Scribe Magazine #1

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If you found yourself in downtown Cincinnati in mid October and somehow avoided all media outlets than you likely was blindsided by Blink. Around a million people flooded Queen City which by this point might have been called the city of lights. In 2017 the art festival premiered for a four day stay and was a hit. Fast forward 2 years later and not much has changed. Well that's not exactly true, about 20 blocks became a Kodak moment (I feel old just saying that). For me personally I was intrigued by something so massive yet alluring. Spoiler alert great time, however it could have easily turned out to be a dud. I knew it was going to be a problem. I thought I was being smart, this whole blink thing looked interesting but also a headache. Downtown parking is terrible on a normal day, but with the festival? The museum nearby offered parking at their lot plus metro offered a shuttle to get you to and from the event (at a cost of course); and there was a line that wrapped the block. I might be exaggerating, but it was crazy long. I took my spot at the house be of snake way and waited for the metro.





Had some conversations with some people in line, some out of town and nearly an hour later we finally saw our chariot. Coming up from the underground bus terminal I found myself near the Underground Railroad Freedom Center, and so began the night of lights. To say there was a crowd would be an understatement, you moved in groups of 30. I don't know how long that pared was but it covered some ground and lasted for a good length of time.

Now I'm not a stranger to fountain square and the surrounding areas but I found myself with a strange sense of exploration. I went down streets I know I traveled a dozen times or more but this time I had to double check on where I was. There were exhibits of art nearly on every corner. Music played all over. I don't want to sound overly dramatic but crossing a street was like moving into a different world.

Blink is a festival that is known for featuring dozens of light projections, interactive art fittings, and murals. It is among the leading art and light projection mapping occasions nationwide. Since the successful Blink’s event that took place in the year 2017, it has been uncertain whether the festival would ever return to Cincinnati. Many leaders have described Cincinnati as an inclusive, innovative, and creative city. Blink has been discovered to be a partnership between Corporex and Kroger Wellness. It is the only festive concert of its kind in the United States. This event usually takes four days and it’s free for every person. This concert is usually held in Northern Kentucky and downtown Cincinnati. It has proven its ability to turn its city into a large arts center with murals as well as mapping installations.



THE ART OF COMMUNITY Blink Art is a marketplace for arts as well as a resource for the artists who may wish to fit in the market that seems to be very competitive. It aims at providing opportunities to many people nationwide as well as designing impactful and beautiful environments. Artists are usually assisted by Blink to have their work and effort seen. Most of the people are claiming that Blink Art Resource is promoting and supporting their work by increasing their sales across the United States. This is when compared to the past where they couldn’t even make a single sale. Huge commissions are being earned by people who use Blink in their Art Resources especially when they deal directly with clients.

Blink Art Resources is helping many people create platforms to showcase their work to top businesses and companies. This has led to the recognition of their work leading to success.




This Month's Highlights I'm going to throw you in a weird scenario. Let's say you're on your way to work and let's say you work at a bank. You are a little late and kind of annoyed because you just know your manager is going to say something. You get there, you clock in, you already have a counterspeech prepared for the boss when that inevitable "let me see you in my office" line comes your way. Your so caught up in thought that you don't realize that all your coworkers have their hands raised church style. Except your not in the sanctuary and as cool as it would be you don't think is a reveal. They look at you dumbfounded, they're not saying anything but you can tell their inward thoughts are screaming "idiot" at you. You're confused and so are the bank robbers with guns pointed to your coworkers, guns that are now pointed in your direction.

Psalmist Scribe podcast Just Get thereÂ


Plot Twist Five seconds later you assume the position with Ryan, Susan, and the rest. Things are going less than okay until you hear a crash from the front, everyone is stunned including the armed gunman, you see a flash from one end of the room to other but just barely. The guns vanish from their hands, something black hits the hands of one of the men. Smoke envelopes the room followed by screams and grunts. When the smoke clears two figures stand tall. Is that...Batman? Oh wow, you didn't even realize you woke up in this universe! And is that… yeah, it's the Flash! This is officially the best day..wait...that's more yellow in the costume than you remember. Oh, that's because its Kid Flash which would indicate that the other is yep, grown-up Robin; Nightwing or something. Fear not citizens! Kid flash says with a grin and thumbs up in your direction. He’s already tied up the bank robbers just in time to give a high five to Nightwing. Yeah we got this Nightwing say arms folded with one foot of the unconscious robber. Your eyes dart to the left and then the right, until you finally break the awkward silence with “So where are they?”“What do you mean?” Nightwing says while sharing a confused look with Kid Flash. Looking back at your coworkers who just averted their eyes from the situation you decide to

