event, it was time to get eyes on the ground, I was fortunate to be that person. Let me be the first to say, I am energized!
$150 :: Youth Registration
I’ll be honest, planning a new event in a foreign to me location has brought
Closing out the extended weekend, Saturday brings us back to the Blue Grass Stockyards for the morning covering seedstock production, end product sustainability and developing your market.
(This discounted rate is for attendees that are 21 and under as of Jan. 1, 2024.)
As planning for the Summer Symposium reaches its final stages, I hope you will make plans to join our crew in Lexington deep in the heart of Thoroughbred country. An event 2 years in the making and certain to be a spearhead for Shorthorn greatness.
Find registration and hotel reservation details at shorthorn.org and on the following pages.
management, marketing, emerging technologies, and more. We will tour an industry-leading
operation, as well as embrace the culture and history the Lexington, KY area has to offer. If you want to put your herd in the winner’s circle, we will see you at The Summer Symposium, July 18-20, 2024!
registration fee raises on July 1
Registration includes 3 meals and transportation during the event.
$250 :: Adult Registration
$150 :: Youth Registration
(This discounted rate is for attendees that are 21 and under as of Jan. 1, 2024.)
visit shorthorn.org/symposium-by-asa/ for more information
Dates: July 18-20, 2024
Embassy Suites by Hilton | 1801 Newtown Pike | Lexington, Kentucky
Room Rates: King or Double Room | $149/night
Amenities: Free Made-to-order breakfast, Complimentary evening reception, Complimentary self-parking
Please use the Booking Link on the ASA Website: https://shorthorn.org/symposium-by-asa/
Blue Grass Airport - Lexington, Kentucky
Allegiant, American Airlines, Delta, United
Distance from Airport to Hotel
8.5 Miles (13 Minutes)
The Summer Symposium, presented by the American Shorthorn Assocation “Putting your Herd in the Winner’s Circle”
Thursday, July 18
3:45 pm Bus leaves from hotel for Castle & Key Bourbon Distillery
4:30 pm Distillery tours available
5:30 pm AMS., Inc. Symposium Social at Castle & Key
7:00 pm Transportation returns to the hotel Dinner on your own
Friday, July 19
7:30 am Buses depart hotel for Blue Grass Stockyards
7:50 am Welcome to Blue Grass Stockyards
8:00 am Preparing Your Operation for the Future :: A Morning Conversation with Montie Soules, ASA and Chip Kemp, IGS
9:00 am Why Seedstock Producers Should Care About Genomics and Genetic Evaluation :: Dr. Troy Rowan, University of TN
9:45 am Break
10:00 am Seedstock Marketing: More than Just Building Ads :: Eric Grant, Grant Company LLC
10:45 am An Insider’s Perspective of the Thoroughbred Breeding Industry
11:45 am Lunch
12:45-2:15 pm Breakout Sessions
o Genetics/Performance Session
• Study of Bull Buying Habits :: Dr. Troy Rowan, University of Tennessee
• Heterosis Dollars & Sense: How Hybrid Vigor Pays off for Your Commercial Customer :: Matt Woolfolk, ASA
o General Management Session
• Opportunities in Grazing Management :: Jason Tower, Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center
• Bull and Heifer Development :: Dr. Katie VanValin, University of Kentucky Beef Extension
2:30 pm Depart Blue Grass Stockyards for Boyd Beef Cattle Tour
4:00 pm Tour of Boyd Beef Cattle
o Livestock Photography Session :: Wes Chism, JWC Marketing
o Dinner at Boyd Beef Cattle
7:30 pm Return to hotel
Saturday, July 20
7:30 am Buses depart for Blue Grass Stockyard
8:00 am The ASA Selection Index Offering :: Matt Woolfolk, ASA
8:30 am Sustainability through Genetics - Feedlot and Carcass/End Product :: Scott Howard, Meyer Foods
9:15 am Meeting Expectations: Utilizing Performance Data in the Seedstock Industry to Satisfy Customer Goals :: Brian McCulloh, Woodhill Angus
10-10:15 am Break
10:15 am Panel Discussion: Developing and Cultivating Your Market :: Jim Akers, Bluegrass Stockyards; Brian McCulloh, Woodhill Angus; Dale Stith, Stith Marketing Service
11:45 am Lunch
12:15 pm Buses depart for Claiborne Farm
1:00 pm Tour Claiborne Farm
2:45 pm Depart for tour of Fasig Tipton Thoroughbred Sales Co.
3:30 pm Fasig Tipton Tour
5:00 pm Buses depart for hotel
6:00 pm Social at the hotel
Dinner on your own
visit shorthorn.org to find hotel information
All dates and times are subject to change.
Judges have made their selections, banners have been hung, trophies are proudly displayed, and finally, points have been calculated! It’s time to plan the celebrations and congratulate all National Show Award winners! We look forward to seeing the winners at the 2024 ASA Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 26 in Kansas City during the Awards Banquet.
All Overall Awards and Division Winners will receive an award during the Awards Banquet. Runner-ups have been recognized in the Shorthorn Country, but will not receive additional recognition/ awards during the awards banquet.
National Show Awards are calculated based on the two Super National Shows & five National Shows, for a total of seven possible shows an animal can accumulate points at for National Show Awards. An animal MUST have exhibited at two shows to qualify for consideration (either Super National or National).
Points earned at individual shows can be viewed through the “Show Points” page by members on DigitalBeef throughout the year.
Shows used to calculate National Points:
Keystone International Livestock Exposition 2023
American Royal Livestock Show 2023
North American International Livestock Exposition 2023
Cattlemen’s Congress 2024
National Western Stock Show 2024
Fort Worth Stock Show 2024
Dixie National Livestock Show 2024
National Shows Point Distribution
1st in class: 8 points
2nd in class: 7 points
3rd in class: 6 points
4th in class: 5 points
5th in class: 4 points
Division Champion: 7 points
Reserve Division Champion: 5 points
Grand Champion: 11 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 9 points
Super National Shows Point Distribution
1st in class: 11 points
2nd in class: 10 points
3rd in class: 9 points
4th in class: 8 points
5th in class: 7 points
Division Champion: 10 points
Reserve Division Champion: 8 points
Grand Champion: 14 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 12 points
Runner-up - LGF MFS Emeralds Dream 1183L – Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind.
Farms – Saxonburg, Pa.,
Cedar Cattle Company – Beaverton, Mich. & The Bollum Family – Austin, Minn. Paige Wickard & Carter Wickard – Wilkinson, Ind.
Runner-up - CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET – Grady McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
TESCC Almighty Zeus 755J ET
Runner-up – HF Let the Good Times Roll 303 ET – Raegan Smithers, Pittsfield, Ill.
S/T CULL Dream of Me 3011 ET Mitchell Barros – Owasso, Okla. Whitney Swaim – Rockville, Ind.Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion
S/N Lucky’s Locket 3120 ET - Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up - LDB Mercis Magnolia 3111 ET – Lane Blankinship, Orlando Okla.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion
LGF Miss Emeralds Dream 1183L Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind.
Runner-up - S/N Missing Mirage Legacy 372 ET Caroline Huebner, Union City, Tenn.
CF Mona Lisa 31 UH X ET - Brittany Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Runner-up - CF PC Mona Lisa 350 Cinch X – Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
Intermediate Female Champion
Senior Heifer Calf Champion
CF Mona Lisa 2124 UH ET Trey Davis, Iva, S.C.
Runner-up (TIE) – BJSF SULL Sweet Dreams 2934K ET Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
Runner-up (TIE) – WSCC STECK Chelsie RD 210K ET Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.
BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo - Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up - CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET – MaKayla Sugg, Alden, N.Y.
Junior Female Champion
Early Spring Yearling Champion
DON Ruby 326 ET Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
Runner-up - VENN SS Revival 703 Bristol Bates, Chandlersville, Ohio.
CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET - Paige Wickard & Carter Wickard – Wilkinson, Ind.
Runner-up - STECK WSCC Chelsie HC 253K ET – Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Senior Female Champion
No Eligible Animals
Saturday, October 26, 2024 Kansas City, Mo.
All overall National Award Winners and Division Winners will receive an award during the Awards Banquet. Runner-ups have been recognized here, but will not receive additional recognition/awards during the Awards Banquet.
All overall Region Winners will receive an award during the Awards Banquet. Division Winners & Runner-ups have been recognized here, but will not receive additional recognition/awards during the Awards Banquet.
Late Spring Bull Calf Champion
4D Cooper 001 - Delgado Shorthorns – Fort Cobb, Okla.
Junior Bull Calf Champion
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion
GCR Pierce 320 Keegan McGrew – Gettysburg, Pa.
Runner-up - CF Great White Hype 372 PW ET Cates Farms, Modoc, Ind.
NF Find Out ET - Kendall Nelson – Seneca, Ill. & Berg Shorthorns – Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up - Maximum Payday 1206 – Cooper Hetrick, Fremont, Ohio.
Intermediate Bull Champion
Senior Bull Calf Champion
CF Logic X Cates Farms – Modoc, Ind. & Simon Farms – Rockford, Ohio.
Runner-up - LSA Big Iron Cooper Laughery, Royse City, Texas.
Hunts Ace in the Hole 242K ET - Mitchell Hunter – Arapaho, Okla.
Runner-up - CDR Myrtle’s Master 1K – April Troyer, Monkton, Md.
Junior Bull Champion
BFS LCCC AFLC Direct Deposit 2254 ET Armstrong Farms – Saxonburg, Pa., Little Cedar Cattle Company – Beaverton, Mich. & The Bollum Family – Austin, Minn.
Runner-up - LPA The Flip Side Lone Pine Acres, Centerville, Pa. & WHR Shorthorns, Van Alstyne, Texas
Senior Bull Champion
NF Turning Point - Kendall Nelson – Seneca, Ill. & Ryan Wernicke – Lena, Ill.
Runner-up - DC Impact – Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla. & Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns, Plains, Kan.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion
JFT ET Lainey Rae 19L - Channing Lind – Basehor, Kan. & Jackie Tweeten, Spring Grove, Minn.
Runner-up - HHCC Sweet Dreams Rossa Ferrari – Kealyn Cahoon & Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion
MFS Lucy’s Masha 87L ET Carter Kornegay – Tulsa, Okla.
