2023 Rimrock Genomic Gems

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SATURDAY | MAY 6, 2023 | 1 P.M.


Rimrock Production Presents... GENOMIC GEMS VOL. VIII


The family team at Rimrock would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to the Homestead Sale Facility for the eighth annual Genomic Gems Sale May 6 at 1:00 P.M. We will have the cattle at the facility by mid-week, but cattle can be viewed at any time prior to the sale at the ranch. Friday evening the cattle will be up in the traps for viewing and refreshments will be available.

It is an opportune time to be in the cattle business for a multitude of reasons, but I see the driving economic factor being the reduction of national herd size creating a supply and demand issue. Some may argue this will only be short lived. I feel with the continuing pressure of developments consuming our farm and ranch lands, national cattle herd numbers will remain lower in the future. The market is also continuously demanding a higher quality product. What better way to achieve high quality than the time tested and proven genetics of Angus cattle. One of the first goals at Rimrock was to provide cattle with phenotype and curve bending genetics to ensure the cattle would be economically beneficial to our program as well as our customers. I can assure you Rimrock continually strives to achieve this goal. We actually measure this goal by following the success stories of our customers, for if they don’t succeed neither will we. The offering this year is packed full of great opportunities to purchase elite genetics. There are multiple females we would have loved to retain in the herd, but space is limited so we can’t keep all of them. The Lot #1 female is a good example of what are end goal is at Rimrock. I do believe she would check all the boxes in any program and the heifer calf on her side is phenomenal, both genetically and phenotypically. It will be a great pleasure watching what this female does in a new program. In my humble opinion, she will be the next female produced at Rimrock to generate a million dollars in progeny sales for her new owner. I simply love everything about this pair of cattle!

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has impacted the program at Rimrock over the years; from customers, consultants, breeders, vets and the list just goes on forever. If you have ever helped us out thank you, and please know our success is also your success. So, we cannot say “Thank You” enough.

We hope to see you all sale day, but if you are unable to attend, we understand life. So to accommodate, the sale will be hosted on CCI Live as well as videos of cattle available online prior to the sale. Parker, Matt, Lane and I will be more than happy to give you an honest opinion on the cattle and provide any additional information you may require.

GENOMIC GEMS VOL. VIII RIMROCK PRODUCTION INC. 3598 FM 448 Giddings, TX 78942 Bryan & Jonell Vay (432) 940-1111 (Cell) E-mail: bryanvay@sbcglobal.net Lane Vay, Herd Mgr. (432) 934-3484

Rimrock Production Presents... GENOMIC GEMS VOL. VIII


AUCTIONEER: Dustin Layton (405) 464-2455


Bryan Vay (432) 940-1111 • Lane Vay (432) 934-3484


Radale Tiner (979) 492-2663

MARKETING AGENT: Parker Friedrich (254) 413-2420


Radale has seen all the sale cattle. He can take phone bids or advise about the sale offering.


Friday, May 5

12 p.m. - Cattle available for viewing

6 p.m. - 8 p.m. - Small bites and refreshments

Saturday, May 6

11:30 a.m. - Lunch

1 p.m. - SALE BEGINS!


Radale Tiner ............................. Angus Journal (979) 492-2663

Phil Stoll Weekly Livestock Reporter (817) 366-7332

Bradley O’Leary Special Assignment (817) 304-1485


Hampton Inn - (979) 968-4900

1624 W Hwy. 71 • LaGrange, TX 78945

Best Western Giddings Inn & Suites - (979) 542-5000

2161 E Hempstead St. • Giddings, TX 78942

Hampton Inn and Suites - (512) 321-2898

240 S Hassler Blvd. • Bastrop TX 78602

Holiday Inn Express and Suites - (512) 321-1900

491 Agnes Street • Bastrop, TX 78602


Parker Friedrich Marketing and Consulting

566 Hillcrest Dr. • Stephenville, TX 76401

(254) 413-2420 mob (254) 968-8162 fax/home parkerfriedrich@earthlink.net


Homestead Sale Facility

1146 Private Road 5018 • Giddings, TX 78942

4.5 Miles North of Giddings, TX on FM 141


James Bessler, Great American Insurance

• (815) 762-2641

MARKETING AGENT: Matt White (530) 552-0650

Randy Lathrop, Lathrop Trucking, Dundee, Illinois • (847) 910-4673

Tom Snell LLC • (580) 374-4168


All cattle will be accompanied by proper health certificates for immediate shipment.


Major airlines serve the following airports: Austin - 45 minutes • Houston - 1 1/2 hours • Dallas - 2 ½ hours


Cattle will be available for viewing at the ranch (1066 CR 2239 Giddings, TX 78942) previous to moving to sale facility on April 28, 2023. Viewing at Homestead Facility beginning May 2, 2023 through sale day.


Cattle will sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association (http://www.angus.org/ Pub/suggested_sale_terms.pdf).


A supplemental update sheet will be available sale day with up-to-date breeding and calving information. All announcements made from the auction block take precedence over printed matter in this sale book.


The sale order in this year’s sale will be the same as the lot number sequence. In other words, Lot 1 sells first, Lot 2 sells second, Lot 3 sells third, and so on.


Load out will commence immediately at the completion of the sale and after proper settlement has been made. Updated information is available sale day.


SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 1
EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www.angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLink®, CAB®, Pathfinder®.
10% Top 20%

DNA Scores

Selection Tools




Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.


Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.


The genetic evaluation produces a single set of EPDs for carcass weight, marbling score, Ribeye area and fat thickness. The units of measure are in carcass trait format and analyzed on an ageconstant basis.

Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.


$Value indexes, are multi-trait selection indexes to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. $Values are reported in dollars per head, where a higher value is more favorable. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.

Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences from conception to weaning with the underlying breeding objective assuming that individuals retain their own replacement females within herd and sell the rest of the cull female and all male progeny as feeder calves. The model assumes commercial producers will replace 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% of their breeding females in each subsequent generation. Traits included are as follows: calving ease direct, calving ease maternal, weaning weight, milk, heifer pregnancy, docility, mature cow weight, claw set and foot angle. Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for pre-weaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.

Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning merit compared to progeny of other sires.

Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires.

Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. Combined Value ($C), expressed in dollars per head, is an index which includes all traits that make up both Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value ($B) with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and eventually sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid. EPDs directly influencing a combined index are: CED, CEM, WW, YW, Milk, HP, DOC, MW, Angle, Claw, DMI, Marb, CW, RE and Fat.

2 | GENOMIC GEMS VOL. VIII $M +50 75% $W +75 4% $F +123 1% $G +91 1% $B +214 1% $C +328 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +1.9 +84 +150 +1.37 +27 +73 +1.35 +.98 +.005 30% 65% 2% 2% 15% 45% 2% 2% 4% 40% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*Springfield Ramesses 6124 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18746724 *Welytok Total 10 Erianna 3B2 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A Quaker Hill Erianna 8T2 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*RMRK Rita 6259 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 18412713 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Cure All 1353 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD 1
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 45 75 14 10 68 87 19 21 94 11 61 14 65 13 6 16 40 53 Birth Date: 02-06-2019 · Cow +*19953104 · Tattoo: G203 Lot $AxH: +243 1% $AxJ: +228 1%
Carcass Growth
Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE. Maternal

Donors LOTS 1-2


What a way to start this event, with a near perfectly designed high performance Ramesses daughter produced from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire Ten X and the legendary $180,000 valued Rimrock donor, Cox Rita 27R Y05C, who has generated over $1 million in progeny sales. Every cowman in America dreams of producing this type and kind combined with an elite EPD profile. This one is just flat good. She sells with Lot 1A, a heifer calf (3253), born 2/22/2023 by DB Iconic. Open ready to breed or flush. Rimrock will retain the rights to 1 flush or a guarantee of 8 embryos at new owner’s convenience.



$M +49 80% $W +76 4% $F +123 1% $G +91 1% $B +213 1% $C +325 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +1.9 +84 +150 +1.37 +27 +73 +1.34 +.99 +.005 30% 65% 2% 2% 15% 45% 2% 2% 4% 40% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*Springfield Ramesses 6124 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18746724 *Welytok Total 10 Erianna 3B2 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A Quaker Hill Erianna 8T2 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*RMRK Rita 6259 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 18412713 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Cure All 1353 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD 1
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 45 75 14 10 68 87 19 21 94 11 61 14 65 13 6 16 40 53 Birth Date: 02-06-2019 · Cow +*19953104 · Tattoo: G203 Lot $AxH: +243 1% $AxJ: +228 1% $M +47 90% $W +78 5% $F +141 1% $G +93 2% $B +234 1% $C +350 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +3 +3.0 +98 +178 +1.14 +24 +89 +1.43 +1.00 +.033 80% 90% 1% 1% 35% 65% 1% 3% 10% 80% *Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316 *DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 +*Springfield Ramesses 6124 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*RMRK Rita G203 *Welytok Total 10 Erianna 3B2 19953104 +*RMRK Rita 6259 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 49 76 2 1 98 53 26 7 99 4 83 2 25 2 5 11 77 57 Birth Date: 02-22-2023 · Cow *20602522 · Tattoo: 3253 Lot $AxH: +244 1% $AxJ: +231 1% 4 | GENOMIC GEMS VOL. VIII

Lot 1


SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 5


Selling 1/2 Interest

The only female in the Angus database sired by the deceased $510,000 valued ORIgen sire FF Rito Righteous with a minimum of +1.28 Marb and +1.22 RE. Not only does this female possess elite high performance, she also possesses the type and kind that belongs in the front pasture with tremendous rib shape and a powerfully designed hip and hind leg. She has been flushed 6 times in the program for a 6 embryo average. She sells due to calve 11/21/23 to POSS Winchester.

$M +54 65% $W +74 5% $F +111 5% $G +95 1% $B +206 1% $C +321 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +12 +1.8 +78 +136 +.13 +28 +69 +1.28 +1.22 -.041 10% 60% 4% 5% 90% 35% 3% 2% 1% 2% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*FF Rito Righteous 6R41 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18577290 +*FF Rita 3R30 of 9Q23 5M2 #+*Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre +*Rita 9Q23 of Rita 5F56 GHM #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*RMRK Blackcap 6956 +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18666406 +*EF Blackcap 2253 #TC Total 410 +*R B Blackcap 624
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 39 75 26 33 76 68 86 94 65 84 48 47 40 23 4 5 6 99 Birth Date: 11-26-2018 · Cow +*19369751 · Tattoo: 8964 Lot $AxH: +222 1% $AxJ: +210 1% 6 | GENOMIC GEMS VOL. VIII

Lot 2


SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 7

Featured ET Calves



Lot 3A


Selling Choice of 3A or 3B

Who is paying attention here? Check out this amazing Man In Black daughter that stems from a dam that combines the performance sire Acclaim and a maternal sister to the legendary $600,000 valued Queenie Y120, anchored by the $105,000 Cox Ranch donor Queenie 70527. This female is the Number 2 $C Man In Black daughter in the breed with a minimum of +11 CED, +89 WW and +171 YW. Donor Alert here, folks.

Selling Choice of 3A or 3B

A double digit calving ease Man In Black daughter that is a flush sister to the previous lot rivaling her performance in every form. This heifer stems from a dam that combines the performance sire Acclaim and the maternal sister to the $600,000 Queenie Y120, anchored by the Cox Ranch donor Queenie 70527. This is the kind that makes herd sires and replacement females.

Lot 3B

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 9
Featured ET Calves
$M +32 95% $W +58 45% $F +122 3% $G +81 10% $B +203 3% $C +295 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +11 +.7 +73 +136 +.65 +22 +73 +1.23 +.79 +.026 15% 40% 20% 15% 65% 80% 10% 10% 30% 75% *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *LAR Man In Black Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19955191 #JMB Maxine TG 2131 #*Sitz Top Game 561X #JMB Maxine Deluxe 9034 #*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension +*C5 MS Acclaim -D2228 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 19311057 +*C5 MS Queenie 802 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +Roden RL Queenie 70527
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 45 72 15 5 95 46 55 60 50 36 77 2 11 3 4 17 74 19 Birth Date: 10-12-2022 · Cow +*20496825 · Tattoo: 2933 Lot $AxH: +200 3% $AxJ: +170 10%
$M +50 85% $W +78 5% $F +148 1% $G +78 10% $B +226 1% $C +343 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +11 +.4 +89 +171 +1.00 +32 +97 +1.14 +.98 +.043 15% 30% 2% 1% 40% 15% 1% 15% 10% 90% *Bar
*LAR Man In Black
Iris Anita
19955191 #JMB Maxine TG 2131 #*Sitz
#*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra
+*C5 MS Acclaim -D2228 +Jindra
19311057 +*C5 MS Queenie 802 #+*Basin Payweight
+Roden RL Queenie
R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite
Bar R
Top Game 561X
Maxine Deluxe 9034
3rd Dimension
Blackbird Lassy 1111
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 43 60 1 1 100 10 48 9 46 36 19 1 1 1 9 8 92 51 Birth Date: 10-12-2022 · Cow +*20496826 · Tattoo: 2934 Lot $AxH: +230 1% $AxJ: +247 1%

Lot 5



A super balanced, very complete Iconic daughter that descends from a dam that combines the ABS Global performance sire Black Magic and the famed Elia family known for their efficiency and maternal excellence. She possesses 16 traits in the top 20% of the breed with an emphasis on a balanced growth curve and elite carcass merit.

An absolutely gorgeous Iconic heifer that is a direct daughter of the XLAR and Rimrock donor who stems from the maternal genetics that produced the ABS Global sire Tour of Duty. Check out the explosive growth curve and elite marbling in one super complete phenotypic package. For all you P&G competitors, don’t miss the quality in this heifer. She is one to put on a halter. This female has the makings of a big time donor.

