Fa Female Production Sale SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2022 5:00 p.m. at Six Mile Creek Ranch, El Reno, Oklahoma the E clusiveX Xthe E clusive s i x m i l e c r e e k h e r e f o r d c a t t l e c o c. u r r y h e r e f o r d s Volume 3
Sunday, October 16 th
5:00 p.m. at Six Mile Creek Ranch, El Reno, Oklahoma…Dinner served prior to the sale
Sale location: 9900 South Chiles Road, located 20 minutes southwest of the Express Ranches sale headquarters at Yukon
Stop by any time sale week to see the cattle then make us your final stop on an exciting Oklahoma Hereford sale weekend!
The Exclusive sale offering will be available for viewing at the sale site the week prior to the sale.
Cattle will sell by video format and will be available for load out immediately following the sale.
Hampton Inn, Yukon, OK (405) 250 6400
Fairfield Inn, Yukon, OK (405) 256 3866
Holiday Inn Express, Yukon, OK (405) 494 7600
Home2 Suites by Hilton, Yukon, OK (405) 265 0999
Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City is served by most major airlines and is a 45 minute drive from the sale location Rental cars are available, or we will be happy to meet your flight with advance notice
Chad Breeding, Director, American Hereford Association
Jack Ward, Executive Vice President, American Hereford Association
Shane Bedwell, Chief Operating Officer, American Hereford Association
Rindy Bacon, President, Oklahoma Hereford Association
Brooke Redus, Executive Secretary, Oklahoma Hereford Association
Dustin N. Layton, Auctioneer (405) 464 2455
Colton Pratz, Hereford World (405) 385 1054
Chisolm Kinder, Oklahoma Cowman (405) 747 4683
Juston Stelzer, Stelzer Auction Services (817) 992 7059
Mark Rubes (405) 640 0619
Darrin Peters (254) 592 4316
Katie Colyer (208) 599 2962
TERMS: Cash or good check. Cattle will be sold to the highest bidder. The auctioneer shall settle any disputes as to bids All cattle are to be paid for by the purchaser during or immediately following The Exclusive and will not be released until after settlement has been made. Each animal will be at the purchaser’s risk immediately after it is sold.
HEALTH: The health of the cattle selling is excellent Each animal will be accompanied by an individual health certificate for immediate interstate shipment
GUARANTEE: Each animal will sell under the American Hereford Association’s Rec ommended Terms of Sale for Auctions (www hereford org)
BREEDING GUARANTEE: All animals are guaranteed to be breeders with the ex ception of (a) calves under 12 months of age at time of purchase; (b) any female that is placed in an embryo transplant program and subjected to super ovulation; or (c) gross negligence on the part of the buyer. Females sold as safe in calf have been ex amined by a competent veterinarian or have been guaranteed safe in calf through a blood test. Open females are guaranteed to be without calf. Any agreement with re spect to embryo transfer production shall be a separate agreement between buyer and seller
EXPECTED PROGENY DIFFERENCES (EPDs): EPDs are updated weekly by the American Hereford Association The EPDs included were from the 9/19/22 evalua tion of the AHA The most current EPDs can be viewed online at www hereford org LIVESTOCK INSURANCE: Insurance for your purchases will be available sale day. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made sale day from the auction block will take precedence over statements in the catalog or other advertising. We reserve the right to withdraw any sale lot not meeting our specifications prior to sale time
LIABILITY: All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk Neither the own ers, the sale managers nor any other persons connected with the sale assume liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property As the sale managers, Layton Auction Services, LLC and Schacher Auction Services have no responsibilities other than those involved in conducting the sale.
Sale co managers:
Dustin N. Layton (405) 464 2455
McAlester, Oklahoma
Curtis Curry (918) 521 4629
curtis curry@american national com
Cameron Curry (918) 470 5221
Steven Curry (918) 623 6677 curryherefords.com
laytond@yahoo com Andee Marston (785) 250 4449 laytonauction.com
Robert Schacher (817) 219 0102
rob@schacherauction com schacherauction com
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3
the E clusiveX Xthe E clusive s i x m i l e c r e e k h e r e f o r d c a t t l e c o c. u r r y h e r e f o r d s
internet bidding will be available to registered bidders on the LiveAuctions tv site Be sure to register two days prior to the sale
Volume V3 olume 3
Welcome to The Exclusive * Volume
Welcome to Six Mile Creek Cattle Co for the third edition of THE EXCLUSIVE
We are very honored to be partnered with Curry Herefords in this fantastic event, as both of our breeding programs continue to accelerate each year. We want to take a moment to remember Donna Curry Anyone who met her knew that she brought a good dose of caring, thoughtfulness, laughs, and hard work everywhere she went She will be missed, but not forgotten.
There have been a lot of changes at the Six Mile since the first sale in 2018.
American Classic is still popping out winners in the ring, along with Bankroll 8123 and Boyd Power Surge 9024 One of the biggest changes at our ranch has been our expansion to the Farm to Table business, which we call the Six Mile Meat Market Not only are we raising high performance, problem free Hereford bulls, but we also have some of the finest Hereford donor cows and show heifers that are ready for the show ring Now we are continuing this tradition of excellence with Six Mile Meat Market, showing great results on the dinner plates This brings our Six Mile Creek Cattle operation to a complete circle
To me, that’s what it’s all about Six Mile Creek Cattle produces cattle that reign supreme in Marbling and Ribeye, and Six Mile Meat Market lets you bring it straight to your table.
Welcome to the sale, and please let any of us know if you have questions or need assistance.
Mark Rubes
On behalf of Six Mile Creek and ourselves, we welcome you to The VExclusive, olume 3 We are overwhelmed with the amount of support we have had ofrom ur first two sales, with many success stories coming from heifers that pwere urchased and competed at any level throughout the Acountry
t Curry Herefords, our goal is and has been the same for over thirty tyears— o make adjustments and improve our herd every year Our goal is to hproduce igh quality cattle that will compete in the show ring and ultimately fbe unctional, good uddered, productive cows. Also we strive to meet the oneeds f the commercial industry by producing stout, functional commercial abulls nd elite bulls for the registered breeders.
Our family has seen more spotlight on a national scale the last few years ethan ver before We have been fortunate to have raised national champions oboth n the female and bull side, and our home grown bull CH High Roller 756 hET as been used all over the country with tremendous success We feel gthat reat strides each and every year to quality is an example in this Ooffering. ver the last couple of months, our family has been through a ttremendous ragedy losing our precious legend Donna Curry I would like to ethank veryone for the calls, texts, visits and support that our family has been bshown y our fellow Hereford friends Thank you doesn’t begin to cover the agratitude nd appreciation our family has felt during this difficult time. We will tcontinue o carry on Donna’s legacy of supporting youth and families while raising bthe est Hereford cattle possible
With that being said , the Rubes family and ourselves would like to invite ayou nd your family to join us October 16th in El Reno, Oklahoma Tfor HE EXCLUSIVE
Curtis Curry
The Curtis Curry Family Curry Herefords
The Steven Curry Family Curry Herefords
The Mark Rubes Family Six Mile Creek Hereford Cattle Co
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3
Congratulations to our Customers!
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 the E clusiveX Xthe E clusive s i x m i l e c r e e k h e r e f o r d c a t t l e c o c. u r r y h e r e f o r d s
fall in
campaigned successfully
muscle pattern through her hip and hind leg with a clean, angular shoulder and elegant front end She is soft off her pasterns and very clean jointed as well as being level over her hip and tailhead setting Her dam, 4159, is a beautiful, moderate framed fe male that has a great udder structure. Once 202’s show career is over, this American Classic daughter will be a great cow!
Full sister sells as Lot 2 Maternal sister sells as Lot 3
Sells open
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T 6MC PF 561C Melia May 202 ET 2/15/22 • COW: P44383943 • TATTOO: LE 202 • Polled1 ECR WHO mAkER 210 ET TFR PARIS 415 ET DkF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} T/R BPF AMERICANCLASSIC 561CET RV GOLDEN LADy 5064 LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} CRR D03 COTTON 356 H H PERFECT TImING 0150 ET H kH DD mELISSA mAy 249 ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} H GM 249 MELISSA MAY 4159 HH mISS ADVANCE 6041S ET AH JDH CRACkER JACk 26U ET {SOD} GHC mISS JADE 79S CED BW WW yW mILk m&G CW REA mARB $BmI $BII $CHB –3 3 +4 2 +56 +86 +23 +51 +80 + 61 00 +323 +386 +116 202 is a full
to the high selling lot one from the 2020 Exclusive that sold for
and was
by the Rosson
of Waxahachie, TX You will
love with the
of this
combining a huge rib shape and
Wow! 208 is a very striking female that puts together a tremendous package, includ ing a beautiful, aware front end that blends perfectly into her shoulders, then into a big, long rib and skeleton She spreads a smooth but powerful muscle shape over her top and carries it well into a wide pin set and a solid structure. She is very maternal on her dam’s side and will make an excellent addition to your cow herd with a bal anced data set great show heifer and cow prospect!