Runner-up - SFF Augusta Pride 319 T Grace Rincker, Strasburg, Ill.
S/T CULL Dream of Me 3011ET - Whitney Swaim – Rockville, Ind.
Runner-up - JR LDB Melanias Astrid 301 – Jentri Reamy, Owasso, Okla.
Intermediate Female Champion
STARK Pepper - Adrian Brown – Auxvasse, Mo.
Runner-up - LH Rue 0522 – L H Showcattle, Americus, Kan.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion
FFF Stylish Bo 2340 Lane Schluterman – Ozark, Ark.
Runner-up - CF Margie 2129 CTP X Piper Cates, Modoc, Ind.
Early Spring Yearling Champion
S/N Lucky Charm 220 ET Madeline Berg – Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up - HHCC Sweet Dreams Reward 210K Kealyn Cahoon & Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Junior Female Champion
CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET - Grady McGrew – Gettysburg, Pa.
Runner-up - S/N Demi 217 ET – Stetson Reedy, Bethany, Ill.
4D Foxx 002 - Isabella Delgado – Fort Cobb, Okla.
LPW Bo Duke Alexis Wright – Philippi, W.V.
Runner-up – MM Big Bucks 29L Hugh M Moore Jr & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill.
HF Let the Good Times Roll 303 ET - Raegan Smithers – Pittsfield, Ill.
Runner-up – CLK Money Ball 77L – Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. & Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
TESCC Almighty Zeus 755J ET Mitchell Barros – Owasso, Okla.
Runner-up - CNC Elvis’s New Game Sara
Bull Calf Champion
* Editor’s Note: Winners are selected through a point tally process based on points earned at various Regional shows and provided by the American Shorthorn Association and the Regional Shows. Point amounts are based on the designated show level. As with the reporting of show results, Shorthorn Country assumes no responsibility for partial or incomplete listings of multiple ownership of animals. Ownership information was provided by the American Shorthorn Association and is based on ownership during the 2023-2024 show season as recorded in the registry. We regret any errors or omissions which may have occurred.
Overall Regional winners in each region will receive an award at the 2024 ASA Annual Meeting Awards Banquet on Saturday, October 26th, 2024, in Kansas City, Missouri. Regional division winners and runner-up animals are recognized in Shorthorn Country but will not receive additional recognition.
To qualify for Regional Points, an animal must be exhibited at a minimum of two (2) shows within the region.
Any combination of the following shows will meet the regional qualifications:
• Regional Show
• Super Regional Show
• National Show within the designated region
Only shows that are attended within a given region count toward that region’s points. A National Show within a region will count toward Regional Points, but Regional Shows do not count toward National Points.
Points earned at individual shows can be viewed through the “Show Points” page by members on DigitalBeef. This page is updated throughout the show season as results are processed by ASA staff.
To be awarded the Regional Show Bull or Regional Show Female of the Year, an animal must also win a division within that region.
In the event a regional show does not use the provided ASA Division breaks, the following policy will be used: Any points that an animal receives at a regional show where ASA division breaks are not used, the animal and points will be moved to the proper division that the animal qualifies for based on ASA Show Classifications.
Regional Shows
Class Placings:
1st: 5 points
2nd: 4 points
3rd: 3 points
4th: 2 points
5th: 1 point
Division Champion: 4 points
Reserve Division Champion: 2 points
Grand Champion: 7 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 5 points
Super Regional Shows
Class Placings:
1st: 6 points
2nd: 5 points
3rd: 4 points
4th: 3 points
5th: 2 points
Division Champion: 5 points
Reserve Division Champion: 3 points
Grand Champion: 9 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 7 points
National Shows within the Region
Class Placings:
1st: 8 points
2nd: 7 points
3rd: 6 points
4th: 5 points
5th: 4 points
Division Champion: 7 points
Reserve Division Champion: 5 points
Grand Champion: 11 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 9 points
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia
National Show: Keystone International Livestock Exposition (KILE)
Super Regional Show: Maryland State Fair
Regional Shows: Ohio State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia
Runner-up – CCS Fancy Nancy 504K, Colbie Six, New Freeport, Pa.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – TRNR Rose Lass 283 ET, Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio.
Runner-up – CLF Proud Fool 2311 ET, Cedar Lane Farm, Cedarville, Ohio.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – TRNR Miss Divine 43 ET, Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio.
Runner-up – CLF Dixie 2304 ET, Cedar Lane Farm, Cedarville, Ohio.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – CF Mona Lisa 2117 SOL X ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa.
Runner-up – CLF Proud Starlit 2238, Cedar Lane Farm, Cedarville, Ohio.
Intermediate Female Champion – CCS Fancy Nancy 504K, Colbie Six, New Freeport, Pa.
Runner-up – BW Red Knight Bo 219 ET, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – SMCC Margie’s Charm 313, Atleigh Hoy, Westminster, Md.
Runner-up – MM Cumberland Rose DM 21K, Joshua Blakeman, Oak Hill, Ohio.
Senior Female Champion – MM Rosette RVLT 121J, Cooper D. Workman, Belmont, Ohio.
Runner-up – CCFarm Knight Vision, Ryan Leister, Taneytown, Md.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion – GCR Pierce 320, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Runner-up – CLF Proud Dog 2307 ET, Cedar Lane Farm, Cedarville, Ohio.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – SJQ Colt 45 JR 2302, Iva F Mummert, Waynesboro, Pa.
Runner-up – 6’s Flashpoint Paradigm 10L-FL, Reese Six, New Freeport, Pa.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – CCFarm Knight Vision, Ryan Leister, Taneytown, Md.
Intermediate Champion – CDR Myrtle’s Master 1K, April Troyer, Monkton, Md.
Junior Bull Champion – H.H.F. Randell, Samantha, Heston, Street, Md.
Runner-up – CCFarm Be Jazzy, Ryan Leister, Taneytown, Md.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – RWFC Ice Spice 234L, Alyssa Slimmer, Cavetown, Md.
Runner-up – HFA Ivy’s Commodity 05, Annette C Braun, Mechanicsville, Md.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – Cow Creek Candice 231 ET, Payton Zepp, Westminster, Md.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – GCR Foreman D X UH K37, Kloe Patrick, Darlington, Md.
Intermediate Female Champion – SLIK Belle’s Unmatched 1K, Avery Young, Belmont, Ohio.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – CCFarm Be Jazzy, Ryan Leister, Taneytown, Md.
Runner-up – MAD CMF Lisa, Madeline Rhodes, Centerville, Md.
CF Mona Lisa 2117 SOL X ET CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET Junior Bull Calf Champion – H H F Tucker, Samantha Heston, Street, Md. GCR Pierce 320 H H F Tucker Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa. Grady McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa. Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Samantha Heston, Street, Md.Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi
National Show: Dixie National Livestock Show
Super Regional Show: Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair
Regional Shows: Appalachian Fair & Kentucky State Fair
Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.
Runner-up – CSF Margie 2210 FB, Jaclyn Thomas, Pikeville, Tenn.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – SharBen Dream Revival 1376 ET, SharBen Shorthorns, Sharpsburg, Ky.
Runner-up – AST Demi’s Love 301, Jaclyn Thomas, Pikeville, Tenn.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – SharBen Revival Dream 1372 ET, SharBen Shorthorns, Sharpsburg, Ky.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – RFSS Margie’s Delite 295K, Kelsey Whaley, Georgetown, Ky.
Runner-up – ICCS KB 2022, Brylee Goode, Florence, Ala.
Intermediate Female Champion – RFSS Red Sierra, Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – JBC Max Rosa 8K, Lynden Whitehead, Tremont, Miss.
Junior Female Champion – CSF Margie 2210 FB, Jaclyn Thomas, Pikeville, Tenn.
Runner-up – RFSS Sierra’s World 260K, Kenton Cattle Company, Fountain Run, Ky. & Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.
Senior Female Champion – CGS Lady Luck 1, Circle G Shorthorns, Tompkinsville, Ky.
Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
Runner-up – CMW Mooch L323, Carrie Wiley, Marysville, Ind.
Farms, Inc., Paris, Ky.
Runner- up – Schab’s White Lightening, Ty Wright, Jackson, Mo.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – Schab’s White Lightening, Ty Wright, Jackson, Mo.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – Lamon’s Hot N Ready 912, Blaire Lamon, Cottage Grove, Tenn.
Junior Bull Champion – RFSS Roan Knight 265K ET, Respite Farms, Inc., Paris, Ky.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – CMW Mooch L323, Carrie Wiley, Marysville, Ind.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – Sunrise Blue Gaga 1022 ET, Sunrise Farms, Cottage Grove, Tenn. & Lindsay Baker, Prattsville, Ark.
Runner-up – PG’s Prissy Girl, Brylee Goode, Florence, Ala.
Intermediate Female Champion – EGL Stylin’ Margie 205 ET, Evea Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
Senior Female Champion – SharBen Crystal Blue 1187 ET, Evea Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
No Eligible Animals
RFSS Red Sierra EGL Sylin’ Margie 205 ET RFSS Roan Knight 265K ET Evea RespiteBerg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up – BERGS Gentry 116 ET, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa.
North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska
National Show: American Royal Super Regional Show: World Beef Expo Regional Shows: Iowa State Fair & Minnesota State Fair
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion – LSF SULL Mona Lisa 309 ET, Leemon Stock Farm, Hoopston, Ill.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – LSF Molly 305, Leemon Stock Farm, Hoopston, Ill.
Runner-up – F/C Goose’s Bo LL 3054 ET, Faxon Creek Cattle Co, Belle Plaine, Minn.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – BERGS Gentry 116 ET, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up – 49 Magic, Olivia Allen, Tiffin, Iowa.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – BFS Margie Flash 2104 ET, Faith Bollum, Goodhue, Minn.
Runner-up – BFS Augusta Pride TO 284, Julia Brown, Ettrick, Wis.
Intermediate Female Champion – BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up – WJM HAHN Crowned Pearl C8K, Jacob Bergman, Beloit, Wis.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – MTS Halo 2022, Audrey Hendricksen, Truman, Minn.
Junior Female Champion – BWR Jillian’s Rose, Brock David Studer, Creston, Iowa.
Runner-up – S/N Margie 214 ET, Travis Beckstrand, Waldorf, Minn.