Featured ET Calves
$M +62 55% $W +76 10% $F +116 5% $G +90 3% $B +206 2% $C +329 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +6 +2.0 +76 +139 +1.78 +35 +67 +1.38 +1.01 +.046 55% 70% 15% 10% 10% 5% 15% 4% 10% 90% *Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316 *DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Double GG My Lady 8805 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 19434256 *Byergo My Lady Elia 3500 *Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo My Lady Elia 1404 4
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 60 84 21 5 63 37 8 1 43 83 5 25 48 10 3 3 80 75 Birth Date: 09-15-2022 · Cow *20468478 · Tattoo: 2926 Lot $AxH: +211 2% $AxJ: +203 2%
$M +39 95% $W +74 10% $F +123 3% $G +95 2% $B +218 1% $C +322 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +2.6 +93 +161 +.89 +23 +83 +1.44 +.93 +.005 60% 80% 1% 2% 50% 75% 2% 3% 15% 45% *Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316 *DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *RMRK Lady 893 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 19258296 +*RB Lady Reserve 077-4340 #+*V A R Reserve 1111 +*R B Lady Standard 305-077 5
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 61 78 3 3 94 20 60 20 46 83 74 1 8 1 2 4 29 54 Birth Date: 09-11-2022 · Cow +*20468482 · Tattoo: 2920 Lot $AxH: +197 3% $AxJ: +181 5%
Spring Break Chauffeur
Gate Girl

Lot 6A




Choice of 6A and 6B

Check out the explosive growth curve in this super attractive Thedford daughter that originates from a dam that combines Fireball and the Pearcy Angus donor RMRK Blackcap 8116. She possesses 17 traits in the top 20% of the breed. This female is the total package on paper and on the hoof.

Selling Choice of 6A and 6B

A flush sister to the previous lot that rivals her sister in every form. With double digit calving ease, this Thedford daughter possesses a killer look with explosive rib shape and powerful hind leg. She originates from a dam that combines Fireball and the Pearcy Angus donor RMRK Blackcap 8116.

Lot 6B

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 11
Featured ET Calves
$M +64 45% $W +59 40% $F +113 10% $G +79 10% $B +193 4% $C +314 4% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +14 -.2 +64 +113 +.04 +22 +62 +1.08 +.84 -.028 3% 20% 40% 40% 95% 80% 20% 15% 25% 10% *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*Hoffman Thedford Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19820180 #HA Rito Lady 3839 #*KG Solution 0018 HA Rito Lady 0622 *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 +*RMRK Blackcap 0924 *GB Anticipation 432 19964504 +*RMRK Blackcap 8116 +*Quaker Hill Firestorm 3PT1 +*EF Blackcap 2253
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 3 3 62 72 29 71 62 45 25 40 63 52 45 18 22 16 3 40 Birth Date: 10-18-2022 · Cow +*20496829 · Tattoo: 2937 Lot $AxH: +200 3% $AxJ: +188 4%
$M +55 75% $W +80 4% $F +144 1% $G +59 30% $B +202 3% $C +317 4% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +9 +.9 +87 +147 +.73 +26 +89 +.63 +.90 -.024 30% 45% 3% 5% 60% 50% 1% 55% 20% 10% *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*Hoffman Thedford Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19820180 #HA Rito Lady 3839 #*KG Solution 0018 HA Rito Lady 0622 *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 +*RMRK Blackcap 0924 *GB Anticipation 432 19964504 +*RMRK Blackcap 8116 +*Quaker Hill Firestorm 3PT1 +*EF Blackcap 2253
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 46 46 3 16 48 9 46 31 65 9 50 3 3 1 73 6 3 36 Birth Date: 10-17-2022 · Cow +*20496828 · Tattoo: 2936 Lot $AxH: +158 15% $AxJ: +155 15%

Spring Bred Heifers

LOTS 7A-14


A flush sister to the $26,000 selection of Kern Cattle LLC in last year’s sale, a Huckleberry daughter that traces back to the $80,000 valued T C A Protege Treasure 003, the now deceased dam of the Select Sires roster member TCA Accruel. She possesses 6 Pathfinders in the first three generations and 15 traits in the top 20% of the breed. This female is loaded with stability and predictability. She ratioed a 123 for IMF and 101 for REA. She sells bred on 3/23/23 to Basin Jameson 1076.

$M +70 30% $W +78 5% $F +119 4% $G +67 20% $B +186 10% $C +311 5% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 -.3 +77 +151 +.72 +32 +68 +.73 +1.24 -.008 35% 20% 10% 4% 60% 15% 15% 45% 2% 25% #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 +*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T +*Deer Valley Growth Fund #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*RMRK Treasure 9969 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 19697017 *T C A Protege Treasure 003 #+*GAR-EGL Protege #T C A Treasure 0699 601
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 60 59 14 2 92 58 62 22 40 49 27 29 36 7 28 1 15 77 Birth Date: 12-08-2021 · Cow +*20278818 · Tattoo: 1963 Lot $AxH: +195 4% $AxJ: +195 3% 14 | GENOMIC GEMS VOL. VIII

Lot 7A

Spring Bred Heifers

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 15

Spring Bred Heifers


Lot 8

A flush sister to the previous lot and the $26,000 selection of Kern Cattle LLC in the 2022 sale. A Huckleberry daughter who stems from a dam that combines Growth Fund and the deceased $80,000 valued dam of the Select Sires roster member TCA Accruel. She sells bred on 3/8/23 to TAR Dominance 0031.


Check out the explosive growth curve this Huckleberry daughter possesses. She stems from a dam that combines the ABS Global sire Titus and GAR Daylight, anchored by the legendary $6 million dollar producer Rita 6108. If you are looking to add some real muscle check out the ribeye EPD this female possesses. She sells bred on 3/1/23 to HPCA Veracious S500.

*Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316

*DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378

19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240



Lot $AxH:

*T C A Protege Treasure 003 #+*GAR-EGL Protege #T


$M +45 90% $W +72 15% $F +100 20% $G +109 1% $B +209 2% $C +316 4%


$M +72 25% $W +70 15% $F +118 4% $G +44 65% $B +162 25% $C +282 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +12 -.7 +65 +126 +.50 +31 +60 +.20 +1.32 -.026 10% 15% 35% 20% 75% 20% 25% 95% 1% 10% #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 +*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T +*Deer Valley Growth Fund #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*RMRK Treasure 9969 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 19697017 *T C A Protege Treasure 003 #+*GAR-EGL Protege #T C A Treasure 0699 601
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 20 16 51 26 38 83 69 28 60 90 39 76 74 31 93 1 9 46 Birth Date: 12-08-2021 · Cow +*20280599 · Tattoo: 1964 Lot $AxH: +170 10% $AxJ: +171 10%
$M +86 4% $W +65 25% $F +118 4% $G +52 45% $B +170 15% $C +306 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +1 +2.9 +80 +147 +.72 +20 +66 +.37 +1.30 -.028 90% 85% 10% 5% 60% 90% 15% 80% 1% 10% #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 +*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T *Byergo Titus 6340 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*RMRK Daylight 9921 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 19696965 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3049 +*G A R Daylight +*G A R 5050 New Design 0546 8
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 97 88 13 10 57 51 64 1 13 78 85 36 53 12 87 1 4 31 Birth Date: 12-10-2021 · Cow *20280707 · Tattoo: 1967 Lot $AxH: +174 10% $AxJ: +174 10%
A super attractive, beautifully designed DB Iconic daughter that stems from a dam that combines EXAR Monumental and the now deceased $80,000 valued dam of the Select Sires roster member TCA Accruel. Check out the performance records this female possesses. She ratioed a 106 weaning, 104 for yearling, 211 for IMF and 102 for ribeye. This female is loaded with royalty in her pedigree and real world data for the record books. She sells bred 3/31/23 to Poss Winchester 1534. CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +1.4 +82 +145 +2.48 +22 +62 +1.80 +.88 +.024 35% 55% 5% 10% 1% 80% 20% 1% 20% 70%
Ms Final Tool 4120
*EXAR Monumental 6056B #3F Epic 4631 +*RMRK Treasure 9988 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029
Treasure 0699 601 9
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 39 68 9 13 99 37 1 82 82 15 56 21 30 16 1 15 78 59
2% $AxJ: +196 3%
Birth Date: 01-10-2022 · Cow *20280674 · Tattoo: 2103
Lot 9
T C A Protege Treasure 003 - Granddam of Lot 7B

Spring Bred Heifers


A calving ease, super efficient Huckleberry daughter with a pedigree that combines the Pathfinder Sire Rampage and the $40,000 Four Sons and Rimrock donor KLR Bonnie 3098, who has a reputation of producing the front pasture kind. This female is no exception. She possesses 5 Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree, adding predictability and stability to her progeny. She sells bred 3/31/23 to Poss Winchester 1534.


12-27-2021 · Cow +*20279303 · Tattoo: 1976

Stallion 7986 #+*EXAR Stud 4658B

Iron Horse 025F *EXAR Blackcap 3385

+*EXAR Henrietta Pride 5702


Street Rita F128

Butkus X797

Henrietta Pride 643T

Exceed 3223

Rita 2618

A double digit calving ease Iron Horse daughter with a 141 IMF ratio. She is a direct daughter of the $15,000 selection of 44 Farms in the 2022 sale, who is a direct daughter of the $180,000 valued Rimrock donor Cox Rita 27R Y05C, who has generated over $1 million in progeny sales. She sells bred on 3/2/23 to VT Statesman 1J3.



Check out the foot scores on this double digit calving ease Iron Horse daughter that stems directly from the $15,000 selection of 44 Farms in last year’s sale, who is a direct daughter of the $180,000 valued Rimrock donor Cox Rita 27R Y05C, who has generated over $1 million in progeny sales. She ratioed a 102 for IMF and 107 for Ribeye. She sells bred on 3/31/23 to Poss Winchester 1534.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 17
Lot 10
Wall Street Rita F128 - $15,000 Dam Lot 11A and 11B
Lot 11B
$M +71 25% $W +70 15% $F +108 10% $G +68 20% $B +176 15% $C +299 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +9 +1.2 +74 +134 +.20 +25 +62 +.79 +1.13 -.007 30% 50% 15% 15% 90% 60% 20% 35% 3% 30% #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 +*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*Springfield Bonnie 6127 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18780685 +KLR Bonnie 3098 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *JLM Bonnie W110 10
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 58 61 9 13 77 30 80 53 45 71 64 21 15 17 35 2 23 76 Birth Date: 01-18-2022 · Cow +*20280803 · Tattoo: 2119 Lot $AxH: +172 10% $AxJ: +181 5%
$M +68 35% $W +69 20% $F +104 15% $G +85 4% $B +189 5% $C +313 4% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +.8 +70 +119 +.73 +27 +53 +1.20 +.86 -.030 20% 40% 25% 30% 60% 45% 40% 10% 20% 10%
19278367 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Cure All 1353 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 41 55 21 43 23 22 85 32 78 21 62 33 41 22 12 12 13 44 Birth Date:
Lot $AxH: +187 5% $AxJ: +162 10%
$M +74 20% $W +70 15% $F +99 20% $G +68 20% $B +167 20% $C +291 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +1.0 +75 +136 +1.30 +26 +57 +.84 +.83 -.023 20% 45% 15% 15% 25% 50% 30% 30% 25% 15% *EXAR Stallion 7986 #+*EXAR Stud 4658B +*Bigk/WSC Iron Horse 025F *EXAR Blackcap 3385 19415015 +*EXAR Henrietta Pride 5702 #+*SandPoint Butkus X797 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T SydGen Enhance #*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*Wall Street Rita F128 SydGen Rita 2618 19278367 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Cure All 1353 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 48 50 22 13 83 56 29 3 60 14 47 16 35 22 25 27 26 73 Birth Date: 01-16-2022 · Cow +*20279329 · Tattoo: 2109 Lot $AxH: +173 10% $AxJ: +160 10%

Spring Bred Heifers


A super balanced, very complete female by the Linz and Hart herd sire Hart No Doubt. From a dam that combines the outcross sire Bruns Blaster and the Lady family, known for their ability to produce elite performance cattle in very attractive packages. She possesses 16 traits in the top 20% of the breed. She sells bred on 3/31/23 to Basin Jameson 1076.


A double digit calving ease GAR Freedom daughter from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire VAR Discovery and a Crossover son that serves in the Double Creek program. Check out the balanced growth curve and carcass merit this female possesses. She sells bred on 3/23/23 to POSS Winchester 1534.


Check out the marbling and ribeye this beautifully designed Iconic daughter possesses with 130 IMF and 114 Ribeye ratios. She is a direct daughter of the famed $180,000 valued Rimrock donor, Cox Rita 27R Y05C, who has generated over $1 million in progeny sales and has a reputation of delivering progeny with balanced eye appeal, performance, fertility and muscle. She sells bred on 3/2/23 to Beal Breakthrough.

