2023 Schreiber Angus Production Sale

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Schreiber Angus SELLING · 40 Two-Year-Olds · 10 Yearlings · 20 18-Month-Olds · Replacement Heifers Commercial Black Angus And F1 Heifer Pairs S A Tombstone 1315 - Lot 1 S A Infinity 1141 - Lot 2 S A Dually 1122 - Lot 37 S A Fortify 1352 - Lot 45 Annual Spring Production Sale Tuesday • March 14, 2023 • 1 PM At the Ranch near Beaver, Kansas

Fellow Cattlemen, The Schreiber Angus family would like to invite you to our 11th Annual Production Sale. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in our brand and our breeding program. We look forward to seeing our customers and friends, along with meeting new customers and getting to know you and more about your operation. We realize there is a bull sale every day this time of year with many choices of suppliers, and that is why we want your experience to be so much more than buying a bull. Our goal is to build lasting relationships and be a reliable source you can count on to help make your business thrive. We hope you can be with us at the farm on sale day or view the sale on CCI.LIVE. Bulls will sell first followed by a high-quality offering of females, including first calf heifer pairs and replacement heifers.

We are a family operation that wants our customers to enjoy the success designed genetics offer them and, yes, to achieve profit. We believe that good feet, sound udders and excellent dispositions are just as important as superior EPDs. Our breeding program has charted a specific course to breed real-world cattle for real-world cattlemen who sell quality pounds for a living, with the necessity to do it as efficiently and profitably as possible. Bulls are freeze branded for easy identification. Our innovative breeding program is constantly progressing, improving, and refining along with intense selection pressure in high level competition to make sure each calf crop is stronger than the last. The bulls are developed on a sensible, roughage-based ration, allowing them to express genetic potential without compromising longevity and breeding soundness. It is our goal to have these bulls remain sound, problem free and become long-term genetic contributors to the herds that they go into. Schreiber Angus does not practice single-trait selections, as we aim to produce a “total product.” In our business it is common knowledge that if you are standing still, you are falling behind.

Our highest priority is the satisfaction and success of our customers. It is an honor and privilege to serve as your seedstock source. If we can be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you on sale day.


Dustin N. Layton


General Sale Information

Annual Spring Production Sale

Tuesday • March 14, 2023

At the Ranch near Beaver, Kansas


Jeff Mafi, American Angus Association .......................816-344-4266

Colton Pratz, Oklahoma Cowman


Jason Schneider, Auction Service ..................................785-650-2433

Andrew Marston, Kansas Stockman


Animals will be on site and available for viewing . . . . Auction will be broadcast via CCI this year for those unable to attend.


Hoisington and Russell have nice hotels not far from the ranch. Rodeway Inn & Suites, Hoisington, KS (620) 292-6022

Fossil Creek Hotel, Russell, KS (785) 483-4200


The bulls have been semen checked, wormed with Valbazen Drench, poured with Clean-up, and have been given a shot of Bovishield Gold. All bulls have been PI (Persistent Infection) tested and only the two-year-olds trich tested and found negative. Any bull that is a possible carrier of any genetic defect will be tested prior to the auction. The results will be listed on the sale update sheet available at the clerk’s desk. Heifers have been calfhood vaccinated. Vet work performed by Russell Veterinary Service; Dr. Dane Anspaugh.


We offer free delivery within 250 miles of Schreiber Angus on single purchases of $5,000 or more and will negotiate rates beyond 250 miles. Due to fuel costs and time restraints, we must consolidate trips. If you are unable to receive bulls when delivery is scheduled to your area, you will need to make arrangements to pick up your bull at the farm. If you haul your own the week of the sale, we will deduct $50 per bull from your purchase price. Bulls will be fed and cared for free of charge until April 1st and then will be housed at a rate of $7.50 per day thereafter until you are ready to pick up your purchase. Free keep and delivery does not apply to the females in the sale.


Buyers unable to attend the sale may contact any of the listed references for assistance in placing their bids. Bids may be taken on the phone during the sale. All bids are held in confidentiality and purchases are guaranteed to meet your expectations.


Schreiber Angus does not assume any liability in case of accident on sale day.


Livestock is the property of the buyer as soon as sold. Terms are cash or check. Schreiber Angus will retain 1/3 semen interest in all bulls sold.


SA will guarantee all bulls selling for $3,500 or more against breeding injury for the first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the first turnout of said bull. Breeding injury is defined as injury to penis or preputial tear with inability to extend. This guarantee does NOT cover non-breeding injuries resulting from accident or gross negligence. We also reserve the right to a second opinion by a veterinarian of our choice. If a replacement bull is available, he will be provided or if the buyer prefers, credit toward one bull will be given in the following year’s sale, less salvage value of the injured bull. Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. Guarantee ends 8/31/2023.


A supplemental sheet will be available sale day with complete and up-to-date information. Announcements from the auction block take precedence over sale book information.

EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www. angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLink®, CAB®, Pathfinder®.

1 Schreiber Angus
Be our guests for a complimentary lunch at 11:00 am on sale day SALE DAY PHONES 620-786-5738 Paul 620-793-2522 Aaron 620-793-2032 Rick 620-587-3330 Ranch paul_melanie07@hotmail.com Check us out on Facebook
• 1 PM

2-Year-Old Bulls

1 S A Tombstone 1315 [


We lead off this year’s offering with this powerfully constructed, big bodied, well-balanced son of our ever-popular Tombstone sire. Rugged and powerful in his design, he just has the look of a herd bull. He weaned off at an impressive 906 lbs. on a 10-year-old cow. If you sell your calves by the pound, then you better get a good look at this herd bull.

2 S A Infinity 1141

1141 offers a very balanced EPD profile that excels in performance; value added muscle and maternal strength. If you are in the market for a bull that will raise top end replacement females without sacrificing growth, then be sure not to overlook this herd bull. Recommended for use on heifers or cows.

3 S A Fortify 1327


Calving ease, performance and maternal strength in an eye-appealing package. This Fortify son is chucked full of meat and has that smooth look from the side profile that will sire low birth weight calves. If you need a heifer bull that will put some true muscle shape into his offspring, then you need Lot 3 on your buyer list.


S A Mutual Fund 1183

Birth Date: 02-23-2021

Tattoo: 1183 Bull 20210529

+*Deer Valley Growth Fund #+*Basin Payweight 1682

*EXAR Mutual Fund 9195B +*Deer Valley Rita 36113

19380934 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3040 +*G A R Daylight

A R 5050 New Design 0546

#*Connealy Impression #Connealy Reflection

SF Beverly 3135

17648377 SF Beverly 1132

Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194

#*SydGen C C & 7 SF Zara Bev 9137

This is what you would call a well rounded bull that will make significant strides to your cattle operation. If you like them moderate framed and thick, then this bull will definitely do that. This bull right here will put the maternal power you want back into your replacement lots. Recommended for cows.

2 Schreiber Angus
S A Tombstone 1315 - Lot 1 S A Infinity 1141 - Lot 2 S A Fortify 1327 - Lot 3
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +3.4 +80 +147 +8 +26 $M $W $F $G $B $C +52 +59 +106 +28 +133 +225 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +62 +.08 +.64 -.002 88 878 N/A
S A Mutual Fund 1183 - Lot 4
M1P ] Birth Date: 01-28-2021 Tattoo: 1315 Bull 20306238 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside
*EXAR Tombstone 8034B #*HA Blackcap Lady
19030369 *EXAR Rita
+*EXAR Prophet
+*EXAR Rita
B B Traveler 610 S A V 004 Traveler 4113 SF Wyola 1211 B B Margo 431 17134159 SF Wyola Sitz 7142 Hoff Banker 0323 404 S F Wyola Sitz 3004
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +10 +.6 +79 +128 +13 +25 $M $W $F $G $B $C +94 +72 +98 +32 +130 +263 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +58 +.27 +.48 +.032 66 844 N/A
M1P ]
Date: 02-19-2021 Tattoo: 1141 Bull 20306248 #*WMR Infinity 141 #WMR Timeless 458 Sa Infinity 5211 WMR Blackcap 912 18316548 SF Caroline 3222 +SF Beaver Boy 0102 SF Caroline 6128 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S S A Zara Bev 9124 21AR O Lass 7017 19628907 S A Zara Bev 7242 SA Beaver Boy 4218 SA Zara Bev 4121
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +.4 +77 +134 +10 +30 $M $W $F $G $B $C +67 +71 +99 +62 +161 +276 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +59 +.83 +.63 +.008 72 879 N/A
Date: 02-10-2021 Tattoo: 1327 Bull 20306242 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand
Jindra Fortify *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016 #*HAYNES Outright 452 #*K C F Bennett Absolute S A Blackbird 8109 HAYNES ND 454 Miss 179 19327878 +*Hedgewood Blackbird 271 #*Connealy Final Product Riverbend Blackbird U195
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +7 +1.9 +71 +126 +10 +27 $M $W $F $G $B $C +66 +61 +92 +46 +139 +246 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +49 +.41 +.81 -.013 86 798 1236

2-Year-Old Bulls

5 S A Timex 1314

You want to talk about body, rib shape and mass, this is what you get in Lot

is what you would call a beef bull. Not only is he a long bodied bull that is square from hooks to pins, but he is a wide chested, deep bodied, bold rib bull that will put a lot of pounds into his calves. Recommended for cows.

6 S A Payweight 1221

We really like the way this bull is made. Not only is this bull phenotypically exquisite, but he has muscle, body, and bone work to go with. This wide top, stout hipped bull will raise powerfully constructed big loin steer calves.

7 S A Outright 1336

Big time look with big time power, the opportunities are endless in this direct son of the popular Haynes Outright 452. Here is how length of body and structural width will add weight to your calf crop. Recommended for cows.