Cow/Calf Pair Champion – DSF Missie 87F, Rose Family, Amboy, Minn.
South Wayne, Wis.
Runner-up (TIE) – BERGS Lady Crystal 423 ET, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up (TIE) – JFT ET Kluella 19K, Jaci Tweeten, Spring Grove, Minn.
Studer’s Kingspoint 12K
Runner-up – BFS LCCC AFLC Direct Deposit 2254 ET, Armstrong Farms, Saxonburg, Pa., Little Cedar Cattle Co, Beaverton, Mich. & The
Junior Bull Calf Champion – F/C Headliner 3014 ET, Faxon Creek Cattle Co, Belle Plaine Minn. Runner-up – BFS Caboose 313, The Bollum Family, Austin, Minn.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – BLSC SM Rocket Fuel S2K, Bright Lights Show Cattle, Beloit, Wis.
Junior Bull Champion – Studer’s Kingspoint 12K, Brock David Studer, Creston, Iowa.
Runner-up – BFS LCCC AFLC Direct Deposit 2254 ET, Armstrong Farms, Saxonburg, Pa., Little Cedar Cattle Co, Beaverton, Mich. & The Bollum Family, Austin, Minn.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – CMA King of Diamonds 244L, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – BERGS Lady Crystal 423 ET, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up – O-DALE Margie Prima Donna OL100, Addison Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – TKA Beth 32K, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wis.
Runner-up – CNETO Commodity Girl, Colton Netolicky, Fairfax, Iowa.
Intermediate Female Champion – JFT ET Kluella 19K, Jaci Tweeten, Spring Grove, Minn.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – HHC Kandi, Kaitlin Haskovec, Cresco, Iowa.
BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo TKA Beth 32K CMA King of Diamonds 244L Kaitlyn Bailey Abney, Bollum Family, Austin, Minn. Brock David Studer, Creston, Iowa. Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa.– LCC
Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana
National Show: Fort Worth Stock Show (FWSS) Super Regional Show: Kansas State Fair
Regional Shows: Tulsa State Fair & Tri-State Fair
Runner-up – JA_C Hustlin’ Hillbilly 21K TS, Baker Show Cattle,
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion – Talia Ferguson-Sanders, Chickasha, Okla.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – TMF Continental Tonic Lady, Natalie Camp, Maypearl, Texas.
Runner-up – MAV Toni 322K ET, Graham Spooner, Weatherford, Texas.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – LCC Max Rosa 302, Shalee Conrad, Dover, Fla.
Runner-up –JSP Dolly Rider 3115 ET, Jace Parker, Ardmore, Okla.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – LCC Layla 213, Hayes Leemon, Fairland, Okla.
Runner-up (TIE) – GCC Max Rosa Chrome 22 ET, Brayden Cole DeBorde, Bardwell, Texas.
Runner-up (TIE) – BFS Carmele Pro 283 ET, Brigham DeBorde, Bardwell, Texas.
Intermediate Female Champion – SFF SPRU Roses are Red RK 247 ET, Morgan Brooks, Venus, Texas.
Runner-up – DTR Taffeta 2024, Josie Heter, Raymond, Kan.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – Peakview Max 2214 ET, Knitelynn June Toney, Lexington, Okla.
Runner-up – SFF Crystal’s Swan HC 217 ET, Ryder Heter, Raymond, Kan.
Junior Female Champion – LDB Braves Honey 202 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Senior Female Champion – TMF Crystal’s Dream ET, Natalie Brynn Owens, Caldwell, Texas.
Late Spring Bull Calf Champion – 4D Cooper 001, Delgado Shorthorns, Fort Cobb, Okla.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion – DTR 950G Balboa 3018 ET, DTR Cattle Company, Raymond, Kan.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – SR Dream Treasure GB, Richardson Farms, Marlow, Okla.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – CLK Evo Shield 61K ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
& Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Runner-up – BAKERS Man of Steel B27, Baker Show Cattle, Jones, Okla.
Intermediate Champion – HUNTS Ace in the Hole 242K ET, Mitchell Hunter, Arapaho, Okla.
Junior Bull Champion – JA_C Hustlin’ Hillbilly 21K TS, Baker Show Cattle, Jones, Okla.
Runner-up – PVF Icon 50K, TSW Cattle, Marlow, Okla.
Senior Bull Champion – DC Impact, Dayson Cash, Fay Okla. & Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns, Plains, Kan.
Runner-up – BAKER Sparkle Dust, Baker Show Cattle,
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion – DTR Black Betty 3011, Josie Heter, Raymond, Kan.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – LH Revlon 0423, L H Showcattle, Americus, Kan.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – JR LDB Melanias Astrid 301, Jentri Reamy, Owasso, Okla.
Runner-up – TMF Queen’s on the Mark ET, Quinn Sikora, Hungerford, Texas.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – MQK Tamale Tada 23K ET, Abbi Scott, Seminole, Okla.
Runner-up – /F Playmate 2746, Talia Ferguson-Sanders, Chickasha, Okla.
Intermediate Female Champion – LH Rue 0522, L H Showcattle, Americus, Kan.
Runner-up – LDB Serenas Vienna 212 ET, Kimberly Holland, Tecumseh, Okla.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – OBD Playmate 202K, L H Showcattle, Americus, Kan.
Junior Female Champion – AF Playful Cait 2205 ET, Josie Heter, Raymond, Kan.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – CLK Money Ball 77L, Carter Kornegary, Tulsa, Okla.
& Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla
Intermediate Champion – BAKER Sparkle Dust, Baker Show Cattle, Jones, Okla.
Senior Bull Champion – TESCC Almighty Zeus 755J ET, Mitchell Barros, Owasso, Okla.
Peakview Max 2214 ET JR LDB Melanias Astrid 301 DC Impact CLK Money Ball 77L Knitelynn June Toney, Lexington, Okla. Jentri Reamy, Owasso, Okla. Runner-up Max Rosa 302, Shalee Conrad, Dover, Fla. Runner-up –MQK Tamale Tada 23K ET, Abbi Scott, Seminole, Okla. Jones, Okla. Jones, Okla. Dayson Cash, Fay Okla. & Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns, Plains, Kan. Carter Kornegary, Tulsa, Okla. & Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California
National Show: National Western Stock Show (NWSS) Super Regional Show: Western Idaha State Fair Regional Shows: California State Fair & Washington State Fair
Runner-up – JT Betty Angel
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – JT Betty Angel 5083, J T Ranch, Turlock, Calif. & Ken Westfall, Santa Maria, Calif.
Runner-up – CB/S Lucky Roxie 117, Siera Horton, Eagle, Idaho.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – GSC2 Rosie Ransom 4936, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – C/BS Whiskey Fire 115, Siera Horton, Eagle, Idaho.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – LCR Augusta Flash 4859, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
& Herman & Pegi Witte, Fallon, Nev.
Runner-up – GSC2 Rosie Ransom 4931, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Intermediate Female Champion – LCR LDD Sally 4827, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – LCR LCDD Royal Catherine 4713, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – C/BS Western Belle 113, Siera Horton, Eagle, Idaho.
Runner-up – GSC2 Rosie Ransom 4608, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Junior Female Champion – CTC Augusta Queen 4660, Chris Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – GSC2 Gold Label 4837, Greg Cardey,
Late Spring Bull Calf Champion – LCR Studer 5192, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion – LCR Studer 5048, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – LCR Gold Label 4946, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – Gold Label 5032, Chris Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – GSC2 Gold Label 4837, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – LCR Gold Label 4911, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Intermediate Champion – GSC2 Studer, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – LCR LCDD Studer 4831, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Junior Bull Champion – GSC2 Studer4702, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – LC Studer 4555, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Senior Bull Champion – GSC2 Studer 4465, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – CSF Mona’s on Point 2214 ET, Kealyn
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion – HHCC Sweet Dreams Rossa Ferrari, Kealyn Cahoon & Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – CB/S Hot Blue Pepper 116, Siera Horton, Eagle, Idaho.
Early Spring Yearling Champion – HHCC Sweet Dreams Reward 210K, Kealyn Cahoon & Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Junior Female Champion – CSF Mona’s on Point 2214 ET, Kealyn Cahoon & Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
LCR Augusta Flash 4859 HHCC Sweet Dreams Reward 210K GSC2 Studer 4465 Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif. & Herman & Pegi Witte, Fallon, Nev. Kealyn Cahoon & Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont. 5083, J T Ranch, Turlock, Calif. & Ken Westfall, Santa Maria, Calif. Cahoon & Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont. Turlock, Calif. Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.Show Season: April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025
*Individual show schedule subject to change
Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV
National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo
Super Regional Show :: Maryland State Fair
Regional Shows :: Ohio State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia
Southeast Region :: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
National Show :: Dixie National
Super Regional Show :: Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair
Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Kentucky State Fair
North Central Region :: IL, IA, MO, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI
National Show :: American Royal
Super Regional Show :: Iowa State Fair
Regional Shows :: Minnesota State Fair & World Beef Expo
South Central Region :: AR, KS, LA, OK, TX
National Show :: Fort Worth Stock Show
Super Regional Show :: Tulsa State Fair
Regional Shows :: Kansas State Fair & Tri-State Fair
West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY
National Show :: National Western Stock Show
Super Regional Show :: Northern International Livestock Exposition
Regional Shows :: Western Idaho State Fair & Washington State Fair
*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Shows within each region. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 4 shows to qualify.
Super National Shows :: 2 total
North American International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK
National Shows :: 5 total, 1 in each region
Northeast :: Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA
Southeast :: Dixie National :: Jackson, MS
North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO
South Central :: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX
West :: National Western Stock Show :: Denver, CO
*National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.
As we are closing out the school year, we are looking forward to another summer show season. And so, another Shorthorn Junior National is right around the corner and we can’t wait to see you all in Timonium, MD where we will Sail Away with Shorthorn.
2024 brings another year of being voted the Most Enjoyable Jr Nationals in the Best of the Barns contest, and I truly can’t think of another way to describe it. As I reflect on my first Jr Nationals back in 2013, I am so grateful that we decided to take a few Shorthorns down to Des Moines, Iowa, where we met our Shorthorn family, and we were hooked right then and there. It truly is the family breed. I have made continental connections with so many people involved in the Shorthorn breed. Friendships and connections that will last a lifetime. These connections, open doors to a whole new world and a new set of experiences. You may find yourself in any given state and you’ll be able to name a handful of people you know from the Shorthorn breed. These people will be resources for future school experiences, judging opportunities, show opportunities, jobs, and so much more. While we may only see our Shorthorn
family once a year, we are always able to pick up right where we left off. It truly is the best week of the summer.