$M +76 15% $W +67 20% $F +112 10% $G +68 20% $B +180 10% $C +309 5% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +7 +2.4 +76 +143 +.79 +26 +67 +.90 +.87 +.018 45% 80% 15% 10% 55% 50% 15% 25% 20% 65% +*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Hart No Doubt 9538 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19567300 Hart Queen Perfecta 5179 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 Hart Queen Perfecta 3304 *Bruns Blaster #*Mogck Bullseye +*Linz Lady Blaster 411-8260 *Baldridge Blackbird 11 Baf 19385638 +*Lha Lady 116-411 #Connealy Shrek 4242 +*R B Lady 890-116 12
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 28 65 6 6 99 36 63 10 27 18 44 12 35 4 39 10 51 48 Birth Date: 01-30-2022 · Cow *20301379 · Tattoo: 2124 Lot $AxH: +179 10% $AxJ: +181 5%
$M +62 55% $W +61 35% $F +100 20% $G +67 20% $B +167 20% $C +279 20% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 -.1 +63 +115 -.56 +26 +49 +.85 +.82 -.012 20% 20% 40% 40% 95% 50% 50% 30% 25% 20% +*G A R Proactive #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Freedom *G A R Daybreak 1521 19404851 +*RWA Fruition W2025 +*G A R Fruition *G A R Daybreak 2610 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A RM4M Rita 144G +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18768289 DCF Rita 1511 +Sexton Foundation 8S38 +DCF Rita 7786 13
M1F CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 45 50 33 16 44 23 99 84 38 18 39 40 27 39 18 20 44 71 Birth Date: 12-27-2021 · Cow *20279304 · Tattoo: 1977 Lot $AxH: +134 30% $AxJ: +121 30%
$M +31 95% $W +69 20% $F +117 4% $G +81 10% $B +199 3% $C +289 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT -3 +2.7 +74 +133 +1.22 +37 +70 +1.20 +.89 +.026 95% 85% 15% 15% 30% 3% 10% 10% 20% 75% *Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316 *DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 *Callaways Cure All 1353 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Ideal 1031 17003288 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD #C A Future Direction 5321 +*Rita 3540 of 021 Rito 1I1 14
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 95 79 30 23 50 58 35 30 45 81 12 12 21 22 8 23 75 89 Birth Date: 12-13-2021 · Cow +*20280889 · Tattoo: 1970 Lot $AxH: +182 10% $AxJ: +175 10%
Start of a Great
Linz Lady Blaster 411-8260 - Dam of Lot 12
Lot 14 The

Spring Open Heifers

LOTS 15-23

Spring Open Heifers


Lot 15



A drop-dead gorgeous female by the Select Sires roster member Wilks Regiment. She stems from a dam that combines EXAR Monumental, the Pathfinder Sire Rampage and a former Rimrock donor LCC Rampage 5389. Check out the explosive growth curve this female possesses combined with elite ribeye, 114 ratio, and $values. This one is the front pasture kind.

A beautifully designed, super balanced Huckleberry daughter that is a direct daughter of the $180,000 valued Rimrock donor, Cox Rita 27R Y05C, who has generated over $1 million in progeny sales. You have to appreciate the total package this female possesses, growth, efficiency, carcass merit and $Values along with her flawless design.

Lot 16A

$M +73 25% $W +75 10% $F +115 5% $G +82 5% $B +197 3% $C +329 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +.8 +66 +120 +.22 +38 +64 +1.09 +1.03 -.021 35% 40% 35% 30% 85% 2% 20% 15% 10% 15% #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 +*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T *Callaways Cure All 1353 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Ideal 1031 17003288 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD #C A Future Direction 5321 +*Rita 3540 of 021 Rito 1I1
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 43 43 53 63 24 29 83 29 46 79 9 83 47 28 11 8 11 33 Birth Date: 02-12-2022 · Cow +*20301383 · Tattoo: 2230 Lot $AxH: +187 5% $AxJ: +192 4%
$M +54 75% $W +83 2% $F +143 1% $G +62 25% $B +205 2% $C +320 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +2.5 +98 +174 +1.64 +29 +95 +.54 +1.37 -.041 60% 80% 1% 1% 10% 30% 1% 65% 1% 3% *WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 +*Wilks Regiment 9035 War CC&7 Z044 X029 19401188 *Vintage Chloe 6137 +*V A R Empire 3037 +*V A R Chloe 2227 *EXAR Monumental 6056B #3F Epic 4631 +*RMRK Blackcap 0379 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 19696995 LCC Rampage 5389 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 LCC Up Shots Crossover 3829 15
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 72 81 1 2 95 11 7 32 38 15 17 3 3 1 53 1 5 45 Birth Date: 02-18-2022 · Cow *20301387 · Tattoo: 2243 Lot $AxH: +205 3% $AxJ: +225 1%

Spring Open Heifers


Check out the efficiency and foot scores on this Huckleberry daughter that is a flush sister to the previous lot out of the $180,000 valued Rimrock donor Cox Rita 27R Y05C. With maternal and efficiency EPDs like this, while maintaining balanced carcass merit, this heifer would make any cowman envious. There are loads of stability, longevity, and predictability in this female.

CoX Rita 27R Y05C - Dam of Lot 16A & 16B


Lot 17

A double digit calving ease Iron Horse daughter that stems from the $18,500 valued Rimrock and Zybach donor RMRK Rita 8233, that combines the Pathfinder Sire Rampage and the former Angus of Clear Creek and Malek donor GAR Protege M532. Check out the added ribeye and balanced growth curve this female possesses.


A super attractive, super stout female by one of the hottest sires in the breed, SG Salvation. A direct daughter of Wall Street Rita F128, the $15,000 selection of 44 Farms in last year’s sale, who is arguably one of the stoutest, deepest-sided Enhance daughters in the breed, and a granddaughter of the $180,000 valued Rimrock donor Cox Rita 27R Y05C. What a pedigree for any herd adding value for years to come.


Check out the growth curve in this female by the Grimmius sire, 44 Faultless, and a Rimrock/4 Sons donor that combines VAR Foreman and the Pathfinder Sire Connealy Impression. Not only does this female possess elite growth, but she has top of the breed foot scores and balanced carcass merit to boot.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 21
$M +60 60% $W +69 20% $F +111 10% $G +64 25% $B +175 15% $C +287 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +1.2 +77 +135 +.43 +23 +68 +.70 +1.09 -.018 20% 50% 10% 15% 80% 75% 15% 45% 5% 15% *EXAR Stallion 7986 #+*EXAR Stud 4658B +*Bigk/WSC Iron Horse 025F *EXAR Blackcap 3385 19415015 +*EXAR Henrietta Pride 5702 #+*SandPoint Butkus X797 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak *RMRK Rita 8233 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 19066048 +*FF Rita 6M20 of M532 12E8 +*Rito 12E8 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +G A R Protege M532 18
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 35 46 13 17 91 21 69 66 41 49 55 10 15 9 37 5 38 34 Birth Date: 02-12-2022 · Cow +*20301384 · Tattoo: 2232 Lot $AxH: +171 10% $AxJ: +183 5%
$M +53 80% $W +72 15% $F +120 3% $G +68 20% $B +188 10% $C +297 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +1.2 +85 +156 +.77 +23 +69 +.89 +.79 -.009 60% 50% 4% 2% 55% 75% 10% 30% 30% 25% SydGen Enhance #*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*44 Faultless SydGen Rita 2618 19513637 +*44 Lucy 4775 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +Da Es Ro Lucy 11209 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *RMRK Lady 7117 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18734441 *Jacs Lady 2578 #*Connealy Impression +Bricton/TLR Lady 7076 19
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 57 42 14 3 91 20 39 78 73 27 88 10 5 5 23 23 25 75 Birth Date: 02-09-2022 · Cow +*20304936 · Tattoo: K001 Lot $AxH: +179 10% $AxJ: +173 10%
$M +79 10% $W +57 45% $F +113 10% $G +72 15% $B +185 10% $C +319 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +6 +1.5 +60 +114 +.56 +24 +53 +.95 +.85 -.006 55% 55% 50% 40% 70% 65% 40% 25% 25% 30%
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T *Callaways Cure All 1353 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Ideal 1031 17003288 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD #C A Future Direction 5321 +*Rita 3540 of 021 Rito 1I1
#*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 57 57 52 35 25 71 72 17 54 68 71 75 83 44 15 17 25 65 Birth Date: 02-18-2022 · Cow +*20305434 · Tattoo: 2242 Lot $AxH: +186 5% $AxJ: +167 10%
$M +63 50% $W +65 25% $F +125 2% $G +73 15% $B +197 3% $C +319 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +4 +3.9 +83 +145 +.32 +23 +74 +1.02 +.83 +.017 70% 95% 5% 10% 85% 75% 5% 20% 25% 60% +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 *SG Salvation Baldridge Blackbird A030 19559741 +*MGR JP Rita 7037 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 SydGen Enhance #*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*Wall Street Rita F128 SydGen Rita 2618 19278367 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Cure All 1353 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD 17
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 69 80 6 7 87 60 78 56 12 5 57 8 36 5 20 21 55 77 Birth Date: 02-12-2022 · Cow +*20305053 · Tattoo: 2229 Lot $AxH: +210 2% $AxJ: +198 3%

Spring Open Heifers


Frosty Elba Lizzy 4854 - $40,000 Valued Dam of Lot 20


A double digit calving ease female by the ABS Global sire BJ Surpass that has progeny topping sales across the country. She stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Rampage and Summitcrest Complete. Check out the efficiency and foot scores on this balanced female.

A double digit calving ease GAR Dual Threat daughter. She is a maternal sister to the $20,000 selection of Lylester in the 2020 sale, and a direct daughter of the now deceased $40,000 valued Frosty Elba Lizzy 4854 who served in the Rimrock and Lylester ET program. Check out the efficiency and marbling this female possesses.



A super balanced female by one of the sale features in the 2022 44 Farms fall bull sale and from a dam that combines Goforth Admiral and the Pathfinder Sire V A R Discovery. Check out the explosive growth curve and value adding marbling this female possesses.


A double digit calving ease female by one of the sale features in the 2022 44 Farms fall sale, and a dam that combines Goforth Admiral and the Pathfinder Sire V A R Discovery. Check out the added efficiency and carcass merit this female possesses along with her 14 different traits in the top 20% of the breed.

$M +63 50% $W +68 20% $F +93 30% $G +84 4% $B +177 10% $C +293 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +.2 +65 +108 -.22 +27 +45 +1.23 +.85 +.008 20% 30% 35% 50% 95% 45% 60% 10% 25% 50% #+*G A R Sure Fire #*Connealy In Sure 8524 +*G A R Dual Threat +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 19123898 +*G A R Daybreak A3010 #MCC Daybreak *G A R 5050 New Design A91 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*Frosty Elba Lizzy 4854 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17999423 Frosty Elba Lizzy 1106 #C A Future Direction 5321 #+Frosty Focus 953 20
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 30 58 28 57 23 64 92 26 74 56 52 33 36 50 5 15 43 87 Birth Date: 02-17-2022 · Cow +*20301386 · Tattoo: 2241 Lot $AxH: +191 4% $AxJ: +168 10%
$M +75 20% $W +78 5% $F +118 4% $G +72 15% $B +190 5% $C +321 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +7 +1.7 +87 +159 +.87 +25 +74 +1.05 +.57 +.002 45% 60% 3% 2% 50% 60% 5% 15% 60% 40% +*SS Identified 7551 #*Mill Brae Identified 4031 +*44 Identified H901 +*G A R Prophet 1463 19953045 *RMRK Lady 7117 +*V A R Foreman 3339 *Jacs Lady 2578 +*Goforth Admiral E25 #*V A R Generation 2100 +*RMRK Blackcap 0946 +*RB-GFC Lady Upshot 890-3144 19952890 +*RMRK Blackcap E214 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +*EF Blackcap 2253
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 44 53 2 1 100 47 42 26 38 17 55 8 17 3 8 65 58 22 Birth Date: 04-21-2022 · Cow *20379934 · Tattoo: 2459 Lot $AxH: +138 25% $AxJ: +104 35%
10% $F
10% $G +72 15% $B +186 10% $C +313 4% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +12 +.1 +74 +128 +.80 +26 +63 +1.04 +.61 +.001 10% 25% 15% 20% 55% 50% 20% 20% 55% 40% +*SS Identified 7551 #*Mill Brae Identified 4031 +*44 Identified H901 +*G A R Prophet 1463 19953045 *RMRK Lady 7117 +*V A R Foreman 3339 *Jacs Lady 2578 +*Goforth Admiral E25 #*V A R Generation 2100 +*RMRK Blackcap 0943 +*RB-GFC Lady Upshot 890-3144 19952888 +*RMRK Blackcap E214 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +*EF Blackcap 2253 23
+72 25%
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 12 18 23 26 61 52 47 14 94 22 43 60 51 18 16 50 59 75 Birth Date: 04-28-2022 · Cow *20379935 · Tattoo: 2460 Lot $AxH: +179 10% $AxJ: +140 20%
$M +87 3% $W +69 20% $F +71 80% $G +65 20% $B +136 55% $C +263 30% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +13 -.4 +63 +103 +.88 +28 +36 +.73 +.85 -.048 10% 20% 40% 60% 50% 35% 80% 45% 25% 2% #+*TEX
+*BJ Surpass +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete 19774516 +*BJ Prophet 5275 #+*G A R Prophet *BJ Complete 1165 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus MR4M Rita 134E #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 18296743 MR4M Rita 36B #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Ash Rita 8234 21
Playbook 5437
Payweight 1682
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 6 9 39 70 26 88 44 76 5 12 53 63 41 61 36 17 2 95 Birth Date: 02-25-2022 · Cow 20304920 · Tattoo: 2249 Lot $AxH: +146 20% $AxJ: +125 25%
Everyone Helps Clipping Day

Fall Bred Heifers

LOTS 24-38

Fall Bred Heifers

Lot 24


+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119

Salvation Baldridge Blackbird A030

+*MGR JP Rita 7037 #+*Basin Payweight 1682

*Byergo Black Magic 3348

Blackcap 9965

Blackcap 4139


Rita 2145

Conversion 8064

Elia Cupcake 5900

12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2

Blackcap 1156

Check out the body and mass of this female by one of the hottest sires in the industry, SG Salvation. She stems from a dam that combines the performance sires Black Magic and Rito 12E7, anchored by the former Springfield donor Blackcap 1156. This female is the total package encompassing performance, pedigree and phenotype. She sells due to calve 10/5/23 to E & B Wildcat 9402.

Lot 25

A long spine, big ribeye, super efficient Huckleberry daughter that descends from a dam that is a direct daughter of the $80,000 valued dam of the Select Sires roster member TCA Accruel. Make a special note on the foot scores this female possesses. These are some of the most elite scores in the industry. She sells due to calve 11/2/23 to Crouch Congress 105.

