President: Marc Laughery
4750 CR 2664
Royse City, TX 75189 469-745-3511 tracey.laughery@aol.com
Vice-President: John Russell
PO Box 523 Caldwell, TX 77836 832-588-8604 (cell) tadmorefarms@gmail.com
President: Marc Laughery
4750 CR 2664
Royse City, TX 75189 469-745-3511 tracey.laughery@aol.com
Vice-President: John Russell
PO Box 523 Caldwell, TX 77836 832-588-8604 (cell) tadmorefarms@gmail.com
E.V. Harlan
70 Cherry Lane Bells, TX 75414 903-436-1550 ev@harlan-co.com
Kyle Lewis
PO Box 234 Trenton, TX 5490 972-979-6419 kyle@aamconline.com
Ken Purcell
8052 FM 902 Collinsville, TX 76233 214-533-9818 ken.purcell@yahoo.com
Dale Spurlen
20630 FM 2156 Dublin, TX 76446 254-893-5354 254-734-5429 (cell)
401 Billy Creek Circle Hurst, TX 76053
txshorthorns@earthlink.net 817-919-0272
Jerrime Ramirez
PO Box 12393
College Station, TX 77845 832-334-7960 legacylivestocktx@gmail.com
Tracey Laughery
4750 CR 2664 Royse City, TX 75189 214-771-6245 tracey.laughery@aol.com
Jeannene Xanthus
5562 CR 1037 Celeste, TX 75423 903-568-4137 hi5ranch@hotmail.com
Tony Brooks
1725 Ozro Road Venus, TX 76084 972-825-7109 tonybrooks551@gmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer: Linda Scott
401 Billy Creek Circle Hurst, TX 76053 817-919-0272 scott7000@earthlink.net
Publicity: Mary Bass
922 CR B Olton, TX 79064 806-285-2121
Victoria Osburn
3501 Mallard Lane Celina, TX 75009 214-704-8075 voshorthorns@gmail.com
Curt Cash
5476 Pichon Amarillo, TX 79108 806-679-2195 cashfarmslm@yahoo.com
Larry Jones
PO Box 72 Childress, TX 79201 940-585-6202 propack8621@hotmail.com
Greg Priddy
581 CR 4971 Desdemona, TX 76445 325-721-3605
President: Tracey Laughery
4750 CR 2664
Royse City, TX 75189 214-771-6545
Vice President/Queen Chair: Dala Smee
9895 Hickory Ridge Drive Conroe, TX 77303 281-639-7315
Secretary: Jeannene Xanthus
5562 CR 1037 Celeste, TX 75423 903-568-4137 hi5ranch@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Linda Scott
401 Billy Creek Circle Hurst, TX 76053 817-919-0272 scott7000@earthlink.net
Publicity: Shelly Spearman
2180 Airport Rd. Rockwall, TX 75087 972-342-6584
2022-23 elected officers of the Texas Shorthorn Lassies
L-R: Tracey Laughery, Royse City - President
Dala Smee, Conroe - Vice President/Queen Chairman Linda Scott, Hurst - Treasurer
Shelly Spearman, Rockwall - Publicity Officer
Not pictured: Jeannene Xanthus, Celeste - Secretary
Lori Rabe
1200 Ave M NW Childress, TX 79201
Barbara Russell PO Box 523 Caldwell, TX 77836 979-567-7893
Not pictured: Jeannene Xanthus, Celeste; Merideth DeBorde, Bardwell.
Mary Bass 922 CR B Olton, TX 79064 806-285-2121
Meredith DeBorde PO Box 61 Bardwell, TX 75101 972-646-5041
2022-23 Texas Shorthorn Lassie Board of Directors L-R: Tracey Laughery, Royse City; Dala Smee, Conroe; Linda Scott, Hurst; Shelly Spearman, Rockwall; Lori Rabe, Childress; Barbara Russell, Caldwell; Mary Bass, Olton.Congratulations on a great year, Harley Shelton, 2021-2022 National Shorthorn Lassie Queen! Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Madison Ellis, Houston, was crowned the 2022 Texas Shorthorn Lassie Queen, during the Texas Junior Shorthorn Preview Show in Abilene. She is pictured with Amanda Smee, Conroe, the retiring 2021 Texas Shorthorn Lassie Queen.
