Radar Festival

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creative showcase 1 2 commercials review

radar detects new talent on the horizon For all the talk of the music industry’s arse

they belong. And with support from

from Coke’s international line-up of

Pitches were invited for four tracks, with

falling out, you’d think it was some sort of

labels such as Warp and Ninja Tune, it’s

unsigned acts and Radar’s community of

the bands having ultimate say over which

d-list celebrity on a beach in St. Kitts. With

not surprising that the kids have been

aspiring promo directors and then

of the entries made the cut. The winning

EMI spitting its dummy out (and 2000

flocking to the event in their droves.

produce a series of Coke funded videos.

directors were then given two months

staff) and In Rainbows-gate tilting the axis

This year saw the festival, and Radar

“The Radar Festival’s really responding to

and £1,000 to deliver a finished master.

of the cosy major labels, it’s increasingly

itself, balloon in size and scope to Beth

the way the internet has revolutionised

Throughout production the Radar team

coming to look like the future of the music

Ditto-esque proportions. As well as a

how people communicate. This is done by

were on hand to provide help and

business and the promos that underpin it

huge increase in the number of entries

providing a channel for young directors,

support, and each of the directors filed a

is linked to the net.

and enough international screenings to

where they can build experience and gain

weekly report on their progress to keep

Enter The Radar Festival, stage left. Now

trouble your carbon-conscience, Radar’s

attention,” Bottomley explains. “It’s really

Coke and the bands in the loop.

in its second year, Radar has quickly

founder and fairy godmother Caroline

important that organisations like Radar

“The great thing about the Coke Music

become synonymous with getting the

Bottomley also managed to secure

and communities like Coke Music help to

competition was the freedom of

promo masters of tomorrow out of their

backing from Coke Music.

generate budgets for the next generation

creativity,” explains Ann Xiao, who won

bedrooms and into the public eye where

The idea was to unite a selection of bands

of promo directors.”

the pitch for An Orange Ends’ track,

“The Radar Festival’s really about responding to the way the internet has revolutionised how people relate and communicate by providing a channel for young directors, where they gain experience and attention.” Chris Vincze’s Tell Me The Dodoz song Weapon by Jonathan Millet

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Murder The Lonely created by Ann Xiao

29/1/08 09:25:55

commercials review 1 3 creative showcase

Magical Machines directed by Billy Prince

“Once you’ve won an award and you’ve shown that you can make a great film with a limited budget, the problem then is, where do you go from there? You can’t leap to the high end of the market because you don’t have the experience.” Murder the Lonely. It’s an animated story

Tell Me, by The Moths! “The schedule was

production companies which really need

making music videos for no money,” says

of a boy journeying through an ice cave.

a lot more relaxed too,” he adds. “Rather

to support the development of rising

Vincze. “An environment where budgets

“As a young director it’s great to have

than having to do everything in one day

talent. “I think the problem at the

are continuously falling isn’t going to

outlets like Radar so you can try

we could do a few hours here and there

moment is the question of what to do

foster the talents of the next generation

something new,” she adds.

over different days and locations, giving

next,” Bottomley muses. “Once you’ve

of Glazers or Gondrys.”

Jonathan Millet, director of a Glazer-

more variety to the footage.”

won an award and you’ve shown that you

Xiao is equally reserved. “In the future

esque paintball romp for The Dodoz song

Billy Prince, who shot an in-camera gem

can make a great film with a limited

there may be a new revenue sharing

Weapon, agrees. “When you’re starting

for Magical Machines by Swedish for

budget, the problem then is, where do

structure for directors, or a new system

out it’s helpful to have immediate

Beginners, says the challenge of working

you go from there? You can’t leap to the

of royalties. But right now it feels like the

feedback while you’re practising your

within a tight budget meant that careful

high end of the market because you don’t

only choice is to turn to commercials.”

craft. Without that it’s hard to develop the

planning was essential. “You work to what

have the experience.”

On the plus side, suggests Millet, with less

skills you need to progress.”

you have available, and low budgets and

While a number of high-profile companies,

money, more emphasis falls on the

Because of the budgetary constraints, the

tight schedules dictate inventive ways to

including Draw Pictures and The

strength of an idea. “When you’ve got

winners had to find numerous ways to

achieve what you want. We signed off a

Director’s Bureau, are already working

little or no budget, then it all comes down

keep costs down. “It’s quite liberating

full script with a shot list early on to make

with Radar, a general concern voiced is

to the strength of the concept. Otherwise

working with just an assistant and no

the whole process as smooth as possible.”

that the general trend towards lower

you’ve got nothing. And most of the time

other crew,” says Chris Vincze, the

Organisations like Radar are a great

budgets will ultimately strangle the music

a really great idea carries more force

director behind the intriguing promo for

launch pad, but in the long term it’s the

promo to death. “You can’t make a living

than a colossal Hollywood budget.” SW

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29/1/08 09:26:04

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