$M +96 1% $W +74 10% $F +114 10% $G +69 15% $B +183 10% $C +333 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +2 +3.3 +79 +133 +1.41 +27 +65 +.82 +1.16 +.003 85% 90% 10% 15% 20% 45% 15% 35% 3% 40% #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 +*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T *Byergo Titus 6340 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*RMRK Treasure 9943 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 19696984 *T C A Protege Treasure 003 #+*GAR-EGL Protege #T C A Treasure 0699 601 25
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 91 96 9 37 34 21 22 21 22 51 57 62 34 12 27 2 31 61 Birth Date: 10-08-2021 · Cow *20256010 · Tattoo: 1930 Lot $AxH: +165 15% $AxJ: +182 5%
$M +77 15% $W +73 10% $F +116 5% $G +91 3% $B +207 2% $C +345 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +3.5 +82 +141 +1.00 +27 +72 +1.36 +.98 +.014 60% 95% 5% 10% 40% 45% 10% 4% 10% 55%
19697013 *Springfield
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 49 76 18 15 71 65 46 24 50 21 57 39 52 12 7 7 36 87 Birth Date: 10-11-2021 · Cow *20254067 · Tattoo: 1932 Lot $AxH: +224 1% $AxJ: +213 2%

Fall Bred Heifers


Lot 26


The Number 1 Foot Angle and Number 9 Foot Claw Huckleberry daughter in the breed with a minimum of +318 $C. She stems from a dam with a pedigree that combines the ABS Global sire Titus, Gar Daylight, and a direct daughter of the $6 million dollar producer Rita 6108. She sells due 11/28/23 to Kenny Rogers 1102.

Lot 27

A long spined, beautifully designed female by the Select Sires roster member Wilks Regiment and from a dam that combines GAR Prophet K263 and the Pathfinder Sire Baldridge Waylon. Check out the performance in this female, +12 CED with explosive growth curve and added ribeye. She sells due to calve 9/23/23 to Bold Ruler J10.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 25
$M +61 55% $W +83 2% $F +123 3% $G +78 10% $B +201 3% $C +322 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +12 +.8 +82 +150 +.19 +35 +78 +1.07 +.89 -.004 10% 40% 5% 4% 90% 5% 4% 15% 20% 30% *WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 +*Wilks Regiment 9035 War CC&7 Z044 X029 19401188 *Vintage Chloe 6137 +*V A R Empire 3037 +*V A R Chloe 2227 +*G A R Prophet K263 #+*G A R Prophet +*RMRK Blackcap 9914 +*Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 19696958 EF Blackcap 4505 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 EF Blackcap 0223
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 21 42 14 14 97 47 78 54 50 42 10 39 30 3 11 8 30 45 Birth Date: 09-25-2021 · Cow *20255991 · Tattoo: 1925 Lot $AxH: +191 4% $AxJ: +162 10%
$M +98 1% $W +61 35% $F +102 20% $G +67 20% $B +170 15% $C +318 4% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +1.2 +69 +129 +.04 +19 +52 +.87 +.93 +.015 35% 50% 25% 20% 95% 95% 40% 30% 15% 60% #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 +*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T *Byergo Titus 6340 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +*RMRK Daylight 9931 #Byergo Miss Elia 2834 19696975 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3049 +*G A R Daylight +*G A R 5050 New Design 0546 26
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 68 71 41 17 53 83 92 2 21 99 94 71 79 34 38 10 43 87 Birth Date: 10-03-2021 · Cow *20256012 · Tattoo: 1928 Lot $AxH: +179 10% $AxJ: +165 10%

Lot 28

Fall Bred Heifers


Lot 29 Lot 30

We could have started the sale with this big time marbling, super efficient Fireball daughter that stems from a direct daughter of the former $150,000 High Roller donor Spruce Mtn Blackbird 5047. This female is as good on paper as she is on the hoof with a balanced growth curve, elite foot scores, added efficiency, and elite carcass merit. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to 44 Faultless 9491.


Check out the growth curve in this beautifully designed GAR

Greater Good daughter that stems from a dam that combines Jet Black and the famed $180,000 valued Rimrock donor Cox Rita 27R Y05C, who has generated over $1 million in progeny sales. With 115 for both Weaning and Yearling ratios along with 15 different traits in the top 20% of the breed. There is plenty of performance to back up her looks. She sells due to calve 9/15/23 to HPCA Veracious S500.


$W +78 5% $F +121 3% $G +67 30

$M +66 40% *Mead Magnitude #*K C F Bennett Southside *AF Magnum AI 8084 #*Mead Primrose N198 19436773 +*AF Miss Annie 4051 #+*GAR-EGL Protege #AF Miss Annie 9080 +*V A R Ranger 3008 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *RMRK Erica Lassie 6959 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18666413 +*RMRK Erica Lassie 9077 #BR Midland EXAR Erica Lassie 3305

CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 63 91 3 1 85 9 81 6 58 41 45 5 4 2 38 11 17 15 Birth Date: 09-10-2021 · Cow *20253334 · Tattoo: 1913 Lot $AxH: +158 15% $AxJ: +181 5%

$M +53 80% $W +52 60% $F +106 15% $G +100 1% $B +206 2% $C +320 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +9 +1.9 +67 +122 +1.53 +17 +58 +1.55 +1.02 +.015 30% 65% 30% 25% 15% 95% 30% 2% 10% 60% +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 #+*G A R Sure Fire *GB Fireball 672 +*G A R Complete N281 18690054 *GB Anticipation 432 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 +*HR Black Magic 8706 of 5047 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 19332879 +*Spruce Mtn Blackbird 5047 *Herbster Sportsman 232 +*Spruce Mtn Blackbird 2304 28
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 55 66 46 37 69 75 10 30 95 89 77 42 76 54 3 20 28 93 Birth Date: 02-18-2021 · Cow +*20010521 · Tattoo: 1245 Lot $AxH: +219 2% $AxJ: +193 3%
$M +50 85% $W +84 2% $F +132 1% $G +71 15% $B +203 3% $C +313 4% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +4 +2.7 +91 +164 +.81 +36 +88 +.98 +.81 +.011 70% 85% 2% 1% 55% 4% 1% 20% 25% 50% +*G A R Ashland *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Greater Good +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 19362382 +*G A R Sure Fire A5008 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*G A R Mandate A2011 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*RMRK Rita 9913 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19696957 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Cure All 1353 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD 29
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 79 82 6 3 83 1 45 32 78 85 6 7 2 2 12 15 46 71 Birth Date: 10-30-2021 · Cow *20256315 · Tattoo: 1950 Lot $AxH: +115 40% $AxJ: +145 15%
A big hipped female that expresses an explosive industry leading growth curve. This AF Magnum daughter that stems from a dam that combines VAR Ranger and the Pathfinder Sire Midland. This female contains 6 Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree and 20 traits in the top 20% of the breed to add predictability and stability to her offspring. She sells due to calve 9/17/23 to POSS Ratified 1506. 20% $B +188 10% $C +310 5% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +2.4 +90 +163 -.01 +27 +74 +.76 +1.02 -.027 35% 80% 2% 1% 95% 45% 5% 40% 10% 10%


A double digit calving ease, high marbling Magnum daughter that stems from a dam that combines Rito 12E7 and the Pathfinder Sire CC&7 anchored by the former Springfield Angus donor Riverbend Blackcap S762, who traces back to the legendary carcass queen, GAR Precision 2536. She sells due to calve 9/15/23 to POSS Winchester 1534.


Check out the EPD profile on this Magnum daughter that stems from a Rimrock and 4 Sons donor that combines VAR Foreman and the Pathfinder Sire Connealy Impression. She possesses 7 Pathfinders in the first three generations, adding loads of predictability and stability to her EPD profile. She sells due to calve 10/17/23 to Crouch Congress 105.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 27
Fall Bred Heifers
Springfield Blackcap 4139 - Dam of Lot 31
$M +44 95% $W +67 20% $F +116 5% $G +77 10% $B +193 4% $C +294 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +12 +.7 +76 +127 +.06 +21 +64 +1.02 +.96 -.009 10% 40% 15% 20% 95% 85% 20% 20% 15% 25% *Mead Magnitude #*K C F Bennett Southside *AF Magnum AI 8084 #*Mead Primrose N198 19436773 +*AF Miss Annie 4051 #+*GAR-EGL Protege #AF Miss Annie 9080 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 #+*Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre *Springfield Blackcap 4139 +*Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD 18020913 +*Springfield Blackcap 1156 #*SydGen C C & 7 +*Riverbend Blackcap S762
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 12 22 25 43 34 57 79 23 92 75 67 20 17 9 15 14 30 71 Birth Date: 09-05-2021 · Cow +*20253344 · Tattoo: J902 Lot $AxH: +206 2% $AxJ: +196 3% Watch the Sale “Broadcasting Live” on CCI.live! Bid Live Online www.CCI.live - Watch the Sale (405) 400-9505 Text/Call - schedule@cci.live Find us on the App Store and Google Play Over 35 years in livestock marketing! Join www.CCI.live - Live Online Bidding (405) 400-9505 Text/Call - schedule@cci.live Find us on the App Store and Google Play Over 35 years in livestock marketing! Lot 32
$M +60 60% $W +69 20% $F +104 15% $G +64 25% $B +168 20% $C +278 20% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +1.2 +84 +146 +.37 +18 +61 +.79 +.89 +.004 20% 50% 4% 5% 80% 95% 25% 35% 20% 40% *Mead Magnitude #*K C F Bennett Southside *AF Magnum AI 8084 #*Mead Primrose N198 19436773 +*AF Miss Annie 4051 #+*GAR-EGL Protege #AF Miss Annie 9080 +*V A R Foreman 3339 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *RMRK Lady 7117 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18734441 *Jacs Lady 2578 #*Connealy Impression +Bricton/TLR Lady 7076 32
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 23 42 15 18 95 19 89 32 56 39 96 22 21 24 22 27 47 7 Birth Date: 10-16-2021 · Cow +*20253338 · Tattoo: 1937 Lot $AxH: +146 20% $AxJ: +172 10% Spring

Lot 35

Fall Bred Heifers


Lot 34A

A super balanced, no holes Alternative daughter that stems from a Rimrock donor Double GG My Lady 8805 that combines the performance leader, Black Magic and the Elia cow family known for their maternal excellence and efficiency with the Byergo program. These are the kind that raise replacement daughters and herd sires. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to E & B Wildcat 9402.



Lot 34B

A super attractive, very balanced Alternative daughter that stems from a donor dam that combines the ABS performance sire Black Magic and the Elia family at Byergo known for their excellent feed efficiency and maternal traits. How many females combine these maternal traits and a 111 Ribeye ratio? She sells due to calve 9/23/23 to Springfield McClintok 0026.


The Number 12 Marbling Jet Black daughter in the breed that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Weigh Up and Ten X. She ratioed with a 138 for IMF and 109 for ribeye. Check out her near perfect EPD profile with calving ease, explosive growth and elite carcass merit. She sells due to calve 8/30/23 to Springfield McClintok 0026.

$M +57 70% $W +63 30% $F +130 1% $G +56 35% $B +186 10% $C +298 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +6 +2.8 +76 +137 +.74 +25 +78 +.70 +.71 +.012 55% 85% 15% 10% 60% 60% 4% 45% 40% 55% Poss Easy Impact 0119 #Poss Total Impact 745 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Elmaretta 736 18837398 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Hoover Dam Baldridge Blackbird X89 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Double GG My Lady 8805 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 19434256 *Byergo My Lady Elia 3500 *Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo My Lady Elia 1404
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 93 98 12 6 88 24 39 17 78 20 48 16 25 3 44 24 20 99 Birth Date: 01-09-2021 · Cow +*20010497 · Tattoo: 1104 Lot $AxH: +107 45% $AxJ: +90 45%
$M +78 15% $W +50 70% $F +95 30% $G +73 15% $B +168 20% $C +296 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +6 +4.3 +71 +124 +.82 +18 +52 +.95 +.94 -.010 55% 95% 20% 25% 55% 95% 40% 25% 15% 25% Poss Easy Impact 0119 #Poss Total Impact 745 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Elmaretta 736 18837398 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Hoover Dam Baldridge Blackbird X89 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Double GG My Lady 8805 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 19434256 *Byergo My Lady Elia 3500 *Byergo Andy 0115 Byergo My Lady Elia 1404
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 80 97 41 28 48 64 35 9 10 51 80 44 59 49 24 11 7 96 Birth Date: 09-18-2021 · Cow +*20256153 · Tattoo: 1916 Lot $AxH: +168 10% $AxJ: +160 10%
$M +56 70% $W +78 5% $F +114 10% $G +75 10% $B +189 5% $C +301 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +11 +2.2 +89 +159 -.23 +25 +72 +1.21 +.59 +.059 15% 75% 2% 2% 95% 60% 10% 10% 60% 95% #*Connealy
#*Connealy Consensus
*Bar R Jet
#Eura Elga of Conanga
18389838 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 #*Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 #*Sitz Upward 307R +*Belle Blackcap K38 #Barbara of Plattemere 337 19346968 +*Vintage Blackcap 5025 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *V A R Blackcap 2066 35
Black Granite
Black 5063
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 22 62 3 4 95 10 98 67 94 59 66 9 5 8 5 56 94 10 Birth Date: 03-04-2021 · Cow *20010532 · Tattoo: 1366 Lot $AxH: +166 10% $AxJ: +184 5%

Fall Bred Heifers


Check out the growth curve on this GAR Inertia daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires VAR Discovery and TC Total. With her growth curve in the top 1% of the breed, this female combines all of the necessary pieces to add value and raise herd sires and replacement females. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to Poss Ratified 1506.


The Number 1 weaning weight and Number 1 yearling weight female in the breed sired by the ABS Global and Wallstreet sire SS Portside. She stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Rampage and Ten X. This super attractive female is loaded with elite growth and balanced carcass merit. She sells due to calve 10/10/23 to Crouch Congress 105.


