Doctor Who Vortex #23

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INSIDE: 4: News: Series 8 Leaked Online 5: News: New 12th Doctor Books 5: News: The Five(ish) Doctors. The Sequel? 6: Series 8 Trailer Breakdown

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Some material from the forth-coming series of Doctor Who has made its way online in what BBC Worldwide has called "extremely serious". Rough cut, black and white and heavily watermarked versions of "Deep Breath", Capaldi's first feature-length episode were found to have leaked online as well as Scripts for the first five episodes. It is understood that these has been accidentaly placed on a BBC server in Miami which was public available rather than private. The scripts and footage had been there in order for it to be sent to a translation company to be dubbed for international releases. BBC Worldwide has apologised to the fans and to the show's creative team while adding, "While there is still a risk that this leak

will result in more of this have to steal things just content emerging, so far the because you could. "It's impact has been contained." damaging to the show you love, so if you really love "We'd like to thank the the show, why would you amazing Doctor Who" damage it", Moffat said. continued the BBBc statement "fans who are This is far from the first leak continuing to keep fan sites of Doctor Who material in and social media spoiler-free recent years. Scripts for Neil but would remind those Gaiman's cybermen episode downloading and sharing was found in a taxi, and US this material that it's illegal fans who had preordered the to do so." Series 7 DVD were accidentaly sent it one week DWV is similarly not before the episodes had aired posting any spoliers - other - meaning they knew the than that which has appeared dramatic conclusion to "The in the trailer which is Name of the Doctor". Steven reviewed elsewhere in this Moffat pleaded then not to issue. spoil the ending, and fans obliged. Back in 2005, Showrunner Steven Moffat footage from the first series was dismayed at the leak. leaked online early. He told London Film and Comic Con that he thanked So if you find any of this the fans for not spoling it for footage, don't watch as you'll fellow fans. He likened the only spoil it for yourself and server incident to spotting don't spoil it for anyone else. someone's house window Please, let's just wait until being open. He said that this August 23rd. did not mean you would

NEW 12TH DOCTOR BOOKS novels have been announced . BBC Books have stuck to their tried and tested writers to This year's Doctor Who see in a new Doctor

announcing Justin Richards (writing Silhouette, featuring the Pasternoster Gang), James Goss (writing The Blood Cell) and Special Effects supervisor by day, author by night: Mike Tucker who writes The Crawling Terror. They will be released soon.

FIVE(ISH) DOCTORS: THE SEQUEL? It seems like the Five(ish) Doctors is getting a sequel. Both Paul McGann and Colin Baker have been speaking about the project which is understood to be in the very early stages. Colin told '', "All I know is, when I last spoke to Peter, the reaction to the Five(ish) Doctors was so positive, that we discussed whether it was a good idea to do another one, and we agreed we didn't want to do another one that was a pale imitation... Until we come up with a really good idea, and there's a couple of possibilities floating about, there's nothings set in stone.".

to be in it, because in the Five(ish) Doctors last year, I was only available for just one afternoon. I was away working in Ireland, so when I saw it I was a bit miffed

that we did at the anniversary was a special one related to the 50th. Clearly one about the 51st isn't going to be that interesting. Arbitarily bolting people onto it (as in the cameo-laden Five(ish) Doctors) at this stage, isn't really a good idea."

Peter Davison would be at the helm again, and Paul is praiseworthy: "I think he did it really, really well last time. He'd done similar things that I wasn't in it more." before (for conventions), so he's obviously getting better Although Colin thinks that at it." the format would have to be slightly different to last year: Meanwhile the Eighth ""If there was a reboot of the Doctor's possible return to reboot, I don't think going our screens is supported by down that path would be a the man himself, "I've signed good idea. If there is to be a the petition too", said Paul meanwhile said, he reboot, I would favour McGann of the online wishes to be in it to a greater having it the three of us petition to give Eight his fair extent that last year: "I'd like doing something. The one share of screen time.

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