I believe this year will be no different and we are so excited to see you all. We have many exciting things planned for the week and a couple of new updates I would like to remind you of. We have opened the first youth conference up to all youth members to get to know the Junior Board Members, the Junior Board Candidates, and have the chance to meet with other Junior members. We have added divisions for the Purebred and ShorthornPlus Bull show. There will now be 4 divisions including Junior Bull Calf, Senior Bull Calf, Junior Bull, and Senior Bull. The weight break for the prospect and market steer shows has changed and will now have a weight break at 1,000 lbs. The cut for this year’s beef cookoff will be mock tender steak. One last reminder that all Photography/ Graphic Design/Speech entries must be submitted by May 15th contests@ shorthorn.org. Cattle entries as well as AJSA scholarship applications are due May 1.
Gather your contest entries, your cattle, and your family and get ready to Sail Away with Shorthorn!
Is it your last
For those AJSA members participating in their last junior national, contact shelby@shorthorn.org for the list of questions to complete to be featured in the exhibitor folder! We will include your answers and 3-4 photos you send.
Junior Board
President :: Xavier Ferris
Vice President :: Merideth Behrens
Secretary :: Amanda Smee
Public Relations :: Haylee Ferguson
Fundraising :: Brayden DeBorde
Director :: Ryan Lane
Director :: Hannah Wetzel
Director :: Mackenlee Evans
Director :: Samantha VanVorhis
Upcoming Junior Nationals
2024 • Timonium, MD
2025 • Grand Island, NE
2026 • Abilene, TX
2027 • Madison, WI
2028 • TBD
* Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *
“Try something new, get out of your comfort zone. You will only regret the things you didn’t do.”
Jay Allen is currently attending Clemson University where he studies business management with a minor in entrepreneurship. After graduation, he plans to take over the commercial cattle operation and continue to sell and show Shorthorn cattle. Jay started his show career at eight years old with his first Shorthorn female and has been attending the NJSS since that first show heifer. He has even been a voting delegate almost every year he has attended. Jay is the son of John and Alyson Allen of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania.
Jay was involved in sports in high school as well as on the National Honor Society. Outside of college, he is working to start his own company that implants embryos called Pregnancy Solutions. He also helps sell Armstrong Farms’ family-raised beef in different grocery stores.
“I have been attending Shorthorn Junior National since I was eight,” Jay said. “I see the hard work put in by all the different leaders as a part of the tremendous Shorthorn breed. I have always thought I would love to one day give back to the next generation of Shorthorn showmen in some way and being a director would be a perfect way to do that.”
Harrisburg in fall of 2024 to finish her degree in business management. She is the daughter of Rebecca McGrew of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Audrey attended her first NJSS last year and really enjoyed her first experience. She has spent the last few years learning about the association and believes it is the best one out there. She only wishes she was involved with it sooner. She was involved with sports in high school, serving in a leadership role as captain. She also was involved in raising money for kids with cancer. She is an older sibling and believes that will help her in working with the junior members.
“The show industry is about more than the banners,” Audrey said. “It is about providing kids the opportunity to have learning experiences while having fun. Being an AJSA director would allow me to give back to his amazing industry while continuing to learn and grow myself.”
Victoria Thompson is currently a sophomore at Southern Union Community College where she is majoring in education. After she receives her Associate’s Degree, she plans to transfer to Auburn University to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in early childhood education and a Master’s Degree in special education. She is the daughter of Phillip and Holly Thompson of Opelika, Alabama.
Victoria has traveled to over 20 states showing Shorthorn cattle and participating in leadership contests. During her show career, she has attended 9 National Junior Shorthorn Shows. She has held a variety of leadership roles through 4H, FFA and state junior Cattlemen. She actively participates in many of the contests each year at NJSS.
“NJSS is by far the most enjoyable junior national I have attended and that is due in part to its junior board and youth advisor,” Victoria said. “My admiration of the red coat wearing individuals has grown over the years. Their examples ignited a desire to actively contribute and give back to the association that has helped develop me into the person I am today.”
Eligible seats are elected each summer during the Youth Conference at the National Junior Shorthorn Show by their peers to lead the organization and carry out activities, programs, and events for the association. With the mission to positively impact the leaders of tomorrow and today by committing themselves to the Shorthorn breed, its members, and each other, makes this a tremendous opportunity for learning about teamwork, responsibility and leadership.
Retiring board members will pass off their red jacket during the awards ceremony Friday, June 21.
Timonium,Maryland June 15-22 Maryland state fairgrounds National Junior Shorthorn Show
• Online entries will include entry fee (per show) and stalling/ bedding fee for each animal in the barns ONLY, exhibitor fee, and additional options.
• Entries must be paid online at time of entry or they will not be processed. NO refunds on entries. See General Rule #6.
• Entry fee is $45 per entry if completed by the deadline of May 1.
• If you are showing an animal in more than one show it must be entered for each show.
• There is a $50 stalling/bedding fee per head. Tie-out bedding is NOT included. Straw will be available for purchase or you can bring your own to use for tieout bedding. Straw must be used.
• Cattle will be allowed on the fairgrounds on Saturday, June 15, in tieouts ONLY after 5:00 p.m. Cattle will be allowed in barns after 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 16.
• All cattle must tie out in designated area. You can not tie outside during the day after check-in is completed. All cattle must stay on grounds and in the barns during the day.
• Must bring registration papers and health papers to the show for check-in. Check juniorshorthorn.org for health requirements!!
• We will not verify tattoos at check-in but animals tattoo must match the corresponding registration papers. Entries not matching will be disqualified from show. See general rule #9.
• ONLY steers will be weighed at check-in.
• Individual contests including Showmanship, speech and career development contests MUST be entered during online entry. Showmanship entries will not be accepted at junior national.
• All other individual contests must be entered by going through contest registration, Monday, June 17, starting at 8:00 a.m. You will also pick-up your show shirts.
• Group contests will be entered by state advisors. They will be provided the group sign-up sheets to return to the junior director and interns.
• Exhibitors who have purchased meal tickets will receive their tickets in their check-in packet.
• Exhibitors must pay the $30 exhibitor fee during entry. Exhibitor fee includes: show shirt and contest fee. Meal tickets are no longer part of the exhibitor fee and must be purchased seperately.
• No show entries after final deadline of May 15, 2024.
• No entry substitutions allowed after May 15, 2024.
• All animals must be registered in the sole name of the junior member who will be showing.
• Ownership deadline is May 1, 2024. (No farm or family names allowed) online entries only
• Electricity – People should come prepared with generators and extension cords. All generators must be housed outside.
• No generators or gas cans will be allowed inside the barn and must meet local fire codes for inspection by fire marshall.
• Exhibitors are reminded that portacools and butt fans are not allowed in the barns.
• Pets are allowed on the fairgrounds, but NOT in the arena/show ring area for any reason or at any time.
• Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. In accordance with grounds policy and this youth event, consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
• If the junior member is unable to show their animal due illness or health, follow the procedure in the show rules. See General Rules #4, #5, #13.
• Animals will NOT be allowed to enter the show ring after the judge has given the signal to walk. See general show rule #18.
• ALL photography, graphic design, speech and career development entries must be submitted by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org
• There have been some contest rule changes. Be sure to carefully read rules to know all the updates!
Entry Fee: $45
Late Entry Fee: $75 (after May 1)
Bedding Fee: $50 (includes barn stalling bedding only)
Exhibitor Fee: $30 includes t-shirt & contest fee only
Meal Ticket - Opening Ceremony: $20
Meal Ticket - Awards Ceremony: $25
Extra Shirts: $15
Rooms are $149/night + all taxes and fees. All rooms are “suite style” with a separate living space that includes a sofa bed. Includes free made-to-order breakfast, wifi, evening reception and on-site bar & restaurant. Hotel is 5 miles from the fairgrounds. Book rooms by May 25, 2024. All cancellations must be made by 11:59 p.m. local hotel time on June 7, 2024. Individuals are responsible for cancellation fees charged by the hotel in case of room cancellation after the deadline. Visit juniorshorthorn.org for booking link or call and ask for National Junior Shorthorn Show block rates.
RV reservations will be made upon arrival to the grounds. You must specify during cattle entry if you plan to bring an RV so we can notify the fairgrounds of how many to expect.
Please note that contest and cattle check-in is on Monday, June 17
Contest/Exhibitor Check-in :: 8:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Cattle Check-in :: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
All contest and cattle must be checked in by 3:00 p.m. Cattle must be on grounds by 3:00 p.m.
Brady Jensen :: Owned Show
Taylor Frank :: Ring 1
Tim Clark Jacob Wolfrey
For those of you unable to attend the show, you can view the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday shows LIVE with Walton Webcasting.
Xavier Ferris, President
Merideth Behrens, Vice-President Amanda Smee, Secretary Haylee Ferguson, Public Relations Chair Brayden DeBorde, Fundraising Chair Ryan Lane, Director Samantha VanVorhis, Director Mackenlee Evans, Director Hannah Wetzel, Director
Blaine Rodgers :: Ring 2 American Junior Shorthorn Association National Junior Shorthorn Show @juniorshorthorn Embassy Suites by Hilton Baltimore Hunt Valley :: 410.584.1400
Help us to collect socks for those in need while earning points for your state; donate new socks, by the pair or the package. Socks will be tallied and totaled by state (calculated using the percentage of exhibitors from each state) The top 5 states will win the following points (1st - 8 pts; 2nd - 6 pts; 3rd - 4 pts; 5th - 1 pt) towards the Outstanding State Junior Association.
For those “senior” AJSA members, email shelby@shorthorn.org. You will receive questions to answer and a request for photos. We will include the information and fun photos in the Junior National exhibitor handbook for everyone attending to enjoy!