8 S A Dually 1130

Here is a prime example of breeding growth and calving ease all into one package. 1130 is one thick individual from front to rear. This calving ease specialist will certainly put muscle, body, and mass all into one.


1314 - Lot 5


1221 - Lot 6


1336 - Lot 7

Schreiber Angus
Timex Payweight
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +2 +2.7 +72 +125 +9 +28 $M $W $F $G $B $C +56 +61 +102 +42 +144 +243 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +64 +.45 +.56 +.021 88 857 1353
A Outright
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-17-2021 Tattoo: 1314 Bull 20210561 *Gardens Timex P257 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A S A Timex 6237 Green Garden Ella H256 18660993 #SF Wyola 9124 B B Traveler 610 S F Wyola 3027 #*Connealy Final Product *Connealy Product 568 SF Marci 3156 #Ebonista of Conanga 471 17648371 SF Marci 1121 #+H A Image Maker 0415 #SF Marci 9154
5. 1314
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +3 +2.8 +77 +132 +8 +27 $M $W $F $G $B $C +88 +64 +103 +57 +160 +296 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +60 +.78 +.48 +.017 86 860 1305
Birth Date: 02-28-2021 Tattoo: 1221 Bull 20210558 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S *S A Payweight 7100 21AR O Lass 7017 18965080 TC Ruby 9003 #+TC One Way 618 TC Ruby 7065 TC Forthright 3155 *TC Forthright 9284 S A Lady Focus 7271 #TC Erica Eileen 7025 18902189 SA Lady Focus 4117 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 SF Lady Focus 2142
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+5 I+1.2 I+63 I+114 I+10 I+25 $M $W $F $G $B $C +51 +54 +101 +41 +142 +235 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +64 +.39 +.66 +.019 88 832 1390
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-02-2021 Tattoo: 1336 Bull +20241021 #*K C F Bennett Absolute #*S A V Final Answer 0035 #*HAYNES Outright 452 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 17925323 HAYNES ND 454 Miss 179 #*B/R New Day 454 HAYNES Miss Infocus 984 B B Traveler 610 S A V 004 Traveler 4113 #SF Wyola 9124 B B Margo 431 16419031 S F Wyola 3027 Westwind Canyon D J H 939 Westwind Wyola J L H 807
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +9 +.7 +76 +137 +13 +22 $M $W $F $G $B $C +52 +62 +90 +60 +150 +247 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +52 +.86 +.53 +.037 76 733 1203
Birth Date: 02-03-2021 Tattoo: 1130 Bull 20217373 #DL Sonic 444 #*KG Solution 0018 *DL Dually DL Barbara 792 18608253 *DL Incentive 2103 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39 #+*G A R Prophet #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 +*EXAR Lucy 3915 +G A R Objective 1885 18364278 +*EXAR Lucy 2944 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*EXAR Lucy 9703

9 S A Rangefinder 1104

Birth Date: 01-26-2021


#*GDAR Leupold 298 #*A A R Leupold 0578

Tattoo: 1104

*RAML Rangefinder 7536

*GDAR Miss Blackcap 9232 18894685 *RAML Royce 536 #TC Aberdeen 759

S A Zara Bev 9181

*RAML Royce 335 S A Rock Star 6151

19629381 S A Zara Bev 6112

*SydGen Rock Star 3461

SF Wyola 8114

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

SA Zara Bev 4140

Get a load of the growth and performance this low birth weight bull has to offer. If you want to add pounds to your first calf heifers, then you need Lot 9 on your team.

10 S A Rangefinder 1160

Royce 335

V Net Margin 7244

Charlene 8120

Carolyn 4030 S F Head of The Class 2009

F Caroline 2014

An attractively designed Rangefinder son that is loaded with quality and maternal strength.

S A Tombstone 1242

S A Rangefinder 1104 - Lot 9

S A Tombstone 1188

Smooth made with added power and performance just like many of his siblings. Tombstone progeny are impressive, and we feel confident you, the cattlemen, will appreciate their kind. Performance with style.

This bull is well balanced, stout in his design, sound at the ground and is equipped with a big sweeping rib cage. These Tombstone sons are the true definition of beef cattle with performance and style. Big time potential with this elite individual. Recommended for cows.

12 S A Tombstone 1299

M1P ]

A Tombstone 1169

Birth Date: 02-16-2021 Tattoo: 1299

Cowboy Up 5405


Outside 3008

Blackcap Lady 1602

Prophet 4071

Rita 6602

Upward 307R Sa Julia 5231

Upward 056

Julia 2243

Ruby 6501

Traveler 610

Julia 6164

Study the shape, bone, hip, body and overall presence this beast displays. It is hard to create cattle with this much presence and power in one package. If you’re in the market for a big-time herd bull prospect, grab on here.

4 Schreiber Angus 2-Year-Old
S A Tombstone 1242 - Lot 11 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+8 I+1.9 I+76 I+129 I+8 I+21 $M $W $F $G $B $C +65 +61 +81 +27 +108 +205 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +48 +.10 +.56 +.007 78 827 1310 13
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-25-2021 Tattoo: 1188 Bull 20210532 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008 *EXAR Tombstone 8034B #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 19030369 *EXAR Rita 6099 +*EXAR Prophet 4071 +*EXAR Rita 6602 TC Power Stroke 1228 #*TC Power Stroke 4118 Sa Marci 5152 TC Pleasant Mary 7102 18316849 SF Marci 9130 B B Traveler 610 SF Marci 6102
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 +1.9 +69 +127 +9 +20 $M $W $F $G $B $C +60 +51 +79 +39 +118 +213 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +39 +.48 +.25 +.023 80 811 N/A 14 S
Birth Date: 02-18-2021 Tattoo: 1169 Bull 20306237 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008 *EXAR Tombstone 8034B #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 19030369 *EXAR Rita 6099 +*EXAR Prophet 4071 +*EXAR Rita 6602 B B Best Answer 9084 S A V Final Answer 7300 SF Wyola 1199 B B Jill 124 17156086 SF Wyola 9165 S A V Net Margin 7244 S F Wyola Canyon 2008 Balanced trait bull that does a lot of things correctly. Power that offers genetic diversity. CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 +1.1 +77 +129 +9 +24 $M $W $F $G $B $C +74 +67 +103 +61 +164 +287 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +60 +.75 +.79 +.001 74 832 1310
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +1.4 +57 +98 +9 +17 $M $W $F $G $B $C +69 +43 +85 +32 +117 +221 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +34 +.23 +.49 +.005 82 709 1138
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-10-2021 Tattoo: 1160 Bull 20210576 #*GDAR Leupold 298 #*A
*RAML Rangefinder
18894685 *RAML
SF Margin
SF Carolyn
17642930 SF
A R Leupold 0578
Miss Blackcap 9232
Royce 536
Aberdeen 759
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 +2.0 +87 +153 +9 +22 $M $W $F $G $B $C +62 +67 +95 +32 +127 +227 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +57 +.23 +.58 +.018 80 881 1343 11
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 03-05-2021 Tattoo: 1242 Bull 20211347 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008 *EXAR Tombstone 8034B #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 19030369 *EXAR Rita 6099 +*EXAR Prophet 4071 +*EXAR Rita 6602 SA Beaver Boy 4218 +SF Beaver Boy 0102 S A Zara Bev 7242 TC Ruby 9003 19002363 SA Zara Bev 4121 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 SF Zara Bev 2214
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 +1.7 +78 +142 +9 +24 $M $W $F $G $B $C +56 +62 +97 +38 +135 +231 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +59 +.29 +.60 -.012 82 836 N/A
*EXAR Tombstone
19030369 *EXAR
18316858 SF
Rita 6099

15 S A Tombstone 1316 [ M1P ]

Tombstone 1316 is a phenotypic stunner with proud physical bearing, demonstrating power, presence and structural balance in every step that he takes.

S A Tombstone 1238

A smooth made, low birth weight bull with a calving ease conformation and a gentle disposition. His massive, big-bodied dam is quiet natured and stands on perfect feet.

S A Tombstone 1112

*EXAR Tombstone 8034B

Blackcap Lady 1602

S A Countrywide 1248 - Lot 19

19 S A Countrywide 1248

This low birth weight bull expresses a tremendous amount of muscle shape throughout. Out of a deep body, easy fleshing Broken Bow cow.

20 S A Countrywide 1231

Rita 6099

Prophet 4071

Rita 6602

Power Tool 9108

Eisa Erica 408

He is your late night, no worry, calving ease bull. 1112 is one that will put a look and power into his calf crop. If you like quality cattle that will grow and last, then you need Lot 17 in your herd.

S A Tombstone 1307

Birth Date: 04-10-2021

#*HA Cowboy Up 5405

Bull 20210573

Tattoo: 1307

*HA Outside 3008

*EXAR Tombstone 8034B #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602

19030369 *EXAR Rita 6099

+*EXAR Prophet 4071

+*EXAR Rita 6602 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36

#MCC Daybreak

This bull has the look, body and soundness that can be used on your cows.

21 S A Countrywide 1255

S A Zara Bev 6146

+*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18652601 SF Zara Bev 8145

S F New Design 3001

S F Zara 9BEV

When you take a good hard look at this heifer bull right here, I do not know how much more you can ask for. Not only is this bull phenotypically great, but he has muscle, body, and bone work to go with it. This double digit, negative birth weight bull will definitely catch your eye come sale day.

If you are in the market for a bull that will raise top end replacement females without sacrificing growth, then be sure not to overlook this herd bull.