A super balanced, exemplary Alternative daughter that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire Rampage and the legendary $180,000 valued Rimrock donor Cox Rita 27R Y05C. This female is loaded with muscle while standing on excellent feet and legs. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to HPCA Veracious S500.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 29
Lot 36 Lot 37 Lot 38
$M +50 85% $W +77 10% $F +121 3% $G +61 30% $B +181 10% $C +285 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +2 +3.6 +92 +166 +.80 +29 +81 +.80 +.80 +.034 85% 95% 1% 1% 55% 30% 2% 35% 30% 80% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress *G A R Inertia +G A R Big Eye 1770 18636043 +*G A R Prophet 2984 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A RM4M Erica 54H +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18768294 S H Design Erica 848 #TC Total 410 RisingHill 1407 Design 6056 36
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 86 91 7 4 98 25 48 85 62 26 55 11 13 5 31 24 74 34 Birth Date: 12-20-2020 · Cow *20123974 · Tattoo: J18 Lot $AxH: +131 30% $AxJ: +141 20%
$M +61 55% $W +74 10% $F +104 15% $G +62 25% $B +166 20% $C +276 20% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +6 +2.6 +95 +157 +.37 +17 +69 +.69 +.95 -.023 55% 80% 1% 2% 80% 95% 10% 45% 15% 15% #*K
+*SS Portside 8720 #*K C F
S11 19414816 +*Maplecrest Vallee 3126 #*Connealy Confidence
*Carter’s Vallee
#+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*RMRK Lucy 7262 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18723511 +*EXAR Lucy 3920 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*EXAR Lucy 9850 37
C F Bennett Southside #Nichols Extra K205
Miss 208
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 87 94 2 10 92 18 67 15 53 65 95 4 10 8 49 11 15 44 Birth Date: 09-09-2021 · Cow *20150838 · Tattoo: 138 Lot $AxH: +154 15% $AxJ: +168 10%
$M +35 95% $W +61 35% $F +124 2% $G +56 35% $B +179 10% $C +267 25% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +6 +2.5 +78 +138 +.82 +21 +73 +.47 +1.08 -.048 55% 80% 10% 10% 55% 85% 10% 70% 5% 2% Poss Easy Impact 0119 #Poss Total Impact 745 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Elmaretta 736 18837398 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Hoover Dam Baldridge Blackbird X89 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak *RMRK Rita 7237 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18723559 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Cure All 1353 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD 38
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 45 49 50 29 61 96 33 88 71 62 80 25 51 32 70 15 2 97 Birth Date: 02-16-2021 · Cow +*20010519 · Tattoo: 1243 Lot $AxH: +186 5% $AxJ: +175 10%




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Fall Bred Cows

LOTS 39A-45

Fall Bred Cows

RMRK Blackcap E214 - Dam of Lots 39A and 39B



A high performance Admiral daughter that results from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires VAR Discovery and TC Total, that was the $11,500 D’Hanis Angus Ranch pick in the 2020 sale. What more could you ask for? Here’s growth, efficiency and carcass merit in one complete package. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to Springfield McClintok 0026.

A double digit calving ease flushmate to the previous lot that is an Admiral daughter out of RMRK Blackcap E214 now residing at 4F Angus Ranch. This beautifully designed female carries loads of natural muscle in an eye appealing package with a 124 IMF Ratio. She sells due on 12/2/23 to POSS Winchester 1534.

Lot 39B

$M +45 90% $W +65 20% $F +119 2% $G +73 5% $B +193 2% $C +295 4% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +1.9 +83 +137 +.43 +16 +69 +.95 +.78 -.040 20% 65% 2% 5% 75% 95% 3% 10% 15% 3% #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Goforth Admiral E25 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18800231 +*RB-GFC Lady Upshot 890-3144 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B *R B Lady Standard 305-890 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*RMRK Blackcap E214 +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18919881 +*EF Blackcap 2253 #TC Total 410 +*R B Blackcap 624
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 47 86 8 32 27 61 76 72 62 60 95 13 36 10 15 21 5 45 Birth Date: 10-23-2020 · Cow +*19952896 · Tattoo: 0954 Lot $AxH: +186 1% $AxJ: +144 10%
$M +66 40% $W +78 5% $F +126 2% $G +79 10% $B +204 2% $C +331 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +2.4 +86 +146 +1.04 +24 +74 +1.01 +.97 -.038 60% 80% 3% 5% 40% 65% 5% 20% 10% 4% #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Goforth Admiral E25 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18800231 +*RB-GFC Lady Upshot 890-3144 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B *R B Lady Standard 305-890 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*RMRK Blackcap E214 +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18919881 +*EF Blackcap 2253 #TC Total 410 +*R B Blackcap 624
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 92 93 7 19 46 79 35 21 71 34 78 36 65 9 12 15 8 96 Birth Date: 10-17-2020 · Cow +*19952888 · Tattoo: 0943 Lot $AxH: +217 2% $AxJ: +176 10%

Fall Bred Cows

A long spined, beautifully designed Inertia daughter that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Baldridge Bronc and MCC Daybreak. This female checks all of the boxes— calving ease, balanced growth, carcass merit and elite $Values. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to Springfield McClintok 0026.


Lot 40

A super cool patterned Inertia female that is a direct daughter of the Four Sons selection in the 2019 sale. She is the product of combining the Pathfinder Sires Rampage and Ten X with the famed $380,000 Basin Lucy 3829 anchoring the maternal side. This female is the complete package; she ratioed a 110 for IMF, 108 for ribeye, carries the goods on excellent feet, with loads of muscle. She sells due to calve 10/20/23 to POSS Winchester 1534.


Lot 41


43 BARW 2017 BLACK MAGIC 8141

A super balanced Inertia daughter that stems from the Queenie cow family that produced the legendary $600,000 Queenie Y120, anchored by the $105,000 Cox Ranch donor Queenie 70527. With a balanced growth curve and added efficiency, this female is destined to produce herd sires. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to POSS Ratified 1506.

Check out the growth curve and added ribeye on this Black Magic daughter that stems directly from the Bar W donor Big Ingenuity of 9J60 2017. She possesses 17 traits in the top 20% of the breed with an emphasis on growth and carcass merit. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to POSS Ratified 1506.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 33
$M +60 50% $W +72 10% $F +109 10% $G +62 15% $B +171 10% $C +282 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +2 +5.7 +89 +153 +1.81 +28 +67 +.64 +1.00 -.041 80% 95% 1% 1% 3% 35% 4% 35% 3% 2% *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 17803074 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Byergo Picasso +Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 #+G A R Ingenuity #+G A R New Design 5050 *B I G Ingenuity of 9J60 2017 G A R Objective 1067 17313850 +*GAR/DRMCTR Objective 9J60 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 74 97 4 4 80 4 6 42 91 38 31 13 13 9 60 6 4 22 Birth Date: 10-28-2018 · Cow +*19291675 · Tattoo: 8141 Lot $AxH: +111 25% $AxJ: +123 15%
$M +69 25% $W +83 1% $F +120 2% $G +74 5% $B +194 1% $C +321 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 -.5 +75 +136 +.62 +36 +69 +1.09 +.88 +.046 20% 15% 10% 5% 65% 4% 3% 5% 10% 95% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress *G A R Inertia +G A R Big Eye 1770 18636043 +*G A R Prophet 2984 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 #+*Baldridge Bronc #*EF Commando 1366 *KJM Bronc 8307 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19247831 *Goode Daybreak 2264 #MCC Daybreak *Goode 5050 New Design 9721 40
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 38 19 53 30 34 63 51 26 29 81 8 72 50 29 8 34 92 31 Birth Date: 02-01-2020 · Cow *19820545 · Tattoo: 0355 Lot $AxH: +194 1% $AxJ: +202 1%
$M +46 85% $W +63 25% $F +104 10% $G +75 5% $B +178 4% $C +277 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +9 +2.2 +74 +132 +1.10 +22 +55 +1.07 +.91 +.037 25% 70% 10% 10% 30% 80% 15% 10% 10% 85% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress *G A R Inertia +G A R Big Eye 1770 18636043 +*G A R Prophet 2984 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*RMRK Lucy 7272 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18723519 +*EXAR Lucy 3920 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*EXAR Lucy 9850 41
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 37 59 55 44 56 90 22 43 52 9 76 55 80 55 9 21 85 22 Birth Date: 11-04-2019 · Cow *19697011 · Tattoo: 9963 Lot $AxH: +190 1% $AxJ: +178 2%
$M +41 95% $W +55 45% $F +105 10% $G +65 15% $B +171 10% $C +263 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +2.0 +66 +121 +.57 +24 +58 +.88 +.69 +.006 30% 65% 20% 15% 65% 65% 10% 15% 25% 40% *G A R Momentum #+*G A R Progress *G A R Inertia +G A R Big Eye 1770 18636043 +*G A R Prophet 2984 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*Springfield Queenie 7092 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 19093423 +*Dean’s Queenie Y126 *B/R Future Direction 4268 +Roden RL Queenie 70527
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 54 68 71 40 47 68 49 52 74 2 60 48 67 49 26 49 37 28 Birth Date: 08-22-2019 · Cow *19753461 · Tattoo: 9042 Lot $AxH: +117 20% $AxJ: +88 30%

Fall Bred Cows


Lot 44


A double digit calving ease Jet Black daughter that results from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire Rampage and the legendary $280,000 valued SJH FD 4268 of 747 1010, who served in the Crazy K and High Roller donor arsenal. Check out the foot scores and efficiency on this beautifully designed, royally bred female. She sells bred on 3/7/23 to TAR Dominance 0031.

Lot 45

A full sister to the $160,000 valued Express and Spruce Mountain donor, SMR Bonnie RMRK 5129, that was the 2015 sale pick by Spruce Mountain, produced by the legendary $40,000 valued Rimrock and Four Sons donor Bonnie 3098. Check out the EPD profile on this beautifully designed, calving ease female that possesses a super balanced EPD profile. Has averaged 6 embryos per flush in the program. She sells bred on 3/31/23 to HPCA Veracious S500.

$M +49 80% $W +75 4% $F +103 10% $G +54 25% $B +158 15% $C +254 25% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +1.5 +84 +138 +1.59 +22 +61 +.46 +1.18 -.020 20% 55% 2% 4% 10% 80% 10% 55% 1% 15% #MCC Daybreak #+Boyd New Day 8005 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Miss Focus 134 16925771 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 *QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +KLR Bonnie 3098 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17560157 *JLM Bonnie W110 #TC Total 410 Gazda Bonnie 424 K01 Emb 45
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 24 46 8 47 38 49 13 52 92 22 79 30 52 35 68 6 24 93 Birth Date: 09-13-2016 · Cow +*18780685 · Tattoo: 6127 Lot $AxH: +159 5% $AxJ: +173 2%
$M +52 70% $W +66 15% $F +91 30% $G +74 5% $B +164 10% $C +265 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +13 +.3 +75 +126 +.35 +19 +52 +.95 +.88 -.027 4% 30% 10% 15% 80% 90% 20% 10% 10% 10% #*Connealy Black Granite #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 18389838 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 #*Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*Springfield Evergreen 6192 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18732290 *SJH FD 4268 of 747 1010 *B/R Future Direction 4268 DRMCTR/SH Objective 747 44
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 26 48 25 36 51 82 81 21 96 85 76 25 71 38 17 15 7 98 Birth Date: 10-15-2019 · Cow +*19753500 · Tattoo: 9101 Lot $AxH: +183 2% $AxJ: +168 3%

Fall Pairs

LOTS 46-49A

Fall Pairs

Lot 46

B I G STALLION OF N1065 9068


A double digit calving ease Stallion daughter that stems directly from the Angus Hill donor, GAR Early Bird N1065, who is a full sister to the dam of the Ankony herd sire, Paragon, anchored by the famed former Wilks and High Roller donor, GAR Complete N281. Check out the efficiency and marbling on this female. She sells due to calve 10/10/23 to SS Identified 7551.



Check out the performance combined with calving ease this superb female possesses, brought forth by a mating combining Man In Black and a higher efficiency Stallion daughter. This female possesses a near perfect EPD profile and a pedigree designed to add value in her future calves.

A high growth, big ribeye Alternative daughter that traces back on the maternal side to one of the Cox Ranch foundation donors, Callaways Ideal 1031. This super productive female possesses 5 Pathfinders in the first three generations along with 16 traits in the top 20% of the breed. Talk about stability and predictability. She sells due to calve 11/23/23 to Crouch Congress 105.



Check out the explosive growth curve on this Wildcat daughter. She stems from a dam that traces back to the legendary foundation donor at Cox Ranch, Callaways Ideal 1031, who has produced over $1 million in progeny sales. Check out her 19 traits in the top 20% of the breed. What an opportunity to add some royal genetics to your herd. This female is destined for greatness.