Prospector I: 5 to 9 years :: Prospector II: 10 to 12 years :: Intermediate: 13 to 16 years :: Senior: 17 to 21 years
If any individual participates in a “team” contest with someone of a different age division, the team must participate in the oldest contestant’s age division unless the contest rules don’t allow competing in a different age division. For showmanship, the Prospector I age division matches show rules (must be 7).
Product cooked will be the same for all teams. This year’s choice of meat will be the “Mock Tender Steak.”
All entries must be emailed by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Entries will not be accepted at NJSS. Entries must be 8.5x11 to fit Shorthorn Country Guidelines. (Live Print Area is 7.485” x 9.833”)
Intermediate Topic: promote the AJSA
Senior Topic: promote Shorthorn beef
No spectators will be allowed until the final championship round. The championship round will take place at the end of quiz bowl (not awards ceremony). Awards will be given at contest and announced at awards ceremony.
ALL Entries must be emailed by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Entries will not be accepted at NJSS.
ALL speech participants must submit a video giving their speech by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Judges will evaluate the submitted videos for the age divisions with more than 15 participants. The judges will select a top 15 that will compete at junior national for placing. The top 15 will be notified if they have made it to the placing round. The elimination round and placing round will each have a different set of judges.
Senior Topic: How should we integrate Artificial Intellegience into the cattle industry?
Intermediate Topic: How is urban expansion detrimental to the cattle industry?
PII Topic: What is the most vital part of your family’s operation?
PI Topic: Why did you decide to set sail with Shorthorn?
Showmanship participants are required to enter online during cattle entry to be eligible to participate. We will not accept entries at junior national. The showmanship heats will have exhibitors randomized in their age divisions.
The purpose of the High Point Contest is to recognize the top five AJSA exhibitors in each age division for their participation and placing in contests throughout the week. The point system breakdown can be found at juniorshorthorn.org.
Exhibitors receive points for each contest they choose to participate in during the week of NJSS. They also will receive additional points for placing in these contests. Points are only based on participation and placing, not scoresheet totals. Ties for all age divisions and states will be broken based on the number of higher placing contests.
You can find all contests rules and information at juniorshorthorn.org under junior national > contest rules or junior national > EDGE Newsletter. If you have questions about contests, email shelby@shorthorn.org or contact a junior board member!
All members interested in competing in contests at junior national must pay the exhibitor fee to participate.
Home of Studer’s Crunch Time 22C
-Top 5% in the breed for WW, YW, TM, CW, and $F - Semen: $30/unit
Jason Smithers & Girls - 217-491-2140 jasonsmithers74@gmail.com
Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280 36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363
Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.
Wayne Hinderliter Family 629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806
Wayne: 618-384-8250
Doug: 618-384-1932
Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.
VisitorsWelcome... Stopbyanytime!
Don Cagwin P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 office: 217-452-3051 • cell: 217-341-7552
Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033
Dalton Johnston cell: 217-416-9536
Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell: 217-370-6034
cagwincattle@casscomm.com FarmlocatedfivemileseastofVirginiaonRoute125, thenonemilesouthoftheelevatoratPhiladelphia,Illinois.
Trey & Hailey Wright
Steve & Marsha Wright Route 2, Box 55
Beecher City, IL 62414
home: 618-487-5559
Trey: 618-367-0764
Steve: 618-267-3229
31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052
Scott Horton, Owner
Horton cell: 630-965-1710
Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754
4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444
Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258 Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.
Herdsman: cell: 217-737-0692
Sale Summary
8 Shorthorn Bulls $ 29,950 $ 3,744
2 ShPlus Bulls $ 7,300 $ 3,650
29 Open Heifers $ 8,250 $ 3,388
1 Plus Cow/Calf Pair $ 9,100 $ 9,100
1 Plus Bred Heifer $ 4,750 $ 4,750
6 Plus Open Heifers $ 14,700 $ 2,450
47 Live Lots ............... $ 164,050 ............$ 3,490
3 Embryo Pkgs ............ $ 6,400 .................$ 2,133
10 Semen Pkgs ............ $ 3,650 .................$ 365
1 Semen Tank ............. $ 2,300 .................$ 2,300 Sale Gross: $176,400
Saturday, March 16, 2024 Ohio Beef Expo Columbus, Ohio
Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
A great crowd gathered to participate in this leading Expo sale. A big crowd also was on hand for the show of sale cattle on Friday afternoon. Every year, this sale is known for the offering of top quality show heifer prospects and this year’s group did not disappoint. Also there was a solid set of herd sire prospects for the buyers to evaluate. The snappy saw very steady prices given for this strong set of Shorthorn genetics. Congratulations to all the consignors for bringing an outstanding good group to this sale.
$9,100 - Lot 52 - ShorthornPlus Cow/ Calf Pair - NBS Black Widow 8L. A blue roan, polled 2020 daughter of NBS Eddy 29E ET and out of 8C. Selling bred back to DJS Hot Investment HC 847 for a November 2024 calf. At her side was a blue roan, polled October
13, 2023 heifer calf sired by DJS Hot Investment HC 847. This was a super pair. A solid young 4 year old cow with an outstanding young show prospect at side that will be a contender this show season. Offered by Narrow Brook Shorthorns, the cow was purchased by Justin Knight of Cadiz, Ohio and the calf by Matt Mann of Montgomery, Michigan.
$6,250 - Lot 4 - Bull - CCS Pay Weight 226L. A white, scurred February 26, 2023 son of Byland Flash 9U106 and out of SULL Lady Crystal Too 6433D ET. This was the Grand Champion Bull in the presale show and a popular choice. He is a full brother in blood to the great CF Payweight X ET from Cates Farms. He has the length of body and overall style and balance to make him a leader in the show ring and then a top herd sire. His pedigree alone makes him one that will work. Offered by Cagwin Farms and purchased by Shawn Lohr of Butler, Ohio.
$6,250 - Lot 17 - Open HeiferGG’s Hazel Rose 1207 - A roan, horned February 8, 2023 daughter of FSF Perfection 812 and out of Layla’s Red Rose 1001 ET. The Reserve Champion Female in the show, this one is super good. She exhibits the substance and power that Perfection progeny are known for. A show stopper with her deep rib shape and solid bone structure, she will definitely compete in the show ring and then raise the right kind in the pasture. Offered by C&S Hetrick Show Cattle and purchased by Kerry Lawrence of Hebron, Ohio.
$5,100 - Lot 27 - Open Heifer - A R&W, polled March 28, 2023 daughter of HC North of 49 55G and out of BRH Proud Fool 1720. The Grand Champion Heifer of the presale show, this one was also very popular. Her dam was a many time Champion and this one can easily follow in her footsteps. She has the style and show look that all like to see. Offered by Paradise Cattle Co and purchased by Paul Leister of Taneytown, Ohio.
$5,000 - Lot 1 - Bull - CLF Titan 2236 ET. A RWM, polled September 12, 2022 son of Byland Soggy Dog 7TM73 and out of CLF Proud Fool 1207 ET. This is a big, stout long aged bull that is ready for heavy service. He has a great muscle pattern over his top and down his hind quarter. He also had the largest ribeye area (19.4) of any bull of any breed at the Expo. He also weighed in at 1750# at the Expo. A powerhouse to add performance to any herd. Offered by Cedar Lane Farm and purchased by Michael Sheeter of Jackson, Ohio.
$5,000 - Lot 22 - Open HeiferMiller’s Lady Copper ET. A roan, polled March 3, 2023 daughter of Little Cedar Worldwide 1979 ET and out of Hill Haven Breathtaker 35Y. This was an attractive show prospect with just a great pedigree. Worldwide had proven to be a top sire and the Breathtaker female is one of the leading donor females in the breed today. This one will definitely do well in the show ring but her claim to fame could well be in the donor pen. Offered by Miller’s Shorthorns and purchased by Chad Senghas of Lagrange, Ohio.
88 Bulls $ 571,100 $ 6,490
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Paint Valley Farm
Millersburg, Ohio
Auctioneer: Ron Kreis
Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
It was a great day in the Valley. When this sale started a few years ago, there were comments made that the number of bulls (40 that first year) would not sell in the state of Ohio. That one was a success and everyone since then. This year there were 88 sold and again a resounding success. Paint Valley Farms, Byland Polled Shorthorns and Beckler Shorthorns presented the strongest set of genetics yet. These herd sire prospects were of the highest quality with EPD profiles that were top shelf. Bulls were sold throughout the United States and into Canada. Congratulations to the three firms and all involved for the presentation of an elite event.
$72,500 - Lot 46 - PVF Free Country 133L. A roan, polled March 19, 2023 son of PVF Remnant 43E and out of SBR Fallyn 863F. The Centerfold Bull. What a good one. Out of a great cow, he has the depth of body and dimension
that excells. He weighed 1341 at a year of age and has a strong list of indexes. He is a power bull. He will surely be a leader in his new herd. Offered by Paint Valley and purchased by Stangl Shorthorns of Java, North Dakota.
$20,000 - Lot 1 - PVF Torque 55LA roan, polled February 15, 2023 son of Byland Flash 9U106 and out of PVF Augusta Brae 67F. This great young bull has an impressive performance profile to go with the thickness and muscle pattern that is needed today. He is the top 1% of the breed for $BMI and top 5% for WW, YW and $F. He has already been a Champion in the show ring and will surely be a Champion in the pasture. Offered by Paint Valley and purchased by Mac Magee of Harrisonville, Pennsylvania.
$14,500 - Lot 82 - Beckler Way Maker 11L. A roan, polled February 15, 2023 son of Byland Flash 9U106 and out of KL Maystar Rosewood F870. This bull is a great combination of low birth weight and high performance. He is big and stout made with al great EPD profile. His dam is from the great Maystar Rosewood line from Keith Lauer in Kansas. Offered by Beckler Shorthorns and purchased by Bill Gay of Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
$13,000 - Lot 10 - PVF Lincoln 27L. A RWM, polled February 7, 2023 son
of Eighteen Seventy Two and out of JSF Nita 138D. Sired by the popular 1872 and out of a Pacesetter Dam by Saskvalley Outlaw. His YW index is 113 and $BMI number is 152.54. A powerful young bull with a herd sire look to go with the dimension and power that make him a favorite. Offered by Paint Valley and purchased by Ryan Knupp of Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada.