5 Schreiber Angus 2-Year-Old
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 +.8 +72 +134 +10 +27 $M $W $F $G $B $C +72 +61 +105 +49 +154 +272 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +53 +.46 +.83 -.010 76 744 1242
Date: 03-08-2021 Tattoo: 1248 Bull 20210551 *TC Country Wide 401 *Flag Cross Country 90052 S A Country Wide 7104 +TC Chloe 1521 18888117 Sa Zara Bev 5253 TC Upward 056 SF Zara Bev 2209 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 S A Marcia 7114 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12 18902162 Sa Marcia 5111 #*Connealy Comrade 1385 SF Marcia 3100
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +2.5 +73 +121 +8 +32 $M $W $F $G $B $C +73 +68 +91 +26 +117 +225 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +55 +.10 +.52 +.012 86 879 1301
Date: 03-04-2021 Tattoo: 1231 Bull 20210565 *TC Country Wide 401 *Flag Cross Country 90052 S A Country Wide 7104 +TC Chloe 1521 18888117 Sa Zara Bev 5253 TC Upward 056 SF Zara Bev 2209 #+H A Image Maker 0415 #Hero 6267 of R R 2418 SF Lady Focus 2141 H A Rito Blackcap 9038 17431434 SF Lady Focus 0166 SF Destroyer 7122 SF Lady Focus 7137
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +6 +2.1 +79 +137 +9 +28 $M $W $F $G $B $C +79 +68 +106 +36 +142 +263 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +60 +.24 +.75 +.005 78 752 1254
Birth Date: 03-19-2021 Tattoo: 1255 Bull 20210570 *TC Country Wide 401 *Flag Cross Country 90052 S A Country Wide 7104 +TC Chloe 1521 18888117 Sa Zara Bev 5253 TC Upward 056 SF Zara Bev 2209 TC Power Stroke 1228 #*TC Power Stroke 4118 SA Wyola 4220 TC Pleasant Mary 7102 18042310 #SF Wyola 9145 S A V Net Margin 7244 S F Wyola Sitz 3004
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +9 +1.5 +71 +131 +9 +27 $M $W $F $G $B $C +52 +60 +90 +39 +130 +221 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +55 +.36 +.48 -.010 82 786 N/A
Birth Date: 02-14-2021 Tattoo: 1316 Bull 20306239 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008
Tombstone 8034B #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 19030369 *EXAR Rita 6099 +*EXAR Prophet 4071 +*EXAR Rita 6602 #+H A Image Maker 0415 #Hero 6267 of R R 2418 #SF Marci 2186 H A Rito Blackcap 9038 17431433 SF Marci 0168 B B Traveler 610 Westwind Marci D J H 886
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 +1.3 +72 +137 +10 +21 $M $W $F $G $B $C +38 +53 +102 +42 +144 +225 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +55 +.41 +.60 +.001 76 785 1281 16
Birth Date: 03-06-2021 Tattoo: 1238 Bull 20210533 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008 *EXAR Tombstone 8034B #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 19030369 *EXAR Rita 6099 +*EXAR Prophet 4071 +*EXAR Rita 6602 *Gardens Timex P257 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +S A New Design 6131 Green Garden Ella H256 18660955 +*BJ 5050 New Design 9162 #+G A R New Design 5050 +*BJ 1i2 Rito 6115
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +10 +.8 +69 +125 +10 +23 $M $W $F $G $B $C +66 +57 +82 +39 +121 +223 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +45 +.30 +.65 -.014 70 801 1225 17
Date: 01-28-2021 Tattoo: 1112 Bull 20210585 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 *HA Outside 3008
19030369 *EXAR
19625837 SF
A Power Tool 6153
Cynthia 9225
Cynthia 3120
Cynthia 1164
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +12 -.1 +68 +126 +11 +22 $M $W $F $G $B $C +39 +55 +95 +36 +131 +209 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+59 I+.20 I+.70 I-.021 70 686 N/A 18

S A Fortify 1230 - Lot 22

22 S A Fortify 1230

Birth Date: 03-04-2021


#+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743


Tattoo: 1230

S A Monumental 1338

Jindra Fortify

*Baldridge Isabel Y69 19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016

Epic 4631

Empress 4055

Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016

Product 2010 04

Queen 1072

Denver 2002B

Empress 2733

Not only is this calving deluxe sire moderate in his frame and long spined, but he is built on calving ease and performance on the bottom side of his pedigree. This bull is bred to be predictable.

23 S A Fortify 1322

Birth Date: 02-11-2021


Colonel C251

Xpand x743

Isabel Y69



This stout made, rugged beef bull out of Fortify is one you will like. If you are in the business of selling calves at weaning time, you need Lot 23. This powerhouse bull reads with growth on paper.

24 S A Fortify 1151

Birth Date: 02-21-2021

Jindra Fortify

Bull 20210547

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251

19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016

SF Marci 2174

TC Upward 056

17480307 SF Marci 6102

26 S A Hercules 1125

Tattoo: 1151

+baldridge Xpand x743

*Baldridge Isabel Y69

#*Connealy Guinness

+Jindra Enchantress J 301 016

#*Sitz Upward 307R

TC Ruby 6501

#Morgans Direction 111 9901 SF Marci 4033

Moderate framed, extra stout Fortify son that can be used on cows.

6 Schreiber Angus 2-Year-Old
S A Hercules 1125
Bulls S A
1338 - Lot 25
- Lot
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+5 I+1.2 I+61 I+112 I+12 I+25 $M $W $F $G $B $C +47 +55 +97 +56 +153 +245 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +49 +.81 +.47 +.037 86 747 1185
Birth Date: 02-08-2021 Tattoo: 1338 Bull +20217556 #3F Epic 4631 *Varilek Product 2010 04 *EXAR Monumental 6056B Zebo Queen 1072 18379347 *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*FWY Rita C085 *TC Tank 7101 #M A Broadside 1334-822 TC Lucy 0015 #TC Barbara 3088 16764214 +TC Lucy 8051 #Sitz Tradition RLS 8702 #TC Lucy 9168
stock bull with thickness, muscle and capacity in a rugged-build package. His front pasture dam is an embryo donor with ideal body type, impeccable udder quality and a stellar production record. CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 +.5 +52 +97 +10 +24 $M $W $F $G $B $C +77 +45 +88 +60 +148 +269 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +41 +.86 +.54 +.038 80 708 1118
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-01-2021 Tattoo: 1125 Bull 20210567 #+*Baldridge Titan A139 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 *Hart Hercules 7017 Baldridge Forever Lady T269 18942458 Hart Queen
Hart Queen
SF Wyola
SF Charlene
17642931 SF Wyola 6104 #Bon View New Design 878 SF Wyola 4023
Recommended for use on larger framed heifers and cows. CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +1.3 +65 +126 +11 +29 $M $W $F $G $B $C +55 +56 +100 +62 +162 +265 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +50 +.85 +.55 +.008 78 729 1246
Perfecta 5179
Cavalry 1149
Perfecta 3304 SF Margin 0147
Net Margin 7244
Smooth made with
power and performance.
19401863 *EXAR
S A Empress 8110 Zebo
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK -2 +2.7 +74 +132 +8 +34 $M $W $F $G $B $C +55 +69 +100 +63 +163 +266 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +56 +.79 +.79 +0 88 815 N/A
19316118 Jindra
#3F Epic 4631 *Varilek Product 2010 04 EXAR Elba 8540 Zebo Queen 1072 19030422 #+EXAR Elba 7083 #*EXAR Counsel 1016B Summitcrest Elba 1M17
Blackbird Lassy J 016
Enchantress J 301 016
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +3 +1.1 +59 +99 +8 +35 $M $W $F $G $B $C +80 +63 +73 +43 +116 +230 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +36 +.37 +.75 +0 84 792 1123

27 S A Hercules 1165 [


S A Mutual Fund 1184

Calving ease and performance are both economically important traits in the cattle business and these Mutual Fund sons consistently do both. Powerful built bull with eye appeal, performance and structural integrity.

This is what you would call a well-rounded bull that will make significant strides to your cattle operation.


Mutual Fund 1161

Loaded with maternal strength, body and power. Big spread bull with added phenotype that has a pedigree stacked with performance.

a high quality, thick, heifer bull that will give his calves the power they need. Here is a prime example of breeding growth and calving ease all into one package.