$M +41 95% $W +51 55% $F +121 2% $G +59 20% $B +181 3% $C +276 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +0 +5.2 +88 +156 +.64 +13 +74 +.59 +1.04 -.031 90% 95% 1% 1% 60% 95% 2% 40% 3% 5% Poss Easy Impact 0119 #Poss Total Impact 745 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Elmaretta 736 18837398 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Hoover Dam Baldridge Blackbird X89 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*CoX 1031 Ideal 5557 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18381867 *Callaways Ideal 1031 #*G A R Predestined #Callaways Ideal 0745 47
M1F ] CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 91 97 5 3 93 71 49 13 43 71 93 2 21 6 47 8 6 99 Birth Date: 09-20-2020 · Cow *19952880 · Tattoo: 0925 Lot $AxH: +173 3% $AxJ: +146 10%
$M +60 60% $W +68 20% $F +122 3% $G +80 10% $B +202 3% $C +322 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +7 +4.0 +97 +171 +.42 +17 +81 +1.06 +1.09 -.005 45% 95% 1% 1% 80% 95% 2% 15% 5% 30% +*GAR Discovery 6737H #*V A R Discovery 2240 *E & B Wildcat 9402 *G A R Ingenuity 3132 19810163 E&B Lady Plus 643 #*Connealy Confidence Plus #+E&b Lady Credence 190 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 *RMRK Ideal 0925 Baldridge Blackbird A030 19952880 +*CoX 1031 Ideal 5557 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 *Callaways Ideal 1031
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 56 89 2 2 99 32 84 37 21 35 91 3 13 2 12 4 29 95 Birth Date: 09-06-2022 · Cow *20468279 · Tattoo: 2907 Lot $AxH: +209 2% $AxJ: +215 2%
$M +50 75% $W +59 35% $F +99 15% $G +92 1% $B +191 2% $C +298 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +18 -.2 +64 +115 -.12 +23 +52 +1.37 +.93 +0 1% 20% 25% 25% 95% 70% 20% 1% 10% 35% #+*EXAR Stud 4658B #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *EXAR Stallion 7986 +*BoBo Rita 1559 18567879 *EXAR Blackcap 3385 #*Connealy Impression *EXAR Blackcap 5509 *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Early Bird N1065 +*G A R Progress 830 18452263 +*G A R Complete N281 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*G A R Objective 277L 46
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 6 47 77 47 36 63 93 38 80 8 58 60 59 53 11 22 36 97 Birth Date: 12-20-2019 · Cow +*19610702 · Tattoo: 9068 Lot $AxH: +199 1% $AxJ: +173 2%
$M +50 85% $W +71 15% $F +145 1% $G +73 15% $B +218 1% $C +333 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +12 +3.4 +95 +180 +.90 +23 +94 +1.01 +.82 +.012 10% 90% 1% 1% 50% 75% 1% 20% 25% 55% *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *LAR Man In Black Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19955191 #JMB Maxine TG 2131 #*Sitz Top Game 561X #JMB Maxine Deluxe 9034 *EXAR Stallion 7986 #+*EXAR Stud 4658B +*B I G Stallion of N1065 9068 *EXAR Blackcap 3385 19610702 +*G A R Early Bird N1065 *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Complete N281
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 44 96 1 1 100 1 44 2 86 34 67 1 1 1 24 10 41 73 Birth Date: 09-07-2022 · Cow *20468425 · Tattoo: 2909 Lot $AxH: +171 10% $AxJ: +189 4%

Fall Pairs

RMRK Royal Lass 6970 - Dam of Lot 48



A double digit calving ease Storm daughter that originates on the maternal side from a full sister to the legendary Pathfinder Sire EXAR Denver. You have to appreciate the combination of calving ease, growth and carcass merit on this female. She sells due to calve 10/24/23 to Baldridge Limitless G792.


Black Granite


A double digit calving ease female that is a direct daughter of, Rampage 0A36, and the famed, $280,000 SJH FD 4268 of 747 1010, who served in the Crazy K and High Roller ET programs. Check out the added efficiency and balanced carcass merit this female possesses. She puts all this together along with a 7.94 actual IMF% and 118 IMF ratio. She sells due to calve 9/7/23 to SS Identified 7551.


Hill Rampage 0A36

Eva 7010


A female that is following in her dam’s footsteps, a Thedford daughter that traces back on the maternal side to a full sister to the legendary Pathfinder Sire EXAR Denver. There are loads of maternal excellence built into this pedigree. These are the kind that you build a herd around.

A double digit calving ease, high marbling DB Iconic daughter that descends from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire Rampage and the legendary $280,000 valued former Crazy K and High Roller donor, SJH FD 4268 of 747 1010. You have to appreciate the balanced, holes free EPD profile this female possesses.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 37
$M +63 40% $W +64 20% $F +75 65% $G +73 5% $B +148 25% $C +255 20% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +16 -2.0 +53 +89 -.62 +30 +32 +.97 +.94 +.006 1% 3% 60% 70% 95% 25% 70% 10% 5% 40% #MCC Daybreak #+Boyd New Day 8005 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Miss Focus 134 16925771 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 *QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8 *B/R Future Direction 4268 #C A Future Direction 5321 *SJH FD 4268 of 747 1010 B/R Ruby 9114 16855715 DRMCTR/SH Objective 747 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +Britt Evergreen 565
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 1 5 91 95 15 96 99 97 36 16 42 93 93 93 16 16 41 94 Birth Date: 12-02-2016 · Cow +*18744895 · Tattoo: 6205 Lot $AxH: +149 10% $AxJ: +132 10%
$M +57 70% $W +75 10% $F +102 20% $G +93 2% $B +196 4% $C +311 5% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +14 -.5 +71 +121 +.41 +30 +60 +1.51 +.87 +.053 3% 15% 20% 30% 80% 25% 25% 2% 20% 95% *Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316 *DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*Springfield Evergreen 6205 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18744895 *SJH FD 4268 of 747 1010 *B/R Future Direction 4268 DRMCTR/SH Objective 747
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 5 28 54 40 64 85 78 43 58 52 27 55 63 40 2 21 93 82 Birth Date: 09-16-2022 · Cow *20468496 · Tattoo: 2927 Lot $AxH: +204 3% $AxJ: +179 10%
$M +44 90% $W +58 35% $F +103 10% $G +75 5% $B +178 4% $C +275 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +12 +1.0 +77 +136 -.18 +15 +56 +1.05 +.67 -.015 10% 45% 5% 5% 95% 95% 15% 10% 25% 15% #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*G A R Storm +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18459815 Maplecrest Eva 7010 #TC Total 410 Maplecrest Eva 4108 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*RMRK Royal Lass 6970 +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18710419 +*EXAR Royal Lass 3588 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 25 68 22 17 71 35 92 100 26 4 100 18 9 25 7 44 26 27 Birth Date: 12-17-2018 · Cow *19369757 · Tattoo: 8971 Lot $AxH: +125 15% $AxJ: +105 20%
$M +70 30% $W +70 15% $F +114 10% $G +64 25% $B +178 10% $C +301 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +16 -.3 +71 +136 +.57 +30 +64 +.82 +.70 -.012 1% 20% 20% 15% 70% 25% 20% 35% 40% 20% *Bar
+*Hoffman Thedford Bar
19820180 #HA Rito Lady 3839 #*KG Solution
HA Rito
+*G A R Storm #+*Quaker
19369757 +*RMRK
R Jet Black 5063
R Iris Anita 0113
Lady 0622
Royal Lass 8971
A R Discovery 2240
Royal Lass 3588 48A
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 4 34 11 3 90 11 58 84 18 9 30 30 9 3 17 21 31 21 Birth Date: 11-29-2022 · Cow *20544388 · Tattoo: 2964 Lot $AxH: +156 15% $AxJ: +141 20%

3-N-1 Pairs LOTS


Lot 51 Lot 50



A phenomenally uddered Black Magic daughter that stems from a dam that combines Rito 12E7 and the Pathfinder Sire CC &7. Check out the combination of efficiency, marbling and ribeye on this beautifully designed female with a 138 IMF and 106 REA ratio. She sells bred on 3/2/23 to VT Statesman 1J3.




A high marbling Enhance daughter that traces back on the maternal side to the flush sister of the legendary Henrietta Pride 643T, who is a full sister to the legendary Pathfinder Sire Sitz Upward. This super balanced female expresses added efficiency and marbling to make her a prime candidate to raise elite replacement females and herd sires. Flushed once in the program for 14 embryos. She sells bred on 2/26/23 to HPCA Veracious S500.



Alternative E125

Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest.

Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 39 3-N-1 Pairs
$M +55 65% $W +61 25% $F +99 15% $G +74 5% $B +173 5% $C +279 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +1.1 +68 +127 +.83 +24 +54 +1.07 +.60 -.003 30% 45% 20% 10% 45% 65% 15% 10% 35% 30% #*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*SydGen Googol SydGen Enhance +*SydGen Forever Lady 1255 18170041 SydGen Rita 2618 #*SydGen Liberty GA 8627 #Fox Run Rita 9308 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*Springfield Henrietta 5037 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 18333971 +*Deer Valley Henrietta 1608 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 639T 51
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 44 40 55 30 65 27 57 64 78 5 55 51 37 38 14 46 25 30 Birth Date: 11-24-2018 · Cow +*19386785 · Tattoo: 8152 Lot $AxH: +97 35% $AxJ: +81 30%
$M +59 65% $W +77 10% $F +139 1% $G +82 5% $B +221 1% $C +346 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +1.8 +83 +156 +1.24 +27 +85 +1.17 +.93 +.002 35% 65% 5% 2% 30% 45% 1% 10% 15% 35% +*Baldridge
19720337 *Vintage Blackbird 6237 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*V A R Blackbird 3523 SydGen Enhance #*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*Springfield Henrietta 8152 SydGen Rita 2618 19386785 +*Springfield Henrietta 5037 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*Deer Valley Henrietta 1608
Easy Impact 0119 +*Wilks No Substitute 2358
Blackbird A030
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 47 50 15 3 93 50 20 97 92 43 39 42 48 2 6 13 29 58 Birth Date: 12-07-2022 · Bull *20578718 · Tattoo: 2966 Lot $AxH: +206 2% $AxJ: +178 5%
$M +66 30% $W +67 15% $F +107 10% $G +87 1% $B +194 1% $C +318 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +3.3 +68 +119 +1.24 +32 +61 +1.21 +1.04 -.012 55% 90% 20% 20% 20% 15% 10% 3% 3% 20% *Silveiras
S609 R3 17803074 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Byergo Picasso +Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 #+*Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre *Springfield Blackcap 4139 +*Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD 18020913 +*Springfield Blackcap 1156 #*SydGen C C & 7 +*Riverbend Blackcap S762
Conversion 8064
Crossover 758N *Byergo Black Magic 3348
Saras Dream
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 58 80 48 43 48 24 34 24 85 77 28 79 62 21 9 3 12 95 Birth Date: 11-08-2019 · Cow +*19697013 · Tattoo: 9965 Lot $AxH: +183 2% $AxJ: +183 1%
$M +76 20% $W +79 5% $F +130 1% $G +84 4% $B +214 1% $C +354 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +11 +.9 +76 +138 +.13 +31 +79 +1.12 +1.20 -.005 15% 45% 15% 10% 90% 20% 2% 10% 2% 30% +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 +*Wilks No Substitute 2358 Baldridge Blackbird A030 19720337 *Vintage Blackbird 6237 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*V A R Blackbird 3523 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 +*RMRK Blackcap 9965 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 19697013 *Springfield Blackcap 4139 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*Springfield Blackcap 1156
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 16 26 18 27 70 57 90 37 46 26 30 76 58 4 15 1 20 72 Birth Date: 01-12-2023 · Bull *20590698 · Tattoo: 3118 Lot $AxH: +236 1% $AxJ: +227 1%

3-N-1 Pairs


A super balanced, big time Sure Fire daughter that is a product of a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Absolute and Ambush 28. You have to appreciate the carcass merit this female possesses along with her elite maternal traits. She possesses 19 different traits in the top 20% of the breed. She sells bred 3/19/23 to Baldridge Limitless G792.

566 Hillcrest

Stephenville, Texas 76401


Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest.

I’m especially excited about the 2023 Genomic Gems Sale. This is always one of my favorites. It has always been one of the great sales in the south that has value, awesome phenotype with elite genomics and a great atmosphere. Bryan and Jonell Vay of Rimrock Production are two of the finest people in this business, and I am honored to call them both good friends. I personally enjoy getting to be there several times a year to spend time with them. Bryan has done a fabulous job acquiring/producing incredibly unique genetics that have gone on and performed beyond expectations for their new owners. His son Lane is more involved now than ever. He is doing a great job of procuring these genetics and getting these cattle bred and fed. He is as good as any young manager I’ve seen in the business.

The Lot 1 this year just may be my favorite female that I will sell all spring. Folks, this one is “big-time” good and is what I feel the business should be all about. She has it and can make the right kind. I love this female!!!! Lot 2 fits the same mold as Lot 1, and this one can make them and has made them. If it wasn’t for a partner selling out of the business, this one wouldn’t be for sale. The featured ET calves this year are very good, and my favorites in this group are 3A, 5 and 6A. The spring bred heifers are very nice and will be highlighted by Lots 7A and 9 as well as the spring open heifers as they are highlighted by 15 and 16A. The fall bred heifers always have a special place in my heart at Genomic Gems, and this just may be the best set yet. My picks in this group are 24, 25, 27, 28 and 30. 39A and 40 are two awesome fall bred cows, and in the fall pairs better keep your eyes open for 46A. The 3-N-1’s are a very nice set, but the spring pairs will steal the show and are highlighted by 53, 54 and 64.

We look forward to sale day on May 6 at 1 p.m. CDT in person or on CCi.Live. If you wish to see the cattle in person before the sale, please reach out to Bryan or Lane and they will be glad to show them to you. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me or Matt White.