$13,000 - Lot 57 - Byland Legit 3SD53. A roan, polled March 6, 2023 son of Byland Soggy Dog 7YM73 and out of Byland Jenny 7RX56. This is another top EPD profile bull by the popular Soggy Dog and out of a top daughter of Leveldale Rolex. He is a calving ease sire that will add performance to any herd. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by Meyer Farms of Rushville, Indiana.
$11,750 - Lot 72 - Byland Prime Factor 3U43. A red, polled March 5, 2023 son of Studer’s Universal 10B and out of Byland Cindy Beauty 7M95. This is another low birth weight EPD, high performance bull that is out of a great cow family at Byland. He has lots of muscle and a strong jaw. He will be a herd changer. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by S-Co Shorthorns of Hastings, Minnesota.
We invite you to join us Thursday, July 18 as we kick off the Summer Symposium with a tour of Castle and Key Bourbon Distillery. The Castle has been standing proud on the current site since 1887, and it first served as a distillery as early as 1819. Symposium attendees will have the opportunity to tour the distilling facility for a lesson in the history of bourbon and Castle & Key, see the distillation process through from start to finish, and experience a tasting of their various products. After our tours are complete, stick around for the AMS, Inc. Symposium Social at Castle & Key. Take time to tour the grounds on your own, enjoy a drink, and soak in the Shorthorn fellowship that we all enjoy so much. Registration for the Summer Symposium, presented by the American Shorthorn Association is available at shorthorn.org under Events. We invite all cattlemen and women to join us for this event in July!
Sale Summary
1 Bull $ 12,000 $ 12,000
13 Spring Heifers $ 109,750 $ 8,442
27 Fall Heifers $ 179,000 $ 6,630
3 Cow/Calf Pairs $ 19,450 $ 6,483
4 Bred Cows $ 21,950 $ 5,487
3 Bred Heifers $ 16,000 $ 5,333
51 Live Lots $ 358,150 $ 7,023
4 Embryo Pkgs $ 7,500 $ 1,875
15 Semen Pkgs
$ 4,620 $ 308
Sale Gross: $370,270
Sunday, April 7, 2024
WHR Shorthorns
Van Alstyne, Texas
Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
How time flies. This was the Thirtieth sale for this leading Shorthorn firm and it continues to be a leader in Production Sales throughout the breed. The yearly presentation of top quality show heifer prospects was again readily accepted by the buyers present and those on the internet and on the phones. Top quality cattle with breed leading bloodlines are always a staple in this sale. Congratulations to Bill and Becky Rasor, Sarge, Big Chief and all involved to make this sale a continued success.
$40,000 - Lot 16B - Spring HeiferWHR RHS Queen of Hearts 3283 ET. A red, horned March 28, 2023 daughter of DF Waco 6W and out of WHR Queen of Hearts 6923 ET. This is a super good show prospect by the great Waco and out of a female from the renowned Ten
Queens line. She is long bodied with the dimension and super front end that make her one to bet on. Purchased by Rick Hogue of Newcomerstown, Ohio.
$27,000 - Lot 22A - Fall HeiferWHR HCAT Mona Lisa 3N03 ET. A roan, polled November 3, 2023 WHR The Judge 9305 ET and out of SULL Mona Lisa Angel ET. One of the great Fall show prospects to sell in this sale. She comes from a family of Champions as her dam has produced numerous Champions and this heifer has all it takes to be a winner also. Purchased by Justin Parker of Ardmore, Oklahoma.
$13,000 - Lot 3B - Spring HeiferWHR Cumberland 3104 ET. A roan, polled January 3, 2023 daughter of ADVY Millbrook Tribute FB 6023J and out of WHR Cumberland 6917 ET. This was one of the many favorites in the Spring Heifers for this sale. Sired by the popular Tribute and out of the famed Cumberland female line at WHR. This one has the pedigree and show look to be a great one for many years. Purchased by Shadybrook Farms of West Brome, Quebec, Canada.
$12,000 - Lot 36 - Bull - WHR Henry 2905 ET. A roan, polled September 4, 2022 son of Hill Haven Fire Storm 28C and out of WHR Cumberland 6917 ET. The only bull in the sale and what a good one. Thick topped with the muscle pattern and bone of his sire. His dam is also the dam of the good Lot 3B heifer. This guy is ready to go to work for his new owner. Purchased by W. B. Maples
of Copperas Cove, Texas.
$10,000 - Lot 24 - Fall Heifer - WHR Helga 3935. A roan, polled September 24, 2023 daughter of d WHR TS Texas Pride 0924 ET and out of M/F Helga 19C. Dam’s Sire: Free K-Kim Hot Commodity. Purchased by Scott Dryer of Tolar, Texas.
$10,000 - Lot 27 - Fall Heifer - WHR HCAT Valerie 3934. A red, polled September 24, 2023 daughter of WHR Rambling Rider 7001 and out of WHR RHS Valerie 3259 ET. Dam’s Sire: HD Bloodstone 603 ET. Purchased by Quintin Madwell of Commerce, Texas.
$10,000 - Lot 13 - Fall HeiferWHR CMF Cecilia 9073 ET. A roan, polled September 3, 2023 daughter of Hill Haven Fire Storm 28C and out of CMF Cecilia 1018 ET. Dam’s Sire: NBS Low Rider 42W ET. Purchased by E. V. Harlan of Bells, Texas.
$10,000 - Lot 2 - Spring HeiferWHR 4S Cumberland 4101 ET. A roan, polled January 2, 2024 daughter of WHR TS Daydream Believer 9409 and out of WHR SAL Cumberland 6N10 ET. Dam’s Sire: NBS Low Rider 42W ET. Purchased by Jared Kelley of Bells, Texas.
$10,000 - Lot 17 - Spring Heifer - WHR RHS Ten Queens 293. A red, polled February 9, 2023 daughter of NBS Low Rider 42W ET and out of RHS Eldorado Queen 5246 ET. Dam’s Sire: SULL GNCC Eldorado ET. Purchased by Cate Norris of Van Alstyne, Texas.
The Summer Symposium Friday afternoon road trip heads north and east from Lexington to Mays Lick, home of Boyd Beef Cattle, one of the nation’s leading seedstock producers. Charlie and his family are welcoming our group to visit their Angus and Hereford seedstock operation for the evening. While we are at Boyd’s we have scheduled a special workshop for you: a livestock photography demonstration with professional cattle photographer Wes Chism of JWC Marketing. This trip is guaranteed to be full of information, fun, and good cattle. You won’t want to miss out on this experience.
1 Bull $ 5,000 $ 5,000
34 Open Heifers $ 155,700 $ 4,580
5 Cow/Calf Pairs $ 21,300 $ 4,260
6 Bred Females $ 20,300 $ 3,383
46 Live Lots ............... $ 202,300 ............$ 4,398
3 Pregnancies $ 12,500 $ 4,167
15 Embryo Pkgs $ 33,600 $ 2,240
Sale Gross: $248,400
Saturday, April 13, 2024 Blackjack Sale Facility Seminole, Oklahoma
Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
There was just an outstanding group of Shorthorns offered in this year’s Red Dirt sale. The open show heifer prospects are always a feature in this sale and this year this group was the best ever offered here. Also offered were strong sets of pairs and bred females. The overall quality in this sale just keeps getting better. Congratulations to Double G and Lazy Bar F along with their guest consignors for bringing such a high quality set for the sale.
$17,500 - Lot 6 - Open Heifer - GCC NW Charming Girl 234. A red, polled November 23, 2023 daughter of SULL
Current Commodity 7630E and out of GCC TRN Kendall Charm 65 ET. This one was fancy, fancy. She is long bodied with the great show look all want to see. Offered by Greenhorn Cattle Co and Nollswood Farms and purchased by Bennett Farms of Williamsburg, Ohio.
$13,500 - Lot 19 - Open HeiferMAV Picture Perfect 326L ET. A RWM, horned November 14, 2023 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of MAV Picture Perfect 044H ET. Red Knight keeps producing the right kind. Mated with a Picture Perfect female by Charisma and you have a great prospect. She is really well made and has the style and balance to make her a winner. Offered by Weeping Fox Ranch and purchased by Eddy Waymire of Alexandria, Indiana.
$13,000 - Lot 18B - Open HeiferMAV Emily 337L ET. A RWM, polled December 6, 2023 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and out of MAV Emily 734T. There were 3 full sibs in this lot and all were exceptional. All are show and donor quality and this one was a favorite of many. Offered by Weeping Fox Ranch and purchased by Ted Lein of Almond, Wisconsin.
$12,500 - Lot 18A - Open HeiferMAV Emily 314L ET. A roan, polled
Sale Summary
4 PB Bulls $ 24,150 $ 6,038
2 ShPlus Bulls $ 5,050 $ 2,525
8 PB Open Heifers $ 32,300 $ 4,038
9 Plus Open Heifers $ 31,300 $ 3,478
2 Cow/Calf Pairs .......... $ 8,400 .................$ 4,200
2 Bred Females ............. $ 6,500 .................$ 3,250
27 Breeding Lots ....... $ 107,700 ............$ 3,989
2 Steers ........................ $ 3,450 .................$ 1,725
7 Embryo Pkgs ............ $ 14,000 ...............$ 2,000
15 Semen Pkgs ............ $ 7,230 .................$ 482 Sale Gross: $132,380
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Major Country Fairgrounds Fairview, Oklahoma
Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt
Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
When the crowd arrived for this first Oklahoma Spring Selection Sale, they entered one of the finest facilities ever seen on a County fairgrounds. They also found an outstanding offering of Shorthorn cattle in all categories that were bred right to make a difference in new herds. Congratulations to the sale committee for the presentation of a super event in this inaugural auction.
$16,000 - Lot 21 - Bull - JCB Roan Power 306L. A roan, polled February 20, 2023 son of PVF Beefcake 38J and out of JSF Adelaide 26H. What a
powerhouse bull to lead this sale. Sired by a son of Soggy Dog, this one has worlds of meat and muscle to go with his great structure and overall style. He will certainly be a herd improver. Offered by Bedwell Cattle Co and purchased by Suli Shorthorns of Hunter, Oklahoma.
$10,500 - Lot 4 - Open Heifer - LDB Mercis BH 331. A roan, polled October 27, 2023 daughter of LDB Braveheart 113 ET and out of MB Bo’s Knightly Cabernet ET. This is a super fancy show prospect. Sired by the top breeding bull, Braveheart and out of a daughter of Red Knight. Her pedigree alone makes her a top heifer. She has great body confirmation and a beautiful front third. Offered by Lost Diamond B Ranch and purchased by 720 Cattle Co of Loyal, Oklahoma.