7 Schreiber Angus
S A Mutual Fund 1161 - Lot 29 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +9 +1.5 +72 +126 +11 +28 $M $W $F $G $B $C +53 +64 +81 +54 +134 +227 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +42 +.61 +.79 +.010 80 733 1176 30 S
Birth Date: 02-07-2021 Tattoo: 1170 Bull 20210572 +*Deer Valley Growth Fund #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *EXAR Mutual Fund 9195B +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 19380934 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3040 +*G A R Daylight +*G A R 5050 New Design 0546 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak S A Blackbird 6136 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18652603 +*Hedgewood Blackbird 271 #*Connealy Final Product Riverbend Blackbird U195
2-Year-Old Bulls S A
Fund 1235 - Lot 31
A Mutual Fund 1170
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +10 +.6 +73 +123 +11 +29 $M $W $F $G $B $C +66 +69 +88 +58 +147 +257 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +51 +.70 +.79 +.002 74 777 1190 31 S A Mutual Fund 1235 [ M1P ] Birth Date: 03-03-2021 Tattoo: 1235 Bull 20210530 +*Deer Valley Growth Fund #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *EXAR Mutual Fund 9195B +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 19380934 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3040 +*G A R Daylight +*G A R 5050 New Design 0546 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #MCC Daybreak S A Zara Bev 7165 +*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 18902220 SF Zara 9bev 0173 S A V Net Margin 7244 SF Zara 9BEV 7153
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +6 +2.8 +67 +119 +12 +21 $M $W $F $G $B $C +83 +49 +103 +54 +157 +287 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +55 +.61 +.88 +.014 88 754 1197
M1P ] Birth Date: 02-11-2021 Tattoo: 1165 Bull 20210577 #+*Baldridge Titan A139 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 *Hart Hercules 7017 Baldridge Forever Lady T269 18942458 Hart Queen Perfecta 5179 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 Hart Queen Perfecta 3304 #*WMR Infinity 141 #WMR Timeless 458 Sa Marci 5124 WMR Blackcap 912 18316802 SF Marci 3188 TC Upward 056 SF Marci 0162 1165 is stout hipped and big
from end to end. CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 +1.4 +78 +137 +10 +30 $M $W $F $G $B $C +63 +70 +89 +36 +125 +225 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +50 +.38 +.47 +.039 78 825 1311
bodied and loaded with power
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-24-2021 Tattoo: 1184 Bull 20210581 +*Deer Valley Growth Fund #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *EXAR Mutual Fund 9195B +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 19380934 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3040 +*G A R Daylight +*G A R 5050 New Design 0546 SA Infinity 4105 #*WMR Infinity 141 S A Wyola 7212 #SF Heiress 2120 18902214 SF Wyola 7199 S F New Design 3001 SF Wyola 4005
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +9 +1.7 +74 +132 +11 +29 $M $W $F $G $B $C +50 +66 +90 +46 +137 +228 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +50 +.52 +.55 +.006 82 804 1276
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-21-2021 Tattoo: 1161 Bull
+*Deer Valley
Fund #+*Basin
Mutual Fund 9195B +*Deer
19380934 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3040 +*G A R
+*G A R
TC Upward
SF Fancy
17431457 TC Fancy Ruby
WK Fancy
Payweight 1682 *EXAR
Valley Rita 36113
5050 New Design 0546
Upward 307R
Ruby 2102
Ruby 6501
Freedom 104

This solid made heifer bull is well balanced, big bodied, thick topped and sound on his feet and legs. This is one complete bull that will sire calves to meet all your demands.

S A Epic 1157 - Lot 32

32 S A Epic 1157

1157 is a powerful performance outcross with excellent maternal value. An early maturing bull with superior stoutness and muscle shape in a moderate framed package.

33 S A Epic 1254 [

36 S A Acclaim 1180

1254 offers a very balanced EPD profile that excels in performance; value added muscle and maternal strength.

34 S A Epic 1240

Here is another solid made, easy keeping heifer bull. This twin is a very practical, structurally correct and sound footed heifer bull who will sire low birth weight calves that hit the ground running.

1240 is one wide bodied, bold rib, thick topped bull that will produce pounds. You can tell from the picture how much look and power he’ll put into his calves.

8 Schreiber Angus 2-Year-Old
Epic 1240
Bulls S A
- Lot 34
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +7 +1.1 +70 +140 +8 +23 $M $W $F $G $B $C +65 +52 +112 +39 +151 +261 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +54 +.37 +.53 +.012 74 712 1302
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 03-08-2021 Tattoo: 1244 Bull 20210544 #3F Epic 4631 *Varilek Product 2010 04 S A Epic 8149 Zebo Queen 1072 19401860 TC Lass 0085 *TC Tank 7101 #TC Lass 7002 *TC Country Wide 401 *Flag Cross Country 90052 S A Marci 8174 +TC Chloe 1521 19327374 S A Marci 6117 #*Connealy Comrade 1385 SA Marci 4201
35 S A Epic 1244
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+4 I+1.6 I+57 I+105 I+9 I+28 $M $W $F $G $B $C +51 +51 +102 +44 +146 +240 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +50 +.47 +.47 -.002 62 740 1246
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-06-2021 Tattoo: 1180 Bull 20306263 *Jindra 3rd Dimension #*Jindra Double Vision #*Jindra Acclaim Jindras Sapphire J 417 17972810 +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 #*Connealy Impression Jindras Enchantress J 102 B B Best Answer 9084 S A V Final Answer 7300 SF Cynthia 1203 B B Jill 124 17159412 SF Cynthia 9127 B B Traveler 610 SF Cynthia 6139
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +7 +.7 +65 +122 +11 +27 $M $W $F $G $B $C +76 +56 +102 +41 +144 +263 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +55 +.43 +.52 +.010 84 825 N/A
Birth Date: 02-21-2021 Tattoo: 1157 Bull 20306246 #3F Epic 4631 *Varilek Product 2010 04 S A Epic 8149 Zebo Queen 1072 19401860 TC Lass 0085 *TC Tank 7101 #TC Lass 7002 TC CC&7 131 #*SydGen C C & 7 SA Beverly 4100 #+TC Chloe 2036 18042315 SF Beverly 1132 #*SydGen C C & 7 SF Zara Bev 9137
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +1.0 +70 +125 +11 +32 $M $W $F $G $B $C +58 +66 +100 +34 +134 +232 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +64 +.35 +.53 +.057 80 849 1291
Birth Date: 03-12-2021 Tattoo: 1254 Bull 20210536 #3F Epic 4631 *Varilek Product 2010 04 S A Epic 8149 Zebo Queen 1072 19401860 TC Lass 0085 *TC Tank 7101 #TC Lass 7002 #*Connealy Final Product *Connealy Product 568 SF Cynthia 3108 #Ebonista of Conanga 471 17648376 SF Cynthia 1208 B B Traveler 610 SF Cynthia 1116
M1P ]
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +1.6 +69 +130 +8 +31 $M $W $F $G $B $C +67 +61 +109 +47 +156 +269 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +64 +.48 +.72 +.002 80 831 1333
Birth Date: 03-05-2021 Tattoo: 1240 Bull 20210574 #3F Epic 4631 *Varilek Product 2010 04 S A Epic 8149 Zebo Queen 1072 19401860 TC Lass 0085 *TC Tank 7101 #TC Lass 7002 #*JMB Traction 292 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Hedgewood Eisa Erica 408 *JMB Emulota 013 17908005 +Hedgewood Eisa Erica 224 #*Kesslers Frontman R001 +Hedgewood Eisa Erica 632

2-Year-Old Bulls

37 S A Dually 1122

This calving ease specialist will certainly put muscle, body and mass all into one. I promise you will most definitely find this bull in the pens come sale day. He is a flush mate to Lot 38. If you’re in the need for low birth and high growth, then SA

1122 is what you need.

38 S A Dually 1350

1350 is one massive, big body easy fleshing kind. This soft centered, sound structured bull will add mass and body to your first calf heifer group. He is a flush mate to Lot 37.

39 S A Dually 1133

1133 is much like his father. This guy is what you call a beef bull. He is one powerfully constructed bull that is deep bodied but has a lot of rib shape to go with it. This bull right here will put the maternal power you want back into your replacement lot. Recommended for cows.

40 S A

Dually 1181



S A Dually 1122 - LOT 37

41 S A Dually 1286

If you want power and performance, take a look at this Dually son. This bull turned out on the mature cows will bring a whopper of a set of calves to the scales at weaning time.

This bull is really stout and comes in a moderate package. Balanced trait bull that does a lot of things correctly. Recommended for use on cows or larger framed heifers.

Schreiber Angus
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+6 I+1.1 I+73 I+135 I+8 I+21 $M $W $F $G $B $C +44 +62 +86 +54 +140 +226 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +36 +.82 +.28 +.044 78 711 1071
Date: 01-29-2021 Tattoo: 1122 Bull +20217438 #DL Sonic 444 #*KG Solution 0018 *DL Dually DL Barbara 792 18608253 *DL Incentive 2103 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39 +Basin Expedition U487 +Basin Expedition R850 EXAR Lucy 7212 Basin Lady 9072 17305629 +BoBo Lucy 9680 #21AR Roundup 7005 +Basin Lucy 6433
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+6 I+1.1 I+73 I+135 I+8 I+21 $M $W $F $G $B $C +44 +62 +95 +55 +150 +239 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +55 +.81 +.37 +.034 80 790 1276
Birth Date: 02-05-2021 Tattoo: 1350 Bull +20217437 #DL Sonic 444 #*KG Solution 0018 *DL Dually DL Barbara 792 18608253 *DL Incentive 2103 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39 +Basin Expedition U487 +Basin Expedition R850 EXAR Lucy 7212 Basin Lady 9072 17305629 +BoBo Lucy 9680 #21AR Roundup 7005 +Basin Lucy 6433
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +2 +2.1 +85 +128 +8 +29 $M $W $F $G $B $C +84 +80 +99 +42 +141 +267 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +67 +.46 +.56 +.025 80 921 1116
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 03-26-2021 Tattoo: 1286 Bull 20210587 *DL Dually #DL Sonic 444 *3F Dually 8616 *DL Incentive 2103 19415026 Belle Rita K506 Basin Big Sky 477U *Werner Rita 4036 SA Beaver Boy 4209 +SF Beaver Boy 0102 S A Wyola Sitz 9153 SF Caroline 8119 19625850 S A Wyola Sitz 6140 +*TC Total 267 SF Wyola Sitz 3117
S A Dually 1181 - LOT 40 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +1.0 +72 +118 +10 +21 $M $W $F $G $B $C +70 +62 +82 +40 +121 +227 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +47 +.52 +.40 +.062 90 842 1098
Birth Date: 02-05-2021 Tattoo: 1133 Bull 20217429 #DL Sonic 444 #*KG Solution 0018 *DL Dually DL Barbara 792 18608253 *DL Incentive 2103 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39 *TC Forthright 9284 #*Connealy Right Answer 746 TC Lady Allison 4008 #TC Marcia 1069 17912458 TC Lady Allison 2008 #*Connealy Irish 0204 TC Lady Allison 0030
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +2.2 +79 +136 +10 +22 $M $W $F $G $B $C +64 +62 +95 +41 +136 +240 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW +58 +.48 +.48 +.032 80 843 1337
Birth Date: 02-06-2021 Tattoo: 1181 Bull 20217428 #DL Sonic 444 #*KG Solution 0018 *DL Dually DL Barbara 792 18608253 *DL Incentive 2103 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39 SF Image Maker 1111 #+H A Image Maker 0415 SA Cynthia 4152 #SF Wyola 9124 18042345 SF Cynthia 9142 Hoff Banker 0323 404 S F Cynthia 3014

7 1116 - Lot 42

42 S A CC & 7 1116

Birth Date: 01-30-2021 Tattoo: 1116J Bull 4019515 SYDGEN C C & 7 S A F CONNECTION TC CC&7 131 SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 4087 3678640 TC CHLOE 2036




This percentage Simmental bull is an impressive individual and is backed by several great cow families. He is stout featured, sound and loaded with phenotype. If you are looking for a little extra punch in your calf crop, these percentage Simmental bulls will certainly do that for you.