$M +44 95% $W +81 4% $F +129 1% $G +96 1% $B +224 1% $C +335 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +2.1 +88 +156 +.87 +29 +84 +1.41 +1.25 +.031 60% 70% 3% 2% 50% 30% 1% 2% 1% 75% #*Mill Brae Identified 4031 #*Koupals B&B Identity +*HPCA Veracious *Mill Brae Pro Blackcap 1092 19699322 +*H P C A Sunrise A246 #+*G A R Sunrise +*H P C A Prophet A3 #+*G A R Sure Fire #*Connealy In Sure 8524 *KJM Sure Fire 9448 +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 19820543 +*KJM Absolute 8102 #*K C F Bennett Absolute +*G A R Ambush 0H18
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 79 85 3 1 100 29 48 25 99 100 39 4 26 2 7 1 57 90 Birth Date: 12-15-2022 · Bull *20578649 · Tattoo: 2974 Lot $AxH: +238 1% $AxJ: +235 1%
$M +55 65% $W +75 4% $F +97 20% $G +78 3% $B +175 5% $C +282 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +2.1 +75 +131 +2.09 +34 +56 +1.11 +1.00 +.036 30% 70% 10% 10% 1% 10% 15% 5% 3% 85% #*Connealy In Sure 8524 #*Mytty In Focus #+*G A R Sure Fire Entreena of Conanga 657 17328461 +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 #+G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 #*K C F Bennett Absolute #*S A V Final Answer 0035 +*KJM Absolute 8102 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 19145886 +*G A R Ambush 0H18 #+B/R Ambush 28 Goode Objective 544 52
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 30 55 19 16 84 34 2 31 39 89 13 12 32 27 20 7 60 92 Birth Date: 11-23-2019 · Cow *19820543 · Tattoo: 9448 Lot $AxH: +173 3% $AxJ: +174 2%
Cell: 254-413-2420
Home/Fax 254-968-8162

Parker’s Picks

Lot 1 Lot 5 Lot 7A Lot 16A Lot 25 Lot 30 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 64 Lot 40 Lot 27 Lot 28 Lot 24 Lot 9 Lot 15 Lot 6A Lot 2 Lot 3A
SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 41

The Spring Calvers

LOTS 53-65A

The Spring Calvers

Lot 53


A high performance, super attractive Goforth Admiral daughter that stems from the $11,500 D’Hanis donor, RMRK Blackcap E214, who is a direct daughter of the Pathfinder Sire VAR Discovery and the former Rimrock donor, EF Blackcap 2253, who now serves in the donor arsenal at Schaefer Farms. This super attractive female is loaded with performance on the hoof and on paper. Unfortunately, we lost her calf. She sells open ready to breed or flush.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 43
RMRK Blackcap E214 - $11,500 Dam of Lot 53
$M +69 25% $W +72 10% $F +124 1% $G +71 10% $B +195 1% $C +322 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +3.6 +83 +144 +.78 +27 +72 +.90 +.82 -.030 55% 95% 2% 3% 50% 45% 2% 15% 15% 5% #*V A R Generation 2100 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Goforth Admiral E25 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 18800231 +*RB-GFC Lady Upshot 890-3144 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B *R B Lady Standard 305-890 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*RMRK Blackcap E214 +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18919881 +*EF Blackcap 2253 #TC Total 410 +*R B Blackcap 624
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 73 94 9 11 86 36 54 16 52 4 56 27 19 6 16 18 7 79 Birth Date: 02-11-2021 · Cow +*20010512 · Tattoo: 1235 Lot $AxH: +163 4% $AxJ: +135 10%

The Spring Calvers

Lot 55 Lot 54



Check out the growth curve and performance in this Alternative daughter that stems from a former program donor dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Upshot and BT Crossover. This female has 7 Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree to add stability and predictability. She sells with Lot 54A, a bull calf (3224), born 2/3/2023 by 44 Faultless. Sells bred on 3/31/23 to Williams Hollywood 700-380.



Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest.

A double digit calving ease flush sister to the previous lot that complements her in every form. This super attractive Alternative daughter stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Upshot and BT Crossover. Check out the balance in this female that possesses 7 Pathfinders in the first three generations of her pedigree. She sells with Lot 55A, a bull calf (3235), born 2/14/2023 by 44 Faultless. Sells bred on 3/31/23 to TAR Dominance 0031.



Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest.

$M +58 55% $W +63 25% $F +114 3% $G +72 10% $B +187 2% $C +301 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +11 -.8 +60 +113 +.14 +31 +58 +.90 +1.18 +.013 15% 10% 35% 25% 90% 20% 10% 15% 1% 55% Poss Easy Impact 0119 #Poss Total Impact 745 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Elmaretta 736 18837398 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Hoover Dam Baldridge Blackbird X89 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B #*Sitz Upward 307R +*Malsons Savannah 327B #+EXAR Barbara T020 18003669 +Malsons Savannah 133W #+BT Crossover 758N +Malsons Savannah 30S
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 8 2 77 48 34 96 75 18 12 30 20 55 70 32 18 3 58 100 Birth Date: 02-21-2021 · Cow +*20010526 · Tattoo: 1254 Lot $AxH: +203 1% $AxJ: +185 1%
$M +58 65% $W +76 10% $F +141 1% $G +83 4% $B +224 1% $C +349 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +4 +1.6 +87 +155 +.59 +25 +88 +.94 +1.60 -.027 70% 60% 3% 3% 70% 60% 1% 20% 1% 10% SydGen Enhance #*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*44 Faultless SydGen Rita 2618 19513637 +*44 Lucy 4775 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +Da Es Ro Lucy 11209 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 +*RMRK Savannah 1254 Baldridge Blackbird A030 20010526 +*Malsons Savannah 327B #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Malsons Savannah 133W
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 48 28 12 7 64 67 62 54 12 9 71 10 22 2 32 1 4 96 Birth Date: 02-14-2023 · Bull *20607139 · Tattoo: 3235 Lot $AxH: +246 1% $AxJ: +245 1%
$M +46 85% $W +64 20% $F +138 1% $G +68 10% $B +207 1% $C +314 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +4 +3.4 +84 +143 +.70 +20 +86 +.83 +1.08 +.005 65% 90% 2% 3% 55% 90% 1% 20% 2% 40% Poss Easy Impact 0119 #Poss Total Impact 745 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Elmaretta 736 18837398 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Hoover Dam Baldridge Blackbird X89 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B #*Sitz Upward 307R +*Malsons Savannah 327B #+EXAR Barbara T020 18003669 +Malsons Savannah 133W #+BT Crossover 758N +Malsons Savannah 30S
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 77 84 9 11 68 71 32 33 58 79 78 4 22 2 17 3 30 100 Birth Date: 03-03-2021 · Cow +*20010531 · Tattoo: 1365 Lot $AxH: +214 1% $AxJ: +205 1%
$M +62 55% $W +77 10% $F +150 1% $G +86 3% $B +236 1% $C +368 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +4 +4.0 +98 +179 +.94 +28 +102 +1.16 +1.09 -.026 70% 95% 1% 1% 45% 35% 1% 10% 4% 10% SydGen Enhance #*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*44 Faultless SydGen Rita 2618 19513637 +*44 Lucy 4775 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +Da Es Ro Lucy 11209 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 +*RMRK Savannah 1365 Baldridge Blackbird A030 20010531 +*Malsons Savannah 327B #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Malsons Savannah 133W
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 89 98 1 1 96 5 28 18 16 72 60 1 1 1 7 3 6 100 Birth Date: 02-03-2023 · Bull *20602510 · Tattoo: 3224 Lot $AxH: +214 1% $AxJ: +229 1%

The Spring Calvers

Lot 57 Lot 56



A big bodied, super sound, beautifully uddered Set Apart daughter produced by a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Rampage and Hoover Dam. Check out the added ribeye and maternal traits this female possesses. She sells with Lot 56A, a bull calf (3245), born 2/18/2023 by E & B Wildcat 9042. Sells Bred on 3/31/23 to Basin Jameson 1076.

A big bodied, long spined Reliant daughter that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sire Rampage and the $40,000 valued Rimrock and Four Sons donor KLR Bonnie 3098 who has earned the reputation of producing attractive balanced offspring. She sells with Lot 57A, a heifer calf (3230), born 2/12/2023 by Yon Top Cut. Sells Bred on 3/31/23 to Poss Winchester 1534.





Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 45
$M +56 70% $W +52 60% $F +92 35% $G +79 10% $B +170 15% $C +276 20% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +3.6 +72 +132 +1.50 +21 +47 +1.09 +.73 -.030 60% 95% 20% 15% 15% 85% 55% 15% 40% 10% #+*G A R Sure Fire #*Connealy In Sure 8524 +*G A R Reliant +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 18669357 +*G A R Destination N244 #B/R Destination 727-928 +*G A R Predestined 3279 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*RMRK Bonnie 7387 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18919783 +KLR Bonnie 3098 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *JLM Bonnie W110 57
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 60 87 55 26 46 60 18 17 17 6 71 25 73 67 10 40 8 77 Birth Date: 02-20-2021 · Cow +*20010525 · Tattoo: 1252 Lot $AxH: +131 30% $AxJ: +105 35% $M +93 1% $W +64 25% $F +69 85% $G +83 5% $B +151 35% $C +289 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +11 +2.4 +70 +113 +1.42 +22 +34 +1.12 +.91 -.032 15% 80% 25% 40% 20% 80% 85% 15% 15% 10% #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 +*Yon Top Cut G730 *Spring Cove Liza 021 19476453 +*Yon Sarah D668 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +*Yon Sarah A615 +*G A R Reliant #+*G A R Sure Fire +*RMRK Bonnie 1252 +*G A R Destination N244 20010525 +*RMRK Bonnie 7387 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +KLR Bonnie 3098
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 8 47 34 76 26 79 25 42 2 7 82 71 80 74 8 15 24 82 Birth Date: 02-12-2023 · Cow *20603077 · Tattoo: 3230 Lot $AxH: +161 15% $AxJ: +143 20%
$M +57 60% $W +72 10% $F +116 3% $G +59 20% $B +176 4% $C +285 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +8 +1.4 +76 +138 +.70 +27 +66 +.65 +1.13 +.018 30% 55% 10% 4% 55% 45% 4% 35% 1% 60% #+*G A R Sure Fire #*Connealy In Sure 8524 *G A R Set Apart +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 19123879 *Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 #+*G A R Sunrise +*Ogeechee Rita 3315 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak +*PAR Blackbird 8020 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 19189885 +*Spruce Mtn Blackbird 3392 #*Hoover Dam +*Riverbend Blackbird T1088 56
NHF CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 39 48 20 10 79 29 39 13 48 96 45 33 35 7 55 2 57 95 Birth Date: 02-06-2021 · Cow *20012448 · Tattoo: 1226 Lot $AxH: +174 3% $AxJ: +182 1%
$M +63 50% $W +79 5% $F +117 4% $G +79 10% $B +196 3% $C +317 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +15 -.1 +79 +148 +.30 +30 +73 +.98 +1.25 -.013 2% 25% 10% 5% 85% 25% 5% 20% 1% 20% +*GAR Discovery 6737H #*V A R Discovery 2240 *E & B Wildcat 9402 *G A R Ingenuity 3132 19810163 E&B Lady Plus 643 #*Connealy Confidence Plus #+E&b Lady Credence 190 *G A R Set Apart #+*G A R Sure Fire *RMRK Blackbird 1226 *Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 20012448 +*PAR Blackbird 8020 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 +*Spruce Mtn Blackbird 3392
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 13 38 23 7 95 29 80 84 8 93 42 64 59 10 21 3 19 72 Birth Date: 02-18-2023 · Bull *20602518 · Tattoo: 3245 Lot $AxH: +196 3% $AxJ: +204 2%

Lot 58

The Spring Calvers


A super efficient Black Magic daughter that is the direct progeny of the $20,000 valued former Rimrock and Angus of Clear Creek donor, ACC Rita 2035, who is the product of combining the two Pathfinder Sires Complement and New Design 5050. Endowed with a balanced growth curve and balanced carcass merit, this female is poised to raise herd sires and replacement females. She sells with Lot 59A, a heifer calf (3241), born 2/17/2023 by Yon Top Cut. Sells bred on 3/31/23 to VT Statesman 1J3.


#*Jindra Acclaim *Jindra 3rd Dimension

*Whitestone 18-Million +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111

Whitestone Everelda 5109 #*Connealy Black Granite Whitestone Everelda C059 +*FF Rito 3F22 of 9Q23 Prophet #+*G



An elegant fronted 18-Million daughter that stems from a dam that combines FF Rito 3F22 and the Pathfinder Sire Ten X anchored by the legendary G A R Daybreak M721 who produced the ABS Global sire FF Highwayman. She possesses 15 traits in the top 20% of the breed. Sells with Lot 58A, a heifer calf (3108), born 1/7/2023 by LAR Man In Black. Sells bred 3/31/23 to Poss Winchester 1534.




Check out the added efficiency and ribeye on this Black Magic daughter that stems from a dam that combines Rito 12E7 and the Pathfinder Sire CC &7, anchored by the long time Springfield donor Blackcap S762. She possesses 16 traits in the top 20% of the breed. She sells with Lot 60A, a heifer calf (3227), born 2/12/2023 by BJ Surpass. Sells bred on 3/31/23 to Poss Ratified 1506.

$M +64 35% $W +69 10% $F +105 10% $G +63 15% $B +168 10% $C +282 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +3 +2.0 +66 +120 +.92 +32 +59 +.77 +.93 +.015 75% 65% 20% 20% 40% 15% 10% 25% 10% 55% *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 17803074 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Byergo Picasso +Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 #*EF Complement 8088 #Basin Franchise P142 *ACC Rita 2035 +EF Everelda Entense 6117 17518808 +J/R Queen Mother 347E #+G A R New Design 5050 D C C Rita 2J2 of 1I2 352 59
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 51 53 29 23 88 20 36 52 97 37 6 43 24 13 31 7 41 49 Birth Date: 03-01-2019 · Cow +*19957380 · Tattoo: G316 Lot $AxH: +151 10% $AxJ: +153 4% $M +93 1% $W +69 20% $F +91 35% $G +88 3% $B +178 10% $C +324 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +.9 +59 +108 +1.43 +34 +47 +1.25 +.92 -.018 20% 45% 55% 50% 20% 10% 55% 10% 15% 15% #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 +*Yon Top Cut G730 *Spring Cove Liza 021 19476453 +*Yon Sarah D668 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +*Yon Sarah A615 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 +*RMRK Rita G316 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 19957380 *ACC Rita 2035 #*EF Complement 8088 +J/R Queen Mother 347E
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 9 26 71 56 52 60 16 43 48 8 9 90 70 54 6 10 13 83 Birth Date: 02-17-2023 · Cow *20603080 · Tattoo: 3241 Lot $AxH: +182 10% $AxJ: +165 10%
$M +57 60% $W +51 55% $F +102 15% $G +71 10% $B +173 5% $C +281 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT -1 +5.7 +66 +118 +1.17 +28 +53 +.87 +1.02 -.017 95% 95% 20% 20% 25% 35% 20% 15% 3% 15% *Silveiras Conversion 8064 #+BT Crossover 758N *Byergo Black Magic 3348 +EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 17803074 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Byergo Picasso +Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 #+*Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre *Springfield Blackcap 4139 +*Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD 18020913 +*Springfield Blackcap 1156 #*SydGen C C & 7 +*Riverbend Blackcap S762 60
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 90 96 70 49 22 57 34 15 84 90 38 62 83 53 33 6 8 97 Birth Date: 11-20-2019 · Cow +*19697029 · Tattoo: 9981 Lot $AxH: +149 10% $AxJ: +146 10%
$M +50 75% $W +81 2% $F +113 4% $G +56 25% $B +169 10% $C +269 15% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +.3 +81 +143 -.76 +31 +69 +.65 +.82 +.005 20% 30% 3% 3% 95% 20% 3% 35% 15% 40%
R Prophet *HR Rita 7048 +*Rita 9Q23 of Rita 5F56 GHM 18770777 +*HR Rita 5057 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +G A R Daybreak M721 58
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 75 85 4 12 89 37 100 97 74 74 27 14 28 5 47 21 47 5 Birth Date: 02-16-2019 · Cow *19382964 · Tattoo: 9222 Lot $AxH: +171 3% $AxJ: +172 2% $M +63 50% $W +83 2% $F +127 2% $G +74 10% $B +201 3% $C +324 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +3.9 +104 +186 +.96 +25 +88 +1.12 +.66 +.028 60% 95% 1% 1% 45% 60% 1% 15% 50% 75% *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *LAR Man In Black Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19955191 #JMB Maxine TG 2131 #*Sitz Top Game 561X #JMB Maxine Deluxe 9034 *Whitestone 18-Million #*Jindra Acclaim *RMRK Rita 9222 Whitestone Everelda 5109 19382964 *HR Rita 7048 +*FF Rito 3F22 of 9Q23 Prophet +*HR Rita 5057
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 93 100 1 1 100 3 25 45 72 68 43 1 1 1 8 24 70 13 Birth Date: 01-07-2023 · Cow *20590924 · Tattoo: 3108 Lot $AxH: +178 10% $AxJ: +162 10%