Pictured Left-Right:
Amanda Smee, Conroe, 2021 TX Shorthorn Lassie Queen
Madison Ellis, Houston, 2022 TX Shorthorn Lassie Queen
Charity Scherlen, Silverton, 2022 TX Shorthorn Lassie Princess
Belicia Cox, Grandview, 2022 TX Shorthorn Lassie Princess
Emilee Munchrath, Graford, 2022 TX Shorthorn Lassie Princess
The Texas Shorthorn Association honored Dr. Blair MacBeath, Pittsburg, with their 2022 Pioneer Breeder Award. MacBeath was born in Canada and raised and showed Shorthorn cattle as a youth. He moved to Texas in 1980 as a medical doctor and started his own herd called Lushacres Shorthorns. He has been a member of the Texas Shorthorn Association since 1988. He was elected a director in 1990 and served 2 terms on the board. He has been a consistent advertiser in the membership directory, some years sharing a page with BJM Farms, also at Pittsburg. He has always advertised cows – Lushacres Robin, Lushacres Aspen, Lushacres Luxury – pictured on lush grass.
MacBeath purchased foundation females from Alden Farms in Missouri; Don and Pat Stout in Oklahoma; Cates Farm in Indiana and Bill Rasor in Texas. By 2000 his herd numbered over 60 top producing cows. Herd sires over the years included Granada Landmark 6268 ET; GR Bambino; JY Motor Boat x; Stonelea Wanted; AF Warrior 195 x; SS Irish Sun 45087 and GCF Robin’s Improver. A.I. sires have included Kilkeely Duke, Mombi Powerplay and Rockdale Powerdream.
Dr. MacBeath is associated with UT Health at Pittsburg. He is medical director at CC Ambulance and Copress Basin Hospice. He serves on the board of directors at Pilgrim Bank and is an elder in the Presbyterian Church. His wife, Janet, is a retired college professor. They have 2 sons – Mark is a sales coordinator for Perke-Elmer and lives in Austin. Luke is the associate principal at Pine Tree ISD and has 2 children.
Pictured with Marc & Tracey Laughery, LSA Shorthorns, is Dr. Rafael R. Palva, DVM, Senior Bovine Diagnostic Consultant with IDEXX. He was a guest speaker at the Texas Shorthorn Association Annual Meeting in Royse City. He drew blood from a cow and demonstrated the on-farm pregnancy test developed by IDEXX. Texas Shorthorn Breeders in Royse City during the 2022 Texas Shorthorn Association Annual Meeting.Jackson Akers
Hayley Basham
Tori-Ann Belcher Brooklyn Bivens Ryli Bivens
Aubree Blissard Amber Boner Landon Bourque Kaitlin Bradford
Morgan Brooks Matt Burns Chloe Carlisle Shane Carlisle Kanin Cleere James Cleere Hadley Cole Tori Copeland Belicia Cox Kenzey Cox Weston Cox Madison Dains Brayden DeBorde Brigham DeBorde Logan Diffee Avery Dillard
Joseph Dillard Jaxson Dillard Parker Dowell
Winston Dryer
Madison Ellis Creed Evans Mackenlee Evans
Kameron Ezell Katelyn Ezell
Annie Fallon Loryn Gates
Jensen George Keagan George
Jackson Harlan
Quinn Hartley Ky Hays
Caleb Hines Grady Jennings
Finley Jones
Hunter Jones Jordan Josey Homer Juarez
Savannah Kelly Kasey Klages Kayli Krenek Lauren Krenek Cooper Laughery Makenzie Laughery Jayden Lemuel Myleigh Leveridge Victoria Lukacz Cort Maples