Fall bulls

We loved the power, bone, hip and overall design of 1108, and I think you’ll see why when you see this Sim Angus bull on sale day. A big spread two-year-old son of Tombstone that will sire pounds. Although our numbers of Simmental bulls are lower, the quality is definitely deep. If you sell your calves by the pound, then you better get a good look at this herd bull.

Commercial bull

44 S A MR Roller 1175

Birth Date: 02-22-2023

Miss Stocky 64W

SF Estelle 0149

S A Fortify 1352 - Lot 45

45 S A Fortify 1352

Birth Date: 09-26-2021

20562768 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251

Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016

Blackcap D272

Xpand x743

Isabel Y69

Enchantress J 301 016

A R Index 3282 #+G A R Ingenuity

Blackbird 8809


Blackcap Z002

Use him on heifers, use him on cows, heck use him on the entire herd. This good footed, extremely sound made individual is pleasing to the eye as well as genomics with pedigree appeal. Get your business plans together, because this stud has limitless earning potential in the seed stock and commercial sector


SAV Net Margin 7244



Rounding out the two-year-old division is another great MR Roller son. He is ½ Simmental and ½ Angus out of a commercial cow. This bull has the look, body and soundness that can be used on your cows. Out of a commercial Angus cow, he still gives you all that you want and need in a bull. It was an easy decision to offer him in the sale.

S A Fortify 1342 - Lot 46

46 S A Fortify 1342

Birth Date: 09-30-2021


Bull 20562774

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743

Blackbird Lassy J 016

Tattoo: 1342

This is a stud that will flat add pounds to his calf crop backed by a proven Bismarck dam. A true breeding piece in this tremendous herd sire that checks all of the boxes. Recommended for use on cows.

10 Schreiber Angus Sim-angus
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +.6 +59 +114 +11 +34 $M $W $F $G $B $C +59 +60 +92 +47 +139 +239 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+41 I+.50 I+.62 I-.005 78 N/A N/A
18449895 Riverbend
#*Connealy Guinness
Final Product
Blackcap X157
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +0 +2.4 +64 +114 +7 +28 $M $W $F $G $B $C +76 +55 +94 +46 +140 +258 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+43 I+.43 I+.68 I-.018 86 N/A N/A
19316118 Jindra
+SF Beaver
#+S A V Bismarck 5682 Sa Carolyn 5260 +S A V Emblynette 5118 18316830 #SF Carolyn 1190 B B Best Answer 9084 SF Carolyn 9134
Isabel Y69
Guinness +Jindra
J 301 016
Boy 0102
Bull HSF
High Roller 12T HSF MR Roller 64w E64 3270045
84 688 1164
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK API TI +13.1 -0.5 +63 +100.4 +22.4 +120.5 +69.9
12T S A CYNTHIA 9248 HSF MISS STOCKY 64W 3679370 SA CYNTHIA 5218 SF FINAL PRODUCT 3153 SF CYNTHIA 1209 CW +30.7 Marb +0.38 RE +0.37 FAT -0.013
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK API TI +15.1 -0.5 +84.8 +143.6 +21.2 +126.4 +79.7
Birth Date: 01-28-2021 Tattoo: 1108J Bull 4019513 HA COWBOY UP 5405 HA OUTSIDE 3008 EXAR TOMBSTONE 8034B HA BLACKCAP LADY 1602 4012920 EXAR RITA 6099 EXAR PROPHET 4071 EXAR RITA 6602 HSF MR ROLLER 64W E64 HSF HIGH ROLLER 12T S A WYOLA 9243 HSF MISS STOCKY 64W 3679369 SA WYOLA 5147 TC UPWARD 056 SF WYOLA 9145 CW +51.7 Marb +0.22 RE +0.43 FAT -0.006

S A Fortify 1375 - Lot 47

47 S A Fortify 1375

Birth Date: 09-29-2021

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251

Fall Bulls

50 S A Fortify 1366

Bull 20562778

1366 is a big, powerful bull with top of the breed performance and a maternally driven pedigree. He will be a game changer for adding pounds to your calf crop and maternal value to your cow herd. Use on heifers and cows.

+baldridge Xpand x743

Tattoo: 1375

Jindra Fortify

*Baldridge Isabel Y69 19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016

Top Game 561X

Isabel 226


1375 is a genetic treasure with maternal excellence and phenotypic power. He demonstrates true muscle, volume, dimension and structural integrity. Keep every daughter and advance your cow herd in the right direction with this calving ease bull.

S A Fortify 1373

Blackbird Lassy J 016


Isabel Y69


Enchantress J 301 016

S A Fortify 1381 - Lot 51

51 S A Fortify 1381

A low birth weight bull that can be used on heifers without sacrificing thickness, muscle and capacity

49 S A Fortify 1345

Birth Date: 10-05-2021

Jindra Fortify

Bull 20562777

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251

19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016

S A Zara Bev 7409


SA Top Game 4301

SF Zara Bev 1155

Tattoo: 1345

+baldridge Xpand x743

*Baldridge Isabel Y69

#*Connealy Guinness

+Jindra Enchantress J 301 016

#*Sitz Top Game 561X

+Hedgewood Isabel 226

S A V Net Margin 7244

SF Zara Bev 4006

A powerfully constructed herd bull prospect. He is stout rumped and thick with muscle volume and extra bone. Rugged built for the ranch world. Guaranteed to add pounds to your calf crop, and you’ll want to keep every daughter out of him.

An award winning combination of calving ease with outstanding phenotype, performance and maternal cow power. His heavy milking dam by Rock Star is the productive kind.

S A Fortify 1345 - Lot

11 Schreiber Angus
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +6 +.4 +72 +123 +11 +32 $M $W $F $G $B $C +86 +71 +90 +51 +141 +269 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+49 I+.58 I+.65 I+.003 72 N/A N/A
Date: 10-22-2021 Tattoo: 1366 Bull 20562780 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016 S A Power Tool 6108 #+*PA Power Tool 9108 S A Zara Bev 8413 SA Wyola 4220 19327917 SA Zara Bev 4173 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 #SF Zara Bev 2110
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +.7 +67 +116 +10 +36 $M $W $F $G $B $C +79 +69 +93 +49 +142 +263 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+49 I+.49 I+.76 I-.005 76 N/A N/A
Tattoo: 1381 Bull 20562781
Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify *Baldridge
19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016 S A Rock Star 6151 *SydGen Rock Star 3461 S A Wyola 8428 SF Wyola 8114 19327919 SF Wyola 3129 TC Upward 056 #SF Wyola 0107
Birth Date: 10-16-2021
Isabel Y69
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +9 -1.0 +65 +116 +12 +33 $M $W $F $G $B $C +81 +66 +84 N/A N/A N/A CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW N/A N/A N/A N/A 68 N/A N/A
SA Top Game 4301 #*Sitz
S A Marci 8401 +Hedgewood
19327921 S A Marci 6259 *Gardens
P257 SA Marci
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +.4 +52 +95 +9 +32 $M $W $F $G $B $C +77 +53 +86 +51 +138 +256 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+38 I+.60 I+.59 I+0 78 N/A N/A 48
Birth Date: 10-25-2021 Tattoo: 1373 Bull 20562770 #+*Baldridge
C251 +baldridge
Fortify *Baldridge
19316118 Jindra
Gardens Prime Star H290 #*Gardens
SF Cynthia 3111 Green
17662243 SF Cynthia 1187 S A V Net
SF Cynthia
Prime Star
Garden Sophie E268
Margin 7244
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +2 +2.1 +71 +125 +9 +34 $M $W $F $G $B $C +70 +70 +105 +47 +153 +268 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+59 I+.41 I+.83 I-.019 78 N/A N/A

Fall Bulls

55 S A Fortify 1349

S A Fortify 1343 - Lot 52

52 S A Fortify 1343

1349 is a powerfully built stud with incredible length, muscle and masculinity.

56 S A Fortify 1363

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251

Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify

Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016

Isabel Y69


Enchantress J 301 016

C C & 7

Chloe 2036

Traveler 610

Wyola Sitz 7142

Nothing satisfies like beef and this bull is pure beef. He is extra thick, stout rumped and loaded with muscle. He’s the kind ranchers demand and search for.

53 S A Fortify 1344

20562772 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251

Blackbird Lassy J 016

Xpand x743

Isabel Y69


Enchantress J 301 016

131 #*SydGen C C & 7 SA Fancy Ruby 4107 #+TC Chloe 2036

SF Fancy Ruby 1158

Power Stroke 4118 TC Fancy Ruby 5047

A thickset, wide based, solid built bull with muscle and stoutness. He will enhance a cow herd with fleshing ease, moderation and structural integrity.