Maternal sisters sell as Lots 1 and 2
• Sells open
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T S lot 3 6MC ROCKIN 561 MELISSA 031 Full sister to Lots 1 & 2, maternal sister to Lot 3 $32,000 Lot 1 in the 2020 Exclusive lot 2 6MC PF 561C Melia May 207 ET 3/4/22 • COW: P44383950 • TATTOO: LE 207 • Polled2 ECR WHO mAkER 210 ET TFR PARIS 415 ET DkF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} T/R BPF AMERICANCLASSIC 561CET RV GOLDEN LADy 5064 LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} CRR D03 COTTON 356 H H PERFECT TImING 0150 ET H kH DD mELISSA mAy 249 ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} H GM 249 MELISSA MAY 4159 HH mISS ADVANCE 6041S ET AH JDH CRACkER JACk 26U ET {SOD} GHC mISS JADE 79S CED BW WW yW mILk m&G CW REA mARB $BmI $BII $CHB –3 3 +4 2 +56 +86 +23 +51 +80 + 61 00 +323 +386 +116 Lot 2 is another full sister to the $32,000 high seller from 2020. She stands on a big foot with ample bone and solid structure She is a big bodied female with a big turn to her rib with extra depth Clean and feminine through her front one third, she is big hipped and powerful through her rear one third. Again, her mother has an excellent udder and passes her maternal traits well to her offspring Full sister sells as Lot 1 Maternal sister sells as Lot 3 • Sells open. 6MC PF 1326 Melia May 208 ET 3/12/22 • COW: P44383983 • TATTOO: LE 208 • Polled3 STAR TCF LOCk N LOAD 300W ET {CHB} LH LANGFORD LADy 0253 ET LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} TFR KU ROLL THE DICE 1326 STAR TCF ADV ORALEE 173P ET THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} LPG 59k INDEPENDENCE LASS 22N H H PERFECT TImING 0150 ET H kH DD mELISSA mAy 249 ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} H GM 249 MELISSA MAY 4159 HH mISS ADVANCE 6041S ET AH JDH CRACkER JACk 26U ET {SOD} GHC mISS JADE 79S CED BW WW yW mILk m&G CW REA mARB $BmI $BII $CHB –1 3 +3 5 +63 +95 +25 +56 +90 + 64 + 07 +352 +428 +129
Fu and maternal sisters to our 2020 Lot 1 favorite se as Lot s 1–3
just that, being selected Cham pion Horned Heifer in her
already proving
the 2022 Oklahoma State Fair!
743 Adora 339A, who produced the Reserve grand Polled Heifer and Reserve Champion Bred and Owned Female at the 2017 JNHE and the Reserve grand Horned Heifer at the 2018 JNHE 339A has been proven in many great herds, including Jensen Brothers, Lowderman Cattle Co, T/R Herefords, grubbs Cattle Co and gLM Herefords 235’s sire, High Roller, was the 2019 Reserve National Champion Bull and is breeding true across the country
Her dam is the popular donor
235 is a big time prospect with a smooth and angular front end and extra extension She is very structurally correct with a smooth, level hip and a strong topline as well as a perfect angle to her hock This young mid April heifer is developing a big rib shape and plenty of depth
• Sells open
Ms Fancy is adequately named,
prospects in the sale. Extra long bodied and having an extremely long neck and front,
is very proud and up headed, making for a phenomenal profile In addition,
is big footed and has great substance of bone
An impressive note is that Fancy’s
• Sells open.
is a true two
old sired
Deep “Bob,” who is proving to be a real cow maker.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 CH Ms Thank You 235 ET 4/16/22 • COW: 44382699 • TATTOO: BE 235 • Horned4 TFR kU ROLL THE DICE 1326 CH mAGIE 8023 STAR TCF LOCk N LOAD 300W ET {CHB} CH HIGH ROLLER 756 ET LH LANGFORD LADy 0253 ET TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET {SOD} CH GOLDEN CAT 4016 1ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} BBH 71I TANyA 911W {DOD} THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} BBH 743 ADORA 339A CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I {SOD} BBH 427P TANyA 756T CED BW WW yW mILk m&G CW REA mARB $BmI $BII $CHB –3 8 +4 5 +66 +102 +30 +63 +77 + 55 – 09 +329 +397 +108
1/2 interest and full possession. 235 is bred to be a winner and is
to be
first outing at
CH Ms Fancy 226 4/6/22 • COW: P44348973 • TATTOO: BE 226 • Polled5 BOyD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 H mS 0103 mARIAH 4437 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CHURCHILL MAJESTIC 903G ET NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET NJW 73S W18 HOmETOWN 10y ET {SOD,CHB} H W4 mARIAH 0103 ET GkB 9279 EXTRA DEEP 200C ET P&R mS ADVANCER 3324A ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 {SOD,CHB} CH MS EXTRA FANCY 030 C 88X NOTICE mE 2067 ET JA L1 DOmINO 0403X P&R mS ADVANCER 610S CED BW WW yW mILk m&G CW REA mARB $BmI $BII $CHB +2 8 +3 2 +59 +92 +31 +60 +72 + 50 + 01 +391 +461 +110
as she is one of the
by gKB Extra
BBH 743 ADORA 339A Dam of Lot 4 lot 4 lot 5 Sale Feature Halter Prospects
206 is the ultimate combination of Pedigree, Performance and Phenotype Her donor dam is sired by 88X, who is one of the better female producers in the Hereford breed, and out of one of the most prolific donors, 95T, who has produced breed greats such as Wildcat 206’s sire is the NJW and Iron Lake Ranch performance herd sire Forward Lot 6 is built solid from the ground up with good feet, good flex to her pasterns, stout bone and good angles to her structure. She is deep sided and maintains a uniform body depth from end to end She is strong topped, exhibiting a powerful muscle pat tern and carrying it to a strong hip with a wide pin set She is maternal appearing in the front one third and has great pigment and markings. 206 comes with a balanced data set offering growth and milk
• Sells open
Note on Lot s 1 16
The sellers of these heifers will reserve the right to one successful flush at their expense and the buyer’s convenience. In the event that a heifer is later resold, the seller will still reserve the right to a future flush.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 6MC 252F Lady Maiden 206 ET 2/27/22 • COW: P44385360 • TATTOO: LE 206 • Polled6 NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET LJR 023R WHITmORE 10W {SOD} NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F NJW 73S 88X DAyDREAm 160Z {DOD} NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REmITALL RITA 91H NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} RPH mAIDEN 95T SHF RIB EyE m326 R117 {CHB,SOD} ILR 88X LADY MAIDEN 791 ET NJW 9126J DEW DOmINO 98S {DOD} SHF PHOENIX m33 P68 C mS GAmE PLAN 5161 {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +2 9 +4 7 +67 +102 +32 +65 +71 + 54 + 16 +343 +428 +119
88X LADY MAIDEN 791 ET Dam of Lot 6 S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T lot 6
This Forward daughter is out of the Star Lake bred donor Star Sophistication 256Z, who has been featured at Star Lake, Express Ranches and now is one of the corner stones of our program at Six Mile Creek. 205 has a huge middle with a big turn to her rib and exhibits a rippling muscle pattern in her rear quarter She has a big top and an extra wide pin set With all her power behind her shoulders, she still maintains a feminine, attractive front end Maternal sisters sell as Lots 8 and 9
Sells open
lot 7 T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T Fu and maternal sisters se as Lot s 7–9 6MC 252F Sophistication 205 ET 2/20/22 • COW: P44385359 • TATTOO: LE 205 • Polled7 NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET LJR 023R WHITmORE 10W {SOD} NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F NJW 73S 88X DAyDREAm 160Z {DOD} NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REmITALL RITA 91H REmITALL ONLINE 122L {CHB,SOD} mSU APOLLONIA 10m REmITALL EmBRACER 8E {CHB,SOD} STAR SOPHISTICATION 256Z ET REmITALL CATALINA 24H SHF INTERSTATE 20X D03 {SOD} APOLLONIA OF BAR B 748 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +2.9 +4.5 +63 +101 +26 +57 +70 +.42 +.02 +273 +342 +109
STAR SOPHISTICATION 256Z ET Dam of Lots 7, 8 & 9
Herd sire American Classic sired eight division champions, the Grand Champion Bred and Owned Female and the Reserve Grand Champion Owned Polled Female plus the Reserve Grand Champion Steer at this summer ’ s Junior National Hereford Expo
Lot 8 is a very complete, well balanced female
great markings and a rich dark color. She has a big hip that is square and level and transitions into a big, powerful rib cage with extra depth She has a long, smooth, angular front end and is very eye ap pealing from end to end with really good hair. This is a true donor prospect.
Maternal sister sells as Lot 7
• Sells open
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 6MC 561C Sophistication 204 ET 2/20/22 • COW: P44383945 • TATTOO: LE 204 • Polled8 ECR WHO mAkER 210 ET TFR PARIS 415 ET DkF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} T/R BPF AMERICANCLASSIC 561CET RV GOLDEN LADy 5064 LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} CRR D03 COTTON 356 REmITALL ONLINE 122L {CHB,SOD} mSU APOLLONIA 10m REmITALL EmBRACER 8E {CHB,SOD} STAR SOPHISTICATION 256Z ET REmITALL CATALINA 24H SHF INTERSTATE 20X D03 {SOD} APOLLONIA OF BAR B 748 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –2.6 +5.0 +58 +95 +24 +53 +74 +.50 +.01 +236 +297 +119 Lots 8 and 9 are full sibs sired by American Classic and out of the great Star Sophis tication 256Z ET.