The Spring Calvers


Lot 62




A super cool pedigree here, a Jet Black daughter that is a flush sister to the dam that produced the $60,000 valued Rumor Has It donor RMRK Rita 1249, the Lot 1 pick in the 2022 Genomic Gems sale, and anchored by the famed $180,000 valued Rimrock donor Cox Rita 27R Y05C. Don’t miss the opportunity to own these unique genetics. She sells with Lot 61A, a heifer calf (3102), born 1/4/2023 by Wildcat. Sells bred 3/2/23 to HPCA Veracious S500.



A super balanced female by the deceased Edisto Pines herd sire EXAR Hi Tech and a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires EXAR Denver and Rito 9M25. This female is super attractive in her make up with a perfect udder design. She sells with Lot 62A, a heifer calf (3237), born 2/14/2023 by DB Iconic. Sells bred on 3/31/23 to Poss Winchester 1534.



SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM | 47
$M +28 95% $W +52 55% $F +115 3% $G +65 15% $B +180 3% $C +261 20% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +9 +3.5 +76 +132 -.26 +16 +64 +.89 +.60 +.002 25% 95% 10% 10% 95% 95% 5% 15% 35% 35% #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +*EXAR Hi-Tech 4769B #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17765302 +*EXAR Rita U049 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 +*G A R New Design 1200 #*EXAR Denver 2002B #*EXAR Upshot 0562B #+Springfield Lady 4023 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 18020950 Springfield Lady 2070 #+*Rito 9M25 of Rita 5F56 Pred #+Springfield Lady 9275
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 42 91 25 21 34 46 92 83 92 33 97 14 17 20 15 58 48 73 Birth Date: 09-05-2018 · Cow 19385603 · Tattoo: 8073 Lot $AxH: +133 15% $AxJ: +115 15% $M +46 90% $W +75 10% $F +103 15% $G +100 1% $B +203 3% $C +309 5% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +.5 +83 +146 +.89 +24 +61 +1.72 +.53 +.036 20% 35% 5% 5% 50% 65% 25% 1% 70% 85% *Musgrave 316 Stunner #+*LD Capitalist 316 *DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 +*EXAR Hi-Tech 4769B #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A Springfield Lady 8073 +*EXAR Rita U049 19385603 #+Springfield Lady 4023 #*EXAR Denver 2002B Springfield Lady 2070
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 23 50 6 5 81 45 46 69 72 31 53 7 32 17 1 71 95 72 Birth Date: 02-14-2023 · Cow *20602512 · Tattoo: 3237 Lot $AxH: +213 2% $AxJ: +180 5% $M +79 10% $W +76 10% $F +117 4% $G +78 10% $B +195 4% $C +332 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +6 +3.1 +81 +143 +1.37 +34 +72 +.93 +1.24 -.034 55% 90% 10% 10% 20% 10% 10% 25% 2% 10% #+*TEX Playbook 5437 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*BJ Surpass +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete 19774516 +*BJ Prophet 5275 #+*G A R Prophet *BJ Complete 1165 *Byergo Black Magic 3348 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 +*RMRK Blackcap 9981 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 19697029 *Springfield Blackcap 4139 +*Rito 12E7 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 +*Springfield Blackcap 1156
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 55 76 8 7 78 16 24 24 22 85 17 15 18 7 28 1 3 92 Birth Date: 02-12-2023 · Cow *20602511 · Tattoo: 3227 Lot $AxH: +198 3% $AxJ: +203 2%
$M +58 55% $W +78 3% $F +119 2% $G +51 35% $B +170 10% $C +278 10% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +7 +2.3 +79 +139 +1.74 +38 +74 +.56 +.87 +.019 40% 75% 4% 4% 4% 2% 2% 45% 10% 65% #*Connealy Black Granite #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 18389838 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 #*Sitz Upward 307R Bar R Anita 7081 *Callaways Cure All 1353 #*S S Objective T510 0T26 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Ideal 1031 17003288 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD #C A Future Direction 5321 +*Rita 3540 of 021 Rito 1I1
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 75 87 13 14 60 4 15 34 79 40 8 14 2 3 65 15 50 80 Birth Date: 09-09-2019 · Cow +*19696957 · Tattoo: 9913 Lot $AxH: +124 20% $AxJ: +173 2% $M +52 80% $W +77 10% $F +127 2% $G +81 10% $B +208 2% $C +322 3% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +15 +1.0 +79 +145 +.98 +35 +77 +1.16 +.88 +.005 2% 45% 10% 10% 45% 5% 4% 10% 20% 45% +*GAR Discovery 6737H #*V A R Discovery 2240 *E & B Wildcat 9402 *G A R Ingenuity 3132 19810163 E&B Lady Plus 643 #*Connealy Confidence Plus #+E&b Lady Credence 190 *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*RMRK Rita 9913 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19696957 +*CoX Rita 27R Y05C *Callaways Cure All 1353 +*SQ 27R of 3540 FD
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 29 73 12 4 68 3 45 31 41 57 11 7 3 2 7 20 41 69 Birth Date: 01-04-2023 · Cow *20590714 · Tattoo: 3102 Lot $AxH: +187 5% $AxJ: +211 2%

The Spring Calvers

Lot 64

EF Blackcap 2253 - Dam of Lot 63



A super balanced Firestorm daughter that is a direct daughter of the Schaefer Farms donor EF Blackcap 2253, who is the product of combining the two Pathfinder Sires TC Total and E&B 1680 Precision 1023. Check out the marbling this female possesses. She sells with Lot 63A, a bull calf (3234), born 2/13/2023 by Hoffman Thedford. Sells bred on 3/31/23 to WSC Harley H510.



Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest.

A beautifully designed Monumental daughter produced by the former Rimrock donor LCC Rampage 5389 that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Rampage and Upshot. Check out the perfect udder on this female. You have to appreciate the balanced growth curve and elite marbling this female possesses. She sells with Lot 64A, a bull calf (3240), born 2/17/2023 by 44 Faultless. Sells bred on 3/31/23 to Poss Winchester 1534.



Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest.

$M +54 65% $W +68 15% $F +113 4% $G +87 1% $B +200 1% $C +313 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +4 +.5 +74 +134 +.30 +26 +67 +1.26 +1.00 +.013 65% 30% 10% 10% 85% 50% 4% 2% 3% 55% #3F Epic 4631 *Varilek Product 2010 04 *EXAR Monumental 6056B Zebo Queen 1072 18379347 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*FWY Rita C085 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak LCC Rampage 5389 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18343967 LCC Up Shots Crossover 3829 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B #LCC Designed Crossover 8291 64
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 58 35 44 35 79 85 86 52 45 11 65 25 35 34 4 32 58 90 Birth Date: 03-04-2020 · Cow +*19696995 · Tattoo: 0379 Lot $AxH: +205 1% $AxJ: +179 2%
$M +65 45% $W +70 20% $F +111 10% $G +94 2% $B +205 2% $C +331 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +3 -.3 +74 +139 +.33 +24 +64 +1.45 +.64 -.025 75% 20% 20% 10% 85% 70% 15% 2% 50% 10% SydGen Enhance #*SydGen Exceed 3223 +*44 Faultless SydGen Rita 2618 19513637 +*44 Lucy 4775 #*V A R Discovery 2240 +Da Es Ro Lucy 11209 *EXAR Monumental 6056B #3F Epic 4631 +*RMRK Blackcap 0379 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 19696995 LCC Rampage 5389 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 LCC Up Shots Crossover 3829
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 68 20 60 21 70 93 79 87 75 5 91 72 84 38 2 68 9 64 Birth Date: 02-17-2023 · Bull *20607153 · Tattoo: 3240 Lot $AxH: +128 30% $AxJ: +88 45%
$M +64 35% $W +63 25% $F +107 10% $G +82 2% $B +189 2% $C +309 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +4 +2.2 +66 +115 -.32 +26 +56 +1.12 +.88 -.030 65% 70% 20% 25% 95% 50% 15% 5% 10% 5% #+*GAR-EGL Protege #+*Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 +*Quaker Hill Firestorm 3PT1 L B 6807 Isabel 339 17786050 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 Ideal 4355 of 0T26 2440 *QHF Blackcap 4V16 of 1H8 #TC Total 410 #Bon View New Design 208 +*EF Blackcap 2253 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 17316701 +*R B Blackcap 624 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 +Circle G Blackcap 4209
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 67 65 31 51 34 24 95 37 94 19 50 71 54 27 9 23 19 48 Birth Date: 02-12-2017 · Cow +*18723697 · Tattoo: 7257 Lot $AxH: +166 4% $AxJ: +149 5%
$M +79 15% $W +81 4% $F +123 3% $G +77 10% $B +201 2% $C +340 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +10 +.6 +80 +142 +.91 +30 +78 +.94 +1.11 -.040 20% 35% 10% 10% 50% 25% 3% 20% 3% 3% *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite +*Hoffman Thedford Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19820180 #HA Rito Lady 3839 #*KG Solution 0018 HA Rito Lady 0622 +*Quaker Hill Firestorm 3PT1 #+*GAR-EGL Protege +*RMRK Blackcap 7257 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18723697 +*EF Blackcap 2253 #TC Total 410 +*R B Blackcap 624
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 41 45 7 14 81 16 35 37 43 56 27 43 19 3 17 4 10 45 Birth Date: 02-13-2023 · Bull *20604214 · Tattoo: 3234 Lot $AxH: +196 3% $AxJ: +215 1%


Check out the combination of efficiency and carcass merit this Thomas Edison offspring possesses. She stems from a direct daughter of the legendary multimillion-dollar producer EXAR New Design 4212. This female checks all of the boxes—performance, pedigree and phenotype. With a yearling weight ratio of 121 and 107 IMF ratio, she puts it together in one complete package. She sells with Lot 65A, a bull calf (3358), by Springfield McClintok 0026. Sells open ready to breed.

SATURDAY • MAY 6, 2023 • 1 PM
Rimrock Production retaining 50% semen interest. $M +79 15% $W +78 10% $F +117 4% $G +73 10% $B +189 5% $C +324 2% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +9 +2.4 +80 +136 +.30 +27 +74 +1.07 +.76 +.035 30% 80% 10% 15% 85% 45% 5% 15% 30% 80% *Bar R Jet Black 5063 #*Connealy Black Granite *Springfield McClintok 0026 Bar R Iris Anita 0113 19699383 +*Springfield Evergreen 6115 #*V A R Discovery 2240 *SJH FD 4268 of 747 1010 *Thomas Edison 6764 #+*G A R Sunrise +*RMRK Blackcap 9989 #*Thomas Primrose 41037 19697036 +*Deer Valley Blackcap 0904 #*Sitz Upward 307R +*EXAR New Design 4212 65A RMRK MCCLINTOK 3358 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 66 93 5 18 84 11 83 77 49 74 53 58 36 2 11 22 79 96 Birth Date: 03-19-2023 · Bull *20615324 · Tattoo: 3358 Lot $AxH: +179 10% $AxJ: +184 4%
The Spring Calvers
$M +60 50% $W +63 25% $F +122 2% $G +78 3% $B +200 1% $C +319 1% CED BW WW YW SC MILK CW MARB RE FAT +5 +2.9 +72 +128 -.91 +23 +69 +1.02 +1.01 -.014 55% 85% 10% 10% 95% 70% 3% 10% 3% 15% #+*G A R Sunrise #MCC Daybreak *Thomas Edison 6764 +*G A R Objective R227 18704096 #*Thomas Primrose 41037 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A Thomas Primrose 21128 #*Sitz Upward 307R #*Connealy Onward +*Deer Valley Blackcap 0904 *Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M 16870416 +*EXAR New Design 4212 #+*Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 +*G A R New Design 1200 65
CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MILK MW MH CW MARB RE FAT TEND 63 70 31 44 51 29 100 81 59 64 78 74 43 9 8 7 27 51 Birth Date: 12-18-2019 · Cow +*19697036 · Tattoo: 9989 Lot $AxH: +183 2% $AxJ: +179 2% Thank You and we
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Parker Friedrich Marketing and Consulting

566 Hillcrest Dr.

Stephenville, TX 76401 (254) 413-2420 mob (254) 968-8162 fax/home


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