54 S A Fortify 1378

Birth Date: 11-20-2021

Jindra Fortify

Bull 20562782

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743

19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016

#3F Epic 4631

*3F Primrose 6846


3F Primrose 2831

Tattoo: 1378

*Baldridge Isabel Y69

#*Connealy Guinness

+Jindra Enchantress J 301 016

*Varilek Product 2010 04

Zebo Queen 1072

+3F Emulation 83

+3F Primrose 038

A reliable calving ease bull with the maternally proven Primrose cow family to back him. A sleep all night heifer bull with thickness, muscle, moderation and a strong maternal advantage.


A cowman’s bull with volume, capacity and natural fleshing ability to thrive in range country and produce daughters that will do the same. He will sire the pounds that pay the bills.

57 S A Fortify 1365

J 301 016

*Gardens Timex P257 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A S A Wyola 7210 Green Garden Ella H256 18902217 SF Wyola 9157 B B Traveler 610 SF Wyola 6127

58 S A Fortify 1347

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify

Blackbird Lassy J 016

Isabel Y69


Enchantress J 301 016

A V Protector 0501 #S A V Pioneer 7301

SF Wyola 3183 +S A V Elba 6662 17642974 SF Wyola 9141

A calving ease bull with curve bending numbers and a distinct maternal and carcass advantage. CED


He is stylish, thick, deep bodied and soft made with muscle and moderation. A heifer bull with superb docility.

12 Schreiber Angus
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +1.0 +60 +111 +9 +32 $M $W $F $G $B $C +75 +58 +83 +43 +126 +238 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+33 I+.43 I+.59 I+.004 82 N/A N/A
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 10-02-2021 Tattoo: 1349 Bull 20562775 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016 #*Mill Bar Hickok 7242 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 S A Wyola 7137 Mill Bar Bemindful Maid 6304 18902165 Sa Wyola 5225 SF Impression 3155 SF Wyola 6127
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +1.3 +58 +106 +10 +31 $M $W $F $G $B $C +62 +58 +86 +62 +149 +255 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+37 I+.77 I+.72 I-.019 80 N/A N/A
Date: 09-20-2021 Tattoo: 1363 Bull 20562767
Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 #+*GAR-EGL
17892439 *EXAR
Rita 4932
Blackcap T163
Rita 1213
Rita 81468
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +1 +1.7 +63 +111 +9 +32
$W $F $G $B $C +73 +60 +91 +53 +144 +260 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+47 I+.58 I+.75 I-.006 78 N/A N/A
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 10-10-2021 Tattoo: 1365 Bull 20562776 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress
BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +.1 +53 +102 +10 +31
$M $W $F $G
$C +71 +52 +90 +42 +132 +242
FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+40 I+.43 I+.51 I-.004 76 N/A N/A
CW Marb RE
M1P ]
Birth Date: 10-10-2021
1347 Bull 20562771
19316118 Jindra
Hoff Banker
404 SF Wyola 4005
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +.5 +62 +111 +10 +36 $M $W $F $G $B $C +72 +64 +91 +40 +132 +243 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+45 I+.32 I+.67 I-.015 74 N/A N/A
M1P ]
18316808 SF
Sa Wyola 5167
Wyola 1211 B B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +3 +1.5 +65 +117 +10 +33 $M $W $F $G $B $C +70 +62 +92 +47 +139 +250 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+41 I+.50 I+.55 I-.011 82 N/A N/A
[ M1P ]
19316118 Jindra
Birth Date: 10-01-2021 Tattoo: 1344
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +9 -.9 +63 +116 +15 +32 $M $W $F $G $B $C +56 +65 +94 +54 +148 +248 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+50 I+.64 I+.72 I+.007 72 N/A N/A

59 S A Fortify 1353

Fall Bulls

61 S A Fortify 1372

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251

Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify

Blackbird Lassy J 016

Isabel Y69

Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016

Upward 307R


A stellar calving ease outcross with profit driving performance and a no-hole EPD package. Backed by one of the strongest maternal lines in the business.

60 S A Fortify 1340 [ DDP ]

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251

Xpand x743

Isabel Y69

A big, long bodied, high powered Fortify bull with a big engine and plenty of gas in his tank. He will sire feeder calves that grow, gain and top the market. A heifer bull you’ll want to keep every replacement daughter out of.

Yearling bulls

62 S A Mutual Fund 2114 [

We love this Mutual Fund son. When you study this bull, it is simply amazing how he ties together muscle, body capacity and length of spine. 2114 is a rugged, powerhouse bull that still has visual appearance that is second to none. If you are trying to make significant strides with your herd of cattle, we highly recommend this bull. Recommended for heifers.

63 S A Iconic 2146




This SA Iconic son is rock solid. You cannot find a hole in him. This solid made heifer bull is well balanced, big bodied, thick topped and sound on his feet and legs. This is one complete bull that will sire calves to meet all your demands. 2146 comes from a remarkable cow that doesn’t miss.

Schreiber Angus
63 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +8 -.9 +59 +96 +11 +34 $M $W $F $G $B $C +87 +66 +74 +48 +122 +245 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+39 I+.52 I+.60 I-.005 68 N/A N/A
S A Mutual Fund 2114 - Lot 62 S A
2146 - Lot
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 10-10-2021 Tattoo: 1372 Bull 20562779 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 +baldridge Xpand x743 Jindra Fortify *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19316118 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016 S A Power Tool 6108 #+*PA Power Tool 9108 S A Pride 8402 SA Wyola 4220 19327916 SA Pride 4125 SF Image Maker 1111 #TC Pride 4070
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +.2 +57 +101 +10 +33 $M $W $F $G $B $C +64 +59 +85 +40 +125 +226 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+40 I+.33 I+.62 I-.015 76 N/A N/A
Birth Date: 09-20-2021 Tattoo: 1353 Bull 20562769
TC Upward 056 #*Sitz
SF Pride 2105 TC
17431459 #TC Pride 4070 #B C
#TC Pride
Ruby 6501
C Bushwacker 41-93
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +0 +56 +99 +11 +33 $M $W $F $G $B $C +59 +60 +86 +49 +136 +235 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+40 I+.55 I+.65 I+.002 70 N/A N/A
Birth Date: 09-19-2021 Tattoo: 1340 Bull 20562783
Lassy J 016 #*Connealy Guinness +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016 #+S A V Mandan 5664 #S A V 8180 Traveler 004 SF Zara Bev 0152 S A V Abigale 0451 16839158 SF Zara Bev 8179 B B 1407 Design 421 SF Zara Bev 4025
big, stout bruiser who will add real pounds to your calf crop and dollars to your bottom line. CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+9 I+1.0 I+77 I+139 I+9 I+28 $M $W $F $G $B $C +62 +67 +88 +43 +131 +232 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+49 I+.41 I+.68 I+.005 70 N/A N/A
Jindra Fortify
Jindra Blackbird
M1P ] Birth Date: 01-28-2022 Tattoo: 2114 Bull 20570486 +*Deer Valley Growth Fund #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *EXAR Mutual Fund 9195B +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 19380934 +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3040 +*G A R Daylight +*G A R 5050 New Design 0546 *EXAR Tombstone 8034B #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 S A Julia 0268 *EXAR Rita 6099 19937524 SF Julia 2243 B B Traveler 610 SF Julia 6164
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+8 I+.5 I+73 I+128 I+9 I+31 $M $W $F $G $B $C +59 +69 +95 +68 +163 +270 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+53 I+1.03 I+.65 I+.050 70 N/A N/A
Stunner #+*LD Capitalist
*DB Iconic G95 #MCATL Blackbird
19611994 *DB Ms Discovery D13 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 #*K C F Bennett Absolute #*S A V Final Answer 0035 +S A Joy 8115 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 19327904 +EXAR Joy 4938 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Basin Joy 6278

Yearling Bulls

67 S A Field General 2198

S A Nuke 2151 - Lot 64

64 S A Nuke 2151

Here is a big, long-bodied, performance bull out of a superb dam. She is a model cow with a perfect udder and a production record second to none. You’ll want to keep every female out of this bull.

We really appreciate the volume and overall capacity and dimension we see in our Nuke offspring, and this bull is true to course. Look at the muscle shape and mass that this bull exhibits. He has been a standout since birth and will really add some meat and muscle to your next calf crop.

65 S A Nuke 2152 [ M1P



Broken Bow 002

Annie K48


Marcia 7069

Consensus 7229

2152 has been a standout since day one. Demonstrating phenotypic power and presence with every step he takes – the kind that gets noticed every time you check the pasture.