6MC 561C Sophistication 203 ET 2/18/22 • COW: 44383944 • TATTOO: LE 203 • Horned9 ECR WHO mAkER 210 ET TFR PARIS 415 ET DkF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} T/R BPF AMERICANCLASSIC 561CET RV GOLDEN LADy 5064 LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} CRR D03 COTTON 356 REmITALL ONLINE 122L {CHB,SOD} mSU APOLLONIA 10m REmITALL EmBRACER 8E {CHB,SOD} STAR SOPHISTICATION 256Z ET REmITALL CATALINA 24H SHF INTERSTATE 20X D03 {SOD} APOLLONIA OF BAR B 748 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –2.6 +5.0 +58 +95 +24 +53 +74 +.50 +.01 +236 +297 +119 Like her sister, Lot 9 has the extra length and a sound design combined with nice structure, clean joints and a solid stride. She will add growth and eye appeal to your program Maternal sister sells as Lot 7. • Sells open. T/R BPF AMERICANCLASSIC561CET Sire of Lots 8 & 9 S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T S lot 8 lot 9
204 is a sound, complete and functional appearing young female with a brood cow look She is thick ended and big topped with a solid muscle pattern from end to end She is set wide at the pins and maintains a big rib structure She is a three quarter sister to Lot 10 and has a similar dark color with pigment on both eyes She has a bal anced front end with a smooth transition from neck to shoulder.
Dam sells as Lot 38
• Sells open
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T S CH Ms Jaycee 202 2/15/22 • COW: P44348720 • TATTOO: BE 202 • Polled10 NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} UPS mISS 2296 SENSATION 6045 kCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} UPS ENDURE 9118 BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET UPS SENSATION 2296 ET UPS mISS SCRIPT 1708 C SPOT ON 6128 ET CH JR JUDy 0040 ET CRR 5280 CH MS JENNA 903 ET C 88X NOTICE mE 1311 ET Dm BR L1 DOmINO 146 {SOD} CH mS REBA 7016 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB 0.0 +5.0 +72 +112 +35 +71 +87 +.86 –.04 +356 +432 +124 This Endure 9118 daughter will really catch your eye with her dark red color and out standing pigment combined with her stylish pattern and solid structure She is big footed and moves with a long stride with great flex off both ends 202 is a performance female with a dataset that puts her in the top 1% of the breed for REA and the top 5% for WW, YW, Milk and M&g • Sells open CH Ms Avery 204 3/9/22 • COW: 44348732 • TATTOO: BE 204 • Horned11 NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} UPS mISS 2296 SENSATION 6045 kCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} UPS ENDURE 9118 BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET UPS SENSATION 2296 ET UPS mISS SCRIPT 1708 C SPOT ON 6128 ET CH mS RAINBEAU 411 CRR 5280 CH MS AVERY 855 ET C 88X NOTICE mE 1311 ET TH 22R 16S LAmBEAU 17y {SOD} CH mS REBA 7016 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +7.1 +2.2 +63 +101 +32 +63 +84 +.80 +.06 +354 +428 +128
UPS ENDURE 9118 Sire of Lots 10 & 11 lot 10 lot 11
in perfectly The High Rollers are thriving around the country, and her dam is a top donor for the Kevin Jensen family.
Sells open.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 CH HIGH ROLLER 756 ET Sire of Lots 13 & 14 lot 12 lot 13 CH Ms Marley 234 ET 4/9/22 • COW: 44386864 • TATTOO: BE 234 • Horned12 TFR kU ROLL THE DICE 1326 CH mAGIE 8023 STAR TCF LOCk N LOAD 300W ET {CHB} CH HIGH ROLLER 756 ET LH LANGFORD LADy 0253 ET TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET {SOD} CH GOLDEN CAT 4016 1ET kJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} SULL HARLEy 5349C ET UPS SENSATION 2296 ET KJ BJ 5349 HARLEY 760G ET mSU RACHAEL 58Z ET JCS SHOWTImE LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –0.2 +4.5 +61 +96 +28 +58 +81 +.69 +.01 +288 +353 +126 234 is one of the younger females in the sale, but she has as much potential as any in the offering Extremely long and neat through her neck and head, she has a smooth shoulder with a great angle and transitions nicely from shoulder to rib She has a long body and hip, and her tailhead lays
CH Ms Harley 232 ET 4/4/22 • COW: P44386863 • TATTOO: BE 232 • Polled13 TFR kU ROLL THE DICE 1326 CH mAGIE 8023 STAR TCF LOCk N LOAD 300W ET {CHB} CH HIGH ROLLER 756 ET LH LANGFORD LADy 0253 ET TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET {SOD} CH GOLDEN CAT 4016 1ET kJ BJ 58Z CONTENDER D56 ET {CHB} SULL HARLEy 5349C ET UPS SENSATION 2296 ET KJ BJ 5349 HARLEY 760G ET mSU RACHAEL 58Z ET JCS SHOWTImE LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –0.2 +4.5 +61 +96 +28 +58 +81 +.69 +.01 +288 +353 +126 This full sister to Lot 12 has the framework to develop into a real show ring prospect and an even better cow following her show career Long and smooth fronted with a big rib design and a solid hip structure • Sells open. S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T S Two fu sisters from the Harley cow family
True show and donor prospects!
213 is a well bred female for eye appeal and performance She is sired by EXR Bankroll, the 2019 Reserve Champion Horned Bull at the National Western and a Trait Leader for 11 Hereford traits Her dam is a Times A Wastin out of the K&B, Hoff man Herefords and Iron Lake Ranch donor K&B Lady Sentry 8090U
You will love the way this female is constructed with flawless structure from the ground up. She is deep bodied and carries her depth way into her flank. Thick ended with good muscle over the top and through her lower one third, she has a very attrac tive front end Nice markings with full pigment She also has a solid data set with low birth weight, high growth and a big REA. She will make the donor pen!
• Sells open.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T 6MC 8130 Iron Lady 213 4/4/22 • COW: 44383978 • TATTOO: LE 213 • Horned14 BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET RST TImES A WASTIN 0124 {SOD} k&B LADy SENTRy 8090U CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} ILR IRON LADY 4302 ET RST mS 1000 BLAZER 2029 {DOD} UPS DOmINO 3027 {CHB,SOD} k&B mS DOmINO 0228k {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +3.3 +1.6 +56 +98 +28 +56 +76 +.78 .00 +418 +484 +117
SENTRY 8090U Maternal granddam of Lot 14 EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET Sire of Lot 14 lot 14 Watch the sale and bid online @ LiveAuctions TV
expect her to be a great cow.
• Sells open.
This Majestic daughter is
is straight lined and strong topped with a smooth, angular shoulder Her two year old mother has the best udder in the Curry herd Balanced numbers with good calving ease, growth, REA and top 5% of the breed for Milk.
• Sells open.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 CH Ms Majestic 210 3/6/22 • COW: P44348908 • TATTOO: BE 210 • Polled15 BOyD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 H mS 0103 mARIAH 4437 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CHURCHILL MAJESTIC 903G ET NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET NJW 73S W18 HOmETOWN 10y ET {SOD,CHB} H W4 mARIAH 0103 ET GkB 9279 EXTRA DEEP 200C ET CH mS mADILyN 677 ET ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 {SOD,CHB} CH MS MADILYN 999 C 88X NOTICE mE 2067 ET H EXCEL 8051 ET CH mAGIE 8023 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +3 9 +2 8 +60 +91 +33 +63 +80 + 67 – 02 +385 +452 +118 210 is a three quarter sister to Lot 5, a Majestic out of a two year old “Bob” daughter. She is long bodied and has good extension through her neck and front third She is strong topped and has a great profile The dam’s side of her pedigree is extra maternal, so we
CH Ms Clay 223 4/3/22 • COW: P44348962 • TATTOO: BE 223 • Polled16 BOyD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 H mS 0103 mARIAH 4437 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CHURCHILL MAJESTIC 903G ET NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET NJW 73S W18 HOmETOWN 10y ET {SOD,CHB} H W4 mARIAH 0103 ET CH CLASSIFIED 850 ET CH mS SENSATION 773 ET C SPOT ON 6128 ET CH MS CLASSY 050 CH mS RAINBEAU 411 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} CH mADDI 0030 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +5 6 +2 3 +65 +97 +38 +71 +82 + 74 – 03 +371 +442 +115
short marked and dark in color. She
CHURCHILL MAJESTIC 903G ET Sire of Lots 15 & 16 S P R I N g S H O W H E I F E R & D O N O R P R O S P E C T S lot 15 lot 16
Pregnancy status
Bankro's fu sister ses!
This Belle Air daughter is the right kind to make a donor She is a big and powerful cow with extra length of body, a deep belly, stout turn and shape to her rib, a thick top and extra wide set at the pins and the ground. She has a flawless structure and stands on massive feet and huge bone She is very smooth and neat about her shoul der and is feminine and maternal up front. With all this mass and power, she is still athletic and agile on the move with plenty of flex and a smooth stride Belle Air is constantly proving himself as an elite Hereford sire, and on the dam’s side of her ped igree you will find one of the most successful cows in the breed, LCC Two Timin 438 ET “Harley,” who has had 210 active progeny in the Hereford database 8128 is in the top 1% of the breed for M&g and top 5% for WW, YW and Milk If you need to add power and dimension to your program, put this well marked, big time donor in your herd.