Carter Meyer Halle Mcauley Brooke McKean Emilee Munchrath Katelyn Murphy Cate Norris Wyatt Oldham Macee Parkey Kayla Parsons Laramie Pieper
Drake Rabe
Max Rabe
Savannah Rabe
Aubrey Ramos Caitlyn Rasor
Quinn Rasor
Emma Reynolds
Ashley Riddle
Emery Robertson Leyton Robertson
Charity Scherlen Jackson Scherlen Taylor Scherlen Peyton Schoch Joshua Sheperd Riley Silves Shelby Simank Paisley Sloan Amanda Smee Ryan Smee Wyatt Smith Ellee Spearman Ethan Spearman Graham Spooner Garrison Spooner Laura Spurlen Jessica Stansell Whitney Stansell Callen Stewart Sophie Stroud
Kate Swain Raider Taylor Rhyla Todd Kailrose Traylor Landry Tubb Carson Webb
Beth Wells
John Wells Shyla Wells Scott White
Ahlschwede Livestock
Ahlschwede, George & Grace
6400 Treece R, San Angelo, TX 325-657-7533
Alexander, Neal
PO Box 307, San Saba, TX 76877 325-372-8887 n-alexander@tamu.edu
MJ Shorthorns
Bass, J.O. & Mary 922 Co. Rd. B, Olton, TX 79064 806-638-7475 • 806-638-7475 jobassiii@yahoo.com
Belcher, Misty
1992 FM 3234, Cumby, TX 75433 903-456-3908 rbelcher1313@gmail.com
Bivens Sisters
Bivens, Landy 805 Monticello Dr., Burleson, TX 76028 817-648-9195 landyexcavation@gmail.com
EB Cattle Ranch
Bredemeyer, Ethan 3098 Positano Loop, Bryan, TX 77808 325-977-0258 ethan.bredemeyer62@gmail.com
Brooks, Tony
1725 Ozro Rd., Venus, TX 76084 972-825-7109 tonybrooks551@gmail.com
Carney Cattle Ranch
Carney, Larry,Brenda, Justin 26012 FM 902, Collinsville, TX 76233 903-821-7694• 903-821-9231 carneycattle@gmail.com
Cash Farms
Cash, Curt & Tamra 5426 Pichon, Amarillo, TX 79108 806-676-6268 • 806-731-2325 cashfarmslm@yahoo.com
Cleere, Jason
1699 FM 2289, Madisonville, TX 77864 936-949-2051 jjcleere@tamu.edu
Cox, Brittni, Homero Juarez
PO Box 538, Grandview, TX 76050 817-995-3757 brittnidc1983@gmail.com
Cox, Mandy, Kenzey
510 E. Main St. #3, Brenham, TX 77833 936-446-0018 kenzey-06@hotmail.com
Crenshaw, Jimmy
1825 Boston Rd., Levelland, TX 79336 cprcattle@hotmail.com
Lazy D Farm
DeBorde, Eric & Meredith
PO Box 61, Bardwell, TX 75101 972-646-5041 • 214-537-9963 ericde39@gmail.com
Deckert Stock Farm
Dan & Gail Deckert 3824 Preakness Court, Cleburne, TX 76033 605-214-2732 dngbullhide@msn.com
Dillard, Stephen & Julie
PO Box 84, Merit, TX 75458 903-271-4600 dillardj29@gmail.com
Ellis, Madison
10623 Elk Point Lane, Houston, TX 77064 281-315-4378 MadisonFaith6@att.net
MAC Cattle Company
Evans, Katrina
12111 ECR 6000, Lorenzo, TX79343 806-474-4136 kevans12111@gmail.com
Fallon, Mike PO Box 100, Tom Bean, TX 75489 903-815-4605 fallonfarms5@gmail.com
Ferguson, Don & Kim 415 S. 7th, Chickasha, OK 73018 405-314-2247 • 405-224-4752 ferguson@gmail.com
Gooch, Ronald 4809 CR 2815, Honey Grove, TX 75446 806-930-7862 rongooch39@gmail.com
Harlan, E.V. 70 Cherry Lane, Bells, TX 75414 903-436-1550 ev@harlan-co.com
Charles Herbst & Pat Mattick 145 Upper Cibolo Creek Rd, Boerne, TX 78006 210-262-0210 charlie_herbst@cargill.com
1255 N. Isla, Stephenville, TX 76401 254-967-6214 • 254-485-5682 shaylaahoffman@gmail.com