66 S A Nuke 2161

Broken Bow 002

Annie K48

A performance and maternal front-runner by Nuke with size, length, volume and pounds

14 Schreiber Angus
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+7 I+1.4 I+76 I+129 I+10 I+21 $M $W $F $G $B $C +66 +62 +96 +41 +138 +245 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+57 I+.44 I+.52 I+.016 86 N/A N/A
Birth Date: 02-06-2022 Tattoo: 2151 Bull 20570519 *Casino Bomber N33 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 +*TC Bomber 9134 #*Casino Annie K48 19582116 #*TC Marcia 0181 #Connealy Thunder #+*TC Marcia 7069 TC Upward 056 #*Sitz Upward 307R Sa Wyola 5173 TC Ruby 6501 18316845 SF Wyola 4005 +B B Westwind Bando 5175 245 Westwind Wyola 707
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+7 I+1.1 I+72 I+124 I+7 I+19 $M $W $F $G $B $C +82 +57 +93 +46 +139 +262 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+47 I+.54 I+.54 I+.017 90 N/A N/A
] Birth
+*TC Bomber
19582116 #*TC
S A Marci 6117 Happy
18652655 SA Marci 4201 +SF Beaver
SF Marci
Date: 02-06-2022
Bomber N33
Marcia 0181
Comrade 1385
Gee of Conanga 919
Boy 0102
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+9 I+.1 I+80 I+132 I+9 I+25 $M $W $F $G $B $C +84 +72 +95 +55 +150 +279 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+59 I+.68 I+.69 I+.018 88 N/A N/A
+*TC Bomber
19582116 #*TC Marcia
S A Rock
S A Zara Bev 9181 SF Wyola
19629381 S A Zara Bev 6112 #*Connealy Comrade 1385 SA Zara Bev 4140
Birth Date: 02-07-2022
Bomber N33
Marcia 7069
Star 6151
Rock Star 3461
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK I+8 I+1.5 I+65 I+114 I+10 I+32 $M $W $F $G $B $C +73 +63 +97 +58 +154 +273 CW Marb RE FAT BW ADJ. WW ADJ. YW I+51 I+.69 I+.77 I+.002 84 N/A N/A
[ M1P ] Birth Date: 02-13-2022 Tattoo: 2198 Bull 20581523 *E W A Peyton 642 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 +*DE-SU Field General #+*E W A 444 of 968 Progress 19352488 +*E W A 3128 of 9O67 Weigh Up #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +*Rita 9O67 of Rita 5M13 Obj TC Power Stroke 1228 #*TC Power Stroke 4118 S A Cynthia 7130 TC Pleasant Mary 7102 18902227 SF Cynthia 1208 B B Traveler 610 SF Cynthia 1116

TC Strong Hold 190

A TC Strong Hold 190

Stronghold will be a true treasure to add to any herd. He is a performance powerhouse with remarkable length, muscle, style and herd bull charisma. His first progeny proudly emulate their sire with the style, shape and charisma as they hit the ground. We anticipate his daughters to be a next level addition to the Schreiber Angus cow herd.

Reference Sires

B S A Payweight 7100

D Sa Infinity 5211

C EXAR Tombstone 8034B


15 Schreiber Angus
Up and Coming Sire
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +1.8 +81 +161 +16 +27 $M $W $F $G $B $C +55 +68 +128 +74 +203 +318
Birth Date: 01-01-2021 Tattoo: 190 Bull +*20200599 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #+*MGR Treasure +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18156972 +*SJH Impression of 6108 1614 #*Connealy Impression +DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 #+*Bruin Uproar 0070 #*Sitz Upward 307R TC Forever Lady 4153 +Falcon Blackbird 6071 17912581 TC Forever Lady 9119 #*Connealy Right Answer 746 #+Baldridge Forever Lady N506 CW +82 Marb +1.11 RE +.63 FAT +.017 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +3.0 +66 +122 +9 +27 $M $W $F $G $B $C +54 +52 +102 +43 +145 +242
Birth Date: 01-13-2017 Tattoo: 7100 Bull *18965080 #+*Basin Payweight 006S #Vermilion Payweight J847 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +Basin Lucy 3829 17038724 21AR O Lass 7017 #HARB Pendleton 765 J H 21AR O Lass F24A #+TC One Way 618 #+*Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 TC Ruby 9003 +TC Quality 7122 16441724 TC Ruby 7065 #G A R Retail Product +TC Ruby 4055 CW +48 Marb +.51 RE +.41 FAT +.023 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +13 +.2 +77 +124 +15 +18 $M $W $F $G $B $C +79 +64 +101 +24 +125 +241
Birth Date: 02-27-2015 Tattoo: 5211 Bull 18316548 #WMR Timeless 458 #+Leachman Right Time 338-5605 #*WMR Infinity 141 WMR Blackcap 521 17083470 WMR Blackcap 912 #Connealy Packer 547 WMR Blackcap 7109 +SF Beaver Boy 0102 #+S A V Bismarck 5682 SF Caroline 3222 +S A V Emblynette 5118 17642940 SF Caroline 6128 +B B Westwind Bando 5175 245 SF Caroline 1102 CW +48 Marb +.06 RE +.51 FAT +.011 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +13 +.8 +86 +165 +9 +17 $M $W $F $G $B $C +36 +65 +98 +27 +125 +198
Birth Date: 01-07-2018 Tattoo: 8034B Bull *19030369 *HA Outside 3008 #*KG Solution 0018 #*HA Cowboy Up 5405 #*HA Ever Lady 1575 18286467 #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 #*Sitz Upward 307R HA Blackcap Lady 5515 +*EXAR Prophet 4071 #+*G A R Prophet *EXAR Rita 6099 +BoBo Evergreen Erica 2529 18402388 +*EXAR Rita 6602 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Rita 1I97 of 2536 Rito 6I6 CW +60 Marb +.10 RE +.49 FAT -.010
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK API TI +13.7 -0.4 +65.7 +88.9 +35.7 +123.3 +70.7

F S A Timex 6237

J S A Country Wide 7104

G Jindra Fortify

EXAR Mutual Fund 9195B

I S A Epic 8149

KTC Bomber 9134

L 3F Dually 8616

MTC CC&7 131

16 Schreiber Angus Reference
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +.9 +61 +97 +11 +23 $M $W $F $G $B $C +50 +56 +88 +61 +149 +243
Birth Date: 02-27-2016 Tattoo: 6237 Bull 18660993 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus *Gardens Timex P257 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17709990 Green Garden Ella H256 Gardens Tsunami Green Garden Ella E257 B B Traveler 610 S A V 004 Traveler 4113 #SF Wyola 9124 B B Margo 431 16419031 S F Wyola 3027 Westwind Canyon D J H 939 Westwind Wyola J L H 807 CW +49 Marb +.83 RE +.65 FAT +.022 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +3 +3.1 +78 +143 +7 +27 $M $W $F $G $B $C +53 +60 +117 +35 +152 +250
Birth Date: 01-30-2017 Tattoo: 7104 Bull 18888117 *Flag Cross Country 90052 #+BT Crossover 758N *TC Country Wide 401 SCR Queen Idelette 50596 17934564 +TC Chloe 1521 #TC Aberdeen 759 #+TC Chloe 2056 TC Upward 056 #*Sitz Upward 307R Sa Zara Bev 5253 TC Ruby 6501 18316817 SF Zara Bev 2209 +SF Beaver Boy 0102 SF Zara Bev 6119 CW +59 Marb +.23 RE +.71 FAT +.005 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +7 +.5 +94 +152 +8 +18 $M $W $F $G $B $C +77 +83 +106 +53 +158 +282
Birth Date: 03-15-2019 Tattoo: 9134 Bull +*19582116 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 *Casino Bomber N33 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12 18658677 #*Casino Annie K48 DPL Upward L70 Casino Annie G64 #Connealy Thunder #Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #*TC Marcia 0181 #Parka of Conanga 241 16764326 #+*TC Marcia 7069 #TC Gridiron 258 #TC Marcia 1069 CW +75 Marb +.61 RE +.76 FAT +.016 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +6 +.8 +78 +135 +10 +23 $M $W $F $G $B $C +66 +72 +103 +47 +150 +261
Birth Date: 09-18-2018 Tattoo: 8616 Bull *19415026 #DL Sonic 444 #*KG Solution 0018 *DL Dually DL Barbara 792 18608253 *DL Incentive 2103 DL Incentive 228 DL Karama 39 Basin Big Sky 477U Basin Yellowstone 116P Belle Rita K506 Basin Magna P218 18732868 *Werner Rita 4036 +*Werner War Party 1472 +*ZBR Dominant Rita 017Z CW +61 Marb +.52 RE +.70 FAT +.019 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +7 +.9 +67 +121 +10 +34 $M $W $F $G $B $C +65 +68 +97 +28 +126 +228
Birth Date: 01-25-2011 Tattoo: 131 Bull 17042527 #+S A F Connection #+SVF Gdar 216 LTD #*SydGen C C & 7 +S A F Royal Queen 5084 15330743 SydGen Forever Lady 4087 #*SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 +S A F Forever Lady 8292 #Connealy Forefront #Connealy Frontline #+TC Chloe 2036 Eileen Heartland Conanga6443 14224577 #+TC Chloe 6010 #TC Dividend 963 Apexette Chloe 5003 CW +46 Marb +.14 RE +.42 FAT -.014 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +3 -.3 +64 +115 +11 +37 $M $W $F $G $B $C +73 +73 +87 +55 +143 +258
Birth Date: 01-21-2018 Tattoo: 78 Bull 19316118 +baldridge Xpand x743 #*Hoover Dam #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 Baldridge Queen S87 18493773 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Styles Upgrade J59 +Baldridge Isabel T935 #*Connealy Guinness #Connealy Dublin 8223 Jindra Blackbird Lassy J 016 Panda of Conanga 3609 18367390 +Jindra Enchantress J 301 016 #Jindra Premium Cut Jindras Enchantress J 102 CW +42 Marb +.61 RE +.73 FAT -.022 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +9 +1.4 +88 +156 +9 +32 $M $W $F $G $B $C +48 +84 +92 +53 +145 +236 H
Birth Date: 01-28-2019 Tattoo: 9195B Bull *19380934 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*Deer Valley Growth Fund 21AR O Lass 7017 18827828 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +Deer Valley Rita 9457 +*G A R Daylight #MCC Daybreak +*SJH Daylight of 0546 3040 +*G A R Objective R227 17480626 +*G A R 5050 New Design 0546 #+G A R New Design 5050 +DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 CW +57 Marb +.59 RE +.87 FAT +.014 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +3 +1.8 +71 +137 +9 +26 $M $W $F $G $B $C +27 +56 +118 +36 +154 +227
Birth Date: 02-07-2018 Tattoo: 8149 Bull 19401860 *Varilek Product 2010 04 #*Connealy Final Product #3F Epic 4631 Varilek Pearl 0006 014 17950219 Zebo Queen 1072 #*EF Complement 8088 EXG Blackcap 6247 PPC *TC Tank 7101 #M A Broadside 1334-822 TC Lass 0085 #TC Barbara 3088 16764265 #TC Lass 7002 #TC Total 410 #TC Lass 5076 CW +65 Marb +.35 RE +.51 FAT +.027