• Pasture exposed 4/1/22 to 8/1/22 to C Spot On 6128 ET. Sells safe 3.5 months.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S A L E F E A T U R E S P R I N g B R E D D O N O R EXR Lexus 8128 ET {DLF,HyF,IEF} 1/18/18 • COW: 43899149 • TATTOO: BE 8128 • Horned1 7 BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} BR BELLE 4082 ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} CHURCHILL LADy 078X GOLDEN OAk OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} BR CSF BRIELLE 8052 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET WBCC WCC 69P mS RANGELAND U800 SLDk POSEIDON R09 ET LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –8 8 +6 0 +70 +119 +39 +74 +79 + 68 + 03 +355 +432 +137
lot 1 7 EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET Full sib to Lot 17
in footnote is projected as of sale date.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 LCC TWO TIMIN 438 ET “HARLEY” Third dam of Lot 17 and maternal granddam of Lot 18 other descendants sell S P R I N g B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T lot 18a LOTS 18–29 SPRING-CALVING COWS WITH BULL & HEIFER CALF SPLITS CH Ms Christy 923 ET 4/6/19 • COW: P44037060 • TATTOO: BE 923 • Polled18 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I {SOD} CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} kBCR 19D DOmINETTE 122 THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} CRR 420 ECLIPSE 688 ANkONIAN mIDAS 72 LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET C S PURE GOLD 98170 {SOD} SULL TCC MS HARLEY 309 ET LEmAR GIRL WATCH 3J REmITALL ONLINE 122L {CHB,SOD} RST ROF REBA 28H CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –2 6 +4 5 +55 +90 +27 +54 +69 + 56 – 16 +275 +324 +98 923 is a three year old Catapult daughter with a great udder and the famous “Harley” donor as her granddam. She is long bodied and has excellent color and markings. She has done an outstanding job on her calf selling as Lot 18A • Pasture exposed 4/1/22 to 7/15/22 to C Spot On 6128 ET and 7/15/22 to 9/1/22 to CH High Rollin 182 ET. Sells safe 2 months to High Rollin. CH Ms Christy 200 2/26/22 • COW: 44348722 • TATTOO: BE 200 • Horned18a NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} UPS mISS 2296 SENSATION 6045 kCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} UPS ENDURE 9118 BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET UPS SENSATION 2296 ET UPS mISS SCRIPT 1708 CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} SULL TCC mS HARLEy 309 ET TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} CH MS CHRISTY 923 ET CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 ANkONIAN mIDAS 72 LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –2 2 +5 5 +66 +107 +32 +65 +80 + 71 – 04 +346 +416 +119 Take a good look at this Endure 9118 daughter that is a sure show prospect with her big rump and quarter that blends right into a big, bold sprung rib cage. She has plenty of length, good dark color and a stylish look • Sells open
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T 6MC 8130 Elinor 212 3/28/22 • COW: 44383977 • TATTOO: LE 212 • Horned19a BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} WF mISS TANk T44 ET THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} WF MISS ELINOR E344 ET CRR D03 CASSIE 206 NJW FHF 9710 TANk 45P {SOD} kJ 520E PURE VICkIE 750P ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 2 +3 3 +62 +106 +29 +60 +74 + 68 – 08 +345 +409 +111 Look at the long, freaky neck and front end on this Bankroll daughter She has the potential to grow into a very competitive show heifer that is deep hipped and big muscled with plenty of rib shape. • Sells open. WF Mi Elinor E344 ET {DLF,HyF,IEF} 2/28/17 • COW: P43853175 • TATTOO: BE E344 • Polled19 THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} CRR D03 CASSIE 206 CS BOOmER 29F {SOD} CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} THm 7085 VICTRA 9036 SHF INTERSTATE 20X D03 {SOD} CRR 475E CASSIE 838 NJW FHF 9710 TANk 45P {SOD} kJ 520E PURE VICkIE 750P ET FHF 8403 STARBUCk 19H {SOD} WF MISS TANK T44 ET GV 579 VICTORIA 9710 C S PURE GOLD 98170 {SOD} SPH VCR mISS VICkIE 520E CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –6 9 +4 8 +57 +94 +20 +49 +69 + 38 – 20 +262 +310 +93 Lot 19 is bred in the purple, with About Time on the top side of her pedigree and out of a Tank x Pure gold daughter on the bottom • Sells open lot 19a Now continuing our Six Mile Tradition of Exceence with the Six Mile Meat Market ! Contact Mark for orders Mark Rubes (405) 640 0619
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T lot 20a 6MC 8130 Merlot 210 3/15/22 • COW: P44383976 • TATTOO: LE 210 • Polled20a BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET mCS y79D 1613 mCS y79D LADy IN RED I630 WORR OWEN TANkERAy y79D ET MCS 1613 MERLOT 1844 mCS 4R GUINEVERE 801Z ET WORR OWEN TANkERAy y79D ET mCS 11X LADy IN RED 8012 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +0 6 +2 1 +61 +108 +35 +66 +79 + 81 – 03 +362 +428 +121 210 is a dark colored Bankroll daughter out of the double bred Tankeray She is a true cow prospect in a broody package with a long, deep body and a big hip dimension • Sells open MCS 1613 Merlot 1844 {DLF,HyF,IEF,mSUDF} 4/14/18 • COW: P43956964 • TATTOO: BE 1844 • Polled20 WORR OWEN TANkERAy y79D ET mCS 4R GUINEVERE 801Z ET NJW FHF 9710 TANk 45P {SOD} MCS Y79D 1613 BR kLD ROSE mARIE D79 ET mSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} mCS 59N LADy 62R 801 ET WORR OWEN TANkERAy y79D ET mCS 11X LADy IN RED 8012 ET NJW FHF 9710 TANk 45P {SOD} MCS Y79D LADY IN RED I630 BR kLD ROSE mARIE D79 ET TH 71U 719T mR HEREFORD 11X {SOD} mCS 59N LADy 62R 801 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB 0 0 +2 0 +54 +97 +33 +60 +80 + 83 – 08 +306 +359 +125 1844 is a double bred Tankeray that also has Revolution and Mr Hereford behind her MCS 59N Lady 62R 801, who appears on both the top and bottom of her pedigree, was Reserve grand Champion Polled Female at the Junior National, and her dam, Lady 62R, was grand Champion Polled Female at the Junior National 1844 is a hard working producer, recording a nursing ratio of 113 on her first calf. Top 5% for REA • AI 5/30/22 to CH High Roller 756 ET Checked safe to AI date Pasture exposed 6/10/22 to 8/30/22 to EXR Bankroll 8130 ET. MCS 11X LADY IN RED 8012 ET Maternal granddam of Lot 20 lot 20a
is a
sound, functional design
front end with perfect angles to her shoulder and hock When
will know she is a hard working young cow.
Pasture exposed 4/1/22
see her calf,
Spot On
Sells safe 3.5 months.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 lot 21a lot 22 S P R I N g B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T S CH Ms Majestic 208 3/5/22 • COW: P44348905 • TATTOO: BE 208 • Polled22a BOyD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 H mS 0103 mARIAH 4437 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CHURCHILL MAJESTIC 903G ET NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET NJW 73S W18 HOmETOWN 10y ET {SOD,CHB} H W4 mARIAH 0103 ET GkB 9279 EXTRA DEEP 200C ET JR 0040 mISS APACHE 2101 628 ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 {SOD,CHB} CH MS TURQUOISE 027 C 88X NOTICE mE 2067 ET JR ENERGIZER 2102 CH JR JUDy 0040 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +3 1 +2 9 +66 +96 +33 +66 +81 + 69 – 02 +368 +440 +116 208 is an extra long, high performance young female with a well balanced set of EPDs • Sells open CH MsT urquoise 027 3/4/20 • COW: 44161392 • TATTOO: BE 027 • Horned22 ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 {SOD,CHB} C 88X NOTICE mE 2067 ET GO EXCEL L18 {SOD} GKB 9279 EXTRA DEEP 200C ET OXH CHRISTI 0028 NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD CHB} C NOTICE mE ET JR ENERGIZER 2102 CH JR JUDy 0040 ET TH 75J 243R BAILOUT 144U ET {SOD} JR 0040 MISS APACHE 2101 628 kE UNNA 8072 P606 ET Dm BR L1 DOmINO 146 {SOD} CH mS REBA 7016 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +0 7 +3 7 +59 +88 +28 +58 +71 + 58 + 02 +335 +402 +114 027