$5,250 - Lot 15 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - LARM Laney’s Rose Reward. A roan, polled September 2, 2023 daughter of DRM Bucky 814 and out of MS Laney. This is a beautiful show prospect that is structurally sound from the ground up. She has the style and overall dimension to be a contender and then a great addition to a breeding program. Offered by Larman Farms and purchased by Jan Biehler of Loyal, Oklahoma.
$5,000 - Lot 8 - Open Heifer - CGS
September 26, 2023 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and out of MAV Emily 734T. Another of the great full sisters in this group. It was difficult to choose among these heifers as evidenced by the active bidding when they sold. Offered by Weeping Fox Ranch and purchased by Craig Oberbroeckling of Prole, Iowa.
$8,250 - Lot 18C - Open HeiferMAV Emily 399L ET. A RWM, polled May, 24, 2023 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and out of MAV Emily 734T. This one was on top of many lists. She is in a different class and will surely be super competitive in her show career and then be a leader in the donor pen. Offered by Weeping Fox Ranch and purchased by Michelle Basham of Commerce, Texas.
$7,000 - Lot 1B - Open Heifer - 2G Myrtle Beau 3H12 RK ET. A RWM, polled October 14, 2023 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of SULL Moore Beau’s Girl ET. This is a super complete show heifer that has the overall dimension and style that will make her one to beat this year. Her pedigree makes her a top candidate to be a leading donor in her future. Offered by Double G Shorthorns and purchased by Salt Creed Cattle Co of Macomb, Oklahoma.
Lady Mae. A RWM, polled May 22, 2023 daughter of WKM Lady’s Man and out of WKM Pink Lady 0820. A beautiful young female that is clean upfront and through her shoulder. She has the depth of rib and sound structure that all like to see. Offered by Cross G Shorthorns and purchased by Christin Crosswhite of Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
$4,600 - Lot 30 - Cow/Calf PairDTR Elizabeth 8053. A RWM, polled 2018 daughter of Ash Valley Count 5775 ET and out of DTR Elizabeth 585C. At her side was a roan bull calf born March 27, 2024 and sired by DJS The Outsider. This is a really good cow in the prime of her producing life with a stout young bull calf at side. This pair would fit in the top of any herd. Offered by DTR Cattle Co and purchased by Stanley Burris of Yukon, Oklahoma.
$4.400 - Lot 12 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - AD Blueberry. A blue roan, polled June 10, 2023 daughter of Hottie/Dew North Son and out of /F Thirteene 1966A ET. This was a really fancy blue roan that was a favorite in the barn. Her Simmental influence makes her one that will be a great breeding piece. Offered by Addison Dick and purchased by Rocking F Farm of North Carolina.
Dr. Martin Bruce Harbison, age 84, of Cullman, passed away peacefully on Sunday, March 31, 2024 in Birmingham surrounded by his family.
Born in Cullman County, Alabama, Bruce was the son of Martin Turner Harbison and Reecie Erlene Hudson Harbison. He is survived by his wife, Kaye Westmoreland Harbison; son, Martin Bruce Harbison, Jr of Cullman, and daughters: Kimberly
Randy Rex Cates went to his heavenly home Wednesday afternoon, April 10, 2024, following a brief battle with leukemia (AML). He was born on March 28, 1952 in Winchester, Indiana, to Rex and Pauline (Clevenger) Cates. He was a 1970 graduate of Union High School where he was an outstanding student and athlete, notably basketball, track (shotput), and baseball (pitching). He received a degree in Animal Science from Purdue University in 1974. At Purdue, he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity where he made many lifelong friends. While in college, he was on the Purdue University National Champion Livestock Judging Team in 1973. When Purdue won the NIT in 1974, Randy was there to cheer them on as Purdue Pete.
After college, Randy returned home to the family farm in Modoc, IN. Along with his father, Rex, and brother, Brian, they established Cates Farms Shorthorns.
Kaye Harbison Drake (Tommy) of Cullman, Allison Lynn Harbison Springer (Stewart) of Birmingham, and Ashley Shea Harbison Shelton (Philip) of Hartselle; brother, Fred Delano Harbison (Linda) and sisters: Nell Harbison Montgomery (Joe) and Cynthia Lynne Harbison, ten grandchildren and six great- grandchildren. Bruce was preceded in death by his loving parents.
Bruce’s journey was marked by exceptional academic achievements. He graduated as valedictorian of his class from West Point High School, and furthered his education at St. Bernard College and graduated from the University of Alabama in 1961.
Today Cates Farms is recognized as one of the most prominent and successful Shorthorn herds in North America, with son, Tanner, and nephew, Tyler, joining their dads in the operation. The annual autumn Cates Farms sale has marketed cattle to neighboring Indiana Shorthorn enthusiasts and to breeders across the United States and Canada.
On April 7, 1979, he married Janet Pittenger. The two of them enjoyed 45 years of marriage, and have two sons, Garett and Tanner.
Randy judged numerous 4H cattle shows and major livestock shows in the U.S. and Canada. He has been recognized as the Indiana Young Cattleman of the Year, Builder of the Breed from the American Shorthorn Association, the Indiana Livestock Breeders’ Hall of Fame, and most recently, the Bob Peterson Lifetime Achievement Award from the Indiana Beef Cattle Association.
Randy’s favorite pastime outside of work, family, and friends was being on the golf course. Outside of being with the people he loved, fewer places made him happier. Two of his primary accomplishments over the years were 2 hole-in-ones and golfing an average of
He pursued his passion for dentistry, graduating from the University of Alabama Dental School with a DMD in 1965. Following his graduation, Bruce proudly served as a Captain in the United States Army.
Bruce was a longtime member of First Baptist Church of Cullman, Alabama. His commitment to service extended to his involvement in the Cullman Lion’s Club, where he served as a past president. In addition to his professional and community endeavors, Bruce had a passion for Shorthorn cattle and was an avid supporter of the Alabama Crimson Tide.
36 holes per day for 5 days straight on the big annual golf trip to Florida that he and various friends and family took for over 40 years.
He is survived by his wife, Janet Cates; son Garett (Katie) Cates; son Tanner Cates; granddaughter Charlotte Cates (who brought him so much joy); brother Steve (Jane) Cates; and brother Brian (Angie) Cates. Along with nephews, nieces, cousins, and friends, Randy was loved and respected by so many, that to name them all would be impossible.
The family would like to thank Dr. Amit Bansal (Oncology), the nursing staff and hospice at Reid Health in Richmond, IN for all the care and support they gave Randy and the family; all the family and friends for the thoughts, prayers, and support they have given over the last half year during Randy’s battle with cancer; most of all, the Lord Jesus Christ for the life He gave Randy here on earth and the eternal life he is living now in heaven.
Randy’s passing leaves a void that will be felt by many for a long time, but his legacy and impact on all those who knew him will remain forever.
Kenneth Carl Tague, 89 of Jamesport, MO passed away Thursday, March 7, 2024, at the Daviess County Nursing Home.
He was born on October 28, 1934, the son of Fred and Frances (Grove) Tague. He attended Hickory Grove grade school and graduated from Gallatin High School in 1953. Following graduation, he enlisted in the United States Air Force in November 1953 and served through May of 1958. Kenny married Mary Louise Adkison on June 6, 1954,
Lewis Blanford “Blan” Pierce, Jr., 85, passed away unexpectedly Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital in DeKalb, Illinois. Blan was born on June 8, 1938 to Lewis B. and Lucy (Norris) Pierce in DeKalb, IL.
Blan was the fourth generation of Woodlawn Farms L.B. Pierce and Sons. Friends in the Angus cattle business across multiple states and generations stayed in touch for “cow talk” and/or advice. He never met a stranger and he loved visiting with people. Blan continued the Angus cattle business at Woodlawn until its dispersal in May of 2005. He then established the Woodlawn Scholarship Endowment Fund at the American Angus Foundation, the first one so gifted from an Angus breeder, and it has grown through the years granting annual scholarships to youth in the industry.
The historic “Woodlawn Trophy”, a large three handled silver trophy, had been won by Blan’s great grandfather,
at her home south of Gallatin. He was a member of Olive Baptist Church, Gallatin, Mo.
Following his military service, Kenny was an iron worker in Kansas City and later began his farming career. He farmed and raised cattle for 40 years. He and his family developed a herd of Shorthorn cattle which was shown and sold in many states. Kenny and Mary also owned and operated Tague Trailer Sales. He especially enjoyed selling trailers and meeting new people. He never met a stranger. Kenny began hunting rabbits and squirrels at a very young age which carried over to coon hunting and deer hunting later in his life.
After retirement, Kenny and Mary enjoyed traveling, fishing, and meeting
B.R. Pierce, and grandfather, S.R. Pierce, in 1900 at the First International Livestock Show held in Chicago, IL. The family proudly displayed the trophy at all of their cattle sales. When Blan was inducted into the Angus Heritage Hall of Fame at the annual Angus meeting in Louisville, KY, following in his earlier three ancestors footsteps, he surprised all in attendance by gifting the trophy to the Angus Association, where it is on display at their headquarters.
A second breed caught Blan’s eye about 18 years ago when he and Joan began to acquire Shorthorn cattle from his partner, Steve French’s herd in Michigan. It was coming full circle as Blan’s great grandfather had Shorthorns for ten years before he began a 136 year love of Angus.
Blan was very civic minded and was involved in many organizations throughout his life time. He was on the Rochelle Community Hospital Board, Creston School Board, Ogle County Extension Board and was a 4-H leader. He was a multi Township Tax Assessor, a member of the American Angus “Vision of Value” Foundation Committee and an active contributor to the foundation as were his three ancestors. Blan was a member of the American Angus
new friends. He was a family man and a great inspiration to his children and grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Floyd Tague, Fred Tague Jr., Jim Tague, and Ray Carder; Sisters; Ruby Carder, Doris Huston, Elaine Mason; half-brother and sisters; Earl Tague, Iola Vaughn, Amaree Patterson; granddaughters Denise Tague and Stephanie Frost. He is survived by his wife, Mary Tague and children; Rick (Linda) Tague, Odessa, FL; Deby (Steven) Gann, Gallatin; Mark (Lynn) Tague, Lee’s Summit, MO; Donna (Jim) Haffecke, Chillicothe, Mo; Scherryl (Mike) Lee, Yucca, AZ; 15 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
Association and in 2007 was nominated and installed in the American Angus Heritage Foundation. In addition, he was a Northern Illinois Angus Association board member.