press your luck “You know the pros”“You’re looking at them!” Kid Flash chest puffed out pointing to the thunderbolt on said chest. Again you don’t hear the not so subtle coughs from behind indicating for you to back off of the very people who saved your life you make that hole you're in a little deeper “Naw I mean the big dogs. I mean y'all straight and all but are y'all even allowed to do this by yourselves?” Flash and Nightwing: We are not sidekicks! And we're back to reality only the message is the same. Made by two artists from different labels Scott Simms and Mike Real. Both on labels with Chh legends such as K-Drama and Flame. If I'm honest, I will admit that particular thought was present before the concert. Totally sub-conscious, but if I examined artist I've listened to over the years I find that I have been quietly putting people in their own category based upon popularity alone. I did the same with Trip Lee and didn't give his solo projects a shot, and that was most definitely a mistake. There have been others that I have put in the"sidekick" slot who based on talent alone should have rose through the ranks. Unfortunately I fell in the popularity trap mindset, where skill, talent, and not to mention hard work were second to click through rate. How many followers do you have, is your song on the radio, and who is your co-sign? All bad metrics considering we’re talking about music which I consider spiritual food, not to get to deep but these shows have me examining my “diet” as you will. So do yourself a favor and go through your playlist, is there anybody you’ve been overlooking? You just might find legends in the making.





Just Get there WRITTEN BY STEPHEN HILLMAN A man pulls off the interstate straight into a gridlock. He grinds his teeth, he knew he should have taken the next exit. All his mirrors are in agreement, no retreat. A surrender than, he slumped back into his seat and hit the steering wheel, it’s not to blame but for the moment he really doesn't care. The crackle of thunder adding insult to injury. The downpour of rain soon followed, a pity that he can't take his anger out on the clouds. Every minute he counts himself lucky if he is able to move an inch toward the elusive emerald light only for the crimson to rear its ugly head.


Why does downtown have to be so complicated, he thought? It’s a place eventually everyone finds themselves and yet it’s so clingy. Pulling the populace into itself. Much as we all could use the separation there is a way about this city that keeps you coming back. No matter the dangers of past adventures, or the stench of death that’s so fresh you check to make sure you are still in the land of the living. Because where there was danger there was excitement, and just around the corner of death was life in lights. You never knew what you would see, around the corner was your nightmare come to reality or your dream come true.

disappointment. “Wait” the man said and nodded to the diner that the pair stood in front of, “want to get something to eat” “They kicked me out, I ain’t got no money, so they threw me out!” His shifted from side to side, as if he were embarrassed. For getting angry or being thrown out he wasn’t sure. “Can we try again? I said. I’ll vouch for you plus I’m paying.” He didn’t know how he would react, would he be too proud to accept his offer or spite at it because he wouldn’t hand him money directly. What’s a little frightening is the man's not sure how he wanted the homeless man to respond. Part of him wanted his rejection, it would have made life easier. A few seconds went by and then “Sure boss that’ll be alright by me”.

The traffic is moving now, the man thanked God and waved goodbye to the alluring stone kingdom, only for it to respond with heartache. Not its own but one that was deep within the man's being. He was so lost in thought he nearly hit the car in front of him. He slammed on his breaks, now felt compelled by the trap laid before him, or perhaps it was opportunity he thought to himself. He pulls over into an empty parking lot, a miracle for sure but for the motorist behind me a double portion. He sits and stares across the street waiting for his senses to come to reason, because he could not bare what was obvious. A man paced the sidewalks, his hand stretched out to the people who went by. Most did not dare look him in the eye, least they might have to care. His beard was heavy, and he walked with a limp, or more of a club foot. His clothes were loose as if they were not his own and obvious they were the only thing keeping him warm at night. The rain started to pick up and with it washed away any chance that he would be showed piety today; unless… the man struggled with emotions he had thought evaporated with time. Drive away he thought, just pretend you didn’t see him he spoke aloud to himself. But his hearing is not what it should be or


maybe it was because while he spoke these thoughts he had already made his way to the homeless stranger across the street.Walking into his view was the hardest thing he had ever done, upon reaching a few feet from him he stopped and waited to be acknowledged. The homeless man lifted his eyes once convinced that the pedestrian purposely stayed in arms reach. “Excuse me sir, do you have any change? I need to catch the bus.” The small request ripped through the man like knives. “Are you cold?” he said. He shook his head “It’s all the same to me. Sir can you help? Change? Anything would be a blessing”. A blessing he thought, he was close enough to smell the alcohol on his breath and knew the "blessing" he wanted would be anything but. “I’m sorry but I don’t think I should” His head dropped as he turned away, another