nice two year old “Bob” daughter with an outstanding udder and a
She is long bodied and attractive through her
to 8/1/22 to C
6128 ET.
6MC 8094 Canada La 201 1/11/22 • COW: P44383975 • TATTOO: LE 201 • Polled21a BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} C CJC 89T mISS mILES 4264 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} C CJC BELLE HEIR ET {CHB} BR BELLE 4082 ET C mILES mCkEE 2103 ET {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEmINI 89T C 105y CANADA 7369 C 5192 LADy VIC 7268 {DOD} WLB mR CANADA 10Z 15B C 7369 CANADA LASS 0147 C 105y LADy 4051 C 2052 4003 VIC 5192 ET C LADy EXTRA DEEP 3145 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 6 +3 4 +68 +109 +33 +67 +77 + 60 + 08 +366 +446 +127 Look at this big bodied powerhouse that is full of meat, muscle and performance She has a huge, square hip and is packed with muscle in her top She is very deep from end to end, and she has a real brood cow look to her. • Sells open. C 7369 Canada La 0147 {DLF,HyF,IEF,mSUDF} 1/12/20 • COW: P44122973 • TATTOO: BE 147 • Polled21 WLB mR CANADA 10Z 15B C 105y LADy 4051 WLB WINCHESTER ANSER 90X 10Z C 105Y CANADA 7369 REmITALL GRAVES JUNO 204S CL 1 DOmINO 105y {SOD} C 88X LADy RIBEyE 2034 C 2052 4003 VIC 5192 ET C LADy EXTRA DEEP 3145 GRANDVIEW VIC H132 23G 4003 ET C 5192 LADY VIC 7268 {DOD} C 88X RIBEyE LADy 2052 ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 {SOD,CHB} C 860 LADy DOm 1152 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –6 9 +5 7 +73 +120 +32 +68 +85 + 55 – 07 +329 +405 +118 If you need some outcross genetics in your cow herd, take a look here. 0147 is sired by C 105Y Canada 7369 She ranks in the top 1% of the breed for yearling weight EPD and the upper 5% for weaning weight • AI 5/30/22 to C GKB Guardian 1015 ET Pasture exposed 6/10/22 to 8/30/22 to EXR Bankroll 8130 ET. Sells safe to PE 3.5 months. We invite you to stop by any time sale week to see the sale cattle! 9900 South Chiles Road, El Reno, Oklahoma
Lots 23 &
9E’s dam, TCC Ms Diana 01, is one of the most prolific donors in the Hereford breed, producing many champions over the years and recording 166 progeny in the Hereford Registry Sire is the popular Denver Champion Aventus 9E is correctly built and has tremendous milk flow, and it shows in her calf at side.
Maternal sister sells as Lot 27.
• Pasture exposed 4/1/22 to 8/1/22 to UPS Endure 9118. Sells safe 3.5 months.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 lot 23 ROCKIN 8130 Georgia 211 3/16/22 • COW: P44385803 • TATTOO: LE 211 • Polled24a BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} TH 127W 0220 LORETTA 153B HyALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} MCS 6964 GEORGIA 1914 R mISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} BOyD mASTERPIECE 0220 {SOD} TH 9S 755T LORETTA 127W CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 8 +3 4 +70 +117 +32 +67 +79 + 71 + 04 +400 +484 +117 This Bankroll daughter and Leader granddaughter projects a great future as a show heifer and will make an awesome cow in any herd Offered by Rockin Schocker • Sells open CH M s Diane 227 5/10/22 • COW: P44382675 • TATTOO: BE 227 • Polled23a NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} UPS mISS 2296 SENSATION 6045 kCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} UPS ENDURE 9118 BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET UPS SENSATION 2296 ET UPS mISS SCRIPT 1708 BR NITRO AVENTUS 3116 ET TCC mS DIANA 01 UPS TCC NITRO 1ET {SOD} OCC MISS FLAWLESS ET BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} TCC mISS SHELBy 82 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 2 +4 5 +65 +106 +30 +63 +83 + 70 + 04 +359 +434 +127 227 is the youngest show heifer prospect in the sale. This Endurance daughter is start ing to exhibit great potential and a very stylish look • Sells open MCS 6964 Georgia 1914 {DLF,HyF,IEF,mSUDF} 3/4/19 • COW: P44024186 • TATTOO: RE 1914 • Polled24 HyALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R mISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB SOD} R LEADER 6964 {SOD} HyALITE TS LASS 310 mSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R mISS WRANGLER 3007 BOyD mASTERPIECE 0220 {SOD} TH 9S 755T LORETTA 127W SHF RIB EyE m326 R117 {CHB,SOD} TH 127W 0220 LORETTA 153B SSF P606 mS VICTOR 803 TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 6m 20N LORETTA 9S CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –1 7 +4 7 +74 +116 +27 +64 +79 + 53 + 05 +387 +474 +118 1914 has a pedigree that you can build on Sired by the performance bull R Leader 6964, who is an AHA Trait Leader in five categories, and out of a Masterpiece/755T female, she is in the top 1% of the breed for weaning weight and upper 5% for yearling weight She is moderate framed and has a nice udder structure Offered by Rockin Schocker • AI 5/30/22 to LCX Perfecto 11B ET. Checked safe to AI date. Pasture exposed 6/10/22 to 8/30/22 to EXR Bankroll 8130 ET OCC Mi Flawle ET 2/16/17 • COW: 43840560 • TATTOO: LE 9E • Horned23 UPS TCC NITRO 1ET {SOD} BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET GH NEON 17N {CHB SOD} BR NITRO AVENTUS 3116 ET LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET Dm BR SOONER {CHB} BR GABRIELLE 5082 CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} TCC mISS SHELBy 82 ET THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} TCC MS DIANA 01 CRR D03 CASSIE 206 ANkONIAN mIDAS 72 LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB – 0 7 +4 3 +59 +97 +24 +53 +74 + 55 – 03 +302 +364 +115
S P R I N g B R E D C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T S
MS DIANA 01 Dam of
represents the Six Mile Creek
is sired by our senior herd sire American Classic, whose progeny are known for their look and efficiency, and out of one of our foundation cows purchased from Coyote Ridge Ranch, LaSalle, CO
exposed 6/10/22 to 8/30/22 to EXR Bankroll
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g C O W / H E I F E R C A L F S P L I T S CH M s Montie 222 4/2/22 • COW: 44348956 • TATTOO: BE 222 • Horned26a TFR kU ROLL THE DICE 1326 CH mAGIE 8023 STAR TCF LOCk N LOAD 300W ET {CHB} CH HIGH ROLLER 756 ET LH LANGFORD LADy 0253 ET TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET {SOD} CH GOLDEN CAT 4016 1ET GkB 9279 EXTRA DEEP 200C ET NLC 146 mS mONTIE 1024 ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 {SOD,CHB} CH MS EXTRA MONTIE 990 C 88X NOTICE mE 2067 ET Dm BR L1 DOmINO 146 {SOD} C mS PURE ADV 7050 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –0 2 +3 5 +58 +90 +27 +56 +74 + 68 – 04 +348 +410 +114 Stout made High Roller daughter with a balanced set of numbers. • Sells open. CH M s Extra Montie 990 10/10/19 • COW: P44161438 • TATTOO: BE 990 • Polled26 ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 {SOD,CHB} C 88X NOTICE mE 2067 ET GO EXCEL L18 {SOD} GKB 9279 EXTRA DEEP 200C ET OXH CHRISTI 0028 NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD CHB} C NOTICE mE ET Dm BR L1 DOmINO 146 {SOD} C mS PURE ADV 7050 ET REmITALL kEyNOTE 20X {SOD} NLC 146 MS MONTIE 1024 Dm L1 DOmINETTE 518 C S PURE GOLD 98170 {SOD} HH mISS ADVANCE 104A {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 9 +4 1 +54 +86 +27 +54 +66 + 60 – 02 +327 +386 +111 As you would expect, this three year old daughter of gKB Extra Deep “Bob” has a nice udder and is doing a good job with her calf She is a long and very feminine fronted cow with a solid future • Sells open 6MC 8130 Eclipse 214 {DLP,HyP} 4/8/22 • COW: 44383979 • TATTOO: LE 214 • Horned25a BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET T/R BPF AmERICANCLASSIC 561CET CRR 019 ECLIPSE 2101 ECR WHO mAkER 210 ET 6MC 561C ECLIPSE 931 TFR PARIS 415 ET CRR 4037 TEBOW 019 CRR T31 ECLIPSE 0103 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –4 7 +5 3 +66 +112 +34 +67 +79 + 79 – 05 +364 +434 +116 The Bankroll calves combine the power and pigment that everyone expected, and this April heifer is performing well Top 5% for yearling weight and ribeye EPDs • Sells open. 6MC 561C Eclipse 931 {DLP,HyP} 3/11/19 • COW: P44156347 • TATTOO: LE 931 • Polled25 ECR WHO mAkER 210 ET TFR PARIS 415 ET DkF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} T/R BPF AMERICANCLASSIC 561CET RV GOLDEN LADy 5064 LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} CRR D03 COTTON 356 CRR 4037 TEBOW 019 CRR T31 ECLIPSE 0103 THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} CRR 019 ECLIPSE 2101 CRR P606 HONEy 536 ET GO L18 EXCEL T31 CRR 9B ECLIPSE 402 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –3 4 +4 7 +56 +88 +30 +57 +74 + 58 – 02 +304 +364 +112 Here is a female that
program. She
• Pasture
8130 ET. Sells
3 5 months T/R BPF AMERICANCLASSIC 561CET Several daughters sell CH HIGH ROLLER 756 ET Several daughters & his service sell
ROCKIN Diana Miles
Lot 27 is a full sister to the 2016 National Western Champion Horned Female She is sired by the record setting C Miles McKee, who sold one half interest for $600,000. Her dam is the prolific Sullivan donor TCC Ms Diana 01, who has produced many champions. Offered with Rockin Schocker.