A second marriage for Blan and his wife, Joan, almost reached the 47 year anniversary this June; add to that the four years they dated.
Blan was the proud father to sons: Carl (Kris) of Reedsburg, WI and Jake (Edie) of Byron, IL; grandfather to Carl’s daughter, Carly (Nate) Vogeler and great grandfather to Henry, Theo and Ben Vogeler and grandfather to Jake and Edie’s son, Wyatt. He was additionally a proud step father to Joan’s children: Tim (Suzi) Pleune of Batavia, IL, Beth (Jeff) Martin of Bonita Springs, FL and Laura (Mike Loptien) Sykes of Sycamore, IL; step grandfather to Jamie Pleune, Alyssa Pleune (Zach) Clark, Andy (Julie) Martin, Joe (Sarinna) Martin; great granddaughter, Lilah Martin and soon to be great grandson Martin in April; Samantha Sykes and Jarrett Sykes.
In addition to his parents, L.B. and Lucy Pierce, Blan was preceded in death by his brother, Norris Pierce; sister, Susan Lesh; nephew, David Pierce and sister-in-law, Ann Pierce.
The Board of Directors took some time to review the 90-day past-due policy. After seeing an increase in overdue accounts, a policy change was enacted, which brought about another change regarding membership renewals.
First (as of January 1, 2024): Any past due balance over 60 days will automatically put an account on-hold until the full account balance has been paid. As a reminder, this will restrict online access to only being able to pay that balance, as well as no printing of any
registration papers is permitted when there is a balance due.
Second (effective immediately): Due to the increase in unpaid membership renewals, (i.e. breeders logging in and renewing their membership and not making payment) membership renewals must be paid at the time of renewal in order to gain online/member access for that calendar year. If a breeder logs in, agrees to renew the membership but then does not pay simultaneously, said membership renewal will be made null
and void and deleted the next day.
These policy changes are an effort to maintain fairness for those members who are paying their fees in a timely manner, as well as keep the financial status of the ASA in good order. These new changes are in effect for every single member –whether junior or senior, WHR or TOC – everyone will be treated equally. We appreciate your continued support of the American Shorthorn Association.
Making an investment in the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund is making an investment in the future of the family friendly breed.
“It is important to support these kids because it is such a team building and leadership building event for these young people. To see the results of the dollars we invest as sponsors of this event is incredible it develops great people for our ag industry, cattle industry and beyond.”
- Jeff Aegerter, AMS Online Sales
As of July 1, 2023, all Milking Shorthorn and Lincoln Red cattle that are to be brought into the American Shorthorn Association herd book as dual registered animals must be tested as an AI sire or donor dam prior to herd book acceptance, due to the lack of information available in their online registries.
Starting July 1, 2023, all animals tested through the American Shorthorn Association must have a registration or recorded number to be accepted for testing. This is only a slight adjustment to the current rule, which applies to samples sent directly to the lab. This rule adjustment includes any animal tested – whether the samples are sent directly to the lab or to the ASA office for pre-processing. Also starting July 1, 2023, a manual processing fee will also be incurred for those samples sent to the office for preprocessing. We are trying to encourage breeders to send their samples directly to Neogen, once their DNA submission form is approved and in their hands. If there is an error in the registry holding your animal up from being pushed through as registered, you would need to go the ‘recorded number’ route. In the birth entry screen, you can un-check the ‘Register?” box, re-validate, and commit your animal to the registry as recorded to receive that ‘U’ recorded number.
In an effort to reduce the amount of paper sent out of the office, statements will now be emailed, rather than printed. Please be sure to double-check that you have a correct email on file in the registry. If you wish to continue with the printed version, simply log into your DigitalBeef account and go to the ‘Prefs’ tab to update your Invoicing preference (see screenshot). You can also call the office to make the switch.
• 1 Shorthorn roast
• 1 package italian dressing mix
• 1 tbsp garlic powder
• 2 tbsp red pepper flakes
• 3 tbsp italian seasoning
• 1/2 jar pepperoncini peppers
• 4-6 cups beef broth
• Sub rolls
• Salt & pepper to taste
Optional toppings: provolone cheese, pepperoncini peppers
1. Add the roast to your slow cooker.
TOTAL PREP TIME: 10-15 minutes
2. Sprinkle all the seasonings and the dressing mix over the top of the roast.
3. Pour broth over the roast.
4. Add 1/2 of a jar of pepperoncini peppers, including the juice.
5. Cook on low 6-8 hours or until roast shreds easily with a fork. Adjust your time depending on roast size.
6. Once shredded, add to toasted rolls with optional toppings. Use remaining juice to dip sandwiched if desired!
* To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.
Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.
Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 - jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com
Aug. 31 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, IN
Aug. 31 - Cornerstone Farm “Home of the Rock Stars” Sale, Winchester, IN
Sept. 9 - Berg’s Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, IA, amsonlinesales.com
May 11 - Sharben Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns “Return of the Southern Stars” Sale, Campbellsburg, Ky.
Aug. 31 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, Ind.
Aug. 31 - Cornerstone Farms “Born to Be Rockstars” Volume V Sale, Winchester, Ind.
Aug. 31-Sept. 1 - R-C Show Cattle “Early Bird” Online Sale and Open House, Eaton, Ohio, sconlinesales.com
Aug. 31-Sept. 1 - Turner Shorthorns “Somerset Sensations” Open House and Private Treaty Sale, Somerset, Ohio.
Sept. 15 - Farrer Stock Farms “51st Annual Club Calf Sale”, Royal Center, Ind.
Sept. 21 - Six’s Shorthorns, “Legends of the Fall” Sale, Waynesburg, Pa.
Sept. 21 - Shadybrook Farms “Decades of Excellence” Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, Canada.
Sept. 28 - The Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, Mich.
Oct. 5 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Great Females Make A Difference” Production Sale, Waynesville, Ohio.
Oct. 6 - Du-Lynn Farms, “Share The Vision” Production Sale, Berlin, Ohio.
Oct. 12 - Studer Family Shorthorns, “Family Legacies” Production Sale, Anita, Iowa.
Oct. 12 - Schrag|Nikkel “Family Event” Sale, Marion, S.D.
Oct. 12 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, Okla.
Oct. 13 - Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Assocaition Fall Showcase Sale, Millersburg, Ohio.
Oct. 19 - Bedwell Cattle Co and Lost Diamond B Ranch, “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, Okla.
Nov. 2 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, N.D.
Nov. 9 - Four State Shorthorn Association Sale, Diamond, Mo.
Nov. 10 - Greenhorn Cattle Co, “Where Future Generations Are Created” Sale, Louisville, Ky.
Nov. 17 - Farrer Stock Farms, “Annual Dynamic Dams” Sale, Royal Center, Ind.
Dec. 9 - Paint Valley Farms, Byland Polled Shorthorns, and Beckler Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, Ohio.
Sept. 9 - Smith Family Farms “Cattleman’s Cut” Sale, Pendelton, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 10 - Meyer Family Shorthorns Online Sale, Greensburg, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 11 - Gypsy Creek Ranch Online Sale, Gettysburg, PA, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 16 - Jester Farms “No Foolin” Sale, Mooreland, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 17 - Moore Shorthorns Show Heifer Online Sale, Jerseyville, IL, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 21 - Shadybrook Farms Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, Canada
Sept. 21 - Six’s Shorthorns “Legends of the Fall” Sale, Waynesburg, PA
Sept. 24 - Shoufler Shorthorns Online Sale, Fortville, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 28 - Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, MI
Sept. 30 - Keiser Cattle Company Online Sale, Gothenburg, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 1 - West Fork Ranch Club Calf Sale, Loup City, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 2 - Millbrook’s Northern Exposure Volume IV, Brome, Quebec Canada, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 2 - Oak Ridge Farms Sale, Logansport, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 5 - GCC “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Production Sale, Waynesville, OH
Oct. 6 - DuLyn Shorthorn Share the Vision Sale, Berlin, OH
Oct. 7 - Bollum Family Shorthorns Red, White, and Roan Online Sale, Goodhue, MN, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 8 - Bishell/Nollswood Online Sale, Mineral Point, WI, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 12 - Crow Creek “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Lawton, OK, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 12 - Coldstream Farm Online Sale, Flesherton, ON Canada, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 12 - Schrag 605 “Family Event” Sale, Marion, SD
Oct. 13 - Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Association Fall Showcase Sale, Millersburg, OH
Oct. 14 – Hill Haven Selection Sale, Duntroon, Ontario, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 15 - Nelson Farms Maternal Icons Show Heifer & Genetic Online Sale, Seneca, IL, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 19 - Bedwell Cattle Co. & Lost Diamond B Ranch “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, OK
Oct. 20 - Gana Farms Show Heifer Sale, Martell, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 21 - Horns in the Heartland Sale, Syracuse, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 22 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Fall Sale, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 24 - Laurel Oak Farms and Crick Bottom Shorthorns Shorthorn Roundup Sale, Butler, PA, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 27 - 3 Buck Cattle Company Online Sale, Bryant, SD, amsonlinesales.com
605 Sires + Donors 7
Cattle Compay ................. 13
Bennett Land & Cattle .................. 60
Berg Shorthorns 8-9, 60
Bigelow Farms 60 Bowman Superior Genetics ........... 60
Byland Polled Shorthorns .............. 60
Cagwin Cattle Services LLC 63
Cagwin Farms 19, 23
Cairns Shorthorns 60
Cates Farms ............................... 5, 60
What is your favorite show product? Sullivan’s Revive – if it came in cologne, I’d wear it! What other activities are you involved in outside of AJSA? I have a passion for photography, you can find me at a jackpot show almost every weekend and helping the 4-H youth with their beef projects.
What is your favorite cattle show you have exhibited at? Why? I’m going to say my county fair. I reached my dream and biggest goal of winning Grand Champion Steer.