The two walked in and sure enough almost at once a waiter was making his way over to them. He pointed his finger at his homeless companion and shook his hands; before he could verbalize his objection the man pulled out a credit card. The perfect defense it would seem. The waiter rolled his eyes and disappeared behind the counter. The man nudged his companion and indicated an empty booth by the window. They sat and the man lifted up the menu and started scanning his choices. after a minute he looked up and noticed his companion hadn’t moved. Not once had he touched his menu. “So what do you want?” I asked. Perhaps this was a mistake after all, it was so uncomfortable sitting across from him, and what’s worse he had no idea of who the man was. “I don’t know. I think there fried chicken is nice, you think I can get that?” “Yeah of course, get whatever you want”. His smile was huge and his voice deep, “Hey! We ready to order here!”

"His beard was heavy, and he walked with a limp, or more of a club foot. His clothes were loose as if they were not his own" | 45

After there order was taken he seemed to transform in the minutes since the pair met. He started to talk more freely now and less reserved than before. The man asked the slightest query for drown out conversations. He talked about life without a home, of the dangers he faces wither from police or others in a like situation. He was not dull in any shape or form, and made the man's heart skip a beat when he mentioned family. As he spoke on the passing women in his life, his addictions, his mistakes, he couldn’t help the raw emotion of pity mixed with anger. Which would win out he couldn’t say. Finally deciding this lunch had to count for something other than a full stomach and pleasant conversation. “Sir, do you know the Lord?” he said with much more bluntness than intended. He stared into a corner of the diner before saying “Yeah I know who God is. I’m not a religious man but I know God kept me alive out here.” “Well that’s good to hear, but let’s say you die right now. Is there any doubt where you will end up? He paused for a moment, maybe he had never been asked the question before he thought. “Well I guess nobody can know for sure where they’re going. You just take your chances”.

“Dad you have to make it”. His eyes widened and he fell back into his seat, studying his face before he whispered his son's name. “I was waiting for you to recognize me, but now there’s no point. We don’t really know each other well, last time I saw you was 20 years ago”. His head dropped, shame taking the place of everything else. “I’m not here to make you feel guilty, I’m not here to make you feel ashamed. I’m not even trying to make you into the father I wish I had growing up. What’s done is done and we both have to live with the consequences. But after this life we can have something greater, something only God can truly give: a second chance. A better life than we can imagine. The best part, you don’t have to be perfect or even good to live it. You only need to be forgiven. So please dad, get there, Just get there.

Not meaning to be belligerent but all the while still frustrated by his companions response, “No you don’t just take your chances, you make sure, you have to make sure. You get one life that’s it. After that you made your choice one way or another”. He fell silent “Heaven, you have to reach heaven”."I don’t deserve no heaven. You don’t know me. You don’t know what I’ve done. There an’t no heaven for men like me”. What anger the man felt upon first seeing him out in the rain had drifted away until only compassion remained. Reaching his hand over to his, waiting until their eyes met before he spoke what

"what's done is done, and we both have to live with the consequences"

needed to be said.


Artist of the Month

November 2019


is a record label that consists of Datin, Jered Sanders, Bumps, Selah, and Bizzle. Early this year, artist AI was added to the mix. GOM has planned a tour this year that will take place at Rhema Fellowship Church in Cleveland. The tour is to happen on 14th September this year and the tickets are to range from $10 to $30. Artists who will be present include Sanders, Bizzle, Selah The Corner, Jered, and Datin.

GOM crew is determined to face any problems that come across with the gospel approach. They are working hard to stay real without considering people’s bad thoughts that are not of value.

Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, freecontent encyclopedia project. |

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AI has collaborated with many Christian Hip Hop rappers. Therefore, most of the people consider her as the best on the mic. She started her music career by releasing her first music video known as “Eastside”. This year, she has released an album referred to as “BLNKNVS”. AI just announced her fresh partnership with a record label known as God Over Money. She has been creating new waves in the music industry with her independent projects hence resulting in her success. The news of her new partnership went viral as soon as GOM released her newest single on their YouTube page.AI has stated that her success has been as a result of her waking up daily to chase her passionin the music career. She has been presented many opportunities which include GOM posting her video track known as “Eastside” in their YouTube channel as well as Bizzle posting her on his Instagram page as the newest artist in GOM. A lot of people are describing her as a woman of God as she is a gift to most of them. Her positive content, lyricism, and delivery are making her succeed and become more famous in the world. God Over Money is assuring AI that she will get the exposure that she deserves.








Hewes Land Development Corporation | 2020

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