Maternal sister sells as Lot 23 Daughter sells as Lot 33
Sells open
C COWBOy 7022
mAGIE 8023
Pay close attention to the pedigree of Lot 28. Her dam is a maternal sister to High Roller, and she is sired by Sensation She is very maternal, posting a milk EPD in the top 1% of the breed’s active dams, $BMI in the top 2% and $BII in the top 3%
• Pasture exposed 4/1/22 to 7/15/22 to UPS Endure 9118 and 7/15/22 to 9/1/22 to CH High Rollin 182 ET. Sells safe 2 months to High Rollin.
206 is a top herd bull prospect. He is a high performance bull that exhibits a huge amount of muscle in his top and rear end He is well constructed with a solid structure and plenty of rib and volume His sire, UPS Endure 9118, is quickly proving himself as a top producer.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 6MC HB 762 Bankro 209 3/13/22 • BULL: P44383953 • TATTOO: LE 209 • Polled29a BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET NJW 79Z 22Z HEAVy DUTy 72C ET kJ JPH 670F VICky 440L {DOD} NJW 67U 28m BIG mAX 22Z ILR 72C LADY VICKY 762 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET kJ 2410 F243 VIC 795G kJ SRO VIOLET 670F CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +0 3 +3 3 +61 +105 +38 +69 +76 + 70 – 04 +392 +460 +113 209 combines the power and correctness of Bankroll with the big time maternal in fluence of 440L CH Endure 206 3/3/22 • BULL: 44348901 • TATTOO: BE 206 • Horned28a NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} UPS mISS 2296 SENSATION 6045 kCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} UPS ENDURE 9118 BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET UPS SENSATION 2296 ET UPS mISS SCRIPT 1708 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} CH mADDI 0030 UPS DOmINO 3027 {CHB,SOD} CH MS SENSATION 775 ET CHURCHILL LADy 7202T ET C COWBOy 7022 ET CH mAGIE 8023 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +5 9 +2 4 +58 +93 +39 +68 +76 + 69 + 11 +439 +516 +127
ILR 72C Lady Vicky 762 ET 3/21/17 • COW: P43807267 • TATTOO: LE 762 • Polled29 NJW 67U 28m BIG mAX 22Z BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET GOLDEN OAk 4J mAXIUm 28m {SOD} NJW 79Z 22Z HEAVY DUTY 72C ET NJW 4037 80L FAITH 67U {DOD} NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REmITALL RITA 91H kJ 2410 F243 VIC 795G kJ SRO VIOLET 670F OR DOm 549 F243 {SOD} KJ JPH 670F VICKY 440L {DOD} kJ SDS mIS VICI 2410 NJW Z17 VAQUERO 25C {SOD} kJ mISS ENFORCE 137X {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 3 +3 3 +52 +86 +38 +65 +67 + 41 – 06 +358 +416 +103 762’s donor Dam of Distinction is one of the best looking Hereford cows you will ever see She is a big, deep bodied cow that has a flawless udder with excellent milk flow She has been a very successful donor for the Kevin Jensen Family as well as for Iron Lake Ranch. • AI 5/30/22 to C GKB Guardian 1015 ET. Pasture exposed 6/10/22 to 8/30/22 to EXR Bankroll 8130 ET Sells safe 3 5 months to PE CH M s Sensation 775 ET 12/2/17 • COW: 43911520 •
CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +7 9 +0 5 +46 +73 +41 +64 +61 + 52 + 10 +459 +525 +113
6MC ROCKIN 8130 Diana 215 4/10/22 • COW: 44383970 • TATTOO: LE 215 • Horned2 7a BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET C mILES mCkEE 2103 ET {SOD} TCC mS DIANA 01 NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD CHB} 6MC ROCKIN DIANA MILES 722 ET C NOTICE mE ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} TCC mISS SHELBy 82 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –2 8 +4 5 +63 +105 +36 +68 +76 + 81 00 +424 +496 +124 Expect a big future for this Bankroll daughter out of a royally bred future donor Offered with Rockin Schocker • Sells open 6MC
3/23/17 • COW: 43812345 • TATTOO: LE 722 • Horned2 7 NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} C NOTICE mE ET SHF RIB EyE m326 R117 {CHB,SOD} C MILES MCKEE 2103 ET {SOD} NJW 9126J DEW DOmINO 98S {DOD} C S PURE GOLD 98170 {SOD} HH mISS ADVANCE 104A {DOD} CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} TCC mISS SHELBy 82 ET THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} TCC MS DIANA 01 CRR D03 CASSIE 206 ANkONIAN mIDAS 72 LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –1 9 +4 2 +51 +79 +35 +60 +68 + 63 + 04 +420 +483 +122
S P R I N g B R E D C O W / H E I F E R & B U L L C A L F S P L I T S KJ JPH 670F VICKY 440L Dam of Lot 29
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 S P R I N g B R E D H E I F E R 6MC 8130 Mariah 102 1/23/21 • COW: 44283286 • TATTOO: LE 102 • Horned30 BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} H W4 mARIAH 0103 ET SHF RIB EyE m326 R117 {CHB,SOD} 6MC 88X MORIAH 604 ET NJW 9126J DEW DOmINO 98S {DOD} GOLDEN OAk OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} HH mISS ADVANCE 316N 1ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +4 9 +1 7 +60 +101 +36 +66 +78 + 81 + 06 +441 +516 +125 102 offers the ultimate combination of pedigree and phenotype. She is an attractive female that is neat and clean in her front end with a smooth shoulder that blends per fectly into a long and bold sprung rib cage Then she transitions perfectly into a strong hip that bulges with muscle. She is well marked with good pigment. Sired by the pop ular Reserve National Champion Bankroll, she is out of an 88X x Mariah 0103 daugh ter Here is one that you need to get into your donor pen! • AI 4/27/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET Checked safe to AI date Pasture exposed 5/10/22 to 7/20/22 to 4B Blueprint 1053.H W4 MARIAH 0103 ET Maternal granddam of Lot 30 lot 30 LOTS 30–37 SPRING BRED HEIFERS
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 6MC 252F Goldie 133 ET 2/20/21 • COW: P44283325 • TATTOO: LE 133 • Hom. Polled31 NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET LJR 023R WHITmORE 10W {SOD} NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F NJW 73S 88X DAyDREAm 160Z {DOD} NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REmITALL RITA 91H RPH PCR IDAHO 80U {SOD} PCR ABIGAIL GOLDIE 854U SHF PHOENIX m33 P68 PCR IDA GOLDIE 40X RPH PLAymATE 13k {DOD} PCR 286 mR ADVISOR 502R {CHB,SOD} PCR PAIGE GAL 310N {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 8 +4 3 +65 +105 +26 +58 +81 + 67 + 12 +302 +380 +125 Homozygous polled by pedigree. • AI 4/27/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. Checked safe to AI date. Lots 31 and 32 are maternal sisters to PCR X51 Bentley 454B, who is an AHA Trait Leader in 11 categories, including all three dollar indexes Their homozygous polled dam, 40X, is a big, stout made, dark colored cow with exceptional pigment and a fantastic udder. Their homozygous polled sire, Forward, is a feature herd sire for Ned and Jan Ward that contributes muscle and performance with eye appeal. 6MC 252F Goldie 131 ET 2/19/21 • COW: P44283323 • TATTOO: LE 131 • Hom. Polled32 NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET LJR 023R WHITmORE 10W {SOD} NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F NJW 73S 88X DAyDREAm 160Z {DOD} NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REmITALL RITA 91H RPH PCR IDAHO 80U {SOD} PCR ABIGAIL GOLDIE 854U SHF PHOENIX m33 P68 PCR IDA GOLDIE 40X RPH PLAymATE 13k {DOD} PCR 286 mR ADVISOR 502R {CHB,SOD} PCR PAIGE GAL 310N {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +1 0 +4 3 +65 +105 +26 +58 +81 + 67 + 12 +303 +381 +125 Homozygous polled by pedigree. • AI 4/27/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. Checked safe to AI date. Pasture exposed 5/10/22 to 7/20/22 to 4B Blueprint 1053 S P R I N g B R E D H E I F E R S NJW 79Z 33B FORWARD 252F Sire of Lots 31 & 32 PCR IDA GOLDIE 40X Dam of Lots 31 & 32 PCR X51 BENTLEY 454B Maternal brother to Lots 31 & 32 Fu sisters se as Lot s 31 and 32
6MC ROCKIN Diana 140
COW: P44283293 • TATTOO: LE 140 • Polled
140 is an American Classic out of Lot 27, the full sister to the 2016 National Western Champion Horned Female out of a prolific donor for Sullivan Farms of Dunlap, Iowa granddam TCC Ms Diana 01 is one of the most popular national champions and stems from a long line of national champions. Her dam, TCC Ms Shelby 82, was a national champion, and her dam, LCC Two Timin 438 “Harley,” was a national champion as well Offered with Rockin Schocker
• AI 4/27/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET Checked safe to AI date
Pasture exposed 5/10/22 to 7/20/22 to 4B Blueprint 1053.