RAML Rangefinder 7536

OEXAR Monumental 6056B

PHAYNES Outright 452

DL Dually

17 Schreiber Angus
AI Sires
EXAR Monumental 6056B
DL Dually
HAYNES Outright 452
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +7 +1.3 +80 +130 +9 +16 $M $W $F $G $B $C +63 +65 +107 +46 +153 +261
RAML Rangefinder 7536
Birth Date: 01-02-2017 Tattoo: 7536 Bull *18894685 #*A A R Leupold 0578 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*GDAR Leupold 298 #+A A R Ankonian 4015 17228402 *GDAR Miss Blackcap 9232 #GDAR Justice 622 #GDAR Miss Blackcap 556 #TC Aberdeen 759 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 *RAML Royce 536 #+TC Blackbird 4034 18889627 *RAML Royce 335 #Connealy Thunder RAML Royce 102 CW +63 Marb +.38 RE +.90 FAT -.018 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +9 -.7 +74 +134 +14 +28 $M $W $F $G $B $C +52 +74 +96 +93 +189 +297
Birth Date: 01-11-2016 Tattoo: 6056B Bull *18379347 *Varilek Product 2010 04 #*Connealy Final Product #3F Epic 4631 Varilek Pearl 0006 014 17950219 Zebo Queen 1072 #*EF Complement 8088 EXG Blackcap 6247 PPC #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus *FWY 7008 of C085 4029 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 17799315 +*FWY Rita C085 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +Bohi Rita 8291 CW +63 Marb +1.50 RE +.70 FAT +.029 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +.6 +69 +134 +8 +17 $M $W $F $G $B $C +43 +54 +112 +50 +162 +253
Birth Date: 01-10-2014 Tattoo: 452 Bull #*17925323 #*S A V Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 #*K C F Bennett Absolute S A V Emulous 8145 16430795 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 #+Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 #*B/R New Day 454 #+Boyd New Day 8005 HAYNES ND 454 Miss 179 B/R Ruby 1224 17059085 HAYNES Miss Infocus 984 #*Mytty In Focus HAYNES Miss RP S677 CW +59 Marb +.59 RE +.66 FAT +.023 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +2 +2.1 +94 +163 +10 +15 $M $W $F $G $B $C +54 +71 +103 +55 +158 +259
Birth Date: 01-03-2016 Tattoo: 86 Bull *18608253 #*KG Solution 0018 #MOGCK Sure Shot #DL Sonic 444 KG Rito Lady 8724 17918412 DL Barbara 792 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 DL Barbara 1199 DL Incentive 228 #*S A V Final Answer 0035 *DL Incentive 2103 DL Princess 233 17866026 DL Karama 39 #+Boyd New Day 8005 #DL Karama 256 CW +71 Marb +.74 RE +.59 FAT +.036

R DB Iconic G95

DB Iconic G95

SDE-SU Field General

DE-SU Field General

THart Hercules 7017

Hart Hercules 7017

UJindra Acclaim

18 Schreiber Angus
AI Sires
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +5 +1.3 +86 +150 +7 +29 $M $W $F $G $B $C +57 +80 +110 +100 +210 +329
Birth Date: 02-14-2019 Tattoo: G95 Bull *19611994 #+*LD Capitalist 316 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 *Musgrave 316 Stunner LD Dixie Erica 2053 18467508 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 #MCATL Pure Product 903-55 MCATL Blackbird 1378-573 #*V A R Discovery 2240 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A *DB Ms Discovery D13 +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 18974126 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 #+*PA Power Tool 9108 DB Ms Final Answer 17 CW +69 Marb +1.71 RE +.69 FAT +.061 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +11 +.6 +77 +146 +11 +35 $M $W $F $G $B $C +58 +77 +130 +86 +216 +338
Birth Date: 07-30-2018 Tattoo: B119 Bull +*19352488 +*Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 #*EXAR
18675107 #+*E
+*E W A
Up #Barbara
17816357 +*Rita
Obj #*S
+*Rita 5M13
Predestined CW +76 Marb +1.25 RE +.89 FAT -.003 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +11 -.7 +72 +128 +13 +19 $M $W $F $G $B $C +78 +66 +108 +78 +186 +319
Denver 2002B
W A Peyton 642
Hill Blackcap 0A32
W A 444 of 968 Progress #+*G A R Progress
Lady 968
Weigh Up K360
Upward 307R
3128 of 9O67 Weigh
of Plattemere 337
9O67 of Rita 5M13
S Objective T510 0T26
of 2V9
*Baldridge Blackcap T163 17821946 Baldridge Forever Lady T269 Baldridge Rapid R31 Baldridge Forever Lady P164 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 #*Connealy Consensus Hart Queen Perfecta 5179 +Brista of Conanga 927T 18312947 Hart Queen Perfecta 3304 *JAR Cowboy Up 6162 068 #Hart Queen Perfecta 9084 CW +73 Marb +1.05 RE +1.14 FAT +.023 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD CEM MILK +4 +1.2 +70 +140 +9 +29 $M $W $F $G $B $C +26 +59 +144 +60 +204 +291
Birth Date: 01-24-2017
7017 Bull *18942458
Waylon W34 #+*GAR-EGL Protege
Titan A139
Birth Date: 01-13-2014 Tattoo: 134 Bull #*17972810 #*Jindra Double Vision #Connealy Reflection *Jindra 3rd Dimension +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 17365830 Jindras Sapphire J 417 #*Hoff First Edition 058 242 Jindras Emerald J 704 #*Connealy Impression #Connealy Reflection +Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 17970373 Jindras Enchantress J 102 A & B Yukon 0103 Jindras Classy Lady J 8314 CW +82 Marb +.75 RE +.65 FAT -.014
Schreiber Angus
20 Schreiber Angus 866-666-7626 ADMAnimalNutrition.com/Beef So you can focus on what’s important. Delivering the right product for a particular set of cattle at the right time to achieve desired health, production and efficiency goals is what we do best. Call us today for a solution specific to your operation. Gray (for dark backgrounds) Advanced Mineral Performance Technology Notes

American Angus Association Selection Tools

Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE.

Accuracy (ACC), is the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. An accuracy of close to 1.0 indicates higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted by the number of progeny and ancestral records included in the analysis.

Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

Birth Weight (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Weaning Weight (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), feed efficiency expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for postweaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed.

Yearling Weight (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Height (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to the that of other sires.

Scrotal Circumference (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.

Docility (DOC), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility in a sire’s offspring compared to another sire.


Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first–calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction, and the EPD is reported in percentage units.

Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.

Maternal Milk (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.

Mature Weight (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires.

Mature Height (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires.


Claw Set (Claw), is expressed in units of claw-set score. A lower EPD is more favorable, indicating a sire will produce progeny with more ideal claw set, which is toes that are symmetrical, even and appropriately spaced.

Foot Angle (Angle), is expressed in units of foot-angle score. A lower EPD is more favorable, indicating a sire will produce progeny with more ideal foot angle, which is a 45-degree angle at the pastern joint with appropriate toe length and heel depth.


The genetic evaluation produces a single set of EPDs for carcass traits where the units of measure are in trait format and analyzed on an ageconstant basis.

Carcass Weight (CW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Marbling (Marb), is expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Ribeye Area (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Fat Thickness (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.


$Value Indexes, reported in dollars per head, are multi-trait selection indexes where a higher value suggests more profit. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires if sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.

Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences in progeny due to genetics from conception to weaning. Increased selection pressure on $M aims to decrease overall mature cow size and improve foot structure and fertility while maintaining weaning weights consistent with today’s production.

Weaned Calf Value ($W), expressed in dollars per head, provides the expected difference in future progeny preweaning performance from birth to weaning. Increased selection pressure on $W increases weaning and maternal milk traits while increasing mature cow size.

Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollars savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals. Components for computing $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size.

Feedlot Value ($F), expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning merit compared to progeny of other sires. The underlying objective assumes commercial producers will retain ownership of cattle through the feedlot phase and sell fed cattle on a carcass weight basis with no considerations of premiums or discounts for quality and yield grade.

Grid Value ($G), expressed in dollars per carcass, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit, including quality and yield grade attributes, compared to progeny of other sires.

Beef Value ($B), expressed in dollars per carcass, represents the expected average differences in the progeny postweaning performance and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. This index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot phase, and market these animals on a quality-based carcass grid.

Schreiber Angus
Schreiber Angus Paul Schreiber 949 NE 190th Rd. Claflin, KS 67525 PRSRT FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID St. Joseph, MO Permit #2017 DIRECTIONS From Hoisington - 9 miles east on K-4, 8 miles north on NE 90th Ave., 1/2 mile east on 190th Rd. From Claflin - 4 miles west on K-4, 8 miles north on NE 90th Ave., 1/2 mile east on 190th Rd. From Russell - 15 miles south on Hwy 281, 13-1/2 miles east on 190th Rd. Annual Spring Production Sale Tuesday • March 14, 2023 • 1 PM At the Ranch near Beaver, Kansas

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