BDJ Shorthorns Jenkins, Bill & Dolores 18502 Gail Hwy, Big Spring, TX 79720 432-399-4888 • 432-661-2939 44cattle@gmail.com
Jones, Larry & Liz PO Box 72, Childress, TX 79201 940-937-8621 • 940-937-6622 propack8621@hotmail.com
Klages, Nicole, Curtis, Kajey
1542 Jag Hollow, League City, TX 77573 240-446-5779
Laughery, Marc & Tracey
4750 County Rd. 2664, Royse City, TX 75189 214-771-6245 • 469-745-3511 tracey.laughery@aol.com
Lewis, Kyle
PO Box 234, Trenton, TX 75490 972-979-6419
McCutcheon, Ed & Mary
700 S. Main Street, Winnsboro, TX 75494 903-365-7550
McKean, Roy & Salena
18380 County Road 147, Bedias, TX 77831 936-672-7771
MacBeath, Blair
2701 Hwy 271 North, Pittsburg, TX 75686 903-856-6465 • 903-856-8059 blairmacbeath@yahoo.com
Madewell, Quint & Blake
21987 CR 445, Lindale, TX 75771 903-456-1312
Maples, W.B. & Lori
5810 Harmon Road, Copperas Cove, TX 76522 254-289-3429 maplesshorthorn.com
KTK Cattle
Martin, Kayla
121 N. 2nd St, Jacksboro, TX 76458 940-229-4754
Mayer, Nicole Willinger
3361 FM 2933, McKinney, TX 75071 469-360-8031 np_shorthorns@yahoo.com
Meyer, Bill, Mary & Carter
16011 Hurta Rd., Needville, TX 77461 281-799-2248 maryeyer7802@gmail.com
Miles, Jenny C & Family
1345 County Rd 223, Valley Mills, TX 76689 254-945-3641 milestoneshorthorns@yahoo.com
Vinoka Morris Farms
Morris, Vinoka & Melanie
3550 FM 378, Petersburg, TX 79250 806-667-3990 • 806-632-0289 vmorris82@hotmail.com
Osburn, Victoria
3501 Mallard Lane, Celina, TX 75009 214-704-875 voshorthorns@gmail.com
Pieper, James & Lisa
4735 SH 36 North, Caldwell, TX 77836 979-324-4789 jamespieper@hughes.net
Priddy, Greg & Sally 581 CR 4971, Desdemona, TX 76445 325-721-3605 gregpriddy89@gmail.com
Priddy, Marlin & Laura Ann 3960 N. State Hwy 108, Stephenville, TX 76401 254-967-0790 • 254-967-2757 priddy003@hotmail.com
Purcell Shorthorn Farm
Purcell, Ken, Dawn & Christian 8052 FM 902, Collinsville, TX 76233 214-533-9818 • 214-244-4954 ken.purcell@yahoo.com
Ramirez, Jerrime 14802 Grand Corral Lane, Cypress, TX 77429 832-334-7960 legacylivestocktx@gmail.com
5R Farms
Rabe, Savannah, Drake, Max 1200 Ave M NW, Childress, TX 79201 940-585-8340 nurseloribeth@gmail.com
WHR Shorthorns
Rasor, Bill & Becky 1800 Lovers Leap, Van Alstyne, TX 75495 214-850-4690 bill.rasor@gmail.com
Rockin R Shorthorns
Roby, Lorne, Karen & Danielle 12927 Sugar Cane Ln, Temple, TX 76501 419-377-1595 kaslar91@hotmail.com
Tadmore Farms
Russell, John & Barbara PO Box 523, Caldwell, TX 77836 979-567-7893 • 281-684-4809 tadmorefarms@gmail.com
Sanchez Cattle
Sanchez, Eddie 593 N. CR 1070, Kingsville, TX 78563 361-815-279 shellydenoe628@yahoolcom
Schmitz Farm
Schmitz, Doug & Rene 1382 CR 45, Gainesville, TX 76240 940-372-264 • 940-395-6895 rschmitz4020@gmail.com
Just Good Shorthorns
Scott, Carla 530 FM 1730 Wilson, TX 79381 806-924-7574 • 806-344-4531
Scott, Linda
401 Billy Creek Circle, Hurst, TX 76053 817-919-0272 scott7000@earthlink.net
Seidlitz, Michael & Marilyn PO Box 547, Avalon, TX 76623 972-896-5752 rrr.shorthorn@gmail.com