130 ET
This Bell Ringer daughter is out of a Whispering Pines Conquer daughter. She is in the top 5% of the breed for weaning weight and yearling weight EPDs
• AI 4/27/22 to LCX Perfecto 11B ET. Checked safe to AI date.
Pasture exposed 5/10/22 to 7/20/22 to 4B Blueprint 1053
Here is a future donor! Her dam, a flush sister to the dam of 5280, has been a prolific donor in such herds as Coyote Ridge Ranch and Express Ranches, and she is from one of the top cow families in the Coyote Ridge Ranch herd Her sire, Bankroll, is a true breeder that is a Trait Leader for 11 traits.
• AI 4/27/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. Pasture exposed 5/10/22 to 7/20/22 to 4B Blueprint 1053 Sells safe 4 months to PE
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 lot 3 7 S P R I N g B R E D H E I F E R S CH MS 3307 Carly 061 ET 10/25/20 • COW: P44388497 • TATTOO: BE 061 • Polled3 7 ECR WHO mAkER 210 ET SULL TCC HARLEy 4069B ET DkF RO CASH FLOW 0245 ET {SOD} K CARTEL 708 ET RV GOLDEN LADy 5064 C mILES mCkEE 2103 ET {SOD} LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET GOLDEN OAk OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} CH mISS ALLISON 9121 ET GOLDEN OAk FUSION 3S {SOD} CH LADY OUTCROSS 3307 GOLDEN OAk 60D mALLORy 15m BR mOLER ET HH mISS ADVANCE 365N CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –0 7 +4 3 +58 +95 +28 +57 +78 + 64 – 03 +323 +385 +118 This excellent pedigree contains Who Maker, Miles McKee and Outcross as well as donors LCC Two Timin “Harley” and HH Miss Advance 365N 061 is a long, clean fronted, refined female that will be very maternal and have a good udder with plenty of milk. • Pasture exposed to DM 571C 8Y Redneck 885. Checked safe, due 4/1/23. 6MC 456B Date Lady 141 3/22/21 • COW: P44285032 • TATTOO: LE 141 • Polled36 CHURCHILL RED BULL 200Z {SOD} kCF mISS PROFICIENT U201 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} ILR RED POWER 456B CHURCHILL LADy 002X ET EFBEEF
{SOD} kCF mISS 774 L82 /S mANDATE 66589 ET {CHB} HPF LF mISS VIC 424 525 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} LF ILR MS DATE 505 /S LADy DOmINO 0158X GRANDVIEW VIC H132 23G 4003 ET GRANDVIEW CmR mISS 424 y232 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +5 4 0 1 +56 +87 +28 +56 +63 + 50 + 13 +422 +499 +108 141 is sired by the Iron Lake Ranch performance bull Red Power, a Trait Leader for 11 traits, including CED, BW, Udder, Teat, REA, $BMI and $BII • AI 4/27/22 to Loewen Grady B42 G15 ET. Checked safe to AI date. Pasture exposed 5/10/22 to 7/20/22 to 4B Blueprint 1053 6MC 8130 Key
2/18/21 • COW: 44283322 • TATTOO: LE 130 • Horned34 BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET Dm BR SOONER {CHB} CRR D03 kELLy 361 REmITALL ONLINE 122L {CHB,SOD} CRR 435 KELLY 166 {DOD} Dm L1
901 SHF INTERSTATE 20X D03 {SOD} CRR 353 kELLy 923 {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –0 7 +3 9 +59 +99 +34 +64 +72 + 66 – 01 +367 +435 +111
356 C mILES mCkEE
ET {SOD} TCC mS DIANA 01 NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD CHB} 6MC ROCKIN DIANA MILES 722 ET C NOTICE mE ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} TCC mISS SHELBy 82 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –5 7 +5 6 +57 +91 +31 +60 +77 + 73 00 +336 +398 +126
PF 8459 Shea 110 2/6/21 • COW: P44385798 • TATTOO: LE 110 • Polled35 BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} BRL ENVy 401A BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} H BELL RINGER 8459 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET CRR 719 TULO 928 {SOD} BRL CATE W4100 TH 223 71I CONQUER 409X ET RV STARLINE 5136 DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I {SOD} WPF 5135 409X SHEA 4098 ET kBCR 19D DOmINETTE 223 CT NEWSLINE 99N {SOD} RV DyNASTy 1136 {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –4 0 +5 7 +69 +114 +22 +56 +66 + 40 + 14 +333 +419 +113
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 CH Ms Avery 855 ET 2/6/18 • COW: P43935255 • TATTOO: BE 855 • Polled38 CRR 5280 C 88X NOTICE mE 1311 ET CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} C SPOT ON 6128 ET CRR 435 kELLy 178 {DOD} NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD CHB} C NOTICE mE ET TH 22R 16S LAmBEAU 17y {SOD} CH mS REBA 7016 ET TH 121L 63N TUNDRA 16S CH MS RAINBEAU 411 TH 62N 3L kELSEy 22R BR mOLER ET CH mISS Ok GOLD 0053 {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +5 4 +2 1 +61 +96 +26 +57 +77 + 75 – 04 +294 +356 +114 855 is a big bodied, big footed four year old with extra depth of body. She is sound and functional with a long, fluid stride and a nice, refined udder structure Her im pressive pedigree includes the Curry herd sire C Spot On (5280/Notice Me) and the Curry donor Ms Rainbeau 411. Check out her impressive young Endure 9118 daughter selling as Lot 11. • Pasture exposed 4/1/22 to 8/1/22 to UPS Endure 9118. Sells safe 3.5 months. CH M s Intern 819 4/10/18 • COW: 43923733 • TATTOO: BE 819 • Horned39 NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} CH JR JUDy 0040 ET SHF RIB EyE m326 R117 {CHB,SOD} CH 88X INTERN 458 ET NJW 9126J DEW DOmINO 98S {DOD} Dm BR L1 DOmINO 146 {SOD} CH mS REBA 7016 ET CH Ok ADVANCE SHADOW 0115 ET CH JR JUDy 0040 ET HH ADVANCE 4140P {SOD} CHMS JULIE 2050 HH mISS ADVANCE 4098P Dm BR L1 DOmINO 146 {SOD} CH mS REBA 7016 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +0 1 +3 4 +57 +88 +29 +58 +64 + 57 – 01 +281 +341 +104 819 is a big, powerful cow with plenty of depth and rib shape. You will find the Curry Herefords donor 0040 on both the top and bottom of this pedigree • Pasture exposed 4/1/22 to 8/1/22 to UPS Endure 9118. Sells safe 3.5 months. C SPOT ON 6128 ET Sire of Lot 38 S P R I N g B R E D C O W S lot 38 lot 39 LOTS 38 42 SPRING BRED COWS
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 lot 40 lot 42 lot 41 S P R I N g B R E D C O W S CH M s Melania 8258 ET 11/7/18 • COW: P44006977 • TATTOO: BE 8258 • Polled42 NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD CHB} NJW BW LADySPORT DEW 78P ET kCF BENNETT 3008 m326 {CHB,SOD} NJW 78P TWENTYTWELVE 190Z ET {CHB} NJW P606 72N DAyDREAm 73S RU 20X BOULDER 57G {SOD} SADDLE VLy LADySPORT 120 PURPLE mILSAP 45S {SOD} EF LOUISE 195P 0523 ET BR mOLER ET CFCC EF AMARYLLIS 155B ET JH mISS SUSIE 06L WS INTENSE DUkE 512 STAR TRF EmmA mALLORy 195P ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –1 1 +4 9 +58 +98 +15 +44 +74 + 61 – 02 +281 +341 +124 8258 is a beautiful, up headed, chiseled and angular fronted female with a uniform body depth from end to end She is sired by the NJW herd sire TwentyTwelve and out of a Purple Milsap donor. • Pasture exposed to DM 571C 8Y Redneck 885. Checked safe, due 12/1/23. CH MS 4205 Charlene 9233 5/10/19 • COW: 44076952 • TATTOO: BE 9233 • Horned41 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET Dm 646 CLAIRE 966 ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} CH MR SENSATION 6262 ET UPS JT mISS NEON 7811 1ET BR LANSING 3060 Dm BR TERRI 646 ET BR LANSING 3060 Dm L1 DOmINETTE 901 BR mSU LANSING 68J CH MISS 901 LILY 4205 ET BR L1 DOmINETTE 7022 {DOD} HH ADVANCE 688F 1ET Dm L1 DOmINETTE P640 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +0 1 +3 8 +57 +82 +29 +57 +67 + 49 – 01 +332 +395 +105 Paternal grandsire is 2296 and maternal grandsire is Lansing This big ribbed cow prospect has good color and markings. • Pasture exposed to DM 571C 8Y Redneck 885. Checked safe, due 1/1/23. CH MS 966 Jacqueline 9238 ET 5/3/19 • COW: P44388559 • TATTOO: BE 9238 • Polled40 NJW 1y WRANGLER 19D {SOD} CRR D03 VIOLET 349 CIRCLE D WRANGLER 832W {SOD,CHB} AH JDH CRACKER JACK 26U ET {SOD} NJW FROSTy 1y SHF INTERSTATE 20X D03 {SOD} kJ 2410 VIOLET 392F BR LANSING 3060 Dm BR TERRI 646 ET BR mSU LANSING 68J DM 646 CLAIRE 966 ET BR L1 DOmINETTE 7022 {DOD} BR mOLER ET Dm L1 DOmINETTE 901 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +2 9 +3 4 +54 +81 +22 +49 +72 + 42 + 13 +253 +320 +121 Straight lined, square hipped Cracker Jack daughter with a tight, clean shoulder and front end. The bottom side of her pedigree is comprised of some of the most proven and successful sires and dams in the Barber Ranch and Moler programs • Pasture exposed to DM 571C 8Y Redneck 885 Checked safe, due 2/1/23 DM 571C 8Y REDNECK 885 Pasture service sire to Lots 37, 40, 41 & 42
Herd sire for Curry Herefords. Owned with Blagg Herefords, graham Blagg and Perry Show Cattle
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 UPS Endure 9118 {DLF,HyF,IEF,mSUDF} 4/2/19 • BULL: P44045565 • TATTOO: BE 9118 • PolledRef. kCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD CHB} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB SOD} NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} kCF mISS REVOLUTION X338 ET NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REmITALL RITA 91H UPS SENSATION 2296 ET UPS mISS SCRIPT 1708 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} UPS MISS 2296 SENSATION 6045 UPS JT mISS NEON 7811 1ET SR SCRIPT 187 {SOD} UPS mISS DIAmOND 4348 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +6 3 +3 9 +70 +112 +37 +72 +91 + 85 + 13 +419 +506 +146 Herd sire for Curry Herefords. 9118 posted individual ratios of WW 110, YW 111 and REA 109 in the Upstream herd in Nebraska F O R R E F E R E N C E O N L Y Bankro Endure 9118 High Roer AI & PASTURE SERVICE SIRES REPRESENTED EXR Bankro 8130 ET {DLF,HyF,IEF} 1/18/18 • BULL: 43899151 • TATTOO: BE 8130 • HornedRef. BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} BR BELLE 4082 ET CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} CHURCHILL LADy 078X GOLDEN OAk OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} BR CSF BRIELLE 8052 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TImE X06 TCC mISS LEXUS 84 ET CRR ABOUT TImE 743 {SOD} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET WBCC WCC 69P mS RANGELAND U800 SLDk POSEIDON R09 ET LCC TWO TImIN 438 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +0 7 +3 3 +70 +124 +37 +73 +84 + 99 – 02 +426 +504 +124 Trait Leader in 11 categories, including WW, YW, Milk, M&g, Udder, CW, REA, $BMI and $BII Owned by Six Mile Creek and Express Ranches Full sister sells as Lot 17 CH High Roin 182 ET 3/10/21 • BULL: P44271433 • TATTOO: BE 182 • PolledRef. TFR kU ROLL THE DICE 1326 CH mAGIE 8023 STAR TCF LOCk N LOAD 300W ET {CHB} CH HIGH ROLLER 756 ET LH LANGFORD LADy 0253 ET TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET {SOD} CH GOLDEN CAT 4016 1ET C SPOT ON 6128 ET CH mS RAINBEAU 411 CRR 5280 CH MS ADELIDA 853 ET C 88X NOTICE mE 1311 ET TH 22R 16S LAmBEAU 17y {SOD} CH mS REBA 7016 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +0 3 +3 4 +66 +100 +30 +63 +83 + 76 – 02 +316 +385 +123 Young High Roller son in service for Curry Herefords His pasture service sells CH High Roer 756 ET {DLF,HyF,IEF} 9/28/17 • BULL: P43875385 • TATTOO: BE 756 • PolledRef. STAR TCF LOCk N LOAD 300W ET {CHB} LH LANGFORD LADy 0253 ET LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} TFR KU ROLL THE DICE 1326 STAR TCF ADV ORALEE 173P ET THm DURANGO 4037 {SOD} LPG 59k INDEPENDENCE LASS 22N TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET {SOD} CH GOLDEN CAT 4016 1ET LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} CH MAGIE 8023 CRR D03 COTTON 356 C S PURE GOLD 98170 {SOD} C 501 mS DOm 93123 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –2 1 +4 9 +68 +104 +30 +65 +83 + 72 – 06 +314 +383 +120
The Exclusive sale offering will be available for viewing at the sale site the week prior to the sale.
Cattle will sell by video format and will be available for load out Sunday evening following the sale.
T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3 Spot On Redneck F O R R E F E R E N C E O N L Y C Spot On 6128 ET {DLF,HyF,IEF,mSUDF} 1/14/16 • BULL: P43672936 • TATTOO: BE 6128 • PolledRef CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} CRR 435 kELLy 178 {DOD} TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} CRR 5280 CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 Dm BR SOONER {CHB} CRR D03 kELLy 361 NJW 98S R117 RIBEyE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} C NOTICE mE ET SHF RIB EyE m326 R117 {CHB,SOD} C 88X NOTICE ME 1311 ET NJW 9126J DEW DOmINO 98S {DOD} C S PURE GOLD 98170 {SOD} HH mISS ADVANCE 104A {DOD} CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB –1 8 +5 1 +70 +102 +30 +65 +92 + 96 – 14 +346 +412 +119 Curry Herefords herd sire owned with Colyer, Birdsall and Prairie Rose Cattle Co LOEWEN Grady B42 G15 ET 1/15/19 • BULL: P44001386 • TATTOO: BE G15 • Hom PolledRef. kCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD CHB} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {CHB SOD} NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} kCF mISS REVOLUTION X338 ET NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REmITALL RITA 91H mSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACkLyN NIkOLE 344N FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET mSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N PCR JACk PHROST 18k PCR VICkI NICOLE 642F CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +9.0 +0.8 +66 +105 +26 +58 +81 +.67 +.31 +375 +469 +144 Homozygous polled full brother to genesis His AI service sells DM 571C 8Y Redneck 885 12/12/18 • BULL: P44100364 • TATTOO: LE 885 • PolledRef SHF WONDER m326 W18 ET {CHB,SOD} NJW P606 72N DAyDREAm 73S kCF BENNETT 3008 m326 {CHB,SOD} NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOmER P606 {SOD} NJW 94J DEW 72N TH 67W 11X BRAVE HEART 65Z Dm 714 10y SAVANNA 374 ET TH 71U 719T mR HEREFORD 11X {SOD} DM MS SAVANNA 571C TH 166S 45P PRImROSE 67W {DOD} NJW 73S W18 HOmETOWN 10y ET {SOD,CHB} Dm BR SAVANNA 714 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +10 8 +1 5 +55 +92 +43 +71 +72 + 62 – 03 +324 +385 +92 Pasture service sire for Curry Owned with Don Moler Posted individual ratios of BW 89 and WW 116 4B Blueprint 1053 {DLF,HyF,IEF,mSUDF} 1/22/21 • BULL: P44216238 • TATTOO: BE 1053 • PolledRef. R LEADER 6964 {SOD} NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET HyALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 R mISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} NJW 73S m326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} REmITALL RITA 91H PERkS C&L 4B HOmE SOLUTION ET 4B PRINCESS 2007 NJW 73S W18 HOmETOWN 10y ET {SOD,CHB} 4B PRINCESS 823 TH 23S 45P DUCHESS 123W GO 3196 ADVANCE S109 {CHB,SOD} 4B PRINCESS 439 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +7.4 +1.4 +62 +92 +35 +66 +74 +.42 –.02 +422 +496 +106 Young service sire for Six Mile Creek LCX Perfecto 11B ET {DLF,HyF,IEF,mSUDF} 4/1/14 • BULL: P43517583 • TATTOO: LE LCX11B • ScurredRef. SHF RIB EyE m326 R117 {CHB,SOD} NJW 9126J DEW DOmINO 98S {DOD} kCF BENNETT 3008 m326 {CHB,SOD} NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} HVH mISS HUDSON 83k 8m CL 1 DOmINO 9126J 1ET {SOD,CHB} NJW 57G 74G DEW 5m TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} WLL VENUS 19X DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I {SOD} WLL ZOEY 3Z kBCR 19D DOmINETTE 122 ELm LODGE NEXT BIG THING 3N kIRBy LONEPINE SyBIL ET 544U CED BW WW YW MILK M&G CW REA MARB $BMI $BII $CHB +5 8 +1 6 +68 +98 +38 +72 +68 + 67 + 05 +447 +529 +104 AHA Trait Leader in eight traits. His AI service sells. {DLF,HyF,IEF, mSUDF} {DLF,HyF,IEF, mSUDF,mDF}
Thank you! The Mark Rubes Family The Curtis Curry & Steven Curry Families T H E E X C L U S I V E Volume 3
Sunday, October 16 th 5:00 p.m. at Six Mile Creek Ranch, El Reno, Oklahoma Sale location: 9900 South Chiles Road the E clusiveX X P. O Box 31684 Edmond, OK 73003 FIRST CLASS MAIL TIME SENSITIVE: PLEASE DO NOT DELAY PRE SORTED FIRST CLASS U. S POSTAgE P A I D SLATE gROUP SOUTHWEST TYPESTYLES (405) 317 1743 Volume 3 the E clusive s i x m i l e c r e e k h e r e f o r d c a t t l e c o c. u r r y h e r e f o r d s