Shipman, Pam 107 E. Nevada St., Seymour, TX 76380 940-889-5153 pship@srcaccess.net
Simpson, William & Michelle 1617 CR 544, Eastland, TX 76448 254-629-3971 • 254-631-5947 williamdocsimp@aol.com
Sloan, Wayne/Kamie Busby 410 CR 2092, Commerce, TX 75428 903-366-1814 • 903-355-3731 kamiebusby@yahoo.com
Smith, Ken 344 Elmer Smith Rd., Groveton, TX 75845 936-831-3825 • 936-204-9252 ken3404@outlook.com
Sommerlatte, Patti
1817 Cemetery Road, Bellville, TX 77418 979-357-2446 • 979-277-5164 plsommerlatte@gmail.com
2180 Airport Road, Rockwall, TX 75087 972-342-6584 • 214-908-8681 springerspearman@gmail.com
Springer, Stanley & Dianne
2000 Airport Rd, Rockwall, TX 75087 214-535-1338 stanleyspringer@sbcglobal.net
Spurlen, Dale & Laura 20630 FM 2156, Dublin, TX 76446 254-893-5354 • 254-734-5429 spurlen@cctc.net
Steiner, Stephanie 23910 FM 362, Waller, TX 77484 832-607-1960 sevoqueem@gmail.com
Taylor Farm Taylor, Raider & Ricky 4085 FM 1810, Chico, TX 76431 254-488-2520 taylor1tx@yahoo.com
Terry, Nelda Priddy 6643 CR 481, Anson, TX 79501 254-485-4345 npriddy26@gmail.com
Thompson, J. David & Karen
1974 Bellemeade Ln, McKinney, TX 75071 972-569-7432 belllemeadefarmshorthorns@gmail.com
LT4 Omega Ranch
Tubb, Mike 1330 Northridge Road, Longview, TX 75605 903-753-0783 mtubbs@gans-smith.com
Walls, Johnny & Lori PO Box 213, Merit, TX 75458 469-644-5955 • 469-233-9253 loriwalls15@gmail.com
Red Oak Valley Shorthorns
Wammack, Brandon & Lindsey PO Box 1378, Red Oak, TX 75154 972-921-1553
Red Oak Valley Shorthorns
Wammack, Cliff & Connie PO Box 1378, Red Oak, TX 75154 972-489-9104 • 972-921-6688 connierov@att.net
Hi-5 Shorthorn Ranch
Xanthus, Pete & Jeannene 5562 CR 1037, Celeste, TX 75423 903-568-4137 • 831-801-0258 hi5ranch@hotmail.com
President: Makenzie Laughery Vice-President: Amanda Smee
Secretary: Ellee Spearman Treasurer: Caitlyn Rasor Reporter: Mackenlee Evans
Morgan Brooks Kendall Cleere Brayden DeBorde Madison Ellis Emilee Munchrath Peyton Schoch
Ryli Bivens
Landon Borque Kanin Cleere Brigham DeBorde Avery Dillard Finley Jones Cooper Laughery Emma Reynolds Beth Wells
Please return with your annual dues of $20.00 to: TJSA Treasurer, Caitlyn Rasor, 9657 Farmington Rd., Van Alstyne, TX 75495
Please return with your annual dues of $20.00 to: Linda Scott • 401 Billy Creek Circle • Hurst, TX 76053
3L Shorthorns
4 Bar S Shorthorns.............................................41
Ahlschwede Livestock
Carney Cattle Ranch
CMF Shorthorns
Down by the Bosque Farms
G&S Shorthorns..................................................15
Greenbelt Shorthorns
Harlan Cattle Company
Hi 5 Shorthorn Ranch.......................................19
JLV Cattle Co.
Lazy B Shorthorns
Lazy D Farm
LSA Shorthorns
MAC Cattle Co.
Maples Shorthorns............................................29
Milestone Shorthorns
MJ Shorthorns
Priddy Shorthorns
Purcell Shorthorn Farm
Red Oak Valley Shorthorns.............................31
Springer Shorthorns
Tadmore Farms
WHR Shorthorns